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05x03 - Let's Put It Back Together Again

Posted: 01/13/17 13:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nashville...

I want us to write our story. Will you do that with me?

I go your way, or I live with disappointing you.

It's your world, baby. I'm just living in it.

You make all the decisions.

I'm trying to reach out to you.

How long are you going to want to take care of a cr*pple and a baby?

The woman who found me in the field?

She didn't want any attention from the media, that's why she didn't reach out.

We ought to look for a place together.

This is Randall St. Clair...

Ms. James, I'm your biggest fan.

Have you ever feared for your personal safety?


(country music plays)

♪ Showdown ♪
♪ Don't you know there's about to be... ♪

Sure you're gonna be okay?

Stop asking me that.

I'll be fine.

I know. I just feel bad leaving you home alone all day.

I'm not really alone.

I've got Cadence and Emily.

And all these damn demos to listen to.


Yeah. Glenn wants me to start thinking about recording again.

He thinks it will motivate my recuperation.

What do you think?

I think he's insane.

What's wrong with this one?

To sell the song, you'd have to do it in a mini skirt, and six-inch stilettos.

You'll get there.

I promise.


It's alright, I got it.

Sorry. I'm just having a morning.

You're entitled to have a morning.

I think you're amazing.

I gotta go.


And tell Deacon hello for me.

I will, and Maddie.

She starts her internship at the studio today.


Rayna and Deacon think they can slow her roll?

That's the plan.


Good luck keeping that genie in a bottle.

Call me if you need anything.

This button lets you buzz people in.

And these three connect you to the control rooms.

Got it.

But whatever you do, don't push this one.

Push that, and we're all screwed.

Wait. What one?

Just kidding.

You're gonna be great.

(sighs) Okay.

This is a lot of buttons to keep track of.

Your mom and I are real proud of you.

Starting from the ground up like this?

Shows a lot of character.

I just hope I don't mess up.


There she is.

Oh, my gosh, thank you so much for setting this up, seriously.

Yeah. I'm just glad it worked out.

Everyone treating you okay?

Yeah. So far, so good.

(doorbell chimes)

(over speaker) It's Ashley!

Wait. Is that Ashley Willerman?


Like the one who makes those stupid YouTube videos?

We're, uh, recording her first album this week.


I want to let her in.

Button over there. Yeah.

Oh, my gosh. Yes, okay.

(door buzzer sounds)

Hey, guys.


How's the morning treating you?

How about you?

Good. Well, I uh...

Well, actually I have this hangover. It's so bad.

Like the back of my scalp hurts.

Is there a way somebody could go on a coffee run?


Yeah, totally.


I will worship the ground you walk on. Thank you.


Oh, we're tracking my favorite today, by the way.

Yeah, it's a great song.

Yeah, my manager thinks it could be the single.


Do you not think so?

Well, you never gave me an answer about that atmospheric noise stuff.

Oh, yeah. I really like it.

I actually got all these sample sounds from trains around Seattle.

Yeah, I know. It's awesome...

Um, what kind of coffee do you guys want?

Black is cool.

Just cream.

I feel like my voice comes through really well.


I mean, you heard it on the demo.

Right. Yeah, we talked about doing something more raw and unadorned.

Well, you talked about it.

I'd just love it if you'd try it. We can always add the voice back in.

What do you think?


Yeah. I mean, you've been doing this for like 100 years, haven't you?

Since April.

I think I'd better let you two decide that.

Okay. Well, I like it the way that it is in the demo.

Okay. Then do it the way it is in the demo.

Thank you!

(guitar playing and knocking)

Okay, so do you want extra whip on your nonfat vanilla latte with caramel drizzle?

I have no idea what any of that means.

So go for it.

What? Are you a poet or something?

Today I am just an intern.

I feel your pain.

Who's that guy out there?

He's been playing around town for a while now.

He's dreamy, isn't he?

Yeah, kind of.

Just wait until you hear him sing.

(blues guitar)

♪ The moon is up, the night is calling ♪
♪ The dominoes have started falling ♪
♪ I feel your heat all over me ♪
♪ You got the air so thick with the chemistry ♪
♪ Ooh yeah you're driving... ♪

Oh, no, no, no.

Whoah, hey.

Oh, my God! I am such an idiot.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, no. I'm good.

I'll say that one was for me.

Let me give you a hand with that.

Thank you.

