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10x14 - From Murdoch to Eternity

Posted: 02/14/17 12:34
by bunniefuu
(theme music)


What's this presentation supposed to be about anyway?

I don't know, Higgins, but if Detective Murdoch invited us, I'm sure it's something worthwhile.

It's probably about fingermarks or something boring.

Higgins, fingermarks have allowed us to catch more criminals than you...

Oh, shh, there's the Detective now.

Ladies and gentlemen.

You are about to be the first to witness the most revolutionary development in human history.

I knew it. Fingermarks.

That's right, an invention so incredible that it will irrevocably change life on Earth as we know it.

(reactions of surprise)

But before I get too far, allow me to pay tribute to the man who's creation it is, a man who unfortunately cannot be with us here, today, due to his... most unfortunate demise.

That's right, none of us would be able to be here today were it not for the brilliance of the late James Pendrick.


Is Mr. Pendrick dead?

If he's dead and the Inspector was traveling with him, then...

James Pendrick was an inventor of the highest order.

Before he expired, he had nearly perfected a powerful potion of guarana.

Sadly, it was left incomplete.

Until now.

But I, William Murdoch, have taken that dream to reality.

(some puzzled reactions in the crowd)

I have created an additive...

... which will unlock Mr. Pendrick's formulation.

The result... will be the most incredible innovation the world has ever seen... "Pendrimine!"

(reactions in the crowd)

(with a chuckle): My God!

He hasn't even told us what it does yet.

Now, some of you may know my friend and colleague, Inspector Thomas Brackenreid.

Now, as you can see, his best days have passed behind him.


Time had taken its toll.

But, after imbibing just one dose of Pendrimine, this is him today!

(strong reaction from the crowd)

It can't be...

That's right!

I'm a young man again!

James Pendrick has given me the gift of eternal bloody youth!


(swelling of epic music)

It was like nothing I'd ever experienced.

I could feel myself changing.

In a matter of minutes it was done. I was young again.

Sir, how do we actually know that... you're you?

Bloody hell, Higgins, who else would I be?

So, sir, what happens now?

Will you ever grow old again?

Not if I keep drinking the stuff, Crabtree.


You'll get yours in due time!

Besides, this is only the additive won't do a thing without Pendrick's formula.

So... where is the actual formula, then?

Ah, Murdoch's squirreled it away where it can't be touched.

So, how did all this come to pass?

I mean, what happened in Panama?

What happened to James Pendrick?

Agh, we journeyed south and reclaimed his stolen formula from Ashmi.

As he toiled, I adventured, in search of the critical ingredient: the super guarana of Panama.

(little chuckle)

But one day I returned to a commotion in our laboratory.

We'd been ransacked, the formula stolen and...

James Pendrick was dead.

Now, I must remind you to prepare yourself for a bit of a shock.

Where has Thomas been all this time, and why didn't he come home when he came back from Panama?

We've had to keep him under close observation.

I remind you this is a highly experimental drug, Mrs. Brackenreid.

(indistinct comment)

We all will, Crabtree.



It's true, Margaret.

It's me.


I don't believe it. You're not Thomas. Look at you!

I am, Margaret. I swear it.


Let me prove it.

Ask me anything. Go on.



Where were you when John was born?

I was right here, in Station Four, trapped under three feet of snow. But when I heard the news, I dug my way out with a latrine bucket, and was there before the midwife handed him back to you.

Oh, Thomas! It really is you!




(knocking): Sir.

Another message for you. This one couriered over locally.

"Mr. X."

Must be another potential buyer.

Word is spreading, George.

People from all over the world are interested in my Pendrimine.

I'll be inviting them all to a special meeting soon to entertain their official offers.


I don't mean to speak out of turn, but... it seems to me that you're not... overly concerned with Mr. Pendrick's m*rder.

Well, what can we do from here, George?

We know nothing of the circumstances, we have no access to the body, to the police report...

We have little choice but to leave the investigation to the Panamanians.

Yes, I suppose so.

Although, it also surprises me somewhat that you seem... so intent on... selling the Pendrimine. Only because I've tried to monetize your inventions in the past, you've always declined.

This one is different, George.

