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02x06 - Trapped Inside

Posted: 11/06/16 11:15
by bunniefuu
[siren wails]

[tires screeching]

Ash Williams, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Amber Corey.

Baal/Audrey: Shh.

There's a demon in here.

Ruby: He's hidden among us.

He could be in any one of you.

I got a problem.

Pablo: What if I'm Baal?

[all screaming at once]

Abbey, wait, wait, wait!

You're not thinking straight.

Ruby: Baal gets into people's psyches, Shh. turning them against each other, until they annihilate themselves.

Thomas, this isn't you.

Don't you ever shut the f*ck up?!

[Linda gasps]

Linda: It's over!

Hey, toots. Come to Daddy.

I'm going to send you back to hell where you belong.

And how exactly?

The Necronomicon is gone, and I'm up here.

[gasping, retching]

Is that Sumerian?

[in shaky voice] I told you I'm him.

No, Pablo. You're not Baal.

You're our only hope of stopping him.

[eerie music playing]

[cat screeching]

[Pablo groaning, panting]

Never seen this before.

The Book of the Dead, festering inside a live human body.

That's good, right?




[electricity buzzing]

What's happening?!



[all screaming]



Come on buddy, quit fooling around.

You're scaring me, uh-uh, these people.

Oh, no.

Kelly: Ash, what's wrong with him?

[whispering] Ash?

[speaking softly] Pablo?



[both yelling]

[suspenseful music playing]

Where the hell is he?!

[all yelling at once]

He's a m*rder*r!

You're supposed to protect this town.

You let this guy come back, and do all this right under your nose?!

Now listen to me.

I want justice for my daughter!

Justice for Amber!

[eerie music playing]

[distorted yelling]

[faint growling]

It's hard, isn't it?

Resisting the urge to sh**t that vile woman in the head.

[distorted yelling continues]

[electricity buzzing]

I don't blame you.

Make these people respect you, not think of you as the guy who lost his town, and his wife to Ash Williams.

[Baal chuckling]


[all screaming]

[all yelling at once]

Who-who are you?

Well, uh, just like that hooker you saw in Detroit last summer?

[in Baal's voice] I can be whoever you want me to be, sugar.

[gasps] Oh, Jesus.

Well, the Son of God might be a stretch, but you get the point.

What's happening?

[distorted yelling]

[stammering] I just want my family back.


Yeah, well, here's the thing.

I could take her out, or you could take her out.

Baal: It doesn't really matter.

We both know that she's not the one that you want, so... what are you going to do about it?

Ash Williams is a m*rder*r!

What are you going to do about it?!

Man: What are you going to do about it?!

[screaming at once continues]

Do something!

[indistinct whispering]

Can't you just, cut it out of me?

Doesn't work like that.

It's not like there's a physical book inside you.

It's more like you're becoming one with the book.

Like a spiritual convergence.

Wait a minute, this convergence, once it happens, what does that mean for Pablo?

Once the book manifests completely, there'll be no Pablo.

That's a nay-no.

Look, Ash, I understand...

Do I need to spell it out to you?

It's a nay-no on no-Pablo.

Are we clear?

Just so you're clear, the Necronomicon is the only way we can banish Baal back to the underworld.

Nuh-uh, I got a plan for Baal, and it doesn't involve recycling Pablo into some stupid book.

I'm going to find him, take my chainsaw, shove it right up his ass.

He is never going to show his face to you.

Even if you do somehow manage to find him, he'll just jump bodies.

[chuckling] Way ahead of you.

You see that? That's a pet tracker.

I got that because Eli kept getting into my weed stash, and wandering around my trailer.

All I got to do is find Baal once, shove this down his throat.

That way, even if he sheds his skin, I can still find him, take my chainsaw...

And shove it right up Baal's ass?

You're like the daughter I never had.

Your chainsaw is never going to stop Baal, no matter where you shove it.

But there may be a way.

If we can allow the convergence to continue a little longer, I can isolate the right passage to cast Baal back.

Ah, okay.

So maybe we can add your thing on top of my great pet tracker plan.

Ash: We get Pablo right up close, he does his voodoo, and well, the rest will just fall into place.

Don't overthink it.

Guys... Pablo's going to be...





Get him up to my room.

Do not k*ll Pablo.

And don't get any of that crap on my stuff.

Linda, I made a promise to you, so I'm going to go out now, and find your, ex-husband?

Thank you, Ash.

Despite everything that's happened, I still want to make sure he's okay.

Yeah, yeah, me too.

Listen, don't worry about a thing, okay?

You're safe here, I promise.

[glass shattering]

Woman: m*rder*r!

