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13x12 - None of Your Business

Posted: 02/10/17 00:02
by bunniefuu
Jo: Everybody wants privacy for themselves.

Do you have any idea how many places I've been looking for you? What the hell, Alex?

You can't call? You can't text?

What happened?

For other people, not so much.

They said that the trial was canceled.

You said you were taking a plea.

I did.

Are you in hiding?

Are you evading the law? Are you on the lam?!

Alex. I can help you, but, I mean, I have kids here.

Stop it.

I went down there. I talked to the D.A.

[Thunder crashing]

I have to advise you, Dr. Karev, that talking to you without your lawyer present just isn't...

She's on her way.

Should we, uh, wait?

We should.

[Thunder rumbling]

But... if you just want to tell me what it's about...

Wait! You can't just go in!

Mr. Kirby, I'm sorry.

Can I talk to you?

Have you... Did you guys talk?

What are you doing?

I'm dropping the charges.

What? You can't do that.

Well, I am.

No, he's right. They're not your charges to drop.

They're the state's.



Okay, then... if you put me on the stand, I'm gonna have to tell the truth.

We had a fight... both of us.

And I was just as much to blame.

I started it.

The only reason I let it get this far is, uh, pride, I guess.

I didn't want...

Anyway, you put me up there, I'll say that.

You're tanking this case.

Has something happened?

Has he threatened you?

Absolutely not.

No, he's, uh... great.


This case is a slam dunk.

It's a slam freakin' dunk.

I'm sorry to waste your time.

[Thunder rumbling]


[Door opens, closes]

Maggie: So, Andrew called off the trial?


For you?



No clue.


DeLuca, wait!

[Thunder rumbling]

[Door closes]

So, you called a meeting, and they ignored it?

How many attendings didn't show up?

A few?


The entire staff?

Well, it was mostly the department heads.

It was just their way of sending a message...

Oh, you're going to have to send a message right back.

I know that. I know.

I am handling this.

I know you are, Dr. Bailey.

But I am a dragon. I'm your dragon.

And you should feel free to unleash me, should you wish to.

Call me if you need backup.

[Elevator bell dings]

I'm a dragon, too.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Reynolds, extension 2216. Dr. Reynolds...



Oh! [Chuckling]

Boy, am I glad to see you.


Oh, I didn't expect you till tonight.

Well, I took an early flight to avoid a storm, moved up a couple of bladder repairs.

Making hay while the sun shines.



How are things here?

Oh, fine.

I have a bowel resection later.

How are things with Dr. Minnick?

Good. Good.

You know, just the usual bumps in the road.



Well, I better get going, okay?

I'll see you tonight.

Metabolic panel showed slightly elevated AST and ALT levels.

CT showed no stones, but there was wall thickening.

Well, CT can miss gallstones, especially if the gallbladder's opacified.


In that case, the study of choice is ultrasound.

Oh, I get a star?

What did I do? Play nicely with others?

The stars are the surgeries I've chosen to teach in today.

Yours is first up, Dr. Grey.




Okay. What is it? What's the excuse?

The surgery too delicate, too dangerous?

There is no excuse. Just no.

Let's go, Edwards.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey. So, what's the fallout from last night?

So far, nothing.

Why? What have you heard?

Well, Minnick's car is here, so that means she obviously wasn't fired.

You know what Minnick's car looks like?

So? That... That's not weird.

Hey, did you hear about Alex?


Yeah, Andrew told me.

Did he tell you why?

No. He wouldn't say.

"Why" what? What's up with Karev?

He's not in jail. There's no trial.

Yeah, Andrew dropped all the charges.

Really? Why?

Well, I don't know.

We just said I don't... No idea.

Hey, what happened last night?

Do we have all the attendings with us?

Uh, well, Hunt... I'm not sure where he stands yet.

Well, what about Riggs?

Uh, Riggs, we can ask after he's done talking to your mom.

Whenever he's done doing what?

Talking to your mother.

My what?

Your mom, your mother, uh, the one that raised and fed you?

How could Riggs be talking to my mo... My mother is in Hawaii.

What is he talk... What are you... What is he talking about?

No, no, no. I met her at the coffee cart this morning.

She's really nice.

Why... Why is no one making any sense?

Maggie, your mom is here.

