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18x07 - Next Chapter

Posted: 01/05/17 17:04
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I got to tell you, this food is fantastic.


Korean/Mexican fusion.

I live three blocks from this place. I never knew it existed.

Takes time to explore.


Something wrong?


Just the opposite.

Everything is just right.

I'm healthy. Uh...

Reasonably sane.

And I'm having dinner with an amazing, beautiful woman.


I think I might put the shield down.

You're gonna retire?

To do what?

To do nothing.

To smell the damn flowers.

Hopefully, with somebody like you.

[cell phone buzzes]

I've been doing this a long time and at a certain point, you know, enough is enough.

This job will swallow you whole, if you let it.

So don't let it.

♪ ♪

You're saying you're not ready, is that it?

I'm saying that...

I just had a great dinner with a great man.

Now you're deflecting.


We both know that this hasn't been quite as easy as we both thought it would be.

I know.

But be honest, Liv.

What does the future hold for you?

For us?

♪ ♪

Listen, this company screams "takeover."

It's trendy, relevant, the marketing is youthful and current.

I think Smith'll jump at this.


Because they make organic craft ale that young people overpay for?

No, because our client needs to rebrand. Being venerable is a curse these days.

That stock, it's trading at a 20% discount to its peers.

I agree.

Smith needs to pivot fast.

They can't keep focusing on carbonated soft drinks.

Buying Hollow Artisan Ale would be their industry pivot.

Please stop saying "pivot."

We get it, Brad.

I appreciate what you guys are going for, but I don't like it.


What's your plan?

Changing who you are, who you really are, is almost impossible, so let's embrace the venerable and double down on who they already are.

Well, that's either brilliant, or we're all getting fired tomorrow morning.

You sent her flowers and you never even met?

No, we saw each other from across the room, I waved... it's called being bold.

Or scary.

Okay, wait, wait, wait.

So being romantic is scary?


On what?

On whether or not she thinks you're cute.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

What is it?


Um, I thought I saw someone that I knew.



One more round for everyone.

Same thing?


Got ya.

♪ ♪

[car horn blaring]

♪ ♪

[car horn blares]

♪ ♪

[car alarm blaring]

♪ ♪


[muffled screaming]

Sorry about the late call, Liv.

It's okay. What do we got?

Vic's name is Quinn Berris. She's 27, lives alone, single.

She called 911 at 11:25.

She says a guy in a mask jumped her, pushed her into her apartment, and sexually assaulted her at knifepoint.

Okay, let's track down surveillance footage and talk to all these neighbors.

I'm already on it.


It's okay.

Thank you.

No problem.

Quinn, I'm Lieutenant Benson, and this is Detective Tutuola.

We're from the Special Victims Unit.

Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?

I understand the man who did this wore a mask.

Yes, it was a black mask.

♪ ♪

Was he short or tall?

♪ ♪

Medium height, medium build.

Could you tell if he was black or white?


But it doesn't really matter.

What do you mean?

I think I know who did this.

His name is Ray Wilson.

And he's been stalking me since college.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

So Quinn, if you can.

I'd like you to tell me more about Ray Wilson.

We met at college.

At Rutgers.

We went on one date.

I just wasn't interested and he wouldn't leave me alone.

He just kept texting me and following me, and he started leaving notes on my car and buying me gifts, and he even followed me to my parents' house once.

Did you get a restraining order?

Yes, of course.

But he didn't care.

And then one day after class, he was in my closet.

Did he as*ault you?

No, I threw my coffee at him and ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and called 911.

The police came five minutes later.

He go to prison?

Yes... he got out on parole last year.

Moved back to Paterson.

Okay, and did he ever contact you again?

Yeah, he... he sent a letter of apology... to my office.

And it made me nervous, so I called Sergeant Cole.

Sergeant Cole?

He's the officer that saved me that night.


And are you two still in touch?

Yeah, we sort of became friends.

I knew his daughter, we went to college together.

He's retired now, anyway.

I asked him to make sure that Ray wasn't still obsessed with me.

