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04x06 - Homecoming

Posted: 02/11/17 00:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Crane: Malcolm Dreyfuss.

Every supernatural encounter we've had leads back to Dreyfuss.

You'd sold your soul to the devil. And now you're collecting powerful artifacts to perpetrate more evil.

Innocent lives be damned.

Crane: You say you saw his man procuring an item.

I'll see you in the morning.

(chanting in Latin)

(whispering): The Philosopher's Stone.

You were going to cheat out of your deal by cheating death itself.

If I never die, I never have to lose my soul.

George Washington hid the Philosopher's Stone pieces on the strongest ley line intersection.

Jenny: That's where we'll find the last piece.

Alex: Where is it?

Jenny: Sleepy Hollow.

Hardtack, peppered jerky, a myriad nuts, seeds, dried fruit and beverages.

Provisions amassed here would sustain a year-long expedition into the wild.

We're only 45 from the Sleepy Hollow exit.

Chips will do the trick.

(cash register dings)


In my day, a road trip required more than simply a credit card.

You needed the skill to hunt game, set a snare, skin, gut and prepare a carcass, build a smokehouse, procure salt, vinegar, chicory.

That is how you make a Slim Jim.

Check your raccoon tail at the door, Daniel Boone.

There is no amount of colonial know-how that could have created the wonder that is... the Blue Frost Razzle- dazzleberry bucket o' slush.


(grunting softly)


I believe this is what is known as a "brain freeze."

Please, would you...


Molly would k*ll me if she saw me drinking that high fructose corn syrup delivery device.

But with Dreyfuss about to assemble the Philosopher's Stone, there's a case to be made for the simple pleasures.

Dreyfuss may be a step away, but we are a step ahead.

If we can procure the final piece of the Talisman first, we'll thwart his plan.

Can this thing really make him immortal?

Its transmutative power is unmatched.

It has but one limitation: it cannot create something from nothing.

So if Dreyfuss seeks eternal life, the Stone must draw power from the life force of other human beings.

And the price of immortality would be thousands of innocent lives.



(whispering): Where the hell are you?


I call upon thee, oh Prince of Darkness.

By the terms of our blood contract, I demand that you guide me to the vassal you bestowed.


(wind blowing)





(Jobe growling)

(both panting)

Thank you, Malcolm.

That was... unpleasant.

Damn it, Jobe.

The terms of my contract were very clear.

You were to remain at my side for the duration.

I apologize for the dereliction of duty.

I was caught off guard.

That will not happen again.

And the Everliving Rock?

It's in my possession.


All that remains is the final Talisman piece, one that I... I cannot find without your help.

I'm on the case, Malcolm.


Then let's get out of here. It's hotter than hell.

An assumption that I plan on never getting the chance to confirm after today.


(horn blaring)

Coming back here must be complicated for you.

To say the least.

I lost much in Sleepy Hollow.

The Lieutenant... my wife... my son.

But for all the sorrow I experienced, there was also unrivalled friendship, camaraderie and, of course, my introduction to this infinitely curious modern world.

This is where you first learned you were a Witness, right?


General Washington left a Bible that described the responsibility Abbie Mills and I were to bear together.

Wait, Washington knew you were a Witness and didn't tell you?

It was a time of w*r.

I have no doubt my commanding officer had very good reason to keep me in the dark.

You're a good soldier.

(car door closes)

It's kind of...

It's nice here.

You sound disappointed.

All the supernatural action that took place over the years in this zip code, I was kind of expecting more of a Stephen King vibe.

(g*nsh*t, growling)

Alex: Kind of looks like the town where I grew up.

And that place never looked better than in the tail lights.

Crane and Diana will be here any minute.

We should get a move on.

All appearances aside, this place is a minefield of supernatural horror waiting to rear its head when you least expect it, so... keep your guard up.

(car door closes)

Welcome to Sleepy Hollow.

Where the magic happens.


And if all goes to plan, this should help us locate where the last Talisman piece was hidden.

We are thankful you were able to procure this Judas Scepter at such short notice, Miss Jenny.

It looks like a tuning fork gone wrong.

Jenny: It's basically a dowsing rod, but drawn to magic instead of water.

The more powerful the magic, the stronger you feel the pull.

Tap, close your eyes.

(Scepter vibrating)

Got something.

(rhythmic pulsing)

The signal's... strong, but it's erratic.



Feels like it's... close, but it's... (grunts)

It's yanking me all over the place.

Are you sure you're using it right?

(chuckles) It didn't come with instructions.


