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02x09 - Our Future World

Posted: 12/01/16 04:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Romeo Section...

Goodbye, my old friend.

Charlie Cormack: We've got that other guy,

Al Crenshaw, we can plug him in.

Gerard Lewis: Al Crenshaw.

The voice of reason and experience.

Al Crenshaw: I know what you did.

I saw what you did. You poisoned Edmund.

Let go.

Your sudden disappearance will be best for all concerned.

You're scaring me.

Michael Gary has been on the short list to head the intelligence service.

As the bodies fall, the list gets shorter and shorter, and Mr. Gary gets ever closer to the top of it.

What are the ramifications of whatever it is you're investigating?

Convictions of some very important people for accessory to m*rder.

Norman: It's not a f*cking su1c1de!

She did not k*ll herself, do you hear me?

Kent had scopolamine in his blood when he shot himself.

Norman: This means anything is possible.


su1c1de becomes a m*rder.

[empty g*n clicking]

S02E09 Our Future World [whack of golf club hitting ball]

man: Very nice, very nice.

Good morning, Mr. Crenshaw.


The Deputy Minister wanted you to know he'll be meeting you at the hotel.

Thank you.

[knocks briskly]

Just coming now.

First up, Al Crenshaw.

9:00, Michael Gary.

10:00, the Saudis, 11:00, keynote address.

Any word from Ottawa?

They'll back Crenshaw as a temporary Intel director.

Thank God, what a relief.

I didn't sleep a wink.

I had visions of this whole bloody Quiller Inquiry blowing up in our faces.

I've got that in hand.

Al Crenshaw can handle it.

I can call in the plumbers if it becomes necessary.

No need for any of the details.

And look, I'm a little uncomfortable being seen in public with Michael Gary.

Well, he wants to be seen as very friendly with you, so you'll have to do some schmoozing.

Let's make it short and sweet, all right?


Mr. Crenshaw, nice to see you.

Good God, I haven't seen you since you were at MI6.

It's been ages.

Oh, there's my meeting, excuse me.

So glad you're coming aboard, Al.

Very pleased.

You'll do a fine job for us.

I hope so, and thank you very much for the vote of confidence.

I'm just going to brief Al.

Of course. I'll catch up later.

See you.

So, I think the best thing to do before we introduce you is give you an opportunity to have a look at a policy paper Lewis and I have been cooking.

I can have room service send up some coffee or a tea, if you'd prefer.

A pot of Earl Grey, thank you.

What with all the hacking that's been going on, we've had to keep this under lock and key.

This is a rare copy, and it's not to leave this room.

If this were to leak out prematurely, we'd all be sent packing.

It would take a week to wade through the whole thing, but this covers our basic position on security matters, A-to-Z for the next five years.

Shall I walk you through it?

I should be fine.

All right, I'll leave you to it.

Oh, uh, when you're done, we can introduce you to a few folk.



We're not to mention Mr. Sproule in any of these conversations.

Best not to.

Most people don't know who he is.

They are eager to meet you, however.

I look forward.

And Mr. Wolfgang McGee, have you had a chance to have a word with him?

I'll be speaking with him.

Well, whatever it takes.

We've got to shake him off his investigation into our Inquiry.

We have the resources to take care of him, one way or the other.

I understand.

The 18th hole is our best bet.

You've been out tracking Mr. Gary.

Look, every morning, he's on the course.

6:00 a.m. sharp, he gets in a pretty fair game of golf.

Now, on the 18th hole, the fairway is forested on both sides.

I have a clear shot from the woods.

Under a hundred yards, very low wind factor.

A blind man could make the hit.

We need to talk about this.

I can do it.

The hit is easy.

It's the getaway that might be a bit tricky in broad daylight, but there's a service road that might do the trick.

The man over there in the black suit and red tie.

I see him.

Recognize him?

Vaguely familiar.

A face from your wall.

Charlie Cormack, Chair of the Quiller Report on terror.


I'd ask what he's doing here, but I think I have a pretty good idea.

And the man he's speaking with?

No clue.

