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01x06 - Deviation

Posted: 11/10/16 05:49
by bunniefuu
My name is Detective Raimy Sullivan. My father was k*lled in 1996.

Last night...

[radio static]



I spoke to him.

Your father?


So you're telling me that in 20 years, I'm gonna be on the job with my daughter?

No. You die tomorrow.



Dad survived, but saving his life changed everything.

We've ID'd the remain from the marsh.

I'm sorry, Raimy. It's your mom.

The most wanted serial k*ller in New York took my mom.

Now whatever we do, however we try to fix things, history keeps changing.

Your name is Daniel Lawrence.

How do you know my name?

I'm your girlfriend.

I've never been to Queens, and I don't know you.

I'm sorry.

All I want is to get back what I lost.

Previously, on "Frequency"...

I will always love you, but it's over between us.

That's okay you didn't call me back.


Carmen Salinas.

She was abducted four months ago.

Seems like a pretty straightforward Nightingale case.

He had a truck. Dark blue.

Had one of those white camper shells on the back.

She saw him at least seven times.

He was stalking his victims.

Step out of the vehicle, sir!


[tires squealing]

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What do you think happened?

♪ ♪



[radio chatter]

I was 50 feet away from him, Satch.

He was 50 feet away, watching Julie, and I just let him get away.

The coroner's guessing that the body's been there at least three months.

We won't have an ID for a couple of days.

It's Carmen Salinas.

How are you so sure?

Because I know.

Because it was her case that led me to his truck.

So this is all about you?

Look, the Nightingale's not just leading us to a body.

He's sending me a message, laughing at me because I can't catch him.

You know, I enjoy a good pity party, Frank, but you rattled him... that's not nothing.

Oh, yeah? What'd that get us?

It got us a body.

And a family that's been through hell that can finally have some closure, maybe start to heal... look, look, look, look.

We ID'd the truck.

Yeah, it came back stolen plates.

And we know that he st*lks his victims.

Hospitals have security cameras in the parking lots.

If he's casing a nurse, who says he stays in his car?

We get him to start acting out like this, he's bound to slip up.

That's how we catch him.


I'm not sure I can wait.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[radio static]

CQ? CQ calling CQ.

Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You sound winded. You just go for a run?

No, I... I slept in.

Did you take my advice?

What advice?

You know, about living your life.

Are you asking me if I have a guy here?

I don't know. Do you?

Okay, if you're gonna bust my balls, I'm gonna leave.

Okay, I'm kidding.

Listen, you remember that truck that Eva said she saw before her mom's disappearance?

Yeah. Yeah, the blue camper.

Yeah, I saw it the other day.

You and your mom were at the park, and, uh, he was watching her.

The Nightingale is stalking mom, and you're grilling me about my sex life?

Maybe I didn't want to admit how bad I messed up, okay?

What do you mean?

I chased him, and he got away.

Well, did you get a plate? A VIN number?

No, I got a torched truck, that's what I got, since you're asking.

It doesn't matter.


We know where he's gonna be.

We know he st*lks his victims, and in two days' time, he takes Amanda Baldwin.

So you're saying I watch her?

I'm saying you get a whole damn team on her.

And yeah, use her as bait. That's how we catch him.

Oh, we? Oh, no.

You mean me. That's how I catch him.

Look, a neighbor walking his dog saw Amanda around midnight.

She's reported missing at 6:00 a.m. the next morning, which means she's safe for the next 36 hours.

The Nightingale is bound to show up sometime in there.

That is how we catch him.

I think we should tell Amanda. Let her in on it.

Don't you dare lose your nerve on me now.

You do, and everything changes.

The Nightingale disappears, and we are scrambling to save the next victim, who happens to be Mom.

Who, and how do you think Amanda's gonna feel about being used as bait for a serial k*ller, Raimy?

After we save her life, pretty damn grateful.


Do you know what this is?

No idea.

Me neither.

You have not one implement in these drawers an honest man could call a kitchen utensil.

Was I not supposed to be here this morning?

Did I misread?

No, you're great. Last night was...


I have attachment issues.

It's just eggs.

And I'm late for work.

