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04x09 - New York

Posted: 08/23/16 01:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

Grandma and Grandpa have money invested in this house.

We need to sell it to pay them back.

Who's that?


Should I be worried about this guy?

No, we're texting about Kyle.

Callie: The JJC is not taking his case.

Aaron: Let's say we find this curb painter.

What's the plan? Walk up to them and ask, "Hey, by any chance, did you k*ll an old lady four years ago?"

Mariana: I took some of Jesus's ADHD pills.


To stay up. To stay focused.

Promise me you won't take any more.

I won't. I promise.

Are you still upset about what I told your dad?

His moms are blaming him for everything that happened with Callie.

What do they mean everything that happened with Callie?

They had sex.

Promise me that you will not hold back on this audition because you feel that you have an obligation to this girl.

It's your business if you wanna buy pot for your son, but I don't want him giving any more of it to my brother.

I'm never gonna tell you anything again.

So just stay out of my life.

We have an offer on the house, and we'll have to be out by the end of the month.

There are a couple of things that we need to talk to you all about.

But first of all, we would like to know who this belongs to.

Jesus: Don't look at me.

Mariana: It's not mine.

What is it?

It's a pipe for smoking marijuana.


It's not mine.

Okay, well, I found it in one of the boxes in the garage where you've been spending a lot of time lately.

You are welcome to drug test me.


Maybe it belongs to Gabe.

No, no way.

Okay, there's something else that we need to tell you.

What? We made a boatload on the yard sale and don't have to move?

Yeah, no thanks to you.


Yeah, you sat on your ass all day.

Callie disappeared, like, all day.


Sorry I had to work on my senior project.

Which was pretty convenient.

You did nothing.

I did more than anybody.

Oh, I'm sorry. I had a nail in my head.

Mama and I are filing for divorce.

(theme song playing)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothing I would trade ♪
♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded by love ♪
♪ And you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me ♪
♪ Right where you belong ♪


I'm leaving now.

You sure you don't want a ride to the airport?

Yeah, I'm sure. You sleep.

You're gonna be brilliant.

Tell Mason bye for me.


I love you.

I love you too.

Knock, knock. Hello, hello. Everyone decent?

One of your brood said we could come up.

Uh, "we"?

I've got the client and their contractor here with me.

We spoke yesterday.

Uh, yeah, that's right. We did.

Thanks so much. We're just in such a time crunch with the baby coming.

I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you.


What we're thinking is blowing this wall out and making the bedroom on the other side a master bath.

Can we talk, please?

Realtor: I think it's a great idea.

You know, you could make this a walk-in.

Oh, I love that.


Okay, seriously? Seriously? We have one week to pack up this entire house, Lena.

I didn't know what to say.

You say no. They're already rushing us out as it is.

(scoffs) Would you stop fighting?

Mariana, will you please take the give-away box downstairs and put it on the front porch?


Listen, we all have to help, okay?

Okay, we'll, who's gonna help me write a 20-page paper by Monday and raise $5,000 in three weeks for Worlds?

I am also stressed out because right now, we have nowhere to live.

I haven't found the right place yet.

There's never gonna be a right place, love.

For now, we need a roof over our heads.

Hey, would you all mind since she's got her man here, if they just take a quick peek at the kids' bath.

Would we mind? Why would we mind?

Okay... terrific.

(phone ringing)

Ugh! It's my soon-to-be ex-husband. What?

How am I supposed to pay any bills when you froze our assets?

Stef: Honey.

You can keep dragging me back to this house, but it's not getting cheaper.

It's perfect.

(sighs) We can't afford it, Lena.

I spoke with my parents, and they offered to give me my inheritance now that we could use for the down payment.

Okay, and what about the mortgage?

We can swing it.

We could swing it, and then all the kids could have their own rooms.

So, we are adopting the twins?

Well, space wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, but that's not the only issue, Lena.

It's our dream house.

Can't you see us here?

Raising our kids and growing old?


(whispering) Please.

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.




Oh, I love you so much.

I love you too.


Jude: Okay, I'll see you at school.

Uh, wait.

Here. Keep it.

I can't.

Yes, you can.

It's cool. I want you to.

(horn honks)

Okay, see you.

You have any garbage?





You can probably sell this at the yard sale.