I should've called NYPD...

The only thing that you need to worry about is you.


You're gonna be okay, Quinn.

You're gonna get through this.

♪ ♪

Ray Wilson. He's 27.

He was convicted four years ago of breaking and entering and attempted sexual as*ault.

Now, he was paroled in October.

Okay, any other priors?

No, that's it.

Just talked to Quinn's neighbors.

Nobody saw or heard anything.


Still looking, but so far, nothing.

r*pe kit?

No semen, no DNA.

But the perp definitely used a condom.

They found a ripped packet underneath her bed.

They're running that for prints and DNA now.

Yeah, so far, the only forensic evidence we have is a fresh cigarette butt... it was found on the courtyard in front of Quinn's door.

Well, hopefully the lab will come up with some DNA.

Otherwise, we got a whole lot of nothing.

Except Ray Wilson, of course.

You want us to track him down?

Uh, no.

Let's talk to this Sergeant Cole first.

The more we know about Ray Wilson beforehand, the better.

Let's take a ride to Jersey.

[children yelling]

Oh, yeah!

Uh-oh! Now you can't stop me.

Look out! Oh, my good...

[children laughing and yelling]

Who's winning?


You must be Lieutenant Benson.

I am.

And this is Detective Carisi.

Tom Cole.

Hey, nice place you got here.

Thanks. My wife does everything.

I just grill the steaks.


Let's get some privacy.

Have a seat.

I'll leave you folks to talk shop.

Are you sure I can't get you guys something?

Coffee or tea...

Oh, we're fine, thank you.

Uh, Linda.


I talked to Quinn a few hours ago.

Oh. She called you.

Yeah, she's devastated and terrified.

She's convinced Ray Wilson did this.

I understand.

So you and Quinn are pretty close.

My wife and I, we sort of took her in.

She said that you spoke to Ray Wilson recently.

Yeah, after he sent that letter last month, Quinn got nervous.

She was afraid he'd start stalking her again, so I paid him a visit.

Reintroduced myself, you know what I mean.

And how'd that go?


Considering how screwed up he is.

He's clearly still obsessed with Quinn.

So I gave him a little tutorial on how parole works... reminded him he's not allowed to contact her, or live within 35 miles of her, for that matter.

All right, what about work?

Different story.

He can make a living wherever he wants.

Right now, he's a chef at some French place in the city about 20 blocks from Quinn's apartment.

Nothing we can do about it, either.

You know the name of this restaurant?

Lafayette, I think.

And if you can think of anything else... please give us a call anytime.


I'll be there in a sec.

So, retirement... how's that feel?

Like I should've done it years ago.

So he works at a restaurant called Lafayette Grand Cafe.

It's on Lafayette and Great Jones.

So grab Fin and get over there and talk to him as soon as you can, okay?

Thanks, Rollins.


Everything okay?

Yeah, just, uh... just thinking.

Yeah, what about?

About the next chapter.


And that's the end of this conversation.

Come on, come on, let's go.

Let's pick it up, guys, we got 120 covers tonight.

Ray Wilson.

Can I help you?

I'm Detective Rollins.

This is Detective Tutuola.

We want to talk to you about Quinn Berris.

Can we go somewhere else?

What's this all about? Why are you asking me about Quinn?

We just want to know where you were last night.

Why do you want to know?

Why don't you let us ask the questions?

It works better that way.

For you, maybe.

You want to go down to the precinct?

Do this in a more formal setting, like our interrogation room?

Fine, uh...

I was in Belmar.

What were you doing down there?


Excuse me?

That's where my church group is.

Church group?

Look, did something happen to Quinn?

What time did you leave the church?

I'm not talking about any of this until you tell me what happened.

She was assaulted.

And you think I did it?

No, you're crazy... I was in church from 7:00 to...


10:30 or so.

That's a lot of praying, Ray.

Yeah, well, I didn't think there was a time limit.

We're gonna need the names of all the men and women you were there with, okay?

"Let us walk honestly, as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying."