You know, maybe next time, you should take two trips.

Or watch where I'm going.

You going far?

Um, no, no.

Just down to the studio over there.

Like over there?

Over there.

Are you sure you don't need a hand?

No, I'm good.

And besides, you got fans waiting.


Sorry I interrupted.

You sound amazing.

Hey, what's your name?


(resumes playing)

♪ Ooh, yea, you're driving me crazy ♪
♪ Ooh, yea, I want you to tame me ♪
♪ Come and take a few steps my way, baby ♪

(sigh) Great.

You need some help?

No. I'm good.

Oh, my God!

Hey. Remember me?

Are you kidding?

Oh, my God!

I've been praying for you.

I hope you don't mind me showing up like this.

Oh, of course not.

I just didn't know if you'd want to see me after I didn't hear from you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just felt weird, you know.

My pastor gave me your phone number, and I picked up the phone a couple of times.

But, you're Juliette Barnes, and I just felt embarrassed.

I don't know. I'm sorry.

I don't know how I could ever thank you.

Oh, please. I mean, I did what anybody would do.

You were an angel.

I'm just so glad to see you doing well.

Yeah. I'm not sure how well I'm doing.

But seems to be a lot riding on a toe wiggle right now.

But, uh...

I'm here.

You sure are.

I'm gonna keep praying for you.

We should get together sometime.

I'd like that.

Yeah, me too.

I'm sorry. I would invite you and your friend in, but I'm on my way out. I volunteer at the church on Mondays.

Absolutely. We'll get together, make a plan.


Hey, hold onto that toe wiggle.

I've seen miracles hang on less.

Hi, I'm Hallie.

Hi. Emily. Nice to meet you.

(engine sputters)

(engine starts)

A music video would be awesome.

Yeah, totally awesome.

Well, we've just been really thinking about what would be the best way to make a real impact with your new single.

Since we don't have the advantage of a tour to promote it, we're gonna have to come at it from a different angle.

You know, with YouTube and the Internet the way it is now.

Music videos are a whole different deal.

Very different from when they first came out in the 80s.

That's right, yeah.

I mean, look at Ashley Willerman, the girl Avery's producing.

Yes. I just heard about this girl.

Apparently, she had 30 million views or something on her YouTube video.

And she's about to make her first record.

As long as I get to wear clothes, I'm in.

I agree with you on that.

You will be able to wear clothes.

I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in a meeting.


This is for you.

Thank you. What is that?

That's that green drink I was telling you about.

But I had to mix in pineapple to cut through the bitterness.

Oh, thank you so much.

Um... this is Randall.


I'd like to introduce you to the Exes.


Hey. Gunnar.

Loved the single.

I'm like obsessed.

Randall's just come on to help us with our marketing and social media.

And I was just talking to them about the music video idea.

Yes. With video, people do the marketing for you, right?

They tweet about it. They post it on Facebook.

But it has to be distinctive.

It has to just grab the people.

Like what?

Stop by my cubicle when you're all done, all right?

And I'll show you some cool stuff.


And let me know what you think, okay?

And if it's too sweet, then I'll trade you.

Okay. Thank you.

See ya.

He's so cute. He has such a crush on you.

I think he's just very good at his job.

And I do think he'd be a good resource for y'all.


(doorbell chimes)

Package for Maddie?

Oh, my God.

(door buzzer sounds)

I think you forgot something.

My lyrics!

You left it on the counter at the coffee shop.

I thought I was gonna have to start all over.

Thank you so much.

Oh, and also I brought this.

A demo? Awesome.

I will make sure it gets into the right hands.

No, it's for you.

For me?

Unless you were joking about my voice earlier.

So why don't we take this off the pile?

♪ Gonna take these handcuffs off my wrist ♪
♪ Break every rule like it don't exist ♪
♪ I've got it out for love ♪
♪ I've got it out for love ♪
♪ Gonna get him in the dark And pull him close ♪
♪ Hit him in the heart ♪
♪ Where it hurts the most ♪
♪ I've got it out for love ♪
♪ I've got it out for love ♪
♪ Got no time for crying... ♪

What's that thing she's doing with her voice?

I don't know.

She was doing it yesterday too.

It's like what Britney Spears used to do.

Sounds like she's choking.

I know. Isn't it cool?

We gotta get rid of it.


Good luck.

It's her thing. Everybody loves it.

My God, that felt so good!