♪ ♪

My mother is here!

That's what I've...





What are you doing here?

What's going on? Are you okay?

What kind of welcome is that?

Let me look at you.

Where are your manners?

Introduce me to your friends.

Yeah, Pierce... manners.

Arizona and I are already old friends.

Oh, yes, yes. Mrs. Pierce and I go way back to the coffee cart.

Not "Mrs."



But who is that?

Is he the one you like?


What? Look at him.

Ma, okay. Everyone, thank you. You can go now.

I r... Go now.

Yeah, well, I'm... I have things to...


Lovely to meet you.

Thanks. Bye.


I just wanted to introduce myself, Diane.

Dr. Jackson Avery.

Oh, so you're the famous Jackson Avery.

Yes, and he is very busy, so...

Are we all set for 2:30?

We are, yes.

What is happening at 2:30... What is happening?

Just a little consult.

Wait. What?! You're not getting plastic surgery?

It's not a dirty word, Pierce.

Mom, why?! Why would you do that?

I don't know.

I might want to have a few things spruced up.

And you said Dr. Avery is the best.

She's right.

I'll see you this afternoon.

Mom, what is going on?

I just spoke to you two days ago.

You said nothing about this.

I knew you'd try to talk me out of it, so surprise!


Now give me the tour.

I've only seen this place on video chats.

Mom, I have surgery in 20 minutes.

I wish you had told me that you were coming.

It's okay.

Uh, I have my book.

Just put me somewhere, and I can take care of myself.

[Sighs] Okay.


Wilson, what do we have?

Trauma 2.

1! Trauma 1.

I said, "What do we have?"

Oh, uh, uh, a patient... a trauma patient in Trauma [yawning] 1.

Sorry. That's all I know.

Wilson, how many hours you been working?

I'm fine.

You did a full shift before going to Tri-County.

That was an all-nighter. Did you work yesterday?

I just need some coffee.

How many hours?

30... something.

Okay. Go home.

No, no, no, no! I'm okay. I'm okay.

No, you're not. And I'm not gonna risk you making a mistake 'cause of exhaustion.

Okay. I'm going.

♪ ♪

Wilson: Is that razor wire?

I'm staying.

Home, Wilson.


Okay, gently on "three," guys.

One, two, three.

What do we got?

50-year-old female found down, wrapped in barbed wire.

Vitals... BP, 90/60, tachy at 120, nonresponsive at the scene.

Trauma panel, chest fluid, and crossmatch her.

Keep her on high-flow O2.

Someone get a core temp.

♪ ♪

Hey. I have a few minutes before my lap chole.

Oh, I gave that to Lawson.

What? Why?

When Dr. Minnick approaches you to observe in your OR and teach, she's not asking you for permission.

Wait. She told on me?

Bailey, who is this woman?

Dr. Minnick is the residency director now... period.

And you're the chief of general surgery, so I need you to get in line.

Bailey, I'm not going to get in line.

I do not support this... at all.

It's unfair, and it's unnecessary.

You're pushing Richard aside for no reason.

And a lot of us feel this way.

I think you need to listen and hear what people are saying.

You're saying you won't let Minnick into your OR?

I think a lot of us are, yes.

Then you no longer have an OR.

You're suspended... effective immediately.

Go home, Dr. Grey.

♪ ♪

Bailey took out Grey.

Winter is coming.

♪ ♪

Okay, set up a central line and page RT.

Core temp's 32. She's hypothermic.

Let's start infusing warm saline at a rate of 150 and grab a warming blanket.

This poor woman. Has she been conscious?

Not since they got her, no.

She's lucky her neigh...


Careful. Okay.


Somebody call maintenance.

We're gonna need wire cutters and heavier gloves to free up this leg.

That razor wire was just everywhere.

I would've helped her myself, but I was afraid I'd lose a hand.

Can you tell me anything about her medical history?

Oh, God, no.

She was very private.

I-I mean, like, really, really private.

Annie and her husband never said hi, never waved.

Right after they moved onto our road, they started to build the wall around their place.

Not a fence... a wall, like a fortress.

They seemed a little...



I tried to bake cupcakes, bring them over, say, "Hi. Welcome."

She didn't like that, either?

Her husband just yelled, "We have g*ns!"

He died a while back.

I only see her when she gets her newspaper...

