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10x10 - Together and Apart

Posted: 01/16/17 04:17
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

I'm sorry, but the clinic's over.

Please, just look at my horse.

She's gone?

The woman abandoned her horse to you.

Hi, Peter.

Mitch, right?

Mitch, saved Monty's life this morning.

Peter: I can't get Lou on the phone.

I think she's avoiding the issue.

(Huffs) What issue?

Divorce papers.

Dad, look out!

(Huge bang)


(Rocks thunder)

Amy: Dad!

(Rocks clatter)

I'm gonna take the horse.

I'm gonna ride up to where, uh... the ranch.

Man: Are you doctors?

Ty: We're animal doctors.

A bear's been shot.

It was a cub.

Maybe wounded.

Look, man.

(Cub squeals)

(Hard thwack)

(Cub grimaces in pain)

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

Georgie: Spartan.


(Hooves thud)

Spartan! (Panting)

(Breathless) Where's my dad?


Where is he?


What happened?

(Horse in trailer whinnies shrilly, bangs hooves)

Amy said it was just gonna be a short clinic.

They left right after lunch to get there.

Well, where was it? The clinic?

Grandpa, you must know!

Well, it was somewhere in the Kananaskis, but I never did get the name of the ranch or the person that hired Amy.

And why-why was Amy doing a clinic in the first place?

She's six months pregnant!

Can we not get into that?

Let's just find out where the clinic was being held.

There's only one thing I can do.

I'm riding back towards Karen's.


No, I can find Tim.

I'm the one who should go.

No, you can't ride. You know that! There's no way!

Besides, you should stay here with him.

(Horse whinnies shrilly, bangs trailer)

Amy: All right, just be careful.

I'll be back.

(Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thud)

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

(Mongolian music)

(Jeep rattles)

Can you hold this?


(Chain clanks)

You got it?

Yeah, yeah!

(Jeep rattles and bangs)

Oh Jeez!

Watch it! The IV'll pop out!


It is what it is, man!

(Hooves clop)



(Horse whinnies shrilly, bangs trailer)

Hey, boy.

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

How you doin' in there, huh?

(Horse bangs and whinnies anxiously)

I know.

We're gonna get you out, okay?

(Horse whinnies shrilly)

You'll be fine.

(Horse whinnies in distress)

(Tearful) We'll be fine.

(Horse whinnies anxiously)

(Dramatic music)

S10E10 - Together and Apart

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

(Horse whinnies)

Come on, Amy. You must have updated your calendar.

She's been busy.

Here's somethin'. Uh, Karen.

There's a phone number on it, too.

I can't really make it out.

Karen. Yeah, that sounds familiar.


Hey, Lou, you're back!

Lou: Hey.

Hey, Jack.

Hi, Mitch.



Good trip back?

Uh, no, actually, awful, storms everywhere.

Oh. Not good.

(Phone beeps)

Hey, did Amy say anything to you about a clinic she was supposed to do today?

No. I mean, I knew she was going, but...

Why? Is there a problem?

No, no problem.

Big problem.

They were supposed to be back by now and they're not.

Jack: Hello, is this Karen?

Hi, my name's Jack Bartlett.

I'm Amy Fleming's grandfather.

Can you tell me, did Amy run a clinic for you this afternoon?

So, it's over then?

I see.

When did they leave?

That long ago.

(Ominous music)

(Birds chirp, grass rustles)

(Grunts softly)

(Birds chirp, grass rustles)


(Grunts quietly)

(Sound distorts)


(Leaves rustle in the wind)

(Hooves clop)


(Spartan whinnies softly)


(Faltering exhale)


(Hooves clop)

(Spartan whinnies sharply)

Hey, whoa!

Whoa, bud, easy.

(Spartan snorts)


(Weakly) Georgie...

(Spartan snorts aggressively)

Spartan, easy!

(Spartan snorts sharply)


(Spartan whinnies sharply)

Hey! Whoa!

Come on! (Clicks tongue) Let's go!

(Spartan snorts angrily)

Spartan! We can't go back!

(Spartan whinnies fiercely)



Oh my God! Tim!

The Highway 40 comes out of the Kananaskis, meets up with the Trans Canada right there.

You see that line?

That means there's no accidents reported there.

Well, Tim hardly ever takes the main roads.

He likes the shortcuts.

All right, look, well, here's... here's Karen's ranch right here and... and here's an alternate route.

Jack: See? That's exactly the kind of route Tim Fleming would take for sure.

