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01x04 - The Clockwork Prince

Posted: 09/11/16 17:28
by bunniefuu
Marry and start a family your subjects can be proud of.

When you give your heart, it will be without hesitation, but you cannot give it to me.

I do not see the urgency for her to marry.

'Tis more important, I think, that she chooses wisely.

You should know that I've sent for my nephew Albert.

Without the Queen's permission?

I don't want a stupid boy like Albert, Mama, or anyone else.

♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Gloriana ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪



Dash! Now, stop that. You're being rude.

You mustn't bark at cousin Albert, even if he does look quite different to the last time we saw him.

I'm sorry if your dog does not recognise me.

I, on the other hand, had no difficulty in recognising you, although now I believe you're playing the piano with... fewer mistakes.

How magnificent you look, Cousin Victoria.

Monarchy clearly agrees with you.

Ernest. Albert.

Oh, Drina, are your cousins not handsome?

Such fine Coburg specimens.

Please, Mama. They're not racehorses.

We were hoping tomorrow it might be possible to see some of your paintings here.

Albert has just returned from Italy and speaks of nothing but the Old Masters.

I believe, in your collection, there are some works by Leonardo da Vinci.

Perhaps there are. I really don't know.

As to tomorrow, Lord Melbourne and I have a great deal of business to attend to.

Don't we, Lord M?

Oh, yes, Ma'am.

The dispatches from Afghanistan will require your complete attention.

This is a fool's errand.

Please try to be a bit more gallant, Albert.

When you take her hand to kiss it, you must look deep into her eyes, as if you are going to drown in them, like this.

You know, I will never be able to match your skill in this area, Ernst.

Perhaps you should marry her, instead of me.

Well, she is exactly my type: small and with...

Every woman is your type, Ernst.

But you will have to find someone else.

It is Albert's destiny to marry Victoria.

I'm not sure Victoria agrees.

And she is the one who has to propose.

And she will.

But she likes men who are attentive, like her Lord Melbourne.

If my manners are not suitable, then perhaps I should return to Coburg.

If you go home now, people will say she has rejected you but, if you stay, you could be King of England.

No, Uncle.

I would be the Queen of England's husband.

Did you see the way he looked at me?

As if I were a child who hadn't done her lessons.

He is a younger son from nowhere... and you are a queen.

Do you think the Prince handsome?

It's not for me to say, Ma'am.

But I am asking you.

Then, yes, the Prince is very handsome.

But he never smiles.

I wonder if he can.

Clear off! Not round here! No more.

Good morning. I would like to introduce Herr Lohlein, who is valet to Prince Ernest and Prince Albert.

We speak English in this part of the palace, Mr Lohlein.

How small they are!

One of these, Ma'am, is sufficient to carry a letter... is sufficient to carry a letter to Brighton or to the Isle of Bute.

But how will the little pictures stay affixed?

The stamps, Ma'am, have a layer of gum arabic on the back.

So, everybody who wants to send a letter... will have to lick my face?

Precisely, Ma'am, though those of a more genteel nature may use a little brush.

Do you think Cousin Albert disapproves of us, Dash?

Forgive me. I thought you were addressing your dog.

I think this is a remarkable invention, so I find nothing to laugh at... only to admire.

Oh! I am so vexed, I could scream!

I wouldn't worry.

Latest reports say our forces have defeated Dost Mohammad.

We'll be in Kabul in weeks.

I was talking about my cousin.

Oh. Which cousin would that be?

Albert, of course.

He's such a... prig.

You do not see him as a possible husband, then?

I would rather marry Robert Peel.

I wonder what Lady Peel would say to that.

Aren't you going to bring me inside?

You know that's not a good idea.

Mrs Collins put my rent up last week.

I can't manage any more on what you give me.

I don't get paid till Michaelmas.

I'm sure you'll think of something.

A resourceful girl like you.

I'm sure a palace is full of trifles no-one would miss.

I'm no thief.

And you're no Eliza Skerrett, neither.


It's remarkable.

A way of reproducing nature quite faithfully.

Look at that wart. I'm not sure I would like to be reproduced quite that faithfully.

Do you not want to see yourself as you appear to others?


No! Go away. Go away. No.


Buy a match, sir. Buy a match, sir.


Buy a match, sir.

Thank you, sir.

I hope you enjoyed your day.

Lord M and I have been so busy with the Army Lists.

Albert and I visited the National Gallery. We are quite the tourists.

I have not yet finished.

But the Queen has, Your Highness.

Oh, did you see my portrait? The one by Hayter.

I think it is my favourite.


We went to look at the Old Masters.

There is a very fine Rubens.

I don't care for Rubens at all.

All that wobbling flesh.