6:30 sharp every morning.

But yesterday, the paper just sat there for hours.

Finally, I peeked over the fence, thinking, "Grace, you're gonna get your dumb head shot off."

There she was, tangled in all of that razor wire.

Well, one thing's for sure... she'd be dead right now if it weren't for you finding her.

♪ ♪

There's evidence of early ulceration.

She's been down a long time.

The blood flow's been compromised.

Page cardio... We need a vascular consult 'cause she's in danger of losing this leg.

Woman: Right away, Doctor.

[Exhales heavily]

[Conversations echoing]

[Monitor beeping]

[Breathing heavily]

[Muffled whimpering]

[Muffled screaming]

Okay, push 5 of haldol.



♪ ♪


Uh [clears throat] the rumor mill is ch...

The rumor mill is churning.

What? What's it say?

That you suspended Grey.

Uh, Dr. Grey got herself suspended.


What about Karev?

What about him? He's in jail.


You really don't have a line to the rumor mill, do you?

Charges got dropped.

No jail.

No jai...

Who t...

[Chuckling] Wait.

Why are you smiling?

What did you do?

I might have told DeLuca.

W-Well, Karev was gonna take the plea.

Yeah, but I wasn't supposed to say anything to anyone.

And you didn't. I did.

I told DeLuca. DeLuca took it from there.


But why would he do that for Karev?

Come on, now. It's for Wilson.

Why would he do it for Wilson?

Woman, are you blind?

Blind to...

[Elevator bell dings]


Richard: Neighbor said she was putting razor wire on the fence around her place, fell off a ladder and got tangled.

My God.

Who needs razor wire? What's wrong with people?

Every time she moved, she injured herself more.

She's lucky she didn't sever her aorta.

Hey. Word is, Bailey just took out Grey.


They fired her?

No. Suspended.

And apparently Shepherd, too, 'cause she's just, like, gone.

Yeah, well, we sent a message. Bailey sent one back.

She took out our power hitter.

Who? Shepherd?


What makes Grey our power hitter?

She was the one we didn't think Bailey would ever take out.

Yeah. I'm just saying, we're all pretty powerful hitters here...

Look at the hospital sign. Grey seems untouchable.

Well, I mean, we're talking about big names and power hitters, then...

[Chuckling] What?

I'm just sa... I'm just saying.


[Annie screaming]

This is getting scary.

[Monitor beeping quickly]

Oh, my God! Is that razor wire?

[Screaming continues]

Ma'am, you have to hold still.

Okay, max her out on the midazolam drip.

Copy that.

She's gonna tear herself to shreds.

We have to stop her.


Ma'am, I know it hurts, but if you don't lay still, you're gonna hurt yourself a lot more... please.

What's her name?


Her name. What's her name?

Uh, Annie Banks.

[Screaming continues]

Annie. Annie.


Annie. Shh.

It's okay. I got you.

Annie. Shh.

Annie. Annie. Annie. Shh.

Look at me. It's okay. I got you.

Annie, it's okay. It's okay. Look at me.

It's okay. I've got you.


I've got you.

[Beeping slows]


Okay. Can I get a hand?

Uh, right. Yes.


What is it?

I can't tell where to start.

Just start.


♪ ♪

[Door closes]

Hey. Where are you going?

To try to get my job back. Why are you home?

Oh, I just lost mine.


I threw down with Bailey over Richard's replacement, and she suspended me.

What the hell?

I know.

I have a meeting with Bailey right now.

I'm gonna tell her that's not cool.

Don't say a thing.

You just worry about getting your job back.

Go cut open some little kids. It's been too long.

Are we both ever gonna work at the same time again?


That is a nasty intraperitoneal bladder rupture.

[Keys clacking]

I'm so glad you're in town.


Well, anyone could repair a ruptured bladder.

Well, yeah, absolutely, but, um, it's just the hospital...

Are you here to put a halt to this stuff?

A halt to what stuff?

You know, the Dr. Webber, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Minnick... stuff.

Now, how is any of that my business?

'Cause Dr. Webber's your husband.

Yes, he's my husband.

But he has his job, and I have mine, and Dr. Bailey has hers.

And you have yours.

You should keep your mind on these scans and not on my marriage.