You left your car at the station.

You want a ride?

I'll take the subway.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[brakes squealing]

I'm sorry. I...

Is this a joke?


No, I swear I'm not stalking you.

I don't even usually take the subway.

Yeah, well, I do. Every morning.

Do you believe in kismet?

Excuse me?

Like some things are meant to be.

I hadn't given it that much thought.

I just can't help but feel like we have this connection.

We both love the same dive bar for the same reasons.

Puffy fries? Loverboy?

Almost like we knew each other in another life.

Is that too weird?

[announcer over PA]

Yeah. It is.

All right, go back. Go back.


See? Right there.

There's the truck. There's Amanda.

Yeah, I see her. I also see a bunch of nurses.

It's a medical center, so why put a tail specifically on her?

Because we spotted the Nightingale's truck outside of both clinics she works at eight out of the last ten shifts.

That's not enough to warrant a team.

It's all I got, Satch.

I got a torched truck; I got forensics that hasn't come back with a VIN yet.

This right here is all we have.

I got surveillance from every single hospital in the city.

I spent hours combing it, and I'm telling you, he's stalking Amanda, same way I told you it was Goff.

The same way you had me run a background check on Raimy's softball coach?

Are you ever gonna let that go?


Now, are you sure this is the truck that was stalking Julie?



All right, I'll give you 24 hours and two cars.

All right.

Plus, we'll put another one on Julie until we know she's safe.

[overlapping chatter]

Detective Sullivan, knowing Eva Salinas faked her abduction by the Nightingale, have charges been brought against her?

That's a question for the district attorney.

How does it feel to know that your mother's k*ller's still out there?

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale and get justice for all his victims.

[all talking at once]

So as soon as that sugar rush kicks in, I need you to follow up on a tip.

Mm, looking into something right now. Mike could use the exercise, though.

There's plenty to go around.

You know how many tips came in ever since Eva Salinas' "Gone Girl" escapade?

Besides, this guy asked for Detective Sullivan.



Wait, he's Downstate?

Serving life for m*rder.

It's a pretty drive. Take the day.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[buzzer blaring]

On the gate!

So, Mr. Pierce.

Call me Karl.

Okay, Karl.

Tell me why you wanted to talk to me.


I think you know, Detective.

You saw me on the news?

Because you know I can give you some answers.

Do you mean about the Nightingale k*ller?

About him.

About your mom.


What could you possibly tell me?

I have a special friend.




I talk to myself.


In the future.

♪ ♪

Is that something you'd be interested in?

You can talk to the future?



Do you understand quantum physics?

I'm a little out of my kick zone.

Time is infinite.


Past, present, future, all exist at once.

Would you like a glass of water? You look pale.

No, thank you.

Quantum physicists who espouse this belief?

Dime a dozen.

I wanted to prove it.

It took me 20 years, but I built a communication device.

A communication device?

How else would you expect me to talk with the future?

Then why didn't you tell yourself how to avoid jail?

You don't get it.

My future self is the one that put me in this pickle jar.



More than that, actually.

Steve Fishman never mowed.

He never edged.

Never raked a leaf.

What are you talking about?

Why are you not getting this?

I'm a crusader.

Is another protective detail really necessary?

It's just protocol, Jules.

Satch insisted, and I mean, honestly, what's it gonna hurt?

Oh, my God, could you be more oblivious, Frank?

Hey, this isn't my fault here.

I went...

Raimy is gonna come home, and she's gonna see that.

Hey, Frank, I try so hard to protect her, and to not let her know I'm scared, and there is a creep out there preying on nurses.

I appreciate that...

She's eight years old.

I know how old she is, Jules.

She shouldn't have to worry about things like this.

Do you even know that she worries?

Just let me fix this, please.

Well, that's what you always say.

Look, I'll take nights.

That way it's just her dad.

You know, it''no big deal. I'll start tonight.

Okay, then all this about us being separated, and... and having a life...

Hey, I'm not trying to move in here, okay?

I have a date tonight.

You're dating?

Yeah, we're separated, Frank.

For what, two weeks?



We both know it's been a whole lot longer than that.

