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02x07 - The Anniversary

Posted: 11/11/16 11:38
by bunniefuu
(rock on car stereo)

(tires screech)

(music stops)

(engine stops)

(car door closes)

What are you doing here so early?

I thought you weren't working until later.

I was waiting for you.



That didn't feel like a "just friends" kiss.

It wasn't.

I don't understand.

I don't either.


(engine stops)

This is it.

142 Sycamore.

You think she's in there?

Eh, you wouldn't understand.


You've had those parts removed.

All right.

Wish me luck.

(dog barks in distance)





I'm sorry to disturb you.

I'm looking for Sun Hi Lee.

I was told that she lives here.

Oh, she did.

I'm sorry. My information is old.

Do you have any idea where she might have moved to?

Oh, she died two years ago of cancer.

(baby babbles)

Um, did you know her well?

She was my mother-in-law. Yeah.

Sun Hi had a son. Wow. Okay, okay.

Who are you again?

I'm sorry. I'm Sam Myers.

I'm an old friend.

Man: Who is it, honey?

Someone who knew your mom.

Hi, I'm Peter Lee. Who are you?

Sam Myers.

How do you know my mother?

We were very friendly a long time ago in Korea.

Ah. Army?

Quartermaster server, Second Infantry.

I was born there.

Is that right?

You have no trace of an accent.

I grew up on an army base.


And then we moved to the States when I was seven.

You say, when you were seven?


That's when you and your mom moved here.

That was '63, right?

That's right.

So you were seven, so then you were born in '56.


'Cause I didn't ship out until '53, and then... (stammering)

My parents split in '65, after my dad retired from the army.

He lives in Phoenix.

(both chuckle)

Hi, I'm Sam.

Hi. Peter.

It was really fun.

I'd never been to a comedy show before, and Margot was hysterical.

Did you guys do anything after?

Um, yeah, we hung out backstage, had a drink.


And that's it.

You didn't go back to her place?

Well, she asked me to, but I just couldn't.

Not on a second date.

I mean, I know it's 1986 and all, but I'm just not that kind of girl.

Do you know, when I was dating Sam, I think I dated him six months before I would let him touch me down there?

Well, it's okay to take it slow.

You think?

Of course.

(doorbell chimes)


Okay. Here we go.

Okay. (chuckles)

Hello. I'm Judy Myers. Welcome.

Judy, thank you. I love it.

I'm very interested.

You have my number.

I will call you.

Please do.


This is her at the hospital?

Right before she died.


So young.


So she went back to her maiden name after the divorce, huh?

She was pretty pissed at my dad.

So he always had a temper.

For sure.

And by the way, she went by Sunny, not Sun Hi.

She said it was easier for Americans to understand.

Sunny, huh? That's nice.

I like that. Apropos.

(machine whirring)

Hey, uh, do you know CPR?

No, why?

Stu collapsed in the break room.

How about working a TV camera?

Yeah, yeah. Come on. You're gonna learn. Come on.

Okay, rack focus, rack focus.

Stop doing that. Just rack focus.

Okay, better. A little to the left.

Just hold the camera like you're holding a woman or a wheelbarrow.

You got the hang of it. Good, good, good.

There's no wrong way to get turned on, Valerie.

If your man goes wild for duck waders, I say find the sexiest pair you can, strap 'em on and go for it.

Get some reactions. Get those girls.

Their reactions are terrible. Go back to Rhonda.

Our next caller is Ned from Paramus.

Ned, you're on the air.

Hey, Rhonda. Long-time viewer, first-time caller.

What's on your mind, sweetheart?

I just started dating this amazing woman, who I've had a crush on for, like, ever.

And we made out a few times, and it's been incredible.

Oh, so what's the problem?

Well, she wants to cook me dinner this Saturday when her mom's out of town, and we'll have the place to ourselves, and I'm just worried that she'll wanna have, you know, sex.

Oh, worried because your penis is small.

What? No!

Oh, Rhonda.

I don't think so.

Worried because I don't have a lot of, well, experience.

Oh, are you a virgin?

No, but...

I haven't been with a ton of women, just, like, a few.


Or I guess technically one and a half.

Anyway, I'm just afraid that I'll disappoint her.

I'm not really much of an athlete.

Okay, slow push on Rhonda.

I wanna hear this.

It's called performance anxiety, and it is very common in young men.

But you have nothing to worry about.

If this girl is a good person, who is worthy of your love, she'll be patient with you.

Good advice, good advice. Okay, three-shot now.

Okay, Rhonda.

Uh, thanks.


Rhonda: All right, next up is Linda from Teaneck.


Oh, my heartfelt congratulations.

Twenty-five years with this beauty.


Such nachas.


Thank you, Herb.

You're the best.

And Fay, my condolences.

(both laugh)





Think maybe you should slow down a little bit?

I'm having fun.



(chuckles, kisses)

Herb, what do you hear?

Do I have anything to worry about with this upcoming election?

It's hard to say.