I'm like shaking.

Yeah. Uh...

Listen, think we can go again?


I'd like to try a few without that vocal thing that you're doing.

Which one? Which vocal thing?

Well, it's like a catch thing.

Like you got something stuck in your throat.

Oh, that's called emotion.

I hear you, but I think it would be better if we feel the emotion instead of you, you know?

No. Why?

Ashley, you have a good voice, okay?

You don't need to do all the vocal gymnastics.

People want to hear the real you experiencing...

Okay, what do you think?

About what?

I mean, you just heard it.

Come on, what do you think?

If you're asking, I agree with Avery.

I don't know why you guys are fighting me on this.

I mean, shouldn't it be my album?

Nobody's fighting you. It is your album.

I'm just asking you to trust your own voice.

Okay, stop!

Oh, my God.

I'm like so hungry, I can't even think straight right now.

Can we take a break?



Of course.

Are you guys coming?

So you really played all the instruments in this?

Are you kidding me?

I even took the picture on the front.

Oh, Marci... Hi.


Sorry. Who do I have to beg around here for a lunch menu?

Oh, I'll do it.

I just got to figure out where the menus are.

Oh, no, no. They're right down there in the cabinet.

I saw them yesterday.


Oh, my God, my blood sugar's like in a freefall.

Found them! Problem solved.

Wait a minute.

There's no vegan menu.

I can't eat any of this.

This is like heart attack stuff.

Could you please get me a vegan menu?


Thank you.

(telephone rings)


Juliette? It's Hallie Jordan.

Oh, hi.

I'm not quite sure what to say right now.

I'm a little thrown.

Oh, yeah! Why is that?

I'm staring at a brand new car in the church parking lot.

Some man just walked up to me, gave me keys, and said it was mine.

It is yours. It's a gift.

Okay... that's really, really sweet of you.

But I can't accept this.

But why not?

Well, I mean, it just wouldn't feel right.

You know, I hope you can understand that.

It's just a car.

It's not just a car.

It's a brand new giant SUV.

It looks like it cost a fortune!

You saved my life.

Okay? I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.

And the car is nothing.

A car is not nothing.

Of course, I didn't mean to suggest that...

The whole thing just makes me feel really uncomfortable.

I mean, I really appreciate the gesture.

But I'm gonna have to ask you to take the car back.


I got a bunch of foster kids waiting on me right now, and I got to go. I'm really sorry. I really am.

And I hope this doesn't make things weird between us.

But I'ma have to talk to you later, okay?

What was that all about?

Call the dealership, and have them take the car back.


Don't ask.

So where'd you learn how to sing like that?

My grandpa he was a musician. He taught me everything.

He taught me blues, rock and roll.

Hell, even a little country.

No kidding?

Oh, yeah.

Other kids, they was rapping.

I was listening to Blind Willy Johnson, and Johnny Cash in the basement.

Oh, I love that. Where'd you get it?

My mom made it for me.

Because of this program she was in.


Yeah, uh...

Transitional housing for women on the streets.

Like she was in and out of drug treatments pretty much my whole life.

So I was raised by my grandparents.

Where is she now?

She died a couple years back.

I'm so sorry.

It's not like it was unexpected, you know.

Yeah. You are an awesome performer.

Do you play gigs at all or...


I don't know. Sometimes.

It just seems like around here, everybody wants to be someone they're not, you know.

Or somebody they're not.

Yeah, I hear you.

Just would be a waste if, you know, the only people who heard you sing are at these street festivals.


What about you?

I mean, what's up with those lyrics you left behind?

You sing too?



In another life.

(text message rings)

Crap, I gotta go.

Well, do you need a hand?

No. As long as there are no liquids involved, I think I'm good.

But thank you.

Well, hey, can I see you again?

Yeah. You know where to find me.
♪ That boat that he's been rowing Has been capsized ♪
♪ I've got it out for love ♪

(solos vocals)

♪ I've got it out for love ♪

What now?

That's just the reverb in your monitors.

I know. I like the reverb.

Look, we can always add more later.

But right now, it's so loud you can't even find your pitch.

No! I have perfect pitch! It's fine.

Actually, it's a little under at the moment.

Okay. Well, you can add that later. You have auto-tune.

Let's just try one without so much reverb.

See how it sounds.

I already know how it's gonna sound. Awful!

I know what makes people like my music.