Okay, I'm goin'. Thank you, Lou.

Can I take that map?

Uh, yeah, but...

Peter: I'll-I'll come with ya.

No, I'm fine on my own.

No, he's right, Jack.

Jack, just let me come.

Actually, I was-I was thinkin' we should take my truck, in case we need the tools or anything.

I've got everything.

Jack: Okay. That's good. You and I'll go then.

Where are you going GG?

Well, I have to go out for a while, okay?

Are you going too, Mitch?

Yeah, goin' to keep him company.

Jack and I are on an important mission.

Like a superhero mission?

Ah... not really.

Bye, Mitch.

Okay. Bye.

Okay, good luck, and, um, you guys keep in touch.

Yeah, we'll keep in touch as long as we can.

Bye, GG. Bye, Mitch.

(Door shuts)

(Small smirk)

Your farm hand's a real hero to our daughter, huh?

(Hooves clop)

Georgie: Tim!


Oh my God, you're... you're really hurt. Here.

Do you want to try to stand up?


Come on.

We could ride Spartan together or I could lead you?

Here. (Grunts)

(Grunts loudly)

(Gasps with effort)


Okay, okay, okay, ah, ah!

Ah Tim!

It's okay. Here!

Come on. Just...



(Mongolian music)

(Goat bleats)

(Jeep rumbles)

(Tires skid)

A cub?

Is it okay?

It's been better.

Ty: It's shot.

The mother's dead.

This little guy might still have a chance though.

All: (Grunt with effort)

You guys got it?


(Goat bleats)

(Mongolian music)

(Goat bleats)

What's goin' on, Lou?

You told me yourself that there is somethin' there, that you wanted to see where it might go.

Well, it obviously went somewhere, right?

What do you care if I'm seeing someone or not?!

(Whispers) You're here with the divorce papers!

I care. Of course I care!

I've always cared. I always will.

I told you that. I am trying to understand the situation that I find myself in here, okay?

There is no situation.

You sound upset there isn't.

No, I'm just... I'm embarrassed, okay?

I'm embarrassed that I even said anything to you about it at all.


So, let's just get to the task at hand, you know?

The reason you're here.

That's... that's not the reason I came here.

I also came to see the girls.

I came to see you.

Why are you in such a hurry with this?

You know, signing the papers?

You've been bugging me about this for weeks.

I'm not... It's not, it's not that I'm in a hurry. I just, I... I just, I thought we should... we should just get it done so that we can...

I don't know, move on, right?

God, I hate those words.

(Sighs heavily)

Forget it.

Just forget it.
We got other things to worry about now, like if I can get my daughter to actually talk to me.


(Grimaces in pain)

Woo, walk it off.

(Gasps and pants)

(Horse snorts quietly)

You okay, boy?

What's goin' on?


It's okay, I'm right here.

(Grunts and pants)

Don't give up on me.

What's goin' on?

(Grimaces sharply) Ah!

(Gasps in pain)

Oh! Ow!

(Gasps in pain)

(Tearful) Please be okay.

(Gasps and pants)

Oh, please be okay. I'm sorry.

(Gasps and pants)

(Horse snorts quietly)


It's okay. I'm right here.

(Pants) It's okay.

We're gonna be okay.


(Horse whinnies softly)

Here, come on, Tim.

(Grunts softly)

Come on! (Grunts with effort)

Okay, let's move this.

Okay, come on. Let's try again.


You gotta do- just get to Spartan and you can lean on him. (Gasps weakly)

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Where's Amy? How's Amy?

She's, she's fine.

Oh, hold on, hold on.

Whoa whoa.

I gotta sit, I gotta sit.


Oh, this is not good, honey.


(Goat bleats)

(Machine beeps)

(Machine beeps)

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Bob: Hey, Ty.

What do you think?

The b*llet's sitting just below a rib, close to the spine.

(Door opens)

Gavin: Hey, guys, you can't go in there!

(Door bangs open)

No, no, no, no.

Hey, guys!

Hey, man.

(Dramatic music)

Look, guys. What's the problem?

We gave you the information about the bear and cub, and this guy, he posted a reward for information.

Isn't that true?

That's the first we've heard about it.

That's what people in the village are saying.

A reward.

Will you honour your word?!

What's this reward, man?

Okay, I posted a reward for any information.

It helps with the cause.

So where is the money?! Where is our reward?!

Look, I'm sorry, but you guys don't deserve, like, any kind of reward, okay?!

Ty: Hey, hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, easy now.

Calm down, all right? Calm down!