So is that a yes, you were with Ray Wilson last night?


Ray and I discussed the meaning and nuances of that passage.

Romans 13:13.

And when did the meeting begin?


When did it end?

We were here, deep into the night, talking and celebrating the power of Christ.

That's great.

But I need to know what time the meeting was actually over... was it 9:00, 10:00?

There's no way Ray could have committed this heinous act.

Why's that?

Because he's a good person.

His light is beginning to shine bright.

We're all very proud of him.

I'm glad to hear that, but I need to know what time that meeting ended.

You should join us one night, Detective.

Never too late to rejoice in the bliss of our Savior.

I'm good, but please tell me what time the damn meeting ended.

Hey, any luck with the surveillance footage near Quinn's apartment?

No, not yet.

So keep searching.

Send more unis down to the scene.

Have 'em canvass the neighborhood, show them photos of Ray, you know, maybe he's... hanging around.

Watching, waiting.

You really think it's him?

Sometimes the answer is as simple as it seems.

Right? Occam's Razor.

Or maybe he actually did find God in the can and he worked all that dark, ugly stuff out of his system.

It's possible, but prison usually changes you for the worse, not the better, unfortunately.

Like being a cop.

♪ ♪

Who are you, and what have you done with Carisi?

You really feel that way?

Talk to me in 20 years.

I will.

And you'll realize that... the job doesn't change you, it makes you more of who you already are.

So listen to this... Ray Wilson's telling the truth.

Dude was really praying.

And cleaning.

There's video of him doing dishes in a church kitchen at 10:50 p.m., so even if he left at 10:51 and drove like a madman, he still wouldn't have made Manhattan until midnight at the earliest.

So much for Occam's Razor.

You're saying that Ray wasn't the one who did that to me?

We have strong evidence that suggests that he was in New Jersey at the time of the as*ault.

But if it wasn't Ray, then who was it?

Well, we don't know yet, but we're gonna find them.

I hope you do.

Okay, um...

Let's talk about what happened beforehand.

Now, you said that you were at work, late.

And then you went to a bar, right?

Now, do you remember anything unusual happening there?

Anybody staring at you or watching you?

There was this one guy, he was staring at me.

For a second, I thought it was Ray, but it wasn't, it just kind of looked like him.

Look... definitely a little paranoid.


A lot paranoid ever since...

It's okay. It's completely normal.

I understand.

Take a breath.

So when we first met, you said that Ray Wilson had been stalking you for years.

♪ ♪


I guess... that was a bit of an exaggeration.

Um, I just... this past month, ever since Ray moved back to New Jersey, I just felt like someone's been watching me.

Did you ever seen anybody actually watching you?


It's... it's just this feeling.

And... you just get a sense that there's this dark energy focused in your direction.

This guy I was dating, he saw someone once.

Staring at my apartment, um, early one morning.

And then, later that day, he saw the same guy staring at my apartment right across the street.

When was this?

About three weeks ago.

Did he get a good look at the guy?

No, he just said that he was white and about my age, and I just assumed that it was Ray.

Okay, what's his name, your ex?

Jack Price.

We'll also need the name of the bar you were at the night of your as*ault.

♪ ♪

Yeah, it's Quinn.

She comes here all the time.

Yeah, she works at the consulting firm across the street, Chatterton.

Mmhmm, well, she was here two nights ago.

You remember seeing her?


Yeah, she was with some coworkers.

Did you notice anybody watching her, staring at her?

Everybody stares at Quinn. She's beautiful.

And has this really honest, uh, intense energy, she's...

You're starting to worry me here, Nate.

I'm just saying, she's pretty amazing.

But no, I didn't notice anybody stalking her or acting weird.

But she did get into a pretty intense argument with her work buddy.

How you know that?

'Cause he smashed a beer bottle on the floor.

I had to kick him out.

You know his name?

Iit was nothing, we were just arguing about whether or not our client should get more in touch with the millennial movement.

It's a movement now?


Well, it's not my fault if people my age are open to disruptive ideas.