Alone, I could create a few doses of Pendrimine a month.

But someone with sufficient capital could make enough for the entire world!

So it's not really the money that you're after.

Not in the least.

The bidding will begin at one hundred million dollars.

(strong reactions)

Gentlemen! Gentlemen, please.

Consider what's on offer here.

Most would give their entire fortunes in exchange for eternal youth!

And I am not just selling one dose, no.

The formula itself, to one buyer.

The value is limitless.

(some reactions)

I await your bids.

Henry, have you noticed something about the Detective is different?

The Detective?

Yes. He's not himself.

The Detective, not the Inspector?

No, the Inspector seems fine.

He's thirty years younger.

Well that's just because he's taken the Pendrimine.

He still acts like the Inspector.

To me, the Detective is acting like somebody else altogether.

I don't know what to say to that, George.

Well, I've got proof. Look.

Detective Murdoch told me he didn't know anything about the police investigation in Panama into Pendrick's death.

I found this police report in his files.

You went through his files?

Unfortunately, it's in Spanish, I can't make out a word of it. You don't speak Spanish, do you?

You stole this from the Detective?

Well he wasn't doing anything with it.

I'm telling you, Detective Murdoch has become a money-hungry madman who's turned his back on the law!

He's still our boss, George.

(sigh) Now remember, this is strictly off the record.

Si, claro.

How do you know how to speak Spanish, anyway?

Te lo dije: soy castellana!

Crecìa hablando español todos los dias.

Y mi abuela no hablò una palabra de Ingles.

My grandmother is Spanish.


Come on, vamos a ver.

(sighing): Panama City police report.

Dr. James Pendrick. Homicide.

Inyectado con veneno... he was poisoned.

Poisoned with what?

No identificado.


Muy bien.

It says here he had a number of symptoms: vomiting, convulsions, excessive slavering, and near instant hair loss.

He was believed to be dead within ten to twenty minutes.

My God! What kind of poison does all that?

The case remains open.

But they were able to trace the man they believe was the m*rder*r back to a ship which fled Panama under the alias...

"P.D. Lion."

P.D. Lion?

Oh! P.D. Lion!

That's quite clever.

How so?

Lion in Spanish is Leon.

P.D. Leon. Ponce de Leon. Of course.

If you're gonna chase the fountain of youth, you might as well name yourself after the most famous fountain hunter in history.

Don't worry, I won't write anything.

I'll save this one for my memoirs.

No, it's not that, it's just...

I have no idea what I'm going to do with this.

Detective Murdoch lied to me.

(ominous music)

Dr. Ogden.

Oh, George!

What a pleasant surprise! What can I help you with?

It's a personal matter. It's about the Detective.


Have you noticed that he's been... acting strange lately?

Not particularly.

Perhaps a small shift.

We have recently learned that we'll live forever.

Rather a big revelation in one's life!

Right, it's just he seems very... focused on selling this Pendrimine.

Yes. To a buyer who can deliver it to the world.

Right, yes, he did say that.

Thank you, Doctor.

Um, while I have you, do you know of a poison that could cause hair loss, vomiting, and convulsions?


Oh, and excessive saliva.

I can't say that I do.

(little chuckle)

He asked about the symptoms?

He knows something.

It could be a problem.

If all goes according to plan, it will be over tonight.

(indistinct cries and chatter)

(suspenseful, yet comical music)

(inaudible conversation)

(clicking of some w*apon)


Toronto Constabulary!

Sir, are you all right?

What's going on?


Sir? I was just...

Bloody hell, Crabtree.

You just let James Pendrick's k*ller get away!

(suspenseful music)

I don't understand.

If you're both the Inspector, then who took the Pendrimine?

No one, George.

This man isn't the Inspector. The Pendrimine is a ruse.

It doesn't work? At all?

I'd best start at the beginning.

Everything you heard about what happened in Panama is true.

We caught Ashmi and resumed work on the formulation.

Then there was an attack. James' work was stolen.

So he really was k*lled.


I tried to save him.

He died in my arms.

m*rder*d for a potion that doesn't even work.

So why pretend that it did?

That was my idea. After the attack, I thought I'd track the k*ller down as best I could.

