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01x08 - Five of Cups

Posted: 12/08/16 07:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shut Eye"...

I´m back, b*tches.

She was supposed to leave town.

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I´m supposed to keep an eye.

I decree that you, Fonso Marks, will give White Tony two of your parlors and make an honest gift of the gadjo, this Charlie person.

These families will be joined.

A marriage between Drina and White Tony´s son.

Let all that was unclean... be clean again.

Emma´s dead.

They found her buried in the Angeles Crest mountains.

You and Mom don´t want to help.

You just want to protect that client of yours, that woman.

That woman had nothing to do with this.

San Marino thing is about to pay.

I love my husband.

And I want you to.

I know about your kamardi... little lady on the side.

f*cking Gina.

You need to take your money back, Nadine, put it in a safe deposit box, and never talk to me again.

I´m not your friend.

I never was. It´s over.

The whole con.

I told her the truth.

[Door slams]

She didn´t come home last night, and she´s not answering my calls.

I just need to know where she is.

I know. I heard you.

Can´t you just hack into her phone and find her?

Dad, I´m not the NSA, it´s not that simple.

Well, what about that "Find My Phone" thing?

It says her device is offline.

Maybe you should call the police.

No, honey, that´s not an option.

I´m sorry. I´m just frustrated.

It´s okay.

I gotta go. Thanks for helping.


[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

Uh, hello? Hello!

White Tony sent us to do the install.


Yeah, security cameras... in your office.

What the hell are you talking about?

You didn´t hear about the kris?

Come on, open the door.


Jesus, what´s your problem?

I need you to watch Nick.

Why, doesn´t he have school?

No, he was suspended, and he just found out his... his girlfriend died.

So it´s not a great combination for him right now.

Well, Charlie, I have things to do today.

No, you don´t.

You don´t have anything to do.

You need to watch Nick for me. And I won´t be gone all day.


Thank you.

You´re welcome.

Isn´t it beautiful?

It´s tiny.

What, were you, like, 12?

14. Same age as you.

I´m journaling all this.

Gonna write a book.

"Sold to Bondage: A Gypsy Tale."

Yeah, something like that. Not as melodramatic.

It´s not all bad.

I didn´t know your grandfather when our marriage was arranged, and I came to love him very much.

This is so wrong.

I´m still getting invited to my friends´ bar mitzvahs, and now I´m supposed to start sending out wedding invitations?

No, we don´t send invitations, you know that.

This is bullshit.

Drina? Drina?!

I have school.

Drina, Drina, there is nothing more important to me, to any of us, than family.

All we do is for that.

Family... secolo.

So now straighten up. You are going to wipe that teenage expression off your face, and you´re gonna do what we all do.

What is it that we all do?

Whatever it takes.

Hey. Just checking in on you.

You gonna stay in here all day?

I don´t know, maybe.

Sorry to hear about what happened.

The whole... dead girlfriend thing.

It´s rough, dude.

How you dealing?

Not great.

Have to go to the funeral?

Man, I hate when they have open casket.

I do not get why people want to look at their dead loved ones.

It´s like... f*cking morbid.

Won´t be open casket ´cause Emma was m*rder*d and thrown into a hole.

Without a coffin, her... organs started to decompose within 72 hours.

Within three days, gases made her body bloat.

All right, I got the picture.

Insects fed on her, maggots started coming out of her face.

Dude, are you okay?

The thing I can´t stop thinking about... the entire time, the cops just said she ran away.

Cops. What the f*ck do they know?

I can´t believe I´ll never talk to her again.

I get it, dude.

I wish there was something I could do for you, but I don´t... do the whole talk to the dead thing.

I leave that shit for the real gypsies.

You cool hanging out here by yourself for a bit?

Your parents are gone and I got some stuff I need to do.


Yeah, I´m fine.

All right, cool.

Be back later.

I don´t give a f*ck if White Tony is paying him more, my deal is with you, not with him!

Where the f*ck are my drywallers?!

Don´t you f*cking hang up on...


Were you ever gonna tell me that I work for White Tony now?

You work for White Tony now.

Just like that?

Jesus, Fonso, what the hell did you do?!

Look, we had an arrangement.


Me with you and your family, that´s it! I´m not doing this.

It´s sweet that you think you got a choice in the matter.


Hey, hey!




Stop, I can´t breathe!

Stop! I can´t breathe! Stop!

