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06x15 - Quid Pro Quo

Posted: 02/23/17 01:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Suits"...

This isn't "Westworld."

I can't make her human.

I'm just asking you to give her a little compassion.

Well, I don't know how to do that.

Just got off the phone with Carly Donahue.

She fired us, Donna.

This isn't your fault. You couldn't have known.

It's okay, I just need to go.

You filed a complaint alleging life-threatening health problems, and I wanna help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Even if I wanted to sue those bastards, I can't.

We can shatter those NDAs.

What do I have to do?

I wanna know if you're using this case to get back to Pearson Specter.

You said Pearson Specter would never take on a case like this when you were there before.

We brought the suit so that I could get into the Bar.

100 million.

With an admission of guilt.

Sure, where do I sign? I'm willing to cut your clients a check that'll change their lives and you're too stupid to see it.

Are you ready to take responsibility or not?

You think I won't go after you for stealing from Seidel's company?

I don't give a shit about his marriage.

The reason he hasn't come forward has nothing to do with his marriage. You didn't have to keep this quiet because you're married.

You kept it quiet because you're in on it.

My employees are gonna lose their jobs because of me.

We need to keep this suit going.

You're not just getting Mike an interview, you're gonna block anyone who tries to vote no.

See you at the Bar.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Mr. Stamos. What are you doing here?

I wanted to get you the authorization to our medical records.


But, uh, you didn't come all the way down here just to hand me some paperwork.

You're right. I came to find out what's going on with our case.

We should hear something soon.

How can you know that?

'Cause Harvey is negotiating with James Palmer as we speak.

What do you mean?

Why is Harvey Specter negotiating this?

I told you when we took him on, he's the best negotiator in the city.

I don't care who he is.

You're the one that came to me. You're the one I trusted.

I know that, but we've got a good cop/bad cop strategy to get the offer up.

An offer?

You didn't tell me there's an offer.

That's because things are--

How much?

The number on the table is a hundred.

But we're hoping to get a lot more.

Jesus Christ, 100 million?

Take it.

I know it seems like a lot of money--

It is a lot of money.

Not when you have to split it between 150 men who have cancer.

Do all the math you want, Mr. Ross, but 100 million is a hell of lot better than zero, which is what we've been walking around with.

Mr. Stamos, you have to trust me.

We know what we're doing and I am not gonna let you down.


You do your good cop/bad cop thing.

But if that number doesn't go up in the next two days, I'm telling my guys to take the offer that's on the table.

♪ ♪

Benjamin, the Donna is ready.

What do you mean she's ready?

I mean, five minutes ago she expressed empathy to me.

But it wasn't working before.

I was convinced it never would.

I don't know what you did, but you said it could learn from itself, and that's exactly what happened.

Oh, my God. Maybe I really am a genius.

Yeah, maybe you are.

Well, then it's a good thing I didn't throw this away.

What's this?

I've compiled a list of everybody who's invested in products like this in the last five years.

That's great, but we're not gonna need this.

Why not?

Because the thing that makes the Donna special is me.

Which means we need to look into investors who know me.

Yes, correct, and nobody knows you better than Harvey.

Do you think he'll make calls on our behalf?

He would, but I'm not gonna ask him to do that because I want his clients to see this as coming from me and not him.

Then what's the next step?

The next step for you is get ready to present that thing, because I'm going to get us some meetings.

Boom shakalaka.

♪ ♪

Do you have any idea what time it is?

I do, but it couldn't wait.

Where's Rachel?

She's at her parents' house.


Because I have some news and she's gonna wanna hear it.

What is it?

We got it.

You're in.

You're going to be a lawyer.

What? How?

Seidel was in on it. He got paid.

And I got proof. Which means we don't have to worry about tanking Velocity's stock anymore.

Oh, my God. I can't believe it.


I'm going to be a lawyer.

I know.

There's just one thing.

Palmer figured out that we're doing this with Seidel.

And unless we drop the lawsuit, he's gonna come after us for collusion.

Wait, what?

No, this is bullshit.

I'm not giving up on those miners.

You have to.

No, I don't.


Look, the only thing we did wrong was make a deal to get me into the Bar.

If I pull out of that hearing, Palmer can't touch us.