But he fled the country using an alias.

(swallowing): P.D. Lion.


I found out that he'd traveled to Toronto, so I followed.

On the boat, I met this actor.

Very good looking young lad. The best mimic I'd ever heard.

Quinton Prout. Good to meet you, Constable.

Yes, you as well.

The Inspector's plan was simple.

Pretend that I'd created the key "additive."

And that the formula that the thief stole actually worked.

Pendrimine as a whole would be valuable to everyone.

But the additive alone would only be worth something to the person who'd stolen the formula.

Pendrick's k*ller.

One of the buyers sent a messenger to tell me that he was intent on seeing the additive in person.

We were to meet him tonight.

Ambush him, and when he made a grab for it, we were to arrest him.

(sighing): And I scared him off.

(all three, agreeing): Hm...

(Murdoch): All we can hope for now is that he'll resurface.

I'll find him. I can track down that motorized bicycle.

I'll do it first thing tomorrow, I swear.

(soft transition music)

Hey, George.

Samuel. I could use some help.

I could use some myself.

Business has really picked up since we've been in the paper.

Listen, I'm looking for an electric motorized bicycle. Unusual design. Thick wheels, brass trimmed battery packs...

Ah, you haven't seen anything like that around here. But...

I do know a man who knows every motorized bicycle in the city.

I'll get back to you in an hour?

I'll be at Station House Four.

Oh, George. Nina left this for you.

Some of your things, I gather?

How is she?

She's well, as far as I can see.


(indistinct conversations)


The stables are a right mess.

Get out there!

Sir, perhaps you've forgotten, but I'm a Constable First Class.

I haven't forgotten a bloody thing, Higgins! Go!


Oh Thomas... I packed us a lunch.

I thought maybe we could take it to the park for a picnic.

Or perhaps dine in your office.

Draw the blinds...

Well, it's a lovely day for the park, sweetheart.

(vocal sigh)

Detective Murdoch.

My name is Tanner. Canadian Intelligence.

What can I do for you, Mr. Tanner?

The Prime Minister has heard tell of your invention.

He has sent me to obtain it on behalf of the federal government of Canada.

Well, you are more than welcome to make a bid for it.

Hm. Think this through, Detective.

Capitalism has its limits.

Even the wealthiest company in the world could not pay your price.

With all due respect, Agent Tanner...


... my formula will change life as we know it.

No price is too high.

Oh, I agree.

Can you imagine if, say, the Americans were to live forever?

Their eternal strength would render Canada helpless.

Our nation would be cast into grave peril.


Very well, then.

What's Canada's offer?

Canada's offer is zero.

We simply hope that you will do the right thing.

It would be a shame if you were to be convicted of... treason.

Good day.

(melancholy music)

"Nina, you'll be in my heart until the day I die.

Or, if I turn into a mummy, much longer.

Love, George."

What's all this?

Uh, what's what?

The book. Worth reading?

Oh, no, it's nothing really.

"By George Crabtree?!"

George, have you written a novel?

Well, yes I did actually.

"The Curse of the Pharaohs."

Sounds marvelous, I'll read it tonight.

No, I really don't think you'd like it. I mean, it's full of... flights of fancy, which... which really is its strength, but...


I just finished the interminable new Henry James, I need something more lively.

I don't know...

George, do you not want me to read it?

Come on, I won't be mean.

Of course I want you to read it.

I would like to get you a new copy, this is... very worn. It's...

Fine. But get it for me soon, will you?

I don't like the idea of spending a night without George Crabtree by my bedside.

(horse whinnying)

I'm not quite sure how to say this, Inspector.

It's about your wife.


Has she figured it out?

No, sir, quite to the contrary.

How's that?

Well, last night she expected I would be doing the same things you yourself would do upon your return home.

Ah. The gate needs mending.

Yes, no I've seen to the gate.

But there were other, shall we say, expectations...

She was rather insistent that I resume my... or rather, that I resume your, uh...


... husbandly duties.

Did you?


Well then, what's the problem?

Well, she was rather demanding, sir.

A woman has needs, Mr. Prout.

And Margaret is very much a woman.


I'm not sure I can keep her at bay much longer.