Yeah. Right. Yes, then. [Chuckles nervously]
[Elevator bell dings]

Riggs! Hey.

[Groans] You're not gonna take the razor-wire lady from me, are you?


Oh, you didn't hear about it?

She fell into a big batch of it.

It's like a cocoon of death.

Apparently, her vascular damage is through the roof.

No. No. I-I wanted to apologize for my mother.

She can be so...

Oh, no worries.

Come on. She's a hoot.

Right. A hoot.



Have you seen Dr. Webber?

No. Why? Do you need him for a consult?

No. I need to introduce him to my mother.

I need to prepare him or warn him or something.

Do you think she considered that... that this might be a thing, that my mother meeting my birth father might be a thing?

I mean, what if he wasn't ready?

What if he hadn't planned or... or run through enough scenarios or... or read enough books on the topic?

What if it doesn't work? What if they hate each other?

Do you think she thought about that?

Can I say a thing?


[Elevator bell dings]

All right. I better get to the ER.


Say a thing.

It'll be okay.

Whatever happens, you're their kid.

[Indistinct conversations, laughter]

Oh. It's you.

And you.

[Chuckles] Hey.

Well, there she is.


I was just sitting here, and in walked your... Richard.

So, you met my mother.

I did.

We've been having the nicest chat.

That's so great.

Well, um, I, uh, just came to take you to your appointment, so, um, if you don't want to be late, we should...

Oh, well, uh, uh, all right, then.

I'll... I'll see you tonight, I guess.

See you at 8:00.

Okay. Bye.

[Door opens, closes]

What is happening tonight?

We're going to dinner... Acosta's.

Reviews are through the roof, an amazing wine list, and it's on the water.

Mom, I know Acosta's. I live here.

He seems every bit as nice as you said.

He is.

What's wrong, Maggie?

We have to go, if you don't want to be late for your butt lift or whatever it is.

Ohh, just stop it, Maggie, now.

♪ ♪

I will... need your court papers... dismissal of charges, whatever.

I'll need all that paperwork for your file.

[Exhales sharply]

You can start back as soon as I have it.

Thank you.

Promise me that you are the Alex Karev who heals small children, that you have left behind the Alex Karev who beats people up.

I've got my head on straight.

I want my job back. I just want to work.

Promise me.

I promise.

Don't scare me like that again.

[Exhales shakily]

You need something else?

You suspended Meredith.

For backing Webber?


I just don't understand where it's coming from.

Webber was the program since I've been here.

Really, Karev? The second I give you your job back?

Look, since you've been here.

Get out of my office before I change my mind.


♪ ♪

Just promise me you won't turn her into a fish-lipped monster with an immobile forehead.

That's not something I do.

I'm just reminding you that you swore a sacred oath as a physician to give sound medical counsel to women who are already beautiful.

To you. I'm not worried about you.

I want to feel beautiful naked.

Ew, Mom!

[Laughs] Go.

I'll text you when I'm done.

All right.

Well, firstly, I do agree with your daughter.

You look terrific.

But that doesn't mean there aren't some things that you might like to change.

So, I'd like to start with just a brief conversation so that I can get a better sense of...

I always taught my daughter, if she wanted to know something, don't ask the Internet.

Find the smartest person in the room.

And if they're not smarter than you, find another room.


My doctor at home is not the best.

Maggie tells me you are.

Well, that's very nice of her. Thank you.

Can you get rid of this?

♪ ♪

Well, let me... take a look here.

Riggs: It's mostly just vascular repair.

I'll look for organ damage.

I'll take care of the limb.

I'm worried about that right leg.

She tore it up pretty badly.


Now, did Shepherd get canned, too?

This place is coming apart.

Oh, Shepherd didn't get suspended.

She's taken a leave.

Everything all right?

Yeah. Yeah.


She, uh, left.

She left work.

She, uh... left me.

[Faucet turns on, off]

Where'd she go?

Grey's house?

Edwards', I think.

What are you gonna do?


She's good to go.

What can I do?

Go over there and drag her out?

I've said what I can. I... I tried.

She doesn't want to... doesn't want to talk.

Damn it.

No, look, she'll come around, mate.

No, no, it's the razor wire.




Woman on P.A.: Dr. Burkes to oncology.

Dr. Burkes to oncology.

Oh. So, now my fetoscopy is in OR 3?