Are you--think about what you're saying.

I don't need to think about it.

I'm not going to throw those guys under the bus.

Mike, we've come too far--

I don't care.

Tell Seidel the deal's off.

♪ ♪

What if there was another way?

Harvey, if you're talking about somebody else handling this case--

No, I'm not.

Listen to me, there's no way Seidel came up with the idea to sell that shit to Velocity himself.

The woman he had an affair with has to work for them, which means we can leverage her to sink Palmer.

Are you kidding me?

No, I'm--

Harvey, listen to yourself. You're talking about out and out extortion and blackmail.

I'm not going to do any of that shit just to get into the God damn Bar.

You were the one that told me that after watching that kid lose, you never wanted it to happen again. And now that same kid is telling us that what we're doing is wrong.

And he's right.


No, Harvey, it's enough.

You promised Rachel that you'd pull the plug if things got too risky.

Well... it just got too God damn risky.

♪ ♪

♪ Suits 6x15 ♪
Quid Pro Quo
Original Air Date on February 22, 2017

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪

Mm. Hey.

What's going on?

You got out of bed before it was light out.


And you never came back.

I want to talk to you for a minute.

About what?

I know you went to Harvey and you made him promise to pull the plug on my getting into the Bar if things got too risky.

He wasn't supposed to tell you that.

Did you really think he wouldn't?

Mike, I only made him promise because I care about you.

It's okay.

I know why you did it.

And I understand it.

And last night, I ended up pulling the plug myself.

So it's over?

It's over.

Not gonna be a lawyer.

[tense music]



The thing is, I was fine with it until Harvey started dangling it in front of my face.

♪ ♪

I think the problem was, I actually started believing it could happen.

Do you want me to stay with you today?


♪ ♪

I'll be okay.

Besides, you've got a lot of work to do and I've got a big case to win.

♪ ♪

Harvey, there you are.

Louis needs to see you right away.

Donna, whatever it is, I don't have time right now.

Well, you need to make time.

Because he came looking for you last night and he's upset.

Well, I'm sorry, Donna.

But I'm too busy to hear about another crisis with his girlfriend or drama in his canasta club or how his mouth guard doesn't fit.

Couture Apparel fired us.


Carly got upset that Louis brought Rachel and Katrina to the meeting instead of you.

And when he stood up to her about it, she fired him.


[phone clatters on desk]

Harvey, he feels terrible about it.

He thinks he let you down.

Well, he didn't.

I let him down.

And it turns out it was all for nothing.

What do you mean, nothing?

What happened?

Palmer figured out what's going on with Seidel and Mike would rather pull his deal than drop the case.

But then he'll never get into the Bar.

Why do you think I said I don't have time for anything else right now?

So you're telling me that assh*le's holding all the cards, and Mike's never gonna be a lawyer?

No, no one's ever holding all the cards.

And I don't give a shit what Mike said, I'm not going folding when I know we can win.

♪ ♪

Louis, before you say anything, Donna told me what happened.

Harvey, I am so sorry--

I know you are.

But I didn't come here to scold you.

I came here because I need your help or Mike's deal is gonna fall apart.

What? How's that possible?

Let's just say someone's got leverage on us and I need to get leverage on them.

What kind of leverage?

There's a woman who works at Velocity.

She had an affair with Seidel.

I need to know who she is.

Thousands of people work at Velocity.

Yeah, I know that.

But to do what she did, she'd have to be a top corporate officer.

Well, that narrows it down.

But it's still gonna require huge amounts of research and hundreds of phone calls.

No, Louis, it'll only require one phone call.

Because what I need is access to their database.

No, Harvey, there's got to be someone else.

Vanessa doesn't do this kind of thing and you know it.

I swore that I would never do business with that son of a bitch again.

I know that, Louis.

But if we don't do this...

All right, get out.

Close the door behind you.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


What's up?

What's up is we got work to do.

Mike, I don't mean to be an assh*le, but I'm not doing anything until you tell Nathan exactly what's going on.

There's nothing to tell.

Are you kidding me?

You said you were doing this case as a way to get into the Bar.

And I just withdrew my application.

There's no deal anymore.

So whatever it was I was gonna tell Nathan, I don't have to tell him anymore.