That's the Deputy Minister for security and intelligence.

Gerard Lewis.

This looks like it might be shaping up to be something rather intriguing.

My point is, half the people in this room are ex-intelligence agency chiefs.

Any number of them are prepared to step up and take Michael Gary's place, so eliminating him is hardly the solution.

It's a beginning.

Al Crenshaw spoke with them earlier.

Let me get his opinion.

Al Crenshaw?

My old minder.

Deputy Director of F.I.S. West.

He was kicked upstairs to the top job when Sproule croaked.

Is he a friendly?


Oh, here we go.

The main attraction.

What do you know...

Government greets capital.

A new godfather for a new world.

They've come to kiss the ring.

[doorknob rattles]

Hope you've had time to absorb it.

I think I've got the general gist of it.

What's your first impression?



Well, you'd know more about that than I.

Is there an appetite in Ottawa for this?

There is, and it's growing.


Bipartisan support.

So, the political will is there, and the party is totally invested in this approach.

Fully invested.

Anything stick in your craw?

It might take quite a promotional campaign to persuade the public to adopt some of the more... stringent measures.

We've been promised the resources are there.

If you've got the time, we'd like to introduce you to some of our private-sector supporters.

Michael Gary is especially eager to meet you.

He's set some time aside.


Mr. Gary is one of the authors of this, I take it.

He contributed.

And is there a timetable that this needs to be enacted?

Four to six years is our hope.

So, you're assuming a successful re-election by the incumbent Prime Minister.

We are. But it's irrelevant.

Either party endorses this, whether they admit to it or not.

So, if you're amenable, let's go have some lunch with Mr. Gary.

I suppose this here might make a suitable alternate location, but I'm leaning towards the golf course.

You're joking about murdering a man.

I'm not joking.

Just trying to bring you around to providing logistical support.

And that's why I'm going to have to ask you to stand down.


Go on an extended holiday.

I'll pad your pay packet, you can take Don somewhere nice.

That is a weasely way out of a moral dilemma.

It's not a dilemma for me.

Honduras was a long time ago.

We don't do these things anymore.

It's like riding a bicycle.

I mean, that I don't think it's an effective tactic anymore.

Oh, and tell me what is more effective.

And don't say "Let justice take its course," because it never arrives at its f*cking destination.

My position is there is no valid reason for m*rder.

He's a f*cking gangster in a suit.

How much better off would we be if men like that were eliminated when the opportunity arose.

Don't go there.

Where else is there to go?

What more motivation do you need?

[cell phone rings]

That elusive thing called proof.

Yeah, forgive me, it's my weakness.

I'm taking this... Hello.

While you're stalling, I'll be on the 18th hole.



Well, I'm sorry to say this, but you were right about the girl.

Sonya Faye had traces of scopolamine in her system.

So I take it you won't be ruling this a su1c1de.

My boss will make the ruling, it's not mine to make, but I am going to pass along these results to him.

Along with the results of the security guard?

All of it, yes.

How's he going to react?

He'll want to cover his ass, so he'll get Homicide to take a closer look.

What did she say?

Let's stay calm.

Oh, sure, let's stay calm.

Let's all go right to f*cking sleep.

[smacking paper] f*cking scopolamine.

The pathologist is gonna take the tox results to her boss, he'll take it to Homicide...

And it's all going go absolutely f*cking nowhere.

Nothing will happen, you know this already.

All that's left is for you to admit it.

Where you going?

For a drink.


Why aren't we sh**ting already?

A few of the crew have decided to take a couple days off.

I had to hustle to find drivers just to pick up the cast.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

What's going on?

I just hear the rumours, but it looks like the drivers were instructed not to show up.

Who told them not to show up?

[sighing] f*ck...

Okay. Thanks.

[whispering] Is he still sick?

Yes, very sick.

Why have you bound his hands and feet?

So he will not flee to the opium dens of Canton and be captured.

I have heard cannon fire all day and night.

What has happened?

The Emperor has dumped 20,000 barrels of opium into the harbour.

The British Navy has responded with cannons.