♪ She said careful ♪
♪ Always careful ♪
♪ Stay close and stay prepared ♪
♪ One slip and you are theirs ♪
♪ You gotta walk ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Walk on well-lighted streets ♪
♪ Look twice at everyone I meet ♪

See you soon, honey.

You ready?

Don´t f*ck it up.

Don´t worry.

It´s all about... dosage control.

[Doorbell rings]


Wait, do I know you?

Hi, sweetheart.

And I was hoping... I thought maybe you could, I don´t know, maybe help me communicate with her.

Oh, lost his heart... especially at your age... well, at any age, really.

But, you know, Nick, there is good luck and bad.

And very little can be done about either one.

I don´t know what else to do. I can´t...

I can´t sleep, I can´t... think about anything else but Emma... nothing.

Is there perhaps some other reason besides grief that you want to talk to this girl?

I want to ask her what happened.

Who k*lled her and...

k*lled her? Wasn´t it an accident?

No, it was some South American drug that someone gave her.

Weird. I looked it up online, and criminals use it to, like, rob people.

And your parents, what would they say about this?

They don´t like talking about it.

I mean, our house was the last place Emma was seen alive.

My parents won´t even tell the police that their client from San Marino was in the house when Emma died.

San Marino.

That´s a very nice place, isn´t it?

Do you think this client from San Marino has something to do with the drug?

Mrs. Davies? No. I doubt it.

She could have seen something, though.

That´s why I, you know, I´m curious.

She could have seen somebody following Emma, I don´t know.

Does she drive a Jaguar?

Yeah, yeah, I think so.



Fonso mentioned seeing a Jaguar in front of your house.

Do you know, Nick, me... our people believe in a spiritual world, something beyond this.

But to communicate with that world is very difficult... even for an old gypsy lady like me.

Yeah, it was a dumb idea anyways.

Oh, no, no. I understand. You want to know.


But, tell me, is she buried?


Then let´s wait.

Let´s wait until her soul finds its rest... roya.

Meanwhile, you can pay your respect by honoring a memory in any way you can, hmm?

Okay. Thank you.

How you doing, Nadine?


What are we doing when we get inside?

I´m Nadine Davies.

I called earlier and spoke with the manager.

I need to get some property from my safe deposit box.

And do you have a key?


And this case.

And who am I?

Your my new assistant, Laurie.

You´re here to help me.

Oh, yeah. I´d say she´s ready.

We´ll be right back. Don´t go anywhere.


Nora. Sorry.

Can we talk? Let me apologize for the other day.

All right, I´m sorry.

Please. Please, I´ve already had two visions this morning.

The first one was a melting rose that turned into blood all over my hands, the second, I was in an alleyway, and I felt like I was being buried alive.

I couldn´t breathe.

I don´t know where else to go.

You´re... You´re the only person I trust.

Please, I need your help.

Okay. First of all, I want to say I´m sorry.

They messed up my breakfast scramble this morning at the Farmshop, and I thought I was having a bad day.

Second of all, you´re still my patient, apparently, and I want to help you, I really do.

But I have done everything that I possibly can for you medically, and I don´t... I don´t...

I don´t know how to make them stop.

I don´t want them to stop.

You said it yourself, acceptance, not denial.

I accept. I accept the fact that something is happening in my head, so I´m gonna double down.

God or the universe or whoever, you want to talk, let´s go, let´s talk.

I´m ready to have a conversation with them.

So you want to open the pathway?

I want to know what all of this means.

No more fragments, no snippets. I want the whole picture.

Good. Come on.

[Sighs] f*ck.

Nadine! Nadine.

Where´s Gina?


Laurie, your assistant, where is she?

Oh, Laurie!

She told me to tell you no hard feelings.

2412 Craig Street, then L. A. X.

As fast as you can, please.

I´m running late. Thanks.

So I think what´s happening when you have these visions is your body releases two hormones, adrenaline, which triggers your fight-or-flight response, and cortisol, which makes your body shut down any unnecessary functions.

So I think that your body is seeing these visions as a threat, so we just need to relax it and let ´em in.

What is that?

Oh, that´s Moor mud and activated charcoal.

The charcoal is gonna help balance your pH so that your brain doesn´t freak out and flood your system with hormones, and then the mud is gonna, hopefully, absorb any excess hydrogen ion concentration in your cells.

You said that you wanted to do this.

You´re in limbo, and you can´t stop it... right, okay.


So just get as deep into the tub as you can.

We want maximum exposure to your skin, okay?