Just forget it. I'm cancelling.

So you can come by, don't come by.

I don't care.

I was living the American dream.

I had tenure, passion, standing room only at my TED talks.

But I didn't have that one thing... that one thing that would make them take notice.

And then? I did.

It took years, every possible sabbatical, but I could communicate across time.

And what is the first thing my future self tells me?

"You're gonna win a Nobel prize"?


"Steve Fishman is no good."

The man you m*rder*d?

You ever heard about doing your part for the cul-de-sac?

You cut a branch, another one grows back.

Once again, what are you talking about?

I am talking about why I had to k*ll Steve Fishman.

Now, what kind of a man doesn't care about his lawn?

The kind of man who doesn't care about a lot of things.

Who doesn't care if he has too much to drink after his shift at the big box store, and then gets behind the wheel and mows down a group of kids in their front yard.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Six innocent children were going to die because of him.

♪ ♪

And that's why I had to k*ll him.

Your machine told you to k*ll him?

I told me.

You think I asked for this burden?

Knowing a future no one else knows?

I tried to get him to go sober.

I put AA flyers under his door.

I stole his beer stash.

Nothing worked.

Maybe it delayed the inevitable an hour, a month, a year even.

But you cut a branch, another one grows, and in every eventuality, my future self reported that Steve Fishman drove drunk and innocent children died.


You get it.

I know you do.

That's why we need to work together.

Where's my Nightingale tip?

I've been here an hour, you haven't given me one thing I can use.

Because I don't have my communicator.

You're wasting my time.

All right, buddy. Let's go.

Just get me access to my communicator.

I can help you save lives.

Just get me access. You'll see.

[door slamming]

We have information that says our target's gonna be taken within the next 24 hours.

We know the Nightingale st*lks his victims.

So we start to watch her now, hopefully catch him that way.

Say we find him. What's our call here?

We arrest him.

Sicko who k*lled and buried all of these women.

We really care what happens to him?

We arrest him. Am I clear?

All right. Let's hustle up.

Hey, Sullivan. Got a minute?

Got a team heading out.

Oh, 30 secs. 30 secs.

Our dearly departed Little Jay?

I just got word that his product's back on the street.

I thought you might know something.

Why would I? It's not my circus anymore.

I mean, I know how close you got with Ricky's family when you were under.

You mean when I was playing a role?

Course you were. Yeah.

I'm just giving you a heads up.

Maybe you could to do the same to, you know, your pretend friends.

We both know it's a dangerous time dealing someone else's dr*gs.

[phone dialing]


Please leave your name and phone number after the beep.



I've been hearing some things. You need to call me.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Hey, man, you, uh... you ever think about talking to someone?


You mean the department shrink?

[exasperated sigh]

Yeah, that does wonders come promotion time.

Or you could just keep checking your phone.


Look, man, I know it's tough coming out from undercover.

Could be that your head's still in that world more than you think.

It's the reason why I keep telling you, man, take those sick days.

Take the time to get things right with yourself.

Your concern is duly noted.

Duly noted.

Well, I have duly noted that you miss your family.

Can't get things straight with them if your head's still in the game.

Can we just focus on nailing this psycho, okay?

That's how I get my family back.

Unless you want to sit here and braid each other's hair all night.
Atlas 1, subject exiting work location, heading eastbound on Hester to Mott Street.

Coming to you, Atlas 2.

Blue scrubs, black sweater, white high tops.

All right, we have eyes on the subject.

Just rounding the corner of Mott and Hester, heading South on Mott.


Check it out.

I have eyes on a suspicious male. 6'2", 160, black hoodie.

Heading south now on Mott, behind the subject.

He's gonna be coming your way on Canal Street.

Atlas 1, you copy?

Atlas 1 on Canal Street. Subject not in sight.

Anyone have eyes on her?

Does anybody have eyes on the subject? Anyone?

Come on.

All right. We're going portable. Now!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[tires squealing]

[siren blaring]


You're gonna be okay.



Hold up.

The guy's selling bootleg CDs.

♪ ♪

Once again, we're really sorry about this.