Have an extra whiskey with supper.

Once she's clearing the dishes, go straight to the bedroom and start snoring.

It always works for me!

Sir. Sirs. No. Sir.

We have an address for the motorbike.

Right. then. Let's get to it.

Actually, sir, I wasn't sent to fetch you.


You're to stay in hiding just in case this isn't our man.

We can't risk exposing the ruse. Mr. Prout.



Let's hope this is our man.

I don't care much for being accused of treason.

Sir, it is a hangable offense.

Thank you, George.

This should be it.

(strange sound)

You there! Stop! Toronto Constabulary!

(strange engine sound)

Who are you? Identify yourself.


Pendrick's assistant.

The name is Ashmi, Detective.

(epic music)

When did you last see Mr. Pendrick?

When he found me in Panama.

He and your Inspector reclaimed what I had stolen.

I stayed for a time but could not regain James' trust.

I returned to Canada some weeks ago.

Then why were you after the additive?

And you specifically requested that our Inspector bring it to you.


But while in Panama I heard tell of a man.

Another who was after James' work.

I'd hoped to sell it to him.

You believe this man stole the formula?

That he k*lled Mr. Pendrick?

Who is this man?

He came from Asia.

Or possibly the skies themselves.

Some called him a God.

Have you ever heard the name P.D. Lion?

The man of whom I speak had no name.

Only a letter.

A letter?

They called him Senor Equis.

George, the card we received.

Mr. X.

He's tried to contact us.

Sir, we have an address.

(nice, exotic music)

Mr. X?

Senor Equis?


What took you so long?

Terrence Meyers?

The great rocket shook us and blastered throught the atmosphere.

The azure globe shimmering beneath me, vast oceans roiling, entire continents within my view.

I had flown higher than any living thing ever had. It was the greatest adventure ever known to man.

And then, nothing.


Not only had I touched the face of God...

I became God.


Hm. I recall nothing of the descent.

All I know is I awoke to the smiling faces of the Murut.

I was now in Sabah, near the village of Nabawan.

And in that village, I was no longer human.

I was Ranying.

Supreme God, fallen from above.

Good Lord!

These people believed you to be God.

I tried to convince them otherwise, but these people had not seen a tin opener, let alone a flying rocket. I had, after all, descended upon them as if... by magic. I...

I lived among the Murut for many, many months.

My soul, purified. My mind, cleared. My powers... limitless.

My... tumpas, my tattoos, symbols of my status.

Then how did you end up in Panama?

I was en route to America when... word came from the Prime Minister.

Rumours had surfaced about the possible existence of a "Fountain of Youth" invented by none other than James Pendrick.

But now, thanks to you, Murdoch, eternal life may be Canada's after all.

Mr. Meyers, the Pendrimine doesn't actually do anything.

You see...

You see, it's useless unless it is mixed properly.

The Pendrimine has no effect unless it is combined with my additive using specialized equipment, of course.

What equipment?

Chemical synthesizers that can be found in James Pendrick's laboratory, here, in Toronto.

I see.

Well, hand it all over.

The Canadian government insists on it.

I will.

But not yet.

Murdoch, you can't sell it.

My only aim is to find and apprehend James Pendrick's k*ller.

After that, the Pendrimine is yours.

Bloody Meyers. I thought he was dead!

It seems Pendrick's rocket was safer than it appeared to be.

Why did you lie to Mr. Meyers?

Why would you tell him the truth about anything?

The man is quite strange.

Oh, those tattoos!

Why write a cryptic note when he could have called on us directly?

Maybe he's not working for the government at all.

Still, it doesn't hurt to have him in step with our goal.

He now believes the only way to get the Pendrimine is to work with us.

It may be our only hope of catching the k*ller.

Well, let's do it quickly.

I can't keep Margaret in the dark about this much longer.

The woman has needs.

(light transition music)

China. Japan. Russia. America.

(reacting in disgust): And of course, the Ottoman Empire.

An international agent from any one of those governments could be your k*ller.

How exactly do we know that the k*ller is a spy?

Have you identified the poison that k*lled him?

No. Its symptoms are not known to...


Its devastating effects were discovered by the Germans.