Just like that.

You're giving up your chance?

Look, I heard what you said to me last night about setting an example.

So instead of telling Nathan that I was up to something shady, I'm telling you that I'm not.

What do you need me to do?

I need you to get down to PSL and grab half a dozen of those associates and bring them back here.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna do whatever I can to make sure this thing isn't over yet.

Yeah, screw those assholes, they're nothing but a bunch of dickless losers.

Yeah, I'll break them into little pieces for you, you have my word on it.

All right, I got to go.

I love you too, Mommy.



Gotta say, I didn't figure you for a guy who called his mother "Mommy."

What can I say, if a man doesn't have the confidence to do that, then he's not really a man.

But I'm guessing you didn't come all the way down here just to evaluate my relationship with the greatest woman on Earth.

No, I didn't.

I came here to show you this.

What's that?

It's a game-changer.

And I'm letting you in on the ground floor.

That's a bold statement.

Turn it on.

Keep it for as long as you want.

And then when you're blown away, come back to me with an offer.

Because my partner and I, we're gonna go wide with this and we're going to need an investor.

Why are you coming to me with this?

Because I wanted to give someone the chance to take it off the market.

And it needed to be someone with the confidence to call his mother "Mommy."

♪ ♪

It's typical you would have us meet you here.

Gambling's for suckers, you know?

It's only gambling when the results are unknown.

There's nothing wrong with tilting the game in your favor.


I like this guy, Louis.

Why haven't I met him before?

You know why.

So why don't we just get to it?

We need you to hack into Velocity Data's personnel records.

Now, can you do it or not?

You want to say that a little bit louder so the Fed over there can hear it?

Relax, Jerry.

What Louis is trying to say is there's a woman who works there who has information we need to make a deal.

Make a deal?

Ah, I don't know.

That's starting to sound like blackmail, which is a little bit out of my league.


It's in your league.

And it's starting to sound like you're renegotiating, like you always do.

You know what, Louis?

I just about had enough of your bullshit over the years.

I renegotiate 'cause you low-ball me.

No, I told--

Jerry, you're not dealing with Louis on this one, you're dealing with me.

So why don't you tell me what you need and let's get this thing done?

If I'm gonna access anything, I need to know more than you just told me.

'Cause I don't get what you want, there's no going back a second time.

All right, there's a woman who works at Velocity who slept with the in-house counsel at my client's company and convinced him to sell confidential information.

Let me guess, she promised him the Moon, then hung him out to dry.

Yeah, why?

You don't need to access Velocity's records.

She doesn't work there.

How do you know?

Because I know who she is.

And the price just tripled.


You hypocritical piece of shit.

You don't even have to access anything.

Well, you know what they say.

You don't pay the plumber for banging on the pipes.

You pay him for knowing where to bang.


And I'm telling you, where I'm banging, a whole lot of shit's gonna fall out.

So you're either gonna pay up or you're not.

Am I interrupting?

To tell you the truth, I've just been staring at this screen for the past 15 minutes.

That's what I do all day.

I call it working.

But I'm going to guess that's not why you're staring.

I was thinking about Mike.

He told you he gave up the deal?

He did, and, um... he said that he's okay not being a lawyer.

But the look on his face didn't say that at all.

Then you might be interested in what I have to say.

Because it involves getting Mike into the Bar after all.

Harvey, why are you telling me this instead of Mike?

Because you asked me to pull the plug on this whole thing if it got too risky, and what I'm talking about is gonna make it a hell of a lot riskier.

And what did Mike say?

He doesn't want to do it.

Why not?

You know why not.

It's not 100% legal.

And you can say no if you want to.

But that look you saw on his face, that's not going away any time soon.


I'm in.

But this time, if something goes wrong, you take the fall.

Okay, I will.

Now, you gonna go back to staring at that thing or you want to help me get Mike into the Bar and have some fun at the same time?

What do you need me to do?

I need you to go home, put on something a hell of a lot nicer, and meet me at this address in an hour.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Hey, sweetie.

I'll be done in a few minutes.

How's your day?


Louis, we talked about this.

You can share your day with me.

I'm here to cheer you up.

It's not that.

It's just that sometimes, I have to do some less than great things with less than great people and I'd rather wash the memories from my brain.

