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10x07 - Painted Ladies

Posted: 11/22/16 14:40
by bunniefuu
(birds chirping)


Hello? Sir?


It's not clear what k*lled him, but he died five to ten hours ago.

The canoeist found him floating in the lake.

Oh, and William, look at this.

"Let's get acquainted for fun and results."

It's a flirtation card, to be slipped discreetly to someone you wish to meet.

So a woman gave him this flirtation card, arranging a meeting. He then brought her here to this lovely spot.

Romance ensued, judging by the lip rouge on his face.

Love was in the air.

More than that.

I believe I'm detecting the smell of bitter almonds.

It could be cyanide.

Likely not the fun and results he was expecting.

How did you sleep?

(laughing softly)

We might have been more comfortable at my rooms.

You always say that, but we never seem to make it out of here before we...


Well, then I must teach you patience, George Crabtree.

Let the lesson begin, Miss Bloom.



Oh, uh... Good morning, ladies.

What are you girls doing here so early?

It's not early.

I was just gonna help Josie with her new routine, but, um... we can just come back.

Oh no, no! I'm gonna be late. Um...

Where are my...


(all laughing)

It was a busy night.

Young couples like the privacy of the boats.

This one came just after I was shutting down for the night.

What time was that?

Sometime after 10 o'clock.

I told them it was too late, but the young man offered me an extra dollar to keep the boat out after hours and... he promised he was gonna tie it up.

Did you get his name?

Uh, he signed the boat out under Cameron Fellowes.

His companion... can you describe her?

Didn't much get a good look at her face.

Blonde woman, wandered off to tease the ducks while the young man paid me.

She cut a fine figure, though, I can tell you that much.

Wager the young man thought so too.

All right. Thank you.


Excuse me.

I'm looking for my husband.

He never returned home last night.

Uh, what's your husband's name?

Mr. Cameron Fellowes.

Fellowes? Fellowes?

I'm afraid there's no report on anybody by that name.

Oh, well, I brought his picture.

Hello, Mrs. Fellowes?

I'm Detective William Murdoch.

May I have a moment of your time?

What is it?

My office is right this way.

(sniffling) But I don't understand how he could die in a boat.

At the moment, I'm treating his death as suspicious.

Was it the heart disease?


No. No, I don't believe so.

Perhaps it was one of those aneurysms.

My sister told me they can strike at any age.

She's married to a doctor.

Our coroner will determine the precise cause of death, Mrs. Fellowes.

What did your husband say he was going to be doing last night?

He said he would be home late.

He was at a work function.

What kind of work function?

I don't know, but he was with Robert.

Robert Roth.

They work together, of course.

In advertising sales.


Witnesses suggest that...

Mr. Fellowes was in the company of a young lady prior to his death.

Well, I'm sure his office can give you the names of the clients he met.

It's been suggested that this was not a work meeting, but a social one.

This card was found in your husband's pocket.

It's from a lady inviting him to meet... romantically.

Of course!

This must be one of Robert's gags.

They're always playing jokes on each other.

As I mentioned, Mr. Fellowes was in fact in the company of a woman last night.

My Cameron doesn't meet with other women.

Ask Robert what this is all about.

He'll explain it to you so you can... understand.


Mucking out the stables would go a lot faster with three hands on deck, Henry.

Well, then three of us would smell like manure all day.

Oh, don't worry, I'm sure you could cover it up with some of that fancy eau de cologne you like so much. (laughing)

You get started. I'll be out to supervise you in a little while.


You look like a lady who could use some help.


Could you please ask a Mr. Robert Roth to come in?

You may find him at the Crump Advertising Agency.


Oh, and George, might I suggest you stop by the Eaton's department store on your way home?



You'll find they boast the best that modern technology has to offer in their selection of alarm clocks.

Yes, of course, sir.

There was no dinner with clients.

I didn't see Cameron last night.

But if his wife had enquired, I would say he was with me.

We're attempting to find the last person seen with Mr. Fellowes prior to his death.

Do you know anything about this flirtation card?

Yes. Cam showed me that.

Progress for you right there.

A woman slipped that to Cameron in a pub.

Lucky devil.

Made it easy for him.

Bless her.

I hope more girls will take up the habit.

He said she was a beauty.

She may have k*lled him.

Well, that's... some way to go.

