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05x06 - A Little Bit Stronger

Posted: 02/03/17 00:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Nashville...

I had the pleasure of getting to know your daughter, Maddie.

I have been a terrible person in my life.

I think someone wanted you to have a chance to change.

I don't do the things you're asking me to do.

I don't move the way you're asking me to move.

You fight me and you waste everyone's time!

What's all this?

This didn't even come through the mail.

It didn't have a stamp on it or anything.

Rayna, I'm so glad I found you. Have you got my letters?

Rayna, I just want to talk to you!


The important thing is most of these guys end up not being dangerous.

Yeah, well, he tried to attack her, so...

Well, he tried to get to her.

Now the question is in his mind, was that to attack her or to be her friend?

I wouldn't bet on the second one.

(door opens)

We're not. Don't worry.

Oh, hey, babe.



This is Dave Winters.

He's the security guy that Dolly told us about.

Oh, yeah. Thanks so much for coming over so quick.

Nice to meet you.

Appreciate it.

I was just saying to Mr. Claybourne that most of these people are actually harmless.

If we handle them right and we have some patience, we can get him to go away.

Now the problem is the few who have something else in mind.

That's where you really need us.

I have friends who've gone through this, and it can last for years.

I know. It's like a virus.

But the main thing is you've got the restraining order in place now.

Well, that's just a piece of paper, though.

That's true, but if he violates the terms, he's going to jail.

And violating the terms means what, that he tries to come after me again?

Ms. Jaymes, every one of us has been to Iraq, Afghanistan, and places you never heard of dealing with nasty, nasty characters.

This man will not get to you.

Oh, look at that beautiful leg.

Looks like craters on the moon under that bandage.

Well, better than steel rods sticking out.

I still can't move my left leg.

God, you will. Jeez.

I'm not a patient person.

Really? I hadn't noticed.

Okay, stay put.

We'll work on your range of motion.

So have you told your dad yet?

God, you're nosy.

Yeah, and proud of it.

Yeah. I actually called him on Sunday finally.

His exact words were, "God doesn't make mistakes."


It's okay. I told him, well, God must have known what he was doing when he made me trans.

Yes. You go, girl.

Okay, ease into it.


It's so weird.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off as a guy.


I swear!

Now that's funny.

I swear. I think like a guy.

That's the truth.

All right, Mr. Macho.

Ready for that left leg?

Oh, yeah.

(both laugh)


"Home." Your first gold.

I was such a baby when I did that.

Excuse me. "Billboard" number one for six weeks.


Yeah, some people like video games.

I like finding out everything there is to know about a subject.


And guess what I found out.


Luke Wheeler is selling Wheelin' Dealin'.

No, he's not.

Yeah. He still wants to sing.

He's just tired of the business.

Who told you that?

I told you I like to know things.

There's no way that's true. I would know.

This is a very small town.

Rayna, we should buy it.


Highway 65 should buy Wheelin' Dealin' without delay.

With what, your money?

Of course.

Rayna, I really think you need to do this.

This is the next step in making Highway 65 what you want it to be.

Luke Wheeler is not gonna sell me Wheelin' Dealin'.

You realize that we were supposed to get married.

I left him at the altar.

Right. You think I don't know that?

Of course you do.

Come on.

Apparently, Hockney had been stalking Jaymes for months without her knowledge.

According to the restraining order, Hockney must stay more than 300 feet...

Can you turn that off, please?

So is he just coming after you or is it me and Dad and Daph, too?

Nobody's coming after anybody.

He's trying to, you know, he's just trying to get close to me in a way that's inappropriate.

We're just gonna make sure he doesn't.

Are you gonna carry a g*n?



Look, baby, he hasn't made any threats or anything, right?

He's a stalker. It's just an unfortunate part of this business.

Okay. Well, I don't want any dessert, so I'm gonna go to my room now.

She wants to call Clay and have dessert later.