What do you mean, less than great things?

Nothing, it's not that big a deal.

Are you talking about hurting an innocent person?

No, of course not.

Then how bad can it be?

Well, it's not that bad at all, Tara.

As a matter of fact, I'm doing it all to help someone I care deeply about.

And sometimes to do good, you gotta get a little dirty.

Well, then maybe you can take me home and get a little dirty with me.

Oh, sweetie, I want to but I'm just not in the mood.

Are you sure this isn't something you wanna share with me?

Yes, I'm sure.


But I want you to know, you can tell me anything.

Tara, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to meet you at home.

Oh, what is it?

Nothing, I just have to go see Harvey, okay?


♪ ♪

Louis, I've got about two minutes.

I'm gonna meet Rachel.

Well, take two minutes to look at this.

What is it?

It's a letter from Allen Fields.


He's putting us in review based on our recent affiliations.

You know what that means.

Yeah, I sure as hell do.

Well, then you should know that I just got ten more from ten other clients and they all say the same thing.

That son of a bitch.

Louis, I'm not gonna be bullied.

No, I don't care what you're gonna be.

Now, we lost Couture Apparel because you were too busy with Mike.

This is the same exact thing in different clothes.


Harvey, I just had to lie to the woman I love because I didn't want to admit the whole truth about Mike.

Now, I'm willing to go with the Hail Mary of using Jerry.

But what I am not willing to do is risk our survival.


Harvey, that is enough.

You know what needs to be done.

Do it, or I will.

♪ ♪

Mr. Palmer.

I take it you didn't get the memo.

This case is over.

Well, that's because it's not.

What the hell is this?

That's a copy of my letter to the New York Bar, removing myself from consideration.

No interview, no application, no quid pro quo, which means this case is far from over.

You have got to be kidding me.

You're gonna give up your chance to be a lawyer for some miners you didn't even know existed before last week?

Well, I know they exist now.

And I know they're dying because of you.

So, we're gonna settle this thing and we're going to settle it right now.

Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll write you a check for ten million right here.

Ten million?


The hell are you talking about?

Oh, you told them you'd get them a hundred, didn't you?

Yeah, you did.

I can see it in your face.

Well, I suggest you tell them you accidentally added a zero.

Because you're not getting a nickel more.

Let me remind you, Mr. Palmer.

We filed 150 suits against you.

And we are gonna fight them all.

And that shook me before.

But who's gonna supply the manpower to fight those suits now?

You know who.



I guess you really didn't get the memo, did you?

Because Pearson Specter Litt just withdrew from this case.

♪ ♪

I'll find someone else.

I highly doubt it.

Hey, listen to me.

Your company hurt these people.

You were willing to settle for a hundred million before.

This is your chance to do the right thing and clear your conscience at the same time.

Sounds to me like a chance to clear yours.

This is a take-it-or-leave-it offer, Mr. Ross.

And whether you take it or not, I don't ever expect to see you here again.

♪ ♪
Ms. Cromwell?


My name's Michelle Ross and I was hoping to employ your services.

My services?

Yes, I'm a junior partner at Rand Kaldor, and I'm looking to make a change.

I'm sorry, I don't really do much work with the legal sector.

Actually, I was hoping to use my experience and parlay it into the business world.

Well, I can take your résumé, but to be honest, I don't have a client who's looking for a candidate like you at the moment.

I know you don't.

In fact, since we're being honest, I know exactly what kind of candidate you're looking for.

What kind is that?

One that can be manipulated into selling their employer's products.

Who are you?

It doesn't matter who I am.

What matters is I know what you do.

You don't know anything about me.

I know that you're officially a headhunter, but unofficially, you meet your exclusively male clients at places like this.

I also know that at the end of each of those meetings, you say to them, "I never do this, but would you like to have dinner?"

And then dinner leads to dessert, dessert leads to sex, and sex leads to them falling for you, and that leads to--

All right, I've heard enough.

And you don't have proof of anything.

Actually, I do.

But you know what?

I don't need it.

Because one of two things is going to happen.

Either I'm going to hire someone to tell every one of your male clients when they meet them that you're going to rob them, and then your cushy job making a million dollars per sucker is going away--


Or you're gonna tell me about every time you've done this for James Palmer, and you're never gonna hear from either one of us again.