You told us about the dead bear and you said a cub might have escaped, but you coulda helped us find him.

But you didn't, did you? All that wasted time!

Look, there's the cub right there, okay?

He's got a b*llet in him.

It just barely missed his vitals.

His heart! His lungs! He's bleeding right now.

We need to perform surgery, so you need to leave!


(Speaks in Mongolian)

(Receding footsteps)

(Door opens and closes)

(Exhales nervously)

You ready?

Ready, boss.

Hey! Hey-hey-hey!

(Car rumbles)

(Car stops)



(Door shuts)

Oh my God, Tim!

Are you okay?

What happened? Where's Amy?!

She's back at the trailer. We got into a crash.

There was a rock slide.

We, we drove right into it.

Is she all right?!

Yeah, she's, she's fine.

(Grimaces) Ow.

Oh my God!


Tim? - You good?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Yeah, just a few steps and Georgie and I can get you into the car, okay?



How did you know where we were?

Uh, Jack called.

It was getting late and he was worried and...

So I knew something must have gone wrong.


(Door opens)

Okay, Tim. Okay, be careful.



Georgie: He's okay.

Keep it... Okay, careful.

(Door shuts)

Your hat.

Okay, let's go get Amy now.

Okay, I'll follow you.

(Hooves clop)

(Car rumbles)

(Hooves clop)

(Birds chirp)

(Fire crackles)

(Door lightly shuts)

(Fire crackles)

(Page rustles)

I just read Katie a story.

She actually seemed happy. (Small chuckle)


(Fire crackles)

Makes it feel pretty final.

Make you feel differently about things?

I don't know. It's just weird.

It's surreal, you know?

It's like we sign this we're both pretty much out there on our own from now on.

No. No, we're not.

Listen, I, I, I am totally up for putting in the extra time with the girls while you work on this Maggie's project.

I want to do it.

I mean, more to the point, I need to.

Thank you. They need you.

(Small chuckle)

Hope so.

Of course they do, Peter.

Yeah, I gotta admit I am little worried that they're just gonna gradually forget I actually exist. (Small chuckle)

Other people are bound to fill the gap.

I mean, it's happening already.

Okay, I get where this is coming from, but this sudden infatuation that Katie has for Mitch?

That's just what it is.

It's a little girl's temporary fascination.

Yours too?

With Mitch?

Maybe. (Chuckles)

(Exhales emotionally)

Peter, Katie loves you.

She... she counts the hours 'til your visits.

She talks about you at bedtime every night. She...

She's been working on a birthday present for you for days.

Oh my God, it's your birthday tomorrow.

The good times just keep on rollin'.

(Small chuckle)


This is my second time through this, Lou.

Two marriages. Two divorces.

(Small chuckles)


So, I'm obviously a bit of a disaster when it comes to marriage.

You're not a disaster.


And you'll always be a good Dad to the girls.

(Fire crackles)

(Truck hums)

Jack: I think Range Road 56 is the next right.

Mitch: Yeah, I see it.

(Mongolian music)

(Crickets chirp)

(Car hums)


Karen! Oh my God. Dad!

I'm fine.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm fine.

What happened?

Tim, you shouldn't stand up!

Tim: Don't make it sound worse than it is.

We need to get you to a hospital.

And you, pregnant lady, you need to get checked out too.

I know, but...

Tim: Karen.

There's no way you're gonna talk Amy outta stayin' with these horses.

Trust me.

Oh, honey, Jack's on his way.

I want you to make me a promise... promise me that as soon as Jack arrives you make seeing a doctor your first priority, please?

I will.

Tim: I'm sorry about this.


I'm sorry.

I love you.

(Door opens)

(Hooves thud)

(Doors close)


(Car rumbles)


(Hooves thud)


Hey. Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm good.

Good boy, Spartan.

(Horse in trailer whinnies)

You still got cramps?

Yeah. I'm okay.


(Horse in trailer whinnies and bangs loudly)

Steady as she goes.

(Instruments clatter)

Oh, sh**t!

No, you've got it.


Okay. Yup.

You got it?


(Relieved exhale)

Good one.

(Relieved exhale)

(b*llet clatters in pan)

Okay, yup.
Mitch: There's the truck!

Jack: Oh geez!

(Truck rumbles to stop)

(Door opens and closes)

(Door opens and closes)



Grandpa! Grandpa!


Amy: Grandpa, we're here!

Georgie: Oh you found us!

You're okay!

Where's your dad? Where's Tim?

