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01x05 - All Eyez on Me

Posted: 12/14/16 03:49
by bunniefuu
Both: Let's get 'em.

[gasps] Yes!

Previously on "Sweet/Vicious"...

See you around?


Best first date ever.

Wasn't a date.


I do art installations on campus.

The tiny robots?

What? No way.

My editor only assigns me pieces from the point of view of the black gaze.

Like Frank Ocean.

Not "gays," "gaze."


We're part of the same club.

Your dad?


Car accident when I was nine.

I have a few questions about your break-in.

Whoever sent you, I got the message.

If you could just keep what you saw tonight to yourself...

All these crimes are connected.

If you can back this up, you could have something tremendous on your hands.

Big trouble for Carter Fischer.

Three girls have now come forward.

It's a warrant for your brother's arrest.

The girl's lawyered up.

We ran a trace on his cell phone.

Well, where did his phone ping before he went dark?

I know there's something going on with you, and I don't understand it.

And, like, I can barely remember the girl that I was before I got r*ped.

I just know that I miss her.

You're right. I'm not dealing well.

We're figuring this out together.

[rock music]

♪ Well I been gone ♪
♪ Gone for days ♪
♪ And she done said ♪

You must really like this guy.

Excuse me?

The guy you've been waiting for all night.


It's a setup, actually.

Basically a blind date.

I didn't realize people still went on blind dates in 2016.

Well, apparently they don't.

What? Oh, no. Thank you but...

You're being stood up by a blind date.

If there's ever a time to let someone buy you a drink, this is it.

♪ ♪

If I'm being completely honest with you, yes, I hate my roommate's cat.

He's incredibly judgmental.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, are you... are you okay?

You all right?

Uh, I think so.

I just... I just need to...

I'm feeling dizzy.

You're not driving, are you?

♪ ♪

No, I'm not.

Good. Okay.

All right. Bye.

♪ ♪


Get home safe, okay?

♪ ♪

["Groovy Tony/Eddie Kane" by ScHoolboy Q]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪
♪ Blank face, tre eight k*ll everybody, [...] an AK ♪

How's your night been so far?

♪ Push all limits, you lookin' timid ♪
♪ Need to back off, punk-ass cops ♪
♪ Them crackers want us with our black off ♪
♪ Thug life [...] since '96 I wanted to g*ng bang ♪
♪ Few years later I'm really from it ♪
♪ We were still kids Crack off [...] ♪

Are we here?

I just... I just want to go home.

♪ Keeping two ways ♪

Let me out.

[pulls door handle]

Let me out, please.

[gasps] No.

No. No!


[muffled screaming]

♪ Real life [...] I'm in the stu' ♪
♪ Till all the weed blown, wait long, long ♪
♪ I hid the [...] behind the cell phone ♪
♪ Y'all don't hear me I want the money right ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Blank face ♪

[door opens]

Look at this.

A girl from my economics class was handing them out.

She was assaulted a week ago.

Do you know the girl's name?

Um, yeah. Uh, Rachel Abrams.

Oh, my God. I know Rachel.

She was my lab partner, Experimental Chem last year.

Wait, you took Experimental Chemistry?

I was dabbling in some things. Don't worry about it.

What kind of idiot assaults someone while they're driving a Get In?

The kind of idiot who thinks with the wrong brain.

I mean, I get the allure.

Drunk girls getting into your car, by themselves, on purpose?

Okay, I'm searching Rachel's name to see if there's any complaints filed in her account.

And yep, here it is.

Last Tuesday.

God, this is brutal.

"Woke up at home hours after leaving the bar "with ripped underwear "and no recollection of how I got home. I'm worried something happened to me, but I can't remember a thing. I know I got in the car at The Colonel. Please, if there is anything you guys can do to help."

And there's no reply, is there?

Nope, sure isn't.

Look, I'm gonna cross-reference Rachel against the drivers so we have a name for this ass-bag.

Driver 4284. Rats, there's no name.

But there is a mailing address.

I can't help you get Ophelia out of trouble, Harris.

I'm busy.

What do you know about Will and Tommy?


No, absolutely not. That's classified.

You can't just come in here and ask to see files.

That's not how life works.

Will assaulted someone named Beth.

Now, I've done a good amount of research.

I have a lot of pieces, but I'm guessing what I'm missing is in this office.

Seems to me we could help each other out.

What do you want to know?

The way I see it, if there are sexual as*ault allegations against Tommy Cope, then that means both of them committed acts of sexual v*olence.