We got a tip that the Nightingale was in the neighborhood, and the guy who walked up on you fit the description.

And you wearing scrubs made us extra vigilant.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. Of course.

Let me ask you a question: have you noticed anyone suspicious around you lately?

[chuckles] I work in a women's clinic.

There aren't many days I don't have something: crazies, hecklers, or protesters.

What... am I in danger?

Honestly, every nurse in this city's at risk right now.

But we just slipped on our own peel here, so if it makes you feel any safer, we'll have someone keep an eye on you.

You got it, lieutenant.


How about I take the first shift?

How about I got it covered?

Go home.

Get some rest.

Are you implying I'm a fraud?

I'm saying your crusade sounds more like a reign of terror.

Steve Fishman had a restraining order against you.

You had a history of harassing your neighbors, including dumping a bucket of dog waste on someone's front porch.

Only after they tossed it in with my recyclables.

You blinded another inmate.


That guy had it coming.

That was quite a task... rebuilding my machine in prison?

It took me a year just to get machine shop privileges.

Smiling at every idiot guard, cleaning toilets, attending anger management classes with raving lunatics.



But then, one day...

There he was.


And can you imagine the joy I felt knowing even in prison, I could begin my crusade for justice again.

And then he had to ruin it.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm trying your gizmo while you took a leak.

Doesn't work.

Did you think maybe you were too stupid to hear it?

It's for you.



I'll bite.

Tell me how it works.

Take me to the machine shop.

I'll show you.


Explain it to me; I want to know exactly how you did it.


I seriously doubt you'll understand.


Give me your pad and pen.


A tree?

Oh, I'm giving you the idiot's version.


Life is like this tree.

Always growing upward with lots of branches.

Now... take the Nightingale.

Say this is his tree.

This branch is his next victim.

Now, we can cut off that branch, but then another one grows back in its place.

And that victim is a branch further up the tree.

Are you saying a person can't change the future?

Of course you can.

You have to cut off the trunk.

Get me my communicator.

I will show you where and when the Nightingale will strike.

I'll help you track him, and all of this goes away.

That's why you're doing this, isn't it?

Doing what?

Your crusade to take down the Nightingale.

To avenge your mother.

My mom?


Is this how your con works?

You squeeze people to prey on their weakness?


No. No, look...

We're done here.

This is a real thing.

It is going to happen again, and this time, it's gonna be your fault!

Karl said it'll happen again.

Maybe he meant Amanda's abduction.

It still says she's taken after midnight.

You really think this guy can predict something that happens in 1996?

I don't know. I'm talking to you, aren't I?

Who's to say we're the only ones who can do this?

Maybe Karl is crazy, maybe he's a master manipulator, but... seems like he gets it.

I see why your mom says you worry.

She said that?

Yeah. She thinks all this is gonna mess you up.

Maybe it did.

Could explain why I sleep around.


Very funny.

Between you and me, your mom's a worrier.

Make it so much easier if I could just tell her that you turn out okay, you know?

Just okay?


Seriously, Raim.

I'm proud of you, kiddo.


I've decided to tell Amanda.

What? We still have four hours before she's in any danger, and you told me that there's one of ours parked outside her house.

I'm not taking any chances on this one.

You're taking a huge chance that you could change the future and make things even worse.

Or not.

I mean, we don't know, and this is really messing with my head right now.

It's making me a bad cop.

I just took down a kid selling bootleg CDs.

Which is why I'm talking to Karl.

I'm trying to get a handle on this.

You see, Raimy? It's messing with you too.

We're cops, right? And any good cop knows that if a victim is going missing in four hours, we don't just sit around talking about ramifications.

We get them the hell out of there.

If anything happened to Amanda right now, I... I couldn't live with myself.

What about Mom?

I just saw her bones on a slab.

That is my reality.

Raimy, I promise you, if we don't get this close again and we don't nab him, I will take you both anywhere you want to go.

You're making a mistake.

I'm sorry, Raimy.

I am.

So, this is new information?

We took another look at the intel, and it tells us that you may be a target.

The Nightingale?

You're gonna be fine, okay?

We have plenty of time to get you out.

Now, do you have someplace that you could stay?

