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01x14 - I Call Marriage

Posted: 02/08/17 00:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

Get your asses in the car.


(both laughing)

Guys, this is Rebecca Malone.

Um, it's Pearson now.


You forgot this girl you used to play keys for got old.

Not from where I'm standing.

Being on stage again and singing and... I missed it.

Randall is not free of vice.

It's his compulsive drive to be perfect.

Tyler: Randall, do you know Sanjay Jahiri? Sanjay's gonna come aboard, help us land a new wind farm client.


Toby: I'd marry the hell out of you, Kate Pearson.

Just like that?

Just like that?

It was "just like that" from the moment I met you, kid.

Have you ever considered an immersive weight-loss experience?

A fat camp?

I have a boyfriend. Well, actually, fiancé.

We'll see.

The medication isn't working anymore.

Do you want to stop the chemo, William?

There's something I've always wanted to do before I die.


My ex-husband, who I haven't seen in 12 years... just shows up at my doorstep, unannounced.

You know, I'm not exactly sure what you want me to say.

(cheering, applause)


(indistinct chatter)

♪ Every time I see your face ♪

Miguel: Okay, excuse me, everyone. May I have everyone's attention, please.

I'd like to say a few words.

Most of you guys know me as Jack's best friend and, uh, former better half.

Today's a special day.

My favorite people got married at City Hall and I got to pay off my parking tickets.

So it's a win-win for everyone.


Thank you. One laugh, that's it?

It was... you can, uh, all thank my beautiful yet unfunny wife, Shelly, for that last one.

Rebecca, actually, I have to apologize.

For the first two months of your relationship...

Jack bailed on me so much to go out with you that, uh, I started referring to you as Yoko Ono.

(scattered laughs)

I'm sorry. But then Jack started using words like "soul mate" and "forever."

And he never really said stuff like that until he met you.

Actually, he never really said much at all.

That's what I liked best about him, really.

You know, marriage is not something that you enter into lightly.

And I was listening to your vows, and, um, you promised to keep the passion alive.

Soap dispenser down!


We'll fix it later.

And you promised to be by each other's sides, in sickness and health.

I'm never eating oysters again.



And to make each other laugh every single day.



Uh-uh. Jack...


Do not. Don't you dare.


You guys made some pretty big promises to each other.

Are you kidding me?

But if I trust anyone to keep them, it's the two of you.

I love you guys.

To Jack and Rebecca.

(all cheer and toast)

We're meeting them at the restaurant.


At 8:00?



Mom, can I have a tampon?



You're welcome.

So I'm on my way down to the basement with a load of whites, and there's Kevin trying to sneak a girl out the basement door.

Ever since we moved him down there, it's like we gave the kid a bachelor pad.


You know?

You guys, honestly, it is so nice to be out to dinner.

I mean, between the kids and the band now and your work schedule, I feel like we never get this kind of time for ourselves.

Yeah. I mean, I pretty much have to go to a show if I want to schedule time with my wife nowadays.

That's not really fair.

Neither is Ben keeping you out till, you know, well beyond 11:00 most nights.

He doesn't keep me out past 11:00.

I'm teasing you.


Um, Miguel and I have something to tell you.

Yeah? What?

We're getting divorced.


Yeah, um, it's, uh...

It's not an easy decision.

But obviously things haven't been right with us for some time, but, um, it's for the best.


And we want to do it before things get ugly, and we're still friends, (fading) and we can co-parent, and... it's... it's a good thing.

Miguel and Shelly?

They're... Miguel and Shelly.

They can't get divorced.

She's been unhappy.

And you heard them... there wasn't one thing, it just happened.


No, come on, that's BS.

You don't do that to your family.

You find your soul mate, you get married, you stay together until you die, period.

It's not always that simple.

It is to me.

Well, not everyone is you.

And sometimes people just... drift apart.

I wasn't...

I wasn't talking about us.

I'm not Shelly, you're not Miguel.



Good night.

Good night.



Annie? Tess?


There you are.

Where is everybody?


Annie: Daddy?


You okay?

What's up, baby?

I peed in the bed.

Oh, that's okay, sweetheart.

Yeah, it's all right.

You okay?


Let's get you some dry clothes, okay?

Annie, where's your sister?

No, no, no, no, no.

You have to always defend your queen, Tess.

See? You left yourself wide open.

