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02x07 - Resolves Eleven Myths

Posted: 10/27/16 01:22
by bunniefuu
[Woman] ♪ Strange ♪
♪ How you stopped loving me ♪

You want a taste?

♪ When she came along, oh ♪

[Knocking On Door]

Come in.

♪ Strange you... ♪

Roman, just in time.

♪ Just up and walked away ♪
♪ When she came along ♪

Best one I've ever had.


It is. It's the best.

♪ How strange ♪

Guess it's 'cause of the company.

♪ Well, I guess that ♪
♪ I was just your puppet ♪
♪ You held on a string ♪
♪ To think I thought you really loved me ♪

[Slowing, Distorting]

♪ But look what love can bring ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪
♪ Strange ♪

This doesn't belong to you.


[Both Grunting And Groaning]

You can't have it.


We thought Sandstorm's first op was the Kentucky State bombing in 2013.

We thought Jane in Times Square marked their first real change in tactics.

We thought wrong. Sandstorm's been operational a lot longer.

Their plan's more dimensional than the intel originally showed.

But that's not what scares me about this chart.

What scares me is what isn't here.

We still know nothing about Phase Two.

Except they're calling it a complete reset.

Which couldn't be good, right?

Look, I'm working on it.

Shepherd still doesn't trust me.

She trusted you enough to send you on a mission to steal a computer chip critical to their plans.

To back up Roman. It was his mission.

You were alone with the chip, Jane.

You had the chance to upload its complete specs to Patterson, and what did you receive?



I didn't get enough data to draw any hard conclusions.

So, what the hell went on out there?

I aborted the upload to save Roman's life.

I know how bad that sounds, but if Roman d*ed, my cover could've d*ed with him.

He is the closest thing I have to an ally within Sandstorm, and he could be our ally, too.

If we turn him...

Saving your brother is not one of your mission objectives.

Yes, but if we knew what he knew, it would be game over for Sandstorm.

If we knew what was on the chip, it would be game over for Sandstorm.

If you had just done what was asked of you...

No, we don't know what the chip is.

But I do know how valuable Roman is.

Okay, okay. Good meeting.

We'll pick it up later.

Nas, a word in my office.

She's impossible.

You're just figuring that out now?

Even if we do turn Roman, the last thing I need to deal with is a sociopathic k*ller.

He's her brother... and if you don't at least hear her out, you risk losing her.

You really think that she would turn to Sandstorm if she doesn't get her way?

No. I don't.

But we both know things get a little complicated out there, don't they?

Especially when you're so far from home.

Do we need to talk about Bulgaria?

No, not at all.

We need to talk about that.

This was found in Borden's therapy room.

And it is transmitting directly to your office.

[Phone Chiming]

Sandstorm send you that supercut of animal sneezes?

Oh, no, no, it's... it's just a guy.

Just a guy?


I, uh, I met him at the museum, he's a water pollution expert.

He keeps asking me what I'm up to.

Give me your phone.

How many times have you two been out?

I don't think he's interested in me like that.

He's asked you out, like, six times.

When a guy says, "I know a secret spot with the best food in town," he's asking you out.

Oh, my God.

I get to be the relationship expert right now.

I never get to be the relationship expert.

Okay, here's what you're gonna text.

Uh, no, I...

I don't know if I'm ready for...

I've never been on a real date.

That I can remember, anyway.

I remember my first date.

Took him forever to stop crying.

Oh, no.

Oh, no-no-no-no...

What's wrong? What's going on?

Here... no-no-no-no no-no-no-no-no-no.

And there is a very good reason...

What, a good reason? To spy on me and my team?

I'm sorry to interrupt, but you gotta come into CY-AC right now.

Nothing's working. We're locked out of every system.

We're being hacked.


[Computer Voice] Shall we play a game?

We're not gonna do that, right?

Can't we just pull a plug or something?

What do you think, Patterson?

This all seems...

Okay, you guys are taking forever.

Rich, what the hell are you doing?

Seriously? Nobody remembers "WarGames"?

