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05x01 - The Call

Posted: 02/01/17 08:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth.


Whoa! Emmett!


Travis thinks that he's in love with me.

Everything okay?

My parents want me to think about moving home.

To London?

Toby: We would like to introduce you to Carlton Summers Kennish.

China's going to change you, I can already tell that.

I think we should take the summer. See what happens.

You should come with me.

To China?

We'll have an adventure, you and me.



Someone! Please!


Hey! Hey!

My sister, she needs a doctor.

A doctor!

Yeah? Yes?


In there? There's a doctor there?

(speaking Mandarin) _

Please help!

She has a... a fever and... and the chills and she's been vomiting.

(speaking Mandarin)

We were on a hike and she had a headache and... and then I thought it was altitude, but it got worse.

(both speaking Mandarin)

Her dad had a... an aneurysm.

A... a brain thing.

Dammit! There's no reception!

Bay: I... can't... don't know...

Bay, Bay, Bay! I'm here!

I'm here, Bay.

I can't, I can't...

Is there a hospital nearby?

Can you call someone for me?

Can you call a... a hospital?

Wait, what is that? What are you giving her?

(speaking Mandarin)

What? I... I don't understand what you're saying.

(speaking Mandarin)

I don't know what you're saying!

(speaking Mandarin)

Please just help her.

It's okay.

I'm Ling.

My father sent for me.

You... you speak English.

Oh, thank God.

Thank you so much for coming.

I don't know what's going on.

My father, he believes your friend is...

My sister.

Your sister.

He believes your sister is suffering from a virus called Japanese encephalitis.

I... I'm sorry, I'm deaf.

Did you say "encephalitis"?

It's from a mosquito bite.

Some time between five and 15 days ago.

Encephalitis means inflammation of the brain.

What's the treatment?

Rest, fluids, medication to lower the fever.

That's all we can do.

But a hospital...

The nearest hospital is nine hours on a bus.

But your father, he's not a doctor.

He's an herbalist?

He is a doctor.

He uses Eastern methods.

I'm a doctor too.

You can trust him.

How serious is it?

You can tell me the truth.

One in four do not recover.

Please, Bay.

Please get better. Please don't leave me.


You're here.

You're here with me and you're okay.

I won't.

I won't. I promise.

(festival music playing)

This is incredible.


I'm getting used to everyone treating me like a movie star.

Daphne! Bay!

Dr. Yao! Ling! Hi!

Hey! Hi!

You look good!

Good health!

Yeah, I am good, and... and thank you.

Thank you so much. Xie xie. A million times over.

We could never repay you.

You both got me through the worst night of my entire life.

(speaking Mandarin)




So you go home tomorrow.

Yes. Our flight is in two days.

We're so sad to leave.

There's so much more of this country we wanted to see, but we have to get back.

Well, if you ever come back to Beijing, please, look me up.

You can even help out at my clinic.

Oh, I would love that. Thank you.


We promise.



(speaking Mandarin)


(both speaking Mandarin)

You said that we have to get back home.


But do we?

I have school in, like, a week.

School will still be there.

Daphne, this is our chance to shake things up!

I was stuck in that hut for weeks, and I kept telling myself that when I got up, I would make every day count.

So, let's stay.

Let's do a year here!

A year?

Well, Ling just said that you could help out in her clinic.

What about you?

I'll find something.

I mean, look around.

Do you really want to leave and go back to Kansas City?

Bay, I can't.

But that's the thing.

We can.




(Bay laughs)


You know how you almost went to prison for me?

Uh, pretty sure I remember that.


Yeah? Now we're even.




Oh, the lines are so cool!

J and K are going to flip.

About us staying or, uh, this?


Excuse me, could you take a picture of us?

(shutter clicks)

(shutter clicks)

Daphne: You look really nervous.

I am.

It's only for a week.

I know.

Well, it's not like he's some stranger.

It's him. You guys are you.

I had a lot of time to think while I was recovering...

Which is why you wanted him to come.

But we left things so weird the last time I saw him.

I don't know if his feelings about me are different now.

Well, after everything that's happened between us, I just... Oh, when is he gonna get here?



We're in a small village in the mountains of rural China.