I am just gonna be over here, and if at any point, you want to stop, you just give a shout.

All right?

You good? Okay.

Three minutes, then we head to the airport.

Don´t leave.


Who the f*ck are you?

Don´t forget your passport.

I´ll pack it for you.

I need you to stay right here.

Don´t talk to anyone, don´t go anywhere, just wait for me.







I loved our bus trips together.

And you were always the funny one that kept us awake all night.

I also remember how we used to complain all those freezing morning on swim team.

And I´ll never forget the time on eighth grade retreat when you filled Mr. Connolly´s canteen with pickle juice and told him it was water.

I can still see his face when he drank it.


It´s sad to say goodbye, so I won´t.

You´ll always be remembered, Emma.

Your sweet smile, your funny jokes... your tragic love for Ariana Grande.

I love you, and I know that God is happy today, because there´s another angel in Heaven.

Thank you, Rachel.

That concludes our service.

Classes will resume after the sixth period bell, but, students, if you need some personal time or you wish to speak with Mrs. Trice, she and her counselors will be available for you.

Thank you.

Thank you all for coming.
Yo. You okay?


Just trying to call a Lyft, but my phone´s dead.

That was f*cked up, man. I saw her dad looking at you.

I shouldn´t have come. He hates me.

Hey, we´re gonna bail on school, go hang out.

Probably get f*cked up or something.

You want to come?





My son!

My son.

You okay?

[Music playing in distance]

You´re pissed, and I get that.

But you´re a smart man.

Maybe we could figure something out to our mutual benefit.

Mutual benefit?

I saw an opportunity, and I took it.

Wouldn´t you do the same?

What would I do?

I do think a small cut would be fair, since I did all the work.

These people that work for you, psychics and fortune tellers with their stupid card tricks, they´re bullshit.

Someone like me cons a case full of cash out of a rich bitch from San Marino without her even knowing.

That´s value added.

You applying for a job?

I am very, very good at what I do.

Prove it.

We work for White Tony now?

Nick? Nick?

He´s not here.

Where is he?

I don´t know, I thought he was with you or Sylvia.

He´s not with me, but you´d know that if you ever answered your f*cking phone calls.

Just call him.

I did, three times... it went straight to voice-mail.

What´s up, bro?

Syl, is Nick with you?

He´s at home.

No, he´s not!

I told you to watch him.

I did. I was.

I checked in on him before I left.

He was in his room.

Did he say anything about where he might be going?


He was all sad and depressed.

He even asked me about talking to his dead girlfriend.

I told him I don´t do that gypsy shit.

Is everything okay?


We need to find him.

What´s going on?

You heard her.

She said he was acting weird, and he wants to talk with Emma.

I mean, for all we know, he went to Rita´s to get a f*cking seance or something.

Oh, God.


Oh, f*ck.


I went back at Nadine today.

With Gina.

What the f*ck were you thinking?

We had the money.

And that little bitch took off with it.

Gina´s got the money?


Oh, you know what?

Hey, please tell me what this has to do with our son.

Fonso knows about Gina.

Since when?

It doesn´t matter.

No, it does matter.

Does... does he know about Nadine?

I think he might.

Jesus, they´re gonna take this out on Nick.

I gotta get to Fonso´s.

There you go. Nice.

Oh, this sucks.

Oh, you´re just clearing some space. Here.

Ow, ow, ow!

This is featured content, boys.

Oh! Partying on a dead girl´s grave.

It´s not her grave.


It´s still creepy as shit!

Where´s my bag?

What bag?

Uh, the bag that we brought all the beer in, where is it?



That´s hilarious.

Oh, what´s that for?


It shouldn´t have happened.

It shouldn´t have happened, and it sucks.

Should we, like, say a prayer or something?


It´s not funny, dude.

Just f*cking leave me alone.



Jesus. Let´s go!

Nick! Nick!


Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.


Four tiers.

With alternating layers of chocolate and vanilla.

With cherry blossom icing.


At the Farkas wedding, there were two cakes.

Remember, Fonso?

What? I didn´t know. Fine.

Two cakes. We good?

And a live band.

Yeah, Fonso, there´ll be a band.


Of course.

And a brass section.

Okay, brass section.

Your house is big enough for the new couple to have their own bedroom?

How many times have you people been to our place?

You know what square footage we got.

And their own bathroom.

Twin vanities.

Why don´t I build her her own f*cking wing?!