Hey, honey, can we all stay here for a second and talk about this?

This really affects everybody.

I thought you just said that there was no threat.

Well, I just want to make sure we're on the same page.

Just say it, okay? You hate him.

I hate who? Clay?

Yes. It's so obvious.

All right, we're talking about security here. We don't need to...

I don't hate Clay. I don't even know Clay.

I think he's too old for you. What is he, 27?

He's 24, and you guys clearly hate him because he's black.


(gasps) Are you kidding me right now?

You guys can't seriously tell me that you had no reaction.

I'll let you.

My reaction?

I don't want my daughter being taken advantage of.

And a 24-year-old with a 17-year-old is taking advantage.

Oh, God.

I don't care if he's green, blue or purple.

Does he know he can go to jail for this?

Just forget it, okay?

No, no, no, no.

We are gonna have this out right here right now.

You think my reaction would be different if he was white?

Yes. Honestly, I do.

Here's what I really think.

Not very long ago, white people and black people had a very hard time trying to be in a relationship together, even when we were younger.

We knew people like that, and it was not easy.

Just like for gay people, it wasn't easy.

But, my God, the world has changed.

People can make choices that they didn't use to be able to make, and that is an amazing thing.

So if he was your age, I would say, yes, you go, girl.

You love whoever you want to love. That is great with me.

Thank you.

But he's not your age, he's 24, and he's too old for you.

I'm going upstairs now, okay?

He's really cute.


Just saying.


Look at you on crutches!

I've only fallen four times today.

Come in.

I'm glad we're finally doing this.


No, my folks are still in North Carolina.

I came here for college and I never left.

You're a social worker?

Yeah. I work with families in crisis.

That's amazing.

Sometimes. You know, a lot of the time, it's just heartbreaking.

Yeah, I bet.

You make a huge difference in peoples' lives.

So you really think that this is gonna be okay?

Mm-hmm. It's a church, you know.

Anybody can come.

I know.

I just don't want to be a distraction.

Juliette can sometimes have that effect.

I haven't been in public since...

You know what?

I think people are gonna be really happy to see you.

And... Avery, you should come, too.

You know, I'd love to, but I have a gig on Sunday.

He's performing at Barista Parlor.

First time in a while.


Thank you.

All right. I have to ask this.

Girl, you can sing?

(chuckles) Thank you.

Wait. Was that a question?

You know what my question's gonna be.

Have I ever pursued it?

Yes. Have you?

I am pursuing it in my way.

I just don't know if it would mean anything to you.

Why not? 'Cause it's not about fame and fortune?

What's it mean to you?

You know, why don't you come to the East Nashville Community center Monday 2:00?

I'll show you.


Don't look down the hallway. Just stare in your locker.



What about him?

Wants to text you.

Get out!


Jeanie told Amelia and she told my brother.


Don't ask that question.

I told Jeanie I'd give him your cell, but you have to say that's okay.

Oh, my God, he looked at me.

I take it that's a yes.

Motion and sound activated.

And once again, if you see our friend, go ahead and hit the emergency key on the keypad.

(alarm sounds)

Thank you.

(alarm stops)

Thank you.


They're almost done. They're heading out.

I'm worried about Maddie.

Yeah, me, too.

Wanna put a guard on her?

(both laugh)

I don't know. I just... I feel like we're all so vulnerable right now.

And she's a child, but she's not a child.

And everything I say is wrong and...

She's just a teenager lashing out at her mom. You know that.

I don't know.

By the time I was a teenager, my mom was gone.

Can't fight about boys with a ghost.


She needs you so damn much.

That's what makes her mad.

You're kind of smart.

(both chuckle)

Oh, over here.

Okay, this old guy is totally crazy, but he knows everything.

(knock knock) Jimmy?

Here we go.


Look out for this guy. He steals all my best records.

Oh, hey, hey, hey. I buy your best records.

The price you pay, it's stealing.

