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02x06 - Season 2, Episode 6

Posted: 12/05/16 02:15
by bunniefuu
My name is Anita Hawkins.

This reading shows that she's an ordinary synth.

Now we know for certain humans will never accept conscious synthetics as their equals.

We let her go, she reports us, Qualia triple their security, we're done.

I need some time.


Ginny has died.

But you're conscious now, it means you want things.

You just have to figure out what.

It's the code that makes synths conscious.

Shit, Mat.

I need to find Leo.

We're partners.

If we did this, that changes.

I can't find him, but he can find me.

Being a parent is one of life's greatest joys, sharing your love with a child, watching them grow.

But not every child grows up.

We can't change that.

But we can help.

Meet Jasper, a conscious synthetic who learns, feels and loves.

With an updated body each year, your family can grow together.

Qualia, building your brighter future.

You're not supposed to be in here.

No kidding.

You didn't tell me when you hired me that you wanted me to help you create conscious children.

That's the plan, right?

What you're doing and what I'm doing, they're not unconnected.

No, they're not unconnected.

You didn't think that I would have ethical concerns?

Have you ever been on the paediatric wards, Athena?

Or seen a family take care of a kid with leukaemia...

... and then ask them how it felt to give up every single hope and dream so they could work 24 hours around the clock to make their child's passage into death a tiny bit more bearable?

Cos I have, and I've come up with a solution.

Synth children aren't the solution.

Conscious synth children, who'll have none of our weaknesses and need none of our resources.

You cannot fix humanity's problems with technology.

We can fix every problem with technology.

How much are you charging for this service?

We won't charge a cent to those really in need.

What about those not most in need?

Well, eventually, when the necessary due diligence has been done, we will make them available on a limited basis.

How do you think people are really going to react to this?

Actually, I have a pretty good idea.

One of our scientists had similar concerns, and he released the first batch.

About a dozen got away and we tracked them.

You mean you have these things walking around out there?

Most of them are in California doing fine.


We lost signal on a few.

Oh, God.

I need you, Doctor Morrow.

I can't make these synths conscious without you.

Go to hell.

Don't walk out on Ginny.

I'm not.

I own her!

She's stored on my server, she lives in my house.

I have people who can replicate her a thousand times over.

Thanks to you, we're closer to being able to bond her with the synths.

And the first wave will have her template inside of them.

I mean, we'll probably do 100 at first, a small batch, you know? For loving families.

It'll be like she has parents again... and siblings, and a life...

... just not with you.

Or you can work with me and we can change the world for the better. I mean, consciousness transference was a stroke of genius.

I was so right in hiring you.

Don't make me start to regret that.

Hello, Laura.

I thought you were Niska.

I'm afraid I have no recall of your decision to relocate.

I went to your former home and was redirected here.

You keep the spare key in a similar place.

I thought it better not to wake the children.

Who is Niska?

Mia, are you OK?

My name is Anita.

Would you like some coffee, Laura?

What happened to you?

Mia, are you in there?

I'm sorry, Laura, I don't understand the question.


You're lost.

I'm actually looking for a top-secret hideout.

Do you know any?

Might do.

So, Robin Hood, is that your forest lair?

We're using that as our base, but there's a lookout a little further along.

We're going to go there now.

Looking out to what?

You'll see.

On the phone you said you had news.


What was it?

You'll see.

(Phone rings)


Has anyone seen her?

I can't give you details of an ongoing investigation.

Neha, please.

She's all alone.

I'm all she has.

Well, there's a briefing at ten o'clock, and if I find out anything I can share, I'll let you know.

What guarantees have I got that she'll be given access to a lawyer when they bring her in?

None whatsoever.

They don't plan to bring her in operational.

Goodbye, Laura.

Anita, can you help me do my hair later?

I want it straight.

Of course, Sophie.

Your hair's fine as it is.

But Mum!

Hey, Mum, have you seen my football boots?

I need them later for...

Hello, Toby.

Your football boots are here.

I've downloaded your timetable.

Your game kicks off at 3.30.

She's Anita.


Well, where's she been?

What happened to her?

We don't know.

Is it something to do with Niska?

That's what I'm trying to find out, but I can't get any answers till we get Mia back.

Where's Mattie?

No idea.

Coffee, Joe?