Karen took him to the hospital.

The hospital?

In Canmore.

He hit his head in the crash.

Really bad!

How about you? Are you okay?

I'm, yeah.

She's got cramps.

I'm fine. There's a horse.

We gotta get him out of the trailer!

Spartan's standin' right there.

No, Grandpa, there's another horse! He's trapped!


Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good.

The trailer's twisted. Let's see what we can do.

(Winch clanks and squeaks)

(Chains clink)

(Winch clanks and bangs)

(Loud metallic bang)

(Door squeaks open)

(Hoof thumps)

Jack: Amy, don't! Get back!

No, Grandpa, it's okay. He's tied.

You don't know what shape he's in. He could panic.

(Horse bangs hoof and snorts)

(Hoof bangs)

Amy: It's okay, good boy.

No. You're okay.

Oh no. He's super dehydrated.

Georgie, can you grab a bucket of water by the truck?!

Georgie: I'm on it!


It's okay.

I don't see any cuts or physical injuries.

Georgie: Here's the water.

Does look in pretty good shape considerin'.

(Sighs) Hey, you're okay.

Amy, please, get out of the trailer. I can do this.

I'll be fine. He knows me.

Why don't you go get some hay? It might help calm him down.

Yeah, okay.

It's okay. There you go.

(Water sloshes)

Oh, good boy!

Let's go, Spartan.

(Door clanks open)

You're all right.

(Hooves clop)

Come on.

(Hooves thump in trailer)

(Truck hood clanks)

Lot of good years outta that truck.

You think it's write off?

Oh, I'd say so, yeah.

I loved this truck.

Yeah, me too.

If I hadn't done that clinic then...

It's just a truck, Amy.

There's a lot more precious things than that.

(Truck and trailer rattle)

Lou: Listen, when the doctor gets a minute could you ask him to give me a call?

Thank you. Okay.

(Phone beeps off)

So they say Dad's good. Mild concussion, apparently, but, uh, he's giving them a really hard time of course and they don't think they can get him to stay through the night.

Surprise, surprise.

I'm glad Casey's with him.

(Truck door shuts)

There they are.

Hey! Ah!

Thank goodness you're home! Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Yeah, Mitch got us there and back safe.

I'm so glad you're back.

I have so much to tell you!

And you? Are you okay?


Are you sure?

Lou, I got checked out by a Doctor in Canmore.

We're both fine.

Good. Oh, look at you!

You're showing even more!

What were you thinking, Amy?

Doing a clinic way out in the mountains?

I don't get it.

Okay, please, please, don't start.

(Sighs heavily)

I'm glad you're home. (Small chuckle)

You too.

(Instruments clank in tray)

We are doin' good.


(Instrument clanks in tray)

Okay, it's in.

Ty: Yeah, I got it.

Bob: Now we just need to recreate a vacuum in the chest.


That should do it.

All right, let's see if he can breathe on his own.


(Computer dials)

(Computer dials)


(Dialing stops)


(Crickets chirp)

(Machine starts to beep)

Bob: The O2 saturation.

His blood pressure's dropping.

His heart rate's increasing.

It's probably just fluid in the pericardial sac.


(Beeping continues)

Bob: Get his heart beat.

Yeah, right there.


(Beeping continues)

He survived as long as he did out there before we found him.

He's a fighter.

(Beeping continues)


There you go, boy. You're gonna make it.

That should be it.

(Beeping stops)

I got it.

All right.

Nice work.

Good job.

Well, I'll have Scott check him out but fully, but I'm not seeing any signs of injury.

He looks pretty stiff.

Well, I'm sure he has a few pretty bad bruises after a wreck like that.

(Horse whinnies)

He's pretty worked up.


(Horse whinnies sharply)

He's way worse than he was at the clinic.

Well, it's gonna take a lot of time to be able trust again after being trapped in that trailer.

Not to mention being abandoned.

(Horse snorts)

Hey, boy. Hey.

(Clicks tongue)

You're okay.

All right. Just relax.

(Horse snorts distressed)

(Hooves thud erratically)

(Horse whinnies)

(Horse whinnies)

(Hooves thud erratically)

Do wanna come give it a try, Georgie?

Yeah, sure.

(Horse whinnies sharply)

Go easy.

(Horse whinnies sharply)

Hey, bud.

(Horse whinnies sharply)


Georgie had quite the connection with him at the clinic.


Good boy!

Amy: Okay, clip him up.

Let's see how he responds to pressure.

Just put your hand on his chest and move him back.