Oh, look what I found in somebody's barn this week.

Oh, my God!

Bob Wills "Smoke on the Water," 1945.

k*ll me!

Perfect condition, too.

But this is not for you.

I could get 200 for this easy.

Oh, come on, Jimmy.

You know I'd give it a good home.

Oh, make me cry.


Oh! You're k*lling me!

Look, I'm trying to retire here, okay?

10 bucks? Can you handle that?



What are you laughing about? This is not funny.

All right, so I'm kind of confused.

About what?

Well, you say that you have mood swings, but other than that one night, I really haven't seen them.

Everybody just seems to love you.

So what, like because I put on a good show, everything must be all right on the inside?

Is this really just a show?

Look, do we really have to talk about this right now?

I mean, come on. I thought we were having a good time.

Well, I don't want to think that you're putting on a show for me.

Look, everybody's putting on a show.

You're putting on a show right now.

No, I'm not.

Okay, you're really young.

Look, maybe this was a mistake.

How am I putting on a show?

Because there are things on your mind right now that you're not talking about.

You're mad at somebody. You're worried about something.

Everybody has things they don't talk about.

Okay. What are you not talking about?

Why are you doing this?

'Cause I want to know.

Okay, you want to know what I'm not talking about?

I think you're scared of me.

I am a little.

At least you're honest.

Do you want to know what I'm not talking about?


Too bad.

When you got hurt, who started the fight?

Oh, my God. Is that what you're scared of?

What, you think I'm gonna hit you or something?

You're an idiot.

I'm asking you who started the fight.

Look, I don't hurt people, Maddie.

The only person I hurt is myself.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Preacher: Rejoice!

The Lord is with us today...

(sighs) You sure about this?


But we're here now, so...

(band plays)

♪ You wanna step into my ring ♪
♪ 'Cause the word is on the street ♪
♪ You want a little piece of me ♪
♪ I won't back down ♪
♪ I won't back down at all... ♪

And ain't we all blessed to be sharing it right here?

You see, you have to remember that the Lord is for everybody everywhere.

♪ You had your chance ♪
♪ Been a change of plans ♪
♪ This kind of man ♪
♪ I won't back down ♪
♪ I won't back down at all... ♪

I said two or three.

When two to three gather in His name.

♪ I won't back down ♪
♪ I won't back down at all ♪

And His eyes are on us.

Come on down.

Are you sure?

As He gives us the gift of another Sunday.

♪ I won't back down ♪
♪ I won't back down at all ♪
♪ You had your chance ♪
♪ Been a change of plans ♪
♪ This kind of man ♪
♪ I won't back down ♪
♪ I won't back down at all... ♪

Even the least of us is a treasure in God's eyes.

Welcome to our congregation.

When you're frightened...

♪ I won't back down at all... ♪

And even if you feel weak or you feel lonely, the Lord stands right beside you.

You see, the Lord knows!



Amen! Praise the Lord!

Praise God! Praise the Lord!

(cheers and applause)


Praise the Lord!

♪ When Jesus is my portion ♪
♪ A constant friend is He ♪
♪ His eye is on the sparrow ♪
♪ And I know He watches me ♪
♪ I sing because I'm happy ♪
♪ I sing because I'm free ♪

I'm free, Lord!

♪ His eye is on the sparrow ♪
♪ And I know He watches me ♪

Thank you.

I need some of that bacon.

Hey, Billy.

Didn't think I'd see you at Barista Parlor.

That's what I love about Nashville.

You never know where you're gonna find new talent.

Find any today?

I almost forgot you could sing.

I've been busy.

Yeah, I'm really sorry to hear about Juliette.

I'll tell you what, though.

You decide you're ready for a real manager, you give me a call.

Thanks, Billy.

You got it.

My first commission.

You look good today.

It's nice to finally be able to get around.

I can only imagine.

Yeah, learning patience was quite a trial.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was your feistiness that got you through this.