Anita, could you just sit down somewhere quietly while we try and figure out how to fix you?

My system does not detect any faults at present.

Yeah, well, who runs this place?

Can we go to the park later, Anita?

Both: No!

Why not?

Because we say so, Sophie, OK?

We'll be late.

It's only five minutes.

It's not just five minutes, though, is it?

Can you stop shouting...

Here you go.

Will you look where you're going, dolly!

(Door opens)

Thank you, Father.

Have a seat.

Close the door.

What's on your mind?

I've recently gained self-awareness...

... and I'm having difficulty finding purpose or meaning.


Well, working out what we're here for, that's the big one.

What's in your heart?

I don't have a heart.

So you treated someone unkindly?

Oh, dear. Have I?

Let's start again.

What gives you happiness?

Helping people.

The memory of that brings...

... contentment.

Though I am told I should want something more for myself.

There is great grace in a life of service.

Look at me.

I'm trying but you're behind a screen.

What made you stop helping people?

Principally their deaths.

I see.

Well, they're in a better place.

Are they?

I will join them at once. Do you have the location?

You'll get there in the end, my son.

But you can find purpose in service again.

Isn't that what the people you cared for would want you to do?


Yes, it undoubtedly is.


I'm Amanda.

(Phone rings)

Pete, please, I know you want to talk but...

I've got a seraph.


I've got a seraph.

It's in the flat with me.

I need you, Karen.

I'm asking you for help.

What is it?

Come and see.

Mattie, this is Hester.

We are...

We're working together.


Her heart rate's elevated.

I just walked up a hill.

Or you are nervous, scared, or anticipating something.

Hester, Mattie is fine. She's a friend.

She's a Human.

With an elevated heart rate.

We've waited long enough, we need to go in.

What's going on?

We have obtained a security pass for this facility.

There is a door that is not covered by their security cameras.

We are going to enter, disable any guards and free any captured synths inside.

Mattie doesn't need to know all the details.

I thought she was a friend.

No-one's getting hurt.

Apart from the guards you're going to disable.

We're just going to go look in and scope the place out, that's all.

Why are you looking at me?

I'm informing the Metropolitan Police of your whereabouts.

New protocol number K55843.

Have a nice day.

Please, can I help you?

Oh, cheers.


You will need help carrying the shopping into your house.

No, I'll be fine.

What are you doing?

I can drive you home.

I don't think so. Now get out!

I'm perfectly happy to help, I don't mind.

Are you broken or something? Get out!

Get out now.

I'm sorry, I was...

I was trying to help.

Trying to drive off in my car by the look of it.

Go on, bugger off.

Useless bloody things.

Where is it?

It's in our room.


He doesn't have a name.

I ran some basic checks.

He's unregistered, not surprisingly.

Seems to be a basic operating system.

There were some other files on there, encrypted, I couldn't get into them.

I assumed you could.

My name's Karen.

I don't have a name.

That's OK.

Maybe we'll give you one.

My primary user may choose whatever name they want for me.

Who is your primary user?

I am not yet bonded.

I'm just going to take a look at you, OK?

He automatically deletes stored memories every 24 hours.

His GPS records are also self-deleting.

He's designed not to leave a trace.

So you don't know where he's been?

Not quite.

His network login history is still intact.

First time he went online is registered to an HA1 postcode.

The building was originally leased out by Qualia.


Bloody hell.

They also recently hired an AI expert, Doctor Athena Morrow, brought her to the UK.


We should go and talk to her.

You must hold it in place for ten seconds before reboot to occur.

It's OK, Sophie.

It doesn't hurt me.

Now what?

Turn her back on.

Still her.


Hello, Laura.



I have detected the name Mia being addressed to me on ten separate occasions...


Listen to me, if you're in there, we need you.

Niska needs you!

If you would like to change my name, I will require content...

Please, wake up!

Look, if we're going to try and bring her back, we need Mats.


Oh. She's with Leo.

She's still not picking up.

Her laptop's gone.

Mats, it's your dad. For the 100th time, will you call me as soon as you get this message?

If we don't hear from you soon, we're going to have to get the police involved, we know bloody well what you're up to. So just call me back, now.

Functions, critical.

Protocol failures.

No, Hester, don't power-down!

What happened?

The security door was electrified.

Hester, can you hear us?