I'm glad I... glad I checked the board.

You would have figured it out if you had walked into OR 2 and found a bowel obstruction.

Hmm. You do this everywhere you go?

Do what?

Turn the place against you.

People don't like change.

Mm. I know.

People like people.

So, first, you try and oust Richard Webber, and then you get Meredith Grey suspended?



I mean, you really don't want to make friends around here, do you?


I didn't come here for that.

Well, then, you're doing a great job.

[Elevator bell dings]

Meredith Grey?

How about a little heads-up next time?

No. Better yet... no more suspensions.

I am doing my best here, but you are not helping.

Well, I can't just allow insubordination.

No. You can't make my job even more difficult than it already is.

I'm still moving forward, but I'm up against very strong opposition.

Yeah, I've seen that for myself.

Look, the residents are happy.

The attendings are not.

If I am seen as the person who came in and tanked Meredith Grey, that's not gonna be good for the program.

It'll slow down my progress.

It's a new system. You can have all the time you need.

I don't need time.

I need to stop being blocked.

My job is hard enough as...

Look, I have to win people over.

Just please... don't suspend anyone else.

2-0 vicryl.

Have you done a Connell technique yet, Edwards?

Like to try it?

I would love to.

Um, that's a very complex repair.

The idea is to see what the resident is capable of.

It's not like Dr. Minnick is in here.

Dr. Minnick is the residency director.

Suction, Kepner.

More distal, Edwards.

I'm sorry.

Are you really okay with all of this?

Let it go, April.

Good, good. Now, uh, go under again, and that should cinch it up.

Where do you want me?

Left arm. Just missed the brachial artery.

Oh. She's losing her leg, huh?

Yeah. Her foot has already developed gangrene.

Wire disrupted the popliteal artery.

Did a number on her abdominal wall, too.

Can I get a 3-0 nylon, please?

Yeah. You should close up the subcu first.

Going with the Minnick method here?

By necessity.I cut up my arms pretty good.

So, um, why the change of heart?


Karev. Why'd you let him off the hook?

Um, is it... is it okay if we don't talk about that?

It's just... It's my personal business. I don't...

Of course.

Sorry. Of course.

So, what's the deal with this lady, anyway, huh?

What do we think she's got behind that wall?

Meth lab, hmm? Puppy mill?

Think she's a nudist? [Chuckles]

Maybe she's a tinfoil-hat lady.

Or maybe she's just stubborn and locked herself away, and it's gonna cost her a limb.



♪ ♪

[Knock on door]

That's not a great look.

Well, Diane, our initial biopsy results...


...they show inflammatory breast cancer.

We need to confirm, but...

Breast cancer?

But... But there are no lumps. I...

I understand.

It's a particularly aggressive form of cancer that presents as external skin reactions more often than lumps.

Oh, dear God.

I am so sorry.

Now, you'll have to have a full work-up, at which point we can discuss our options.

I'll be able to refer you to local specialists.

You're in Hawaii, I believe?

I know a terrific group of oncologists out there on the Big Island.

And I'll be more than happy to travel to you for surgery.

That's if... if you'd like.

You would?

You're Maggie Pierce's mom, so, yes.


Would you like me to grab Maggie for you?

Oh, no. No, don't.

No. Not while she's working.

I'll, uh...


[Voice breaking] I'll tell her tonight.

Again... What are you calling this, again?

This is called inflammatory breast cancer, or IBC.

It's a local form of the disease.

Maggie's gonna have a million questions.

Will you help me tell her?

Can you do that?

Of course.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪


I'm sorry if I pushed.

What's between you and Dr. Webber is none of my business...

You don't owe me an apology.

You owe Dr. Bailey one.

We were taking a stand for Dr. Webber.

I don't understand why...

Dr. Webber doesn't need you to fight his battles.

What you did stands to hurt this entire hospital.

Your first priority needs to be this place and its patients.

You should not be proud about what you did.

You should be embarrassed.

Hi! How are we doing in here?

[Monitor beeping]

Annie, the injuries caused by the razor wire were deep.

Some of the cuts compromised the blood flow to your right leg.

Unfortunately, we... we had to amputate below the knee.

How'd they find me?

Well, a neighbor called 911, and then the firefighters broke the gate down.