I thought I was crazy.

Me too!

Damon Avery didn't fall.

He was att*cked.


And a few weeks ago, a girl reported an as*ault, but the administration brushed it off.

Two is a theory. Three?

It's a pattern.


Let's do this.

Harris. Ugh, I was trying to do a dramatic exit with you.

Oh, my bad. Let's do it again.

No, it's ruined now.

We can't do it. Let's just go.

What about that one?

Oh, that's Orion.

It's the hunter.

Can you see the bow?

Oh, yeah. Why... what... what's he hunting?

Well, according to the myth, he was to hunt one of every wild beast that walked the earth.


Did he do it?


He fell in love with a princess and... um, actually, what happened was that he thought that he accidentally k*lled the princess' sister.

I can't even tell you the number of times that's happened to me.

I'll meet someone, and chances are, two or three hours later, I'm accidentally k*lling their sister.

That's, uh, a joke.

Oh, I know. It's a good one.

Well... [chuckles]

How do you know all of this?

My mom. She was a amateur astronomer.

Out where we lived, the sky would just get, like, sick with stars, and every night before we went to bed, we'd climb on the roof and lay there and just stare up at the sky.

You can't really do that here 'cause it's too bright.

It's definitely what I miss most about home.

Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad, or...

No, it's not you.

It's just, um, this week.

My mom's... it's 12 years ago this week.

Come here.

What about you?

What's your mom like?

Pass. Let's go back to your mom.


Yeah, I... she doesn't really like that I'm an art major.

She wanted me to study something more practical.

I don't know.

Sometimes I feel like she might have a point.

Tyler, you're not thinking about switching your major, are you?

Lately it just feels like... where could this possibly go?

Tyler, you're so talented. People like your work.

Yeah, how would you know?

Because it's great.

Like, what is the response when you show it?

I don't know.

I've never had a show before.

What? How is that possible?

Do you know how much work it is to put on a show?

Yeah, but just think how amazing it would be...

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Do you think I'm just gonna drop this because you're a good kisser?

I mean, yeah.

That was my hope.

[both laugh softly]

Come on. Let's go inside.

[phone beeps]

Oh, hey.




No, I know. What are you doing here?

I'm the RA on this floor.

Oh! Fantastic.

Do you have a Get In driver living here?

Uh, yeah, Landon Mays, 109.

He's not here right now, but yeah, that's got to be him.

Great. Thank you. That's...

Sure, no problem.

[smacks lips, chuckles]

So, how you been?


Yeah, no, I'm really good.

I texted you.

So are you gonna invite me in?

Because I want to make out with your face.

Yeah, I was gonna get around to it, I-I swear.

Yeah. Your mouth tastes like Gushers.

Yeah, I just... I was actually eating some.

I have more.

[electropop music]

♪ ♪

Yeah. This feels really right. I'm just gonna...


Hey, Ken, have you ever done a popup event?

In my head or in real life?

Doesn't matter. Yes to both.

I want to surprise Tyler with a popup art show at Vinylton tomorrow.

Is it a stupid idea? Do you hate it?

Um, I've never loved anything more.

Show me his stuff.

Damn, he's really good.

You know, Nate is actually away this week with the football team.

Kennedy, would you like to help me throw a popup art show tomorrow?

Oh, my God, I would be honored.


Hey, look, I-I know how hard this week is for you, so if you need anything, popup or not, I'm here.





Are you sure your controller's connected? 'Cause this...

You done?

No, not until I cross this finish line right...

Rainbow Road, you are my bitch.


You know, I am gonna need you to say it.

Say what?

That I'm the queen of "Mario Kart."

I'm pretty sure it's a... it's a representative republic, actually.

Okay. Trust.

You know, you could just... you could stay over if you want.

Uh, yeah.

You know, I'm just, like, a really light sleeper.

So, you know, the slightest noise, and I'm up all night.

Yeah, that sounds like a real thing.

Rematch sometime?




[door opens, closes]

[pop rock music]

♪ ♪

[rock music]

♪ ♪

What the hell is that?

I don't know, but I like it.

Really? It looks like colors [bleep] other colors.

I'm just kidding. I love it. It's beautiful.

Okay, next topic.

You heard of this kid Landon Mays?

Landon Mays?

Why does that name sound so familiar?

'Cause he's the son of Albert Mays, president of Darlington.

Also known as driver number 4284.

♪ ♪

It looks like... colors [bleep] other colors.