Congratulations, you're a disrupter.

What we want to know is what happened after you left the bar.

Hey, look, Quinn and I have been working together for four years.

We're... we like each other, we respect each other, we're friends... we're good friends.

You know, she called me the day after all this happened.

I told her to come stay at my apartment.

That wasn't the question.

What we want to know is, where did you go after you left the bar?

[chuckles] What, seriously?

You're doing the whole "alibi" thing?

We look pretty serious, right?

So take your time, walk us through every detail.

[scoffs] Okay.

Did I ever see a stalker near Quinn's apartment?

Why? What's going on, is she okay?

She's fine, we're just following up on a complaint.

And Quinn told us you saw someone standing across from her apartment in the morning, and then again that same night.

I did.

Yeah, did you see what he looked like?


How close did you get?


I, uh, confronted him.

Said, "What's your deal, dude? Why are you here?"

He asked if I was dating Quinn.

I told him to mind his own business.

He swore at me, pushed me, so I hit him.

In the face.

Never saw him again.

You tell her about this?


I, uh... I didn't want to freak her out.

Just that I saw someone and she should be careful.

Wait, you're not gonna arrest me for hitting some assclown, are you?

No, we want to show you some photos, though.

That look like the assclown you punched in the face?


What about this guy?

I definitely wasn't stalking Quinn, all right?

It was more like due diligence.

Excuse me?

Look, I just... I wanted to know whether or not she was dating this Jack Price dude or not.


Look, my cousin, he has this sweet pad in Aspen, he told me that I could use it for the weekend, and I was gonna invite Quinn.

But I just wanted to know if she was involved, so I went to her apartment one morning.

And later that same night.

Okay, okay... yeah, yeah, I sort of freaked out a little bit, but I wasn't stalking her, for God's sake. I mean, not in a creepy way.

There's no other way to stalk someone.

No, what I mean... Okay, Quinn and I... I thought we were connecting. And one night, we sort of hooked up. Or, or... no, I mean, we kissed, but... so I asked her out, and she shut me down, and...

You what?

I couldn't let it go. All right? No, I'm not proud of that. But I couldn't stop thinking about her, and then I just... I heard her talking about some guy, and I couldn't get that image of Quinn and some random guy out of my head. Wait, no... can you please just not tell her about any of this? She's never gonna forgive me, and after what she's gone through, she'll hate me.

Before we worry about that, we need to talk about you and the night of the as*ault.

After you left the bar, did you walk over to her apartment?

No, after that frat dude hit me in the face, I never went back, ever.

But you... you called her that night?


After you left the bar.

Yeah, to apologize, but she didn't pick up.

And where were you when you called her?

Iokay, I was right outside a Korean deli, right near my apartment on, like, Spring and Varick. Okay, I bought chocolate almonds and a pack of cigarettes.

You smoke?

On occasion, yeah.

Mm, it's bad for your health. Causes cancer. Even in millennials.
Don't put the shovel down yet, Ryan.

Keep digging.

This guy's annoying, but...

But what?

My gut says he's not our guy.

Well, that is good, but DNA's better.

I agree, but not in this case.

What does that mean?

The DNA for the cigarette butt came back.

It's a match for Ray Wilson.

Ray Wilson?

The guy with the airtight alibi?

That's the one.

Okay, so if Wilson was in Jersey all night, praying, how the hell did his cigarette end up in Quinn's courtyard in the West Village?

♪ ♪

Wilson was in New Jersey, but his cigarettes and DNA were in Manhattan... that makes sense.

Maybe he was there another time. A night or two before the as*ault.

It's possible, but it poured like hell the night before Quinn was att*cked.

Now, the lab said that the sample was too pristine to have been in the rain.

So the cigarette had to be dropped there the night of the as*ault.

Which means it was planted.

Which means that somebody was following Ray Wilson, waiting for him to drop a cigarette.

So let's go back, talk to Wilson, and see if maybe he remembers somebody following him, watching him.

So the stalker was being stalked.