Are you still mad at me about Noah?

Jude, I don't deserve this.

What do you deserve, Callie?

Seeing that the only secrets you can keep are your own.

(phone beeps)

She's supposed to be the one that's in charge of finding us a place to stay.

How hard can that be?

Well, there's a three-bedroom apartment in my building for rent.

Oh, that would be interesting.

(phone ringing)

Oh, it's B. It's B.

Hey, buddy. I'm here with your dad, and you're on speaker phone.

Mike: Hey, B, how was your flight?


Stef: Are you in the city?

Yeah, I just came out of the subway.

I'm at, uh, Columbus Circle.

Mike: Did you get lost yet?

No one gets lost anymore, Dad. I've got my phone.

Headed to Lincoln Center.

I'll call you when I'm checked in and at the dorm.

Mike: Okay, we're proud of you, B.

Thanks, Dad.

Stef: Love you.

Love you too.

(bottles clink)

AJ: Hey.

Your boyfriend is here.

There was other DNA on the m*rder w*apon besides Martha Johnson's and Kyle's.

Why didn't Kyle's lawyers ever see this?

Because Detective Gray didn't want him to.

He used a private lab that was shut down about a year ago because of allegations that they doctored reports for the police to help them with their cases.

Hey, how did you get that?

Uh, the lab's database was subpoenaed in another investigation, and I got them to let me take a look.

You're a genius.

Thank you.

If we can place another suspect at Martha Johnson's house on the day she was m*rder*d, someone who may have had a motive, then we might get a judge to order them to give a DNA sample.

Like our curb painter.

Who's that?

Um, there was a guy painting addresses on people's curbs without their permission and then harassing them to pay.

So we knocked on some doors.

When was this?


After we told you to stop harassing people yourself.

We didn't harass anyone.


I'm almost finished with my senior project, and you told me I could go through the case file.

But we did tell you to stop playing detective.

We didn't.

I mean, we did find out where he lives, but we didn't knock on his door.

You know where he lives?


His name is Doug Harvey.

What if you questioned him?

If you could get him to admit to painting Martha Johnson's curb, that might be all we need.




Oh. Uh...

I think I have the wrong room number.

Is this 1584?

Um, yep.


This... This is your room?


Okay, I guess they made a mistake then.

You're auditioning?

Yeah. Yeah, and they, uh, assigned you as my roommate.

Yeah, that happens a lot.

What does?

My name is Ariel, but I go by Ari, and sometimes, they think I'm a guy.

Gotcha. Um...

Okay, well, I guess I'll go tell them.

Sorry for the hassle.

No, not your fault.


Whoa! Would you slow down?



I can't believe that Nick was hiding up here. It freaks me out.

I'm definitely not going up in the attic. That's for sure.

You haven't gone and seen him again, have you?


You should just tell him that you're not his girlfriend anymore, you know.

I will when he's better.

He might not get better.

Okay, can you stop talking about it, please? It's stressing me out.

What is that?

It's Mom's journal.

You mean Mama's journal?

No. Stef's.

Hey, well, you can't read that.

If someone read my journal, I would die.

Wait. You have a journal?


Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't be reading this.

Okay, well, um... all this can go to the yard sale.

Well, I'm not supposed to be picking stuff up.

I think you can handle it.


You know, I'm at an increased risk of having a seizure.

Hey, we're supposed to be packing stuff into boxes.

How much of this have you read?

Um, not much.

Yeah, is that why you hid it from me?

It's not a big deal.

She didn't want to adopt us. That's a pretty big deal.


You know what?

I wanna leave this house.

Between Nick and this, all of my good memories are ruined.

So, here.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Burn it, for all I care.

Nice place.

The guy could use a gardener.

And a Dumpster.

(dog barking)

Man: Who is it?

Stef: San Diego Police.

We were hoping that we could talk to you, Mr. Harvey.

(dog continues barking)

You got a warrant?

We're not here to search your home.

You're on my property. My property is my home.

If you don't have a warrant, you're trespassing.

Relax. We just want to ask you a few questions.

We understand that you used to paint addresses on curbs four years ago.

I have a business permit: 0-2-00-4-6-2-5-0.


Take it easy.

Yeah. We're not concerned with that. Really. You're fine.

We, uh, we wanted to know if you knew Martha Johnson.


