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02x10 - Number Three

Posted: 01/27/18 10:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

YOUNG RANDALL: I put an ad in the paper looking for my birth parents.

I'm looking for Shakespeare.

I wonder if I could check on him from time to time.


You knew my father?

You kept him from me my entire life?

Apparently there was a mix-up.

Our visit wasn't cleared with...

So she's not coming?

Deja's the one good thing I've done.

And the second I get out of here, I'm coming back for her.

You're gonna have to go through me.

I've been through worse.

- Okay, Number Three, it's your turn.

- It's your turn.

Oh, he's up. He's walking.


- JACK: What'd you say?

- What did you just say, Randall?

- What'd you say? Come here, bud.

- Tay-buh.

- Did he say "table"?

- REBECCA: Did you say "table"?

JACK: The kid can walk and talk?

REBECCA: Of course he can.

He's our Randall.

Thanksgiving Dad

Oh, choo

♪ Thanksgiving Dad is a hot dad. What? ♪

Making cherry pie...


ANNIE: Come on, come on.

Okay, guys, bedtime.


- No. Come on, one more game.

- No, please.

No. Brush those beautiful chompers.

I'll come tuck you in. Come on.

Your teeth will thank me one day.

Hey, why did the iPad go to the dentist?


It had Bluetooth.

It's funny, right?


Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants... and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.


What you doing?

I was just practicing my presentation.

You know, all this stuff about photosynthesis and, um...

- carbon, uh...

- Carbon dioxide.

Yeah. It's just so much work.

Come on, you got this.

Thanksgiving break's right around the corner.

And Thanksgiving's

a pretty big deal around here.

A lot of fun traditions.

You like Police Academy ? (SUCKS LIPS)

Oh, you will, Deja.

You will.

How are our plants doing tonight?

The one that's listening to Beyoncé is a half inch taller than the others.

- Way to go, Queen Bey.

Hey, guess they like, uh,Lemonade as much as water.

'Cause the name of her album is...

- Oh, my God, you are so corny.

- Well, if you think that's corny, how about this?

I'm really proud of you for working so hard on this project.

I've had a lot of fun doing it with you.

"I had fun, too, Foster Dad."


Don't say "Foster Dad," that's stupid.



Kids in my school are gonna make fun of me once they see how hard I worked on this.

Well, the joke's on them.

Because working hard is what gets you the big house and the fancy car.

SHAUNA (IN DISTANCE): They dropped the charges. I'm here for my daughter.

- BETH: What are you doing here, Shauna?

You shouldn't be here.

You need to leave.

I'm gonna ask you politely one last time.

- I need you to leave.

- I want to talk to my daughter.

- No.

- What's going on?

They dropped the charges.

I'm here for my daughter.

Deja! Deja, come outside!

Don't call her, okay?

Now, what do you mean?

Why did they drop the charges?

Because I didn't do anything.

Look, I told you it wasn't my g*n.

Okay, look, I'm not here to explain myself to you.

I'm here to get my daughter.

- Deja! Your mother is outside.

- I need you to calm down.

- I need you to calm down.

- Excuse me.

- Don't tell me to...

- Randall, you guys okay?

Yeah, Pat, everything's okay.

- Thanks.

- Okay.

I'm gonna call Linda.

You can call whoever the hell you want, but I'm leaving with my daughter.

- I just...

- DEJA: Mom?


Hey, Tater Tot. (LAUGHS)

You okay?

They treating you all right?

They do this to your hair?

No. No, I did it.

I-I like it.

I'm fine. Mom, what are you doing here?

They let me out.

And I couldn't wait to come see you.

DEJA: I know, but...

you know it doesn't work like this.

We got to do it through the social worker.

Yeah, but she's not calling me back.

Ms. Linda's nice.

She'll get me back home quick.

We just need to wait a little longer.

You sure?

I'm sure.

Go home, and wait until Ms. Linda calls you back.


