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08x13 - Hot Water

Posted: 01/16/17 01:08
by bunniefuu
Whiting: We both know you k*lled Boyle.

Deeks: I didn't.

Then who did?

Isn't it your department's job to find the k*ller?

We did.

And he's sitting right across from me.

The whole Internal Affairs investigation--

John Quinn didn't k*ll Boyle. I did, and I did it to protect Tiffany.

Hetty: That's my resignation.

It's signed and dated 90 days from now.

If we haven't found the mole by then, you won't even have to ask me to leave.

Nell: Is this

Natalie Grant? I met Natalie at the Promenade.

Some dive bar.



Sam: Wait!



Callen: Natalie, who do you work for?

Where did you meet them?


Lemon Grove Park.

Callen: She said her name was Heather.

Tried to pick Granger up a couple months back at a bar.

Do you really want to wait till morning?

What do you think?

(distorted panting)

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

(siren chirps)

Man: LAPD!

(indistinct radio transmission)

Hands up!

Stand back. Move away.

I've got a pulse.

We need an R.A. unit at this location.

Female victim, blunt trauma to the head, breathing but unconscious.

♪ ♪
♪ NCIS: LA 8x13 ♪
Hot Water
Original Air Date on January 15, 2017
♪ ♪


Looks like you've shaken off the rust, Tin Man.

Did you expect anything less?

No expectations.


I know Hetty sent you here to check up on me.

Can't a guy come down here to work on his shot without an agenda?


Well what?

What are you gonna tell her?

That you have become a conspiracy theorist.

Have I?

Kens, you know I want you back in the field more than anyone.

Not more than me.

And you seem ready, but...

But what?

It's not my decision.

But you can still tell her that you think I'm ready.

And she will still wait until she thinks you're ready.

And I am. I have been working harder than ever.

I have been coming here every single day.

I am ready.

I feel like myself again. I do.

Can't hurt to put in a good word.

I'll tell you what will hurt.


When I smoke you again.


Might need another squirt from the oil can first.


Look at us, huh, so in sync, walking into work the exact same moment.

I got a question for you-- give me your top five tourist attractions in L.A.


I don't do tourist attractions.

All right, let me rephrase that.

Give me the top five places you would take out-of-towners.

Give-give me, give me Sam Hanna's L.A.

I don't do listicles.

Why? They're so fun and digestible.

Yeah, so are gummy vitamins.

Doesn't make 'em okay.

Mm, not even the bear-shaped multivites?

'Cause those are awesome.

I mean, how else do you get your daily recommended dosage?

Direct from the source.

So y-you're telling me that you eat the exact amount necessary of fruits and vegetables every single day?

This house wasn't built on gummy bears.

(groans, chuckles)

(laughing): Ow.

Yeah. I'm gonna go have to have that inspected.

Uh, why are you doing all this tourism anyway?

You, uh, moonlighting as a travel writer now?

No, no. No, I was just taking your advice, you know, that Kensi and I don't have to do the same thing every single day, so I was just trying to find some new and exciting things to do.

Oh, so you're trying to find a place to propose.

(chuckling): Oh, no. No.


Do it at the beach.

Ocean breezes.


Maximum romance.

See, this is exactly what I was thinking.

But this is also what she's expecting, which is why I can't do that.

Oh. So you're looking for the unexpected.

See, that's what I'm talking about. You and I, simpatico.

We are so not simpatico.

We are simpatico.

We are not simpatico at all.

Eric: Guys, needed up in Ops A.S.A.P.

That's it?

No quips?

No soliloquies?

No nerd trivia?

Sam: No show tunes?

No flugelhorn?

Not today.

What do we got?

Last night Granger went back to the bar where he first met Heather.

Natalie's handler.

Granger's been trying to get her since Natalie I.D.'d her weeks ago.

Sam: He's gone back a few times without us.

Apparently, this time, he made contact.

Granger was with Heather last night?

And this morning.

Wow, G-dog, mixing a little business with pleasure, huh?

Not exactly.

Nell: Early this morning, LAPD received a phone call from an unknown source regarding possible g*nshots at Heather's house.

When LAPD arrived, they found Heather bound, badly beaten, with a broken rib.

Where was Granger?

He was still there when the cops arrived.

He was arrested on site.

There's no way that Granger did this.

Not even if it meant getting us closer to the mole.

You know that, I know that, but...