Um... my mom's.

I guess I could go to my boyfriend's, or...

Okay, why don't you just... why don't you pack a bag, enough for two or three days, and... and we'll decide in the car, okay?

I'm here to make sure you're safe.

Amanda, is there someone else here?

Do you have a pet?

No. What's wrong?

Okay, here's what I need you to do: my car's at the curb.

You run like hell, you get inside, you lock the door, you get on the radio, and you call 9-1-1.

Do you think you can do that?

Okay, you go now. Go.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[sirens blaring]

♪ ♪





♪ ♪


[soft music]

♪ ♪

So you didn't see anything?

I saw boots.

[exhales sharply]

He just left you there. He didn't try to...

k*ll me?

I've been wondering that too.

Maybe it's just more fun to mess with me, you know?

Rub my face in it.

Forensics come back on that wallet?

We got nothing.

Cash and ID are still in there.

Not surprised.

You know, frankly, you going back there, saving Amanda from whatever sick things the Nightingale does to these women?

I'd think you'd be rubbing my nose in it by now.

Look, man, I... I'm glad she's okay, you know, but that doesn't change anything for me. I mean...

I close my eyes, I'm... I'm still just gonna see her getting taken, you know?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, man.

Look, nobody's getting taken.

It gets to the point sometimes where I feel like I'm gonna crack.

You know, all I want to do is protect her, and I don't...

I don't know if I can.

All right, so that's why you've been acting...

And here I am thinking it's your time undercover that's putting you on edge.

You were right.

I mean, partially, anyway.

When I was undercover... there was someone, okay?

And it's not going away like I thought it would.

Oh, man.

I wish you hadn't told me that.

You asked.

Look, I get how worried you are about losing Julie.

This is how it happens. Not the Nightingale.

So whatever stupid thing you did... or whoever... you better make it right.


On the gate!

[buzzer blaring]

Do you know what I think this is about?

I talk to the future. I don't read minds.

I think you saw me as an easy mark.

I checked the logs.

I know you tried others... cops, judges, anyone who'd lost a loved one, preying on their grief.

You had no idea what a jackpot you'd hit with me.

I mean, you knew I lost my mom to the Nightingale.

You didn't know I'd be interested in what you say you can do.

Did you get my communicator?

Don't even try... we both know it doesn't work.

Your life's work was a complete failure.

But that was too painful to admit, so you concocted your insane story.

You had to convince yourself that you were some crusader of justice because if you're not, what are you?

Just a washed-up physics professor who kills people for no reason at all.

And yet you're back.

You were wrong.


Didn't happen again.

We stopped it.


It still will.

It'll happen again.

And again, and again.

What will happen again?

Get me my communicator. I will show you how to stop...

Stop what?

Your pain.

You have one hour.

That's it.

We will do wonderful things together.

[phone buzzes]

This is Sullivan.

I thought she lived in India.

Boyfriend said they moved back three months ago.

You sure you don't want to wait for Lieutenant Reyna?

Why would I want to wait for anyone? apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all...

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

You know, your dad saved this woman from the Nightingale two decades ago.

I'm almost glad he's not here to see this, because this...



The branch grew back.

It doesn't make sense.

Why 20 years later?

She was living in India until now.

You know, your dad thought the Nightingale was sending him messages.

I didn't buy it at the time.

What do you mean?

Setting up scenes to make a point.

Goading him is how your father saw it.

Because he couldn't catch him.

Neither can I.

It's the same thing all over again.

You ever get anything from that inmate?

I don't know.

Starting to think he was on to something, though.

We're working round the clock to apprehend the Nightingale, and get justice for all of his victims.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Any idea what that is?

Guessing not a su1c1de note.

Let me know as soon as you find out.

You find anything, you'll let me know?

Okay, sure.

Okay, now it's a joke.

What are you doing here?

Me? Oh, I... I work over there.


I'm working here.

I'm a cop.

A detective, actually.

That would not have been my first guess.

Stalker was my second choice.

You asked me if I believe ifate.

Yeah, fate. Kismet. Whatever you want to call it.

I guess I never really had a reason to before.