(vibration stops)

I think I just lost the signal.

Is it possible there's some sort of interference?

I mean, curio shops aside, isn't this town sort of a hotbed for supernatural activity?

It was a map of the powerful ley lines converging on Sleepy Hollow that revealed the whereabouts of the Talisman to us.

Perhaps their considerable energy is interfering with the Scepter's reception.

If we cross-reference our ley line chart with a topographical map, I might be able to isolate the area of interference and then correct for it.

Good. I have many, many detailed maps in my Archives.

Crane: Follow me.



As Dorothy Gale said with such alacrity, "There is no place like home."

You said you have some maps for me?

Yes, indeed. This way, Miss Alex.

While you two get busy with the topography, I'll, uh, take a look around for info on ley line interference.

Crane: Very good.

So this is Crane's man cave.

Yeah. What can I say?

Dude loves his books.

The library.


There's a secret entrance behind that grating that leads down to the tunnel system.

What secret base is complete without one?

Your desk?

My sister used to post up here.

Loved her coffee.

From the way Crane talks about her, she...

She was something special.

They had something special.

We all did.

I'm sorry, do you... do you need a minute?

No, I'm fine.

There's lots of ghosts in this place, but all ones I adore.

Capital work!

Here we are.


I think I can whip up a Faraday cage that'll filter out ley line energy and allow the Scepter a clear signal.

I just need a few things: copper wire, a 4.5 volt battery, and then the motherboard from a TRS-80.

I've got a storage space near here that has all that gack and more... I'll take you.

Very good. If you modify the Judas Scepter, Agent Thomas and I shall continue to search for information on the Philosopher's Stone.

This is the part of the job I've been missing.

Yeah, poison ivy, mosquitoes... got to love it.

Oh, come on, you live for this as much as I do.

The past month is the first time I've felt that what we do makes a real difference.

So insert snide comment here.

No, dude. I second the emotion, actually.

It's one thing to want to help.

It's another to be equipped for it.

Being naive will get you hurt or k*lled or worse.

And in this line of work, there are fates that make death pale in comparison.

Okay, so there's a learning curve.

I mean, come on.

You weren't born a Furiosa-style, combat-boot-wearing, chip-shouldering badass, were you?

Okay, maybe you were.

I'm just saying you need to be realistic about the dangers we face.

Agent Thomas, I have something you might like to see.

These letters were penned by General Washington.

I've read them all before, of course... but I missed something... a cipher that has revealed new information.

These were written in 1781, mere days before I first met the Horseman of Death.

That's when...

When I... d*ed.

These could shed new light on those events.

And crucial information about the Philosopher's Stone.

Indeed. This particular missive contains hidden information on a clandestine meeting between Washington and Benjamin Banneker.

Mr. Banneker, you've found it, haven't you?

Yes. After years of searching, my survey team has located the Philosopher's Stone.

You see the problem at hand, General... the Stone lies on land that will soon be contested in a battle with the Crown.

I've come for permission to enact the Division while we still have time.

Of course. We cannot let the Stone fall into enemy hands.

And the Division will ensure this.

I understand how it is meant to work, Mr. Banneker.

Your team of engineers will divide the Stone into four pieces, three to be entrusted in secret to a brave compatriot.

Yes. And the last and final to myself.

Each will be hidden, safeguarded through the ages.

Whatever the outcome of this w*r, or the future path of this nation, the Division will endure.

I have no doubt, and this plan will be enacted.

But not today.

Before we divide the Stone, we must first make use of it.

General, we both know the cost of using the Stone is measured in human lives.

This is a decision I make with a heavy heart.

But using the Stone may be the only thing that allows our nation to survive its infancy.

And there the missive ends.

Now, we know Washington eventually followed Banneker's plan for the Division...

And that Dreyfuss has the same information.

Indeed, but with this new thread, that Washington intended to use the Stone before it was divided... if we can find the rest of the correspondence, we may learn to what end.

Okay, we'll find it after we find the last piece.

Right now, we have to hope that Alex can block the ley line interference so we can find the Talisman and nip Dreyfuss' plan in the bud.

Very well.

Banneker's legacy, that the Division endure, now rests on our shoulders.

This is where I lost the signal.

Okay. So, do like you did before, just a little bit gentler.

(device beeps, hums)

There we go.

Nice work, Alex.

(device beeping, Scepter humming)

Jenny: It's taking us towards the graveyard.

(arrow whooshes past)

Take cover!

Go! Go! Go!

(bow snaps, arrow whooshes)


Who is sh**ting those at us?

I don't know. Whoa.