He had to take, like, five forms of transportation to get here!



He's here.

Now there's a good chance we're going all the way, and I'm talking the College World Series.

That has never happened for this school.

All we need is a little more cash to improve our training facilities, and we'll bring home that trophy.

Plus... did I mention... how incredibly hot you look today?

You did.

Well, you do.


I will take your request under advisement, Coach Kennish.

And if you don't mind, I have a department head meeting to attend with the Dean, the Chancellor, and the Provost.

Look at you!

This guy bugging you?

Hey, it's the head of the department.

I can handle him.

Oh, I know you can.

That's why I stole you from the Disabilities Office.

How you doin', Mike?

Oh, good. Good.

I need this lady for my monthly department head meeting.

Kinda hard to focus though 'cause Kathryn tweets at me the whole time trying to distract me.

I do not.

Risqué Snapchats too day in, day out.


It's a problem.

Oh, my God.

Don't worry. Deletes in 10 seconds. He'll never know.

I'm out of here.

Honey, I'll see you at home.

All right.

See you.


Okay, last question.

Which company do we want to invest our fictional $10 million in?

My vote is Greenleaf.

With increased demand and global food supply, a super-charged photosynthesis that boosts crop yield, it's win-win.

Well, while you're getting awards from the community for being a good person, I plan to lead a company that actually turns a profit.

Knowing you two, this could go on for 20 minutes.

So, I've got Microbiology at 3:00.

See you guys in class.


Hey, Luca, can you stick around for two seconds?

That thing is happening with my phone again.

Oh, sure.

(door opens)

No problem.

(door closes)

That thing, huh?

Yeah, that thing.

Looks fine to me.

I guess I was wrong.



So how does your day look?

Well, you go teach those Cobras to play ball.

(speaking Mandarin)

Can you say in English?

I try to learn.

(chuckles) Yeah.

Uh, this chick was a badass warrior.

(phone vibrates)

(speaking Mandarin)

(speaking Mandarin)

Hey, can we talk later?

I'm permanently altering someone's flesh here.

Um, this is Dit Da Jow.

Man: Dit Da Jow.

Daphne: Massage it into the wound three times a day when you change the dressing.




Are you okay?

No. We gotta go home.

So he O.D.'d?

He took a bunch of dr*gs.

Pain pills, sleeping pills, meds for anxiety.

And he was at a bar alone?

Yeah. He passed out.

Thank God someone called the paramedics.

But was it on purpose, like he was trying to...

Honey, I think there are a lot of questions right now.


As soon as we heard.


Yeah, it's good to see you.

We're happy you're okay.

Emmett, that's incredibly dangerous.

Are you taking other dr*gs out there?

Bay: Emmett, we care about you.

And we don't mind coming home.

We're frustrated because you're not taking this seriously.

Okay? You could've d*ed!

What was that?

I don't know.

No, there's something else going on with him.

Well, he's here.

If he has a problem, he'll work through it.

Yeah. You're right.

Come on.

John: They're a block away.

Oh, that's great!

Hey, listen, do you think we can actually get our hands on that money for my guys?

I got my finger ready to press "send" on some brand new gym equipment.

I didn't want to get into this tonight, but I had to go another way with those funds.

Wait, what?

I gave the money to the Women's Swim Team.

The Women's Swim Team?

Kathryn, my team...

Is one of 15 that I am responsible for.

I can't go playing favorites just because you're my husband.

(door opens)

Regina: Hey!

They're here!



Hey, guys!

Oh, hi, sweetie!

Mom, hi!


Oh, look at you guys!

You look so much older!


Don't they?



Oh, I am just hoping that that's fake.

Aw, you didn't really think that I was working at a tattoo parlor without getting some ink myself?

I was hoping.

They both got one. Matching.



They're actually two halves of a whole.

The characters are different, but when you put them together, they mean "fate".


It's beautiful, honey.

Let me see!

Oh, my gosh, your lasagna!

I'm so excited!




Our girls are home!


Let's eat!

John: All right.

So what are you two gonna do now that you're home?

Well, I'm gonna take a couple of pre-med classes and move back to campus so I can be close to the library and study groups and all that.

Wow, diving back in. You gotta love that.