And I don't need for you to tell me otherwise, okay?

Could you... come inside here please.

Oh, God.

No, Ashley, you don't know.

You don't know what makes people listen to your music.

You think it's about the videos.

You think if you're hot enough and you shake your bod enough, and you keep throwing all this useless crap in the songs, that people will like you.

You're an ass!

No, you're scared that people won't like your voice or you as you are!

You have talent, Ashley.

You've written some really good songs.

A couple of them may be even great, but, you're burying yourself beneath all this garbage!

That garbage has 15 million followers!

I'm an influencer! Are you an influencer?

Because there's not a video of mine that hasn't blown up!

It's not a video! It's an album!

Look at this room.

This is where Buddy Holly recorded.

Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan.

Lyle Lovett.

You are in the presence of the greats.

Don't you want to be great?

Don't you want to at least try?

What I...

What I want is the goddamned reverb, okay?

I'm outta here.

What... You going?


You want me to go too?

No, no. Stay with Maddie.

Whoah, where are you going?

You don't need a producer, okay?

You need an engineer.

Someone who can push the faders up and down.

I'm sorry. I really am.

But I think we'll both be happier if I'm gone.

I'm so sorry that took so long.

They were so busy.

Oh, thank heavens. Lunch.


What... this isn't whole wheat.

It's not?

No, it isn't. Just look at it.

I just waited for an hour.

And now I can't even eat!

Let me just take it back.

No. I'll be passed out in a diabetic coma!

I'm so sorry.

I feel like you guys think that I'm like kidding about my blood sugar stuff.

But, honestly, it's horrible!

You can have... Maddie, give her my sandwich.

You can have mine. Please.

Well, what are you gonna eat?

I'm not that hungry.

(phone chimes)

Oh, hey, Gunnar found three videos they liked.

Oh, good. Now we just have to find a director we can afford.



Would you mind giving my demo a listen?


I'm sorry, buddy.

We don't take unsolicited material.


Okay. Can I get a picture then?

Oh, you know what? I'm in a big rush I'm trying to get home to my daughter.

It won't take long.

Do you mind?

Sure. We'll do it real fast.


Does that mean she's back home then?



Yeah, okay.

Take care. Bye.

Thank you.

You okay?

This just reminds me how public it all was.

The hearing?

Yeah, I know. It was such a bad time.

I want this internship to work out so we can have a little sense of normalcy, you know?

You'd think I k*lled her cat, the way she went on about it.

I'm like, it's just a sandwich, girl.

Get a grip!

Is she really that bad?

She got a lot on her plate.

It's tough doing your first album, Maddie.

Okay, it's not like she's Taylor Swift.

Have you seen her music videos?

Well, to hear her tell it, the last one got 15 million views.

She must be doing something right.

You should have seen her bossing me around all day.

"I'll have a nonfat vanilla latte with caramel drizzle."

I mean, who even drinks that?

It's like I was her servant.

Isn't that your job?


You're an intern.

That's literally what you get paid to do.

(door opens)



There she is!

How was your first day at work?

Why don't you ask Daphne?

She seems to know more about it than I do.

What'd I miss?

Not a great start.

What happened?

Well, first of all, Avery quit.

(gasp) You're kidding!


Ashley Willerman's the smartest person in the world.

You didn't know that?

She's a true genius.

Never gets anything wrong, always right.

Mm, and she's 21?


How'd Maddie do?

Let's just say she didn't help the situation.

I'm just glad you were there.

Sounds like a wonderful day, honey.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, my God, I thought I was bad.

You are a meek sparrow beside this girl.

Sorry that happened to you, babe.

I officially file Ashley Willerman under the "life's way too short category."

How was your day?

Well, the woman who saved me?



I got her a car today.

You what?

I know, I know. It was stupid.

I've never felt so shallow in my life.

Juliette... (chuckles)

And she wouldn't even take it!

Oh, my God, it made it so much worse.

It was mortifying.

Why would you think she would want a car?

Don't rub it in, okay?

I'm an idiot. It's obvious.

Everything is obvious now.

What does that mean?

Tell me this is what you imagined.

Pushing me around for the rest of my life in a wheelchair like a sack of potatoes.

It's not gonna be forever.

I keep telling you to be patient.

I'm sick of being patient!

Sick of smiling at everybody.

And putting on a good face!

And if one more person asks me to wiggle my toe, I'm gonna scream!