I'm gonna take that as a compliment.

You should. So I wanted to talk to you, because Luke Wheeler is selling Wheelin' Dealin' Records, and Highway 65 is going after it.


So I wanted to see how you would feel about coming back to Highway 65.

I'm flattered... and surprised, considering everything that happened.

There's a lot of water under that bridge.

I'm not sure... what use I'd be to you.

What are you talking about?

You're gonna be back in the studio before you know it.

I actually do have an idea.

See? I knew it.

I want to make a gospel album.

Gospel and spiritual.


And you think that's a terrible idea.

I don't. It's just a big change.

Well, it's where I'm at in my life.

Yeah. That's gonna be beautiful.

And you're regretting asking me to join Highway 65.

No. I'm thinking to myself, whatever you do next, I want it to be on my label.

♪ Your kiss is a train... ♪

You show me that bit again.

What you did was great.

(knock on door)

(music stops)

What timing.

We've just been talking about you for hours.

Are you ready to see it?


It won't bite you.

It already did.

I'm sorry about that. I say it again.

You don't have to look at it.

Yeah, I do.

The whole world's gonna look at it. I got to see it first.
(music plays)

♪ Your touch, your touch ♪
♪ Is everything now ♪
♪ I feel so much ♪
♪ It's taking me down ♪
♪ Down ♪
♪ Take me down... ♪

It's still a bit of a mess. We still need to...

How did you do that?

What did I do?

I always hated seeing pictures of myself.

Kind of made me gag most of the time. (sniffles)

I'm sorry if I...

No, this is different. This...

I'm not sure I understand what's happening.

This was a horrible experience for me, and I hated you. You know that.

It was somewhat obvious.

So how did you do that?

I'm seeing myself, but not from the outside. Not like a picture.

You've shown me from... the inside.

You've shown me what I look like in my own mind.

How did you do that?

I didn't.

You did.

We don't need to talk about it anymore. I get it.

I got to go.

Was that Clay? You didn't need to hang up.

I know.

What's going on?


You can talk to me, you know.

I know... but I can't.


Because it's nothing.

Well, it's not nothing. If it was nothing, then I think you'd be talking to me.

Why do people have to be so complicated?

Because they're people. How's he complicated?

No. If I tell you, you'll freak out.

(scoffs) I won't freak out, I promise.

So he says that he is... bipolar.


There's treatment for that.

No. He won't take any medicine.

He says it's like hurting his creativity.

Well, how does he act?


I'm just wondering how it affects his behavior.

No. This is exactly why I can't talk to you about this!

What do you think I'm gonna say?

No. I know what you're gonna say.

He's bad for you. He's gonna hurt you.

You should be with somebody who's not crazy.

Well, you should be with someone who's not crazy, if you can find someone.

(both laugh)

How does he treat you?

He's amazing, like... so sweet and smart.

But then sometimes he's just like completely gone.

Well, my baby, I would spare you all the hurt in the world if I could, but I can't.

I fell in love with a messed up alcoholic.

Wasted years of my life trying to figure that out.

Got it wrong most of the time.

I mean, we're good now, but...

I'm not sitting in judgment of anybody.

I just hope...


I just hope you know you deserve to be happy.

Everybody does.

Who here likes candy?



I knew it! We're in luck, because you know what our name is?



The Nashville Chocolate Drops.

all: Oh. Mmm.

So hopefully, you will like our music as you like candy.

So we are gonna teach you a song. Will you sing with us?



It goes like this.

♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪


♪ So roosters crowing on Sourwood Mountain ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪

Man, these guys are ringers.


♪ Ducks in the millpond, geese in the clover ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ Tell the pretty girls I'm a-coming over ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ Roosters crowing on the Sourwood Mountain ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ So many pretty gals you can't count 'em ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪


♪ My true love is across the river ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ A few more days and I'll be with her ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪
♪ Roosters crowing on Sourwood Mountain ♪
♪ Hi-ho, fiddle-I-day ♪

Oh, that was so awesome! Let's give each other a round of applause!