[Mimicking Computer] Shall we play a game? Matthew Broderick? Nobody? Bueller?

Who is this guy?

Dark web hacker we caught last year.

Until I busted out and tricked these guys into helping me steal half a billion dollars' worth of art.

And then I escaped like a boss.

Tell me you can track him.

With what?

Rich, we're not playing any more of your games.

Oh, this is not a game, this is very, very real.

Now, I'm gonna give you back full control of your computers for a price.

On the top floor of your building, there is a secret Air Force drone command center.

I'd like you to use that to b*mb the following coordinates.

No, not a chance.

Well, then, in that case, I'm gonna delete every FBI server in existence.

Including the backups. So, good-bye, a hundred years of FBI history, not to mention any active investigations, good-bye!

You have until I'm done binge-watching "Stranger Things." No spoilers, please.

All of this to make us drop a b*mb? I don't buy it.

No, but you know what you do buy is Pennsylvanian beer.

So I think we've established that you have atrocious judgment.

Now, hurry up, please. I'm already on episode seven.

I can't believe they k*lled Barb.

She is a smoke-show.

When I took over for Mayfair, we installed a secure line into my apartment.

Is it possible that he's using that to bypass the firewall?

I mean, it's theoretically possible.

You think he's in your apartment?

How else would he know what kind of beer I have there?

Hey, what took you so long?

Put it down.

Keep your hands where I can see them.


I had to switch to the good stuff 'cause you're out of beer.

Thanks for the robe, by the way.

Okay, so... you want my hands like this or more of a behind-the-back type of situation? Okay.

He seems pretty relaxed for someone getting arrested.

Yeah, almost like... Like he wanted to get caught.


Oh, my Hot Pockets are ready.

Also, you're out of Hot Pockets.

Hey, there you guys are, right where I left you... oh, you're new.

Shut up and walk.

What the hell is he doing here?

Detective Ray Yamada, you should've signed in if you're gonna mess up my crime scene.

And what's he doing with Gail Brown? That's the A.D.A. who dropped the charges against Jones.

I'll get rid of him.

No, no, I'll see what they want.

They want you, Reade.

Yamada's probably just covering his bases.

With a prosecutor sitting next to him?

Did you get rid of that tape yet?


Yeah, I got rid of it.

You do believe me, don't you?

That I didn't do it?

I can't shake the feeling that you are not being straight with me.

I'll handle it.

The hack, the drone, the arrest, none of it makes sense.

So, why don't you start and tell us about the coordinates you wanted us to b*mb?

Who is the new girl?

They point to a silo in Kansas.

What's in it?

I don't know, corn?

I have no idea, I used a random number generator.

I just needed a reason for you guys to arrest me.


Seriously, what is the deal with Ms. Moneypenny over here?

Are you the new Mayfair?

What's with the cover story, Rich?

I have a professional reputation to maintain.

I can't just be seen going to the feds for help.

Help with what?

I'm being hunted... by the Akkadian.

Seriously? Nothing?

You don't know who the... oh, my God.

How do you still have a job?

Fine... what's the Akkadian?

It's a myth.

It's an assassin so lethal it's able to reach targets in such untouchable locations that the intel community doesn't believe it even exists.

Yeah, and neither does Snopes, apparently.

People are linking this guy to every unsolved, high-profile death in the past 10 years.

Which is impossible. He's a catch-all bogeyman.

Might as well tell us he's being hunted by the Easter Bunny.

Yeah, well, the Easter Bunny didn't k*ll Boston Arliss Crab.

You're bleeding.

And you're beautiful.

Crab's dead?

We were hiding out in England when he found us.

But Boston managed to drop a chandelier on his head, buying me enough time to escape, but not enough time to avoid having a Kn*fe plunged into his chest.

He d*ed in my arms.

On the beach.

Last thing he said to me was...

"Such a beautiful place to die with you."

We had our spats, but Boston gave his life to save mine.

I will not have his death be in vain.

Okay, Patterson, can we confirm Boston's death?

You got it.

Let's say this Akkadian is real.

Who hired him? Why?

"Why"? Have you met me?