What would I do without my Dayje?

- I'll be back.

- We'll be here.


(SIGHING): Okay.

Come on. Let's go inside.

What's going on?

Who was that?

That was Deja's mom, hon.

Sorry. I know that was very upsetting.

She just hadn't seen Deja in a really long time, and she was excited to say hi.

That's all.

Come on. Let's go to bed.


REBECCA: Jack! Fuse.

JACK: Yep. I'm working on it.

Hey, Ivy League, you think you could help me figure out which one of these is for the first floor?

I'm not Ivy League yet.

Yeah, you're gonna get in.

Harvard. You know, I just keep saying it.

Harvard, my kid, Harvard.

(LAUGHS) Yeah.

I was actually wondering if we could visit a different school?

- JACK: Yeah?

- Howard University.

It's in D.C., where Keith goes.

- Howard, huh?

- Yeah.

- Is that that?

- Yeah.

Yeah, okay.

Yeah. We could take a ride down to D.C. one day.

k*lling me.

Sorry to have interrupted your evening, my liege.

What about, you know, this Friday?

Nah, your brother's got a game on Friday night.

He has a game every Friday.


Fixed it!

REBECCA: Good job, babe!

Let me talk to your mother.

Okay? We'll figure it out.

- We'll go on Friday.

- Thanks, Dad.

- You got it.

- I'm gonna go call Keith.

- Okay.

- Awesome.

LINDA: I'm very sorry you had to find out that way.

My husband has the flu.

I was away from my phone.

Shauna showing up here was completely inappropriate.

But it's true? They dropped the charges?

Prosecutor tied the g*n found in Shauna's car to a robbery.

And they want to use it as evidence in that case, so they dropped Shauna's charge in exchange for her cooperation.

It works like that, huh?


I went to Shauna's apartment after we connected last night.

Everything was good.

The place was clean.

She'd already stocked the fridge.

There's a hearing scheduled this afternoon.

I'm going to recommend to the court that Shauna get custody of her daughter.

Sorry, you got to be joking.

(LAUGHS) Look, um, I've tried to keep an open mind throughout this whole thing, but she gets out, and the first thing, the first thing she does, she storms over to our house uninvited.

She makes a scene.

- She gets in my wife's face.

- Randall...

No. I'm sor...

you got to say yours, Linda.

She freaks out my kids, she freaks out her own daughter, and then Deja has to talk her down like she's the child.

But she put food in the fridge, so it's all good?

She had a g*n in her car, Linda.

I don't care whose it was.

What's to say there won't soon be one in her house?

You done?

- Oh, I'm not even close.

- It's not my job

to predict the future, Randall.

It's my job to make a judgment based on the present.

And presently, Shauna's doing well.

She's even made inroads into getting her job back at the supermarket.

- The girl's hair was falling out from stress.

She flinched every time my husband walked in a room.

But Shauna is making inroads, so let's throw a freakin' parade.

I need to remind you both that this is exactly what you signed up for.


We know what we signed up for, Linda.

This has nothing to do with our attachment to Deja.

The woman that we saw last night is not fit to take care of a child.

And we're gonna fight it.

We talked about it last night.

We're meeting with our lawyer today.

- Your lawyer?

- Shauna trespassed.

She threatened us.

Surely, any of those alone violates her parole, so if we decide to press charges...

- You're making a mistake here.

- Sorry. Have you ever made a bad call, Linda?

You ever returned a kid to a situation that they never should have returned to?

My job isn't a perfect science, Randall.

You know what, I got to get the girls to school.

I got two different drop-offs at two different schools, 'cause that's how we do it here, in a house that's always clean, with a fridge that's always stocked.

- I think we should keep talking.

- And I don't think there's anything left to say.

Now I'm done.

Here. Babe, take this.

It's gonna be cold.

I didn't even know that you were interested in Howard.

Did you even know what Howard was?

(LAUGHS) I think it's great, you know, that you're figuring out who you are and what works for you.

