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02x01 - Om du bare hadde holdt det du lovet

Posted: 03/05/16 19:12
by bunniefuu
I didn't think she was his type.

Neither did I.

When did they get together?

Last weekend.

Where was that?

Jonas said that she gave him a blowjob on the toilet.

Since when are you together after a blowjob?

You're not together after that.

They were already together in the 10th grade or something.


Who is this about?

Eva, why?

It's so sick that they got together.

[You look freaking hot in that shirt.]

One of the prettiest girls in Pepsi Max has a boyfriend.

They fall in the same category as the Penetrator-boys.

You guys! I have fantastic news.

Are you ready?

Say it.

Are you excited?

I have acquired "Brun og Blid" as a sponsor.

What did you say?

It's Norway's largest tanning salon chain.

I know what "Brun og Blid" is.

We will not be sponsored by them, no.

Why's that?

Because they contribute to the most speculative and sexist marketing in Norway.

Have you even seen their commercials?

It's a tanning salon... it's difficult to promote it without showing tanned bodies.

Noora, I worked really hard to get them to sponsor us. You're just being really ungrateful.

Can't you see how difficult it was to persuade them?

So you think we should promote "Brun og Blid"?

And contribute to a completely inhumane body pressure?

I don't feel too much of that body pressure.

I say we milk those sexist m*therf*ckers for every penny they have!

Okay.. Oh my god, f*cking cool. Go for it.

But then I'm not joining the bus anymore.

Huh? Are you kidding right now?

Noora, oh my god. Just because things don't go your way?

Now you're being really childish.

It's just because I refuse to contribute to that inhumane body pressure.

The logo is this small. Here.

I don't understand how that will contribute to body pressure.

Yeah well, whatever. I give up.

Should we go as a gå-russ then?

(= graduate not participating in the bus/van activities)

Vilde, it might come as a shock to you... but Russebuss is not important to me. I just wanted to get to know Eva and Sana.

Wow, thanks for that!

No! You too, Chris.

This discussion isn't over!


Did you eat my pasta?


Can you ask Eskild to turn down the music?





Can you lend me 200 Kroner until Monday?

Yeah, okay.



Do you need help?

No, never.


Hello. What's up?

Netflix. Just Netflix..

Do you have some food?

Yeah, of course.

I didn't have a chance to eat at home. Too much guy-on-guy BJ action.

No, what the f*ck? Your parents, or what?

I live in a shared apartment with roommates.

Ah, okay.

But I have actually seen my parents in BJ action.

No way! Seriously?

I would have been scarred for the rest of my life.

What did she reply?

"Come to my house and show me."

Are you kidding? She is stalling.

What should I answer, then?

Who is this?

A 00'er Jonas is involved with.

I haven't even kissed her.

But it's going to happen.

I never want to hook up with a 00'er!

Then why are you chatting with her?

Because she has a good body.

Okay so.. Jonas is flirting with a girl and you're helping him?

Eh.. yeah.

Wow! How is that working out for you?

We're friends, so it works out just fine.


What the f*ck? She sent boobs!

Are you kidding?

No, look!

Hey, you can't show that to us!

Why not?

Let me see! Screenshot it!

f*cking hell, they are really nice.

And she's a 00'er? I bet she took a screenshot from a magazine or something.

No, I don't think so. She got it to look like this with a good black and white filter.

I know the tricks. Shit! f*ck. They are really big!

One is a little higher up than the other.

Now it's your turn. I'm sorry.

Should I go and send stuff to people?

You should send loads of d*ck pics, of course.

I keep it real.

It's not hard to do this.

But it's hard to take screenshots?

Set it as your background!

What school does she go to?

We should talk about our sponsors.

Because everyone should feel like they have a say in the Russebuss.

We are very different girls. At the same time it's also important that we are strong and independent.

But we have to have money.

I suggest a Russebuss meeting on Friday.

Then everyone can talk properly about the image and the concept.

We'll drink wine and just enjoy ourselves.