But if I were you, I would clear up this trial business.

The sooner, the better.


I'm trying.

What kind of rubbers do you like?

My birthday isn't until April.

Ha-ha, very funny. Come on, be serious.

I don't know. Anything. Trojans. Why?

'Cause I'm meeting Misty when I get off work tonight.

Tonight's the night?

Yep. I've been watching a ton of porn to prepare, boning up on positions and stuff.

Sorry, bad choice of verbs.

Man: Another, please.

You know what I mean. Anyways, it's kind of intimidating, porn.

All these dudes are super-fit and have giant dicks.

Mine's average at best, like a B, B-plus.

Just chill. Don't overthink it.

That's not easy, given that I've been thinking about being with Misty pretty much non-stop since sophomore year in high school.


Hey. You made it.


My cab broke down on the GW Bridge.

Did you say hi to your folks yet?

I am gonna need a drink first.

French martini?

French people don't drink martinis.

They will mine. I invented it.

Let me make you one.

All right.

Hey, I'm sorry about the other night.

I was in a weird mood.

It's okay.

Did you end up staying late?

Not there. Bunch of us went back to my place, including that friend of Zan's that teaches life drawing at the New School.

She offered to critique my work.

What did she think?

She was pretty harsh.

Brutal, actually.

I'm sorry.

Whatever. What about you?

What did you do?

Oh, nothing.

You know, got some food, went to bed.

Nice, right?

Not bad.

Not bad?



Well, here I go.

Happy anniversary.



Thank you for coming. It means a lot.

Where's Mom?

She over with the Sanders.

Is that a new dress?

Well, I got in Paris, so...

It's gorgeous.


How's work?


And the trial?

We had a good week.

The lawyers are optimistic.

That's good.




So... how was work?

No one drowned. You?

Pretty good. Made some decent tips.


Okay, I know I said I'd cook you dinner, but the truth of the matter is...

I'm kind of a disaster in the kitchen.

That's great!

'Cause I was thinking we could actually go out instead.

Oh, yeah. Okay. Um...

Stupid door has a mind of its own.

Wouldn't you rather go back to my ma's place and order in?

I'd really like to take you out somewhere nice, you know, something romantic with waitresses and shit.


Yeah? Cool.

Mr. and Mrs. Getty, please allow me to congratulate you on this most momentous occasion.


Thank you.

Mmm. Ahh.


(clears throat)

How's your little girlfriend, the merry widow?

Oh, so you've heard?

Yes, we endeavored to keep it discreet, but I suppose it was inevitable that people would hear about our affair.

I don't know what I ever did to her, but she is busting my balls on this election recall thing.

To tap that prick Feinberg to run against me?

That was a low f*cking blow.

She's a spirited woman. Passionate. Resolute.

See, I think you get a little confused sometimes as to who your real friends are.


If memory serves, I was the one who recruited you here.

I hired you away from Wendy Bush.

I gave you your first f*ckin' job as a head pro.

That was me.

And I will forever be grateful for that.

No, what you should be grateful for is, I didn't tell the feds that you bought Galexis stock off of my tip, and I could have.

Still can.



What was that about?

Ah, nothing.

He's a big idiot.

I should fire him and make your boyfriend the head pro.

Although, you know what, David's developing quite an interest in finance.

(scoffs) Since when?

We've talked about it several times over lunch.

(door opens)

Oof. Wow. I liked you before, but now that I've seen what you can do to all-you-can-eat shrimp...

Felt like a dare. You grossed out?

Totally the opposite.

Like, if here wasn't a 72-hour waiting period, I'd marry you tonight.

So, uh, feel like picking up some ice cream and eating it back at my place?

Sure. Yeah, yeah.

Or we could go catch a movie.

A movie?

Have you seen Aliens? I hear its awesome.

My darling. Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes.

You look ravishing as always.

Oh, you're sweet.

I'm glad I caught you.

I was hoping that we could talk.

Me, too.

I've got a bit of a surprise for you.

Now, I know you said you wanted to take it easy this weekend, but I cannot allow such an important milestone to pass without celebrating.


It was exactly one month ago that we had our first date.

One month since you rescued me from a life of solitude and meaningless sex, and showed me that passion is not merely reserved for the tenants of Knott's Landing.


So to the mark the occasion, I've booked a room in a romantic little B&B I know upstate, where we will enjoy a three-star meal, Champagne breakfast, and a hot air balloon ride.

Oh, Nasser, you are such a dear, sweet man.

Well... (chuckles)

That's what makes this so difficult.

Oh, no, they're actually quite safe.

They almost never crash or burst into flames.

I did my research.

I've met someone.

Excuse me?

Actually, that's not true.

We've known each other for many years.

He is an old and dear family friend, and we only recently realized that our feelings for each other go deeper than just friendship.

I'm sorry. Who is this?

Rabbi Ken.

The mohel?

I'm so sorry.


Here you are.

Your parents happy you came?


Of course, they want me to stay the weekend.


