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Posted: 11/14/16 04:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

This is a nightmare.

You wake up from nightmares.

Do I belong here?

I was the one who recruited you here.

I believe you may be special.

What if I talked to Miranda about you going undercover?

I don't want to be that monster.

You're not.

Do you think we'd do better if it was just one of us here?

Do you?

Harry, once and for all, I'm not gay.

No! No! [Panting]


But the next time I see you, I will k*ll you.

[Alarm blaring]

You got to be pragmatic about how you save the most people with minimal casualties.

And over 1,600 people got out.

Man: What about the millions in New York City who are facing the possible threat of some kind of biological w*apon?

[Alarm blaring]


[Sat phone ringing]


[Screams] God!

[Ringing continues]



[Bone cracks]

[Breathing heavily]

[Door opens]

Getting hard to breathe in here?

[Chuckles] I'm not letting air in.

I'm getting me out.

Well, what's the hurry, Jane?

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not get enough?

Well, it's not that I don't like seeing you in my car, or the motel, or the alley, but...

You inviting me back to your place?

We talked about that. You know I can't.

Then I guess there's nothing left to discuss.

See you later.


[Insects chirping]

You ran here? It's eight miles.

Yeah, I just needed some alone time.

You're buttoned all weird.

Ryan: So, what exactly do you want me to do?

Wait, are we late?

No. We're actually early.

We were just going through some operational details relevant to Ryan's mission.

Ryan's mission?

All right, since we're all here, let's get to the heart of it, shall we?

Our expectation has been that the AIC would move with precision and economy when choosing its players, but after six weeks, we're no further along than we were when we first started, and we have no leads.

You're a third of the way through your training, and not only have you failed to get tapped, you more than likely missed who did get tapped right in front of you.

Our only choice now is to reach the source.

Owen Hall?

If you think the AIC's impenetrable, he's Fort Knox.

Then you have to break in.

A gift from Langley, and a private contractor The Farm hired to freshen up the houses last year.

A false wall.

In a private home on a government military reservation in the most secure neighborhood in the country.

Miranda: Whatever's behind that wall is very important to Owen.

And you have to find out what it is.

Well, there might be a way through Lydia.

Owen's opening up to me.

I could use it.

But you just said he's Fort Knox.

And you said go straight to the source.

That's what Alex is proposing.

All right.

Nimah, Ryan.

Alex, I don't just want results this time.

I need results.

You got it.

[Door closes]

An operations meeting, and we're on the outside?

Don't read too much into it.

I'd be blind not to.

No one said anything to me.


I'll talk with Miranda about it.

Right now, you just need to focus on getting into Owen's house.

I know that you're the best agent for this mission.

Remind them.

[Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" playing]


Harry: No, you're half an inch off.

Oh, the hell it is! Look.

Okay, new game.

You have to hit it dead center, and every time you don't, you have to answer a highly personal, deeply embarrassing question.

Preferably both.



No? Well, let's just mainline pints and play 1 to 20 like total wankers, then.

Huh? Come on.

The SAS says "Who dares wins," so who dares?

I want to win.

So impressed with you right now.

Aww, thanks, Harry.



Why don't you ever talk about where you're from?

I was born outside Harare.

But I don't consider that a part of my life.

I was adopted when I was 9.

And your birth family... Where are they?

No idea.




Of course the fancy lawyer's good at darts.

No one gets dirty playing darts.

[Chuckles] Funny.



Ah, if only you were getting more sleep in your own bed lately.

[Group murmurs]

León: Is that your question?

Because the answer is yes, I made a friend.

You jealous?

[Group groans]

Harry: Parrish!

[Scattered laughter]

[Laughs] Go, Alex!


Alex, Alex!




At any point in your prior service, were there any, uh, Booth-on-Parrish extracurriculars at the FBI?

Absolutely not.

Oh, come on, Alex.

Truthful answers, remember?

You know what?