And she is going to write a letter to the department head to get credit for all of the work that she was doing out at the clinic.

That's great!

And once they approve it, I'll be getting three credits, which is awesome.

So Bay, what are you gonna do?

Same thing as Beijing.

I'm gonna get a job at a tattoo parlor.

I can see you biting your tongue and I appreciate that.

Honey, we support you as long as it's legal and you're passionate about it.

That's good, um... because my other plan is to find a place to live... with Travis.

Excuse me?


John, where did you think Travis was sleeping these past eight months?

I never thought about it and I don't intend to.

But now that she's home, she won't be living with someone that she's not married to.

You do know it's 2016, right?

Bay: Yeah, and here's another number.

20. As in, I am.

But you might need an adult to co-sign a lease, so I think you might need another plan.
Hello, Regina.

Oh. Um... (chuckles)

Don't pull me into this one.

Wait, what about the apartment above The Cracked Mug?

Isn't that empty?

Well, yeah, but...

Bay: I totally forgot about that!

Can we have it?

U... um...

I'm not gonna do anything to go against your parents' wishes.

Thank you, Regina.

Since when?

Actually, I'm fine with it, so that makes two parents against one.



You and I spent time together when you were on the road when we were their age, and Toby is living in England with his girlfriend and baby, so...

That's different.

All: How?

Oh, Moms, you guys are the best. Mm!

Garlic bread, anyone?


Oh, look at us, a couple of college students hanging out on campus!

(sighs) Is it weird having me here?

Are you kidding? It's awesome!

I'm so proud of you.


Well, I just was so sick of always having to ask John or Wes or Eric to make sense of the books for me.

I realized I needed to figure it out myself.

Well, especially if you're gonna be a big coffee house mogul.


Luca: Regina!


Luca, this is my daughter, Daphne.

Daphne, this is Luca.

We have an entrepreneurship seminar together.


Uh, the inventor of Baja Tempeh Tacos!

I hope you don't mind I... I stole a copy from your recipe book.

I've had a couple of study sessions at the guest house, you know, since my place was the biggest.

Uh, you're a cook?

I try.

He's an amazing cook.

And he was a medic in the army in Afghanistan for three years.

A medic? No kidding.

I'm pre-med and a Radar Radar fan.

Wait, what? You know these guys?

That is random!

I... I mean most people have no idea this is actually a band.

Daphne: Yeah, electronic's good for me.

Loud beats, heavy bass.

Well, I got a bootleg of their Coachella set I can let you borrow.

Yes. Awesome. (laughs)

Looks like you two have a lot in common.

Well, I gotta get to my Com class.

Um... see you around?


He seems cool.

He's okay.

So, I mean, speaking of boys, what's up with you and m1ngo?

Oh, I have no idea.

Uh, we texted a few times in China, and it was flirty, but it's m1ngo, so...


Actually, I'm headed there now.

I'm trying to get a room in my old dorm and he's the R.A. this year, so he has to sign off on it.

Well, uh, here's hoping that ex-girlfriends can cash in on a bit of nepotism.

(both laugh)

I'll see you.



It, uh, needs a little work, but we'll just clear out the dust and evict the spiders.

And free.

Oh, yeah, and we could, uh, hang up some Chinese lanterns.

You might be able to persuade me.

(phone chimes)

(phone chimes)

(phone vibrates)

Knock, knock.


You're back!


♪ Anytime you call ♪
♪ Anything you need ♪


♪ You know you can always ♪
♪ Count on me ♪

So... rumor has it that you are the new R.A.

It's true!

I tricked those suckers over in the Housing Department into thinking that I was actually a responsible adult.

(sputters, chuckles)

Looks like you're taking it pretty seriously.

Yeah, um...

Look, don't tell anybody, but I actually kind of love it.

Oh, hey! We're having a party tonight.

You gotta come.

It's a costume karaoke party.

Come dressed as your favorite singer.

The best costume wins a prize, but I'm taking home the gold.

Who are you going as?

Oh, yeah, and just ruin the big reveal?

Not a chance.


But trust me, you don't wanna miss it.

I'll think about it.

It is really good to see you again.



Um, this is weird, um, but I feel like I... I gotta tell you.

I'm kind of seeing someone.

