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01x09 - An Innocent Man

Posted: 01/25/17 00:16
by bunniefuu
I ran another trace on those text messages.

You were right.

There's definitely something off about them.

Previously on "Sweet/Vicious"...

This is what we do!

This is not what we do.

You want to fix me?

That's so sweet.

She's not well.

You know what happened between Nate and Jules, and you are the only person who can help her now.

I'm so sorry Jules for not believing what he really did to you.

He can't just get away with this.

You deserve to be heard.

I worry that you don't understand what will happen if we move forward opening a case like this.

Harris, what's going on?

[device clicks]

[ominous music]

Oh, man, graffiti art. [chuckles]

Personally, I don't get it, but... what is art even?

I saw you and Jules last night.

So what?

Don't go fishing to see what I know.

I saw you fighting after beating Brady to a bloody pulp.

He's in intensive care!

You were working with Barton.

I wanted to find out who derailed my career and att*cked me at Vinalyton.

You bashed my knee.

I had to! You would have...

What, found you out?

So what I heard, uh... does that mean that Jules was... ?

She tried to go to the school, but...

Most of these girls tried to go to the school, but they don't help.

There's a reason that you kept this from me, Ophelia.

It is because you know that what you and Jules are doing goes against everything that I believe.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know, but we're done here.

[door opens, closes]

[dramatic music]

[upbeat pop music]

I'm here to report a sexual as*ault.

You okay?

I'm sensing some... serious Lars von Trier sad vibe here.

I was actually going for more brooding, like a Nicolas Wining Refn thing.

Oh, you nailed it.



Harris and I just got in this huge fight, and we are done-zo.

I mean, friendship over.

No way. Come on.

Okay, Harris may be mad, but he adores you.

Just give him some space. I'm sure he'll come around.

[knock at door]

Hey. Where have you been?

You haven't answered any of my texts.

I was with Jules.

I believe her, Nate.

Kennedy, she's, uh...

She's been lying to you all semester.

Would you just stop, please?

Please, please don't.

Don't do this to me. I love you.

What is this?

It's a summons to testify before the Title IX board.

I wanted to give it to you myself.

Jules reported you to the school.

[hip-hop music playing in background]

I don't think you, uh, realize what this is gonna do to Jules.

They're gonna rip her apart.

It's her word against mine now.

Thank you, Nate.

I thought this was gonna be so hard, but... not anymore.

We're done.

[electronic music]

[knock at door]

Oh, it's you.

Listen, the things that I said the other night were unforgivable, and I didn't mean any of it, and I am so, so sorry.

It's okay.

Yeah, you know, you, um...

You were really, really mean to me.

You said some things that were incredibly hurtful, but...

I'm forgiving you.

Because... ?

Because Harris saw us in Brady's room.

He knows about us.

[scoffs] Well, is he... Is he going to the authorities?

What can we do?

Harris doesn't have it in him to send us to jail.

He just will never, ever talk to me again and hate me forever.

Well, if there's anything I can do, just... please tell me.

And, um, I have news.

Because of you, Kennedy came to find me, and I... reported Nate to the school.

Wait. What?

All of a sudden, you trust the school to do something?

I mean, no, not really, but I just...

I think I owe it to myself to give due process a chance.

And I know that there's no guarantees, but if they find Nate guilty... maybe I can start to move on.

Thank you for sitting down with us, Miss Dalton.

You're here because Darlington administration is fully committed to finding out exactly what happened between the reporting party, Jules Thomas, and the respondent, Nate Griffin.

I'll remind you that these proceedings are confidential, and you're not to say anything to anyone.

So let's talk about the night of April 23rd.

Hos and CEOs... so gross.

My ex-boyfriend Nate is president of the fraternity, but I was sick, so I couldn't come.

Was there alcohol or dr*gs there?

[snickers]. That was good.

Is there immunity for self-incrimination?

Maybe I took Molly. No. Wait. Yes.

No. I don't know. Pass?