You must leave tonight for the mountains.

He is too sick, too weak to move.

Can you not hide us, Fan Fan?

If you do not go, you will die at the hands of the British or the Emperor.

I will send two smugglers to you tonight.

You will go with them.

But he will shout and scream and give us away.

I have something that will stop that.

Please leave us a moment.

[one small splash]

Fan Fan?

I knew you would come.

Shh... eat.

There's a producer come over from Hong Kong to stick his nose in our affairs.

A guy named Jimmy Wah.

Doesn't mean anything to me.

Major producer.

He did some of Mei Mei's early pics.

He's mobbed up with the Triads.

This is how they operate.

You don't pay the right tribute, they make sure you have a hard time getting labour to show up for work.

He could k*ll your picture and leave you bankrupt in a matter of days.

Does Wing know about this?

If he does, he doesn't care.

He doesn't want to cross Jimmy Wah either, nobody f*cking does.

We're out our own out here.

[groans doubtfully] This...

This sounds like something I'm not gonna get dragged into.

Somebody needs to back him off if we want to finish the f*cking picture.

All my drivers took the day off, that's not a coincidence.

I don't want my trailers going up in flames tomorrow either.

He'd do that?

He'd throw acid in Mei Mei's face if he felt like it, and I'm not f*cking kidding.

This is the shit you get paid to handle, am I wrong?

That's why I'm reaching out to you.

If somebody were to back this guy off, I know how grateful Mei Mei would be.

If Mei Mei wants my help, she can ask me directly.

If you want to keep getting that fat commission off the dope I keep feeding you, maybe you'll consider doing me this favor.

Is that how it is?

That's how it is.

You're not gonna give me the dope until I straighten out your f*cking labour problem?

If it doesn't get fixed, we're f*cked.

You're putting me in a tough spot here.

I promised my buyer I'd be delivering 10 ki's the next couple of days.

A couple of days, that gives you time to figure out what to do with Jimmy Wah.

I'll have the dope ready to go when you're done.

Thanks for coming again.

Yeah, well, thanks for the hour.

[quietly] When we met before, you mentioned you could get your hands on scopolamine.

I said I knew some girls that might use it sometimes.

Right, so I was thinking, that maybe you could ask one of those girls for the number of their guy, and then you could slip me that number.

I don't know if I should do that.

It's easy.

You say I'm a client of yours, you've partied with me before, and I'm just a guy who's looking to get his hands on a few party favours.

You're an insurance man.


People have been making claims that they've been robbed while under the influence of scopolamine, so I'm just trying to determine if that's the case.

If the drug has that hypnotic effect, or if people are just defrauding the company.



Okay, gimme your phone.

This is the phone number, and this is the address of the condo in Burnaby.

She's on the third floor.

You text her when you're downstairs, and hopefully she'll buzz you up.

Just leave my name out of it.

Thank you.

[door lock buzzes open]

How you doing?

It was me who texted before about the party favours?


What would you like?

Well, let's see, maybe a little coke, valium... and some devil's breath.

Who gave you my number?

Old buddy of mine.



Good-looking guy? You'd remember him.

Maybe I know him under some other name.

You look like a cop to me.

I get that a lot.

I was in the military once upon a time.

Maybe that's the vibe you're picking up on.


On me.

I don't smoke that shit.

I'm more of a downer kinda guy.

Gotta go up before you can come back down.

All right, f*ck it.





This is for you.

You ever see this guy?

I'll be back in a week or so.

This is awfully abrupt.

You have everything you need from me.

Everything except a clear objective.

I'm not going to tell you what to do.

You must enforce a lasting resolution, and make sure it sticks.

There won't be a second chance.

That certainly leaves things wide open.

[car engine starting]

This is the shit.


Where did you get that?

Doesn't matter where I got it.

That matters is this is how we're gonna get to Michael Gary.

We know his routine.

It would be a perfectly easy thing to drop a little poof of this into his morning juice.

It's not like it hasn't been done before.

In fact, I happen to know somebody who used to be quite the expert at this sort of thing.

