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03x09 - Det går over

Posted: 01/05/17 17:41
by bunniefuu
My mom is crazy.

She doesn't have a say in it. We haven't talked since I moved out.

So you don't have contact with her anymore?

I've decided my life is better without mentally ill people around me.

So then I ask you: What happens after I've rescued you?

You know the only way to have something for eternity is to lose it.


If he goes to Grønland he'll be beaten up. He's naked!

You thought he's in love with you? He's not!

It was just a sick idea he had.

He's manic.


Do you need anything?

No, I'm fine.

It'll pas, Isak.

Even if it doesn't seem like it now. Even if it really hurts.

Heartbreak hurts. People think it'll never pass, but it does.

Let me know if you want to talk. If you...

If you need anything.

[Hi Even. I don't understand shit right now. Stop texting me.]

[To Isak, my son: From the very first second I saw you on June 1999 at 21:21 I have loved you and I always will until eternity.]

Yeah, but I don't understand how him and Kim became friends.

They're buddies.


Are you joking? They have waffles in the cafeteria?



What's up with you not being at school?

I'm a bit down.

What's up?

Even snapped.

What did he do?

He went outside naked in the middle of the night.


He's bipolar.

Who's bipolar? My mom is also bipolar.

Do you also have a crazy mother?

She's not crazy. She's bipolar.

Yeah but, how is she?

f*cking awesome. She is... You've met her right?

Yeah, but she's really normal.

Yeah, she is really normal. She just has periods where she's depressed and then really happy.

Who are you guys talking about?

Even. He's bipolar too.

He went outside naked in the middle of the night.


f*cking hilarious.

That's not funny.

It's comical though. f*ck. You want to know what my mom did? She was so angry with the NSB (Norwegian State Railways). She found out who the regional director was. So then she sent a resignation letter in his name. It was like: I give up. I can't work here anymore.
Where is Even now?

At home, I suppose.

Not physically, but in his head?

Is he happy or depressed?

I haven't talked to him.

Why not?

Because everything has been bullshit from his side.

What do you mean?

He's been manic.

You've been with him. He hasn't been manic all this time.

When my mom is manic, I can't make contact with her.

You've had lots of contact with Even.

Yes. But Sonja said he's been manic this entire time.

Who is Sonja?

His ex.

So you trust his ex who says he doesn't have feelings for you?

Smart, Isak. That's the best thing I've heard all day.

Wow! Wow.

What about asking Even how he feels? He isn't brain dead just because he had a manic episode.

Just talk to him when he's calmed down.

You're actually pretty cool, Mags.

Did you only realise that now?


Thanks. Jonas, you're also pretty cool.

[Welcome, this is the voicemail of...]


Hi Isak. Hey you.


How eh... I just wanted to make sure you're coming on Friday?

Yeah, I'm coming.

When does it start?

Half past 8.


It's so nice that you have a boyfriend.

That was just a joke.

Yeah... Okay.

Then we'll see each other on Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Mom too.



It wasn't a joke.

It's just over.


So... yeah.

Are you sad about it, or?


I'm fine.



Yeah, yeah.

Bye. Bye.

[Dear Isak. I'm now sitting there where we met each other for the first time and I'm thinking of you. It's almost 21:21. I want to say a thousand things to you. Sorry for scaring you. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for not telling you I'm bipolar.]

[I was scared to lose you. I'd forgotten that it's not possible to lose someone, when everyone is alone anyway. In another place in the universe we're together for all of eternity, remember that. Love you. Even]

[In another place in the universe we're together for all eternity, remember that.]

You're not alone.