Lord Melbourne.


I should very much like to visit your Parliament.

We have nothing like this at home.

You'd be most welcome, sir.

I would suggest you might want to go incognito.

Why's that?

Well, there are some MPs, Tories mainly, who might not like to feel they were being inspected by a German prince.

I see. What about you, Lord Melbourne?

What do I think?

I think we should join the ladies.

Lord M, you must come and play with me.

I feel sure you will bring me luck.

Pleasure, Ma'am. Perhaps we could bring up another table, so the Princes can play, too.

Oh, no, no. Please, there's no need. I do not care to play card games.

But I do. May I join the game?


Cousin Victoria, will you do me the very great honour of playing for me?

The piano is in use.

Oh, but I feel that tonight cannot be complete without a Schubert duet.

And the Queen and her cousin both play so well.

I adore Schubert.

My apologies. I did not know you wanted to play.

Ernest has requested a duet. Schubert.

I believe there is some music here.

Oh, yes. I know this. Which part do you prefer?

I believe the primo part is more difficult.

I have never had a problem with it.


But it has so many chords, and you have such... small hands.


One, two, three...

Am I going too fast for you, Albert?

I believe you're going too fast for Schubert.

But if that is the pace you wish to play it at...


You play very well, Cousin.

But I believe you do not practise enough.

It is necessary to play for at least one hour each day.

A queen does not have time for scales every day.

Only for card games.

So, Victoria...

Normally, it is the man who must declare his love, but, in your case, you will have to overcome your maidenly modesty and propose to Albert.

I'm sorry, Uncle, but Albert and I are not suited.

He has no manners.

Yesterday, he was playing my keyboard as if he owned it.

English, please.

Only English.

Last night, we went to a very interesting establishment, called a nunnery, but I saw no nuns there.

I wish you would be more prudent, Ernst.

It's hard enough with Papa.

But the girls here are too delicious.

So, the sooner that you marry Victoria, the faster I can go back to Coburg, where there are no more distractions.

Victoria is impossible.

She seems to spend more time with her lapdog than her own mother.

Oh, what does that matter?

I saw you at the piano.

It seemed to me that you played together rather well.

And did you have to touch her quite so often?

It was a complicated piece.


Cousin Victoria.

Good morning. You look radiant in the sunshine.

Duchess, may I talk to you a moment about my theory...

Do you like gardens, Albert?

I prefer forests.

But this is the largest private garden in London.

To be among the trees when the wind is blowing is to feel the sublime.

Well, if you like trees so much, you should go to Windsor.

There are plenty of trees there.

But I can only go there if you invite me, Cousin.

Aunt, I had no idea you had such talent.

May I suggest some shading here, to balance the composition?

Thank you, Albert.

Oh, the price of whalebone these days is shocking. Shocking!

I didn't take you for a flatterer.

Well, I try not to say things I do not mean, but I also try to be kind, where possible.

And you think Mama needs kindness?

Don't you?

I have seen the way she looks at you, Victoria.

She loves you very much.

You don't know anything about it.

No. No. That's... That's true.

But I do know what it is like not to have a mother.

Red-topped boots, indeed!

Why can't they use black or brown, like everyone else?

That's not Herr Lohlein's fault, is it, Mr Penge?


There is to be dancing tonight, so the Queen will want the white muslin and flowers for her hair.

Very good, Baroness.

We will expect you for dinner tonight.

There will be dancing afterwards.

Nothing elaborate.

I thought you weren't having any more balls.

Oh, no, it isn't a ball.

Just a very small dance.

I must do something to entertain the Princes.

I seem to remember you telling me that Prince Albert does not care for dancing.

Oh, I wouldn't want to dance with him, anyway.

It would be like waltzing with a poker.

I thought you might prefer the blue silk.

The blue silk, definitely.

The Baroness always likes to dress me like a little girl.

Might I suggest we add some of the diamond pins?

It will look more elegant.

More elegant?

Yes, indeed.

With Lord Melbourne's compliments, Ma'am.

How do you like our English dances, Ernest?

I like your Gay Gordons very much, but nothing compares to a waltz.

Should they play a waltz, you must dance with my brother Albert.

He would benefit greatly from a lesson from someone as graceful as you.

The Queen seems to enjoy dancing with Prince Ernest... whom I find most charming.

One might even forget he was German.


Unlike his brother.

So stiff and awkward.

A clockwork prince.

Look how he's gazing at her.

Yes, but what's he looking at?

A woman?

Or the most eligible match in Europe?

Your Majesty. Vielen Dank.

Albert, they are going to play a waltz.

I think she would rather dance with Lord Melbourne.


Oh... dear Lord M!

Thank you for the flowers. They're as beautiful as ever.