Has anyone spoken to him?

Eric: Negative. LAPD isn't giving us any information.

Nell: Honestly, we expected more cooperation out of them, given our relationship to the suspect.

I'll go down there, see if I can pull some strings.

Where is Heather right now?

At the hospital.

Still unconscious.

Sam and I will head to the crime scene, see how far we can get.

And how much we can find out about Heather, who she works for.

Cool. Uh, what should I do?

We'll call you as soon as we find something.

Yeah. Um, where's Hetty?

God, if I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that question, I'd have $2,389.

Oh, uh, downstairs.

Thank you.



Impeccable timing.

What's going on?

Ms. Blye, you remember Under Secretary Duggan.

How could I forget? To what do we owe this pleasure?

The under secretary is here to oversee... my departure from NCIS.

Well, that's ridiculous.

You made the deal with the secretary of defense.

You had 90 days to find the mole, and your 90 days have expired.

So you're just here to see heads roll, even if they're the wrong heads?

Ms. Blye.


I am a woman of my word.

Assistant Director Granger will be in charge until I find a suitable, permanent replacement.

I need to brief him immediately.

Where is he?

Oh. Um...

I haven't seen him.


(indistinct chatter)


We know Granger wanted to plant surveillance, if he ever got this far.

The question is: how far did he actually get before Heather was able to execute her own game plan?

I don't like the feeling of any of this, G.

Yeah, makes two of us.

There's Evans.

Good place to start.

Detective Evans.

Before you even ask, the answer's no.

We understand your position.

We don't want to make this any more difficult for you.

I can't let you inside.

But... maybe I didn't see you loitering around the yard for a few minutes.

Any signs of the victim waking up?

Not yet.

Clock's ticking.

(engine starts)


Have a seat.

(handcuffs clack)

Have a nice day.


Remember me?

From, like, three minutes ago?

The, uh, officer that you said was gonna be at his desk was not actually at his... desk.

My mistake.

I know you heard me when I said this, but I don't think you were really listening.

I'm-I'm a cop.

As in I am a cop.

As in I am one of you guys.

Would you like a homecoming parade?

Nope. No, no. I don't... I don't need a homecoming parade.

I just need to get to Owen Granger, please.

Were you listening when I said that Assistant Director Granger was being processed and I don't currently know where he is?

But you know how to find him.

And you know how I know that? Again, I'm a cop, and I know how to use one of these little keyboards in the system.

Have a seat, Detective Deeks.


Oh, uh, congratulations.

The, uh, beautiful ring you have on your hand.

You're obviously, you're obviously married.

For eight years.

Well, it's never too late to celebrate, right?

Just out of curiosity, where, uh, where were you asked?

I bet it was someplace amazing, right?

He do a hot air balloon?

Or, oh, like a vineyard?

Maybe on top of, like, a snowy mountain peak in Mammoth?

That'd be beautiful.

I asked.

Oh. I guess it is 2017, right?

Although that would make it 2009 or 2010, which is very progressive.

He's a lucky man.

He's a she.


0 for 2 then.

Um, while you continue to-to look for Granger, for real, where-where, where did you propose?

Whiting: Make it 0 for 3.

Which means... you're out.

Well, not to be pedantic, but it's actually three strikes, then you're out, so in this case, I would just have a really terrible batting average.

Either way, Granger's the least of your worries, Detective Deeks.

Agree to disagree, Detective Whiting.

We've got new evidence in your cold case.

It might just be the smoking g*n I need.

Oh, no pun intended.

You really got nothing better to do in Internal Affairs?

We're gonna, we're gonna do this dance again?

We really are.



And I'm so glad you're here.

Saves me a trip in L.A. traffic.

Cuff him.

Cuffs? You don't think that's overkill?

Unless that's some sort of fetish.

You know they got apps for that now, right?

Oh, look. It's, uh, Detective Deeks with handcuffs on.

Swipe right.

Cuff him.

Whatever you need.

Duggan: I want this person fired.

This person...

(continues speaking indistinctly)



(chuckles) I forget how good you are at that.

So Deeks has been texting me.

He goes, "Whiting.

New evidence. Arrested."

I think she has him at the precinct.

Also, two members of our team arrested on the same day for different crimes?

That is not a coincidence.

I know. It feels like an offensive, doesn't it?


What else did Mr. Deeks say?

I mean, it's all cryptic.