That's what I said!

Shut up.


Harris, thank you so much for letting us use the store.

No, my pleasure. I'm excited.

I'm bringing Fiona.

Oh, of course. You guys are so cute.

And I know she likes you 'cause she stopped going to extra credit.

What does that mean?

Nothing. Never mind.

Don't tell her I said anything about that.

Okay. [laughs]

I'ma get out of here. You guys have fun.

I'll see you later?

[hip-hop music]

[bell tinkles]

Okay, so I did some research on Landon, and I know where he parks his car... no, that sounds like I'm... a metaphor, but it's not.

I actually know where he keeps his car.

You're leaving now? We're setting up.

If we don't get the navigation data, we have no plan.

I mean, I'm gonna leave now, and, you know, if I catch a break or two, we could be ready by tonight.

No, I'm not... I'm not bailing on Tyler straight after the art show.

We can do it tomorrow.

[bell tinkles]

Hey, babes!


I am here.

I have supplies. Let's pop this shit up.

Yeah, I-I can't do any of this.

I'm actually gonna go get some fro-yo. I'll be back.

Oh! Oh, would you grab me some?

Jules, do you want...

Yes, I would... I would love some fro-yo.

♪ ♪

That's great. Super. Great.

What flavors do you want?

We'll text you our orders.

Yeah, that's perfect.

Will you?


All right.

Thanks, babe.


My dream is to be a Westport detective.

Mmm. Not a big fan of cops.

They're not so bad.

Oh, maybe to you.

Last time I dealt with them, I ended up in cuffs, and they made me drop my peanut butter fro-yo.

You can only get peanut butter on Tuesdays.

Tell me something I don't know.

Tommy Cope?


My name is Officer Barton. Do you remember me?

I know you've said you can't think of anyone who would want to hurt you but what about... could Sasha have had anything to do with this?

Sasha, what? I don't... I don't even... first off, that was dismissed, okay?

And second of all, it wasn't even like that.

We think there might be a connection between the allegation and your attack.

If you want to know more about my attack, why don't you just ask that chick?

She's the one who took the necklace.

[foot thumps door]

What chick?

The weed dealer.

Green hair.


Did Ophelia say anything to you about a necklace?

Of course not. Did she say anything to you?

You were the one who questioned her after all of this.

Do you think...


No, no. No way.

I'm sure there's an explanation.

[dramatic music]

Thinks she can just ask me to get her fro-yo?

Who does that? I mean, come on.



"Can you get me fro-yo?" [scoffs]

[car alarm chirps]

♪ ♪


[engine turns over]


♪ ♪

Oh, my gosh. I don't even want to know what this would've looked like if you hadn't've helped me.

Oh, girl, you know I'm here for you, always.

Do you think he's gonna like it?

I think he's going to love it.


Hey, um, have you guys done it yet?

Um, no. No, not yet.

Girl, tonight is your night.

He's gonna be all mushy and grateful.

And if he doesn't go down on you for a full hour, he gots to go.

Totally. Yeah.

I don't know.

We're just taking things slow, and I don't want to rush into anything.

Okay. Yeah, I can respect that.

[bell tinkles]

They melted.

That was a long fro-yo run.

I've got to go.

So are you guys okay to finish setting up the bar?


Wait, just us?

Like... just us alone?


I'm supposed to meet Tyler, and I-I want to change.

So I'll see you guys later.

Bye, hon. [laughs]

You're Tyler Finn, right?

Yeah. You look so familiar.

How do I know you?

I'm Claire Doyle.

Your brother assaulted me.

Hi. How are you?

I-I'm-I'm sorry. I should've...

Save it. I just wanted to tell you that what your stepbrother is doing isn't gonna work.

He can't just run from this.

He's a coward, and my lawyers are gonna put him behind bars.

Claire, I'm so, so sorry.

If there's anything I can do...


You can tell your ass of a stepbrother to come home.

Face the consequences of what he did.

[door opens and closes]



Who was that?

No one.

Hey, so what's this surprise?

I'm not gonna tell you.

You'll just have to wait and see.



Here's a step.




[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


This is... wow.

Your art professor let me into your studio.

You're not mad, are you?

I... no. No, of course not.

This is... you are... it's amazing.

♪ ♪

Keep sending people my way. Drunk people buy art.

You think someone might actually buy something?

I think it's more possible if they're drunk.

["Basic Beach" by Pell]

Oh, what happened on that fro-yo run?

Oh, I almost got run over.