She lived about two blocks from here, on Penn Street.

You may have painted her curb four years ago.

I've painted a lot of curbs.

Did you paint hers?

I have no idea.

Did you know that she was m*rder*d?



Because it, you know, happened here in your neighborhood.

I'm surprised you didn't hear about that.

I try to keep to myself.

I don't really read the papers.

Well, you seem to have an awful lot of them.

I pick up stuff.

To recycle.


To organize.

Gotcha. Makes sense.

All right. Well, listen, if you do happen to remember anything, this is my card. Please, go ahead and call me.

Okay? Thank you for your time, Mr. Harvey.

You have a good day.

I'll get the door.


What do you think?

He's a nut-job, it doesn't make him a m*rder*r.

So, did you figure out your room situation?

Uh... Yeah, I did.



I thought so.


Well, um, you don't look like a dancer, and you don't act like an actor.

Okay. How about you?



I would've thought drama.


So, are you going out tonight?

Uh... Well, I thought I'd check out Times Square.

Times Square.

So, this is your first time in New York?

Um, yeah. Why?

Nothing. Um, just don't take any pictures with anyone in a costume, unless you're willing to pay them.

Some of them can get really aggressive.

You know, I might just end up walking around here...

No. You have to go to Times Square at least once.

Um, I'm going to a party in Midtown.

I can walk with you if you want the company.

Sounds like what I need is protection.

(chuckles) I can offer that.

Oh, really? I didn't know they had martial arts in the dance program now.

Okay. I'm tougher than I look.

Hey, I wouldn't mess with you.

That's too bad.

Mm. You're so fancy, bringing me here.

On the floor, the fancy rug.

It's good for your back.

You're so thoughtful.

What can I say?

(both laugh)

Yo, so, uh, what's the story with this Aaron dude?

What do you mean?

He ever take you for a ride on his motorcycle?



How'd y'all meet?

Why does it matter?
Mike: The landlord gave me the code to the lock-box, so I can show it for him when he's out of town.

Stef: Huh.

Knocks a little off my rent.

Wow. Looks just like your place.

Mike: I think it's the same exact floor plan, except for the extra bedroom.

Stef: Oh, my God.

(sighs) I can't imagine all of us crammed in here, living on top of each other.

Mike: I'm sure he'd let you go month-to-month, you know, until you guys find a house.

Stef: If we can afford to rent a house.

Mike: Well, when you make detective, that'll be a big salary bump.

I don't think Brandon will ever move home if he knows he has to share a room with Jesus and Jude.

What's the closet space like?

I don't think Brandon's coming home.

What do you mean?

Not as long as Callie's there.

Look, Stef, I know they had sex, and I know that's why he moved in with Cortney.

Stef: Wait. You cannot blame Callie entirely for what happened.

Okay? It's not fair.

I'm not.

But you have to admit, she's caused Brandon a lot of trouble from the time she showed up.

And Brandon is responsible for his own actions, Mike.

I'm not saying he isn't.

Okay, good.

But I think she toyed with him.

I don't think she meant to, but I don't think she can help herself, which is why I'm worried about AJ.


I mean, wasn't he also her foster brother when they crossed the line?

And what about this Aaron kid? He's obviously into her.

Is she yanking his chain too?

Okay, okay. That's enough.

Enough. You're talking about my daughter right now.

Okay. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I just don't want to see another one of my sons get hurt.

Will you please talk to me, Callie?

I met Aaron at a coffee shop.

He had a law book. I thought he looked too young to be in law school.

I told him my name was Cameron.

He took me for a ride on his motorcycle.

And we went to the beach.

And he kissed me.


When was this?

When I was suspended from school.

I also told him I had a boyfriend.

So he does want to date you?

No, we're just friends.

I'm not toying with you.

Or yanking anyone's chain.


Hey. What you doing?


Do you think we can take Frankie's tree when we go?

Uh... Yeah.

Yeah. I'll make a call.

Hey, uh, we wouldn't be able to take it where we're going, I mean, at least not right away.

Where are we going?

There's a three-bedroom apartment for rent at Mike's building.

It's not huge, but it's month-to-month, so it's...

(sighs) You already looked at it?

I did. Mike showed it to me.

And I didn't want to lose it, so I put down a deposit.