It's my ex-girlfriend.

We're... we're kind of, like...

Yeah, no. O... of course.

I think Iris mentioned it.

But I actually came with a dorm-related question.

Do you have any space available?

I was hoping to move in, get back in the college groove...

Yeah, I... I wish I could help you, but there are just no girl spots open.

Looks like I missed out on a lot while I was gone.

Have you tried "Find My Phone"?

My parents have used it a few times to hunt me down.


Of course.

Melody, we will find him, okay?

Don't worry.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Yeah, I don't know...

Hey, guys!

Oh, my God! Daphne!

My ex-roommate!


Welcome back!

The photos you posted were amazing!

China was pretty amazing.

You're so lucky to have missed Molecular Bio.

Seriously twice as hard as Marillo.

I... I'm so psyched to be done.


I bet.

I'm actually on my way to the Registrar to sign up for some pre-med classes.

The pre-meds are closed. Totally maxed out.

Right. Of course.

Um, I'm sure I'll find something.

Uh, we better...

Right. Let's make a plan.

The three of us. Okay?

For sure. Yeah.

Bye! Welcome home!



(phone vibrates)


Bay: Hi.

Uh... it's Bay actually on Emmett's phone.

What do you want?

I totally deserve that.


Look, I just wanted to make sure that... you knew what was going on with Emmett.

I... I don't know if anyone called you.

Why would anyone call me?

He O.D.'d.

Oh, my God.

He's okay.

He said it was a mistake, but... (sighs) he was at the hospital and he, like, escaped or something, and we thought that he might be on his way back to L.A.

He had mentioned that he has a bunch of, like, film festivals and meetings coming up.

I'm really sorry to hear that, but you know Emmett and I broke up two months ago, right?

No, I... I didn't.

And I know for a fact that he was rejected from all the big festivals because...

he was pretty upset about it.

He was always talking about how things were so much better in high school and how life will never be as good as it was back then.

He never wanted to do anything.

I'd find him in his room in the middle of the day sleeping.

Skye, you don't think that he...

I mean, has he ever talked about hurting himself?

Not directly, but...

I don't know if he would have told me even if he did feel that way.

(door opens, closes)

Who are you talking to?

Um, thanks so much, Skye.

Will you keep me posted?



I think I know where he might be.

You completely undermined me, John.

Come on, Kathryn. You're making a much bigger deal out of this than it actually was.

I ran into Mike in the hallway.

It just naturally came up in conversation, and I thought, "What have I got to lose? Ask."

(imitating Mike) "Kathryn... I thought you would have told John that the money went to swimming."

(as herself) "Oh, I did, Mike. I did, but apparently my husband decided to circumvent me and go directly to you to get what he wanted."

You know what? You are overreacting.

Your actions have consequences for me, John.

Going over my head made me look weak.

How can you not see that?

Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.

I didn't think it through.

Do you know how much harder it is for me in this job?

I am the only woman in every one of my meetings.

I stand like this before lunch 'cause I read that it boosts your testosterone and helps you speak more confidently.


I have no idea why they gave me this job.

They gave you the job because you are incredible at getting people to do what you want... including writing very large checks.

I'm feeling in over my head, John, and I need your support.

All right?


I supported you for decades.

I know, so I will not be a problem anymore.

Okay. Can you unpack all this?

I have about 50 things I have to do.

I'm off to cram for a Physics exam.

Good luck.

Yeah. See ya.

Regina: Bye.

Hey, Luca, about that Photoshop thing?

(door opens, closes)

Yeah, sure.

There's only so many times you can ask me to stay before Vimla figures out that you really should just get a subscription to Tech Support.

Actually, I wanted to talk to you.

You're breaking up with me.

Well, we can't break up because we were never together.


Look, my daughters are back.

I knew it.

I... I run into Daphne on campus, we get along, and you freak out.

I'm not freaking out.

I saw the way you were looking at us, like... like he's closer to her age than mine.

Which is true.

And irrelevant.

I don't want to lie to them.

I've done it before and it's caused a lot of damage.

So tell them.

I don't care.

My last relationship ended horribly and I... I wanted something simple.

You and I have a connection and you know that.

Please don't make this harder than it has to be.