Is that ironic or just weird?


Now what?

Pinning me with the Kennedy assassination?

No, we actually believe you.

We know you weren't in Manhattan the night that Quinn was att*cked.

Okay. So why are you here?

Well, we think someone planted your cigarette butt there at the scene.

Notice anybody suspicious watching you?

When you get out of the can, you feel like the whole damn world is watching you.

Judging you, hating you.

Anybody in particular?

Uh, yeah, I noticed, uh... a car.

Following you?

It was parked near the restaurant.

Uh, black Cadillac, I think.

I was taking a smoke break, and I noticed a car double parked, engine running.

Okay, when was this?

Uh, day before you guys barged into my restaurant and accused me of assaulting Quinn.

You see a face?


How 'bout a plate?

[chuckles] I'm not a cop, I'm a chef.

Used to be, anyway, till you guys showed up.

I got fired yesterday.

Okay, so what do we got?

Surveillance footage from the restaurant where Wilson used to work.

There this black Cadillac, he comes, he parks outside of the restaurant, right?

It's the same day that Quinn got assaulted, 3:05 p.m.

Son he gets out, he runs towards the kitchen entrance, and then about five seconds later, he runs back and he takes off.

Okay, so this is the entrance where Wilson takes his smoke breaks.

Yeah, the same one.

And so this guy leaves with his cigarette butt.

Seems that way.

All right, we run the plates?

We sure did... the car is registered to Linda Cole of Montclair, New Jersey.

As in the wife of Sergeant Tom Cole?

Quinn's cop friend and savior?

That's right.

So our hero, retired cop planted the evidence?

To bury Wilson because he assumes he committed the crime, or to cover his own ass, because he's the perp?

Well, it has to be the latter.

'Cause he grabbed the cigarette butt before the as*ault even occurred.

Which would mean he planned this whole thing.

So go back and talk to Sergeant Cole, and see if he admits parking his car at the restaurant.

We'll see if we can catch him in a lie.

Be careful, guys, because he may be retired, but he's still a cop.

♪ ♪

I really appreciate you meeting with us, Tom.

Time, I got.

Well, in a turn worthy of Ripley's, CSU actually got back to us real quick with some results.

Under three days. Who'd you bribe?


We found a cigarette butt outside of Quinn's door, had Wilson's DNA all over it.

There you go... once a scumbag, always a scumbag.

So you sure he's the guy?

He's looking good, but the timeline is a little spotty.

That's why we're trying to eliminate all potential suspects.

It's more like theoretical suspects, 'cause this prosecutor, right?

This guy, Barba, he's very methodical, he wants us to cross every T, right, before we make our collar.

And that's why we're here.

He wants us to rule out every man that Quinn talked to the day of the incident.

And phone records show that you called Quinn wha... a few times the day before the incident and once the day of.

Yeah, I wanted to give her an update on Wilson... I talked to his parole officer that day.

I feel so sick about all of this.

This punk, Wilson, deserves to die.

I don't disagree.

So, if you don't mind, can you tell us where you were the night of the as*ault?

I get it, you need an alibi to make the ADA happy.

Like I said, this guy's a complete pain in the ass.

Unless there's a reason you don't want to tell us.

Nah, it's fine.

I was in full retirement mode.

Had a nice dinner with the wife, then I was down in the basement all night.

I'm building a new wine cellar.

That's my new hobby.

What, collecting or drinking?


Let me know when you make the collar.

I'll crack a bottle of Bordeaux in Wilson's honor.

You know what, we can crack the bottle at that restaurant he just got fired from.

Mr. Chef.

Sous chef.

Right, sous chef.

For the longest time, I thought people were saying soup chef.


What the hell do I know?

I'm just a dumb cop from Jersey.

So that's where you talked to Wilson, at that restaurant?

The restaurant?


Never been there.

I talked to him in Jersey outside his apartment.

Appreciate your time, Tom.

Thanks for your help.

♪ ♪

Son of a bitch is lying his ass off.