Highly radioactive. Unclear why it's so deadly.

And this poison is only known to the spy community?


Mr. Meyers.

I've been looking for you.

Busy doing your job for you, Tanner.

You know you're not supposed to go anywhere without my knowledge.



(exotic flute music)

(from behind the door): Detective.

I must warn you that that is not the Terrence Meyers of old.

The man I admired as a trainee was lost somewhere in the Bornean jungle.

But he's returned.

He asked to be brought back.


Is that what he told you?

The moment Terrence Meyers disappeared into low earth orbit, the government began its search.

Meyers knows far, far too much.

You were the one who found him.

Yes. Eventually.

Only he did not want to be retrieved.

He had become one of the savages.

Meyers cannot be trusted.

Eternal life is at stake, as well you know.

Put your faith where it belongs: in the capable hands of the Canadian government.

Mr. Tanner...

I already know you intend to hand over the Pendrimine as soon as you have caught your k*ller. Oh, I have microphones in Meyers' room.

Of course.

Yes, well, I have confidence that you will find your man.

If you don't trust me, well, you can take it straight to the Prime Minister himself.

So Terrence Meyers is alive.

I never expected to see him again.

I fear the old Terrence Meyers may be gone forever.

Julia, the man is deranged.

Do you believe his theory about Pendrick's k*ller?

I have no reason to doubt it.

So you'll work with him?

I don't see the harm in it.

So long as I don't allow him to skew our investigation.

Although, truth be told, nothing we've tried thus far has worked.

If the k*ller is a spy, they may sense a trap.

You may be right.

And if that is the case, we need to make him feel desperate.

(horses' hooves and indistinct conversations)

We give the Pendrimine to the government of Canada.

Wonderful. Hand it over.

At least that's what we want the k*ller to believe.

I see.

If the k*ller thinks that Canada has the key to eternal youth, he'll be desperate to get it for his country.

Lest his nation be left behind and so on.

And if he's more desperate, he'll be more likely to make a mistake, I see that, but why lie about it? Just give it to us, the result is the same.

I can't do that until the k*ller is caught.

And how exactly are we supposed to prove the Canadian government has it?

By giving a second man a dose of Pendrimine.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier.


All he has to do is stay out of sight for a few days.

Can you contact him?

Or have Agent Tanner do it?

Well, I suppose but how do we find someone who looks exactly like a young Laurier?

Few people have even seen a photograph of Laurier as a young man.

All we have to do is find someone who looks like a Prime Minister.

The newspapers will run wild with the story and soon the whole world will know!


Your Laurier gambit may have worked.

We've had contact from six foreign diplomats, all desperate to obtain the drug for their country.

Let's hope one of them is the man we're looking for.


(light music)



There's no evidence that any of these men are P.D. Lion.

And what of Pendrick's formula?

Their rooms are being searched now.

Sir! It's the Inspector.

He's been att*cked.

(indistinct chatter)


He's still alive, but unconscious.

It seems he was able to fight off his attacker, and perhaps the entire dose of the poison wasn't administered.

Any symptoms?

The same reportedly suffered by Mr. Pendrick.

He had a bottle of the additive. Where is it now?

Stolen, it would seem, sir.


When did the attack occur?

An hour ago, maybe less.

All the diplomats were at Station House Number Four.

If one of them did k*ll Mr. Pendrick, I suppose he could have sent someone after the additive.

Indeed. It would be an excellent opportunity, to strike while establishing an iron-clad alibi.


One of Meyers' bracelets?

Murdoch. What's going on?


The empty vial.

Terrence Meyers, you are under arrest for the attempted m*rder of Thomas Brackenreid and for the m*rder of James Pendrick.

(music swelling dramatically)

Oh, this is preposterous. Clearly I was set up.

You had the empty vial of additive in your hand.

Which I found in my room shortly before you arrived.

We also found one of your bracelets at the scene.

I have all my tumpas.

Six on the right.

Five on the left.

Yes, precisely!

There isn't one missing, Murdoch.

I am Ranying.

My people festooned me with one ring for every head which I...

It doesn't matter. The point is whatever it is you found did not belong to me.

Who put it there then?