As for who, I mean, who cares?

There is a super-assassin trying to m*rder me.

You're kind of burying the lead here.

Look, if the Akkadian isn't afraid to go after targets in untouchable locations, what makes you think he won't come after you here?

Oh, I'm counting on it.

I mean, what safer place in the world to be than with my good friends at the FBI?

So, now, when the Akkadian does come, you'll be forced to k*ll him for me.

[British Accent] That's a good plan, innit?

All right, so I figure you guys got a ton of questions.

Where do you want to begin?

Jones' camp? Or the Hudson U sh**t?

Actually, before he gets to that, there's something I need to tell you.

I'm sorry.

We found a stash of hidden videotapes in Jones's basement.

Some are just old practice footage...

But others show Jones being the monster you said he was.

I wanted to apologize in person.

I'm sorry I didn't do more with the case when it was in my hands, Agent Reade.

You want our help?

You start being straight with us.

You are so cute when you're heteronormative.

You want me to be straight? Okay.

There is a lot of emotional distance between you two right now.

And look at this, she can't even maintain eye contact.

What's going on? Did you guys have sex?

Shut up.

[Phone Buzzing]

Oh, was it bad?

Oh... this is interesting.

Excuse me.

Seriously, the chemistry on this team is all off.

I blame the Iron Lady here.

This is like when they brought in the second Aunt Viv.

You remember that? That was messed up.

Hey, Josh, what do you got?

How about a m*rder w*apon?

A couple of b*at cops just found a Kn*fe in a drainage ditch near Jones's residence.

What kind of Kn*fe?

Don't know, just came in.

k*ller must've dropped it down a sewer on his way out.

Has it produced any suspects?

I think Yamada's following up on it right now.


Everyone could tell. She looked nothing like the first one.

You seem awfully comfortable sitting here in this interrogation room, Rich.

Well, yeah, what's not to like?

Beautiful people.

Clean lines.

That's fine.

Nice, neutral color palette.

I love the aluminum.

Change of scenery...

I'm sorry, come again?

No-no-no, I need to go back!

No, I need to go back to the basement!

Why did we leave the basement?

FBI holding is the first place he's gonna look, and I'm gonna be a dead man. I should've stayed in hiding.

I'm gonna be dead, I'm gonna be ""

Don't let them leave me here! Don't let them leave me here!

Rich, stop, get off of him!

Who do you like, guys? Do you like girls?

Do you like the third thing?

Stop it!

You don't wanna go in there, start telling me the truth.

I am telling you the truth.

Get in there.

Okay, wait-wait, don't leave me here, please.

I take it back, please, okay, I take it back.

Kurt is clearly still in love with you, you don't see this?

Good-bye, Rich.

You don't see this?

He's just confused, Jane! He's confused!

These are Jones's confirmed victims based on the tapes we found.

Anyone stand out to you?

As what? These are survivors, not suspects.

Right now they're both.

We just need your help to figure out which of them we should be looking at.

Okay, I see how it is.

So you come here and "apologize," and then you want me to help you play "pin the crime on the victim."

Agent Reade...

You want me to dredge up these guys' worst memories, make them relive the worst moments of their lives?

We just want to know who k*lled Jones.

You wanna know who k*lled Jones? That person is in this room.

Jones is dead because you dropped the charges against him, because you didn't lock him up.

Now, that's cool, I got no problem with that.

Jones got what he deserved.

Excuse me, I have an urgent FBI matter I have to speak with Agent Reade about.

What the hell are you doing?

They want me to help pin Jones's m*rder on one of the victims.

They don't need your help.

They found the m*rder w*apon.

You still think Yamada's just trying to cover his bases?

Hey... what's going on?


Let's go.

Rich's blood turned up traces of a malaria vaccine.

That at least narrows down his recent travels.

Have we confirmed Boston's death yet?


[Distant Banging]

What is that?

There's something in the wall.

Whoa, hey-hey, don't sh**t, don't sh**t, it's me.

It's Rich. Hi.

Come here.

Okay, just...

How did you get out of the holding cell?