I don't think he even got to see Granger yet, but he's also stopped responding, so I think he's in custody, too.

All this time hunting for the mole, and now it seems as if the mole is headed straight at us.

I'll tell Callen and Sam.

What do you want to do about Duggan?

Oh, let's leave him in the dark as long as possible.


It's trash day.

Heather's bins aren't out.

Most people put them out the night before.

Unless you're like me and you don't generate any trash.

Excuse me?

I have almost no carbon footprint.

Coming this fall:

An Inconvenient Lie.

Well, joke all you want.

I'm just doing my part.

Yeah. I've seen inside your fridge.

Those beer bottles empty themselves?

Those are recyclable.

They don't count.



Zero, huh?

Completely empty.

So either Heather's watching her own carbon footprint, or she's smart enough to hide it.

Or this isn't her real house.

(phone rings)

I got Kens.


(camera shutter clicks)


AKA a good way to drug you into forgetting.

Yeah, well, we got bigger problems.

Deeks just got arrested at LAPD.

For what?

Something about new evidence on his cold case.

IA picked him up when he was looking for Granger.

(indistinct chatter nearby)

Sam: DEA?

Callen: What the hell are they doing here?

I'll see what's going on.

Agent Hanna.


I hate to ask, but, uh, you mind opening your trunk for us?

You do know this is a government vehicle, right?

Yeah, I know, but we'd appreciate the courtesy.



Sanchez: I'm afraid you're gonna have to come with us, so we can straighten this out.

Hold-hold on!

Look, Sam.

Something is wrong!


You think I would come to a crime scene with a corpse and cocaine in my car?


Your w*apon, please.

Are you kidding me?

Look, Sam, your w*apon.

Cuff him.

Can you at least tell me if Granger is still here?

I cannot.

Can you tell me where Detective Deeks is?

I cannot.

Can you find somebody who can?

You know Deeks is a lawyer, right?

He told me.


Of course he did.

All right, I'm gonna level with you.

Deeks is my partner.

He's my fiancé, actually.

Well, not officially.

He proposed while I was in a coma.

I was in a helicopter crash, and that's why I was in a coma.

I couldn't walk or anything like that.

And I'm actually lucky to be alive.

The point is I'm just waiting for a real proposal, so I can actually say yes.

That explains a lot.

Please, could I just have five minutes with Deeks?




Coma didn't pull at a tiny heartstring?



Detective Whiting?

Detective Whiting.

Hey, give me a minute.

Detective Whiting, hey!

Nobody is giving me a shred of information.

Give me a damn minute.

I'm not at liberty to discuss Deeks' case with you, Agent Blye.

Really? 'Cause last I checked, it was ice cold.

It warmed up.

Okay, so what is it?

What could you possibly have?

I'm not discussing this with you.

Because you have nothing.

The case is reopened, Agent Blye.

And my guess is is that you have an awful lot at stake in clearing Deeks' name once and for all.

Somebody is trying to create a problem where there isn't one.

Who is the source of this new evidence you have?

You know what?

It occurs to me now you probably know what happened all those years ago.

Maybe more than you did last year.

Perhaps now is a good time to subpoena you and find out.

Thank you for nothing.

Mrs. Ramirez:

Your timing couldn't be better.

I just baked these cookies today.

Oh, thank you, Mrs. Ramirez.

So have you had any other visitors today?

Anyone asking questions about the neighborhood?

Hmm. No. Not since last week when little Marco from two doors down stopped by to apologize for not picking up after his dog.


L.A. problems, huh?

Oh, frankly, I don't mind.

In this drought, my lawn can use the extra fertilizer.

(phone rings)

Uh, excuse me.

I just have to get this.

Oh. I'll get you some more milk.


No luck getting to Granger and Deeks.

No one is talking.

Callen: Where are you?

Leaving LAPD right now.

Stay on your toes.

Sam just got picked up by the DEA at Heather's.

Hold on, what?!

What did they charge him with?

Somebody planted dr*gs and a dead body in his trunk.

Callen, this is crazy.

They're coming after all of us, and we need to stop them.


Where are you now?

I'm not gonna say.

Look, Sam found evidence of pills that Heather may have used to drug Granger.

Now we know what Granger was doing while Heather was getting beaten.
(sirens wailing)

(men clamoring across the street)

Look, I got to keep moving.

Looks like they're coming after me.

Who? DEA?