Get out!

Go back to where you came from!

[crowd yelling at once]

Man: Get the hell out of here!

Woman: Our children are dead!

[yelling at once continues]

Take your evil, and go!

You leave, or we'll leave you!

Well, I found him.

Thomas is out there?

What the hell is he doing?

Ooh, I wouldn't do that.


[man and Kelly grunting]

We're good.

Lacey, go wait for me upstairs.

[loudspeaker feedback sounding]

Sheriff Emery [over loudspeaker]: Ash Williams!

You've been ordered to surrender yourself into my custody, right now!

[crowd yelling at once]


Why are you doing this?

You saw what Ash did!

You know he's protecting us!

[yelling at once continues]

All I know is...

Woman 2: We want you out here!

.. if he doesn't come out willingly, we're coming in there to drag him out!

[crowd cheering, yelling at once]

You hear me, Williams?!

Okay, we cannot let this crowd in here, to screw up whatever Ruby's doing with Pablo.

I got an idea.

[g*n cocking]


[all screaming]

You want Ash?!

Well you fuckwads better know how to walk through lead!

Okay, so, I just fired a g*n at a crowd of civilians.

Yeah, that's like a felony.

[screaming outside continues]

[Pablo grunting]

Hey, what-what, what's that for?


I'm sorry, how is salt meant to protect him?

It's not, it's meant to protect us from him.

Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.

It's just a precaution.


I'm going to use an incantation to accelerate the convergence.

It's going to hurt a lot more than this, isn't it?

It'll be over quickly.

[yelling at once]


[all screaming]

Back off now, or I will f*ck your faces with b*ll*ts!

Too much?

I totally bought it.

[glass shattering, thudding upstairs]

Sounds like they're trying to break in upstairs.

I'm good down here.

[g*n cocking]

Okay, I'll be right back.

[rock music playing]


[faint breathing]

[crowd shouting downstairs]

[louder breathing]

[loud heartbeat]

[floorboards creaking]

[breathing continues]

[Ruby speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

[groaning, panting]

[faint growling]


Stay strong, Pablo!

It feels like my skin is going to explode!

[Ruby continues speaking in foreign language]

[door slams]

[suspenseful music playing]

[speaking in foreign language]

[gasping, panting]

It looks like something's not right.

Lacey: By that pendant.

[gasping, groaning]

Please! Please! You have to stop this!

Pablo, I need to take that pendant.

[electricity zapping]


[distorted screaming]


[speaking in Sumerian]

[eerie music playing]


[continues speaking in Sumerian]

[wind howling]

[eerie music playing]


[floorboards creaking]

Voice [whispering]: Ash.


[yelling in Sumerian]



[high-pitched sound]

[wailing continues]

[Pablo grunting]



Lacey [whispering]: Oh my God.

[door creaking]

[crowd shouting downstairs]

[faint breathing]

[suspenseful music playing]

[breathing continues]

[faster breathing]








What are you doing in here?!

Ah... nothing.

[eerie music playing]

[indistinct whispering]

[growling, snarling]


Ah, Chet?


We should get out of here.

[speaking softly] Okay.

[suspenseful music playing]


Move your butt, Chet!

[Chet panting]

You okay?

[gasps] Yeah.

They have the book.

[wind howling]

[wind chimes clinking]

[eerie music playing]


[suspenseful music playing]

Voice [whispering]: ...Ash.

[electricity buzzing]

[floorboards creaking]

What the hell were you doing in that room?

Dude, there's a huge mob coming for you.

I came to warn you!

What were you doing in Cheryl's room, with her stuff?

Oh, wait! Is that Cheryl's room?

[Ash scoffs]

Woman: Ash?



Ash: Cheryl?



Ash? Is that you?

[whispering] I'm scared.

Yeah... it's me, Cheryl.

How'd you get here, sis?

I don't know.

I-I don't understand any of this.

Where's Dad?


Dad's not here right now.

Well, you look different.

What happened to you?



Chet Kaminski?!

Yep. [grunts]

You're all grown up.


Well, uh, you look pretty good too.

Hate to rain on anybody's parade, but Cheryl, you're not supposed to be here.

You died after you got branch-banged by a demon tree about 30 years ago.

I died?

Yeah. It was pretty horrific.

You don't remember any of that?

Seems like the kind of thing somebody would remember.

[whispering] Oh, wait.

Wait, I-I think... oh... oh, it's all coming back to me now.

[suspenseful music playing]

[both yelling]

[Cheryl snarling]

[Ash yelling, grunting]


[Cheryl snarling]

[Chet yelling]

[evil laughter]

[crowd shouting outside]

Linda: Uh, Kelly... you need to see this.