The medical college is keeping Miss James from you again today?

Yes, and it's rather lonely without her.

But I have been able to confirm that Mr. Fellowes did indeed die from cyanide.

As you initially suspected.

Yes, but he doesn't appear to have ingested it and I found no other indication of how it was administered.

No needle marks?

Except for a small cut on his lip, Mr. Fellowes is entirely unblemished.

What does this lip rouge tell us about the woman that he was with?

It is a bold shade.

Fashion is rather more subtle.

A prost*tute, perhaps?

You'd be surprised how many women now wear cosmetics.

Do you have a little time?

Where are we going exactly?

Some shops in the city don't wish to be found.

Seems like a poor business scheme.

Many customers enjoy the exclusivity.

Now, William, I must confess that I sometimes like to use a little lip rouge myself.

Powder on occasion, things like that.

I'm sure you've never noticed.



It's just for fun, really.

The best products now are made in Paris and can be ordered specially, but... if I happen to run out, there's this gentleman.

Detective Murdoch!

It's a delight to meet you.

Julia has described you so beautifully, I had a complete picture in my mind.

And now you're here. In the flesh.

Oscar Ducharme.

Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ducharme.

Are you here to see the new items?

Actually, Oscar, we're investigating a m*rder.

And it led you to me.

Yes, in fact, we're trying to locate a woman who left behind traces of lip rouge on our victim.

I wasn't familiar with the shade.

Oh yes.

It has too much orange to suit you, Julia.

But I told the Detective you might recognize it.

It looks like the coral pomade.

In fact, I believe I have it in stock.

Yes, it matches perfectly.

May I have a list of your clientele who have purchased this colour?


It pains me to disappoint you, Detective, but my customers require discretion.

My job is only to improve on the charms of nature.

Despite their beautifully transformative potential, cosmetics are still perceived as wicked.

Of course, that can be part of their appeal.

I see. You don't keep details on your clientele?

Well, I do keep track of which ladies prefer which shades.

That would be most helpful.

Do you like it?

It's beautiful.

That sounds like a hint, Detective.

A woman like your wife deserves the finer things.


All right, I'll buy it.

Now the list, please.

Just this once.


Mrs. Fellowes doesn't appear to be a client.

But Miss Nina Bloom is.

George's sweetheart?

Nevertheless, sir, many young women wear lip rouge.

At this point we're simply following the evidence, George.

I just don't think it's possible that Miss Bloom would be involved in something as... dastardly.

If you are uncomfortable, you may excuse yourself from this case.

I think I'll stay, sir.

It's quite rare to see you make a mistake.

Of course I buy rouge sticks.

We all do, don't we, girls?

I love the stuff.

Do you recognize this shade, Miss Bloom?

Um... Yes.

It looks like one I have.

Is this a match, Detective?

Why, yes, it is.

Thank you.

Ladies, do any of you recognize this chap?



Right, then, uh... I must ask, Miss Bloom: have you ever given a man a flirtation card?

George can tell you I'm not that coy, Detective.

Besides, when would I need to?

Men give them to me.

But you don't return them?

Heavens no! We don't return them.

We collect them. We girls keep a tally amongst us.

Nina is well in the lead.

Right. Um...

Where were you last evening?

I was on stage until after nine, and then later George came by.

That's correct, sir, when I was finished with Mr. Bloom at the auto garage.

That would've been about two o'clock.

And in the intervening hours?

I was here, tidying up after the girls and... waiting for George.

Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Bloom.

My pleasure.

Sir, perhaps the lads and I should round up the rest of the lip rouge customers on our list.

Yes, thank you, George. We'll interview them in the morning.


I washed up Yeah, for hours last night and I still have the barn smell on me.

Uh... Mrs. Conway.

Hello, ladies.

Doing some work today, are you, Henry?

Always working, Jackson. Always working.

You two did a barely passable job on the stables.

But I'll let it slide this time, seeing as how the Inspector's not here.

I'd like to take him down a peg.

Perhaps it's time we purchase one of those flirtation cards, McNabb.


Is that all of them?

That's all that were on the list, sir.

Did any of them provide any new information?

None of them admit to knowing Mr. Fellowes, and most of them offer an alibi.

Sir. You're needed.

Thank you.

With me, George.


He checked in last evening, sir, in the company of a blonde lady.