Through the vent.

I came to you for protection.

Leaving me upstairs with a couple of red shirts is not what I had in mind.

Oh, hey, can you give this to Sheriff Roscoe for me please, toots?

I'll do whatever you need! Who do you like, guys? Do you like girls?

Call me "toots" again, I'll make you eat this.


Right, we need to get him off-site.

And I think a trip to Rikers without bail should be easy enough to arrange.

Oh, I don't know, Rikers doesn't have cable, and they're shockingly low on quality board games.

So, if you send me there, I might get bored.

And when I get bored, I get kind of chatty.

So I might start blabbing about, oh, I don't know, Omaha?

What's he talking about? What's Omaha?

Oh, it's a glimmering city on the Lewis and Clark trail.

Home to the Henry Doorly Zoo.

And apparently the codename for a very secret...

Let him stay.

What's Omaha?

I'm gonna call holding, tell them we have Rich.

You can also tell them they're fired.

[Clears Throat]

[Line Ringing]

What's wrong?

No one's answering.

[Line Ringing]

Pull up the cameras in holding.

[Weller] What the hell?

We were just there.

What... oh, yeah, I k*lled two guards with a tie clip and then crawled back through an air duct to tell you all about it.

I guess that would be pretty cool, actually.

Uh, jump back a minute.

Okay, I think some of you owe me an apology.

Put out a red alert.

We have an active sh**t in the building.

All right, we've got an active sh**t in the building.

And his target is right there.

I want two agents guarding every access point at all times.

If a person can fit through it, then lock it down.

Reade, Tasha, take a search team up to holding.

See if you can pick up this guy's trail.

Now, people, I want you guys moving room to room.

Check everyone's ID.

If they clear, start moving them out of the building.

All right? And be smart.

'Cause this sh**t could be anyone... move!

Okay, if one of you is the Akkadian, I'm gonna be very, very hurt.

I think I know how the k*ller got in.

A security guard named Steve Beck was just found m*rder*d in his home in the Bronx.

He still managed to clock in for work this morning.

I flagged his keycard. If he uses it again, we'll know where.

Where do we keep Rich?

Right here.

We can keep the most eyes on him.

You two, you put him in that conference room and secure him.

Yes, yes, more eyes on me, all the eyes.

It's for our safety, not yours.

Just because we believe you doesn't mean we trust you.

I do make it a challenge.

I need to secure my office.

We can't afford for it to be breached.

Take Jane, all right? For backup.

He's not all bad, you know, Roman.

I'm just saying, there's... there's good in him, I've seen it.


We're turning him into an asset... in your mind, how do you imagine that working?

I'd bring him in, you give him the same deal you gave to me.

Work for us, earn your freedom.


He'd tell us everything we need to know to stop Sandstorm.

You'd never have to put him in the field if that's what you're worried about.

Look, that's not what I'm worried about, Jane.

I had my own Roman.

A zero division member that I too grew very close to.

But I missed the signs that he was Sandstorm.

By the time I realized, three of my people were dead.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Since you've been reunited with Roman, he's k*lled no fewer than seven people.

Because he's under Shepherd's influence.

We get him away from her, I know he'll do the right thing.

Okay, I'll... I'll consider it.

Thank you.

Rich, give me something that I can use.

Why is this guy after you?

Who did you piss off?

The Russians? The Saudis?

Yes, and... yes.

But I'm telling you, the "who" doesn't matter.

Look, you want our help, then help us trust you.

I believe people can change and that there's good in everyone.

Even you. You say we're a team, this is your chance to make it more than talk, so tell us what's really going on.

It started in North Korea.

Well, what did you steal?


I just kinda sorta made a pass at Ri Sol-ju.

You hit on Kim Jong-un's wife?

She was laughing at all my jokes.

I thought they had an open relationship.

Anyway, long story short, they very much do not.

I don't even wanna tell you what I had to do to get out of there.

Actually, I kinda do.

There was this real brute of a guard named g*n Wu, and let's just say g*n Wu had a real curious vibe to him...

All right, I stand corrected.