- Proud of you.

- JACK: Okay, bud.

Let's hit the road.

(SIGHS) Off to college already.


Oh, great. Here we go.

RANDALL: It's just a tour, Mom.

- I know.

- Still have a year of high school left.

All right, we'll see you guys after Kev's game.


- Dad, come on. It's a four-hour drive.

I don't want to get there late and make a bad impression.

- Randall.

You're a math prodigy with insane SAT scores and perfect grades.

Any college would be lucky to have a giant dork like you.

- (CHUCKLES) Thanks, LL Cool K.

- Hmm.

So, you guys out?

Yeah. Sorry we're missing your game.

- Next campus tour's a month away.

- That's fine, man.

I've got enough fans in the stands cheering me on.

That's a nice attitude adjustment, Kev.

Glad that talk really sunk in.

- See you later.

- Okay.

Hey, drive safe. I love you.

Love you, too, Mom.

Road trip, road trip.


Come on.

- You ready?

- I'm so ready.


Is Deja gonna have to go home?

(SIGHS) Annie, they already told us. They don't know.

We're just trying to figure out what's best for Deja.

That's all anyone wants, what's best for Deja.

Okay, little monsters.

Hey, have a great day.

Everything's gonna be okay. Promise.

Did Ms. Linda say when she was gonna check up on my mom?

To see if it's okay for me to go home?


I'm not sure.

- Let's go find the library.

- Okay.

This must be the Founders Library.

- It's nice.

- Yeah.

- R.P. at H.U.


You still rocking that box, man.

I told you about that.

- I like it.

- I can't wait to show you around, man.

- Hey, Mr. Pearson.

- Good to see you, Keith.

Your mom wanted me to give you a good once-over, make sure you're doing good.

I don't know why my mom needs you checking up on me.

- She already calls every day.

- I'm sure she does.

MAN: Excuse me. Excuse me, everyone.

I want to welcome you all to Howard University.

I'm Fred. I'll be giving you your tour today.

- We'll begin in about five minutes.

- All right.

- Okay.

- Here we go.

Actually, I was gonna take Randall behind the curtain a little bit.

You know, introduce him to some of my boys.

Okay. Do you want me to go with you?


No, you guys... you go ahead.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

- Have fun.

- Cool.

- See you in a bit.

- Okay.

- Come on.

- Hey, Keith, a real tour, okay?

Point out all the buildings, answer all of his questions.

I don't want him to major in Pac-Man.

Yes, sir. (LAUGHS)

Come on. Fellas, this is Randall.

KEITH: Yeah, bro.

It's like that.


- You're gonna like Howard.

- ♪ Your time's out, what the ...

- There you go.

So, there are, like, no white people?

There's med students.

Some international kids.

- The soccer team.


My entire high school is white.

Oh, mine was, too.

Me, three.

If I ruled the world ♪ I had that same feeling when I came here.

Feel like Malcolm at Mecca.

Like you're not alone.

(EXHALES) It's weird, man.

If I ruled

If I ruled the world

- ♪ If I ruled the world.


Got it?

All right. Beth and I will be back at : to watch.

You don't have to come.

No one shows up at these things.

We'll see you at : .

Break a leg.


Hey, baby.

How's she doing?

She's okay, I think.

All things considered.

She still thinks we're waiting on Linda to give us a decision.

- That's okay.

I talked to the lawyer, and he thinks we have a case, and he can squeeze us in at : .

So we can go over together after Deja's presentation.

- Sounds good.

- And I thought last yearwas gonna be our craziest Thanksgiving ever.


I love you.

Love you.

"Dear William, I'm sorry I had to leave in such a hurry, but it was wonderful to see you looking so well after all these years."

- After all these years.


WILLIAM: That was one hell of a Thanksgiving.

How was the cabin?

Not quite ready for small talk just yet.

Fair enough.

How many times did you and my mother meet?