I was eating a lot of M&Ms, but those were just regular M&Ms.

It wasn't like...

They weren't, like, party M&Ms.

Would you characterize Jules as promiscuous?

I don't characterize anyone as promiscuous.

What was her state of inebriation when she went upstairs?

Super wasted.

She could barely walk around.

Jules uploaded a picture of herself, you, Miss Cho, and Miss Dalton all holding bottles of alcohol, with a caption that reads, "These CEOs are ready to get freaky."


Would you say that Jules entered the party interested in finding sex?

No, that's just how we talk. You can't judge that.

And you left the party with Miss Cho and Miss Price, and Jules stayed there?

I mean, we looked for Jules, but when we couldn't find her, we just figured she was with one of the brothers, so, uh, we left.

They're our friends. We didn't know that...

Thank you so much for, uh, coming in and speaking with us.

Uh, your honesty is very much appreciated.

[pop music playing]

Thank you so much for coming.

I'm so sorry about the party.


This isn't gonna be easy. I-I have a lot to tell you.

Oh, my God, me too.

All I've wanted to do for the last month is talk to you.

I-I finally filed the missing person's report on my brother.



The police are gonna search Carter's apartment, the garage where he worked.


That's, um... That's good.

That's... that's really good.


[cell phone chimes]

Sorry. Um, hello.

Ophelia, oh, my gosh.


Of course. I'll be right there.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Wait. You're leaving?

Yeah. It's, um, her kidney's... stones.

She thinks she has kidney stones.

Jesus Christ. Okay.

It was really nice to see you.

Hey, Thomas.

I miss that smile a lot.


♪ I've been looking so long at these pictures of you ♪


[door opens]

We have a problem.

Wait, are you hitting that lying down?


It took me a couple times to, um... get the positioning just right.

T-Tyler has filed a missing person's report on Carter, and the police... they're going back to the garage to look for evidence.

Tyler, you gorgeous idiot, whose side are you on?

His dead brother's side.

I mean, we wiped that place clean, but, I mean, we were frantic, and we were rushing.

We could have missed something, and your vomit was everywhere, and...

Um, I can't believe this.

I have to go and testify.

Maybe I could just push the meeting.

No, no, no. Um, I got this.

You just need to... you need to focus on your trial, okay?

And I-I will find out what the cops know.



♪ And we kissed as the sky fell in... ♪

We appreciate your cooperation.

We know this isn't easy.

Some of our questions may be difficult to answer, but the more you can share, the quicker we can resolve this.

So Hos and CEOs, and which were you dressed as?


Oh, I haven't met many CEOs dressed like that.

Did you go to the party with the intention of seeing Nate?

I went to the party with the intention of having fun with my friends, and Nate was one of my friends.

Jules showed up without Kennedy, so I think she saw an opening...

[clears throat] She had a little crush on me.

So, after drinking and beer pong, you asked to lie down in his bed, and you went to his room alone?

I couldn't find my friends, and I was too wasted to walk home, and I just...

I needed to lie down.

Would you say that you were in any state to be making sound decisions?

I could barely stand.

Ah, I mean... she was a little drunk... sure, but... we all were.

What happened when you got to Nate's room?

The room was spinning, and I passed out.

Jules was laying in my bed sort of waiting for me.

I woke up, and Nate was kissing my neck.

I pushed him off, and he got on top of me, and he put his hand over my mouth.

He pulled up my skirt, and he took my underwear off.

She lifted her... her hips for me to take her panties off.

I said, "Nate, no."

She started moaning, you know. She said my name.

I tried to get out from underneath him, but he was so much stronger than me, and...

I rocked around, but I couldn't free myself.

Did you say "no"?

I just told you that I said no.

I could tell that once we started having sex, she was a little worried that Kennedy would find out, so I told her it would be, uh, our secret, which, you know, looking back on it, I realize that it's probably a...

Probably a little scary, right?

But you didn't try to stop him.

Yes, I did.

I would never, ever do anything to hurt Jules.