That was of absolutely no use.

You guys wanna hear the rest or...?

You wanna take care of the Kn*fe, it's headed to a crime lab today.

It won't be the first time that evidence went missing.

That's insane. I don't need you to take care of the Kn*fe because I didn't do it.


Reade, Zapata, I just got a ping from the stolen ID.

The Akkadian just used it on the fifth floor.
All right, are we on the right floor?

Yes, he should still be there.

Hands... who are you? What are you doing here?

I'm Clayton. I'm the mail guy!

He has Steve Beck's ID.

Well, either he's the Akkadian...

The Akkadian swapped badges.

The mail guy's badge just pinged.


He's coming down the CY-AC elevator.



It's a b*mb.

All right, seal these elevator doors.

Everyone out of here, now.

Wait-wait-wait, what is that smell?


It's not just a b*mb, it's a chemical dispersion device.

Sealing the doors will just force the toxic cloud into the elevator shaft, where most of the building's vents terminate.

Increasing its range.

How do we contain it?

We don't. We have to defuse it.

Patterson's lab's got its own HVAC system.

Get in there, make sure everyone is with you.

Good luck.

All right, this is all yours, what do you need?

Hand sanitizer, and lots of it.

How does this guy get a chemical w*apon inside this building?

He didn't, everything he needed was already here.

Sulfide toner from the photo lab, mineral asset from forensics, and a urinal cake.

Hopefully from the supply closet.

Once the cake dissolves, the chemicals mix, and you get a lethal cloud of hydrogen sulfide gas and a secondary expl*sive that spreads it through the building.

Remove the cake, they mix.

Jostle the jug or the chamber, they mix.

Be careful.


All right, one down.

Please, please, please...


Last one.



The alcohol from the sanitizer neutralized the solution.

I don't say this enough.

You're very good at your job.

We've still gotta disarm the secondary expl*sive.


Wait, that should've... that didn't... run, run!

[Loud Boom]

[Alarm Blaring]


Patterson. Patterson?

Agent down. Repeat, agent down!

Patterson's injured, and three people are dead because of you.

We need to get him out of the building.

No, we don't, that's exactly what the Akkadian wants.

So, what do we do?

We fortify ourselves.

Restrict the Akkadian's movements, make him come to us.

Nas, you and I'll clear the floor.

Jane, you stay with Rich. You watch him.

Be ready for anything.

You're just gonna avoid the elephant in the room?

You hid an elephant in there as well?

Look, I'm sorry, all right?

About the bug? Or the fact that we found it?

I need to know what is in Jane's head at all times.

The fact that she's so invested in Roman is extremely worrying.

He's her brother, and she's trying to bring him to our side.

Yeah, and that bond goes both ways.

I need to know who is turning her.

How do I know that you don't have an archive of every conversation that I've ever had in here?

You wanna know what Omaha is?

What has that got to do with this?

The Winter leak was the biggest setback for American intelligence in 50 years.

And we never saw it coming.

We had to scrap our entire domestic surveillance program.

Omaha's the replacement?

No, it's a vast improvement.

There's no gaps, no respectful boundaries.

The Senate, the judiciary, the Pentagon day care center, everything is being surveilled so that, this time, we don't miss anything.

Your point is that you don't trust anyone?

My point is, is that I'm trying to trust you which is why I'm telling you all of this.

Let's move.

If Yamada didn't suspect you before, he definitely does now after that little outburst of yours.

So, let him.

I don't care anymore.

Well, I do, I'm on the hook now, too.

We gotta take care of that Kn*fe.

We don't have to do anything.

I'm the one who was at Jones's camp.

I'm the one missing time.

I'm the one who was there that night.

When did this become all about you?

Nobody asked you to commit a felony.

You took it upon yourself to do that.

Because you're not placing bets anymore, but you're still addicted to risk.

You don't care about me.

My life is just something for you to gamble on.


I'm out.








Over here! Reade.

Tasha? Tasha?

Are you okay?

[Grunting] Tasha?




He's got Zapata.

We gotta get her back. searching the building right now.