We must be right on top of the Talisman piece.

I'm guessing something doesn't want us to get it.

We need a distraction so I can get eyes on it.

Here, take this, and hold it out of cover.

You got it?



Let it go. Let it go!

Damn, it's fast.

What'd you see?

Some kind of ancient archer.

The Talisman must be right below us in this crypt.

But we can't get down there with that thing taking potshots at us.

We must have woke it by poking around with the Scepter.

If it's some kind of guardian, it won't follow us if we retreat.


If we all run in separate directions, we might confuse it long enough to get to safety.

Or end up with arrows in our backs.

Hey, you said you liked being in the field.

Right. Then let's do this!


You good?



I only caught a glimpse of it but the Jackal mask and bronze-tipped arrows were clearly Egyptian.

Fitting, if this piece of the Talisman was hidden by Benjamin Banneker.

It sounds territorial, like a supernatural guard dog.

You're right, it was like we woke it searching for the Talisman.

It didn't pursue us.

Once we were out of range, it just let us go.


Yes, here.

You faced "a guardian demon of Egyptian descent... a creature used by ancient pharaohs to keep the treasures they buried with them safe from plunder. A mythical creature known as the Sphinx."



Even I know that a Sphinx is a half-human, half-animal that riddles you with brain teasers, not arrows.

Jake: Not necessarily.

Egyptians tended to anthropomorphize with their hieroglyphics.

A four-legged Sphinx statue may have been a warning that a two-legged demon with a bow lies below.

I don't care how many legs it has.

How do we put this thing down so we can get into that crypt?

No, you were right. Generally speaking, one must solve a riddle in order to put this creature down.

Maybe we don't need to defeat the Sphinx to get what we need.

All right, you.... now, you said these lead to a tunnel system?

Like, similar to the one back home in D.C.?

Yes, Master Wells.

And if this piece of the Talisman resides in a crypt beneath the street, perhaps we can access it from below.


Alex: Are you kidding?

We barely escaped that Sphinx above ground.

We'd be sitting ducks in those tunnels.

Not if we provide a distraction from above.

We can draw it out again, keep it occupied long enough for Crane and Diana to get into the crypt.

Target practice for a Sphinx.

Still excited about field work?

Diana: So Banneker took your advice and joined the colonial army.

Crane: Became one of General Washington's closest advisors.

However, I was not aware that this role extended to matters of supernatural import.

My wife, Katrina... Franklin, Jefferson, and now Banneker... all knew the truth of my role as a Witness.

All were ordered to keep that truth a secret.

Diana: It can't feel good knowing that such crucial information was kept from you.

No, it most assuredly does not.

But the past is the past.

There's no point in wringing one's hands.

And we shall adopt an altogether different approach with young Molly.

She will never have to bear the brunt of a soldier's duty in this matter.

Pro move, Crane.

I ask if it bothers you, you just change the subject.

I, uh...


The w*r against evil is far from over.

There are many more enemies to face, many more battles to be fought.

This is a road we should not start down until Miss Jenny and the others are securely in position and ready to distract the Sphinx.

Hey, topside, what's your 20?

In position. I'll signal when I have contact.

Hey, hold up.

I will need you to hang back by the truck.

So is this some of sort of pattern with you?

'Cause you went off solo to Despair's cave to rescue Crane, and then again to infiltrate Dreyfuss' building.

Yeah. I'm just quicker and more mobile on my own.

The plan, your plan, was to split the demon's focus.

It's not about the plan, she just doesn't want to babysit.

Jake: We can handle ourselves.


'Cause I've had years of experience dealing with situations like this.

We're not idiots, we get it. It's a tough game.

People d*ed playing, people that you really cared about.

But we're not those people. We have our own reasons for being here, and we're old enough to make our own decisions.

I was out of line.

This is my issue, not yours, and I appreciate you calling me out on it.

Diana (over radio): Topside.

Not that I don't love tunnels, but what's the holdup?

Moving in now. Hold your position.

All right, then.... let's do this.

Jenny: There he is!


(arrows whistling past)

(radio beeps)

Bogey sighted.


As promised, one Sphinxian riddle.

Can you solve it?

Can I...

Yes, I...

It is a Banneker design.

I'll just need one moment to translate the cipher.

On your six!

(Jenny grunting)

(Jake grunts)

Hey, dogface!

Yo! I got a riddle for you.

What's it gonna be?

(softly): Oh.

(air hisses)

Hey, he's weakening.

We must have got the Talisman.


Nice work.

Diana (over radio): Mission accomplished.