It's been so long that it was just us.

For me, we don't really need to do this.

It's not important to me.

I have a party in Elvebakken on Friday, so..

With who?

With Jonas.

I promised I would go with him.

Come on! We're friends, okay?

Why is it so hard to understand that you can be friends with your ex?

When you're a couple, it's the same thing as being best friends. You just also have sex.

We ended the sex part. That doesn't mean we can't still be best friends.

Did you hear William beat up someone from Hansen this weekend?

Who was it?

A 98'er. He was properly destroyed.

He ended up in the emergency room.

Oh my god, so cool!

I think William is very sensitive.

He knows what it's like to lose someone.

I think he's a fuckboy.

What do you mean by losing someone?

His little sister.

He lost his little sister?

Yeah, didn't you know?

She's dead.

A dead little sister. It's so tragic.

When did this happen?

A long time ago.

Something like that really stays with someone.

[I like that you're sitting there looking at me.]

It's' so sad for him. I think that's why he's a fuckboy.

Because he knows what it's like to lose someone. He doesn't want to lose anyone again.

[I'm not looking at you.]

Because he knows what it's like to lose someone. He doesn't want to lose anyone again.

Because he knows what it's like to lose someone. He doesn't want to lose anyone again.

He's really a good guy. I noticed that during Christmas.

Right, Eva?


That he's a really good guy.

It seemed like he was really keen.

Why else would he say you were hot?

[You still owe me a date. Friday?]

I actually don't remember what he said to me.

[You still owe me a date. Friday?]

I actually don't remember what he said to me.

Do you?

Didn't he say something like.. "Vilde, I didn't mean what I said back then."

[Unfortunately, can't on Friday. Got something important.]

Didn't he say something like.. "Vilde, I didn't mean what I said back then."

Didn't he say something like.. "Vilde, I didn't mean what I said back then."

[What's that?]

Didn't he say something like.. "Vilde, I didn't mean what I said back then."

[What's that?]

Then he said: "Whoever gets you, is f*cking lucky."

[What's that?]

Then he said: "Whoever gets you, is f*cking lucky."

[Buss meeting. Russetiden preparation. Most important thing in the world.]

Then he said: "Whoever gets you, is f*cking lucky."

"Every guy that gets you is so f*cking lucky."

"Remember when I said you weren't good enough? That was bullshit."

"And every guy that gets you is f*cking lucky."

He's totally random though. He came up to Noora and..

Came up to Noora and then?


Vilde, it's never going to happen between me and William.

He's the most unsympathetic, selfish person I've ever met.

I would never touch him.

And you shouldn't either.

You don't know him like I do.

If you had just heard him at Chrismtas.

How long can we talk about Christmas? It's March!

Just because he came over and apologised, because he behaved like an assh*le... doesn't mean he's a good person.

And it doesn't mean he's keen on you.

I'm not the one who said he was keen on me. It was Eva who said that.

I just don't want you to get your hopes up and-

It's from William!

"Penetrator party on Friday. Bring your bus group and come."

Don't we have a bus meeting on Friday?

I thought that wasn't important to you.

I thought it was important to you to be strong and independent?

Yeah, but I can be strong and independent at the Penetrator party.

So we'll just drop all our plans, because a guy calls.

Can't we have a bus meeting first, and then go to the party afterwards?

That's exactly what we'll do.

"We're coming." Heart.. heart?

So then we'll have the bus meeting and the party, and then you can go to that party with your best friend.

[You lose.]


Do you still need money?

I need help with something.

500 Kroner.

200 Kroner.

200 Kroner?

400 Kroner.


350! Last offer.

350. Great.

You have to make a move on one of my friends.

Eh, yeah. Okay.

Don't you think I'm gonna set off some gaydars?

No, oh my god. No stress. She doesn't even know what gay is.

She's so naive.

Yeah great, okay. Whatever.

What do you want me to do?

I'm having a bus party here tomorrow, and you just walk in randomly.

Is there alcohol for me?

Sure! Just be home around 7, okay?