Just twice.

She came to find me right after you were born to make sure I wasn't gonna come after you.

And then again when you were... nine or so.

And why'd she come to you then?

You were asking about where you came from.

She was strugglingwith whether to tell you about me or keep you from me.

I was clean then.

Had a good job.

I think I got a little too excited about the idea of seeing you.

Must've come on too strong.

When she disappeared like that, I was so... shocked.

And disappointed.

So I followed her.

I remember thinking, "William, you fool, don't do this.

She doesn't want you to do this."

But I knew if I let her go, I might never find you again.

Uh, if you could just make a left and follow that car.

- Here you go.

- I only had $ cash.

YOUNG WILLIAM: Please, sir.

WILLIAM: I remember the whole rideI just kept prayingthat she wasn't going too far,that I had enough to make it to you.

But I had enough.

I made it.

All I had to do was walk up to that door and knock.


I'd explain I was no threat,that I just wanted to be a part of your lifein whatever way they found comfortable.

Okay, sweetheart?

There's someone we want you to meet.

Hi, son.

Happy birthday...

I wasn't expecting to be dropping by every day,but maybe... just maybe...

I could be a part of the big stuff.


Introduction to Chemistry!

Do you like it, R?

- I love it.

- Yeah?

Thank you.

Can we do one more? One more?

But then I saw something on the front lawn.

I didn't know what bike belonged to you.

I didn't know whether yours was Number One,Number Two,or Number Three.

I figured one of them was your nickname,but a nickname that I didn't knowfrom a life I had nothing to do with.

Just like that, I realized it was over.

Strangest thing.

A bicycle, and it was over.

How many rides had you taken over the years on that bicycle?

How many adventures had you had with your brother and sister?

And who was I to insert myself into your life against your mother's wishes?

Who was I?


Hey, bud.

Hey, guys.

Oh, guys, uh, this is my dad.

- Oh, hey.

- Dad, this is James, Craig...

- Nice to meet you...

- Hi.

We should probably get going.

- Get ahead of traffic.

- Already?

Yeah. It was good to meet you guys.

- Yeah, you, too.

- Okay.

- All right, peace.

- See you guys.

This is awesome.

- Of course, man.

- It was nice meeting you, man.

- Of course, man.

- Nice to meet you.


- Thank you.

Hope to see you here at Howard, man.

I hope to come here, man, so bad.


- You know!


They have a double major option, too.

I really like it there, Dad.


Did you like it?

Oh, yeah, it was great.

Yeah, the... the dorms are real nice, the... the library was... really impressive.


No, it was really great.

I mean, Harvard is... Harvard.

You know, Ivy League.

What do you care about the Ivy Leagues, Dad?

I don't.

You're gonna make the right decision, Randall.

You always do.


You know, you hesitated back there with those kids when... you introduced me.

I-I didn't hesitate.

Yeah, you did.

I'm not mad.

I get it.

I know what it must be like...

to meet new people, people that don't know you or us.

I hesitated.

But, uh, not because you're white.

But be-because you're old.


I'm not that old.

- Yeah, you are.

- Okay, kiddo.


- ♪ All things must pass away...

- But, Dad...

you know how you felt at Howard... when you thought I hesitated because you're white?

How you were kind of mad about it but couldn't exactly say why?

I feel like that all the time.

Not from you guys, but, you know, from everybody else.

Felt like that ever since I was little.

But, I mean...

not that... th-that's your fault.

Oh, Randall, come on.

Come on, I...

I get it.

I just... I just feel like I'm always gonna feel this way.

Not, like, mad, but... just off balance.

Like everything's just gonna be a little bit more complicated for me.

All things must pass away

Let's make one more stop.

I got something I want to show you.

All things must pass

None of life's strings

Can last

So I

Must be on my way

And face another day

Now, the darkness only stays

At nighttime

In the morning

It will fade away

All things must pass

All things must pass away...