Even if it did, I guess it just wasn't that memorable.




[Indistinct cheering]

I was hoping you'd be bad at this.

An audience with the Pope... Who could resist that?

The Pope?

Yeah, the Pope.

Oh, Harry.

Your friend who died... What was his name?

Well, you're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that, mate.

You know who I'm talking about.

Ryan: Mm. All right.

Well, I'm gonna grab another drink. Who wants one?



Is he someone we can even, uh, verify having existed?

Well, there goes our fun-spirited, team-building game.

Yeah, his name was Elliot.

What'd he do for a living?

Uh, he didn't.

Did you love him?


Yeah, of course.

He love you back?


There's my answer.

How'd he do it?

You said it was messy.

Oh, maybe a g*n?


Or was he a jumper?

Easy, Sebastian.

I get to ask the questions, don't I?

Yeah, but you're not asking, are you, Sebastian?

You're pushing.

Hey, cool it. El jefe's here.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, don't let my need for a burger disrupt your fun.

Well, if you want to join us for a few drinks, Harry's managed to turn darts into an elicitation exercise.

Nothing to elicit out of me.

See you tomorrow, Booth.

[Door opens]

I said I'd take Owen.

I know. I was just here.

And I was just there.

You could've waited for me.


Or is there something I missed in this meeting that started without me?

Don't be paranoid, okay?

Then leave Owen to me.

Both of us showing an interest in him, he's gonna notice.

And if he notices...

Owen: You said you wanted to elicit something from me.


Just to join our game.

What were you wanting from me?

I saw you at the bar.

I thought you might want to join us.

No, no.

That's exactly what you've said every time I asked.

See, someone telling the truth is gonna vary their responses, but a liar is gonna feed you the same line over and over because they're hiding something.

So tell me one more time, Booth, what were you after?

All right, good. Right there.

See that?

One light, one chair, three minutes.

What did Ryan give up?

Physical information... His stressors.

Tactical information... What he was and wasn't saying.

But sometimes you need to go further...

Much further.

Enhanced interrogation techniques will also be used on you if you're ever caught, so today we're going to teach you how to survive, evade, and resist them.

These techniques are designed to push you to the physical, mental, and emotional brink, because that's where you will often find the truth.

And when it comes to gaining critical intelligence, there's no such thing as going too far.

[Breathing heavily]


[Cellphone vibrating]

[Sat phone beeps]


[Cellphone beeps]


Shelby, it's Alex.

Oh, thank God you're alive.

Where are you?

I don't have much time, okay?

The t*rrorists have been communicating with someone from the outside.

If you find out who, you can stop this.

Run this number... 626-555...



[Sat phone dies]





♪ ♪

[Door closes]

Who are you?

Look, they... they keep asking me about drives.

They say you have them.

Hey, can you hear me?

Are... are you okay? Did they hurt you?

What's your name?


Where you from, Mike?

P-Pensacola originally.

I-I'm an attaché for a global-development fund based in D.C.

And how long have you been doing that?

Why are you asking me these questions?

Because I don't believe a word of what you're saying.

Why would I lie?!

'Cause you're one of them.

You're trying to manipulate me, appeal to my empathy.

I'm just doing what they asked.

They said they'd k*ll me if...

That right there... That's called tradecraft.

You're getting nothing out of me.

Now you tell me, Mike.

Am I telling you the truth?

♪ ♪

Finding an opening for anything other than the physical has been difficult.

Of course.

You're meeting him in cars, bars, and motels.

You made yourself slightly more dimensional than an online profile.

It's not like I can take him back to my apartment.

Which is why you have to develop a cover if you're going to get any usable information from him.

I have a cover.

You have a name, not a life.

You need an apartment he can go to, friends he can meet, trust he can establish so when he does start to talk, he feels safe.

So I am supposed to create and cultivate a parallel life and run Alex?

Miranda already thinks we've fallen behind.

Not if I suggest to her that your work with León becomes an official part of the operation.