But tracking's on his car, and we're good to go.

♪ Young Frank Lucas but something smells fishy ♪
♪ And the water's full of groupers ♪

How do you think he's doing over there?

I just... I don't think he's used to talking to people about his art.

♪ Is he that bad? Nah not really ♪

I don't see it.

Hairball, hairball, hairball, poodle.

I-I don't... I don't see it.

I'm... I'm trying, baby. I just don't see it.

You just have to let it go, like, glaze over.

Hey. Oh, oh, oh.

I need to talk to you about something.

Okay, yeah.

It was me. I ate your Chobani.

What? Bitch, not my Chobani!

But no.

Do you remember swiping a necklace?

[bell tinkles]

What the hell's he doing here?

Are you talking about Jules' necklace?


Yeah, you know that's how they met, right?

Ophelia found Jules' necklace... actually, I don't know where. Tracked her down to return it.

Harris, Fiona, this is Evan.


No, we met. I didn't have pants on.

I do now. I-I usually do.

Good to know.


I need backup over here.

I'm right behind you.

Find me later. We need to talk.

♪ And my lines the cause of interest ♪
♪ Now I'm tossing shells at my [...] competition ♪

Thank you for bringing this back.

Thank you for forgetting it.

No. No, no, no. That was not deliberate.

I don't... that was not a leave-behind.

You know.


Oh, I just...

I think you like me and it makes you nervous.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna go get a drink.

You coming?

Fine, but just to clarify, it's not 'cause I like you.

It's 'cause I really like beer.


You know, my friend did a piece just like this last year for his thesis, but his was red though.

I feel like the color choice here is just off for me.

This piece is about abuse and depression.

It's blue for a reason.

Okay, calm down. It's just a little critique.

I don't mean no harm.

Hey, is everything okay?

No. No, no.

You know, nobody here understands anything about any of my work.

You know, it's emotions through color.

Colors [bleep] colors, right?

♪ ♪


I can't do this.

♪ And I'ma swim in it ♪
♪ Talking ten feet ♪
♪ Ain't nobody gotta know ♪

Jules, just stay inside. I'm fine.

I just need a minute.

Talk to me.

What's going on?

I'm sorry.

I'm just having a bad night and this just...

I don't like showing my stuff, Jules.

It gives me major anxiety.

I'm sorry.

Let's just go somewhere quiet and we can talk.

I'm fine.

You're not fine. Let me help you.

You can't help me, okay?

I have a lot going on, and this surprise, as thoughtful as it was, it's just not something I want right now.

I'm sorry. I...

I can't be here anymore.

Tell Kennedy and Ophelia thank you for helping with all this.

♪ And I'ma swim in it ♪

I just... I got to go.

♪ We just keep it low-key, but if they ask if that's me ♪
♪ I look back like yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Jules, you know he's an idiot for not appreciating this, right?

Total idiot. I agree.

I just... I keep opening a text to him but I have no idea what to say.

You know what you say?

You say that you are going to take his...

I think you need to give him some space.

If he has half a brain, he's gonna realize what a huge mistake he's made...

[phone chimes] all on his own.

Oh, hey. I have to go, but are you guys cool to get the rest of this?

Yeah, yeah, of course.

And thank you so much for helping last night. I'm...

I had so much fun planning this with you.

It was the best. All right.

If you need me, I'm only a text away.

And I'll see you later at the house?

Okay. Mm-hmm.

So I know you probably don't want to do this anymore.

Just so you know, I have the nav data.


8:00 sharp to scout.

I want to be hitting someone by 10:00.




Is this a walk of shame?

I prefer to call it a walk of triumph.

I'm glad I caught you. You got a sec?


I was talking with Tommy Cope, and he said you found a necklace at the scene of the attack.

Why were you talking to Tommy Cope?

Okay, I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, so please don't blow up my spot, but I've been working on a paper about the Darlington vigilante.

I think you were right. The att*cks are related.

W... the what?

I know it sounds crazy.

Honestly, I'm sure there's no validity to it, but it's been fun to play detective.

Wait, did you... do you mean Jules' necklace?


Yes, I... yeah, I found it in the alley.

That's actually how we met.

Some douchebag stole it out of her locker in the gym.

It was just lying on the ground during the attack.

Oh. The whole time?

Mm-hmm, yeah.

Yeah. I didn't think the two were related.

Wish I had something juicier for you.

Oh, yeah. So, I guess that solves that.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go to class now.

Go to class?