I feel sick that she thinks that whatever happened between us was anything but sex between...

Sex between two friends.

I couldn't process what was happening to me... and that Nate was the one doing it.

I don't want... I don't want to call her a liar, but...

She's wrong.

Thank you for your testimony.

Miss Tate and I are going to review the information and make a decision shortly.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

Officer, officer, you got to help!

This total psycho on a bike just rode by and just grabbed my phone.

Okay, do you have a "find my phone" app?

What? No, no, you have to get him.

Uh, uh, there are pictures on my phone...

Private pictures, very graphic, very graphic.

I was experimenting with my sexuality and, you know, just kind of feeling my groove out, and I decided to get a little creative so there's a lot of me bending, and fruit was involved, like kiwi and...

Okay, okay, just stop. God, stop, please.

Oh, no, no, no, he... he was on the sidewalk, so you can't get him by your car.


[hip-hop music]

Go. Come on, hurry!

Okay, all right, all right.

[device beeping]

Oh, I...

Here you go.

He must've dropped it when he ran around the corner.

Thank you so much. A true hero.

Oh. [chuckles] Have a good one.

[Royal Blood's "Figure It Out"]

♪ Getting hard to sleep, blood is in my dreams ♪
♪ Love is k*lling me, trying to figure it out ♪

So what else did they ask you?

Mostly they just asked me a lot of questions about drinking.

I don't know why.

It's not like we have a problem with alcohol.

[both chuckle]

So, uh, you told them that Jules was all over me, right?

'Cause she was.

Yeah, I said she was flirting with you, but I don't know what happened once you went upstairs.

[knock at door] [Door opens]

Oh! What up, Coach?

Hey, man.

Hey, um, do you have any positions on the team for, like, a skinny Jewish kid?

Hey, uh, clear eyes, full hearts...

Shut up, Miles.

Okay, great.

Hey. Uh, so... did you hear anything or... ?

No, but I wouldn't worry about it.

I just want you to focus on the game, all right?

I'm taking care of everything.

[cell phone chimes]

[pop music]

Oh, my God, that little assh*le.

[cell phones chiming]

"Right before the game. Heard it was Jules Thomas.

She wishes."

What's going on?

[cell phone chimes]

Did you see this?

See, this is exactly why girls don't report their sexual assaults.

Stop trying to justify your criminal activity.

[cell phone vibrates]

Yes, yes, this is he.

[hip-hop music]

Ellen Thurston?

Ellen Thurston.

Okay, yeah.

No, of course.

I'll be there. Thank you.

[bells chime, door closes]

People are always gonna think of me as this girl.

No, no, they'll say, "Look, there's a badass queen with amazing bone structure."

[knock at door]

Come in.

Hey. Tyler's here. What should I tell him?

I mean, he is part of the white male establishment, but he's also really cute.

You can send him in.

[mouths word]

[soft pop music]


Is it true?

I am so sorry. I...

Jules, I-I had no idea.

No, it's not your fault. I-I hid it.

I wasn't ready for you to know.


Ugh, when I saw you and Nate during the lockdown, God, I asked if you had feelings for him.

You know that I would never...

I know, I know. It's okay.

I had so many things I wanted to say to you, but looking into your eyes, right now all I want to do is... tell you how sorry I am.

I'm sorry that I didn't see it.

I'm sorry that this happened.

[cell phone chimes]


I actually have to go and meet Ophelia.

[chuckles] Okay. Um...

But tell me, what can I do now?

I want to be there for you.

I'm finding out the results of my trial tomorrow.

Can you come?

Uh, wow. That will officially be the worst date ever.


I'm in.

So I, uh... I traced the source of the leak.

Why? We all know who did it.

You know, I can't believe that Nate Griffin is going to be a hero and I might go to jail for m*rder.

Not happening.

We're handling this.

Are we?

Because, I mean, how much longer are we just gonna have to keep covering our tracks?

Oh, speaking of which, why don't you go and clean the car that you vomited on?