Well, I couldn't be Alex's handler, then.

I'd be in the game.

Hey, I know that she is struggling, but it's my job to get her through the mission.

But you have a real connection with the one CIA recruit who is an actual ex-felon.

Don't you think that's what the AIC would be looking for?

Next time he contacts you, if you engage with him, it means you're all in.

No more Shelby Wyatt.

You become Jane Foster, and I become your handler.

Otherwise, do not respond to him.

If you keep up the bars, motels, and cars, I'm gonna have to report you for interfering with the investigation.

I care about Alex.

You know that I do.

You're just one step closer than her, and you're our better bet.

The human will to resist is the most durable and complicated safe you could ever want to crack.

Just as world-class bank robbers use drills, torches, and even dynamite when necessary, enhanced interrogation techniques can be your tool to break the truth out of someone, or have them broken out of you.

Lydia: We will take you to the brink to see whether or not you'll give up your secrets, your country, or yourself.

Owen: This is no mere brutality.

At one time, this agency's no-holds-barred approach took this country down a very dark road to waterboarding, physical t*rture, and human-rights violations.

But there's still room to play the edge and win...

Which is what we'll learn today.

If you can handle it.

Owen: Loud music played for hours can disorient a subject and create a sense of hopelessness that'll make a subject more likely to talk.

You think this is t*rture?

Eh, clearly you haven't been to a Coldplay concert.


♪ ♪

Sensory deprivation.

The feeling of being cut off from one's self can instill a sense of fear in a subject.

It can drive them to break.

Did they teach you this type of thing at Quantico?


I only got to experience it in the real world.

Extreme temperatures can push someone to the brink, then past it.

Forced stress positions can cause as much mental pain as they do physical pain.

I bet you wish you'd gotten the music, huh?

I'm fine.

And endurance exercises can unravel even the strongest psyche.


I knew you'd rise to the occasion.

The pain will fade.

You know what'll help it fade quicker?

Is that 18-year-old Talisker I saw in your liquor cabinet.

You know I do live next door, right?


I might have taken a shine to you as a recruit here, but I'm... I'm sorry if I let you believe it was anything more than that.

Now you have just an inkling of what it is to hit your own breaking points.

Keep that in mind when you use the same techniques on a live subject tomorrow.

I'm offering you a chance to try to break the toughest person on The Farm.


Can you get my secret...

The alias I cultivated while operational, a name which leads to where the agency buried some of its bodies when I held the shovel.

Or, at least my alias did.

Enticing enough for you?

This scenario does not end until you break me.

You don't get my alias, you don't get off The Farm.

I don't care how long it takes.

There's no around, only through.



I have a daughter.

Lucy. She's 9 years old.

They just want to know about the drives.

Please don't let me die in here.

Don't let me miss the rest of my daughter's life.

Please, you have to believe me.

I can't help you.

But you believe me?

You do. You should. I'm not one of them.

[Door opens]

I talked to her like you asked.

She doesn't know anything.

[Door closes]

Oh, my God.

No, no, please.

I-I-I tried.

It's not my fault!

That's not gonna work.

Tell them what they want to know!


Mike... Mike, look at me.

Look at me!

I'm right here, okay?

They're doing this just to scare us, okay?

They may hurt us, but they're never gonna k*ll us, because this is all just...


Where are the drives?

[Grunts] Get your hands off me!

Start talking...

[Door closes]

...or we'll take our time with this one.




Everyone's moving at breakneck speed.

I'd like to know what they're chasing.

Wyatt got a phone call from inside the crisis...

Alex Parrish.

She says the t*rrorists are communicating with someone on the outside.

That's incredible. Do they know who?

Alex only got 6 digits out in a string of 10.

We're cracking 10,000 possible variations and checking which ones have been used since the crisis began.

We'll find it and the bastard who owns it.

♪ ♪

[Heavy-metal music playing through speakers]

Feel free to go in when you want.