We're all bring targeted by different agencies.

Whoever's doing this has a lot of pull.

Yeah, and a lot of connections.

Someone like Duggan.

He definitely has the connections.

Agent: Morgan.

Yeah. What?

Damn it. They must be tracking me through my phone.

He's across the street!

Kensi, stay off the phone.

Hang up now.

Morgan: Let's go! Let's go!

(agents clamoring)

How are your cookies, dear?



(dog barking, panting)

(dog growling)

All right, nowhere to run, Agent Callen! Nowhere to run!

Easy, easy, easy.

Good boy.

All right, let's cuff him, guys.

Let's go.


All right, hands behind your back; you know the drill.

Hands behind your back.

Agent: Get him in line for escort...

(dog barking)

Ms. Lange.

Why haven't we heard from Assistant Director Granger yet?

Well, I'm not his keeper.

You don't find it unusual that no one seems to know where he is?

Oh, in this business, nothing is unusual.


You have had quite the career, Henrietta.

You know, despite all of this, I've always admired you a great deal.

I regret that this is how it must come to an end.

Uh, no one is sorrier than I, Under Secretary.

As your last order of business, find Granger.


You guys heard from Callen?

A*F picked him up right after you talked to him.

Okay, so, Callen was right.

The mole is all over our system.

We have to operate offline if we're gonna stay one step ahead.

Is anyone else feeling really off-balance here?

I think that's the point.

It's like the worst round of multiball ever.

Yeah, my flippers are on overdrive.

I'm sorry, what?



People still play that?

Duh. Where have you been-- in a coma?


Too soon, Eric.

Okay, so, which ball are we gonna have to focus on to get us out of this mess?

First, they took Granger.

Who went after Heather.

Who's still unconscious.

Which means we don't know what really happened at Heather's.

So I have to make it back to the house and see if I can find something there.

Mm. LAPD has that place on lockdown.

There's no way you'll get in unnoticed.

Plus, it's probably just a safe house.

And we have no surveillance?

Not from last night or this morning?

We poured over every angle.

Still nothing.

(phone beeping)


Heather's awake.

She just I.D.'d Granger as her attacker.



(indistinct chatter)

Let's go.

(lock buzzes)


You ready to talk?

Not to you.

That hurts.

I thought we had something.

Yeah, well, it's not you.

It's me.


Just so you know, I don't want to be friends.

I want to speak with another agent.

I'm not taking requests, Agent Hanna.

Sanchez, let me explain something to you.

I know we've crossed paths, but you don't know me very well.

Now, I can give you a crash course, that I guarantee you won't enjoy, or you can give me what I want right now.

Trust me, it'll go a lot faster if you indulge me.

Give me a name.

Talia Del Campo.

You're out of luck.

Talia's away on assignment.

How far away?

Too far.

So you're stuck with me.

And stuck in here till we can sort this out.

Well, this is fun, huh?

Me and you back together again?

I mean, is it just me, or do you have an overwhelming sense of déjà vu?

And I'm happy to do it over and over again until we get to the truth, Detective Deeks.

Yeah, how about we not do that, and you go and get my captain, like I asked you to?

Your captain's not available.

I don't believe you.

You don't have to believe me.

Just know that right now, I'm the closest thing to an ally you've got around here.

You're the cl--


Oh, my God, that's a scary thought.

That's even scarier than thinking that I have to drink this coffee for one more day.

Speaking of which, we talked about this, didn't we?

I mean, you've had a whole year to upgrade.

I'm not looking for, like, a barista with a bow tie offering me lattes, but maybe you could get coffee better than what it is they serve in the vending machine of my carwash.

Can't do it.

Are you done?

Oh, that depends.

You gonna go get my captain?

Deeks, I already told you, he's not available.

Yeah, I remember when you said that earlier.

You know, as a cop, you know what I use more than any of my training?


And you, you know, being the diligent, finely-dressed- in-that-pant-suit cop that you are probably use the same thing, so what's yours telling you right now?

That I'm closer than ever to getting the right guy.

And that's because you have what exactly?

Name Tiffany Williams ring a bell?

You know what?

You probably know her better as Julie Sanders.

You know, former hooker and informant that you've been paying to keep quiet.

I was just helping her out.


Because she needed help.

I don't believe you.

I was a Boy Scout.

I got a patch to prove it.