Without discussing it with me first.

Lena, we need some place to go.

So this is how it's always going to be?

It's like we take one step forward and two steps back.

I mean, if nothing is ever going to change between us, what is the point?

So, what do you think?

I can't think. It's like sensory overload.

The one redeeming part is Broadway.

I mean, look at all the billboards. You have Lion King, Chicago, Hamilton.

This is what I want to do one day.

I want to be on Broadway.

Looks like I'm going blind.


Oh, great. Don't... Don't look.

The big guys in the costumes, they are, uh...

Yep. What you were saying.


Got it.

So, do you want to see the real New York?

What about your party?

Honestly, I... I hate parties.

Can we walk?

Mm-hmm. We can walk all you want.

This is a city that never sleeps.

Gonna make a basket. Literally.


Shh... We have to be quiet.

Okay. Maybe we should stop talking.

Hey, so...

I've never... done anything, you know, below the waist.

Okay. So...

Everybody has their first time.

(stammers) Don't.

Look, I just...

I don't think I'm ready for that.

Um... Okay. Sorry.

I should go.

You don't have to go.

No. It's... it's like, um...

I'll talk to you later.

Well I can't remember the last time I saw a sunrise.

(laughs) What?

You better not fall asleep during your audition.

(laughs) No.

I feel... great.

Everything okay?

Um, I've... got a girlfriend.

Ah, back in San Diego.

And, uh... we sort of live together.

And she has a kid.

She... has a kid?

His name is Mason.

Wow, um...

What are you going to do if you get into Juilliard?

I don't know.

I don't know. I...

I mean, I... I help support her.

And I pay half the rent.

I watch Mason practically every day.

Do you even want this?

Do you really, really want this?

I mean, I want to go to Juilliard more than anything.

Do you have any idea what it takes to study here?


And after every 16-hour day, you have nothing left to give to anybody.

And you shouldn't have to.

These four years are yours.

I mean, you don't... You don't have to be mean.

You have every right to be selfish.

You can't go into your audition with a piece of you feeling obligated to fail.

'Cause you will.

(stammers) What do I do, then? I mean...

Break up with her?


What, like on the phone?



I... I don't think I can do that.

Then... write her a letter.

Yeah. Put it all down on paper, how bad you feel, all of it, and then you put a stamp on it and mail it.

You'll b*at it back to San Diego, and... then you can do it in person.

Right now, you need to do this for yourself.

So... that way, when you play tomorrow...

Well, today... (laughs)

... you're free.

Callie: You're selling this?

I gave this to you for your 13th birthday.

It's a kid's toy, Callie.

Okay, look.

I didn't tell Moms about the pot, so I did keep your secret.

And if I see someone who I think is a bad influence on you, I'm not just going to stand by and watch you screw up.

You don't know anything about Noah.

He's not a bad influence.

And at least he's not my foster brother.


(phone ringing)

Hey, Mom. We're just setting up the yard sale. Can I call you back?

Oh, my God.

Excuse me. How much is this?

Man: It's a beautiful house. Why you selling?

Uh... (chuckles) Downsizing, you know.

Huh. You're selling the Art of w*r. It's a classic.

How much you want for it?

I don't know. A dollar. Does that sound good?

I'll give you 50 cents.


Thank you.


I should probably introduce myself.

Detective Joe Gray.

I understand you're interested in an old case of mine.

Oh, yeah? Where'd you get that idea?

It doesn't matter where. I also hear you're trying to make detective.

The first thing you learn, if you do make it, is that we don't meddle in each other's cases.

We respect each other. We got each other's backs.

But then again, that's if you make detective.

Thank you for the heads-up.

No problem.

Have nice yard sale.

I hope you make a k*lling.

(phone ringing)

Hello? Kyle...

Yeah, slow down. What's going on?



My mom negotiated a payment plan with the IRS, and she took a loan against her pension to pay of the lien.

Okay. What does... What does that mean?

We don't have to sell the house.

Okay. But... But we already have.

They're sending Kyle...

Aaron (over phone): But he's not 18 yet.

I know.

Listen. Do we really need Doug Harvey to admit to knowing Martha Johnson?

I mean, like, if we somehow got some DNA, tested it and it was a match.

It wouldn't be admissible in court.