In any configuration you want.

I'm just here to make sure you don't get hurt.

How do we start?

Ryan: Wait him out.

He's been up all night.

We've deprived him of food and water and sleep, and we turned it up to 90 degrees.

Softening him up.

Harry: 15 hours is long enough to stew.

He seems like a rational actor.

Let's see if we can get him to act rationally.

I'll go first.

[Music continues]

[Door opens]

[Beep, music stops]

[Exhales] It's balmy in here.

Do you want some water?

Little toilet break?

[Light switch clicks]

Look, Owen, I really have no idea why you're doing this, other than to prove you're a badass, but there is a fairly logical chain of events liable to happen.

Why don't you tell me what it is?

Okay, well, your own physiology will let you down, because you've been in here for what, 15 hours, and 9 more hours awake, and you will start answering questions like you've got a 0.1 blood-alcohol level.

12 more after that, and you'll lose emotional control and memory retention simply because the lights are on.

Your hormonal and chemical imbalances, due to sleep deprivation, will work to our benefit, and all of that before you start blacking out at hour 36.

Not good.

But, you know, could just skip the nonsense.

Head straight to quid pro quo and all head home for a nice, long snooze.


Come on, mate.

We've got a stick.

I'm offering you the carrot.

Making an offer only works when the subject is beaten down enough to grasp it.


[Music resumes]

You wasted your shot.

Told you we should've waited longer.

Owen's not gonna fold because he's a little hungry and tired.

Owen said this scenario's about enhanced interrogation.

That's what we should be using.

Alex: Yeah, but he also said that the agency's policy on t*rture took this country down a dark path.

There's a reason they stopped it.

Who's to say that torturing him will gain us anything?

I mean, if we put him in enough pain, he might just lie to get out of it.

Look, let's just wait him out, okay?

Another 12 hours.

Let's break his spirit, not him.

Ryan: He'll wait us out before we can even bend him.

I say we fight fire with fire.

I say we try every tactic on him that he tried on us.

No more, no less.

♪ ♪

[Owen sighs]


I could use a shower.

♪ ♪
[Water flowing]

[Fabric ripping]

[Keys rattle softly]

Give us the alias, Owen.


Someone get the door!

I got him! I got him!


León: We need to make sure he can't move the tub again.

Put a rock in it.

It'll weigh it down.


[Water bubbling]

[Gasps, exhales]

That's it?

Come on.

[Water bubbling]

Oh, no. We shouldn't be doing this.

You know, we shouldn't be doing this.

They're operating within the parameters.


[Breathing heavily]

How'd you learn to do that?

You done this before?

[Water splashes]

[Gasps, groans]

Who was he?

An interrogation tool.

What do they want?

Something important enough to t*rture and k*ll for.

Which means we have to keep them from getting it.

Last chance to talk.

Be strong.

You, too.

♪ ♪

I'm presenting a breach plan to the Joint Chiefs.

I know you don't agree.

I have to follow my instincts, Miranda.

I hope you won't hold it against me.

What happened to not bringing our personal life into work?

I'm so glad I get to know you.

I want to celebrate that.

[Bird calling]

Nothing's working. We need to go harder.

There are some things we can do with a little imagination that are still inside the lines.

v*olence isn't the answer. It's the expectation.

We need to surprise him with something different.

Harry: Alex is right.

We need to figure out something he doesn't see coming.

I'm surprised somebody who gets off on pushing people's buttons suddenly hit his limit.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Are Catholics okay now with physical cruelty?

Or is that just in the afterlife?

The wonderful fiery eternity waiting for me.

He gave us his consent.

He gave us permission.

Dayana: It's still t*rture, whether or not the person consents.

This isn't a debate, this is a test, and us standing around here arguing instead of acting is us failing.


I'm gonna go to Owen's while they're distracted.

Lydia and Owen are both here, which means the house is empty.

You want to know if I'm capable of going far enough?