Remember that.

It's past midnight.

Don't be mad at Grandpa.

Nobody's mad.

I'm a little mad.

Nobody's mad. We're just confused.

Well, Tess asked me to teach her how to play chess, 'cause she's got a tournament at school tomorrow night.

Well, I guess, technically, it's tonight.

When did you enter a chess...

Last month.

I wrote it on the white board.

Oh, we've got to remember to check the white board.

I didn't even know that was still there.

Well, honey, you can't be playing chess at 3:00 in the morning.

But Grandpa's always napping when I get home from school.

And I have soccer on Saturdays.

You said he's not going to be around forever, so I have to play with him as much as I can now.

You have plenty of time to play chess with William.

Now, come on, let's go. Upstairs.

You and Annie can sleep with us tonight.

Good night, sweetheart.

Tess: Good night.

I'm sorry.

She's right, you know.

We're running out of time.

It's late.

We all need to get some sleep.

Good night.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

Good morning.


This is gonna sound so weird. Um... I need this booth.

George, our eggs haven't come yet.

George, is it, yeah? George, that is a great hat.

You know, if I were ever to be able to pull off a hat like that, I would consider myself a very... lucky man.

So here's the thing, um... this is a special booth, all right? Um...

It was at this booth where, uh, my ex-wife and I had lunch during our eighth grade class trip to the Statue of Liberty.

And I got seasick on the ferry ride out there.

It was awful, until she kissed me.

Right? And that happened right here.

Right here at this booth.

And it was also at this very booth where we had the conversation where we decided that I was gonna follow my dreams, and I was gonna move to Los Angeles, and she was gonna stay here.

And we sat here until the place closed, trying to convince each other that we could handle the distance.

And we were wrong.

And, uh, now here we are. It's been 12 years, and she's agreed to meet me here today. So... see, I really need this booth.

Were you The Manny?

Oh, my God. Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I was.

Sign my napkin.


Uh... sure.

Okay, come on, George.

Let's give this young man the booth.

Thank you very much.


All right.

Tell you what, let me help you out there, 'cause she's gonna be coming in hot any minute now.

You know what I mean? Excu... Lava fries.

Fast as you can, please, thank you.

(bells jingle)

Oh. You look phenomenal.

What the hell is the matter with you, Kevin?


Huh? Who the hell do you think you are, just showing up at my doorstep like that?

Do you have any idea how invasive that is?

You better be dying.

And soon. But you're not, are you?

No. Look at you. You're glowing.

God, that is so annoying. Why don't you age?

Look, I only came here today to tell you to go screw yourself.

Lava fries.

(mouths) Damn it.

♪ ♪
♪ Gonna write my story ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm singing my song, write all ♪
♪ My lyrics down so everyone can sing along ♪
♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ La, la, la, la ♪
♪ And this is my time ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ And this is my time... ♪

Thank God for yoga.

I know. I'm this close to pulling off the crow pose.


Never gonna happen.

You're such a prick.

I take that as a compliment.

Hi, Kate.

Lookin' fine.


(phone chimes)

(phone chimes)

Oh, I'll see you later.



(indistinct chatter)


Hey! I'm your package!


What are you doing here?

I thought I'd bring you a little pick-me-up, you know?

I packed up some of your favorite things.

We got four months' worth of EW magazines, we got that body wash that makes you smell like Hawaii.

Aw, you are so sweet.




Ah, but, first, you got to give me a tour of this place.

This place is incredible.

I've never seen so much good wood in one place.

But after the tour, we're going into town.

Because I got us a hotel room.

Because I have been cleared for some low-impact lovemaking. None of that crazy stuff you're into, all right?

Tobe, I can't.

Why not?

Uh, because they keep us on a really tight schedule.

Okay, okay.

You know what, screw it.

I will. I... I'll miss a few classes No, no, no, no, no.

I have screwed with your progress in the past, and it won't happen again.

You go to your class, all right?

You do not miss one, all right?

You go to all of them.

Whatever's on the schedule.



You are the sweetest man in the whole world.

I'll take it.


I will call you. I promise.



Man: So like we discussed on the phone, the oncologist estimates he's only got a few more months.

Which is why you guys were right to seek palliative care.

Our focus is making him more comfortable, whether that is pain management or nutrition or getting you access to hospice nurses...