So I have a question for you guys.

What is this?

A banjo.

A banjo!

A banjo. People from Africa brought the idea of the banjo over to the United States.

It is over years 160 old.

If I was 160 years old, how would I walk?

(groans) Like this.

I'm so glad you could make it.

Y'all are incredible.

Stop. (laughs)

I'm serious. Why aren't you recording?

Who's gonna want to hear those old songs?

Are you kidding? The entire world.

Oh, yeah, right.

You stick with me, Hallie Jordan. You're gonna make a record.

Hey, Daphne?

I've heard you sing.

With your sister?

Yeah, we sing together.

That's cool.

Did you always do that?

Not when we were babies.

Well, I didn't think that.

No. I mean, yeah, like a long time.

Like a very long time.

That's cool.

Here, give me your number. I'll text you and...

I, uh...

Weird frickin' girl.

(cheers and applause)

(band plays)

♪ I can still feel that summer wind blowing ♪
♪ Those four wheels rolling underneath me and you ♪
♪ I can still feel that freedom just fly by ♪
♪ And it's burning like a wildfire ♪
♪ In the dark that night ♪
♪ We were picking up speed ♪
♪ You were whispering to me ♪
♪ Baby, just g*n it ♪
♪ Oh, man, we were running wide open ♪
♪ Our 100 mile an hour hearts ♪
♪ My race against your curfew car ♪
♪ On an out of here highway ♪
♪ Wide open ♪
♪ Life in the fast lane ♪
♪ Radio turned up as loud as it can go ♪
♪ And the speakers blown ♪
♪ We didn't even know where we were going ♪
♪ Wide open ♪
♪ On a straight stretch ♪
♪ Of some yellow-lined blacktop ♪
♪ You said what if we don't stop ♪
♪ And go all the way ♪
♪ And I swear I never took my foot off ♪
♪ We were falling, we were flying ♪
♪ We were chasing down the lightning ♪
♪ Wide open ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

Hey! I heard you were here!

Oh, how are you, Will?

That was awesome.

Oh, thank you.

This is Zach Welles. Will Lexington.

Oh, yeah, we met at the video sh**t.

I remember. Good to see you again.

Yeah. You a fan of Luke's?


All right. Well, I'm gonna go change.

Y'all can wait in my dressing room if you want.

No. You know what? I'm gonna watch for a while, but thank you.

All right. Good to see you.

♪ Wide open ♪
♪ That summer wind blowing ♪
♪ Those four wheel rolling, wide open ♪

I'm gonna go walk around.


♪ That summer wind blowing ♪
♪ Those four wheels rolling ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ That summer wind blowing ♪
♪ Those four wheels rolling ♪
♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪



Are you on the list, sir?

Uh... I doubt it.

Hey, Rooster, it's all good. He's a friend.

Come on in.

(door opens)

Thanks, Rooster.

I sweat out seven pounds doing these gigs.


It's like playing football.

(door closes)

You play sports?

No, I'm afraid I missed that boat.


Well, just as well.

Save your body later in life.

Yeah. (chuckles)

So the reason we're here, since you didn't ask, is Mr. Wheeler is selling his company, and Rayna and I would like to buy it.

Now, Rayna didn't tell you anything, did she?

No, sir.

I asked her not to.

At least until the deal is finalized, and I was hoping you would do the same.

Sorry to hear that Luke's selling.

He was good to me.

We'll be better.

Will, we think you're very special.

Yeah. Special is a word that's applied to me fairly often these days.

Yeah, and by idiots.

We have plans for you, Will, big plans that I doubt Luke's people ever thought of.

Well, it sounds like you want to send me to the moon.

That's actually a friend of mine's project.

I was thinking more earthbound, but... definitely beyond Nashville.

So you have my number.

Call me.