I can't do that.

My job requires a reputation for discretion.

You're gonna do what we want, or you're gonna find out how much your reputation protects you in prison.

Oh, I get it.

You're not worried about Palmer knowing.

You're worried about word spreading.

Trust me, he'll never tell a soul and your business will stay intact.

How can you be sure?

The same way I'm sure that you don't have a choice.

The question is, are you gonna go against him or are you gonna go against me?

Okay, I'm in.

Just like that?

Just like that.

This thing is damn impressive.

But before we move forward, I need to make sure you're good with one thing.

What's that?

I want 90% ownership.


Are you out of your mind?

No, I'm not.

And I'm not in the venture capital business.

I invest in the stock market.

Which means I'd be using my own money on this.

Money that you'd earn back in spades.

I hope it turns out that way, but this thing has a lot of risk, and I'd be taking all of it.

Then maybe you should take none of it.

Donna, as good as this product is, I'm telling you--as one business person to another-- you have no credibility to do this.

Believe me, these are the best terms you're gonna get. see, that's where you're wrong, Stu.

Because like I told you once before, I'm Donna, this is awesome, and I can do better.

[tense music]

Well, I hope you prove me wrong.

But in the meantime, I won't be used as a stalking horse.

Which means if you walk away now, you can't come back to me later.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Stu.

Because once I walk out that door, I promise you I'm not coming back.

♪ ♪

I can't believe you.

Listen, Mike, before you say anything--

I know you didn't give a shit about those miners, but the least you could've done is stuck around long enough to give me some leverage.

We had no choice.

Palmer pressured ten of our top clients to drop us unless we pulled out.

So it's either them or me?

Unless you can replace 30 million in billings, you're damn right it is.

Harvey, without you backing me, those miners are screwed.

And there is nothing that I can do about it.

There's something you can do about it, you just don't wanna do it.

You're talking about that woman.

You want leverage on Palmer?

She's the one who's got it.

Harvey, we've been over this.

I'm not gonna use that woman.

And what if I told you we already did?


Mike, we not only found her, we got enough to force that bastard into a settlement.

The question is: are you willing to use it?

What do you mean "we"?


No, no, you just said, "we."

Who the hell is "we"?


Me and Rachel.

You dragged Rachel into this.

I didn't drag her into anything.

I went to her for permission because I knew how you felt, and she jumped at the chance since you're too stupid to.

You had no right.

Mike, listen--

You had no right!

♪ ♪

Good night, Johnny.



Uh, I hope you don't think it's weird that I came to your place.

Well, I find it a little weird that you know where I live.

I work in IT.

I know where everyone lives.

But that's not what I came here to talk about.

What did you come here for?

Um, I'm freaking out about tomorrow and what if we're not ready?

Relax, Benjamin.

It's gonna be fine.

How can you know that?

Because I already did a practice run.

What are you talking about?

There's a guy I know who I thought might invest, but he's not really in this business so I brought the Donna over to him and I gave him our pitch.

And it went okay?

It went more than okay.

He made us an offer.

Then what in God's name do we need to put ourselves through this t*rture for?

I turned him down.


Donna, this is our dream.

I know that, Benjamin.

But wanted to own 90% of it, and I'm not willing to give up 90% of our dream.

Now go home and get some sleep, because we've got our first meeting tomorrow and you and I are gonna kick some serious ass.

♪ ♪

[door opens, closes]

When were you gonna tell me?


Were you ever gonna God damn tell me?

Don't speak to me like that.

You went behind my back when you knew how I felt about this.

No, I went behind your back because I knew how you felt about it.

Is that supposed to make it okay?

No, look, I was the one that didn't want to let things get too risky, but when Harvey laid it out for me, I decided that it wasn't.

Then why didn't you come to me first?

Because you're the one that says forgiveness is easier to ask for than permission.

That's a bullshit reason.

Then how about focusing on the fact that I did it for you?


Mike, this morning, when you told me it was over, the look on your face--

I don't want you to have that look for the rest of your life.

Rachel, I was upset.

It had just happened.

No, Mike, that's just it.

It hadn't.