Oh, um, I´m sorry.

Fonso, can I have a word with you?

Uh-oh. Her little boy is going to get spanked.

What are you doing?


No, you´re not negotiating, you´re stalling.

This has to happen.

You left us no choice, do you understand that?

It is your temper, your lack of control that brought us here.

So now you´re going to go back there, and you´re gonna do the mongli mous.

Come on, Fonso.

Do it for the family.


What is the asking price?

Fonso, I need to know how much you are...



No girl in L. A.

Has ever gotten more than $6,000.

This is my daughter, it´s $10,000.

I´ll kick back $2,000 at the wedding.

To our contribution.

If we tell him there won´t be more...


Well... it´s a deal!

You said it was over.

You sat in that seat right there, and you said it was done between you and Gina.

I thought we were.

One rule.

That´s all we had.

And you know what I think hurts you the most?

You got taken. You were the mark.

Oh, God.

Who would have thought... the two of us, back where we met.

Are you following me?


Fonso asked me to keep an eye on all of Charlie´s family.

What´s in the can?


The next thing you say needs to be the truth.

$12,000 cash, a bunch of cursed earrings I could pawn for triple that.

Why don´t you let me have that?

Why don´t I kick you in the balls and run out that door screaming "r*pe," see how that goes for you?


You´d do that to me after yesterday?

You got a better way to handle things?

We could take this money and that... big gypsy d*ck of yours and hop a flight to Vegas.

No one needs to know.


Unless what?

Unless being under Fonso´s thumb and beating up girls and taking their money to that bitch Rita is your thing.

In which case...

You stole what´s in that can from your own brother.

You sure you´re not Roma?


I f*cking love Vegas.

We´ll go.

But if you f*ck me over...

...I am gonna carve the rest of the alphabet on what´s left of that pretty little face of yours.

You´re so romantic.

A gift from the groom to the bride.

18 karats.

Little T chose the necklace himself.

The kid has got an eye like Estée Lauder, I´m telling you.

Okay. Who doesn´t have one?

It´s time.



Good health, good luck to your family.


Sasti masa!

Sasti masa!


This is not for gadjo, it is a family affair.

I don´t mean to interfere, I´m sorry.

I´m sorry, I apologize. What are they doing here?

I don´t mean to intrude.

I´m sorry, I just... We´re just looking for our son.

Fonso, please.

Concerned parents, huh?

Whoa, hey, hey, hey!


Is my son here?

Oh, you think he´s here?

Yeah. Just tell me where he is!

Or what? I don´t give a f*ck about your f*cked-up son!

Do you have him?

Maybe I do. Maybe I don´t.

You´re a dead man!

Stop it! Stop!

Get off of me!


He might be your property, but this is my home, eh!

I´ll handle this! Dosta! Dosta!

Stop, stop!

Take him back! Take him back!

f*cking dead man walking!

Come on!

Stop him! Get off me!

Dosta, dosta!

You damage my property, I´ll blackball your whole f*cking family!

Fonso, it´s not worth it!

Go sit down! Take him back!

Fonso, stop it! Dosta! Dosta!

You want to go against the kris?

I know where Nick is.


I don´t understand! He´s supposed to be in here!


Rose Construction. Roses.

Surrounded by dirt.

That´s what I thought the vision was telling me.


Do you hear yourself?

I know it sounds crazy, but I´m having these visions.


I understand better than most that what we do is bullshit.

It is make believe and we con people out of their f*cking money.

But then I got this...

I can see the future, Linda.

I saw Nick.

He was under... dirt, surrounded by...

[Cellphone ringing]

He´s here!


Yes. I am his mother.

Your boy and two friends were up in the woods.

Booze, weed.

We´re leaving it at minor in possession.

There´ll be a court date and a fine.

The woods?

Yeah, where they found the Gilbert girl.

Come on.

Are you gonna say anything?

I´m just glad he´s okay.

Nick´s asleep.


You think I´m crazy.

I think... that you have been through a lot lately.

And if I´m being honest with myself, I think it´s because of me.

I´m sorry about Gina.

I don´t know what else to say.

What´s wrong?


What are you doing?

♪ It´s time to say goodbye ♪
♪ I´m never coming back ♪
♪ I´m leaving my things ♪
♪ Giving my thoughts ♪
♪ Leaving my friends with you ♪
♪ I´m leaving my heartache into the night ♪
♪ Into the night ♪
♪ I´m changing my old ways ♪