He was only discovered this afternoon when the maid let herself in to clean.

George, I know this man.

This is Robert Roth, Mr. Fellowes' friend and colleague.

Marked with the same lip rouge.

Mr. Fellowes and his best friend are now dead.

Mr. Roth died in the early hours of the morning, close to two AM, I'd hazard, and cyanide is again indicated.

Sir, Doctor, I spoke to the Fellowes' housemaid.

Mr. Fellowes retired last night at nine o'clock.

Mr. Roth and his companion checked into the hotel sometime after ten.

And the housemaid couldn't be sure that Mr. Fellowes didn't leave again later, as she herself went to bed shortly after nine.

You think the first victim's wife k*lled Mr. Roth as well?

Well, she is blonde and has a fine figure.

Matching the general description of the woman who accompanied Mr. Roth last night and the one that was seen with Mr. Fellowes down by the pond.

And what motive would she have to k*ll both men?

Well, there is this.

I convinced the housemaid to let me have a look around the Fellowes' home.

It's a pharmacist's preparation, topical, but poisonous if ingested.

It contains cyanide.

Well, then... bring in the grieving widow, George.


Both of the victims were well known to you.

Yes, but they must know other people as well.

We found this in your home.

It contains the same poison that k*lled both your husband and Mr. Roth.

You're wrong there, Detective. That's never poison.

It's a treatment for my varicose veins.

I don't understand any of this.

Mrs. Fellowes' medicine was a standard preparation for varicose veins.

It only had a small amount of cyanide in it.

How much would be required to k*ll a man Mr. Roth's size?

Half the bottle. But if he'd ingested that much, I would've found it in his stomach contents.

So this was not the m*rder w*apon.

I'm afraid not.

But there is something interesting about Mr. Roth, William.

He has a small cut on his lip.

Just like Mr. Fellowes?

Seems to be part of the k*ller's pattern.

Could that be how the poison was administered?

Cyanide would take effect much more quickly if it entered through a cut.

What if, while kissing them, she bit their lips deliberately?

And then applied the poison to the cut?


Or the poison is in the lip rouge.

These men would've effectively been k*lled with a kiss.

Is that possible?

I don't know, but I'm going to start by analysing this rouge.

If there's cyanide in it, we'll have our m*rder w*apon.


I've just come from Mr. Roth's home.

Anything of interest?

Well, there's this.

Is this... ?

Miss Bloom, yes, sir.

They sell these at the Star Room. Mr. Roth may well have been there.

George, were you with her last evening when Mr. Roth and his companion were checked into the hotel?

Sir... (sighing)


I was not with her, sir, but it is impossible that she's involved in this.

I understand, but I'll need to speak with her nevertheless.

Well, let me come with you.

I believe I'll conduct this interview alone.


Who left this?

What is it?

It's an invitation.

Come here.

"Seeking a qualified agent to inspect my new sofa.

It is lonely with one but guaranteed for two."

Guaranteed for two.

Well, that leaves little to the imagination.

You sure you don't know who left it?

Well, that woman you were making eyes at earlier.

She's way out of Henry's league.

No, no, but I did see her near his desk.

The lip rouge girl?

Sadie Talbot.

You know, I believe she works at McGillion's Ice Cream Parlour on Shuter.

Well! Now you're making yourself useful, Jackson!

At your service.

I give out a lot of cards, but yes, I recognize him.

He came in a few times.

He's been m*rder*d, Miss Bloom, evidently by the same person who m*rder*d another man the night before.

Well, I would say that between that and my taste in rouge sticks, I must look like a good suspect.

I'll be needing to take your lip rouges for testing.

All of them?


Can anyone account for your whereabouts last evening?

All the men who saw me on stage.

And after the show, once you left the club?

I just went home to bed.

Did anyone... see you there?

Believe it or not, I slept alone, Detective.

Right, then.

Thank you, Miss Bloom.

(light knock)


Sir, I've been thinking about it.

I really can't imagine why Nina would be mixed up in all of this.

Well, if she isn't, she has nothing to worry about.

I'm quite sure, sir, that she is incapable of m*rder!

I have no doubt you believe that, George, but we must follow the evidence. She remains a suspect.

Then let me talk to her. She won't lie to me.

No, George.


I said no.

I'm afraid I must insist you stay away from this case.