I assume any one of those so-called "diplomats."

The Turks have especially had it in for me.

The Turks.

The culprit is likely spiriting the Pendrimine away to his homeland while you're sitting here wasting your time with me.

I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Brackenreid.

They say he should regain consciousness soon.

Did you catch him?

Whoever did this?

We did.


(someone coughing nearby)

Mrs. Brackenreid!

(softer): Stay with him.

I'll return as soon as I'm able, I have...

Oh, did his eyes just open?

I have to tell her! This has gone on long enough.

Sir, we need to maintain the ruse just a bit longer.

She was kissing another man!

One she believes to be you.

What's your point?

Well sir, it can hardly be characterized as an infidelity if she believes...

Oh, bloody hell, Murdoch!

I don't care what you characterize it as!

Do you know what it's like seeing your wife kissing another man?

Actually sir, James Pendrick kissed Julia in the days leading up to your departure for Panama...

Right. Well then, you know what I'm saying.

I do, but I was able to subsume those feelings knowing that Julia herself clearly had nothing to do in the matter and obviously has no... feelings for James Pendrick or any other man.

You've thought this through.

I have.

Have you talked with her about it?

Well, that would imply that it bothers me.

Which it doesn't.

Right. But...

Why are we wasting time, anyway? We've arrested Meyers.

Sir, something just doesn't seem right.

Why would Terrance Meyers tell us that he was in Toronto if he intended to steal the additive all along?

The man's out of his mind! He got a taste for power in Borneo and now he won't stop until he achieves more.

All the same, sir, if we could wait another twenty-four hours.

Just to be sure we have the right man.


Another day rotting away in Pendrick's study.

(piano music)

Hello, Constable!

Any good crimes lately?

I'm writing a report on a lady who says her neighbour's horse walks too loudly.

"Nina, you'll be in my heart until the day I die.

Or, if I turn into a mummy, much longer.

Love, George."


Louise, let me just say...

I'm sorry, George.

I had no intention of going through your things.

I understand why you wouldn't want to give away this copy.

Louise, please...

Look, I didn't intend for any of this.

The man I own the garage with happens to be Nina's brother.

I was there, he gave me some things that she'd left.

I guess she didn't want this anymore.

Why would you keep that from me?

I don't know, I... I...

For a moment, I suppose I felt guilty.

The past came rushing back and I...

And you thought you'd made a mistake.

(nice, mellow music)

It would mean the world to me if you'd read my book, Louise.

Then I will.

(birds chirping and indistinct voices)

You have accused Mr. Meyers of m*rder in the past.

This is different.

Meyers has been in the far east for too long.

What is his story? Does it seem rational?

He claims that he's been set up.

That a foreign agent has stolen the additive.

But... why bother setting up Meyers?

Why not simply steal the additive and then vanish into thin air?

Well, if you're unswayed by the alternatives, you have to assume you have your k*ller behind bars.

I suppose.

And what about the Inspector?

Has he told Margaret yet?

Not yet.

Julia, the last time we saw James Pendrick...

Does any of that bother you?

The kiss?


(with a chuckle): No!

I haven't thought about it for a moment.

Does it bother you?

Of course not.

He was out of his mind.

And now he's dead.


(light music)

Oh my God.


It's time, Mr. Meyers.

We have to hand you over.

How long have we known each other, Murdoch? Hm?

Ten years, I suppose.

That sounds about right.

Do you honestly consider me a threat to this country?

To my fellow man?

Come on, you know me.

You know they're gonna consider this treason.

I'll be hanged.

Let me go.

It's not up to me, Mr. Meyers.

Sure it is. Just open the door, turn your back.

You'll never see me again, I swear. I'll return to my people.

You would go back to Borneo?

I will never set foot in this country again.

So, what difference does it make if they hang me or... if I simply vanish forever?

(wistful music)

I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

Ah! Thank you, Detective.

All ready, are we, Meyers?

The Prime Minister awaits.

And I assure you he is not in a merciful mood.


Where's Murdoch? Murdoch!



No, sir, why are you so old again?

Oh my God, sir, what's happened?

Just yesterday you were a young man!

Oh, get off, Crabtree.

Where's Murdoch?