[children shouting]

Thank you so much.


Sorry to bother you at work.

Lieutenant, what're you doing here?

Well, we had some follow-up questions about Quinn we were hoping to talk to you about.

Oh, well, how can I help?

Confidentially, we're circling Ray Wilson for this.

You know, so we think that he'd been following her for about a month, and now, of course, we have to prove it, which is easier said than done.

Yeah, so we're trying to come up with a timeline of where Quinn has been. We're gonna start with the night of the as*ault and then move backwards.

Okay, makes sense.


So Quinn told me that she had dinner with you and Tom the night of the as*ault.

No, I haven't seen her for months.

I don't know why she would say that.

Well, you know, maybe she got confused.

You know, that's not unusual... this type of trauma can cause memory issues.

So, um... you're absolutely sure that she wasn't at your house that night.

No, it was just me and Tom.

A nice, quiet, romantic dinner, huh?

Yeah, something like that.

We, uh, ate until about 8:30, and then he went down to the basement.

He's building a wine cellar there.



Is my husband a suspect, Lieutenant?


He is.


And if you know something, please tell us.

♪ ♪

Linda, we need your help.

You have a daughter.

And Quinn told us that they were friends.

♪ ♪

I can't believe this is happening.

The night of the as*ault...

Was Tom really in the basement all night, working on a wine cellar?

He was, for a while.

But he was angry. He was distracted.

And then he left.

He said that he was going to Home Depot, but I didn't see him again until the morning.

He said... if anyone ever asks, tell them that he was home all night.

Okay, Linda... is there someone that you can stay with for a while?

My sister.

Go to her today.

We'll be in touch.

♪ ♪

Cole's wife just blew his alibi wide open.

Open enough to bring him in?

Uh, yes... call Barba and have him issue an arrest warrant.

Track down Quinn.

I think she's staying at the, uh, Park Milano with her mother.

Tell her what's going on.

On it.

♪ ♪

Hey, Detective Rollins, Tutuola.

We're looking for a guest of yours, Quinn Berris.

She stayed here the past few nights with her mother.

Oh, sure, I saw her 20 minutes ago.

Very nice young woman.

Was she alone?

No, I think she was with a man.

Is this the guy?

Oh, I'm not sure... I didn't get a real good look.

She didn't say where she was going.

No, sorry.

Quinn, it's Detective Rollins.

Please call me or Lieutenant Benson as soon as you get this.

I'll call Liv, let her know what's going on.

♪ ♪

What is it now?

We're looking for Quinn.

Why? What happened?

Is she okay?

We don't know.

Somebody disabled her phone and we can't trace it.

[sighs] I just...

I don't believe that Tom would actually do something like this.

Linda, listen to me, assume for a minute that he did.

Okay? Now, where would he be heading?

Any place he'd hide?

Do you own any other property?


Oh, God...

Tom's brother has an old farmhouse in Harding.

He's never there.

He lives in Boston.

Tom's been doing some renovation work for him.

Linda, I know that this is very difficult for you.

But I need the exact address and I need it now.

Hey, how we doing on that BOLO?

Well, bridge and tunnel authorities have his license plate and his photo, but no hits.

Okay, well, Carisi and I are following up on a lead from Cole's wife.

It's a farmhouse out in Harding, about ten minutes away.

After that, we'll head back to the city.

I just got an E-ZPass photo from the GW Bridge.

It's Cole. He's got Quinn.

She's sitting right beside him.

Okay, and when was it taken?

45 minutes ago.

Okay, call the state police and the FBI now.

We need all the help on this that we can get, okay?

Yeah, this is Detective Amanda Rollins, NYPD, SVU.

I've got a kidnapping case.

This is it.

All right, let's take a look around.

Be careful, Carisi.

I'm good.

Hey. I said be careful.

♪ ♪

Looks empty.


Whoa, whoa.

Black Cadillac.

Okay, ready?

Here we go.

♪ ♪


Sergeant Cole?

It's Lieutenant Benson. I know you're up there.