Well, this is my chance.


You want your shot at your first live op?

We need to break his spirit.

He's a proud man.

His daughter's watching.

If we can humiliate him, make him feel shame, that's a means of control.


There goes that wonderful Catholic upbringing, right there.

All right, enough!

I'm going outside.

[Footsteps depart, door opens]

[Door closes]

You keep checking up on me today.

Do I seem like I need it?

Do you want me to lie?

Did you really leave Harare when you were 10?

Why would I lie about that?

Look, Dayana, I'm an ex-FBI agent.

I know, for instance, that most immigrants have to stay past puberty in their native countries in order to keep their accents as adults.

I don't think you left at 10. I think you stayed longer.

I think you grew up under Mugabe.

Maybe I did.

Well, that would mean that you and your family most likely saw t*rture, or were tortured.

Or were the torturers.

Is that what you're getting at?

My childhood was complicated.

My time in America was not, and I have worked very hard to forget the complications.

And this?

This is... is dredging them all up.

It's only week seven.

What's gonna happen week 10, week 15?

What are they turning us into?

You can do bad things and not lose who you are.

None of us are ever the worst things we've done.

You've never done the things I've done.

[Breathing shakily]

Is this part of the attempt to humiliate me?

[Thermometer beeps]

I need to check you haven't gone hypothermic.

[Thermometer beeps]

You're not as young as you were in the field.

I can still take it.

I've played along in front of the recruits, but are you really gonna give up your alias?

I'm taking something from them, even if they don't realize it.

If I don't give them something real in return, then they'll never trust me or the agency.


Besides, it's not like I'm gonna use it again.

Unless you've had a change of heart and you want to tell me who benched me.

And now you're using your pain as an advantage.

There are always wheels within wheels, aren't there?


I respect your choices, but I don't have to give up.

I'm going home.

Getting you a change of clothes.


I know you think I don't care, but I do.

Even if I'm not always sure I should.

♪ ♪

[Keys rattle]


[Door opens]


[Sighs] Alex, are you up here?

What are you doing?

[Cellphone vibrating]

Alex, you're about to have a visitor.

Yeah, no, it's not me. It's down...


Look, don't... don't worry. I'll sort it.

Uh, Lydia?


Can we, uh, please talk rationally outside the class before it turns into Abu Ghraib?

I don't have time for this right now, Harry.

Uh, oh, okay, then.

I'll talk to you later.

[Door opens]



[Door closes]

Now, you will be telling me later what you were doing just now.

After what I just found, your help will be invaluable.

León: I can't believe that didn't work.

He wants us to escalate. No more wasting time.

Look, there are many other non-violent methods we can use.

Woman: We've tried everything.

No, that's not true, not true.

How about a few milligrams of sodium thiopental and a nice, clean needle?

You want to drug him?

Yeah, it won't hurt him, shame him, or t*rture him.

Yeah, that's right. It's just a light hangover and an alias later, and then we can all go home with our consciences intact.

Sebastian: Oh, that's coming from you?

A guy who'd sell my kidney on the black market if it gave him half off a pint at the Gold Leaf?

What has happened to you?

You've turned into Sun Tzu all of a sudden.

Or do you just want everyone to think that you are so nobody sees you like I do?

They see me. You don't.

But I see you.

Always joking, laughing, moving around as fast as you can so nobody sees how alone you are.

How alone I am? Where are you seeing this exactly, Sebastian?

From the crack in your closet door?

Okay, Harry, this is not the time.

No, no.

'Cause you know what I'm seeing is your eyes lingering on me whenever I come back from the shower, or how you're suddenly praying whenever I start undressing for bed, and once I'm in bed, you're studying the sheets for any tiny movement in the hope of catching...



Hey! Stop!

[All clamoring]

Come on!

You got to stop this before something horrible happens!

This is what happens.

I can't intervene unless you actually do something wrong.

Look, this won't end until he breaks!

