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02x10 - Jeg skal forklare alt

Posted: 05/21/16 20:58
by bunniefuu
Is William home?

Girls believe he's good deep down. That he's going to be better for them.

You're standing here. While he's out there somewhere sleeping with someone else.

[f*ck I lost my phone between the bus seats yesterday, and only found it today. I'm in Lillehammer but it's shit and I miss you so much. Can w My brother is a complete psychopath.


[Want to pop out to Bygdøy and take the first swim of the year? No, it's not too cold, come on. I'll make cocoa and pick you up in 30.]

[Don't you have Russ stuff today?]


[I just mean that you have to remember to have fun the last few days! You're only a Russ once in your life.]

[I want to be with you.]

[But I'm sick. I think I have a fever.]

[Okay. Do you need anything?]

[No thanks. I'm fine.]

I'm sleeping.

Ah good, you're awake!

What is it?

We've made breakfast in bed for you..

To show you that we love you and to apologise for always leeching off of you.

I'm not hungry.

Yeah but you can just a eat a little bit.

Eskild, I said I wasn't hungry!

I'm gonna lie down again.

What's wrong?

Is it William?

I just have the flu.

You know you don't have to face everything in the world on your own?

It's just a fever.

It'll pass.


I'll give you two days.

[Why do you never answer in the chat? You're coming to the 17th of May (Norway's Constitution Day) breakfast at my place tomorrow, right?

[I have to know what happened last Friday.]

[Noora! You were so quiet! Meet me. Then we'll drink beer and talk about it. My treat.]

[Ok. At a public café in one hour.]

[Public café? All cafés are public.]

Please don't hate me..

What are you doing here?

I'm trying to find out why you've locked yourself inside for three days.

I'm sick.

I'm sick.

Why don't you want to talk to me?

Because it's just.. there's just a few hours of your Russ time left.

You have to.. I want you to go out and celebrate and..

To have fun with your friends.

You don't have to waste your time on me.

What's this fuss about Russ time?

f*ck that.

It's not that important.

It's just once in your life that you're a Russ.

If you don't want to be with me..

Then you need to have the f*cking guts to say it.

I do want to be with you!

But I have to write an article..

Which I should have handed in yesterday.

I can't write it, because I can't think. Because I can't sleep!

Do you understand? It's just because my heart is jumping out of my chest.

No, but I can't breathe! It feels as if I'm going to die.

You're not gonna die.

I promise.

You're just anxious.

We just have to get you to relax a little, okay?

No, but I can't relax. Don't you see?

That article is really important.

I have to hand it in.

Noora, you don't have to do anything.

Don't look at me while I'm sleeping.

Good reply.

You slept for 15 hours.

How do you feel?

NOORA Okay, world's... person..

You should be at Eva's 17th of May breakfast in 30 minutes. I'll drive you.

I can't bear that now.

You're not better of lying here. You have to go out with your friends.

I found a dress for you.

I can't go in that one.

I wore it to a Christmas ball in eighth grade.

It's really ugly.


No, it's really nice.

Call me if something happens, okay?

You promise?

There's some stuff..

That I have to find out.

Before I can tell you.

Just tell me when you're ready.

Love you.

I love you too.

Happy Constitution Day!

Happy Constitution Day.

New dress?

Cheers again! Oh my god.

The 17th of May is my favorite day!

You start the day with alcohol, you end the day with alcohol.

You spend the entire day with alcohol.

How much ice cream do you eat during the 17th of May?

How much ice cream?

Ice cream or sausages.

I eat 15.


At least!

I'm not kidding. We have to eat ice cream.

Krone ice cream?

How many did you eat today?


You ate five ice creams?


The Russ parade is in like two hours.

I'll wave to many.

Oh! Oh!

Cheers to you.

Yeah, cheers to you!

Finish that glass.

Should I hand you some food?

No, thanks. I have a bit of a stomach ache today.

It's so nice that you could all come to my 17th of May breakfast today.

I love you all. You know that, that's not why I'm giving a speech.

I want to say, Noora..

f*cking hell, how clever you are.

I thought I should read your article.

As some kind of speech for today.

Youthful freedom and responsibility.

By Noora Amalie Saætre. 17 years old.

Norwegian youth spend more than four hours a day on social media, according to a study.

Some believe it's a waste of time, but I understand why we do it very well.

Society is straightforward on social media.

Where you can just log off, or block everything you don't like.

Today, we celebrate our constitution.

It says that everyone has equal rights, and that humas are born free and shall remain free.

Free to be on social media for four hours.

Free to get wasted and f*ck around.

Free to use 900.000 for a Russ bus.

Norway isn't the same country as it was when the Constitution was written.

Norwegian society is constantly developing.

Today, thousands of refugees are coming intoEurope in search of a place to live.

Those are people from a different culture than us.

People whose values we may disagree with.

Some are afraid they will thr*aten our Norwegian values.

It would have been best to have the Facebook function to just block them.

But that's not how it goes.

So, on this day when we celebrate our Constitution..

We shall remember what we celebrate.

If we believe in the values it is based on..

If we agree with the idea that all people should be free and have equal rights..

It's not our responsibility to fight to persevere the values for all people.

It's not there to open doors to strangers who want to thr*aten our values..

But it's there to not open the doors for them.

We live in a society because we need each other.

People need people.