I'd love to get to know you a little while I'm here.

You seem to know a lot of people already.

That's a guest list.

This is different.


You caught me.

I did.

(laughs) You telling?

Not if you get me some.


So Mom's out with Luke Wheeler, and you're jealous.

Look at me.


I'm so happy she married you.

That makes two of us.


(sighs) I don't know.

How do you know when something's right?


Aren't you a little young to be thinking about all that?


I mean, you should just be out there meeting people, seeing what you like, seeing what you don't.

Slow down. It's all gonna get complicated soon enough.

Mom met you when she was my age.

I was afraid you were gonna say that.

I don't know. I just had this thing the other day.


I just realized people are like worlds, like whole worlds inside.

So big, you know.

Everyone's walking around like with their own history and feelings and different ways of seeing things, and it just... boggles my mind.

And you just thought of this the other day?

At 17?


You're something else, girl.

It also scares me, you know.

Like how do two people ever find common ground?

(cell phone rings)

You can get it.

No, it's okay.

No, seriously. Go ahead.

I honestly don't know what to say to him right now.

I've walked that buffet too many times.

You sure you don't want anything?

No. I ate already.

Mr. Welles?

Oh, no, thank you. And please call me Zach.

Mr. Welles was my father and not a very pleasant man.

Well, he must have been friends with mine.

Come on, let's have a seat. We can chat.

It's good to see you, Rayna.

You look like a happy woman.

Well, thank you. It's good to see you, too.

So I'm thrilled y'all came out to hear me sing, but I'm guessing that's not the whole story.

Well, uh, yeah.

We, uh, heard you might be interested in selling Wheelin' Dealin'.

Whoa. So much for secrets.

Well, it's Nashville, honey.

And as Rayna knows, I do pride myself on my research.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you had my office bugged.


Not quite. (laughs)

Um... Well, do you? Is it true?

Ever since the whole IRS thing, my heart's just not been in it.

Phone calls, meetings, emails all the time.

What I'd rather do is sit on my farm, write some songs, and then go fun places and sing 'em.


Good for you.

Sounds amazing.

And I think we can help you do that.

You can?

Well, Zach sort of has it in his mind that he would like to buy Wheelin' Dealin' for Highway 65.


We would protect your artists, including you.

Oh, I'm sure you would.

But, look, if it's too weird...

Why would it be weird?


You know what, son? Could you give us a moment?

Yeah, sure.



It really is good to see you, Rayna.

You too. I'm glad to see you looking so happy.

Well, I am.


You want me to do this?

Look, I want you to do whatever you want to do.

Do you trust him?

So far, yeah.

Okay, then.

Okay? Okay, that's it?

I trust you, Rayna.

That's kind of amazing.

It took me a while to understand that you and me, we would have been a mistake.

But you saw it and I didn't, and I give you all the credit for that.

So, yeah, if your Zach Welles is interested in buying, I'm interested in selling.


Hey, it's Clay.

Listen, Maddie, no need to worry, okay?

I get it.

I want you to have a good life, because you deserve that.

So you take care, and you better write some songs.

I'll see you.

I'm awake.

You look serene.

No one's ever said that before.

You wear it well.

I feel like this change, it's kind of amazing.

Is this from getting better or from the church?

(inhales deeply) Everything.

But, yeah, the church.

That's very cool.

You're skeptical.

No. It's just never really been your thing, you know.

Neither was being paralyzed in a plane crash.

Fair enough.

Look, Juliette, if this helps you, I'm all for it.

I'm not just doing this because it helps me.

It goes so much deeper than that.

Then tell me.

I... I want to know.

No, you don't.

If you wanted to know, you wouldn't ask like that.

Like what?

Okay, what is going on here?

Sometimes I just feel like you want me to be unhappy.

Oh, my God.

As long as I am miserable and suffering, you're totally fine.

But as soon as I find something...

Hey, hold on a second.

That is totally unfair. I've been here every second.