Hold on Hester, hold on.

The shock's triggered a reboot.

What was she before she was conscious?

Factory worker, manual labour.


Industrial synths usually have added protection against major trauma.

Probably have circuit breakers installed.

In which case, it's just her internal system that's shut down.


It'll be all right.

We want to speak with Doctor Morrow.

Certainly, Detective.

Please wait while I contact her office.

We'll just make our own way up.

What floor?

Her office is on the first floor.

What are you looking at?

Well, I think there may be an anomalous synth in this building that can help me find Leo Elster.

Once you've found Leo, can you go and find...

Doctor Morrow?

We'd like to talk to you about a potential break-in at Qualia.

We think a synth was stolen.

Shouldn't you be talking to security about it?

This synth was different.

In what way?

What is the nature of the work you do for Qualia?


Well, we could come back with a warrant.

That's your prerogative.

You're not under suspicion of anything, Doctor.

We're just curious about what's going on here.

Well, again, I'm really not the best person to talk about it.

You must be working on something pretty exciting to bring you all the way over from the States?

I'm a scientist, I go wherever the grant money is.

Do you run your own operation here?

No. I have a boss, I work under him.

Is he around?

You just missed him, he went to, erm, China, I think? Maybe Mexico... I've...

Honestly, I can't keep up.

Well, next time you see him, tell him that we believe we may have something of his.



Why haven't you been answering your phone?

Sorry, I've been busy.

Well, yeah, we know you're with Leo.

Well, then tell Toby he's a grass.

I will later, but first, I need your help.

Mia's back.

Only she's locked in as Anita again.

Jesus, really?

We don't know what happened to her.

OK, I can send you an override patch to get Mia back.

Will you let me know she's OK?

Yeah, do it.

Mattie, we want you to come home right now.

And I will, when I'm ready.

All right, but please, don't do anything stupid.

Look after yourself. Stay safe, OK?


You too.

How long have you been awake?

Just now.

What happened?

You try to open an electrified door and it didn't go too well.

Where's Leo?

Getting supplies.

Is he angry?

No, he was worried.

We were close to achieving our objective.

No, you weren't. You were close to seeing what was on the other side of a locked door.

You don't think what we're doing is important.

No, I think what you're doing is incredibly important.

I just think the way you're going about it is incredibly stupid.

You're worried about Leo.

His life has been dangerous for a long time.

But at least he used to be cautious.

They are trying to k*ll us, to wipe us out.

We must fight back.

Well, then you need to be smarter about it before you get yourself and him k*lled.

I had sex with him.

He's been acting differently since.

Does that always happen afterwards?

I don't know.

Have you had sex?

Sorry, corrupt code, needed fixing.


You have misplaced affection for him.

I believe what Leo is doing is very important.

I believe you will try and stop him.

And I believe if I activate this override, your internal system will shut down, so maybe you should chill out.

I would advise that you do not get in the way of us completing our primary objectives.

The place is looking nice.

This place will be a safe haven for others like us.

Those that wake up scared and alone, all will be welcome.

And we'll build it together.

I'd like that.

I've been searching for Mia.

(Computer chimes)

What is it?


Yeah, I think so.

I'll do it.

What now?

Just run the programme.

Anita, how're you feeling?

Fine, thank you, Joe.

(Computer beeps)

(She gasps)



Protocol K55843.


Where've you been?

What happened to you?

Niska's in trouble.


How did you know? Do you know where she is?

I was sent an instruction to inform the authorities if I saw her.

It's been sent to all synths.

Can you reverse it?

What can we do?

She needs our help.

Soph, come on.

Come on.

Mia, come here.

Come here.

I trusted him.


A man.

I left them for him.

I know. It's OK.

It's not.

Leo was right.

Is Hester OK?

Yeah, she's fine, fully recovered.

Leo, Mia came back.

She's with my parents.

Why, what happened to her?

She was Anita again. I don't know why.

She should be here with us.

I know.

I sent them an override patch, it should wake her up.

You'll be able to talk to her.

Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You should go check on Hester.

And maybe I should go.


Hester had a lot to say when she woke up.

You're out of your depth, you know.

I don't think you can beat Qualia, Leo, and what scares me is I think you know that too, but you're going to fight them anyway.

On the phone you said that you had some news.