Good job, everyone.

(radio beeps)

Crane: Agent Thomas?


Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Right. I shall guide you through the Banneker lock mechanism.

Uh, it's okay, I think I got it.

Jobe: Mr. Crane.

Give it here.

Time to go, Witness.



When the door re-opened, Crane was just... gone.

Jenny: The fact that the last Talisman piece disappeared along with him makes a case for the culprit.

Yeah, your friend and mine, Malcolm Dreyfuss.

No, we were ahead for a minute.

Looks like we just lost our lead.

Hey, not for lack of trying.

You did good.

Both of you.

Diana: Damn straight.

We're all in this together. For better or worse.

Right on.

We came into town to find this Talisman.

If Dreyfuss took it, and Crane, we could...

Use one to find the other.

Jake: Mm-hmm.

Except that we lost the Judas Scepter.

Is there anything else in here that we can use to track the Talisman's magic?

Diana: I say we go terrestrial.

Dreyfuss has supernatural allies, but in the end, he's just a guy.

Dreyfuss Enterprises.

They had a contract to restore the Lincoln Memorial, right? - Mm-hmm.

Diana: They used it as a smoke screen to find the first Talisman.

And he also bought the swamplands around the Dyer sisters' house...

So does Dreyfuss Enterprises have any similar commercial inroads in the Sleepy Hollow area?

Three months ago, "a charitable arm of Dreyfuss Enterprises "started a public works project here in town, "a commemorative park located on the site of a colonial-era b*ttlefield."

Well, that sounds like a field full of pay dirt.

Hey, hold up.

Dreyfuss isn't gonna be alone out there.

Plus, he's got his very own personal demon.

We arm up. Go in smart.

All right, then. We got a plan.

Look, let's just hope Crane can hold out until we get there.

Dreyfuss: That's right, Mr. Crane.

The Philosopher's Stone is now complete.


Which means you and I, we really need to have a toast, don't you think?


After two centuries, this incredible artifact is finally complete.

Division no longer endures.


Mazel tov.

I'd sooner die than raise my cups with the likes of you.

(laughing): Oh!

Attacking my ego, that-that's an interesting strategy.

Y-You do realize that virtually every man of my stature is by nature necessarily self-involved, don't you?


I mean, it's not really a flaw, it's-it's kind of what drives us.

And you do realize this stone will suck the life out of every man, woman, and child in Sleepy Hollow?

Tell me, what sort of an eternal life would that be with that stain on your conscience?

So, innocent people lose their lives because you're too thick to read the small print in your deal with the devil.

Oh, I... I had faith I would find a loophole.

And I did.

And I am more than grateful to acknowledge that I owe all of it to you.

(chuckles) That's right.

See, for years I'd spent billions on-on cryogenics, nanomedicine, regenerative therapy and on and on and on.

Then one day, one of my feelers at the FBI tells me he got wind of a 250-year-old man.


I mean, holy sh... ut the front door.



So you k*lled Agent Walters.

Pushed me for information.


I knew nothing of the Philosopher's Stone.

Oh, so... so are you saying you-you don't find this stone dais familiar in any way?

Take a look beneath your feet.

Yeah, okay.

You see that shape?

Now imagine blood flowing down through it.

Mingling on it, if you will.

Didn't you ever wonder why Washington sent you to that b*ttlefield to face the Horseman of Death?

Didn't you wonder how you were able to cut off his head so easily back then, but now, since then, you... you haven't been able to harm him at all.

It was the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

Washington, he manipulated you.

Used you.

And in the end, he sacrificed you.

(men yelling)

I fought the Horseman of Death on the Philosopher's Stone.


Because your friend and mentor, George Washington, he believed, as I happen to believe, that when the chips come down, something must be sacrificed for the greater good.

And by the way, it might amuse you to know I found a description of that fateful night in Banneker's papers.

And your loyal friend, he sued your case with all his heart and soul.

I will not allow this.

It is already done.

And take the chance that Ichabod Crane, the biblical Witness, might not survive this battle?

How could you do such a thing?

Because this is w*r, sir.

And today, I must risk our most precious asset, a man I love and trust, because I have no other choice.


What good fortune that we should meet.

Is something amiss?

I am tired, Crane.

Before we met, I was a free man, beholden to no one.

Now we are both soldiers, and we must do what we are bade to do.

Whatever mission Washington has called me here to do, I will not fail him.

Or you.

Of that I have no doubt, my friend.

Godspeed, Ichabod Crane.

So Washington sent me to fight the Horseman.