You've been living with this for so long, that's why you gave Harvey the go-ahead to begin with.

I did that because I had to watch Oliver fail and there's nothing I could do about it.

And if it wasn't Oliver, it was going to be someone else.

Or something else.

There's always gonna be some reminder that you weren't a lawyer.

And it would eat away at you, because it's what you're meant to be.

You shouldn't have done what you did.

I know you're mad at me for going behind your back, but I'm not gonna apologize.

Because I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with a man who gave up on his dreams.

And I know that you don't wanna be that man either.

♪ ♪


What are you doing in here?

Rachel, can I talk to you a second?

Of course.

I heard Mike had a problem involving that woman.

Yes, he did.

We actually got into a fight about it last night.

What's he gonna do?

I don't know.

But thank you for doing whatever you did to find her, anyway.

Of course.

So... what are you doing in here?

You ever wish you hadn't found out?


You ever wish you never known about Mike's secret?

Or, for that matter, never even met him?

Louis, what's going on?

Tara and I have been sharing a lot lately.

But there's still things I haven't told her.

Yesterday, she asked me what I was having a bad day about.

And the truth is, it was pretty much about Mike.

And I want to tell her about it, but--

You don't know how she'll react.

No, I don't.

I still haven't even told her I knew about Mike's secret before he got caught, let alone the fact that I used it to get made partner.


Rachel, when Sheila found out, she said I wasn't her soul mate anymore.

But that was Sheila, Louis.

And the key phrase is "she found out."

You didn't tell her.

So you were okay when Mike told you?

No, I wouldn't say that I was okay with it.

But I love him.

That's why I forgave him.

I can't guarantee that Tara will forgive you, but I can tell you that if she finds out some other way, then she won't.

[tense music]


♪ ♪

Thank you, Rachel.

I appreciate your time.

♪ ♪

Thank you for sitting down with us.

Ah, it's our pleasure.

I'm Andrew and this is Russell.

I'm Donna.

And my name is Benjamin.

Mind if I call you Ben?

Yes, actually, I mind very much.

But you open up that checkbook of yours, and you can call Ben here whatever the hell you want.

I appreciate that, but before we get started, you should know that we get pitched six personal assistant devices a month.

And you should know that our device makes Siri and the Alexa look like toaster ovens.

Well, that may be the case, but I'm concerned that the market is already saturated.

If you were so concerned, you wouldn't be sitting here in the first place.

Is that a fact?

Yes, it is.

Because you're the head of the investment team, and the head of the team doesn't waste his time unless he thinks there might be something in it for him.

There might be other things in it for me than just investing.

Yes, there could.

Like marking your territory.

Because anybody can see by the way you two are sitting there that he's gunning for your job and you don't like that one bit.

That's not--

Who told you that?

No one told me that.

Just like no one told me that you can't fire him because that'll make you look weak.

Which is why you took this meeting.

Because you didn't want him taking it without you.

Okay, how in the hell are you doing all this?

I'm doing this because I'm Donna.

And if it hasn't dawned on you already, so is this device.

Now, do you wanna puff up your chest and play office politics, or do you wanna hear about an opportunity that could vault you both to the top of the ladder?

Why don't you tell us about your product?

♪ ♪

Can I get a black coffee?

Make it two of whatever he's having.

You here to tell me what a d*ck I am for going behind your back again?

No, I'm here to find out what time your meeting with Palmer is.

I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?

Well, I wasn't gonna do it without your permission.

Which means there is no meeting with Palmer.

Well, I'm giving you my permission.

Mike, I'm not trying to be an assh*le, but we went to a lot of trouble to get that shit on Palmer and you looked like you wanted to k*ll me.

So how do I know you're not gonna wanna change your mind?

'Cause I wanna be a lawyer.

I don't care how we do it.

[stirring music]

Take out your wallet, pay for this coffee, and let's bring this thing home.

♪ ♪

Well, that was the most amazing 27 minutes of my entire life.


Which part?

When you sat there with your mouth glued shut or when you shit the bed describing the operating system?

Oh, my God, I knew I should have stopped after the design specs.

Benjamin, I'm teasing you.

Now I don't know if I should believe you.

Then listen to me carefully.

You k*lled it.

Thank you.