(clicks tongue)


You know what's hilarious about this is that, uh, this information just drops out of the sky on the same exact day that Granger gets framed and then arrested.

Like, you-you do realize you're being used, right?

I ran into your partner earlier.

Oh, Kensi is here.

Well, well, good luck with that.

Is it fiancée now, too?

Is it gonna break your heart if I say yes?

'Cause I should probably tell you, I don't believe in polygamy.

And Kensi would make a terrible sister wife.

That's probably why she didn't want to talk to me.


I mean, I just mentioned the word "subpoena," and she practically ran out of here.

Let me be perfectly clear about this.

You leave her out of it.

Lucky for you, I may not need her.

Although, I guess that makes you unlucky.

Doesn't it?

Coffee's on me.

When you get a chance, you put on that bow tie, and maybe bring me back a cappuccino.


Gonna tell me what I'm doing here?


Well, I have bad news, and I have worse news.

You don't really seem like the type who cares which one comes first.

I'm the type of guy that likes to get to the point.

We found 500 pounds of stolen expl*sives on your property, Agent Callen.

That the bad news?

Well, that depends on whether or not you consider us finding a dead body in your garage worse.


Let me guess.

Someone tipped you off.

You seem like the kind of person that's willing to listen to reason.

Try me.

Look, we're both Federal agents.

I don't steal expl*sives.

And I certainly don't leave dead bodies laying around my house.

Then how do you explain how they ended up on your property?

The same way that narcotics and a body showed up in my partner's trunk, conveniently just before DEA showed up looking for him.

The body?

I bet it was dead more than 12 hours, wasn't it?

Yeah. Clearly, it was k*lled somewhere else.

Just like the body in my partner's trunk.

T-This whole thing is a set-up.

Sounds like a, uh, convenient theory.

Just look into it. Sam Hanna, Martin Deeks, Owen Granger-- all of us arrested on the same day by different law enforcement agencies?

Come on, this is an attack on NCIS.

My only concern, Agent Callen, is you and your crime.

Yeah, well, it shouldn't be.

Your job is to protect people.

And the longer my team and I are locked up, the more people that are at risk, okay?

You want that blood on your hands?


Hetty, Heather's awake.

It's about time.

Duggan is getting restless.

It was my job to find the mole, and now, everyone's paying the price.

Is it possible that Duggan is behind this?

I mean, could this just be part of his plan?

Nell: Excuse me.

I just got an alert from County.

Granger's been stabbed.

Kensi: What?!

Oh, my God!

Is he alive?

He's alive, but it's not looking good.


Everything all right, Henrietta?

I need to talk to you.

Henrietta, we've given you ample leeway up to this point.

You cannot talk your way out of this.

I have no intention of doing that.

But I do need to speak with you, alone.

An early friend and mentor always used to say that a woman is like a tea bag.

You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water.

So does that mean she knew First Lady...?

Yeah, I think so.


(siren wailing)

Come, sit down.

I haven't been entirely honest with you.

Why am I not surprised?

Owen Granger has been in police custody since this morning.

We just got word that he was stabbed.

Is he alive?

For now.

Meanwhile, three of my agents are being held by different agencies across the city.

Now, if none of this is news to you, then, bravo, you win.

You think I'm behind this?

Are you?


Henrietta, why didn't you tell me about any of this sooner?

Because I didn't realize what you have to gain until now.

I thought my career depended on finding the mole.

Now I realize... yours does.

I don't follow.

Taking me down would be big for your career.

But not as big as finding the mole.

(chuckles softly)

I can't help you unless I know everything.

I agree.

Fun fact: I do not miss hospitals.

Nell: Mm.

Just the food, right?

Watch out, Jones.

I'll bring you takeout.

Entering Heather's room now.

Knock, knock.


I'm here to take you to your MRI.

No one mentioned an MRI to me.

Well, um, it's right here in your chart.

But do not worry, you are in good hands.

Here, let me help you.

There you go.


I see you didn't eat anything.

I prefer to eat food.

Yeah, we can agree on that.

Here you go. Up.

(door opens)

I need to see your I.D. before you take the patient anywhere.


Well, unfortunately, my previous patient got some unsanitary fluids on it, so, um, kind of waiting for a new one. (chuckles)

I can't let you out of here without hospital credentials.

Okay, if you insist, I can definitely bring it out of the trash.

But, um, you might need a mask and some gloves and maybe even a shower afterwards.