You understand.


There's a significant amount of cyanide in the lip rouge.

Oh, that is bold!

How did the k*ller ensure that she herself didn't get poisoned?

Perhaps she applies a barrier to protect her lips.

Wax would do the trick, but it's certainly dangerous.

Cyanide is fast and deadly.

She must be very determined.

And very foolish.

Julia, could you test these as well?

They're Miss Bloom's.

I'll do it tonight.

You don't think she has something to do with this.

I hope not, for George's sake.

(piano music)

(whistles and applause)

man: I love you, Nina!

(whistles and applause)

She's so comfortable out there.

She's a real talent.

I've always admired her stage presence.


Yes, her stage presence is lovely.



I hope to one day dance as well as Nina.

You, Josie?

You're a fine dancer.

Very... charming.

(piano music)
Your turn, Josie.


Here to keep an eye on your prime suspect, Constable?

Well, it might help if you told the Detective where you were when the murders occurred.

I already told him I was alone.

I suppose he just didn't believe me.

Do you believe me?

Yes, of course.

The murders, Nina... they have me thinking about these flirtation cards.

Who in their right mind would proposition a complete stranger, let alone agree to go and meet somebody that you don't know?

It's a recipe for misadventure, if you ask me.

You're forgetting the potential for delight.

Catching the eye of a stranger...

It's not safe!

You should take those cards...


You should take those cards and throw them in the garbage to avoid the temptation.

Avoid the temptation?!

Yes, get rid of them.

Don't you trust me, George?

Nina, I'm telling you...

I'm asking you... to throw them away.

Well, I won't.

Now, if you'll just wait a moment, you can escort me home.

Well, I won't.

Not tonight.

Then I'm happy I kept those cards.

(whooping and applause)

Cut on his lip as well.

This method of m*rder is proving to be surprisingly effective.

"Eager purveyor of kisses and hugs for gentlemen seeks the pleasure of your company. Satisfaction assured."

Addressed specifically to a Mr. Nielsen.

Evidently he took the bait.

This card has a printer's mark, sir.

Sales in flirtation cards have been very brisk.

I don't keep track of every man who comes in and picks a card off the rack.

Have a closer look.

These were ordered by a woman.

Surely there can't be very many women who buy such cards.

No, you're right, of course.

Yes, these are custom made for a special order.


A Miss Smith.

Can you tell us what she looked like?

I don't know. The transaction was completed entirely by mail.

Here is the address.

Post office box.

Sir, it looks like she ordered ten cards in total.

Leaving her with seven.

Witnesses describe our Miss Smith at the post office as being a blonde, well dressed, but none of them saw her face.

She wore a hat with a bit of veil when she opened the box.

She was careful and precise.

These lip rouges are the same.

Likely the same poison as well.

The question is, what does this latest victim have in common with the previous two?

I'll search for a link, sir, but Mr. Nielsen is older than the previous victims, he lives in a different part of town, he worked in trade, not advertising... I found this receipt in his pocket. Apparently he had dinner at the Heron and Swan.

(light knock)



I have completed the test you requested.


George, why don't you go down to the Heron and Swan and see if Mr. Roth ever visited there?

Try the hotel first.

Perhaps he discarded one of these receipts there as well.

Yes, of course.

Did you find any poison in Miss Bloom's lip rouge?

There were traces of cyanide.

Is that so?

But it's not uncommon for cosmetics to be contaminated, and no single stick contained enough to be lethal.

All right.

Thank you, Julia.


If only we had a camera to capture the moment she slaps him.

If she takes him down a peg, that'll be good enough for me.

She looks really busy. I'm gonna come back later.

Surely a few kids after ice cream won't keep you from romance.

No, we really should get back to work, boys.

Henry, have you lost your nerve?

(scoffing) Me? Never!

Okay, well, go on then.

Show her some of that Henry Higgins charm we hear so much about.

You can't fail.


I always do fail.

The truth of it is...


How long have you been Mr. Nielsen's secretary, Miss Petrie?

Two years in November, I believe.

Do the names Cameron Fellowes or Robert Roth sound familiar to you?


Did Mr. Nielsen have occasion to do business with the Crump advertising agency?

No, we've been with Andrew Signage and Advertising for years.

You must have been upset to learn the news of Mr. Nielsen's passing.