[siren wailing]

[suspenseful music]


[sighs] I can't believe I'm missing sleep to babysit a crime scene.

Captain said CSI would be here by now.

No, not until tomorrow.

[cell phone beeping]

What are you doing?

Damn it.

I'm missing this assh*le Squirtle.

[cell phone beeping]

[chair clatters]

[whispering] What are you doing?

Snapchat. I was gonna add this to my story.

What do you think? I'm getting us out of here.

[cell phone clicking]
16, this is Dispatch. We got a 314 at 905 Dallas Avenue.

Don't you see it's a drunk and disorderly?

A bunch of paperwork and puke. Let somebody else get it.

Hey, I'm not gonna miss a chance to get out of here just because you're obsessed with "Pokémon GO."

That game's not even relevant anymore.

[cell phone beeps]

Got it.

Officers Ballard and Veach responding.

[car doors close, engine turning over]

[car departing, siren wailing]


[camera shutter clicks]

Oh, my God, I'm so cute.

[both chuckle]

Don't save that.

I just can't wait for this to be over.

I just can't stop thinking about it.

Why would she do something like this?

She could ruin Nate's life.

I'd love to get r*ped by Nate or any CSOs.

Let's just get out of here.

[indistinct chatter]

Oh, nice. Good to see you, Miles.

You guys sure are talking a lot of shit.

You're worried it's gonna ruin Nate's life?

What about Jules's life?

What if this happened to your best friend or to you, or, no, wait, I forgot, you'd love to get r*ped.

Why don't you educate yourself before you say something so incredibly heinous?

Come on, Ken.

And... and, Miles, you might want to take a closer look at your best friend.

He's not who you think he is.

[indistinct chatter]


It's sweet of you to come.

What, are you kidding me?

My top three favorite things in life...

The smell of fresh paint, black-and-white cookies, and Title IX hearings.


Hey, we believe in you, Griffin.

Thank you.

Hey, have some respect.

Hey, this is not the time or the place, son.

Say that to your little quarter-bitch.

He's the one acknowledging hate speech.

What did you just say to me?

Hey, come on.

Come on. He's not worth it.

I didn't do anything wrong, and she knows it.

[students gasp]

Hey, hey, that's enough.

That's enough, that's enough.

[dramatic music]

I... asked you to be there for me, but... not like that.


[clears throat] We're ready for you, Jules.

[whispering] Did Tyler just punch Nate in the face?


That's awesome.


Thank you for your testimony.

After a very thorough investigation and examining all the facts, we have determined that you are guilty of sexually assaulting Jules Thomas.


Wait. So, um, that's it?

He's guilty? I...

I don't have to see him anymore?

That's right.

We thank you for your bravery during these proceedings.

[exhales sharply]

Thank you.

Let me be clear... I am very happy for you, but I am a little surprised.


I thought the whole reason we were doing this thing is because if the girls reported their assaults... they wouldn't get any justice from Darlington, but...


And, you know, we...

We beat up a lot of people based on this theory.

We sure did.

In fact, and... and correct me if I am wrong, but, um... you didn't report this originally because you thought they wouldn't believe you, and yet...

I got a guilty verdict.


Are there, uh, any updates on the police database?

No, none so far.

Have you heard from Harris?

Hey, don't give up. He'll come around.

[rock music]

[keys clacking]

So great to meet you, Harris.

Your "Medium" article was extremely impressive.

Your thesis was strong, and the evidence backing it up was very thorough.

I've actually lost interest in that case.

You know what I've not lost interest in, an internship with the DA's office.

You know, Harris, a lot of times
overeager students will withhold relevant information from the police because they want to be the ones to crack the case.

I just want to make sure that you are not making that same mistake.

No. I have nothing new to share.

If there is something new, and you don't share it with us, that would make you an accessory...

A felony.

Thank you for sitting down with me, Jules.

As you know, Title IX proceedings are not legal proceedings, which means that, uh, while the decisions we make are official, we're not always the last word.

