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03x22 - World w*r Hulk

Posted: 11/21/16 08:19
by bunniefuu

Leader: Finally, the ultimate w*apon I've been working toward for years.

Patience buys many things.

Savoring the moment is one of them.

Take them, Red Hulk.

Crush them. Destroy the Avengers.

Stand down, Red.

You can be a lot of things, but a mindless follower isn't one of them.

What are you waiting for? Do as you were told.




Drop Red before he drops us!



Thanks to the gamma particle accelerator, I have forged the perfect creature of destruction.

My Hulk, my w*apon.

Unhand me, beast!


It's like his skin is made from the sun.




Finish them, Hulk.

What are you doing? I give the orders. Take them down!

We need to rein this in, now.

Black Widow: You heard Cap! Pour it on!

You foolish brute!

Do something!



Ugh. He's still in there. Strategic.

He waited until he could take us all at once.


Gamma-powered Red Hulk. Yes, my w*apon.

Show the world the full might of the Leader.

Destroy them!

What are you waiting for, you brute?


No! Continue with your mission.


No! Please!





Don't let him get far.


Nothing but smoke and ash here. No casualties to report.

But the conductor rambled about a green man.

Aliens or head trauma. You pick.

Whoa. Whoa.


Bruce Banner: The stars above.

Pretty much the only place safe from the likes of you.

Get out of here, Banner.

Look at all the good you've done.

Face it, monster.

This is what rock bottom looks like.


No. More to do.

More? Haven't you done enough?


You were three riddles away from being the troll under the bridge.

You've been kidding yourself.

No one wants you.


No one believes in you.


Least of all, the Avengers.


Don't need them to believe in me.

Just need Hulk to believe in me.

Just needed to hear you say it.


Captain America: He's not just trying to get away from us.

He's heading somewhere.

Falcon: How do we stop him?

Black Widow: We can't. Not without help.

What about the gamma inhibitor collar?

The mods are almost complete.

We're wasting time.

It worked on Hulk. Why modify it?

The gamma level Red's riding is off the charts.

It's gotta be stronger.

Never thought it through, but the same thing could've easily happened to our Hulk instead of Red.

Maybe Truman Marsh was right.

Nah. I don't buy it.

Hulk's powerful in a lot of ways, but his strongest skill is self-control.

That collar's not fireproof. How long can it last?

Long enough to calm him down, I hope.

'Tis quiet. I dislike quiet.

Incoming. Get ready.



No need to stay my hammer!


So glad we've got a Thor.



Or had a Thor.

Any idea where we can get another Thor?






Iron Man: Hey, Red, you're busted!

Falcon, now!


It's working. We got him.



Cap, do we need to have a talk about speaking too soon?


You said increase the dampeners five-fold, right?

Yeah. Why?

I increased them by eight, just to be safe.


Black Widow: So much for safe.

Redwing mode!




Falcon's grounded, and Red's heading our way.

We need to come up with a new strategy, quick.

Gotcha covered, literally. Friday?

Friday: ETA, 15 seconds.






We just have to hold our own for a few more seconds.

For what? To update your will?

Iron Man: Just hang on.



Shield or no shield, the only way outta here is through me.

Friday: Five, four, three, two, one...

Someday, Tony, I'm gonna stop giving you a hard time about relying on tech.


I get one too?

Iron Man: Hulkbuster armor for everyone.

Hawkeye: I can see why Tony likes this.

Consider it a gift for your next ten birthdays.

Uh... Hmm.

Where is my buster of Hulks, Stark?

You're already a Hulkbuster, Thor.

Ah, yes. You speak the truth.

But you still owe me a birthday gift.

Red's under there somewhere.







Come on. I barely got to use it.


Iron Man: Attack plan Nexus.


Falcon: He's got a plan. He's trying to get somewhere.

Captain America: Wherever it is, we're right behind him. Let's go.

Tin Man? Widow? Red? Is anyone here?

They're not home. And you're trespassing.

I see that you've found a way around your obedience collar.

I'm not a dog. I'm an Avenger.

Two complete sentences. Good boy.


Anyway, your status matters little.

There most likely will not be an Avengers in a few hours.

Is that Red Hulk?

What happened?

This is why the government cannot put its full faith and trust in monsters like you.