I'll see you in class.

Yeah. Sure.

(door opens, closes)

What are you doing?

Do you know how worried everyone is about you?

Did you take anything?

Nobody hates you.

We love you.

You just lost yourself out there, but we're here to help you get back.

It's all right.

Hey, it's okay.

It's all right.

I'm gonna go call Melody.

I know.

It was good.


You said you were fine with it.

You broke up with me.

I didn't get out of bed for weeks.

I wanted to die of sadness.

Emmett, don't...

I cannot believe he said that.

Do you know how badly I wanted to hear that for months?

Oh, I remember.

And... and now I'm with Travis, and you know what?

I'm happy!

You should be. He's the best.

He is.



But when he said that, my heart, it leapt a little bit.

Is that terrible?

Of course not.

(phone vibrates)

What now?

The clinic... it doesn't count.

I'm not getting credit!


My entire year was a waste.

A complete waste!

Daphne, just... just wait a minute, okay?

I am a year behind.

Everyone on my track is ahead of me.

m1ngo has moved on and I can't find a place to live on campus!

Daphne, you have got to calm down.


I'm not blaming you.

I said yes, but...

I should have realized what this would do.

What it did was give us an amazing year together.

And of course, the first couple of weeks back, we are gonna feel off, and I'm sure that we missed a really awesome Sigma Nu party or, like, a really exciting football game, but... how many people can say that they have seen the Terracotta Warriors or floated down the Li River?

What about the night that we got our tattoos at the Lotus Festival?

Would you really trade any of those nights just so you could be on track?

I'm gonna miss living with you.

Why don't you move in here?

Thanks, but there's not enough room for three of us.

Daphne, you can't find housing.

I'm not gonna move into our mom's free apartment with my boyfriend if you don't have a place to live.

You're sure he won't mind?

He'll understand.

Can't come between two sisters, right?

Then yeah.

I'd love to.

I guess I'm home then.



♪ Let's do this together ♪

Plus, that apartment is Regina's, and I would feel bad taking it for us when Daphne has to pay for a place off campus.

You're mad.

Travis I...

She's my sister, and coming back has been a little rough for her, and... I... I just think that living together would make things a lot easier.


Nothing is gonna change between us.

We're just not gonna live together, and you know what?

I... I think that my dad is right.

It is a big deal.

Maybe we should think about what it means now that we're... back in the real world and not put so much pressure on ourselves.

I... I just explained this.

That apartment is hers too and...


What are you talking about?

Travis, this has nothing to do with him.

Because we thought that he tried to k*ll himself.


♪ You are a gangster ♪
♪ Who breaks my heart ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ You occupy my everything ♪
♪ I don't need your fun ♪
♪ Am I just a joke for you? ♪


♪ Go get another girl ♪
♪ Oh ♪

Young Money, baby!

Oh, my God!

What? I love Lil Wayne.

He's my homie!

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

Well, you look pretty awesome.

Why, thank you.

(sighs) I'm not gonna lie.

It's gonna be really hard to just be friends.

But it's better than the other option, which is not being friends at all.

That is true.

♪ And turned into a man for me, for me ♪

All right, enough talking.

Let's mark the moment and then tear up the dance floor.

What do you say?

I say, Young Money, baby!

That's a "yes".


♪ Suddenly ♪

(shutter clicks)

♪ Suddenly ♪
♪ We strike a pose with a photographer ♪
♪ Strip tease ♪


Oh! Billie Holiday! Amazing!

You too!

(both laugh)


Hey, hey! It's me under here!


Yeah, I see that.

Not cool.

What's the matter? You don't like Lil Wayne?

Okay, that's totally insulting. You know that, right?


It's a costume party.

He doesn't mean any harm.

(sighs) Whatever.

I'll see you later.

What's up with that?

I don't know. I've never seen her like that.

Maybe I should go after her.

Nah, forget about it. She'll get over it tomorrow.

Come on. Let's karaoke.

♪ Take my picture ♪
♪ Take, take my picture ♪
♪ Take my picture ♪
♪ Take, take my picture ♪
♪ Take my picture ♪
♪ Take, take my picture ♪
♪ Take my picture ♪
♪ Take, take my picture ♪