Well, I'm gonna smoke weed.

Oh, that makes sense.

[door opens]


Hey. How was it?

It was... kind of great actually.



Made me realize how much I've missed being around Jules, you know?

Hopefully, she's worked through whatever she had to work through.

It really felt like old times.

[door closes]

That's great.


[ominous music]

[car doors closing]

You sure this is the spot?

I pulled this spot directly from his car.

Every time Landon goes GPS dark on Get In, this is... this is where he ends up.

This is where it happens.

All right. Well, I can make this work.

How do you feel about your part?

Nothing to it but to do it.

["You Don't Get Me High Anymore" by Phantogram]

Oh, my God. Hi.

[phone clatters on ground]

No, no! Hi.

Son of... this is so embarrassing.

Okay. This is not usually me.

I'm not that girl, so just... oh.

Oh, my God.

♪ Woke up stoned in the back seat ♪
♪ From a dream where my teeth fell out of my head ♪
♪ Cut it up, cut it up ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Everybody's on something here ♪
♪ My godsend chemical best friend ♪
♪ Skeleton whispering in my ear ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Nothing is fun ♪

You're taking me home, right?

Yeah, it's a shortcut.

♪ You don't get me high anymore ♪


It's a secret.

Close your eyes. We'll be there soon.

Now it takes four ♪

♪ You don't get me high anymore ♪

♪ ♪

♪ High anymore ♪
♪ ♪
♪ And the high ♪
♪ You don't get me high anymore ♪

["All Due Respect" by Run The Jewels]

♪ This year we iller than a nun in a cumshot ♪
♪ Getting double penetrated in a dope spot ♪
♪ By two hard pipe hittin [...] ♪
♪ On the orders of Marcellus to the soundtrack of Tupac ♪
♪ I'll beat you to a pulp no fiction ♪
♪ Tarantino flow new Jules and Vincent ♪
♪ Blow marijuana smoke no incense ♪


She's a feisty one.

No, no, no!

What the hell?

I thought she was passed out.

Pull it out.


[stun g*n zaps]

[grunts and groans]


♪ I'm livid, fuming, out of touch ♪
♪ I wear sweatpants to funerals, g*ns to lunch ♪
♪ We the g*dd*mn reason for Ritalin ♪
♪ In the back of the class twitching and fidgeting ♪
♪ Dead wrong we never got along ♪
♪ We laughed at the kids that was active participants ♪
♪ Bad boy walk right past church ♪

Let's get out of here! Come on! Let's go!

Are you okay?

Go, go, go, go, go!

[tires squeal]

♪ ♪

You sure you're okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

Because it's totally fine if you're shaken.

You can talk to me.

Really, I'm... I'm fine.

Your training worked. I had a Taser.

I was never in any real danger, so...

Yes, but you don't have to be a hero about this.

If you need to talk...

Really, I'm fine.


So there was two of them.

Yes, a spicy twist indeed.

Do you think it's always been two of them?

There was something about Rachel's story that always bugged me.

I mean, you know, she has a window of what, 12 hours where she can't remember anything?

I know it's different for everyone but when have you ever heard of alcohol causing that kind of blackout?

And I know her. I mean, she's not the type.

You think there was something else in her system?

I think she was roofied.

I mean, the last thing she remembers is talking to a guy at the bar, so...

So, what, a two-man relay system?

His job is to scout the bar...

[ominous musical sting]

And slip.

And the one in the car, his job is to abduct and restrain.

[muffled shouting]

You know, I still have tracking on their phone.

We can just go end them.

Ophelia. It's almost midnight.

So what? They're pure evil.

Yes. And we're going to get them, but not when you're all jacked up on adrenaline.

I'm fine. I can handle this.

Look at your hands.

They're shaking.

Sleep it off.

I'll be over bright and early.

[door opens, closes]

[knock at door]


I saw your lights on as I was walking home.

I come bearing gifts.

Well, before I let you enter, may I see the toppings?

You post a lot of pizza pics.

I did my research.

You may enter.

Thank you very much.

So it's, um... it's pretty late.

So if you want to stay over after we finish this, that might be fine.

Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm a... I'm a pretty loud breather.


You sure that's not gonna keep you up?

I'll take my chances.

["Us" by Anna of the North]

♪ ♪
♪ Us, us ♪

It's late. What are you doing here?

I had to talk to you.

Look, I was already having a bad night, and the surprise of it all, it just... it caught me so off guard.


I handled everything so poorly.