Gamma powerful and filled with knee-jerk reactions that can end worlds.

Put yourself in my shoes.

You trust that? Do you trust you?

Hulks can't be stopped.

You rather work with the unstoppable, or be in our way?



Then work with me. Help me take down Red Hulk.

His trajectory shows him heading toward your old stomping grounds, Vista Verde.

One can only guess he's after you.

I'll make sure he finds me.

But a word of warning.

Two unstoppable forces fighting each other...

There's no stalemate here.

And you'll be responsible for any collateral damage.

Is that what we're calling civilians now?

Do what you're best at...

Not caring about anyone's safety.





Iron Man: Widow, Falcon, get the townspeople clear.

Cap, Thor, with me.

Hawkeye, get his attention.




Iron Man: It's like he doesn't even see us.

Then we make him.

As long as we get in the way, he'll pay attention to us.

Usually, I like attention.





Thor: That did not go as planned.




Hey, Red! Go home, before I make you!



Good to see you, big guy. You, uh... You got a plan?

He's gamma poisoned. Weapons aren't gonna stop it.

I gotta take care of him.



Falcon: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Black Widow: Everyone, get clear!

Iron Man: He's too much for all of us combined.



Black Widow: I don't like this.

We gotta get Hulk outta there. Hawkeye!

Way ahead of ya.


Stronger than I imagined.

Can't fight him with my current gamma level.

Need to get stronger.

What if I told you I can rig up something to duplicate the process that Red underwent?

I'd say destroy it...

After you plug me in.

Is it just me, or are you clearer, more focused?

Yeah. Did some thinking. Know where I belong.

You've always wanted control over your power.

Don't throw it away because...



He's gaining on us!

He's not going to stop. He won't.

Not until he's destroyed everything.

Avengers, we're headed for the Tower.

Do whatever you can to hold him here.

Don't take too long.



Or take as long as you like.

I'm beginning to enjoy this.

Black Widow: You think you can control yourself?

Time to find out.

Iron Man: So, yeah, this'll get you there.

You sure you're up for the trip?

We can find another way to stop Red.

You don't have to do this.

How many cities will turn to ash while we search?

This is the fastest way.


Friday: Incoming message from Captain America.

Red's moving east toward New York.

Iron Man: What happened to your Hulkbuster suit?

They were good while they lasted. How we looking?

Just waiting for a go from the big guy.

Do it.

Here goes... Something.


Gamma levels to 200%.

(STRAINING) 300%. 500%.


He can't take any more! Turn it off!


Have to keep going!




No! We created another monster!




Don't hurt him!

Probably not gonna be an issue.


Get control! I know you're still in there.

We need you. The world needs the Hulk!

Bruce Banner: This is it. This is why you came back.

Focus. Control.



Show 'em what we got, big guy.

Black Widow: Big Guy?

Snap out of it, Hulk.



You good?

Yeah. Hulk is... I'm good.

What is it?

Banner says we could use this to power him down.

Says you'd know what to do.

Siphoning his gamma power into you.

Uh, yeah. That could actually work, if you can handle it.

Just get ready. Only one shot at this.





Bring it, Red. I can handle whatever you've got.



Is he still in control?

I got this. You just be ready with...










No matter how hard you try, you can't win.

Wanna know why?


Because I've got the Avengers! Now, Tony!


Turn it on, Widow.

Hope Banner knows what he's doing.

He does.



Everyone, get ready. He's never had this much power before.


Bruce Banner: Hulk.


Look at me. Focus.


Focus on me. On my voice.


They need you.

Your team needs you.


It's time to be the hero, Hulk.

Be strong and end this.


Hulk is strongest!


Now maybe... A nap.


Apologies for my rash methods.

A good leader doesn't leave his men in the field to fend for themselves.



I'll be out of action while the docs clear me.

But at least you'll have a Hulk to deal with threats as big as me.

All right. Get him out of here.

Proud of yourself?

Yeah. Pretty much.

You were useful... This time.

Only when a threat this massive presents itself.

However, we don't need a nuclear w*apon when dynamite will do.

You can collar him, Stark.

You wanted the Avengers?

Here they are. Without shackles.


For now.

Welcome back, big guy.

You know, I never really left.