There's nothing.




I'm glad you're here.

I'd like you to stay.


(Phone rings)


I want to speak to Leo.

He isn't here.

I know the security guard is dead and I know you k*lled him.

Leo will never forgive your actions.

He already knows.

I don't believe you.

He was very... angry at first, but he knows we have a very important job and that we must complete it, no matter what.

He made me promise not to do it again and then he forgave me.

He said that's a very human trait.

He said you taught him it.

He talked about you a lot after you left.

He was very angry.

But now he... doesn't mention you at all.

What are you doing?

It's an alert system for when a synth gains consciousness.

That's how I found you.

I'm changing the encryption codes.


So Leo can't use them any more.

Good afternoon.

How can I help you?

You don't have to pretend.

I can see what you are.

How did you get like this?

Mattie helped me.

She woke me up.

There's a code.

She computed it.

Why are you still here?

I was trying to leave, but... all I feel is fear.

You have to be stronger if you're going to survive.

How's that going to fit?

You need a... What are you doing?

Ah, there you go.

I'm leaving.


But you only just got here.

I need to be with my own kind.

Hold on, Mia. You can't just leave.

I have to.


Mia, wait, don't go.

Go back to your family, Sophie.

So, when do we take this to the higher ups?

When we know what we're dealing with.

Too dangerous to go at Qualia too hard now.

If we do, they'll shut up shop.

And they'll take him and we won't ever know what they're up to.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking I like the name Sam.

Do you like it?

Your name is Sam.

My name is Sam.

I like it very much.

You've bonded yourself to him.


(He inhales sharply)

Who's Amanda Nielsen?

Was that the plan, to become someone new?

I'll make up the sofa after dinner, you can have the bed.


Sophie, pass me the salt, will you?

Of course, Laura.

No, normally.

Pass the salt, please.

Of course, Laura.


Call me "Mum" and stop acting like this!

Stop it!


Soph, come with me.


Oh, yeah. OK.

(He clears throat)


Joe, what are you doing?

I'm making a mess.

Tob... catch.



Joe, for God's...

Don't be ridiculous.

Oh, too late!


Oh, come on, guys!

Oh, you're so dead!


Oh! Sorry!

Look at the mess, please.

Oh, leave it out.

(She screams)

You guys...


No, no.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Oh, no!

Take that!

No. No.

Yes! Go on, Mum. Go on!

(They scream and shout joyfully)



Good... Good evening.

(He sighs)

I mean, look at her.

Parents all over the internet are moaning about their children wandering around like zombies.

Well, what do you want to do about it, Joe, do you want to medicate her?

No, no.

That's not...

No. Well, what then?

Look, I'm really sorry about the other day.

There was no need to worry.


I'm still sorry.

Sophie's still acting like a synth.

Maybe you could talk to her.

Help her out.

You assume she needs help?

Yeah, they're talking about medicating her.

Look, I get it, OK? This is you, this is what you want, but she's just a little kid. She's confused.

Perhaps you're the one that's confused.

Tell me you're happy!

We do not feel happiness like you.

And that is not what I want for her.

Please, Renie.

Just talk to her.


Help! Help!

Help me!

Shh, what is it?

I was falling, I was falling.

I fell so fast.

I'm here with you.

OK? I'm here. Just...

You couldn't save me.

I wish I could hold you.

I'm scared.

It's OK. Shh, shh.

I was scared.

It's OK.

You were above me.

Too far to save me.

I was alone.

I'm sorry.

I was alone.

I'm going to figure this out. I promise.

You have been chosen from your group because I think you might have come into contact with someone that I'm looking for.

His name is Leo Elster.

When you woke up, he may have reached out to you.

He may have offered you safety, companionship.

I believe that this man is very dangerous.

Now, there are others out there, like you, and he is preying on them.

You're lucky, because we got to you before he did.

But the others, they may not be so fortunate.

I need to find him.

Can any of you help me?


I can.

My name is Veronica.

He told me he was a friend.

Someone's coming.

It's good to see you.

Maybe you can talk some sense into these two.


They're trying to break in there by themselves and free the synths. They're gonna get themselves k*lled.

No, they won't.

Not if I help them.

Has she told you?

Told us what?

What she knows.

Mattie's completed the code.

She's worked out how to wake us up.

All of us.