The place has been ransacked.

All Pendrick's equipment's been stolen.

Of course.

Meyers believed Pendrick's equipment was crucial in synthesizing the Pendrimine.

But I was there.

The place hadn't been robbed yet when Mr. Prout was att*cked... when Meyers was arrested.

Who's Mr. Prout?

Young me!

But you're young you.

Oh, shut up, Higgins.

Then it couldn't be Meyers.

Then who?

Did you tell anyone the lie about the laboratory?


But someone else was listening in on the conversation.



Driver, stop!

What's the problem? What's going on?

Wait a minute...

Agent Tanner, you are under arrest for the m*rder of James Pendrick and the attempted m*rder...

Me? I think not.

We know it was you. You're P.D. Lion.

What of it? You can't prove that I k*lled Pendrick.

You poisoned a man here, in Toronto.

When he recovers, he'll identify you.

So? If the Inspector survives, what will you charge me with?

Attempted m*rder? (chuckles)

It's enough to lock you up.

And stop you from taking the Pendrimine back to Ottawa.

Ottawa? No, no, no.

In the hands of the masses, eternal life would cause an epidemic of overpopulation.

I took it for myself... well, myself and... a handful of the wealthiest buyers in the world, so... lock me up. Five years, ten, twenty.

Time matters not in the face of...

(takes a deep breath): ... eternal life.


Second ever dose of Pendrimine, mixed by my own hand.

Everlasting youth... is mine.

I don't believe we've met.

Inspector Thomas C. Brackenreid.

(Murdoch): You've been had.




It's me.

But... but...

he's you.

I'm sorry but no. I'm me, warts and all.

So it was all a lie?

(He sighs.)

I didn't want to hide it from you. But I had to.

It was the only way to catch Pendrick's k*ller.

It had to seem real.

People had to see that you believed it.


Uh, people believed it, because I played the part.

I didn't believe for one second that this young man was you.

You didn't?

Of course not!

He was far too considerate, for one.

I assumed you were up to some kind of nonsense and I went along with it.

You had your fun, and I had mine.

Bloody hell! Margaret, who is this imposter?

Oh, It's all right, Quentin, I think the horse has left the barn on that one.

(big exhale)

I'll tell you this, Margaret.

It was no fun for one single second being locked away in that laboratory.

Oh, uncomfortable, was it?

Or did you run out of scotch?

The problem wasn't where I was.

It was where I wasn't.

Kept away from my family.

Kept away from you.

Oh Thomas.

(heartwarming music)

Full reinstatement from Prime Minister Laurier.

Oh, and he sends his thanks for exposing Agent Tanner.

I wasn't sure you'd welcome a return to your old position, Mr. Meyers.

(chuckle from Meyers)

Well, they do say the trappings make the man.

Once I was back in my old habiliments, I found I wanted nothing more than to be in the civilized company of the Canadian federal government.

(George coughs.)

What about the Pendrimine?

I mean, I know it didn't work, but according to the Inspector, Mr. Pendrick was really getting somewhere with it.

Yes. We found the stolen formula.

But any further work on his research would be fruitless, I'm afraid.

Perhaps the Detective could do something with it.

I know your additive was a fake, sir, but that's not to say you couldn't make it work if you tried.

I don't know that I could but I suppose do anything, it wouldn't hurt to try.

It's not the research itself that would be fruitless.

It's the Panamanian guarana.


Oh! Uh, Pendrick's active ingredient.


The Americans are building a canal down there.

Our sources tell us that every last trace of Panamanian guarana has been destroyed.

The Americans have ruined any chance the world had at eternal life.

Ah well, there's nothing to say that it would have amounted to anything.

Maybe there is. Look at this postcard.

Dropped at the front desk. Unsigned.

"Thanks for saving my life." Sir, whose life did you save?

You tell me.

Is that... ?

Could it really be him?

James bloody Pendrick.

He's still alive.

Announcer: On an all new Murdoch.

It appears to have originated here.

Perhaps she triggered it?

Announcer: It's a man's world where women seek refuge.

No men allowed!

Announcer: With expl*sive consequences.

We need a man on the inside.

You mean a woman.

Announcer: Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.