Babe, they said it's gonna take a while before we know for sure.

I know now, okay?

I don't need some doctor telling me that it's over!

I'm never gonna get better.

Don't say that.

I should have died in that plane crash.

We both know that.


You'd be better off. Heck, I'd be better off!

Don't ever say that!

It's the truth!

(baby cries)

I'll get her.

No, I want to do it.

Look, I know how futile this must all seem right now.

And if you can't see your way through, then I'll see it for you.

What happened? What's wrong?

She just peed.


And you want me to take her?

She just peed on my legs and I felt it.


I felt it!

Oh, my God!

I did! Mama felt it.


(Upbeat music playing)

(mellow guitar)

Stop, stop, stop!

Okay, um... that didn't have nearly enough energy.

Can we do it again?


I didn't say anything.

No, I know, but you looked like you wanted to say something.


Oh, my God.

Do you want to quit too?

Ashley, I'm not the producer here. I'm just, you know, a hired g*n.

You say play, I say how loud?

That's all I'm doing today.

I knew today was gonna suck.

Well, maybe this will cheer you up.

I don't eat whipped cream!

Okay, sorry. I thought you asked for whipped cream.

I hope you're not planning on making a career out of this.

You don't have to snap at me!

Excuse me?

Why are you treating everyone like this?

We are all just trying to help you.

Do you even realize how lucky you are?

You should be having the time of your life right now!

Instead of whining about everything, and being a total bitch!

Get out!


I don't want to see you back here!

And I'm gonna tell your boss about you!

You are kidding me.

I wish I was.

What happened?

She mouthed off to the artist. Got her butt canned.


Yeah. Called her a bitch, right?

Right there in front of everybody.


Yeah, I mean, not that it wasn't warranted, but she's a damn intern. She can't be doing that.

No, you cannot.

What do you think we should do about it?

I'll talk to Gary.

See if I can salvage the situation.

Well, did you talk to her?

Her? Hell, no.

Still walking on eggshells around her.

Afraid to raise my voice too much or look at her funny.

Don't want her to run off again.

Honey, she's not gonna do that.

Yeah, well... you heard her on the stand.

Look, what she did to you was dead wrong.

But you are still her father.

And I don't care how tough she thinks she is right now.

She needs you.


Hey, hey, look who it is!

Just came back for my coffee grinder.

Not the coffee grinder!

How am I supposed to wake up in the morning?

Buy a new one?

Heads up.

What are we celebrating?

Will and Kevin are moving in together.

Congratulations, man. That's awesome.

Hey, well, that's the plan anyway.

Gotta find a place first.


Oh, I heard you quit on that Willerman chick yesterday.

Yeah. I think I have PTSD.

Yeah, not much luck with the girls you produce.

First Layla and now her?

Don't forget Sadie Stone.

She k*lled a guy.

You're a whacko magnet.

Thanks for the support, guys.

How's Juliette doing?

She, uh... got some feeling back in her legs.


Oh, my God! Way to bury the lede!

Well, she doesn't want anyone to know yet.

Why not?

It's hard for her to believe things are really gonna get better. But, uh...

They will.

Well, that's awesome, man.

I'm so happy for both of you.


Maybe now you'll even have time to focus on yourself for a change.


Who the hell is that?

I don't remember.


I'm sorry about the car.

I didn't mean to offend you.

Or put a price tag on what you did.

It's not why I came here yesterday.

Why did you?

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here.

Wait a minute.

No, no, no. I have no right to talk to you about this.

We hardly know each other.

We do know each other.

Are you kidding?

After what we went through?

Please, you can talk to me.

I started getting feeling back in my legs.

I felt it a little bit yesterday, and even more today.

That's incredible!

Why am I so afraid?

Afraid? Afraid of what?

That it'll go away again?

That it should.

No, no, no, no!

Yes, yes.

I have been a terrible person in my life.

And I've never cared... about anyone but me.

Why did I survive when everybody else didn't?

It just doesn't make sense.

I think it does.

I think that someone wanted you to have a chance to change.

I don't know how to.

Maybe you haven't asked the right person.

I mean, I'm happy to help, but, I was thinking of something bigger.

If I started praying now, God would just laugh.

Not the God I know.

Can we talk?

What's there to talk about?

You got fired, Maddie.

Your second day on the job, you got fired.

You really think I plan on working in a recording studio for the rest of my life?