Knowing it would mean my death.


Crane: This is the b*ttlefield.

This is where I d*ed.

Dreyfuss: Yes.

And fittingly, this also happens to be where I will gain eternal life.

Oh, just as soon as one more guest arrives.

(horse neighing and galloping)

(horse whinnies)


It's not too late to walk away from this.

Do it.

Walk away with what's left of your soul intact.



I shall anoint this blade.

Mix the blood... from he who has lived beyond time with he who is living death.

I ask this great Stone to transform these two streams... into the Elixir of Everliving Life.

I got eyes on Dreyfuss.

His demon is with him.

And Crane?

Jenny: He's in the center of some kind of altar.

Must be the Philosopher's Stone.

He's not alone.

The Horseman.

Okay. We stick to the plan.

Get in, hit hard, and get out. Clean.

Thank you, Jobe.

Blood of a man from outside his time who defied the reach of age.

Blood of the Dark Rider of Death... a true immortal.

Jobe: As the ceremony begins, the Stone will require life energy... the entire town, maybe more.

I've cast an enchantment that will keep this area free from the Stone's pull, an eye in a deadly storm.

Thank you, Jobe.

Every base covered. What would I do without you?

Now, great Stone, I call upon your protean power.

(Dreyfuss speaking Latin)


Jenny: Hey, Demon.

You ever seen one of these?

A blessed lantern brought over from France in 1778 by Ben Franklin, made to trap demons.

How handy.

(grunts, groans)

Go! Set the charges.

Hey. Move and I will blow you to hell.

You're welcome to try.


(demonic grunting)

You're not immortal yet.

Dreyfuss: Jobe!

You are a sight for sore eyes.


I thought b*ll*ts didn't work on the Horseman.

The Stone. He's vulnerable on the Stone.

Jenny: To Hell... from whence you came.

(demonic voice): No!

(demonic shouting)

(demonic grunting)

Diana: We good?

Jake: Yeah, we're good.


Crane: Go, go, go! There. Go.

Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss, it's over!

Alex: Are they dead?

Diana: The Stone drained the life out of them.

Crane: Jobe said Dreyfuss is only safe in his proximity.

Jenny: Good thing I got him in my back pocket then.

Jenny: Do it.

No sign of Dreyfuss.

No sign of the Horseman.

The force of the blast tore Franklin's lantern from Miss Jenny's grasp, but, as always, Lieutenant, we secured a strong victory.

Fist bump. (imitates expl*si*n)

And what else is new with the world?

A Hogwarts theme park has opened.

I have ordered a metric ton of Ravenclaw attire from the Internet.

Uh, Mr. Robert Zimmerman has a fine new studio album.

As for your New York Metropolitans, this year they have a fierce rivalry with those grizzly Cubs of Chicago.

Why have I not been to see you more often?

Well, you always pushed me to try new things... I've moved to Washington, D.C.

I have a new apartment, new compatriots... new friends.

Miss Jenny is with me, of course... as are you...


So, I thought you might like to know that whilst I miss you terribly...

...I'm not alone.

Until next we meet.

Oh... I found a merchant on Main Street selling these.

A Headless bobblehead.

Wonders never cease.

To absent friends.

Crane: To a battle well fought and a victory well won.

Now drink.

(all chuckle)



Every single time. How do you do that?

Luck, I imagine, and drink again.



Jake: Yes, sir.

And this shiny fellow I shall feed to the jukebox.


You don't want to see what he chooses.

Can't look at your old friend the same way?

Crane: Old? Uh...

No, General Washington made the right decision, sending me after the Horseman like he did.

'Twas a sacrifice... but a sacrifice that may very well have won the w*r.

And, of course, if I hadn't "d*ed," I wouldn't be here today...

...wouldn't be a part of this team.


On the house.

Abbie: You may not have family, but you are not alone.

I shall drink to that.

Diana: That's what we are... a team.

If you would have told me a month ago I'd be moonlighting as a warrior against the supernatural...

...mother to the next Witness...

It will require a period of transition.

But we shall ensure Molly's experience will be far different to mine and the Lieutenant's.

I'll drink to that.


Think it's over?

That's the last we'll hear from Dreyfuss?

I'd like to believe it...

(quarter tumbles into jukebox)

...but evil has a manner of raising its head in a way we least expect.

But if it should... we shall face it together.

Team Witness.

Because you're mine... ♪

Team Witness, indeed.

You better stop the things you do
I tell you I ain't lyin'
Oh, ah, ah, ah.





(groans, cries)


(laughing): Yes.

At last.