The glasshouses of Brocket Hall are at your service, Ma'am.

Perhaps I could have the pleasure of... of seeing you wear them.

May I have the pleasure?

You dance beautifully.

I think, before that, I was afraid.


Of appearing ridiculous.

It's hard sometimes to find the rhythm.

Not with you.

Forgive me.

Your corsage.

My mother always used to come in and kiss me good night before she went to parties. She would always wear those flowers in her hair.

Then you must have this. To remind you of your mother.

But I have no place...

I will hold them here.

Next to my heart.
Good morning, Majesty. I trust you slept well.

Very well.

I have decided to go to Windsor.


But you don't like Windsor.

Of course I like Windsor.

When do you want to go?

Immediately. Please make all the arrangements.

Is everyone to come, Majesty? Even the Princes?

Now, Lehzen, are you suggesting that we leave them behind?


There won't be time to be making special meals for Prince Albert.

The Queen has decided to go to Windsor. Immediately.

Windsor on a Wednesday. Whatever next?

Well, you heard what the Baroness said.

Was ist... Windsor?

"Oh... was ist Windsor?"

Lord M!

I've brought the latest dispatch from Macnaghten in Kabul.

But, you see, I have decided to go to Windsor.

On a Wednesday?


You know how fond I am of... trees.


Yes. We will expect you for dinner.

That might be difficult, Ma'am. I must go to the House.

You will have much to distract you.

Prince Albert would like to see the Windsor collection.

If we were dining here, you would come.

I don't see why Windsor should be any different.

I'm not doing it, Eliza. I can't.

If I get caught, we're both sunk. And, besides, it ain't right.

Since when did you know the difference between right and wrong?


This should fetch a shilling, at least. It's the best I can do.

I expect we won't get there before dark.

Stop grumbling, Lehzen. Think of the forests.

I wonder why Victoria has developed this sudden enthusiasm for Windsor.

For your Serene Highnesses, with the Queen's compliments.

Fancy dress?

The Windsor uniform, Your Highness, was designed by George III for members of the English court.

I wonder if King George designed it before or after he went mad.

I did not know you were at the Castle, Lord Melbourne.

I should be at the House, but the Queen was most insistent.

And you do not care to refuse her?

She is the Queen, sir.

Their Serene Highnesses, Prince Ernest and Prince Albert.

And in the Windsor uniform!

How pleasing!

Oh, dear Lord M.

I am so glad you were able to come.

If you'll excuse me.

Ernest, Albert.

How well you look in the uniform.

Your grandfather certainly spared no expense.

And you, Albert...?

I find the gold braid rather heavy.

Perhaps you'd care to look at the paintings.

Agatha Bas by Rembrandt, who's generally considered to be one of the finest of the Dutch masters.

The brushwork is exquisite.

Look at the lace.

It's not very flattering, though.


What would you prefer?

Flattery or... truth?

Tell me, Lord M: have you read Oliver Twist by Mr Dickens?

I have no great desire to consort with grave-robbers, pickpockets and the like.

Why would I want to read about them?

You know, Lord Melbourne, I believe this Dickens that you speak of writes most accurately about the conditions of the poor.

Do you... not wish to know the truth about the country which you govern?

As I've been in government for ten years, Your Serene Highness, I believe I'm tolerably well informed.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we are brothers.

Albert is always up before dawn.

You do seem to be very different.

You are so easy, and he is...

Well, he is not.

Albert is worth ten of me.

Good morning, Albert.

I do hope you find the park here more to your taste.

There is a word we have in German: Waldeinsamkeit.

A feeling of being at one with the forest.

I have it here.


Oh, I had completely forgotten I'd arranged to meet Uncle Leopold.

Lord Alfred, would you be kind enough to show me back to the house?

With pleasure.

Shall we make it interesting?

Ten guineas to the first man there.

You're on!

There is an oak in there that's been here since the Norman Conquest.

Would you like to see it?

Very much.

Allow me.



No, no. Don't put it on. Please.

I like to see you unbound.

You are not so much a queen.

I think that might be treason.

Oh, you're teasing me.


Ernst is always telling me I am too serious.

And you always tell me I am not serious enough.

For a queen, perhaps.

But now, without your hat... I think you're just right.

Lord Alfred. Did you return with the Queen?

No, I came back with Prince Ernest.

We were er... superfluous.


Albert, what happened to your mother?

I only know that she died when you were very young.

She ran away from my father, just before my fifth birthday, with her equerry.

She died a few years later.

I never saw her again.

Sounds like Dash.

I'll find him.




No, no, no.

Is he hurt? Dash...

I think the leg is broken.


Hold him.

Hold him still.

Good boy.