Man 2: Everybody got something?

Baal/Audrey: Come here! Come on!

Woman 3: Come get this!

Man 4: Arm up.

Ash Williams m*rder*d our sons and daughters, and now we make him pay!

Yeah! Yeah!

Anybody gets in your way, k*ll them!


[g*ns cocking]


Man 5: Let's get them!

Ah, get down!


[both yelling]

They're trying to k*ll us!

You ever sh**t a g*n before?

What? We're not going to try to k*ll them, are we?

Unfortunately no.

We just got to keep them at bay as long as we can, okay?





[all screaming]

[evil laughter]




Ash: Chet!


[in distorted voice] Just you and me now, Chet.
♪ his bride ♪


[Chet gasps]

I missed you, baby!

♪ I might like you better if we slept together ♪
♪ I might like you better... ♪

Oh... my baby's got a boo-boo.

Nah, I don't have a, have a boo-boo.

Oh gee.


This doesn't feel half as good as it used to.

[Cheryl biting]


♪ I might like you better ♪
♪ If we slept together... ♪


What else you got for me, big boy?


I... don't have anything.


What, there's nothing!

♪ But there's somethin'... ♪

[chainsaw buzzing]

♪ That's never ♪


♪ Never say never... ♪

Sorry sis, playtime's over.


Then I'm going to make like a tree, and f*ck you!

[Cheryl snarling]


[Cheryl laughing]

[Ash grunting]

♪ Sunsuit girls must be discreet... ♪

You're still a lousy dancer!

[Cheryl laughing]

[Ash yelling]

You're still a b*tch!

[chainsaw buzzing]

[both grunting]

[song fades]

[evil laughter]

Cheryl: Ashy...

Want to play a game?

Come on, Ashy.

It'll be fun.

Your game sucks ass, Cheryl.

That's because you're still a loser, like you always were!

Oh, yeah?



[g*n cocks]




Oh, oh! Take it easy, man.

Take it easy. I-I never touched her, I swear.

I would never betray you like that.

[Chet zipping pants]

Okay, fine.

Just stay here, I'll deal with Cheryl.

Cool, um, I'll just, uh, wait in your room.


Don't go in there, it's not safe.

You stay here, and do a bunch of nothing.

Come and get me, Ash!

[Cheryl cackling]

[Ash panting]

[Cheryl giggling]


[all screaming]

[grunting] Ah, damn it!

We are eating a giant shit sandwich right now.

Are you good down here for a minute, while I try and unfuck the situation?

I got it. Go.


Where have you been?

[softly] Shut up.

Emery: Lay down your weapons!

Family reunion.

My sister, Cheryl.

Emery: We don't want anyone to get hurt!

[softly] What?

Yeah, I k*lled her decades ago, Just send out Ash Williams... now she's back, I got to find her, and k*ll her again.

Wait, she came back but now you've lost her?

Send that son-of a b*tch out here!

Focus up. We got to find Cheryl.

Hey, why don't you deal with your dead sister, while I stop your inbred, assh*le neighbors from busting in, and lynching you!

Huh, hey.


Ruby, shit's gone so sideways, it's basically upside down.

Have you found the spell...

[eerie music playing]

[indistinct whispering]

What did you do to him?

[speaking softly] It's working.

This is "working?"

I've accelerated the process, but we can't control when the specific spell will manifest.

Bullshit, you can't.

Pablo, listen up.


You might be converging with the Book or whatever, but you are still a f*cking Ghost Beater.

You call the sh*ts, not some glorified, demonic romance novel.

You hear me?


I said, do you hear me?

I got this.

There's my powerful vag*na.

What do we do when the spell appears?

Put this back on him.

It'll halt any further convergence.

Pablo, quit f*cking around.

Find the spell we need to send this assh*le home.

[dramatic music playing]


[whispering] It's coming.

[eerie music playing]

[crowd shouting outside]

[electricity buzzing]




[glass shattering]



[horn blowing]


[electricity buzzing]

[train horn blowing]

[Cheryl laughing maniacally]

[Ash yelling]

Ooh, found me!

I don't want to play with that!

[Ash grunts]

[horn blowing]

I want to play with this!


[Cheryl continues laughing]

[Ash grunting]


[demonic voice speaking in foreign language]

[all screaming]

[both gasping]

[man vocalizing]

It worked.

Now we have the spell to defeat Baal.


What's wrong?


It's an old wound.

All right, well, do your voodoo, and heal yourself.

I don't do that anymore.

What are talking about, Ruby?

Wolverine that shit back together, we don't have time.