Sebastian: Then let's break him.

León: Finally.

We have to go further than they taught us.

We are CIA operatives.

You think that when we're out there, they're just gonna put our feet in ice water?


You really want to end this?

Hurt someone they care about.

Get off me.

This is not part of the scenario!

Yes, it is. It's the end.

[Door opens]

[Door hinges creak]

[Sighs] You got to pull the exercise now.

You don't know what it's turned into out there.

They are gonna take this farther than you can handle.

What exactly do you think being an operative is?

This is it.

They're gonna do what they have to do until I talk.

That's the way... Just go.

This is not what this agency is about.

This is about what's outside this agency, what's waiting for all of you, and it's painful.

And then, while this is painful for me... that pain is a minute.


Your pain is the long haul, because now you know what it feels like to truly hurt someone.

See, for the sociopath who has no empathy, t*rture is easy, but for the best operatives, when it's them under the water, under the rack, the rope, the knife... they'll remember somewhere inside that their torturer is a person who feels the same guilt, shame, and discomfort that they do.

There are no two sides to this.

Everyone goes through it to know how to use it.

No one gets away with it.

[Door opens]

I tried to tell you.


[Lydia grunts]

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?

What are you doing?!

Ryan, this is wrong.

[Breathing heavily]

Give up your alias.

Ryan: Last chance.

You're supposed to be torturing me.

We are.

[Lydia straining]

No. Guys, if you...

Don't listen to him.

It's almost over.

[Screams ]



[Muffled shouting]

Let him see her.



[Muffled shouting]




Jim Dowd!


It was Jim Dowd.


Congratulations. You won.


Alex: Congratulations. You tortured someone.

You know what I did? I did my job.

If Miranda's wrong and Owen and the AIC haven't tapped any recruits yet, who do you think he's gonna be looking for, hmm?

Someone who can go too far or someone who doesn't go far enough?

Well, I know what I'm capable of.

What worries me is what this experience is doing to you.

Oh, don't worry about me.

I'm the man I've always been...

Or is that what you're worried about?

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Feel good?

[Bottle fizzes]

Like you proved something to me today?

Because you didn't.

What'll it take to get you off my back?

I'm not on your back, mate.

You know what I think?

I think you're a man who's used to getting what he wants.

And you want me.

And it drives you crazy that you can't have me.

Well, do you know what I think?

I think you're a person who's never been allowed to get what he wants.

And I think it was okay for you to t*rture someone else today because you t*rture yourself every day to not be who you are.

It pours off you, Sebastian, but I'll tell you something.

You can love God and yourself.

They're not exclusive.



I'd have expected some tier-two desk analyst to break like that, but you...

They were drowning you.

It's hardly the worst thing that's ever happened to me, and you know it.

All this time, you questioned if I cared about you.

Thought I put my job above you.

And here you are, with proof I'd give up anything for you.

Vulnerability is liability.

Remember who taught me that?

And now here you are, the softest of targets, begging me to give you names in some perceived conspiracy that you got benched.

If that were me in there, and you were being waterboarded, I'd have let you drown before I gave up anything.

That's what it means to be an operative.

I was worried before today that you were too vulnerable to be active again, and now... now I'm worried you shouldn't even be an instructor here.

If you break that easy, what are you teaching your recruits?

Where are the drives?

This ends with me standing over your dead body.

[Dayana moans]


No, no, no.



No! No! No!


Stop! Stop!

Here, no walking.

Here, a bag instead of a bathroom.

Here, a machine breathes for her.

Here, no movement at all.



Stop! No! I'll give you the drives!

I'll give you the drives!

I don't have them, but I know who does.

Her name is Lydia Hall.

She's a CIA operative.

I was with her when she took them.

She's still here.

She has her cellphone.

If you turn off the jamming signal for even a second, you can trace her.

Just... just please stop.

All this needless pain. For what?


Everyone breaks, even you.