I was when I got drafted to Vietnam.

Not much older than you right now.

It was on TV, the draft.

My life changed on that TV.

I don't... talk about it a lot, I know.

Even your mom, she doesn't know what I really did, what I really saw.

It's just... too hard.

You know, for all of us that were over there.

It was just... hard.


When I got back...

I was off-balance.

I was out of place...

in every place that I went.

You're gonna find your balance, Randall.

And then you're gonna lose it, and then... you're gonna find it again.

That's the ride.

And you're gonna make a lot of choices, and I'm probably not gonna be around for all of them.

The choices you make are gonna be spectacular, because you

are spectacular, son.

- I...

- You are.

Look at me.

You are.

Own it.

Run with it.



It's your sister.

Something's wrong.

Let's, um... let's go find a phone.

- Okay.

- Come on.

- Hey there.

- Hey.

I don't think we can keep Deja from her mother.


I've been unsure, too.

- But, Randall...

- I know we can't, Beth.

- Went to Shauna's apartment today.

- No, you didn't.

I know I shouldn't have, but... I did.

Saw her neighborhood.

Her world.

Saw her coming home with a... bunch of new clothes for Deja.

Bunch of purple clothes.

Bet you that's her favorite color.

I didn't know that.

Me neither.

Also didn't know she had really cool nicknames, like Tater Tot...


and Dayje.

Me, neither.

She had this whole world spinning before us.

And I saw that, and... just like that, it was...


I used to be obsessed with Pac-Man.

I had it on my computer.

I'd play it for hours after everybody went to sleep.

Got the girls into it, too.

And it's strange, like, all these years later, the game really hasn't changed, just different people playing it.

And in the middle of it all is Pac-Man, right?

Bright yellow little dude just doing his thing.

Homie's like Sisyphus.

Decade after decade just eating those circles, I mean, trying different routes, trying his best to avoid all those ghosts.

- Baby?

- Huh?

- What you talking about?

- I don't know.


Life feels like Pac-Man... sometimes, I guess.

It's the same game over and over again.

Same board, same ghosts.

Sometimes you get a bunch of cherries, but eventually, inevitably, those ghosts catch up with you.

- Damn.

- Hmm?

That's bleak as hell, babe.

Or... is it beautiful?

- Nah, it's bleak.


Well, you're beautiful.

Mm, rose-colored glasses.

Still beautiful.

I'm gonna miss her.

Me too.

My project is about the different factors that help plants grow.

And it's not the usual stuff, like how much water or light they get... but it's other stuff, too.

Like if they listen to music or if you add certain stimulants.

My foster dad helped me with that.

Hey, Kev.

Now's not a good time, man. I got to...

- I'm on my way to your house.

- What, today?

- But Thanksgiving's not till...

- I-I got into town early.

Huh. Okay.

- I, um...


Hey, man, uh, I got to go.

I'll see you later.

- Good morning.

- Morning.

She's right outside.


Just getting the rest of her things together.


If you ever need any help with her, you know, someone to watch her or pick her up from school, or even with homework, you know.

Math and science are kind of my thing.

I think they're kind of Deja's thing, too.

We live all the way in Newark.

That's okay.

I'll bring the girls.

I think we're good from here.

But I appreciate you taking good care of her.

One night to be confused

One night to speed up truth

We had a promise made

Four hands and then away

You ready?

We had divine scent

To know what to say

Thank you, Beth.

Be a good girl, okay?

Take care of that beautiful, thick hair of yours.

To lean on

Wouldn't be good enough

And that big, beautiful heart, too.

For me, no

I will.

- ♪ One night of magic rush


What am I gonna do without you around?

Who gonna call me out when I'm being corny?

Beth will.

That's true, she will.

Um... you remember when we first met?

You told me when you were a kid, you always felt split inside.

To call for hands of above

I don't, I don't want you to think that...

Just because I want to go home, doesn't mean I don't like living with you.