With most of it being evacuated, they could be anywhere.

We will find her, all right? I swear.

Why would the Akkadian be messing with the wiring?

He's tapped into the building's security cameras.

So, he can see us.

He can't hear us.

Then we need to move Rich.

No, we've got to focus on getting Zapata back.

[Tasha] To the FBI agents protecting,

I'm in the C1 administrator's office.

The Akkadian has injected me with a neuro-toxin that will slowly k*ll... that will slowly k*ll me.

He's leaving three vials.

One is an antidote.

The others will k*ll me instantly.

Leave Rich alone, and he'll tell you which one to use.

Make the trade. Zapata's life is worth twice as much as Rich's.

I can't say I entirely disagree with you.

But still, how can we trust this guy?

Are you serious?

Unfortunately, Reade, he's right.

If we do agree to the Akkadian's terms, he could've already k*lled Tasha.

Yeah, but we still have to try, right?

Let's start by cutting his access to the cameras.

No, let's do what the Akkadian says.

Clear the floor and leave Rich alone.

I'm sorry, what is the point of that plan?

Just for a few seconds. Then we loop the footage of those few seconds back into the security feed while we retake the floor.

And lie in wait.

Do it.

It'll take me about 10 minutes or so...

No, that's too long. She could be dead by then.

Uh, I could write that exploit in 30 seconds and create the loop of me alone while I'm at it.

It'd be seamless.

There's no way I'm leaving him alone with an FBI computer. He could steal data, plant a virus, or he could start a w*r.

Would you accept a pinky swear?

Look, I don't think we have a choice.

She's right. Nas, Reade, go get Tasha.

All right? We'll stay here and lay in wait for the Akkadian.

And you... stand up.

[Loads Clip]

You do anything other than look in that camera, I'll make sure you can never type again.

You understand me?

Please don't leave me in here, you guys.

Please don't go. Please come back here and cuff me to this chair.

Yeah. Okay...

Zapata? Zapata?


Tasha? Tasha?!

Stay with me. Stay with me.


Hey, maybe he's not buying it.

Maybe he's seen "Speed," you know, 'cause this is basically the same thing they did in that movie.


You know Joss Whedon wrote most of "Speed"?

I mean, like, the good parts.

Joss Whedon basically wrote all the good parts of that movie.

[Loud Bang]


[Sparks Popping]

[g*n Cocking]



Wait, no, we need him for the antidote!


We're losing her.

This doesn't belong to you.

Which vial is it?


Which one's the antidote? Tell me!


Damn it.

The Akkadian's dead.

Tasha, stay with me. Tasha! Stay with me.

Stay with me.

We have to pick a vial.

A 33% chance of living is better than a 0% chance if we do nothing.

Wait, wait!

Her finger isn't twitching.

She's tapping something.

She's tapping a message.

Is it Morse code?

Left, she's saying left.

Hold on, Tasha.

[Tasha Gasping]

It's working.

Her breathing's stabilizing.

She's coming back. She's gonna be fine.

Is this entirely necessary?

[Both] Yes.

Sending me back to prison is so unimaginative.

We could make this, like, a regular thing.


The criminals that you hunt for a living, I brunch with them. Think about it.

I could be the ace up your sleeve.

My brains, his brawn, your... everything else.

The three of us could take down anybody we wanted.

We could make it, like, a weekly thing.

I could wear a hat of some kind.

[Man] Department of Corrections.

I think people would be into that. What do you say?

This is Kurt Weller.

I have a prisoner ready for transport.

Oh, you guys are no fun.

What's your ETA?

We'll be right there, Agent Weller.

[Rich] May I present to you Boston Arliss Crab.

My legs are pretty close together in this thing.

[Engine Starting]

[Handcuffs Clinking]

Oh, I never get tired of that sound.

Fool 'em once, shame on us, fool 'em twice...

I guess, technically, still a shame on us.

The eye candy's a nice touch.

I thought you'd like that.

So, it worked? The Akkadian's dead?

Oh, the Akkadian's as dead as it gets.