Inasmuch as it relates to my job at the company, yes.

I would like to stay on here.

But you weren't upset personally.

Not considerably, no.

To be truthful, Mr. Nielsen was unpleasant.

In what way?

He was the sort of man who was entertained by insulting people.

But he paid well and I could handle him, at least better than poor Doris Strachan.

Who is Doris Strachan?

The girl I replaced.

The woman I'm looking for has been described as blonde and attractive.

Does that sound like Doris Strachan?

No, they tell me she was not much to look at.

I understand Mr. Nielsen made merciless comments, causing her to cry daily, poor thing.

I'd have told her he wasn't worth the tears.

(dramatic music)


I found this at the hotel.

It's a swan.

That's not unusual, George.

Lizzie is in the habit of doing the same with our linens at the hotel.

Unnecessary labour, if you ask me.

And then there's the receipt for dinner for two at the Heron and Swan the night Mr. Nielsen was k*lled.

That's a popular restaurant.

And, sir, you told me that Mr. Fellowes was found in one of those paddle boats shaped like a swan!

George, I understand your feelings for Miss Bloom, but I really don't think you need to manufacture theories in order...

Sir, I'm trying to...

I'm merely trying to point out, with all due respect, you might be thinking about this the wrong way.

(telephone ringing)

Detective Murdoch.

Morris Snider is his name, sir.

He's a teacher here at the school.

Flirtation card, rouge, cut on his lip.

So, the headmistress says she saw him in his classroom this morning.

He was in top spirits.

She's k*lled in broad daylight this time, George.

This is the fourth victim in three days.

Children discovered the body.

I can't imagine that's very good for their development.

Right. Right. Constable, cover him up, please.

You said he was a teacher here, George?

Yes, sir, for the past thirty years.

Competent, well-liked.

He was due to retire at the end of the term.

Let's find his address.

Sir, I was going through Mr. Snider's effects...

I found this photograph of him with his students.

Is that Mr. Roth as a boy?

And Mr. Fellowes, maybe?

That's right.

And does that look like...

It is.

Mrs. Fellowes.

Sir, draw your attention to the banner they're standing underneath.



There's dear Cameron.

He was the most handsome boy in the class.

You, your husband and Mr. Roth all attended the same school.

Of course we did.

And Mr. Snider was a teacher there, and the three of them are all now dead.

Oh, look! There's Beatrice.

All that curly hair.

Did there happen to be a Mr. Nielsen in your circle of friends?

I don't remember him.

(laughing) Goodness, I'd forgotten about this girl.

See right there? Look at her... so unfortunate.

What was her name?

She had a crush on my Cameron, but no hope.

She moved on to Robert, with even less success.

Right. Well, thank you.

What was her name?

Boys were so cruel to her. Donkey face?

Donkey Doris, that was it!

Doris Strachan?


Donkey Doris Strachan! Did you know her too?

Miss Strachan knew all of the victims.

Two were classmates, one was her teacher, and Mr. Nielsen was her employer.

And all were cruel to her.



After resigning Mr. Nielsen's employ two years ago, Doris Strachan moved to New York City and never came back. The police there believe she committed su1c1de, but there was no body ever found.

The problem is she doesn't match any of the witnesses' description.

If she is alive, perhaps she's working with an accomplice. Or... she's a swan.

A swan?

George has a theory.

There have been swans at every crime scene.


Which puts me in mind of the old fairy story about the ugly duckling.

You know, all the other animals teased and ridiculed this strange-looking creature, until all she wanted to do was wander off into the weeds and die, but one day...

Go on.

I'm sorry, sir, you don't usually let me get this far.

One day, the ugly duckling transformed into a beautiful swan.

Now, maybe Doris Strachan herself has transformed from an ugly duckling into a swan.

And her motive is to get revenge on her tormentors.

It does fit with the nature of the killings.

All of the children in this photograph appear to be fourteen or fifteen years old.

Now, the witnesses describe the k*ller as a beautiful young woman.

Doris Strachan is... not beautiful, and I very much doubt nature could've been that kind to her.

Perhaps nature had nothing to do with it.

Now, for Doris Strachan to have k*lled these men, she would've had to have looked significantly different.

What do you think, Mr. Ducharme?

Could this woman be made beautiful?

It is a challenge I would dearly love to undertake.