I just found out that your case was overturned.

I'm so sorry.

Mr. Griffin's family decided to appeal my verdict.

What? Who can do that?

People higher up than me.

Sorry, so you're saying that, um...

That President Mays, who has never met me, knows nothing about me or what I've been through, has decided that Nate Griffin is innocent.

I imagine this is difficult for you.

If you'd like to take some time away from school, we can arrange that.

You could return as soon as you're ready.

Hi, Mackenzie.

Oh. Good, you saw me.

I didn't want to sneak up.

Are you okay?

I was thinking of organizing a protest.

That's very sweet, but, um... that's not gonna do much.

You're just gonna let them overturn this?

You're not angry?

You know what?

I got to tell my truth, and that alone is more liberating than you could ever know.

What's happening now... It's... way bigger than just my case.

Hey, it's gonna be okay.

I'm the sorority safety chair.

If anyone had the responsibility to make sure that we didn't leave you behind, it was me.

I'm gonna institute a new rule.

No Zeta sister leaves a party unless every Zeta is accounted for.

Thank you.

[dramatic music]

If there's a drop of blood in here, the luminol will show us where it's at.

[indistinct police radio chatter]

Oh, shit.

[keys clacking]

[soft pop music]

[cell phone beeping]

[line trilling]

Hi, it's me. I just called to say hi.

You're so good, Harris.

You're so good. You're my... You're my best friend.

And I know I screwed things up, but I'm... I'm gonna make it right.

You're so good.

I'm going to the DA's office right now to turn myself in.

And, uh... [sighs]

And you can be free, and you don't have to live with my secrets anymore.


[laptop clunks, cell phone beeps]



Oh, no.

No, are you leaving?

I had a whole thing planned with Jenga and sex and sexual Jenga.

[chuckles] Don't ask questions, all right?

Just let it happen.

Hey, can we actually, um, do this later?

I've got somewhere I need to be right now.

Oh, yeah, yeah. No, later... later's fine.

I will see you later, right?

Of course.

[electronic music]

[cell phone vibrating]

What are you guys doing here?

Bitch, what are you doing here?

Get up.

Get up.

Jesus, you are...

Uh, Miss Thurston, just the woman I was looking for.

Harris, what are you doing here?

I just wanted to say, if I wasn't clear when we sat down before, that I would love to be considered for an internship here.

Please keep me in mind if there are any openings.

Okay. Thank you.

[hip-hop music]

Have you lost your mind?

You were gonna turn yourself in.

I mean, I knew you were crazy, but that was... no, not cool.

You're too close to us, Harris.

I just didn't want you to go down for my crimes.

What... What did you hack my phone?

Put a recording device on my pen, huh?

What was it?

Microphone in your bag.


Oh, please. How do you think this all started?

You put tracking software on my phone.

Ophelia, if we'd have been any later, you'd have gone to jail for a very, very long time.

And did you ever think about the fact that there's two of us in these hits?

They would have found me.

That is... that is a good point.

Look, I'm just really tired of messing everyone else's life up.

I'm tired of being the screwup.

Look, you... you've bailed me out a million times.

You're so kind and smart, and just the thought that I might have ruined all that for you is...

Yes, I want you to take responsibility for your actions, but that doesn't mean I want you to throw your whole life away.

You're a pain in my ass.

You're my ride-or-die.




You guys, you saved me.

We're all best friends.

[all laugh]

Yes, I saved you, but that doesn't mean I condone this.

You got to stop this.

You two are in danger.

[sighs] I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow?

[both groan goofily]


[door opens, closes]

So Nate's expulsion got overturned.

Yeah, I heard.

You can appeal.

No, I'm not gonna appeal.

We're gonna handle it.

[bleep], yes.

Thanks, dude. I really needed it.

Oh, these are both for me.

But, yeah, sure.

[hip-hop music]

So, uh...

What's up? You good?

Yeah. No, man, I'm not.

Well, did you hear the good news?

