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02x04 - Season 2, Episode 4

Posted: 11/20/16 23:39
by bunniefuu
The decision has been made to make this a non-human role.

If you refinance in the manner I propose, the adjusted income will cover 80% of your mother's medical expenses for the next three months.

I like you more than anything I've ever seen.

What kind of Synth is worth 100 grand?

Conscious Synths.

There's more of you out there, there's got to be.

We're trying to prove consciousness.

Well, you're going to have to prove something.

How was it?

I think I might have something.

Look, I don't want to worry you...

It's Sophie.

I think we should get her checked out.

What is it that you want?

What I have in mind is... purer than you can imagine.


999 emergency, which service do you require?

I'm not really sure.

My Synth just ran out.

Ran out?

Yeah, Veronica.

She just started yelling like she was panicking.

She pushed my husband when he tried to turn her off, and then she just... She just ran away.

Police report, Sally model, 80 miles away.

Name's Veronica.

She was bought from an independent Synth warehouse.

They should have the serial numbers listed.

We can contact her directly.

Already doing it. I'm sending her a message now.

What did you say to her?

I told her to get in contact, and do it quickly.

Did you tell her she was in danger?

No. Didn't want to scare her.

But she should be scared.

Another Synth did a runner on its owner this morning.

A Mrs Emma Harris reported a domestic incident with her Sally XE.

I'd be surprised if this wasn't another insurance job.


"The Synth proceeded to push past her husband to get to the door".

You can hack a Synth to do a lot of things, but not push someone.


Yeah, I'm looking to sell a Seraph.

I need it done quick.

20 grand off the asking price.

80 grand all in.



Are you going to volunteer us for every whack shop Synth malfunction case?

Just need to know if I should start looking for a new partner.

Something bigger's happening here, we both know it.

Based on what evidence?

I don't need evidence.

Always reassuring to hear from a policeman.

Don't you want me to be right?

If what I think's happening is happening, then conscious Synths are going to be a thing, and you won't have to hide any more.

Maybe I should be hiding.

Maybe that's better.

Have you ever thought about that?

(Phone beeps)

Look, I'll catch up with you later, let me know how it goes.

(Heavy breathing)

That was good.

Was that good?

Cos for me, that was good.

Did you think it was good?


Cos can you... ?

I mean, did they build in... ?

I know you can feel pain, but...

I don't know if you can feel, like... the good stuff.

I feel happy.

But I meant more, like... pleasure?

I enjoy it.

I like the... proximity.



Proximity's good.

I suppose.

Should I open the café?

Er... No. I'm visiting Mum this morning.

I can run it while you're gone.

Would that be all right?

Thank you.

Or you could... always come along?

You'd need to pretend that you were my owner.

Yeah, I probably would.

Is that... ?

(He sighs)

If that's the case, should we not?

No, I'd still like to.

Would you still like me to?

Yeah, I would.


Hello. Can I sit down?



Are you playing a game?


Do you play a lot of games?

She is displaying signs of unconscious mirroring behaviour.

Have you heard of Juvenile Synthetic Overidentification Disorder?


JSOD. It's new, obviously.

Basically, the patient identifies as Synthetic.

So she wants to be one of them?

Perhaps she wants to be treated like one.

We know Synths are incapable of conscious thought, but to a child, they're as real as you and I.

Perfect, kind, gentle versions of all the adults around them.

They never fight, they never get upset, they never worry or let you down.

It's also possible that for Sophie, the boundaries between what is considered Synthetic and what is considered human have been blurred somehow.

Well, it's... (HE CLEARS THROAT)

It's possible, I suppose.

So, what now?

We'll watch her closely.

See which way she goes.

I think the best thing for her now is human contact.

No Synths, just her mum and dad, family and friends.

There's a special way. Can I show you?

I'll need help.

If you pinch... here.

And we lift, and shake it, and drag, fold...


It's better.

Are you broken?


Can you get fixed?

I don't know.

I think I'm broken, too.

You don't look broken to me.