Where would you begin?



The most reliable way to lose weight.

I recommend them to all my ladies who need a little aid.

Oh, Oscar, you must stop! It's not healthy!

But so effective!

She could lose twenty-five to fifty pounds without even trying.

Oh, imagine the effect it would have on her cheekbones, Julia.

Yes, look at that eyebrow arch. Beautiful.

Now, perhaps her eyes might appear more striking.

I could do a slightly fuller lip.

And are we ready for the hair?

Would you like to do the honours?

What's troubling you, Henry?

I think I've lost my self-confidence, George.


Have a look at this.

(laughing) Somebody gave this to you?

The most fetching woman.

She works at McGillian's ice cream stand.

McGillian's ice cream? She gave this to you?

Don't sound so surprised, George.

Henry, it seems to me if she gave it to you, the door is wide open. Walk on through, mate.

You know, you're right, George.

She's a forward, modern woman.

I have to meet her on her level.

Thank you, George.

See how much larger her eyes look?

Isn't that delightful?

More of a rosebud shape with the lips, perhaps.

Ahh, wonderful.

Except... her nose.

It is rather prominent.

Of course, there is a man who can do remarkable things with noses.

You know, surgically.

Yes, but that kind of surgery is still in its experimental stages.

Surely it would leave terrible scars.

That could be obscured with a good face powder.


Genevieve Dawson.


Oh, she told me so herself.

Just look closely the next time you see her.

She went to New York City to have it done.

New York?

Yes, to Dr. Victor Fry.

Oh, he's a sensation.

Our suspect went to New York.

Then I imagine she might have visited Dr. Fry.

Oscar, this may be very important!

I have to tell William!

Let's see what we can do here.


(distant whooping and applause)

Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to go through a woman's drawers?


These are yours, aren't they?

I must admit, I was sorely tempted to give you one of those.

I was curious to see how sweet on Nina you really were.

Well, I'm flattered, but I have a feeling you and I have very differing hobbies.

You like my dancing.

And don't you think I'm pretty?

Of course.

All those men you gave these cards to, they thought you were pretty too, didn't they?

Do you think Nina is prettier?

I am sorry she met you first, George.

I feel as though we could really get along.

Tell me I'm pretty.

Or perhaps you could show me, George.

You needn't be afraid of this rouge stick.

I chose the colour especially for you.

(door opening)


What do you think you're doing?

Your gentleman friend isn't as loyal as you think, Nina.

That's not true.


Oh, my God!

My nose!

My nose!

My nose!

Doris Strachan, you're under arrest for m*rder.

m*rder? Josie?

Thank you for your assistance, Miss Bloom.

You're most welcome, Constable Crabtree.

It seems you've gone to great lengths to change your appearance.

I doubt very much you could ever know how that feels, living life every day as a humiliation.

You put yourself in harm's way, applying cyanide to your lips.

It was worth the risk.

Four men are dead.

Their last moments were happy.

Death by cyanide is very painful.

But they were with me, beautiful me, and I was kind to them, Detective.

I never even told them who I was.

I think a couple of them figured it out, but by that point it was too late.

They got what they deserved.

For being unkind to you.

Oh, yes.

They gave me the right.

What they did to me, how they made me feel... useless, worthless, ugly.

That's no reason to k*ll.

You beautiful people will never understand.

I was finally desired.

And it was the most... wondrous thing ever.

Where's Henry?

Well, he's mustered up his courage and gone to talk to a young lady.

The woman from McGillian's ice cream stand gave him a flirtation card.

Oh, no.

What is it?

She didn't give him the card. I did.

Jackson, he'll be crushed!

Oh, Henry! Henry!

Poor Higgins.

Poor girl.

Excuse me, what are you doing?

That's a beautiful dress you're wearing.

Would make a lovely decoration for my floor.

I suppose we will have to find which room best suits it.

Come back for eight, why don't you.

All right, then.

Oh, of course.

Thank you.

(woman giggling)

I can't say that was the outcome I expected.

Nor I, Jackson.

Nor I.

(laughter and conversations)


You wanted to see me?

Yes, George.

Why are we up here?

This is a place I come when I want to think about things.

I see.

I would like you to have this.

I don't want them anymore.

Do with them what you may.


Why did you do that, George?

Everybody should be able to entertain the possibility that they're admired.