Except I can't.


Why didn't you tell me you've been having lunches with my father?

I didn't think it was worth mentioning.

"Not worth mentioning." (chuckles)

It's no big deal. Honest.

You said yourself you wanted us to get to know each other better.

That's how he knew where I work.

You told him.

No, I may have. I don't remember...

No, Zan said he came in the other day looking for me.

And when I wasn't there, he tipped her $20 not to mention he dropped by.

Well, he's your father. He has a right to know where you work.

Why are you defending him?



Let go of me!

Sweetheart, you're drunk!

I'm having fun!

Lower your voice! Lower your voice!

Give me that. Give me that.


Oh, Christ.

(Fay laughing)

Fay, are you okay?


I need a refill.

Get out of there.

The water's really nice.

Do not make a scene!

This is a scene? Getting cuffed by the feds, that's a scene!

This is a f*cking party!

Do something, please.

Like what?

Hey, pull your car around back to staff parking.

I'll meet you there in five minutes.

Okay, okay.

Come here, Mrs. Getty.

I'm liking you more and more.

He is a good boy.

I'm never gonna sleep again.

I know.

So good. Though I totally knew that Weyland Corporation dude was evil when he showed up in that tan camping vest.

All right, next time, I get to pick the movie.



Hey, so I should probably drop you off home, right?

Drop me off? What do you mean? Don't you want to hang out?

Oh, uh... yeah, I don't know, 'cause it's getting kind of late.

Okay. Wheeler, what's going on?

Huh? Nothing.

No, you've been acting weird all night.

It's like you're afraid to be alone with me or something.

What? No.


I thought the plan was for us to go to my ma's house, have a romantic night, you know?

Just the two of us.

I just felt more like seeing a movie and...

(sighs) f*ck.



What's wrong? You can tell me.

Just this thing I've wished for so long is finally happening, and I don't wanna screw it up.

How would you screw it up?

Disappointing you.


You won't.

Now take me home.

(engine starts)

Thanks for the dry clothes.

Hey, look at that. Almost fits.

Here, get that in you.

Oh, no, thanks.

So you don't get pneumonia.

Is Mrs. Getty okay?


Skye's putting her to bed.

She's gonna have a heck of a hangover in the morning.

Listen, I really appreciate what you did for us tonight.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Those look really good on you.

You think?


I got a couple of suits I don't wear.

You can have them if you want.

Armani. I got a pinstripe, double-breasted.

Oh, thanks. I mean, I don't really wear suits a lot.

Yeah, but you might.

You know, you can't play tennis forever, unless you want to end up like Nash.

And I've been thinking, actually, uh... if you're interested, 'cause I think you're ready, I could set you up with an entry-level position on my trading desk this fall.


Yeah, you think about it.

Think about what?

Coming to work for me at Getty Capital.

Good luck.

Excuse me.

(engine stops)

Crap. Brad's here.

But I thought you said we had the place to ourselves.

No, I know. I guess they came home early.



What do we do now?

I didn't give up living in Paris just to come back to Jersey and date a stock broker.

I didn't say I was taking the job.

Well, you didn't say you wouldn't.

Well, he just asked.

How much time do you need to think about it?

It would have been disrespectful to turn him down too fast.

But you are going to turn him down, right?



Look, I'd be an idiot to not at least consider it.

There must be a thousand other guys out there who would k*ll for a job on Wall Street.

But you're not like a thousand other guys.

And I thought you were an artist.

You know, I wish you'd stop calling me that.


It's what Zan calls herself.


What's that supposed to mean?

Well, She's pretentious as shit.

Well, she says that you're bridge and tunnel, so...

Why are we talking about Zan?

I just don't understand why you're giving up on something that you said you wanted.

No, I'm not giving up.

I'm just being realistic.

That's your answer for everything.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

And it's not even true. It's just an excuse.

You're just scared.

Of what?

Of everything. Of everything. Of taking a risk, of becoming a filmmaker.

Instead, you're wasting your time coaching tennis and filming brises.

It's called making a living, okay?

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Excuse me! I worked a double last night!

Oh, give me a break!

We both know it's not tips paying your rent or your nice clothes or your taxis to the city.

It's your daddy's credit card.

(door slams)

(door slams)

(birds twittering)

("Emotion In Motion" by Ric Ocasek)

Good morning.

♪ I would do anything ♪
♪ To hold on to you ♪
♪ That's just about anything ♪
♪ Until you pull through ♪
♪ I'll hold on to you ♪
♪ Till the stars no longer wink ♪
♪ I'll hold on to you ♪
♪ Till you figure out ♪
♪ Just what to think 'cause ♪
♪ You're emotion in motion ♪
♪ My magical potion ♪
♪ You're emotion in motion ♪
♪ To me ♪
♪ I would go anywhere ♪
♪ To meet up with you ♪
♪ That's just about anywhere ♪
♪ For one rendezvous ♪
♪ I'd hold on to you ♪