I know that.

You don't have to worry about that, I know.

The start a simple touch

One night to push and scream

I know my mother does some stupid stuff sometimes, but mostly she's cool.

Ten days of perfect tunes

The colors red and blue


Well, I know you're not too keen on me touching you, so...

It's-it's really when

I don't see it coming.

- ♪ To call for hands of above

- Oh... okay.


For me, no

To call for hands of above

To lean on

Wouldn't be good enough

Hey, um... (SNIFFS)

You remember what I told you about working hard.

All right?

Big house, fancy car.

Big house.

Fancy car.

And you

Kept us awake

With wolf teeth, sharing different

Bye, Randall.

Bye, Dej.

To call for hands of above

To lean on

Wouldn't be good enough

For me, no

To call for hands of above

To lean on

Wouldn't be good enough.


Hey, Mom.

Oh, God.

Randall, I need to tell you something.

I already know.

Kate lost the baby.

Mom's already in L.A. says she's gonna stay for Thanksgiving, so...


It's a little early for vodka.

You look like hell.

Yeah, it's just... you know, it's a lot, all this.

I drove straight here from that alumni thing in Pittsburgh.

I'm just... I'm exhausted.

I'm all right, though, you know.

I'm gonna call Kate.

You want to try with me?

No. Um, I'll call her later.

I want to make sure my head's straight when I talk to her.

- You know?

- Okay.

Well, you go get some rest.

Hey, uh...

I'm sorry about Deja.

When it rains.

Feels like it's pouring.

Hey, sis.

You feel like talking?

You shouldn't drink so fast, you'll get the hiccups.

Hey. All right. I didn't see you.

Did Dad tell you about Deja?

He did. I'm sorry to hear that.

We all thought she was gonna be staying here for a really long time, and...


Uh, can you tell your dad, tell your dad I had to go?

(QUIETLY): Where's my bag?

Basement, maybe.


How's Kate doing?

All things considered, she's okay.

She wants to try again.

Have a baby.

Hey, Beth, we don't have to go through this again

if you don't want to, but...

I want to.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

I mean, maybe not, like, today, or tomorrow, or next month, but... we have a good home.

We should bring another child into it.

Even if it means losing 'em all over again.

I think so, too.

There's another kid out there who needs us.

Maybe a boy this time.


A boy, huh?

I don't know.

Not in charge of destiny.

WOMAN: How you feeling?

- Not so good.

- I know.

Well, you know, bud, sometimes it just takes a little longer.

But I promise, we are working very hard to find you a home.

- ♪ Well, I think it's fine

- Okay, thanks. Here.

- ♪ Building jumbo planes

- Um, Kevin Pearson.

Insurance card.

Or taking a ride

Hey. You really think he's gonna be all right?

Yeah. Yeah, your brother's gonna be okay.

Switch on summer

From a slot machine

Things are gonna be different for your brother now, but he's gonna be okay.

Hey, sweetheart.

I know we've come a long way


We're changing day to day


- Tess!

- ♪ Where do the children play?


You know, that's the thing about the three of you.

You know, there's always a blind spot.

Uncle Kevin, slow down.

What the hell are you do... Wh... Get...

Put your seat belt on.

What are you doing here?

You know, I'd be with one of you having a great time, and then, bam, something happens to the other.

And I realize that I should have been looking in that other direction.

I just wanted to hang out with you for a while.

I hate my house.


She's nowhere on our block.

She's safe. She's with Kevin.

He just got arrested for a DUI.

It's been that way since you guys were babies.

And when one of you falls down...

And it seems that you can't get off ♪...the other one's standing up.

Will you make us laugh?

Will you make us cry?

I'll k*ll him.

Not if I don't k*ll him first.

Yeah. Hello.

Okay, where are you?

Will you tell us when to die?

I know we've come a long way

We're changing day to day

Tell me

Where do the children play?

Do, do, do

Do-do, do, do-do.