My name's Raimy.

Raimy Sullivan.

If you ever want to run into each other on purpose, I'm working in the 21st.


Daniel Lawrence.

I know.

[bell ringing]

Hey, Einstein.

You heard the bell. The shop is closed.

Holy crap.

Had to cut off the trunk.

You used me.

The guard said you had a beef with that guy.

Thought his hoarded food was stinking up your cell.

You needed access to that contraption so you could talk to your fake self, so you could justify k*lling him.

I didn't use you.

I had every intention of asking my future self about the Nightingale after I asked about Mr. Sanders, who was, by the way, about to sh**t up a liquor store, k*lling a family of five.

He was in for life.

No possibility of parole.

Have you ever heard of a tunnel?

I could help you find it if you'd just get...

If I let you use your machine?

They dismantled it, Karl.

Sorry. No more crusades.

Look, you're smart. You know things.

You could help me understand.

We might even be able to do wonderful things together.

If you would just please drop the crazy Karl act.

Would you like a glass of water?

You look pale.

Good-bye, Karl.

How can Amanda be gone? I just saw her.

I'm sorry.

One thing I thought I actually fixed.

She had a rich, full life because of you.

Spent it working in a clinic in India.

She had friends, family...

No, you were right.

Every time I think I help someone, they just... just end up dead.

This isn't your fault.

It's like Karl said.

Amanda was just a branch on the Nightingale's tree.

He was gonna get her no matter what you or I did.

So even if we save your mom... he's not gonna stop until he kills her.

Unless we cut off the trunk.


You have to k*ll the Nightingale.

[scoffs] Come on, Raimy.

I know we... we need to get the Nightingale, but...

It is the only way.

No, I'm a cop, Raim.

I'm not a m*rder*r, okay? We... we bring him in, we put him away for life, that's how we do it.

And ten years from now, he gets off on a technicality.

Branches grow back.

You have to cut off the trunk.

It's how this works.

It's not right.

If we do, Amanda lives.

Mom lives.

That's the bottom line.

[knocking on door]

It's open.



Forensics sent this back after you left.

They never did find anything.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Hey, man, uh, I was way out of line earlier.

You know, who am I to judge, right?

Nah, man. You were right.

I'm an ass.

All right, then.

Well, come on. Let's get something to eat.

Oh, yeah, I would. I got to... I got to watch the house tonight.

All right, bro.

All right, man.


Next time.

All right, I'll holler at you.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[soft music]

♪ ♪

Raimy made them for her bake sale.


Whoa. What happened?

Mm. Mm.

I'm okay. It's nothing. I'm fine.

You don't have to stay out here, you know.

Oh, I know. I should.

I mean, it's just... it's my shift, so...

Wow. These are really good.

She made these?



Just watch out for eggshells.

Oh. Yeah.

I didn't mean it when I said that I didn't care.

I want you to be here.

So take shifts as much as you can.

Well, it's... it's okay. You know, I get it.

No, I actually do.

I feel safer when it's you.


Then I will.

I hate that I'm scared.

But I am.


Come here.


It's okay. All right?

I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

To you or Raimes.


Come give Raimy a kiss good night, okay?

I'll be right up.

Oh, um, Stan brought this by.

♪ Oh, father, tell me ♪

I, um... sorry, I should have just told him that we were separated.

Oh, no, no, no. That's okay.

That's okay.

I'll be right up.

["Way Down We Go" by Kaleo]

♪ And way down we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Way down we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Say, way down we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Way down we go ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Whoa, you let your feet ♪
♪ Run wild ♪
♪ Time has come as we all ♪
♪ Oh, go down ♪
♪ Yeah, but for the fall ♪
♪ Ooh, my ♪
♪ Do you dare to look him right in the eyes ♪

You've reached Daniel Lawrence at Refuge Architecture.

I'm away from my desk or at a job site, so please leave a message.



♪ Yes, and they will run you down ♪
♪ Down to you fall ♪
♪ And they will run you down ♪
♪ Down to you go ♪
♪ Yeah, so you can't crawl ♪
♪ No more ♪
♪ And way down we go ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Way down we go ♪