Do I have to make out with her?

No, no, no. Oh my god.

She just needs some attention. Just some compliments and stuff.

Because she's crazy obsessed with a guy who isn't interested in her.

So that's why I need you to help her forget him.

Okay. He'll be forgotten.


For 500 Kroner.

No! I said 350!

If I make out with her, we'll say 500 Kroner.

You don't need to make out with her!

For 390 I'll touch her boobs.

350! No making out and no boob touching.

Just a little attention.

350 and boob stroking.

No. 350 and a little attention.

If it goes well, I can touch her boobs a little.

Oh my god, what the f*ck?

It's nothing. Just to know how it feels!

.. with this here. I thought something like..

Up here it's classy, but here it's a little slutty.

Didn't the bottles break?

A white top is just stressful. If you spill something, it becomes transparent.


Ah you'd like that, don't you?

No Vilde! Take this. That one was super pretty. Now you have to stop.

I think I'm going to sleep with William tonight.

Don't forget a condom.

Are you going to sleep with Jonas tonight?

No, we're just friends.

[Where are you? Come home NOW!!]

So you guys haven't had sex after you broke up?

[Where are you? Come home NOW!!]

So you guys haven't had sex after you broke up?

No, I promise. Last time we had sex was when we broke up.

That's when you broke up?

I'm serious, you have to try that once.

f*ck. The best sex I ever had.

It was really amazing.

Shouldn't you be sad after you've broken up?

Well yeah, we were. But that was what made it so hot. So intense.


Are you sure it happened?

That it wasn't a dream or a flashback?

Hey guys, can I ask something?

Has anyone ever gone down on you?


Yeah! Someone went down on me in Gran Canaria last summer.

Are you kidding me? How was it?

It was f*cking nice.

I sat there and just..

Then it couldn't have been very..

I'm really scared William will try to go down on me.

Vilde, there's no Norwegian guy who will do it.

It's true, while we suck d*ck for dear life.

Snapchat from William! He's wondering when we're coming.

When are you gonna go to Jonas?

We were supposed to call. I can call him.

[That snapchat to Vilde was directed towards you.]

Can't we go in half an hour?

[You can't use Vilde this way.]

No, oh my god! Now we're going to talk about image, concept.

That's why we're here. Right?

Yes. What kind of concept would you like?

Jonas' phone is turned off or something.


There you are!

I'm having a bus party tonight.

It's nice that you're here. These are my friends. This is Eskild. He lives with me.

Yeah, hi. Eskild.

Hi. Vilde.

Eva, if you could..

I have some tomatoes..

I'll sit here. Hi.


But eh.. don't you have some wine?


Oh, Chabli! Hmm.

From 19.. eh 2010.

Okay. Cheers!


Noora, what should I do with the tomatoes?

You have really pretty eyes.

You think so?

You have a lot of eye make-up.

It was Eva who did that.

You shouldn't let her do it. She's not really good at it.

You're not a virgin, right?

No I'm not.

Can you see it?

I might be a little direct now..

I can see it from your breasts. Once you've had sex..

What's wrong with your phone? Why is it turned off?

Call me when you get this.

This wine is good.

Hello? Music?

I want to put on some music!

Which phone is it?

Let's dance!


It's Britney, bitch.

It's William!




It's William. He wants to talk to you.

Eh.. To me?

Yeah hello.

I can't stop using Vilde when you don't answer your phone.

What is it?

We wouldn't have been in this situation if you had kept your promise.

No. I don't have his number.

Whose? Maybe I have it.

You go on a date with me, and then I'll stop using Vilde.




Let me speak to Vilde.

He wants to talk to you.


What a shame.

Yeah, I understand.

Ok. Bye!

There's no Penetrator party.

Chris' parents came home.

Can't we come along to your Elvebakken party?

Jonas doesn't answer. He turned off his phone.

Can we at least dance and have a party?

Whose number did he want?

[Next Friday. 19.00h. I'll pick you up.]

Aren't you gay?