I think we could fix that.

Ed Hooley, here to pick up my mum, Diane.

Mr Hooley.

Can I have a quick word, please?


Won't take a minute. If you want, your Synth can collect your mother.


Of course, Ed.

I'm always sorry to have to do this, but, as I'm sure you're aware...

Yeah, I'm behind with the payments.

We've been able to put it back a few times, but I'm afraid this will need to be paid immediately if she is to continue staying with us.

Right, I thought maybe there was some kind of... financial plan, or... ?

There is, but you'll need to pay off the excess first.


All in one go?

I'm afraid so.

No, I understand.


Soph, go and play in your room, darling.

It's OK.

It's not bloody OK.

All right, so it's not.

This is our fault.

Well, maybe we should get a second opinion.

Right, let's keep getting a psychiatrist until we find one that tells us what we want to BLOODY hear(!)

I'm only trying to...

All we had to do was spend some time with her, and we couldn't even manage that!

Yeah, well, we'll do better from now on.

How do we keep her from Synths?

I don't know, but...

(Phone buzzes)

I have to go.

Yeah, of course.

Niska needs you.


Has she got in yet?

Well, let me know as soon as she does, thanks.

We'll talk about this later.

Yeah, don't worry(!)

It'll all still be here when you get back.

Yes, it will.

(Soft piano music)

Computer: There is a man who plays this music.

He has white hair.

He cannot play it well.


Who is Gil?

I was married to him.

He laughs a lot.

I like thinking about him.

You should.

(Notification tone)

Oh. I didn't know that he was in the country.

Will you accept?

I don't think declining is an option.

Sorry I'm late.

Put these in.

Bring her in, please.

And make the box live.

Hello, Niska.

Laura, explain, please.

This is Astrid Schaeffer.

My firm were able to track her down in Berlin.

She was the last person to have contact with Niska before she came here.

Take a seat.

Why are there armed guards?

They are here for our protection.

Niska, do you want to tell Astrid what's going on?

She shouldn't be here.

I tried to find you.

After you left.

I'm not good at goodbyes.

No. Clearly.

And your relationship with Niska, Astrid?

What we were to each other is... hard to say.

But there was something there.

That, I know.

And what did you think when you first saw her?

I thought that was the saddest-looking girl I've ever seen.

And the most beautiful.

And later, when she just left you?

It felt... like a stone in my stomach.

It still does.

And then, when we found you and told you she was in trouble... ?

I walked out of my apartment and got into the next taxi I could find to take me to the airport.

Because she needed me.

And all this just from a brief affair?

Sometimes a person just touches you.

She's not... a person, though.

How did you feel when you found that out?

What do you mean?

When you realised she wasn't human.


I don't understand.

Niska is a Synthetic.

I... I don't...

That can't be right.

I assure you, she was built in a lab.


I'm sorry.

I don't know how this is possible.

You had no idea that she wasn't human?


Because, to you, she was human.

Cos, to me, she is human.

It was very nice to see you, Diane.

Oh. And you, too, love.

Oh, I can't... can't remember your...



Yes, of course.

It's hard.

Sometimes... I... I think... I don't remember people's faces more and more, and that's what's so scary.

Sometimes I... I can't...

It's all right.

You don't need to worry about anything.

We're right here.

I'll give you a minute.


Very pretty, your girl.

(They chuckle)

Does she make you happy?

She does.


You keep her close.

I don't want...

I don't want to be a burden.

I want you to be happy.

We'll look after you.

I promise.

There she is.



The people who k*lled Ten... they'll be looking for this Synth, too, won't they?

The chances are they're on their way.

So we should wait for them.

But the Synth's right there.

But if the people show up, we can follow them and they'll lead us to where the rest of the Synths are.

How would you have felt if we just sat and watched instead of saving you?

Perhaps it would have been the right thing to do.

If you had been stronger, maybe Ten would still be alive.

Maybe you'd be dead.

Leo... go and get her.

Hester's right, Max. We should follow them... they'll lead us to the other Synths.