He's got a g*n!

This is Detective Carisi, SVU.

I'm at 31 Timber Lane Road.

I got one suspect. He's barricaded, he's armed.

He's got one hostage.

Send a tactical team and HNT right now.

[cell phone buzzes]

Lieutenant Benson.

You need to leave now.

Let's just talk this through, Sergeant.

Let's just talk this through.

There's nothing to say.

Oh, sure there is. There's always something to say.

And I want to hear what you have to say.

I want to understand, but first, you need to let Quinn go, okay?

She's safe.

She's here with me.

Where she belongs.

No, Cole. Quinn belongs in New York.

She belongs with her family, she belongs with her friends, and you know that because you're a very, very smart man.

You are a career police officer and I know that you understand that.

I know what you're doing, Benson.

You can save the psychobabble.

I said the same things when I was on the job.

Make the perp feel safe, empowered.

Treat him with respect.

It's all crap. I know it, you know it.

Okay, then I'm gonna sh**t you straight and tell you that you and I
need to figure out something very fast before the SWAT team and before the FBI get here.

Can we do that?

Be quiet.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna see if I can make eyes on him.

[mouthing] Be careful.

♪ ♪

For a second... for a stupid second, I thought she cared about me.

[g*n clicks]

And she was grateful I came into her life, and she understood the sacrifices a guy like me makes to keep her safe.

You did. And you did keep her safe.

And you need to keep her safe now.

And have her spitin my face again?

Not return my calls?

Cancel dinner?

All my life, beautiful whores like you taking advantage... look the other way.

You know what I did for 20 years?

The things I saw.

The lives I saved.

You don't care.

I care.

And I care because I understand.

♪ ♪

You and I have spent our lives on the job, given it our all.

And you're right.

We are taken for granted.

People don't get it, they don't understand.

You're absolutely right.

♪ ♪

It doesn't feel good, but you and I both know that that's not Quinn's fault.

So you need to let her go.


You're a cop, I know that you understand this.

So I need you to listen to me and understand that you have the opportunity right now, right here, to stand up and do the right thing one more time.

You mean one last time.


Listen to me, I want you to think about your wife.

I want you to think about Linda, that woman that loves you.

I want you to think about your daughter who loves you.

They both love you.


Now listen to me...

They don't love me.

Yes, they do.


Tom, there's a future here.

You have a future.


No, there isn't.


20 years I gave.

Tell Linda I'm sorry.

Listen to me, listen to me, you take a breath... listen to me right now.

Okay? Don't hang up on me.

I'm really sorry.


I did the best I could.


Oh, Tom...


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[muffled cries]

♪ ♪

[muffled crying continues]

♪ ♪

Drop your w*apon now.

♪ ♪


Don't do this.

I'm a cop, just like you.

It doesn't have to end like this.

♪ ♪

It's too late for that.

♪ ♪




You're all right. You're all right.


Quinn, look at me. Look at me.

Quinn? Quinn, look at me, look at me, look at me.

You're safe.


Quinn, you're safe now.

You're safe.


You're safe.

♪ ♪

I got you. I got you.



♪ ♪

I got you.

How you holding up, Liv?

I'm fine.

The LBA is sending a representative to the station.

He'll be with you when you make your statement.

Got it, thanks.

Hey, so they're gonna take you to the hospital for precautionary purposes, all right?

He said I was ungrateful.

I appreciated him, I did... I don't understand...


This is not your fault.

You hear me?

Guys like Cole, they're... they're predators.

And they look for light and they look for goodness and they... and they try to steal it.

But promise me you will not blame yourself for this.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

♪ ♪

Hey, how's she doing?

She doesn't understand why he would do this to her.

Neither do I.

Maybe all those years on the job, dealing with the worst of the worst, I mean, how do you come out of that clean?

No, being a cop didn't change him.

He was always bad, it just... it just took time to come out.

Lieutenant, thank you.

For helping me out back there... I owe you one.

Hope this doesn't make you want to retire.


The exact opposite.

♪ ♪