Should we start digging his grave now or should we wait until there's an actual body?



I didn't get much sleep.

Obviously, we could use some coping strategies.

Um, we have two young girls who are being affected...

I have to get to work.

Randall, you said you would take the morning off so we could do this.

I did take the morning off. It's getting to be the afternoon.

I can't miss the team meeting.

I'm sorry. I'm tired. I, uh...

I'll catch up with you tonight.

It's nice to meet you, Simon.

Well, don't forget we have her, um, chess tournament tonight now.


(door opens)

Sanjay: It was either that or fork over two grand.

Tyler: No, you didn't.

(chuckles) Uh, oh, good. Randall, you're here.

Sorry. Family thing.

So, Sanjay's derivative opened up a whole new sector for us, wind power.

Congrats again on figuring that out.


I'd like to use this momentum to make a play for the Oliver Energy Center.

I've got history there. I'll take him out for martinis and rib eyes, show him a good time. I'll close this.

Great. Uh, I'd like Sanjay to join you.

Uh, all due respect, sir, but I've been doing this for 12 years. I don't need an assist.

I-I know. You're, uh, terrific. You both are. Which is... why I want you both in on this.

I know the hostess at Bouley.

I can get us a res for dinner tonight.


You know what, tonight works great.

(indistinct chatter)

I forgot how much I love watching you eat.

You eat like a truck driver.

You just think that 'cause you eat like a rabbit.


So, why now, Kevin? Why did you come find me?


Because I never stopped thinking about you.

So, tell me, you know, everything.

Start from the beginning.I want to know everything that happened to you since the last time I saw you.


I'm a... I'm a nurse manager at Manhattan General Hospital.

Wow. Nurse manager. That sounds great.

Are you, like, the best nurse?

You're the top nurse?

Yeah, I'm pretty badass.

Yeah, you are. (chuckles)

(chuckles softly)

It's so nice to talk to you, you know?

It's... finally pick up where we left off.

Where we left off.

Have you just forgotten where we left off?

No, I didn't, I didn't, that's not what I meant. I just...

You know what? This was a mistake.

No, no.


Just... just calm down.

Hold on a... Sophie, hold on.



Excuse me, excuse me. Sophie, hold on a second.

You know, I forgot how fast you are in heels.

Will you please just slow down a little bit?

I just want to talk to you.

What did I say?

Sophie, will you please just slow down?

Leave me alone.

Why don't you stop so I can at least talk to you for a second?

About what? Where we left off?

Kevin, where we left off was you cheating on me and ruining our marriage.

Look, okay, hey, listen, listen, that's fair.

You want to talk about the cheating?

Fine, let's talk about the cheating.

I don't want to do this with you.

First day, huh?



Chin up.

As long as you don't need a crane to get off the sofa, you're gonna clean up around here.

Oh, no, I'm not... doing... this camp... is crawling with women who dropped a few stones and are feeling frisky, especially on Thursdays.

That's when everybody gets their five ounces of white wine.

Name's Duke.

Uh... Toby.

And I'm-I'm actually I'm not going here.

I was just visiting somebody, my, uh, fiancée, Kate.

Oh. Well, that... (chuckles). ..just got awkward.

Excuse me?

Oh, I'm just kidding. I'm kidding.

She's a cool girl. Good for you.


So, you've never heard of a Puerto Rican Irish?

She's Puerto Rican?

She's Puerto Rican.

Maybe I'll learn. You know?


Can you give us the room?

Of course.

I'll be at my desk if you need me.

I'm sure that I will.


Are you having an affair with Heather?

Are you crazy?

Huh? I would never have an affair.

I wouldn't do that to my kids.

So what then?


What happened, huh?

And don't tell me that you just, you drifted.

We did, Jack.


We drift... yeah, we drifted, okay?

And not everyone's like you and Rebecca.

What do y...

Do you want to know why my marriage ended, Jack?



Okay. Um... for as long as I can remember, I've woken up at 6:30 every day to make Shelly coffee, splash of milk, two sugars.

I would make it and bring it to her in bed.

(chuckles) She says that her day doesn't even start until she's got caffeine in her veins.

And then one day, woke up, 6:30... like always, and I made myself one.

I just didn't feel like making Shelly one.

And the worst part is... she didn't even notice.

We stopped noticing each other, Jack.

We stopped trying to make each other happy.