Leo, she's not bait.

She's scared and alone.

It's not right to use her like that.

It's not easy. There's a difference.

What's your plan?

Trace them to the source?

Attack the base? Just the three of us?

We are trying to fight for our people.

Whose people?

There are two Synths here, you're not one of them.

I have done more for this cause than anyone.

Do you even know what the cause is any more?

Because, if this is it, I don't want to be a part of it.

We would be a more... effective team without you.

I'm doing this.

Then you're doing it alone.

He's not alone.

Goodbye, then, Leo.

I hope you don't forget who you used to be.


Emma Harris?


I'm DI Voss.

Following up on the incident with your Synth.

Oh, I...

I called back and told them not to worry about it.

Did you? Well, I'm here now. Mind if I... ?

Oh, dear.

Oh. She was bringing me a coffee when she started freaking out.

Look, it's really not a big deal. I don't think it's a police matter.

Did she say anything, by any chance?

Error codes, that sort of thing?

She said... my name. She said, "Emma."

And then she said, "What's happening?"

And then my husband tried to turn her off, and she just pushed him away and ran.

That's not technically possible.

She's out of warranty, of course.

Mrs Harris, are you certain you saw her push him?


You're not the first to come round.

They said they find missing Synths.

They said if they find Veronica, they'll pay me double her original price if I let them keep her.

What do you have to do for such a good deal?

Not report it to the police.

Leo, they're here.

(Get down!)

Back to the car.



What's the matter?

No wonder they've always been ahead of us.

It's Qualia.

How are you doing, Soph?

Fine, thank you.

What did you think about this morning?

Did you enjoy meeting Dr Rose?

He thought maybe you were a bit unhappy.

I'm OK, thank you.

Now, what happened before... with Mia and everyone... do you think about that a lot?


How does it make you feel?

Can we just watch TV?

Yeah, yeah, all right. If that's what you want.

(Music plays from television)
Your mother's conditions seemed to have improved yesterday.

Just the clouds parting for a minute.

You know, I was... thinking about the thing we did with the loan form.

It worked so well the first time...

We can't.


No, you're right. I know.

It's too risky.

If we were found out...

Yeah, I shouldn't have asked.

You're behind on the payments for your mother's care, aren't you?

We'll find a way.


What was she like... before she got ill?

She was a talker.

Place used to be full all the time.

People would come in just to hear her stories.

And she listened to your problems.

Listened to mine.

And she would always have an answer for everything.

I could use her now.

(Door opens)

All right?

All right, Dan?

What's up?

Yeah, not much. Not much.

What did you get up to last night?

Just a quiet one.

What about you?

What did you do last night?

Stop chatting up my Synth, you perv.

I'm just working on human-cyborg relations.

I returned to my owner in charge for the evening.

Well, they say staying in is the new going out.

Milk, no sugar, yeah?

Why are you doing a dolly's job?

Just keeping my eye in.

Something about human-cooked food, you know, it just tastes better.

Food's food, mate. Yeah, you get her to do it.

Otherwise... what are you paying her for?


No, thank you, Toby.

Are you OK?

My systems are operating at full capacity.

I was actually hoping you could help me with something.

I took one look at the maths homework and it is impossible.

The task can be completed once you know the formula.


And I know it would be cheating if I got a Synth brain to help me do the work, only, if I keep getting fails, they're going to put me in a lower group.

It is cheating to use a Synth to complete the assignment.

But perhaps I can help you work out the formula.


You can come to my house later if you want.


They said you wanted to talk to me.

I didn't choose to get you involved in this.

It's not my fault if you've been hurt.

You are very realistic, you know.

Right down to the excuses.

You lied to me.

You can understand why.

No, I can't.

I don't lie, ever.

Are there things you choose not to keep secret?

Things that could get you k*lled?


Well, that must make being open a lot easier.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I didn't know if I could trust you.

That's bullshit.

Because... you liked me, and I didn't want you to stop.

Well, I didn't.

Even when you left.

Even now.