[Sighs] Ohh.

Listen, they saved your life.

Damn razor wire.

I got most of it down, and then I fell off the ladder into the whole mess of it.

You were taking it down?


My husband and I... we didn't trust people.

There's just so much bad stuff out there.

Started with locks, alarms and cameras, and then the wall.

It felt safe, you know... just him and me against the world.

But then he died, and... [Sighs] just felt more like a prison.

Every day, I'd get the paper, and I'd think about going farther.

But I never could.

[David Gray's "Transformation" plays]

So then I thought, "Start with the wall.

Just take the stupid thing down."

[Groans softly]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your leg.

I feel like one of them animals that chewed its leg off to get out of a trap.

But I got out.


I finally got out.


♪ Oh, my heart is bold as brass ♪

[Siren wailing]

♪ Roll it out like summer grass ♪

Hey. You got a minute?


You never gave me a chance to say...

Don't, okay?

Don't thank me.

I'm not.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry...

It was a misunderstanding.

You got the wrong end of me overreacting.

I'm glad you're okay, and I'm really sorry.

You serious?


I gave you every chance to say that.

For months, you could have just said that.

I-I said it... that night.

Oh, yeah, 'cause you didn't want me to tell the cops that you beat me up.

You came to me in my hospital room when I was jacked up on painkillers, afraid I was never gonna see again.

You tried, and then you never talked to me again.

I saw you almost every day.

I worked for your friends every day.

I knew what happened that night.

I knew what you were thinking.

I knew why you hit me.

And if you would have just treated me like a human being, if you would have just talked to me, maybe we could have avoided all this.

I didn't think you'd listen.

Yeah, well, I'm a pretty good guy!

Why'd you do it?

I don't have to explain myself to you.

Just tell me.


♪ Caution just goes flying right out the door ♪

Jo's been through enough.

She doesn't need to live her life being scared.

Yeah, well, Jo would say she's pretty good at taking care of herself.

Yeah, well, should she have to?

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ Hey-ey-ey ♪
♪ Hey-ey-ey ♪

Hi. Your mom's in the kitchen.

She what? What?

You met my mom?


She met you.

She met you without me.

We did more than meet.

I mean, she folded laundry, put the kids to bed, and fed me lasagna.

God. I am so sorry.

I'm so sorry she's been in the way.

Are you kidding? I'm in love with her.

The woman's incredible.[ Chuckles nervously]

Diane: Maggie!

Oh, good!

I'm going to binge-watch TV. Tell her she can move in.

Mom, I really wish that you...

Hey, Maggie.


I invited Dr. Avery.

Of course you did.

'Cause who doesn't invite their plastic surgeon to dinner?

Come. Have something to eat, honey.

Mom, we have plans... with Richard Webber.

You made them.

I know.

I thought we might postpone that.

I thought it would be nice to have a quiet dinner at home.

Is that okay?

Why not?

Are you upset with me, Maggie?

Am I...

Yes, Mom. Yes.

You show up here without warning for plastic surgery that you don't need.

You embarrass me in front of my friends.

When did I embarrass you?

And then you made dinner plans with Richard, and then you blow them off like they don't mean anything.

Oh, he'll understand.

You talk to Meredith without me.

You talk to Richard. You talk to Jackson.

I mean, you two go way back.

Uh, Dr. Avery, I am sorry...

You don't get to apologize for me to my friends.

This is my life that you've walked into.

You can't just come in and rearrange things without asking me.

When did you become so selfish?

I am not the one who destroyed our family.

Who moved to Hawaii to make soap without thinking about who you were leaving behind or hurting.

And now you come here and you...

You are the one who is selfish.

You only think about yourself.

Maggie, if I could...

I, um...

I think you should go, Jackson.

I'm so sorry that Maggie's being so very rude.

I'm being Ru... You just kicked my friend out of a house that wasn't even yours to invite him to.



[Voice breaking] I have no idea who you are anymore.

[Sighs] Guys, I'm here if you need anything.

Thank you.


[Door opens]

You are right.

You don't any idea who I am anymore, because you haven't taken the time to try.

The moment I left your father, it was like I could finally breathe.

Now, I know that's not something you want to hear, but it's true.

I... [Sighs]

I have finally become the person that I always wanted to be.

I want my mother back.