I mean, I can't.

My children stole my immortality.

Don't look at me like that, I don't want your sympathy.


Cheryl: Come on, Ash!

We got to brush those teeth!


[Cheryl laughing maniacally]

[Ash yelling]




[speaking softly] Chet, you idiot.

I told you to wait upstairs.

Chill, I'm just looking for a beer.

[suspenseful music playing]


Oh, relax! Just want one.

You can pound the other five.

[Cheryl snarling]


You're going to have to go through him, to get to me.

[Cheryl laughing]

No way.

Throughout everything, Chet is the only friend of mine who always stood by me.

Oh. Oh.

Never lied to me, never let me down, never, ever, betrayed me.

Uh, Ash, I should probably tell you...

It's okay, pal. Me too.

Aw, you guys!


So sweet!

Too bad, because if you won't go through him...

I will!

No, no!

[Cheryl laughing maniacally]




[Chet gasping]

[evil laughter]


[Cheryl shrieks]


Linda: Oh, no.



[g*n clicks]


You're next.

[both grunting]

[crowd screaming]

Oh my God!

[indistinct chatter]

Woman 4: There he is!

Man 6: He did it again!

[yelling at once]

[r*fle cocking]

I believe you've been looking for me.

sh**t him!

What are you waiting for, sh**t him!

Let's get one thing straight, yo-yos.

I k*ll demons, not people.

[crowd jeering]


Unless those people are demons, who look like people.

And then I k*ll people, but they're not really people, they're demons.

You understand?

[crowd shouting]

In a minute, I'll prove it.

Come on!

He's full of it!

[crowd arguing]

[r*fle cocking]

Yep, any minute now.

Man 7: What are we waiting for...?

Go on!

What are you waiting for? Just sh**t him!

sh**t him, sh**t him!

Hang in there, it's going to be worth it.

[crowd gasping, talking at once]

Man 8: It's moving.

Chowderheads of Elk Grove, meet my sister, Cheryl.

Cheryl, meet the chowderheads.

It can't be!

No, no, she's dead!



Man 9: Oh, God!

Hey, sis.


[crowd screaming]

You m*rder*r!

Man 10: He's a k*ller!

Man 11: Stop him!

Wait for it...

m*rder*r, m*rder*r!


[crowd gasping]

[man grunts]

Oh my God! She's a demon!


[gasping, laughing]

Woman 5: Still standing!

[all gasping, screaming]

You can't stop us.

Cheryl: We'll k*ll you all.

Oh my God! She's a demon.

Ash was telling the truth!

Yep, told you so.

Woman 6: sh**t her, please!

Man 12: Do something! Please someone!

Woman 7: Oh please, Ash! Help us!

[crowd screaming]

Man 13: Help us!



Let's show them what a hero does.


Hey, Cheryl.

Remember the time we played hide and seek?

I hid in the trunk of the car, and you locked me in, wouldn't let me out?


Remember that?

So do I.

[Cheryl yelling]

[crowd gasping]




And that, Elk Grove, is how you take care of bidness.

Well, Cheryl, it's been fun catching up.

Sorry I got to k*ll you.




[screaming continues]

I hope we all learned something today.

[Cheryl groaning]

Not again.


Men: Yeah!


Ash! Behind you!

What's that?

[both grunting]


So you're Baal?

Good, because I'm carving you up next.


[in Baal's voice] Let's stop arguing.

Wouldn't it be much easier, to work together?


[Ash grunts]

[echoing] Shh.

♪ They're coming to take me away, ha-ha ♪
♪ They're coming to take me away, ho-ho ♪
♪ Hee-hee, ha-ha, to the funny farm ♪
♪ Where life is beautiful all the time ♪
♪ And I'll be happy to see those nice young men ♪
♪ In their clean, white coats ♪
♪ And they're coming to take me away, ha-ha! ♪
♪ You thought it was a joke ♪
♪ And so you laughed, you laughed ♪
♪ When I had said that losing you ♪
♪ Would make me flip my lid ♪
♪ Right? ♪
♪ You know you laughed, I heard you laugh ♪
♪ You laughed, you laughed, and laughed ♪
♪ And then you left, but now you know ♪
♪ I'm utterly mad ♪
♪ And they're coming to take me away, ha-ha ♪
♪ They're coming to take me away, ho-ho ♪
♪ Hee-hee, ha-ha, to the happy home ♪
♪ With trees, and flowers, and chirping birds ♪
♪ And basket weavers, who sit and smile ♪
♪ And twiddle their thumbs and toes ♪
♪ And they're coming to take me away, ha-ha! ♪