Then what?

Then we have a chance.

We get him talking about Sonya, about Mustapha, about his whole f*cking game.

And we get it all on tape.

Maybe we get lucky, and we can convince the son of a bitch to blow his own brains out.

You don't even know if that stuff really works.

So we test it.

We find a guinea pig.

Just get somebody to take a little snort, and then start asking questions.

Don't you f*cking...


Jesus Christ...

[sniffing and snorting]


You're a f*cking moron!



Now we just give it a minute.

They say it takes effect pretty quick.

And you f*cking wonder why no one trusts your judgment.

[gently] Not really.

I get attached to people.

I know I shouldn't.

I should be cold and distant.

Like you.


How do you feel?

My mouth is a little dry maybe.

That's about it.

You know you just snorted devil's breath.

[chuckling] Mm-hmm.

Sit down.

I'm fine standing.

Still thirsty?

A little.

Drink that back.

All of it.

Sit down.

Where's your g*n?

[groggily] Hmm?

You have a g*n in this apartment, where is it?

Oh, yeah, uh... under the bed.

Do you remember Honduras, Norm?


Remember the lovely boyfriend you had?



He adored me.

Yes, he did.

What happened to Eduardo?

You told me that they arrested him... and took him to the stadium.

[quietly] No...

What really happened?

You wanted one last great night of romance with him before he left.

But you got drunk, and high, and you missed the rendezvous that I arranged to get him out of country.

You might as well have shot him yourself.

[cocking g*n]

Do what you should have done then.

[pulls trigger, g*n clicks]

[roaring] Why are you f*cking with me?

You wanted a test.

You got your test.

Oh, God.

You all right?

A little thirsty.

You should get into bed and lie down for a while.

I'm really not tired.

But you feel very tired.

A little bit.

You could use a good long sleep.

I really could.

Come on, lie down.

[mumbling] That's a good idea.

I'm feeling a little sleepy.


I will give you a call tomorrow morning.

Okay. [groaning]

Sounds good.

Take them by river boat to the mountains.

Do not speak to anyone along the way.

[coins jingling]

man: Halt. Who goes there?

[door banging open]

You have betrayed me!

Why do you accuse me? What is wrong with you?

You have lain with my son in this bed, turned him against me, and conspired to rob the opium warehouse!


Who would tell such lies!

My son.

In exchange for a pitiful pipeful of opium.

I don't believe you.

Bring him here now and make him say it to my face!

Hu! Come here!

Is it true?

It is true.

I'm leaving this cursed house.

If you confess, I will spare your life.

I confess to nothing.

You have made foolish mistakes.

k*lling me would be another.

I'm surprised your husband would leave you all alone on a strange sh**t in a strange land.

He trusts me.

He's not doing much for your career, though, is he?

I don't like him interfering.

I wouldn't abandon you like this.

That's the problem, you never left me alone.

Was my attention that unpleasant?

I cherish my independence.

Independence is overrated.

We all need love and support.

There's a difference between support and sl*very.

I understand you feel strongly about this film.

You should stay and finish it.

Who knows, maybe it does well.

It will do well.

Maybe it will, maybe it won't.

Either way, you come back to Hong Kong with me, and I throw everything I have behind you.

Together, we find your next project.

What if I say no?

You won't.

Underneath all your armour, I know what you crave more than anything else.




You don't get one without the other, my dear.

How much do you know about Michael Gary?

I was introduced to him today.

He made a point of suggesting that he knew rather more than I might about the new world of global security, or insecurity, as he repeatedly stressed.

He also intimated that there would be a job waiting for me in a senior position at Global Standard when I retire.

He's recruiting, is he?

[chuckles] Always.

You realize that he's on the short list to replace you in the job you just landed.

Is he now?

That's a bit of news he neglected to mention.

I've also got good reason to believe that he's behind the original terror incident at the stadium.

Do you?

You met him, tell me what you think.


I was shown a policy paper that he had a hand in authoring.

Tell me if it sends the same chill down your spine as it does mine.

And if it does?