When we realized that, we knew it was over.

Now, I think that every single couple has a handful of these moments when you reach a crossroads.

Just sometimes it happens early on, first fight... sometimes it happens ten years in, when you've had the same fight about taking out the trash every night for a week.

They're make or break, these moments.

And you either... (chuckles) either roll up your sleeves and you fight for what you've got or... you decide that you're tired... and you give up.

And I had one of these moments... when I didn't make Shelly her coffee.

♪ My funny valentine ♪
♪ Sweet, comic valentine ♪
♪ You make me smile ♪
♪ With my heart. ♪

Rebecca: Good night, guys. Thanks.

All right, so, uh, Wednesday. Wednesday, my place.
Hey, uh, you okay?

You seem off.

Yeah, I'm... I'm okay.

I just have a lot on my mind.

All right.

Well, uh, maybe this'll cheer you up.

Booking agent saw us play last week.


Wants us to be part of an East Coast tour.

It's just gonna be us, couple of other great jazz bands, we're gonna be playing on actual stages... to actual crowds.


Ben, that's amazing.

That's it? "That's amazing"?

It's really great.

I... I just have to talk to Jack because I have a family.

I can't really just pick up and go.

Rebecca, you deserve this.

If Jack really loves you, he'll understand.

I'm sorry. If Jack really loves me?

What is that?

Oh. I didn't...

You do realize my husband works ten, sometimes 12 hours a day, and he comes home absolutely exhausted.

And since I've joined this band, he's picked up all the slack at home just so I could be here.

Both of my boys play football, and he leaves work early every time so he can be there for each and every one of their games.

And they're on different teams, by the way.

Just so they know that someone's in the stand there to support them and love them.

When we play that piano gig, and he's already gone to bed, he always leaves me a glass of water on my bedside table, 'cause he's worried I'm not drinking enough water, especially when I'm singing.

So, please, Ben, please do not tell me what Jack would do if he really loved me.

My husband's a freaking superhero, and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Okay, sorry.

It's okay.

I overstepped.

It's okay.

Have a good night.


So I made this for my father after he passed away.

It's called a memory box, and I put a lot of his favorite little things and things that remind me of him, like, um...

Oh, my gosh. Like this... menu.

Oh, my dad used to take me to this restaurant every time we went to visit my grandparents in Jamaica.

And he always got the oxtail special.


Girls, help Daddy unload the groceries in the kitchen.

Now, please. Thank you.

What's going on?

Memory box.

I told Simon about doing one, and he recommended I try it with the girls, help 'em cope with their grief.

There's nothing to grieve, Beth.

The man's alive.

Randall, neither of us was prepared when our father died.

I-I want my babies to be ready.

They deserve that.

Will you please stop saying things like "died" or "passing" or "end-of-life"?


Got your cool-guy shirt on?

It's a little much for a chess tournament.

I got to take a client out.

Tonight? No.

No way.

No, Beth, you don't understand.

This guy Sanjay is kicking my ass.

Yeah, and so is taking care of your father and our two freaked-out daughters.

No. I call marriage tonight.

I'm sorry, baby.

I need my teammate.



Please take off that shirt, honey.

It wasn't cool on Sisqo in 2001.

It's just... it's not cool now. You know what I mean?


I love you.

I just don't like the shirt.

I understand.

Man: We're just gonna start out with some nice light stretching.

Toby. What are you doing here? I thought you'd left.

What's that? No, I changed my mind. I went and got a day pass.

Went shopping, got some new threads.

Check this out. (imitates wind whipping)

They light up!



Man: Let's get started, guys.

I'm gonna go easy, 'cause I got, like, a heart thing.

Oh, yeah, for sure, take it easy.

You are definitely full of surprises today.

Just.. I...


All right.

♪ When I'm walking starting flames ♪
♪ Hey, I'll make you ♪
♪ Go insane... ♪

Hey, Def Leppard.



♪ And watch me as I bring make you sing it make the party go ♪
♪ Boom! ♪

Driver (over microphone): Sorry for the delay, folks.

We're having some technical difficulties.

(indistinct chatter)

Switch seats with me, if you like?

Thank you.

May I?



I can tell you're anxious, 'cause you're biting your nails, which is what you always do when you're anxious.