But, in fact, we k*lled it.

You're damn right, we did.

Now get going, I'm gonna see you back at the firm.

Where are you going?

I accidentally forgot my pen in the conference room.

Oh, I have one you can borrow.

Benjamin, when I say accidentally, I mean intentionally because it gives me an excuse to go back in there and eavesdrop on what they're saying about us.

Oh, that's a great idea.

Can I come with you?

No, I need to do this alone.


Because when they see me without you, they're gonna think it's two against one and they'll make me an offer to cut you out.

Wait, you actually think they would do that?

Of course they will.

These guys are vultures.

Well, then shouldn't I go with you so we can stop it?

Do you trust me?

Yes, I do.

Then trust when they make me the offer, I'm gonna act outraged, tell them we'll never do business with them, and they'll give us an extra 5% right there.

[tense music]

[elevator bell dings]

♪ ♪

So what'd you think?

I thought it was impressive.

Oh, then I think you're easily impressed.

You didn't like it?

I liked it just fine.

But do you know how much it costs to roll out a piece of tech like that?

Between the engineering design, and beta testing.

It costs a ton of money.

Hey, you're the one who says you gotta spend money to make money.

I also said when you fund a project, you fund the person.

And the truth is, I'm not funding that woman.

So, why'd we take this meeting?

Took it as a favor to Harvey Specter.

Now, if she was starting up a lemonade stand, I might throw in a few bucks.


But there is no way in hell I'm getting into business with a career legal secretary.


You don't have to tell me twice.

You wanna grab some lunch?

Yeah, and maybe a drink.

I feel like I deserve it after having to sit through that with a straight face.

♪ ♪

Hey, Jimbo, nice club.

A little heavy on the wood for my taste.

A little heavy on the douche bag for mine.

How did you get in here?

I told them I was your cousin.

We had some bad news and you were gonna wanna hear about it.


Maybe not the cousin part, but here's the news: we got your balls in a vice.

There's only one way out.

The hell you do.

And since you decided to just wade back into this, those six clients of yours are gone.


Don't think so, Slim Jim.

See, the only reason you almost got to us in the first place was you found my Achilles Heel.

But then we found yours.

I gotta say, she sure is pretty.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe this'll jog your memory.

Names, dates, phone numbers, emails, bank statements, wire transfers.

Proof of over a dozen instances of you committing corporate espionage.

Lucky for us, she isn't just pretty, she's a hell of a bookkeeper.

What do you want?

For you to do what you should have done in the first place.

You're gonna settle with those miners for 200 million.

You're gonna forget you ever heard of us or Ms. Cromwell.

And you're gonna honor your original agreement with Craig Seidel.

What do you care about that weasel's future for?

That's between me and him.

Oh, one other thing.

This really is a take-it-or-leave-it offer.

Expires in 15 seconds.

And once it's signed, I never wanna hear about your shitty little company doing something like this ever again.

♪ ♪

There you are.

Where have you been since that meeting?

I've been doing some thinking.

And I've been wondering if my partner sold me out all day.

Well...I hate to break it to you, Benjamin, but that's actually the opposite of what happened.

What do you mean?

I mean...they don't want to make us an offer.

In fact, they don't want anything to do with the Donna.

It's my fault, isn't it?


You don't have to protect my feelings.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and I know that's what I am.

No, you're not.

It turns out I am.

Listen to me.

You have designed an incredible product.

And I don't want to hold you back.

Which is why, as of right now, I am dissolving our partnership so you can take it out on your own.

Where the hell do you think you're going?

We're partners--I'd rather throw the Donna into the ocean than move forward without you.

Benjamin, please.

Don't be a martyr.

I'm not being a martyr.

I'm being a partner.

We're in this together or not at all.

So it's up to you.

Are we gonna give up on our dream or live to fight another day?

[stirring music]

Live to fight, Benjamin.

Live to fight.


What the hell is it this time?

Same thing as it was last time.

I need you to get that hearing back for me.

Are you kidding me?

You know how much trouble it was the first time?

I don't care how much trouble it was.

You're gonna do it again.

Unless, of course, you don't want the original terms of your deal with Palmer upheld.

What are you talking about?

We had him guarantee to pay you what he promised and to hire you over there at the end of the quarter.