Yeah. No, I heard it. I..

I know you're saying what Jules said isn't true, but I heard some things, and it really sounds like it is.

I already told you, man.

She was wasted.

She knew exactly what was going on, and then she regretted it, so she made up some ridiculous story.

Dude, come on... just level with me, all right?

I'm not the school. I'm not Zeta.

I just want to understand what happened.

Are you kidding me, man?

You were the one who told me to come up here!

I thought she wanted to sleep with you, okay?


I didn't tell you to come up here and r*pe her.

Hey, watch your mouth.

I thought Jules was into you, okay?

But if I was wrong and she said no...

She didn't say no! She didn't say anything!

Yeah, because she was asleep!

Do you really not see how wrong this is?

Why would you leak it to the school?

None of this makes any sense, Nate.

Get out of my room.

Real mature, man.

Shut the door on your way out.

Yeah, no problem.

[door slams]

[soft music]

[clicks tongue]



I take it your thing went well?

It did.

Are you okay? What's up?

Can I tell you something?


I am a dark person... and I-I can handle it.

I mean, I let myself get sad when I need to.

But lately, the darkness just feels really intense, like, um... these little messed-up voices that pollute my brain are just getting louder, and I just feel completely selfish for having any of these anxious or depressed thoughts, knowing what Jules went through.

It's funny... it's like I was predisposed to it, but she was... forced into it.

Together we make this twisted, dark hole, and I want to continue having this conversation, I really do, because I think it's important, but... but it's equally important to note that I heard "dark hole" as soon as I said it.


Thank you for sharing that.

My feelings or my dark hole?


Well, yeah.

[The Knocks' "Heat"]

[knock at door]

Come in.


I am so sorry about losing my cool at your Title Ix meeting.

It's okay.

There's no right way to process something like this.

Well, there's definitely wrong ways.


All of the anger and confusion I've been feeling about my brother and... what Nate did to you, it just came out in that moment.

I know that you don't need someone to fight your battles.

Jules, you are one of the strongest people I've ever met.

♪ Feel my heat ♪
♪ Bring your body right next to me ♪
♪ Feel my heat ♪
♪ Yeah, your fire bring me to my knees ♪

All I want to do is make you feel safe.

♪ 'Cause when you need someone to bring that fire ♪
♪ Bring you that good, good, that sweet desire ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Know I hate how we left ♪
♪ But you can't deny ♪
♪ When your body's right next to me ♪
♪ Feel my heat ♪
♪ Bring your body right next to me ♪

♪ Your body ♪

♪ Feel my heat ♪
♪ Yeah, your fire bring me to my knees ♪
♪ Feel my heat ♪

♪ Feel my heat ♪
♪ Bring your body right next to me ♪

[Keaton Henson's "Comfortable Love"]

♪ I'm in bad love ♪

♪ I'm awake, though, with nothing to dream ♪
♪ I'm a stone's throw ♪

[keys clacking] _

♪ I'm in bad love ♪
♪ Don't be sad, love ♪

Hey. We got a match on the blood.

Does it match the video footage?

♪ Till my heart grows ♪
♪ Please don't wait up, don't wait up for me ♪

Do you order whipped cream?

Do I?

[knock at door]

Both: No.


What about caramel drizzle?

♪ If you changed me ♪

Well, that was worth the wait.


Jules, Jules, you have to come downstairs.

♪ I'm awakened ♪
♪ And my heart's bled ♪
♪ In the mouths of the people I please ♪
♪ I'm a fraud now ♪
♪ I hope to God now... ♪

Tyler Finn, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Carter Fisher.


Carter's dead?

My stepbrother is dead? Veach, what's going on?

Please, what do you know about my brother?

Tyler, no!


No, you can't do this!

Stop! Don't! You can't do this!

Don't say anything, okay?

I'll call my dad, and I'll meet you at the station.

Oh, my God! [shuddering]

♪ Don't be sad, love ♪
♪ I'm amazed that you ever loved me ♪