(Clicks her tongue slowly)

Good boy, hoo.

Okay, now his left shoulder.

It's like how you had me work with Maverick.


(Clicks tongue)


That's it.

Okay, well, why don't you try lunging him?

(Clip clicks)

(Chain rattles)

(Clicks tongue)

(Horse snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thud)

(Clicks tongue)

Good boy!

(Clicks tongue)

(Horse snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

Amy: That's it.

Use your body language to push him out.

(Clicks tongue)

(Clicks tongue)

(Horse snorts)

(Clicks tongue)

(Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thud smoothly)

(Clicks tongue)

Ho. Ho.


Good boy...

(Horse snorts sharply)


That's okay. He'll come around.

He's already got a lot more trust than he did.

Do you think that crazy lady will come back for him?

It's hard to say.

Who knows what was going through her mind when she left him.

If she does, would you let her have him?

She'd have to be awfully convincing for that to happen, Georgie.

Georgie: If I were him I'd hate it if she came back.

Being cooped up in a stall all the time?

Not being able to run with any of the horses?

I'd run away before I'd let her have anything to do with me.

Well, I know you would. (Laughs)

Woo boy.


Hey, Dad!

Good boy. Ho.

Good boy!

Good boy.

Katie: Daddy, we're making you a birthday dinner!

Shh, Katie!


(Hushed) It's a surprise. Shh!

I won't tell.

Mitch: So I was thinkin' if crazy lady doesn't show up I just might take this guy on, you know, with the help of you and Georgie of course, but Maverick could really use a buddy.

(Bottles clank)

Uh, hey!


Did you, uh, see the horse out there?

Yeah, Amy told me about that. It's so sad.



Listen, I never said thank you, thank you so much for bringing everybody back.

Oh, no worries.

Katie: It's daddy's birthday dinner.

Can Mitch come, Mommy?

Oh, hey, come on, it's a family thing.

You're family.

Uh, I think I'm gonna have to take another rain check, kiddo.

What's that even mean?

All right, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna head out.

Uh, Amy, you let me know what you think about that idea.

Yeah, I will. It could be a good plan.

Uh, Peter... happy birthday.


Hey, Mitch, um, can I get your help moving that horse to the back pen?

I just want him to have some more space.



Can I go too, Mommy?

Uh, sure, honey.

(Playful grunt)

Wait for me!

(Door opens and shuts)

(Envelope rustles)

We should do this.

Now, I think.

We both need to move on.


I think the only way that either of us can move on is... is to just get this over with.


Trust me, if there was anything good about my last divorce is that I closed that door and then another one opened when I met you.

Peter, this is different.

You didn't have kids with your last wife.

We're parents, and this door has to always be open.

It will.

It will. I promise you.


We're gonna be okay.

(Papers rustle)

(Papers rustle)

(Heart monitor beeps evenly)

Well, it looks like his blood pressure's back to normal.

Oh yeah.

His heart rate's lookin' better too.

(Spritzing sound)

So this is what we're here to do, I guess.

Yeah, it is.

That's why we came all this way in the first place, right?

It's what I keep tellin' myself.


I don't know.

If only we could find out who shot the mother and the cub, I'd feel a whole lot better.


Maybe we can.

(Knock at the door)

Come in.

(Door opens)


Wow. Give me time to get used to you growing up, okay?

You got a second to talk?

Yeah, sure.

So uh... your Mom and I signed the divorce papers.


So... what now?

Oh, well, nothin's gonna be different really.

I mean, I'll still be around all the time, and probably even more so now that mom's away, so.

If that's good with you.

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Well, I'm glad you feel that way.

Why wouldn't I?

(Small chuckle)


(Relieved exhale)

(Camels snort)

Okay. What's your name?




Okay, Bata.

The cub is gonna live.

So thank you for helping us find him.

Now we get reward?

First, I need you to help me out a little more.

Did you happen to see who the poachers were before you scared them off?

(Goats bleat)

Could you identify them?

Is this the guy?

(Speaks in Mongolian)

(Speaks in Mongolian)

Wh-hey, hey, hey, hey!

(Speaks in Mongolian)

Where are they going?

They're afraid, that there will a, a payback.

They all have families to protect and the year's been hard enough.

It's not worth the money.

Oh, Lou, that meal was amazing!

I didn't know how hungry I was.

Okay, right, I'm always hungry.

Can't wait for that.

There's a cake in there, but it's a...


(Chuckles) Amy! (claps)

Wow! What the heck?