Why would you do that?

'Cause I don't just want you to set that hearing, I want you to bulldoze anyone who stands in my way.

Look, it's up to you.

You take the job and the money and you get me in or you stay on a sinking ship and wait for them to figure out that you're the one who sank it.

♪ ♪

I'll make it happen.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

♪ ♪

I would've thought you'd be at happy hour by now.

These days my happy hour is the 60 minutes from the time I get home to the time I pass out.

You're a hard worker, Stu.

Turns out they don't just give you money for your looks.

But you didn't come all the way back here just to tell me how hard I work.

I came to see if you'd reconsider.

You couldn't beat it, could you?


But that's not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

Because even though I didn't like your terms, you spoke to me as an equal and you treated me with respect and that's the kind of person I want to be in business with.

What would you say if I told you the offer was back on the table?

I'd say my assumption is the terms won't be as good as they were the first time around.

The terms aren't gonna change.

Why not?

Because I don't want to go into business with someone who feels like I'm giving them the shaft.

I wanna go into business with someone who's happy with my partnership.

Thank you, Stu.

You're welcome, Donna.

Oh, and just so you know, when I put my money where my mouth is, I throw everything I have into it.

I wouldn't expect anything less from a big mouth like you.

♪ ♪



I gotta say, the world's gonna be a better place with you as a lawyer.

Why? 'Cause we just strong-armed some jackass into doing what what we want?

No, because you did what it took to get those miners what they deserve.

Speaking of which, you wanna come with me after this?

Where you going?

To tell those miners that the world's best lawyer just got them what they deserve.

Second best.

Ah, potato/potahto.

Seriously, Mike, you go tell them.

Besides, after that, you've got some preparing to do for that hearing.

What are you talking about?

I just told you, Seidel's got it in the bag.

And if you think there isn't gonna be some kind of hitch, I haven't taught you shit.

If you think whatever it is, I can't handle it, then you have not been paying attention.

You mean like when you handled yourself into going to prison?

No, I mean when I came out smelling like a rose.

Hey, I was there when you came out.

And rose wasn't the aroma you were emanating.


You're right.

I was emanating awesome.

You really are like me, aren't you?


[poignant music]

Welcome back to the Bar, Mike.

Thanks, Harvey.

♪ ♪

Technically, I wasn't really in.

Actually, you weren't really in the Bar, ever.


♪ ♪


I'd ask how your day was, but last time I did that, it didn't go very well.

Tara, can I be honest with you?

Of course.

You can tell me anything.

It's part of getting to know each other--I told you that.

Just not sure that this is what you had in mind.

Louis, what is going on?

The other day, when I didn't want to tell you what I was upset about, I was trying to figure out a way to get Mike Ross into the Bar.

You mean the fraud who worked at your firm?

It's a long story, but we're friends now and we're past it.

What do you mean it's a long story?

I mean I knew Mike was a fraud before he was arrested.

And I didn't just know.

When I found out about him, instead of going to the police, or going to the Bar, I leveraged it to get my name on the wall.

♪ ♪

[sighs softly]

Tara, say something.

Say what?

You just told me you found out you were working with a criminal and you turned it into a promotion.

I know that, but you said we should get to know each other.

What do you want me to say, Louis?

I didn't know what your favorite movie was.

Or what side of the bed you like.

But I thought at least I knew what kind of man you were.

Tara, please.

This is the thing I'm most ashamed about in my life and I'm telling you to show you that I'm never gonna hide anything from you.

Well, maybe you should hide some things from me.



You heard me.

I heard you.

♪ ♪

How dare you say that to me after what I had to find out about you.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means you're sitting there like you're the high priestess of moral authority, when the first time we slept together, you were with another man.

How can you say that to me?

I was up front about it with you and with him.

You were up front about it with everybody and then you wanted me to be up front with you about things.

And now you're looking at me like I'm a monster!

You know what?

That's it.

That's it-- well, where are you going?

I'm sleeping at my place tonight.

Look, Tara, please.

If I knew that you were gonna react this way, I never would have told you any of this.

But you did tell me, Louis.

♪ ♪

Good night.

Tara, wait.

I'll give you a call when I've had a chance to figure things out.

♪ ♪