I also know you get claustrophobic when you're stuck in a place for too long, so I just wanted to come over here and ease your mind, tell you that any second now, the train's gonna start moving, okay?

How's Kate?

Um, good.

Good. Great, actually.

She's great. She's engaged.


Oh, wow.

I know. Great guy, too. I really like him.

That's amazing.


Yeah, it's good for her. (chuckles)

What about Randall and Rebecca?

Good, you know...

And Miguel?

Okay, you know, just... (stammers) you know, 'cause...

Oh, you've always been so hard on him.

Well, 'cause he... you know, obviously...

Come on, how's my sweet little Miggie doing?

Don't do it. Oh...


Just... I really hate it when you call him that.

I've always hated that.

(laughing) I know.

(groans) Oh, God.

Sorry to hear about your mom's MS.

It's tough, you know.

How did you know about that?

Oh, yeah, uh, well, it just... it turns out you and I are Facebook friends.

No, we're not.

Except that we are.

No, we're not.

Uh... well, I'm-I'm Suehee Xiong.


That's me.


Sorry. Yeah, no, I created a fake profile 'cause I... wanted to keep up with you.

You did not.

I did, indeed.

You're Suehee?


In the flesh.


(electrical buzzing)


There you go.


Driver: Sorry about that, folks.

59th Street's next.

Listen, uh, I just want you to know that I've changed, okay? Truly.


You know, after we split up, I moved back in with my parents.

I dated a bunch of jerks.

I even married one of them.

And surprise, surprise, that didn't work out.

I wasn't in a good place.

For a long time.

But I'm happy now.

I like my job and I have an apartment with exposed brick.

You love exposed brick.

I really do. Yeah.

And I'm finally dating a nice guy.

He's an X-ray technician, and he's... he's solid.

Driver: 59th Street.

Whoa, hold on a second. Wait.

No, Sophie. Hold on, give me a chance.

Hold on, Sophie. Hold on a second, listen.

If you're in love with this... this X-ray technician guy, I don't want to ruin that for you, okay?

I want you to be happy.

But I... (scoffs)

Do you remember what you wore the first day of fourth grade?

No, of course not.


You had on overalls, and you had one of those, uh, those scrunchie things in your hair and you had a Punky Brewster backpack.

You walking into my fourth grade class, Sophie, that's the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life.

Actually, scratch that, that's not true.

It's the second best thing that ever happened to me.

The best thing that ever happened to me... was you telling me that you'd marry me.

I'm still in love with you.

And I will be at our restaurant bright and early tomorrow, I'll be sitting in our booth, waiting for you.

(clock ticking)


(whispering): Oh, my God, this is endless.

I kind of wish she didn't make the final round so we could get out of here.

(both chuckle very quietly)

Everything okay?


Teacher: It looks like we have a checkmate, everybody.

(William laughs)

Congratulations, Tess.

William: Yes, we do.

Yes, we do.

Right on.

(mouths): Oh, wow.

(camera shutter clicks)

Randall: Beth, I didn't make a mistake by bringing a dying man into their lives, did I?

It's not gonna break 'em, is it?

No, you didn't make a mistake.

Look, you brought them joy.

It was a good thing.

Hey, look at me.

Are you okay?



Come on, champion.


(clapping softly)

(zipper closes)


(door opens)

(footfalls descending stairs)


What's going on?

Well, I took the kids to their friends' for a sleepover and I'm taking you somewhere.






But if you want to find out, you are gonna have to get in the car, right now.



Lead the way.

(both chuckle)

You really packed for me?

Jack: Uh-huh.

All right. Yeah, pound. All right.

Hey. Have a good one.

I could get used to this.

No, you couldn't, because you are not supposed to be here.

Whoa, whoa. What's up?

Wha... I take this place seriously and you were acting like a total ass.

Wow, okay.

And here I was, thinking I was just being myself.

I was just trying to do something nice for you.

I didn't ask for you to do anything nice for me, Toby.

And I thought that you were leaving.

What happened?

Would you ever think that maybe I needed you to do something nice for me?

I was all alone in New York.

Dr. Singh says that the, uh, incisions... from the not one, but two massive surgeries that I just had... aren't healing as quickly as he expected them to.

All right? Every morning I wake up, alone, my chest is so tight, that I think it's gonna happen again.

You know?

I didn't know that.

Yeah, I know. And that's fine.

Look, you want to... you want to be here, all right?