I'm sorry you don't like who I've become, but I do.

And I'm not apologizing for that... not anymore.

Where are you going?

I'm going to the hotel. I, uh...


I have an early flight in the morning.

You have a great life here.

You call when you're ready to share it with me.


♪ ♪

[Knock on door]

You wanted to see me, Chief?


It is obvious that you don't support my decision.

I just... I just think that Dr. Webber is the backbone...

Save it.

You're not gonna win a loyalty contest against me.

You support Dr. Webber. I get it.

That's your business.

But my business is making sure this hospital runs.

And right now, some people are making that very hard.

So, it is tough-decision time, Kepner.

♪ ♪



Getting your way.

I'm pretty sure the chief is starting to think I'm not worth the trouble.

She is a smart lady.

She could fire me.

I wouldn't cry.


You'd be terrified.

Because then, you would have to face it.

Face what?

If Bailey fired me, you and I would be an option.

We could date.

We could kiss.

We could... actually... be something.


So screw you.


Don't you think this tie's too much?

No. That's a nice place you all are going to.

No, this is good.

You know, I worked with, um, April all day today.

She could not shut up about Grey getting suspended.

Well, I don't blame her. It was outrageous.

You think it was the right call?

I think Bailey had to send a clear message.

To me.

About me.

Well... I think she's...


Actually, I don't want to get into it.

We're in it.

[Cellphone vibrating]

You're on Bailey's side on this.

Richard, you're going to have a lovely dinner tonight.

Don't ruin it. We can talk about this later.

This is from Maggie.

She has to cancel dinner tonight.


I guess we can talk about this now.

[Knock on door]


We have pizza and beer.

I have shows with swords and dragons and decapitations.

We also have gossip.

Come in.

Where's Warren?

He's married to the chief.

[Chuckles] So?

So he is not to be trusted.I didn't invite him.

Yeah. Edwards wants to have some weird sort of strategy session.

Listen, Bailey called a meeting with the attendings last night, and no one showed up... not a single one.

So Grey isn't the only one trying to get Minnick out.

Yeah, but we're residents. It doesn't really concern us.

It only concerns us. This is our education.

We worked hard to get here, and they're obstructing it.

Look, Kepner, Avery, and Robbins are all with Grey.

Karev probably will be, too.


Karev's in prison.

[Ben Hatley's "Little Pieces of You" plays]



Why did she leave, though?

Because I'm terrible, and I exhausted her with my terribleness.

Now she's gone, and I can't make it up to her, and I feel awful.

I love my mother.

I do.

But for her to just barge in here like that with no warning?

And she was weird. She was.

She was... She was flighty and nervous and weird.

[Cellphone vibrating]

God, I couldn't wait for her to go.

♪ There are things about you that you want to change ♪

She makes some good lasagna, though.

Are you seeing this?

Bailey hired an interim chief of General?

Bailey replaced you? With who?



♪ The little pieces of you that I loved ♪
♪ Oh, the little pieces of you ♪



Every day you don't open the door, it gets a little easier to stay inside.

I can't pull you out anymore.

No one can open this door but you.

And I want to be here.

I... I will be, but...

♪ Dance with you through the night ♪


♪ You've been my lover, my cornerstone ♪
♪ You're the best friend that I've ever known ♪
♪ This wind keeps me sailing on ♪
♪ My love, you, baby, now ♪

Tell her I'm not gonna wait forever.

♪ You're the best friend that I've ever known ♪

Jo: We have to keep something to ourselves.

♪ This wind keeps me sailing on, my love ♪

Or else anyone can get to us.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Knock on door]

They'll see the stuff we don't show anyone.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Oh, where have you been? ♪
♪ Where have you been hiding till now? ♪
♪ You're beside me, right by me, you're standing ♪
♪ Oh, where have you been? ♪
♪ Where have you been hiding till now? ♪
♪ You're beside me, right by me, you're standing ♪
♪ Oh, where have you been? ♪
♪ Where have you been hiding till now? ♪
♪ You're beside me, right by me, you're standing ♪
♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ These are all the pieces of you that I love ♪
♪ All the little pieces of you that I love ♪

So we build the walls high and wide.

♪ These are all the pieces of you that I love ♪

And we lock the gates.

♪ Oh ♪

[Lock clicks]