Until I'm better, and then...

I'm still here.

I feel... this change happening inside, like I'm coming out of myself for the first time.

That's wonderful.

I don't know why and I'm just afraid it's gonna go away and I'm convinced that people just won't quite accept it.

Hey, they'll accept it.

Sorry, guys, but I think you should see this.

Oh, what is it?

Put on your Sunday best, because country music star Juliette Barnes is going to church.

Miss Barnes, who is still unable to walk after her recent plane crash, is apparently seeking help from a higher power.

Man: Mm. Juliette Barnes finds religion? There's a twist.

Woman: Yeah. I think she's hoping church will do what rehab couldn't.

Man: She's praying any producer will want to work with her again.


There's Flynn.

I was weird to him the other day.

What did you do?

I tried to talk and nothing came out.

You can do it now.

No, I can't.

Hey, Flynn!

Shut up. What are you doing?

Be right back.

What's up?

So do you still want my number?

Not if you're weird.

I'm no weirder than you.

Yeah, I want it.



Who are you?

I'm a friend of Rayna's of many years.

You don't know my mom.

Well, give this to her. That's all.



Well, he'll be held until arraignment.

Then a judge will charge him with violating the restraining order.

Can he get out on bail?

Not if he's considered a threat.

He accosted our daughter at school.

He violated that order, honey.

He ain't going nowhere.

God, man this is really scary.

I know.

Let's just head home.

Yeah. Let's go, sweetheart.

Thank y'all very much. Thank you.

Thank you.

I'm fine.

You don't want to go home?

I'm a mess and he didn't even talk to me, sweetie. You sure?

He didn't attack me. He gave me a letter.

Well, honey, I think I'd feel better having you home.

You're not upset?

Do you want me to be upset?

No. In fact, I think you handled it amazingly.

I'm very proud of you, but I just...

We have concert rehearsal, so I will see you guys later.

Is that okay?

Well, she's certainly not in any danger.

Look, I know this is very upsetting to both of you, but as long as she's okay with it, we're probably better off not making her think it's a bigger thing than it is.

Right, right.

Okay, thanks.

Thank you.

♪ And your kiss gives me amnesia ♪
♪ If you told me, I'd believe you ♪
♪ I was just born ♪
♪ It's like time wasn't true ♪
♪ Before you ♪
♪ I don't remember who I was ♪
♪ Baby, your love has got me fuzzy ♪
♪ Just like everything was just a dream before you ♪
♪ It's all a blurry memory ♪
♪ You look at me and everything ♪
♪ Was deja vu ♪
♪ Before you ♪

(cheers and applause)

Hey, thank you, guys. Thank you all.

You were amazing.

Keb' Mo' is amazing.

So are you.

I didn't expect to see you again.

I do the unexpected.

Look, you should let me go.

Why would I do that?

Because I scare you.

Well, that's a reason not to let you go.

Okay, that makes no sense.

Yes, it does.

You do things that scare you every day.

It's just not part of the show you put on for the world.

It's a part of you I want to know.

You're making a mistake.

And you're boring me.

Can we go do something fun?

You look more beautiful than ever.

Thank you.

You know what this is gonna be like.

I know.

(band plays)

♪ Can't nobody do me like Jesus ♪
♪ Can't nobody do me like the Lord ♪
♪ Can't nobody ♪

Do you think you'll ever perform again?

♪ Do me like Jesus ♪
♪ He's my friend ♪

Juliette, why this church?

♪ Picked me up and turned me around ♪
♪ Picked me up and turned me around... ♪

Please! Please! Let us go about our business.

♪ Picked me up and turned me around ♪
♪ He's my friend ♪
♪ Said he healed my body ♪
♪ Healed my body ♪
♪ Told me to run on ♪
♪ Healed my body ♪
♪ Told me to run on ♪
♪ Healed my body ♪
♪ Told me to run on ♪
♪ He's my friend ♪