I know my attachment may seem foolish, but... when I was living at Kensington, Dash was my only real friend.

And now it is different?


I have Lord Melbourne now and... my ladies, of course.

I wish you had not been so much with Lord Melbourne. He is not serious.

He does not choose to appear serious.

It is the English manner, but, Albert... he is a man of great feeling.

Perhaps you should marry him.


Do you know the day when I was in the city? You know what I saw?

I saw a child, maybe four or five years old, selling matches, one at a time.

Lord Melbourne chooses not to look at that, but I must.

We cannot close our eyes to the world around us.

If you wish to surround yourself with sycophants, go ahead.

I, on the other hand, would rather see things for what they are.

How dare you? May I remind you that, while you were looking at paintings in Italy, I was ruling this country?

Yet you have been here a few days and you assume you know my people better than I do.

I do not need you to tell me what to think, Albert.


That's Lord Melbourne's job.

I find it hard to believe that she has said nothing to you.

Why, you were with her for hours.

Ernst would have taken her to bed by now.


Albert and Ernest are leaving.

With no engagement.

He is not a British subject.

I could not stop him, even if I wanted to.

Of course you can. You simply propose.

Oh, is that all?

I'm afraid, Uncle, it is not so easy.

But why not?

Because I'm not sure he will say yes.

But at least you will know that, if he says yes, it will be with his heart.

But you will never know, unless you ask him, Victoria.

You are being childish. You cannot leave because you had a squabble.

Victoria and I are not suited.

This marriage is convenient to everyone except us.

Yes, but you like her. I know you do, and she likes you, too.

Victoria likes many people, I think.

Lord Melbourne, for example.

Oh, he's old enough to be her father.

Where are you going now?

To take a look at their Parliament.

That is one British institution I can admire.

Is something the matter, Ma'am?

Albert thinks I'm too friendly with you.

And what do you think?

I don't know.

Albert always looks at me as if I have done something wrong. I...

I would like him to smile at me.

Well, he does not smile very often.

I know!

That's why I want him to smile at me.

Well, if that is your intention, Ma'am, I don't see how he could resist.

Do you really believe so?

Only a fool would turn you away, Ma'am.

Do you want it done in any particular way, Ma'am?

You look different today.

Oh, I know. You don't have a collar.

I lost it, Ma'am.

Please... take one of mine.

No, take several.

I couldn't possibly...

We must both look our best today.

Don't you think?



I am glad to see you, Nancy.

And I'm sorry about before.

I know.

But sometimes... I think of you in the Palace, doing the Queen's hair the way I taught you, and I think...

.."That should have been my life."

Eliza Skerrett, the Queen's dresser.

But, instead, I'm nobody.

You could have given her up, found another job, but you didn't.

No. I wanted to keep her safe.

What we did, we did for her.


I've brought you something.

Oh, you didn't?

No. The Queen gave them to me.

It's exquisite. The Queen must like you.

Like me? I don't know about that.

But sometimes she notices me...


.. when I'm doing her hair... and she sees that we're just two girls, doing our best.

Doing our best.


Your Serene Highnesses, allow me to welcome you to the House.

I've always wanted to see the place that banished tyranny.

Well, I do wish the Queen shared your feelings.

I fear she finds the unruliness distasteful.

I thought she followed you in everything.

Oh, well, once, perhaps.

Now she's settled into being Queen, I find she ignores me more and more.

The fact is, my ministry will not last for ever.

And then I will return thankfully to Brocket Hall.

That will be hard for the Queen, I think.


But, in truth, I do think the time has come for me to retire.

It's so clever of you to find gardenias.

It wasn't easy, Ma'am.

Lord Melbourne grows them at Brocket Hall, but... I could not ask him.


Are you happy with your choice, Ma'am?

I was told you wanted to see me.

I want to ask you something.

But before I do... I must be sure that you will not mind me asking.

You're wearing those flowers again.

(Should I ask my question now?)

Well, I wish you would.

Albert... would you do me the honour of...

Oh, no, that sounds wrong.

Albert... will you marry me?

That depends.

On what?

(On if you'll let me kiss you first.)

If I do, will you say yes?

I have to kiss you.

For me, this is not a marriage of convenience.


I think it will be a marriage of inconvenience.

(But I have no choice.)

Neither do I.

We must get married as soon as possible.

This is the moment to settle your title and allowance.

I told Albert I would settle this. How can I explain?

I want to be her husband, but I cannot be like Dash, waiting for her to throw me a treat.

Why does the allowance mean so much to you?

Is it so that you can keep a mistress?

Spend an hour in the company of Gretchen here.

I think I would like my wedding dress to be white.

How can we be sure Prince Albert is a Protestant?

We cannot have Germans running the country!