Happy birthday!

Katie: Surprise!


Look at all those candles! Don't count them.

Okay, you gonna help me blow it out?

Uh huh.

All right. One, two...

(Exhaling loudly)




(Hands clap)

Okay, I'm gonna make a toast here.

Now, Peter, you and I, we share the same opinion about birthdays, we don't like 'em, but you, you're still way too young to feel that way, so, I guess you better just enjoy the day and the moment.

Cheers to Peter. Happy birthday.

Lou: Happy Birthday!



(Glasses clink)

Lou: Cheers.

Peter: Thank you, Jack. Cheers.

Happy Birthday.

(Glasses clink)

Thank you. Thanks, guys.

Katie: Mommy, is it time for presents yet?

Can give Daddy his present?

Yes, you can do it now!


I'm amazed she could wait this long.

Katie: Da, da, da, da!

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, ho, ho, lucky me!

(Paper rips)

She wrapped it herself.

I wrapped it all by myself. Mommy did the tape.


(Paper rips)

Should I open it?

(Paper rustles)



Katie: That's me, you and Georgie!

That's you in the middle.

Do you like it?

Yes, I do.

GG tell us the story about the stones.

Tim: Oh, not that old yarn again?


(Laughing) You're back!

Lou: Dad!






So, look at all of you.

I was near death and you're celebrating.

It's, it's Peter's birthday!

Oh. Happy birthday, General.

Thank you.

Come and sit down. Are you okay?

Yeah, they finally listened to me and let me out of that hospital.

Well, where's Casey? Did she drive you?

She's ticked off with me.

Apparently my bedside manner wasn't at its best.

Lou: Oh.

GG, the story!

Lou: Okay, okay, we will show you where the stones are.

Where's my stone?

Well, Katie, yours is this one, and this little one's me, and this is Ty's, and this one's GG's.

And that's Georgie's stone and that one's mine.

Why doesn't Daddy have a stone?

That is a good question.


I guess we just never got around to it.

You were supposed to pick one on our first anniversary, remember?

Peter: That's right. I guess-

I guess we got caught up with the wish lanterns.


Georgie: I agree with Katie. Dad needs a stone.

Amy: Absolutely.

There you go.



Look at this guy.

It's amazing.

I told you. He's a total fighter, man.

Ty: Yeah.

(Goats bleat)


Feels pretty good, doesn't it?

It sure does. There's nothin' like it.

Both: (Chuckle)

Come on, pick a stone!

Okay, well, um...

Pick one close to Mommy.

Yeah? Okay, um... which one's yours?

This one.

How about that one there? Is that taken?



Well, that's the one then.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you.


(Door opens)

♪ Baby nothin' good ever comes easy ♪
♪ You know nothin' good ever comes easy ♪
♪ And everybody knows it ♪



That picture...

♪ I swear it's all for somethin' ♪
♪ If you keep holdin' on ♪

Ty: This one?

Bata: Yes.


It was him. The hunter.

Thank you, Bata.

You're a brave man.

♪ Baby, nothin' would, nothin' comes for free ♪

(Hands clap)

♪ Baby, nothin' worth nothin' comes for free ♪



♪ And everybody knows it ♪

Yeah. Reward.


♪ I swear it's all for somethin' ♪
♪ If you keep holdin' on ♪

That was pretty great.


Thank you.



And we will be okay.

I know.

Katie: Daddy, where are you?

You're being paged. (Chuckles)

Okay, I'm on my way, Kitty Kat!

♪ I swear that there's a reason ♪
♪ You just keep holdin' on ♪
♪ Ah, eeya, ah, ah, o why yay ♪
♪ Ah, o why yay, ah, o why yay ♪
♪ Oo why yay, eeya, ah, ah, oh why yay ♪
♪ Ah, o why ya, ah, o why ah ♪
♪ I swear it's all for somethin' ♪

(Computer dialing)


Who is that handsome fella? Do I know you?

You wouldn't believe the last few days that I've had.

Oh, no you have no idea what my past few days have been like!

Okay, really? You first then.

Mmm, actually I don't know if you want to know all the gory details.

They'll probably drive you crazy.

Oh, you want gory details? I've got gory details.

Okay. Spill, Mister.

Where do I start? Uh, well...

Amy, you don't even have to ask.

On the next Heartland.

I'll be your pre-natal partner.

[baby doll cries]

Uhm, okay, what do I do?

I got this.

Announcer: It's all hands on deck.

[baby doll cries]


Okay, it's not a calf.

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.