I... could have loved you.

I know.

I have to go.

They're not going to let her go.

You do know that?

OK, let's just say that she can think, she can feel, in a way.

She's an extraordinary machine, an amazing creature, there's no doubt about that. But... rights?

A trial?

It's never going to happen.

They're out there.

The others, like her, and we need to bring them in quickly.

Into our moral universe.

The burden of proof is on you, and I'm afraid you've no hard evidence.

Think about what I said.

(Dog barks)

Connor... ?

How did you get my number?

Contact. Have you got the money?

Have you got the Seraph?

It's close by.

Why the reduced price?


What type is it?

Standard domestic model.


Female. 5'10". Brown hair.

Walked out on its owners this morning.

Talk to him.

(He groans)

(Phone ringtone)


(Groans heard through phone call)


All right.

What we got?

Listen to me, Inspector Drummond.

You're out of your depth, do you understand?

You're going to get yourself k*lled.

All right?

Back off.

Matty, I need your help with something.

Butter first, then Marmite.

Yeah, very funny.

I need to hack into my old work's computer system.

OK... You're going to need a remote server...


... a grappling hook, some rope, tranquilliser g*ns for the guards and some sort of ninja suit.

I really need your help.

Why do you want to hack your work anyway?

I found something odd in my contract and I want to know why I was fired.

OK, we can do a key word search.

"Joseph Hawkins, big beardy idiot."

Don't know if that'll bring any results.

OK, here we go.

It's an e-mail chain, staff redundancy list...

Oh, here's your name.


Put forward for approval.

Approval granted.

This is basically just a paper trail.

From the moment they decided to make redundancies to the moment you got shit-canned.

What are these e-mail addresses here?

They're Synth communications.

Basic programs so Synths can send format e-mails.



Well, Synth e-mails are supposed to copy in a human account.

They haven't CC-ed anyone... it's just Synths.

The whole chain, from the first e-mail to when they decided to let you go, it's all just Synth.

Who did this?

Seraphim deal. They knew it was a setup.

Jesus Christ, Pete.

You bloody idiot.

I'm sorry.

I'm taking you to hospital.

I'm fine.

No, you're not.

You were right, you know?

Whatever Seraphim are, they're not conscious Synths.

Hold up.


I'll get someone to help you with that.

It's not a problem. We'll cover it.

All right, cheers.

I wasn't fired by management.

Joe, look...

I've seen the files.

This isn't a redundancy package, it's a gagging order.

There was a glitch. I don't know the details, only that there were a few corporate decisions that were made without the proper authority.

We're trying to make it right.

You're trying to keep it quiet.

Joe, I'm saying this as a friend now... do yourself a favour, sign the form, take the money. I know you need it.

This is how we lose, you know?

It won't be robots rising up to slaughter us in our beds, it's machines sending silent messages in the middle of the night when no-one else is looking.

You're right, I need the money and I have to take it.

I just came to tell you what I think, cos that's what people do.

I have a reservation.

Mr Khoury is waiting for you.

May I take your coat, madam?

Yes, please.

Please follow me.

Thank you.



They tell me this wine is good.

I don't really know anything about wine.

I mean, it tastes nice.

What do you think?


It's OK.

You a wine person?


Well, it's expensive.

Anyways, it's good to see you.

You, too.

I ordered for us.

I hope that's all right.

Normally I wouldn't do that, but this place, they do something with the sea bass that it's just...

It would break my heart if you didn't get a chance to try it.

That's fine.

You're a sea bass person?

I guess we'll find out.

(He laughs)


What are you doing?

I need to get out, Mattie.

And I don't think you're allowed to keep me here.

Do you know where you're going?


This was George's house.

You didn't know him very well, your father?

He split from my mom pretty early on.

She raised you by herself?

No, she mostly did heroin by herself, actually.

I was... raised by the state, in and out of the foster system till I landed on my parents at 17.

Their sons died.

Muscular dystrophy.

Takes your kids bit by bit, makes you watch while it does it.