I think we'd do well to make sure he's removed from the short list for my job.

I'd hate to have him nipping at my heels.

Might stop me concentrating on the task at hand.

And your task at hand?

I've got to de-fang this policy paper before it's presented.

What's the short version?

If we peel back the veils of rhetoric and bullshit, a western intelligence alliance run by private enterprise.

I'll give it a close read.

I'd like to meet Mr. Gary.

Can you arrange it?

No doubt.

And Professor Song, where did you leave that?

Um, I believe she'll be leaving town on the next tide.

A votre santé.

A good day overall.

And many more to come.

Were you successful in punting this Wolfgang McGee fellow off of my inquiry?

I had a long talk with him.

He won't be an issue.

In fact, he may be interested in coming on board.

He's had a change of heart?

He wants to meet with Mr. Gary and discuss the potential.

Nice job.

I'll set something up.

When you first approached me about this job, you suggested that it was a temporary position.

Yes, I believe I did.

Who is it that you have in mind for the permanent position?

Well, it's not a long list.

I really can't accept anything less than a five-year appointment.

I'm sure we can consider that.

You're asking me to take over a troubled agency, and a policy I had no input on.

We're eager to hear any input you might have.

And I'm eager to hear a detailed offer.

I don't want to be stuck in a place like this every f*cking night.

Why not?

'Cause it's scumbag central, and regular people don't like the idea of getting all dressed up and going out and getting caught in a firebomb, or-or a sh**t, or some bullshit revenge scenario.

I mean, it's not my idea of fun either.

You could do something with it.

I'm only staying for one drink.

One, and I'm out.

Be sociable, for Christ's sake, it won't k*ll you.

[muttering grimly] Don't leave me stranded.




Lana, Frank.

I remember.

We met.

Yes. I remember.

Uh, good to see you again.

Why don't you join me, I'll get you some drinks.

This is a good friend of mine, you all should get to know each other.

Can I have a word?


I want to bring Lana in to manage my interest in the club.

Manage your interest?

Keep an eye on my action.

Make sure no one's making kickbacks I'm not aware of.

She know what she's doing?

She's a good manager, ran a couple of bars in town before.

It's your action, use who you wanna use.

I got no interest in looking over your shoulder, right?

Good. I don't want you looking.

Is this deal a go or what?

Yeah, I got it standing by.

Tell me... tell me how you want me to do this.

I don't wanna be too blunt, but, uh, I'm inviting you into a partnership on the promise that you can deliver.

I'll deliver.

Okay. No more stalling.

It's not down to me, it's down to my guy.

If I push, he could get antsy.

I'm not gonna do anything to piss him off.

That's good advice.

All right, couple days.

[slaps bar] Hey, what am I, invisible?

Scotch and soda. Tall glass.

You got it.


[box rattling]


[loose b*ll*ts rattling]

[sleepily] Where are you going?


With a f*cking g*n?

[tires squealing]

f*cking drive!

[beeping horn angrily]

Move the f*ck over!


[tires squealing]

[brakes screech]

May I help you, sir?


I'm supposed to meet some friends. I'm late.

They're probably on the back nine by now.

Of course.

If you could just check in at the pro shop first.

Never mind.

I'll meet them at the clubhouse.


Good morning, sir. Is it just yourself today?

Yes, I'd prefer the patio.

I'm sorry, the patio is full at the moment, but if you'd care to wait inside, I can let you know when a table becomes available.

That's fine, thanks.

Okay, right this way.

You can have a seat wherever you like.

This looks good here.

Your waitress will be right with you.

Just coffee, thanks.

Good morning!

And how are we today?

We're, uh... not hungry, thanks.

Just waiting on a friend.

Well, we do have a very nice light croissant with some jam.

I'm fine, thank you.

I'm sorry, it's just that there's a minimum charge.


What sort of jam? We've got apricot...



[breathing hard]

[patio door opens]

Mr. Gary? Wolfgang McGee.

Sorry to bother you.

Al Crenshaw spoke to me about setting up a meeting with you, but I saw you here, and...