[Door closes]

I have to be with the Joint Chiefs... when they pass the reins to Claire Haas.

Miranda: I just want to take a moment, wish you good luck.

Whoa, what is going on?

This is the phone that the t*rrorists have been communicating with.


Are you a part of this?

Part of what?

Hands behind your back, sir.

That is not mine.

I had no idea how that got into my bag.

Don't say a word.

Not one word until you talk to a lawyer.

[Crowd murmuring]

You found a laptop and six phones, but took none of it?

I couldn't risk getting caught by Lydia.

I had to get out of there.

You could've taken a phone or a photo, or... or memorized call logs.

I can still get them, Shelby.

What if they're not there when you go back?

Do you think I'm not cut out for this?

I just wish you'd taken the risk.

Well, I didn't.

And I don't think you would have under the circumstances, either.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I'm just frustrated, that's all.

[Sighing] It's okay.


Let me talk to Miranda, and we'll figure out a new plan.

Yes, thank you.

[Door opens]

They're here.

[Fleetwood Mac's "Gold Dust Woman" playing]

♪ Rock on, gold-dust woman ♪

You coming?

♪ Dig your grave ♪

[Kettle whistling]


♪ Heartless challenge ♪
♪ Pick your path, and I'll pray ♪

[Water running]

♪ Wake up in the morning ♪
♪ See your sunrise loves ♪

[Sighs] Are you ready?

♪ To go down ♪

[Cellphone chimes]

♪ Lousy lovers ♪


♪ But they never cry out loud ♪

Let's make your cover.

[Keyboard clacks]

♪ Cry out ♪

[Cellphone vibrating]

♪ Well, did she make you cry ♪
♪ Make you break down ♪
♪ Shatter your illusions of love ♪
♪ And is it over now? ♪
♪ Do you know how? ♪
♪ Pick up the pieces and go home ♪


♪ Rock on, ancient queen ♪


You really like the burgers here, huh?

I also like the liquor cabinet better than mine.

And after a day like this...


I'm sorry.

Took a very principled stance today.

I like to think I'd have done the same thing if I were in your shoes.

What do you mean, "if"?

Well, every class since 9/11 has had to take this challenge.

All I've done is teach them.

Man: Here you go.


Now, there was a time when the CIA didn't operate like this.

People respected how smart the enemy was.

I'm not gonna lie to you. I miss that time.

And there's so many better ways to break someone.

If you can be smarter, you can run circles around brute force every single time.

Have you had the burger here?

No, but I'd like to.

All right.

I'll make a quick call to Lydia and tell her I won't be coming home.

♪ ♪

[Cellphone ringing]

[Car-door alarm chiming]


[Cellphone beeps]

Man: You've been selected.

Take this phone. Tell no one.

I understand.

♪ ♪

How long were you seeing him?

I saw you in here.

You know that expression, "love is blind"?

Love makes you blind.

I will say that again.

President Todd will invoke the 25th Amendment and hand over power to Vice President Claire Haas.

I hope she makes the right decision about how to end this.

Director Shaw, the drones monitoring the siege site, they got a signal... Lots of signals.

Every phone inside flashed on at once.

We're about to get a snapshot of who and where everyone is in that building.

Now, they've been 10 steps ahead of us this whole time.

What made them screw up?

I'm so sorry, Dayana.

I should have told them earlier.

Are you okay?

It's okay, it's okay.

I don't blame you.


Cut them loose.

What's going on?

It's called a rescue mission, love.

León faked a seizure. We overpowered the guards.

Word is you've been giving your best John McClane for the t*rrorists.

Figured you could use a Holly or three.

She needs medical attention.

If one of us goes without the others...

We still don't know who to trust.

Okay, there's... there's a bunker downstairs with medical supplies.

We go there, we stick together.

It's our best chance against these t*rrorists.

Who's in?

I am.

I'm in.

I'm in.

Good. 'Cause I'm tired of playing nice.

Let's go.

♪ ♪