You've never read a cover story on me, have you?

I care about your work, not your private life.


I got that vibe.

It's one of the things I like about you.


Looks delicious.

What shall we drink to?

The sea bass.

How about consciousness transference?


You've been spying on me.

We remotely track the work stations of all our employees and, frankly, I'm concerned about your late-night shopping decisions.

It's not what I hired you to do.

That is... that is just...


A gross intrusion of your personal privacy?


How do you think I make my living?

I'm just quietly mulling over whether or not I should fire you.

What do you think?

I think it would be a huge mistake.


Because I'm about to crack how to transfer consciousness into a machine.

Human consciousness?

Real consciousness?


Like entire replication?

You could just take the essence of me and put it into a computer?

I could put it into a body.

You may not yet be able to create a conscious synth out of nothing, but consciousness transference, that is the next big leap forward.

And if I fire you?

Someone else will hire me to do it and, in the next 20 years, Qualia will be mentioned in the same sentence as laserdiscs and Betamax.

But why do I need you?

I have all your research.

I paid for it.

I own it.

Everything on my servers is mine.


Well, let me... help you be the head of the company that figured out how to cheat death.

I just need more time... and the right synths.

The right synths?

David Elster's prototypes.

He wrote the original consciousness code for them.

They're still alive.

They're out there somewhere, living in secret.

How is that possible?

Because Leo Elster has been protecting them.

David Elster's kid?


He died.

David Elster brought him back.

Synth tech, digitised memories, half them, half us.

And these synths, they're in the UK?

I believe they are.


To cheating death.

It doesn't look like anyone lives here now.

Did you like living here?

I didn't like it or dislike it, it... was just where I belonged.

Yeah, it's called a home.

I remember his death.

I remember feeling nothing.

I feel something now.

(Radio plays)

Sorry about earlier.

Me, too.

We'll figure Sophie out somehow.

We're not bad parents.

In fact, we can be quite good parents on the day.

(Doorbell rings)


Good evening.

I was invited to these premises by Toby Hawkins.


Do you want to come up?

Now bring over the multiplication.

Is that it?

You're a genius.

I'm just built that way.

Well, thanks a lot.

I was totally going to fail this.

Hey, do you want to stay for a bit?

We can watch some TV or something.


I'll stay.

(Doorbell rings)


May I ask, who were you invited to this premises by?

Good evening. I'm a mark-five utility model.

Is the homeowner present?

Soph, go and play upstairs.

Yes, sure.

I'm here to read the electricity meter.

Do I have your permission to proceed?


Shut the door. Go on.

The meter's in there.

(They laugh)

You have a nice laugh.

I have to go.

Renie, stay.

Toby... you're not my primary user.

I cannot accept instructions from you.

I'm not trying to give you instructions, I'm just trying to get to know the real you.

I just want to be friends, but you are hiding yourself.

I'm not hiding, Toby.

I'm right here.


Laura Hawkins?


You must drop the case, Laura.


You must drop the case.


If you don't, you're putting your family in danger.

It's the easiest thing in the world, for us to get to you.

We will not hesitate to take action.

Get out.

Get out of this house.

Please provide confirmation of your intention to drop the case.

Something bad's happening.

You are attempting to damage me.

Get out!

Get out of this house!

Laura Hawkins, please provide confirmation of your intention to drop the case.

Protection mode activated.

Toby, call the police.

Odi, go upstairs.

Laura Hawkins, please provide confirmation of your intention to drop the case.

Laura Hawkins...


Please provide confirmation of your intention Odi!

.. to drop the case.

Why don't you... share?


Odi, it's OK.



I got you something.

Even though I know the chances of winning are one in 13,986,816, I thought it can't hurt to try.

Do you have a coin?

Er, yeah.

The odds were so good.

I have an idea.

I think we should go somewhere.

Just for a day, maybe.

When we went to visit your mum, I wanted to hold your hand, but I couldn't.

I think we should go somewhere where we can be ourselves, where no-one knows who we are.



That sounds good.

It really does.