Sorry. No I.D., no exit.

Mm. Okay, well, in that case, I'm sorry.


Who are you?

I'm here to protect you.


Do as I say, and you'll stay alive.

Where are you taking me?

I'm taking you someplace safe.

Tell me what the hell is going on here.

Heather, I'm a Federal agent.

We have credible Intel that there's a hit out on you.

You got to trust me.

Why on earth should I trust you?

You got no other choice.

Thank you.

Nell, we're leaving the hospital.

Okay, got it.

All right, Heather.

I'm gonna need you to walk.


(tires screeching)

Get down! Get down!


Get in the car. Get in the car!

Stay down!

(tires screeching)

Nell: Nice, Beale.

Way to sell the blanks.





...176, 177!

Feel the burn, Whiting!


I can do this all day!

What do you want?

Hey. Uh, Whiting.

Where's Whiting?

She's not here.

Oh, okay.

What's your... what's your name again?


Yeah, it's written on your badge.

Listen, Northam, can you, can you go grab the-the captain for me?

My captain?

He's not available.

Yeah. Can...

But if you could just...

All right, if you...

It's nice to see my tax dollars at work!

Thought you might be hungry.

I don't want a sandwich.

I want my phone call.

Suit yourself.

You're telling me one thing.

The evidence is telling me another.

I've told you everything you need to know.

Well, then this is gonna be a long night.

I'll tell you what.

You let me out of here, and I'll do my job.

And yours.

(steady pumping)

Any chance of showing me some mercy and getting rid of these?

I don't think I'm going anywhere fast in my current condition.

Yeah, I can absolutely help you out.

As long as you help us out.

We know you were working with Natalie.

We know Natalie was working with Carl Brown.

We also know that you're taking orders from someone.

What makes you so sure?

'Cause that someone told you to pin the attack on Granger.

She presumably took a beating for the cause.

She may not be easy to break.

And we don't have much time.

We also found evidence of dr*gs at the scene.

So we know that's how you got Granger unconscious, so that you could take a beating and frame it on him.

Unless you have a different explanation, I'm thinking it's time to face up to the facts that whoever you're working for no longer needs your services.

And that, Heather, means you need protection.

We can protect you.

Like you protected Granger?

I just saved your ass.

It'd be a lot easier to toss you out on the street again.

And, believe me, that's exactly what I want to do right now.

You didn't protect Natalie, either.

Who are you working for?

It's not LAPD.

It's not DEA.

It's not A*F. Another agency, perhaps?

An independent?

Heather, you don't cooperate with us, you are in pretty bad shape.

You either end up in high security prison, like Carl Brown, or like your friend Natalie, dead.

Make a choice.

So what's it gonna be?


What happened? Why did Agent Blye stop questioning?

Because I think we're finally getting somewhere.

I have nothing more to tell you.

If you say so.

(door opens)


She's working for the CIA.

I feel as if the entire alphabet is after us.


How do you know she's with the CIA?

Duggan, you should really brush up on your Morse code.


Oh, Fudgsicle.

We got company.

Mother Fudgsicle.

Hetty, we have a problem.

We've been swatted.

A tactical team is unloading outside the boatshed as I speak.

Oh, God.

Don't tell me. FBI.

Who are they coming for now?

It could be any one of us.

This has gone way too far.

I'll handle it.

No, I will take care of this.

It's time I do my job.

I'm Under Secretary of Defense Corbin Duggan, Stop right there!

Get your hands up! and I request that you stand down.

Hands up!

I'm in charge here.

And I can explain what's going on.



sh*ts fired!


Oh, my God!

What happened to Duggan?

He's been shot.


All right, full cover everywhere.

Looks like it was a sn*per.

Kensi: From where?

Where did the shot come from, guys?

I don't know.

All right, move in, move in.

All right, let's go!

Get him cover, cover.

Move! Move!

Is he dead?

We don't know.

I didn't think it could get any worse.

Now they got Duggan?

The one person who could've helped us.

What happens now?

I don't know.


Get on that door.

We got to get out of here.


Only one way out.


This is a brand-new suit.

Go! Move! Get in!

Break right!

Break right!


Full sweep!

You go with him!

Hands up!

Stay down.



Agent: Two left clear!

Agent 2: Clear on the right!



Watch her.


You need to see this!

Agent: Secure the premises!

Agent: Secure all the other exits!