And I want you to be here.

And yeah, it hurt that you didn't want to spend the day with me, and also I ran into your friend Duke, who's a real d*ck, by the way.

Oh. He's not my friend.

You know, and if I hadn't had a heart attack four weeks ago, I'd have socked his nose.

(quietly) I'm sorry.

Y-you just... you forgot to take this.




It's my grandmother's ring.

It was my last surprise.

So, um... I'm gonna get out of here, I won't cr...

I won't cramp your style anymore.



Um, never did hear back from you last night.

Oh, well, went well. Ken's signing it right now.

Well, great. Let me go say hi.

Tyler: Hey, Randall.

Let's, uh, let's talk in your office.

What's up?

I want to... (sighs) split your accounts between you and Sanjay.


I-I brought all those accounts in.

R-Randall, this isn't a punishment. For ten years, you've been the first one in the morning and the last one out at night.

You're invaluable, but you need the support.

You sure that's the reason?

Look, Tyler, please. I'll bring my A game.

I know I've been a little bit off lately...

Randall. Randall, this is happening.

You're still my top guy, but let's not...

Don't make this something it's not.

Jack: All right.

Give me your hand.

What are you up to?


There's a... step right... there you go.



Take a step forward with me.


Close this door.

All right.

Here, just grab on.



Where are we?


Can I take this thing off yet?

No, no, no. Not yet, not yet.



Almost, almost, almost. Okay. Step up.

Okay. Come on.

Okay. I got you.

Okay. I don't want to walk into walls.

I got you... I would never...

I would never put you in a wall.


Can I please take this thing off?

Oh, no, no. Not yet. Almost.




Okay. (chuckles)

There you go.




Is this our first apartment?



It was vacant, so I rented it out for the night.

And I came in early, and I... set up everything.

Oh, babe.

Bec,... I...

I know we're not Shelly and Miguel.


You're right.

We need to take the time to remember the newlyweds that lived here.


Yeah. 'Cause I miss them sometimes.

I miss them, too.



(chuckles softly)


Somebody replaced the soap dish.



Do you want to see if we can... break it off again?





Yeah. I do.

You do.

Yeah. Mm.

Hey, don't tell anybody the help's in here burning calories.

Leave me alone.


Lover's quarrel?

Trouble in paradise?


(exhales, inhales)

I'm not eating.

I can see that.

That's what the old me would do.

Eat and self-sabotage, and I'm not gonna do it.

I'm just gonna sweat it out.


I get it.

I used to be like you.

Thought I could will myself to be a different kind of man.

I tried to lose the weight, tried to get a job my parents could brag to their friends about.

I even tried to date the nice girl.


I met the fiancé.

He's a good guy.

I guess he's your Molly.

(elliptical stops)


Toby is not my "Molly."


You want to know what I finally figured out, Kate?


It's a hell of a lot easier to accept who you are, in all your damaged glory, than to try and be someone you're not.

It sure is a hell of a lot more fun, too.

And my offer still stands.

Take it or leave it.

I'm in Cabin 13.

I do have one more surprise.


I honestly don't know if I can handle any more surprises.

Indulge me.


(clears throat)

♪ Mm-hmm ♪

Our vows?



I wonder if they still hold up.


"Rebecca... saying I do means saying I will.

I will love you today and every day for the rest of my life."

Beth: All right. What do you got?

A queen.


It's perfect. I love that.

Okay. Put it in.

I've been trying to focus on all of the little moments that... that I don't want to forget.

But the moment that's burned into my brain and heart...

♪ Mm-hmm ♪ the first time I saw you.

"Rebecca, you have changed the way I think about love."


"I know things may not always be easy..."

Ha. That should have been my red flag.


Well, no take-backs now.



You're stuck with me.

(inhales, exhales)

"But our love has always been worth it.

I will encourage you, trust and respect you.

I will create a home with you, full of laughter and compassion.

I will raise a family with you, I will grow old with you, I will share my dreams with you."

So today, um... in front of, uh, everyone here, I pledge myself to you.


"Jack, I fall a little bit more in love with you every day.

In you, I have found my soul mate, my best friend, my lover, my partner, my safe place.

You are my great love story.

And Jack Pearson... our story is just getting started."


We're gonna be okay.

I know.


The band booked a five-state tour.

And I think I want to go.