But would it be enough to get the JJC to take the case?

If there was another potential suspect?

Maybe. But how do we get his DNA?

Hey, I'm getting another call. Can I call you back?

Okay. Don't do anything crazy, please.

No, I won't.

Woman: Brandon Foster?

(piano playing classical music)

(piano continuing)

(playing Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata")

("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)

("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)

(whistles) Here, boy.


(quietly) Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. Shh!

("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)

("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)

Good boy. Good boy. Okay, come on.

Come on. Come on.

Good boy. Good boy.

("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)


("Moonlight Sonata" continuing)

(engine starts)

("Moonlight Sonata" ending)

Wait. You're getting a divorce.

Now that we have your attention.

We're not getting a divorce. We are filing for divorce.


So we can freeze our assets.

The buyer doesn't want to let us out of escrow.

But if our assets, including this house, are tied up...

We're hoping that they'll walk away.

Wow. That's actually a devious plan. I'm impressed.

We actually got it from our realtor, ironically, who is getting divorced.

And we're not trying to be devious. We're just... just trying to hold on to this home that we love.

How does that sound to you guys?




Now we have to stay here.

What is going on with her?

Outside of the usual drama, she read your journal.

My journal?

No. Yours.

Jesus: And what you said in it about Mama.

What did you say about me in your journal?

(keyboard clacking)

(sighs) Can I please explain?

What's to explain? You didn't want us.

That's not true.

I remember when Mom first walked through the door with the two of you.

You ran right over to me and you leapt into my arms.

You bonded with me instantly, and it made me a little uncomfortable.

Oh, so you just didn't want me?

No. It made me uncomfortable because... my own mother was never very affectionate with me.


She softened up over the years, but... she just wasn't nurturing in that way.

And... when I looked at you, I saw me as that little girl... who yearned for her mom to... to hold her and comfort her.

And I guess it scared me a little, and it made me sad.

And then one night, you had a bad dream.

You woke up crying, and I came into this room... and I held you... and my heart broke right open.

I felt so much love for you... and so much compassion.

And I realized, in that moment that... this sweet, sweet little girl... was sent to me.

She was sent to me to heal my little girl inside.

And I realized that... you were meant to be my daughter... and I was meant to be your mother.

Adopting you was a gift.

You and your brother have brought me the greatest joy.

And the thing that I'm... most proud of in my life is being your mother.

And I'm so sorry that you read what you did.


Hey. Can I ask you something?

Is there some reason that you don't want to stay in this house?

No. I... I just said that.

You're sure.



So, I'm sorry I was such an ass last night.

It's... it's okay.

My moms found your pipe by the way.



I... played dumb.

They think it belongs to the guy who worked on the garage.

I'm sorry, man. I...


I'm sorry too, about last night.

You were right. Everyone does have a first time, and I guess, maybe, I was just... nervous.

But I still want to if... you, you know...

I only want to do what you want to.

♪ Hold on ♪
♪ Even though you have every reason to go ♪
♪ You still have every reason to hold ♪
♪ Hold on ♪
♪ Before long ♪
♪ We could be living a second chance ♪

What are you doing?

♪ Being in love and making plans ♪
♪ So hold on ♪

Thinking about our wedding day.

♪ You are not alone ♪


♪ You are not alone ♪

I love you.

♪ Stay, love will make me stay ♪

I love you too.

♪ Stay ♪
♪ Love will make me stay ♪
♪ Love will make me stay ♪

I'm sorry that I've been taking steps back. I don't mean to.

Hmm. We both are.

♪ Hold on ♪

We don't, um...

♪ Heaven and I've gone so far apart ♪

We don't want to get a divorce, you know, for... for reals?

Sometimes this is hard, but...

I'm not going anywhere.

Are you?

♪ This where we find out who we are ♪
♪ Lift your eyes ♪

I'm not crazy.

♪ Hold on ♪
♪ Stay ♪
♪ Love will make me stay ♪
♪ Love will make me stay ♪

(door closes)


What are you doing?

I just got back in.

How did it go?

How did it go? How did you do?

I k*lled it.



They're asleep.

Oh, baby, that's great.

Sit down. Sit down. I'll get you a drink of water.

Oh my goodness.

Tell us all about it.


Is there someone in the garage?