I'm not used to feeling this way about someone.

I... you push me out of my comfort zone, but I like it.

Thank you for saying all of that.

There's actually one more thing.

♪ Collide ♪
♪ Something that we can't deny ♪
♪ There's something about us ♪
♪ Us, us ♪
♪ There's something about us ♪
♪ Us, us ♪
♪ There's something about us ♪
♪ Us, us ♪
♪ Something that we can't deny ♪

Look, I know this week is incredibly hard.

Us, us ♪

I, um...

I can't bring your mom back, Jules, but I can give you the stars.

♪ Us ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Something that we can't deny ♪
♪ Us, us ♪

♪ Something that we can't deny ♪

["Only" by RY X]

♪ ♪
♪ Hunted and fled ♪
Kneeling ♪

♪ There of the heart ♪


♪ God undertow ♪
♪ Feeling ♪


Hey, can you keep it down over there?

I'm a very light sleeper.

♪ ♪
♪ I was only falling in love ♪

♪ I was only falling in love ♪
♪ Coming from the cold ♪
♪ Buried under the heat ♪
♪ Lay you on the floor ♪
♪ Heavy like the force between us ♪
♪ ♪



Look, uh, I just wanted to... clear the air a bit.

Things have been weird ever since... you know.

Ever since we... cheated.

Look, I know it was a mistake.

I get it.

I do.

Kennedy told me you guys had a really good week together.

Um, I'm just so happy things seem to be going back to the way they were.

You two mean so much to each other.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope that things continue in that direction, you know?

Maybe we can all hang out sometime like we used to.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

All right.

[knocks softly]

♪ Hunted and fled ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Hunted and fled ♪
♪ Bleeding ♪


♪ There of the heart ♪

Hey. Sorry, I'm late for class.

No, it's cool.

How'd you sleep?

Honestly, I slept great.

Yeah, me too.


I'll call you later?


What if I call?

Ooh, okay. Hurt.

[door opens and closes]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[knock at door]



How are you doing?

You were right.

I was more shaken than I thought I was.

But I woke up this morning and I found those scumbags, planted tracking on both of them, so...

[knock at door]


Let's go. Smoothie time.

Oh, hey, O.

What up, K? Good.

Do you guys have nicknames now?

Uh, we bonded.


Don't worry about it.

Okay. Lego, b*tches.

I need some Mango Tango in my life.

We can't. We have to study.



Ugh! Boo! You are too responsible.

All right, I'll see you guys later.


[gentle pop music]

Let's do this.


[hip-hop music]

Hey! Was on my way to the gym, thought I'd swing by.

How's the Law Journal paper going?

It's good. It's good.

I thought I had a lead but turns out it was a dead end.

Mmm. Bummer. You want to come over later?

I can't stop thinking about that thing you did the other night.

Mmm, there's more where that came from.

Question, you ever have anything stolen from your gym locker?

No. But that's mostly because our gym doesn't have lockers.

Oh, word? Do you all belong to the gym?

Is it a Zeta thing?


Yeah, we all joined as pledges.

What's going on?

Where did Jules say she found that necklace?

I asked Abby about it.

She said Ophelia found it outside of Zeta.

I'll see you later.

♪ ♪


[bell tinkles]

That's not what happened.

[door closes]

Oh, yeah, my dad is letting us use his box for the homecoming game.


That's gonna be such a good game.

Dude, Nate Griffin's having an incredible season.

Yeah, it's gonna be sick.

Oh, I'm so happy.

[engine turns over]

[rock music plays on radio]

Let's get move on it.

[tires pop]

Oh, [bleep]!

["Wicked Ones" by Dorothy]

♪ ♪

[all grunting]

♪ For the faint of heart, for the faint of heart ♪
♪ This night ain't for the faint of heart ♪
♪ 'Cause the faint of heart gonna fall apart ♪
♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ Ain't no sleep when the wicked play ♪
♪ All we do is try to lay off ♪
♪ Lay off, lay off ♪

How bad?

It's fine. It's fine.

I'll live. Let's just get out of here.

♪ ♪


♪ All we do is get laid ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Ain't no love when the wicked run ♪


♪ All we do is try to lay off ♪
♪ Lay off, lay off ♪


These things that you're doing with your friend are going to stop now.

And you're never going to raise your hand against another woman as long as you live.

If you do, I'll know.

And it'll be a world of trouble for you and your sick sidekick.



I think you're the one in trouble now.

♪ ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

♪ ♪