That doesn't matter.

I always taught you do your best in everything you do.

Well, no one told me that meant playing sl*ve girl to some ungrateful brat who's not half as talented as I am!

You're out of line, sweetheart!

She was a nightmare!

To everyone! She made Avery quit!

It's not your place to call her out on that, all right?

Do you know how many times I wanted to cuss somebody out when I was your age?

I thought that's what you did do.

Then I hope you learn faster than I did that sometimes you just got to take it on the chin, and watch your mouth.

She was mean to you too, you know.

This isn't about me. And, come on now, it's not exactly like you have a history of coming to my defense.

I spoke with the studio manager.

If you want your internship back, you're gonna have to apologize to Ashley.

For what? Being honest?

If you want the job back, that's what you have to do.

You don't want it back, fine.

You're just gonna have to figure out how to make it in this world when people think you're too immature to finish what you started.

(knocking on door)


Can I talk to you for a second?

Sure, yeah.

You want to tell me what happened today?

Why bother?

You're just gonna take dad's side anyway.

Not necessarily.

But he is pretty upset, rightfully so.

I'm not going to apologize to her.

If you guys want to kick me out of the house, then fine.

But I'm not saying sorry when I don't mean it.

I'm not worried about Ashley right now.

I'm worried about your dad.

You gotta make things right with him.

It's time, and he deserves it.

What do you mean?

You said a lot of awful things on the stand that day about this man who loves you more than life itself.

For you to get up there and distort the truth like that?

In a court of law?

You can't just push that aside, forget about it.

Did he tell you this?

He didn't have to.

You broke his heart.

You are lucky to have a father who loves you as much as he does.

That is not a guarantee in life.

Now you're both pretty similar.

You both can be bullheaded.

Don't like to admit when you've made a mistake.

Sometimes it takes a bigger person to do it.

Can I ask you something?


Am I turning into a bitch?

A little.

I hate that.


(both laugh)


You still here?

Just getting Rayna set up with a Snapchat account, then I'll split.

Okay. Don't stay too long.


(door closes)

(playing guitar)

Sounds good.

Yeah, just noodling.


Wish my noodling sounded that good.

Hmm. (sniffs)

So at the trial...

I never believed those things I said.

And I said them anyway.

Because I really felt trapped.

And I felt like that was my only way out.

(sobs) Now I feel like we can never go back.

There's no way you can trust me after I lied like that.

I'm just really sorry.

Thank you, baby, thank you.

I honestly don't know how you look at me sometimes.

Come on.

I'm not blameless in all this, all right?

I was a hothead and you know it.

Wish I'd been a better dad.

You're my dad.

So I wouldn't trade that for anything.

I thought you'd be jumping for joy right now.

No pun intended.

The surgeon all but said you're gonna walk again.

Sooner than you think.

And I will get there.

I promise.

I know you will.

Listen, I'm gonna grab some more of my stuff at Gunnar's.

You be okay for a while?

Yes, I'll be fine.

What are we right now?

I'm not sure.

Are you okay with that?

No... and I won't be till you are.

♪ I'm hardheaded, I'm stubborn ♪
♪ I'm stuck in my ways ♪
♪ Still learning what it means ♪
♪ To hit my knees and pray ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm on my way ♪
♪ I'm on my way ♪
♪ On this slow ride from hell fire train ♪
♪ If you could just wait ♪
♪ I know I can ride this rail to change ♪
♪ It might not be today ♪
♪ But I'm on my way ♪
♪ I know time is a luxury ♪
♪ And I can't just ask ♪
♪ You to spend it all on me ♪
♪ After all this time's passed ♪
♪ But I'm still on my way ♪
♪ I'm on my way ♪
♪ On this slow ride from hell fire train ♪
♪ If you could just wait ♪

(engine sputtering)

♪ I know I can ride this rail to change ♪
♪ Might not be today ♪
♪ But I'm on my way ♪


Hey, Maddie?

I wrote a new song last night.

It's called "The Girls Who Spill Coffee".

You wanna hear it?

I would so love to. But I really can't right now.

How about you play it for me after work, though, is that...

♪ I'm on my way ♪
♪ On this slow ride from hell fire train ♪
♪ If you could just wait ♪
♪ I know I can ride this rail to change ♪
♪ Might not be today ♪
♪ It won't be today ♪
♪ But I'm on my way ♪