It can be tiring to deal with others.. Especially the ones you disagree with.

Those who think differently from you.

Whether some are from another culture, or a girl who's a lame Facebook friend from elementary school.

In a peaceful society with equal rights, we have to manage to listen to, and try to understand each other.

Perhaps it's easier to understand if we focus on what we have in common, rather than the differences.

Look for what we agree with, instead of what we disagree with.

Maybe if we see the worst in others, it is exactly that what they will show us.

We have the right to waste four hours on social media every day.

Because some before us have fought for the freedom to do so.

Soon it's us who will take over this country.

It's up to us which values we live by in the future.

I hope equal rights and freedom for all the people of this world is a battle we are ready to take on.

Completely serious..

If not we, who are raised in the world's most free and richest country..

If not we choose generosity, patience, and openness..

If not we choose to look for and believe in the good in each other..

If not we can fight for righteousness..

Then who would be able to do it?

What's wrong?

I think I was r*ped by William's brother.


I don't know.. it's possible that I had sex with him willingly, but..

I don't remember anything.

Did you ask him?

What does he say?

f*cking hell, that assh*le!

I swear to God, if he r*ped you.

We have to report him.

What is there to report?

I can't report anything I know nothing about.

I don't know what happened.

Does it feel as if you've had sex with him?

How would I feel that?

You're a virgin. You would have noticed it.

I'm not a virgin.

I had sex when I was thirteen.


I had a boyfriend who was fifteen.

So, I thought I was ready for it.

Then he dumped me days later.

End of story.

What happened with William's brother?

Tell everything from the start.

I had to talk to William.

Eva and Chris.. you don't know this.

Everyone knows of you and William, Noora.

I went to William, but he wasn't home.

His brother was there.

I went inside to charge my phone.

I ended up talking to him.

He just told me lots of shit about William.

I felt really sad.

I drank a glass of wine.

Then I remember nothing.

You were drugged?

I don't know. I never drink alcohol, because I can't take it. I either feel really bad or I black out.

But, after one glass of wine?

I think I drank a shot, too.

But is there no one else you can ask? Someone at the party, some witnesses?

Yeah there was a girl who goes to our school. Mari.

Do you know who she is?

What year?

I don't know, but..

I can't ask her, because..

She seems like a bit of a bitch.

How so?

We have to go to the emergency room.

Huh, no.

They can help us. You shoul've gone there long ago.

It's the first place you go!

They can help us find evidence we can use against him.

Everyone knows that.

You go to the doctor. It's the first place you go. Before showering, before changing your clothes, you just go to the doctor.

I don't understand how you didn't know that.

I don't even know if I was r*ped.

There's no evidence left now.

And there's nothing the doctor, the police, or the law can do now.

In this free, democratic country we have to believe there are laws and rules that protect us against assholes like him.

We must believe in justice.

We must believe that the good wins.

Dead serious.

If we don't believe in it..

Who will believe in it then?



Can we have two beer?

I'm under 18.

So nice to see you!

Thought you were chickening out.

It seemed like you had some paranoia in that chat.

I remember very little of that night.

So I'm nervous about what happened.

You blacked out completely.


What did I actually drink?

Relax, it was just white wine.

Or tequila? Didn't we drink tequila?


I'm not here to drink beer with you. I just want to know what happened.

You can have one beer with me, though.

If you never intended to tell me what happened, I'm just gonna go.

Isn't that a little presumptuous?

It's pretty ballsy to be rude to someone who has naked pictures of you.

Was that a threat?

Did it sound like a threat?


Yeah well, then it was a threat.

What are you studying in Stockholm?

Eh, international finance.

You should have chosen law.


Yeah then perhaps you wouldn't have been in the situation you are in now.

And what situation am I in now, Noora?

You're in a situation where you'll be convicted for child pornography.

According to the penal code, paragraph 204a..

The penalty for producing and possessing an image that sexualises a child, is imprisonment for up to three years.

I am under 18, and therefore according to the Norwegian law, I am still a child.

So those naked pictures you have of me, that you have taken without my consent..

Not only is it illegal that you took them, but also that you stored them in your phone.

So if I were you, I'd be really careful about spreading them.

Before it enters another paragraph.

Are you serious now?

Does it look like I'm kidding?

Child pornography?

That's completely foolish.

Say that to the judge.

You've also threatened me just now.

According to the law about threats..

Paragraph 263, and coercion paragraph 251..

It's punishable by imprisonment of up to two years.

Then we're up to five years.

But relax..

They thend to merge verdicts. So we're talking about maybe two years in reality.

But if you have a good lawyer, which surely you have..

Then we come to the violations of the Alcohol Act, paragraph 1 to 5.

Serving alcohol to minors, on top of it all.

That's something to have on your CV, right?

However, I think the child pornography..

That one has to be the worst.

You know what happens to people in prison who were convicted of child pornography?

I wouldn't pick up soap in the shower if I were you.

To put it like that.

She's your last hope.

Why didn't you talk to her before?

Move on, or talk to her.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

That she says I had sex with her, as well.

It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I made out with Eva.

The feelings that arise don't necessarily mean you're lesbian.

It's a message from Nico.

What does it say?

Open it.

[Nice to see you yesterday. I hope you and William become happy together.]

He told William.

Tell me you didn't sleep with my brother.

I will explain everything.

You didn't sleep with him?

I don't know.