Kim Jong-un would have to wake up pretty early in the morning to get one over on old

[Siren Whooping]

Come on.


Out. Out.

You've got to be kidding me.



You really thought it'd be that easy?

But how?

The lab lady?

I'm sorry, who are you?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


I thought she had a concussion.

[Weller] She good?

Let's get back to the team.

I've got a better idea.

I never went to the infirmary.

I went on a crab hunt.

How did you know I was still alive?

It was your death story.

He d*ed in my arms, on the beach.

"Such a beautiful place to die with you."

It's how Dobby dies in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

You made me Dobby the house-elf?

Even in those books, there's thousands of characters...

Everybody loves Dobby. What's your problem?

Can you please stop embarrassing me in front of my friends?

[Weller] Boys! Boys, shut up!

We knew you wouldn't be able to resist our system if you had access to it.

So we culled through every server until we found your breach.


Re-routing select calls to a mystery number.

Then, all we had to do was trace the phone...

We'll be right there, Agent Weller. and get two jerks for the price of one.

Boom! To catch a con, you gotta hatch a con.

All right, my stubbly friend, you and your team win.

Could do without the smugness, though.

It's just nice to know that people don't change.

[Handcuffs Click]

[Jane] You wanted to see me?


I've been thinking about what you asked for, about turning Roman.

I'm afraid it's a risk that we just can't afford to take.

He can change.

I understand where you're coming from... I do.

I know how hard this is for you, Jane.

There's a lot more at stake here than just the fate of one person.

Can you understand that?

Thank you for considering it.

Are you sure this is enough C4?

It has to be, until we get more HMX.


Something wrong?

It's our FBI mole.

There's a message in the dead drop.

I thought they were supposed to keep radio silence.

They were.

Well, it must be urgent.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh, nothing, I was just...

You think my sister has betrayed us?

No, I just mean...

She passed our tests, she saved my life.

She's done everything we've asked of her.

I know that. I wasn't...

I'm sure that we can trust her.

But we should tell Shepherd, right?

We aren't gonna do anything.

I'm gonna go to the dead drop, and I'm gonna find out for sure.

Shouldn't you be at the infirmary?

Tell that to the doctor who sent me home.

I thought pushing you away was the only way I could get you to take a step back.

That was a mistake.

I haven't been listening to you.

To what you wanna do.


You gotta promise me you'll leave the Kn*fe alone.

I can live with whatever happens to me, but I couldn't if something were to happen to you.

I promise.

[Nas] You changing the locks?


Dangerous people keep showing up.

Listen, uh, I'm worried about Jane because...

I made the same mistake that she wants to make.

I trusted the wrong person.

People d*ed.

Maybe it was wrong to bug Borden's office.

Maybe it was wrong to support the Omaha project, but when I did what I thought was right, I lost people.

And I swore I would never let that happen again.

So, why trust me?

Because I...

I've lost people for other reasons.

Because I can't open up.


I've had some experience with that.

Well, you know, lately, I feel like I might wanna change that.



Best-kept secret in New York.

Well, one of them, anyway.

So, I'm glad you called.

I was starting to think you were blowing me off.

No, no, I just...

I'm not great at texting, I guess.

Well, neither am I, apparently.


You sure you're... you're okay?

Yes, yeah, I'm good.

Um... we should probably get some of the basics out of the way, right?


Yeah, you know, where are you from?

Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Where do you work? What's with all the tattoos that you didn't have last time?

The basics.

I'll go first.

Sydney. Two younger sisters.

A bunch of environmental non-profits that can't afford to pay me.

And, uh, don't have any tattoos.

Well, except for a little butterfly on my lower back.

Now, your turn.


Oliver, I...

I'm sorry, I can't do this.

What? Why?

Just... this doesn't belong to me.

Doesn't belong? Jane, what did I do?

Nothing, you didn't do anything wrong.

Uh... you seem really nice. I'm sorry.

Definitely, let's catch up over drinks.

I'll, um, I'll text you.

[Siren In Distance]

Say good-bye for me, will ya?

[Helicopter Flying Overhead]