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13x22 - Leave It Inside

Posted: 03/31/18 11:16
by bunniefuu
Meredith: Our skulls cushion our brains.

♪ See, I was born without no shoes ♪

Amelia: What's happening?

Hey, it's me. Do you want a giant tumor?

Why would I want that?

It's the one from my wall that Derek drew.

I thought you might like it.

It's here in the hall.

Our rib cage guards our hearts.

♪ Come on, I hope my feet ♪

♪ don't fail me ♪

The body is built to protect our most vulnerable parts.

- ♪ Feet don't fail me ♪

- Is she cleaning? ♪

At : ?

At least that's how it's supposed to work.

♪ Feet don't fail me now ♪

Eliza: Josephine Wilson.

Strong in ortho, plastics, and not a bad head for neuro, actually.

Her outcomes are excellent.

Yeah, she really rallied.

She had a tough year, personally.

Never would have known.

Stephanie Edwards.

She's expressed a clear interest and talent for neuro.

She could write whatever ticket she wants. She's a superstar.

Very driven.

Yes, she will make us proud.

Well, this is fun. Like the Sorting Hat.

Yep. [Chuckles]

Benjamin Warren.

Well, say what you want to say.

Warren's a utility player, good anywhere you put him.

That's true.

He tends to play it safe.

He goes for the easy cases, easy diagnosis.

He lays back. No risks.

Ben Warren? Have you seen his file?

He's made very risky moves.

I've had to reprimand him myself.

Of course I read his file.

After a mistake like Warren makes, a resident goes one of two ways.

He either plays it smarter or he plays it safer.

Warren went safer.

He may not even be aware it's happening.

Moving on. Martin Carver.

You talk to Wilson a lot.

Uh, daily. Why?

She and Karev. You think they're back together?

I don't know.


Oh. Never mind. Forget I asked.

You like her.

Nope. I'm not doing this.

No. Hey. Hang on, hang on.

Stop. You're a good guy.

Y-You want to let that go, okay?

You made a grand gesture, but she still hasn't said anything to you, has she?

So just do yourself a favor.

That's all I'm saying.

Here you go. Friend to friend.

Yeah. Okay. Let's go fix people.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Lantz to Labor & Delivery.

Hey. Someone paged me.

That was me. I need your help.

Very urgent.

- Great. Where we headed?

- My place or yours.

Tonight. The minute we are off of work.

I don't care if you have

other plans. They're canceled.

I have plans of my own.

So you paged me... for a dinner date.

I mean, sure. We can eat, too.

My plans are more... naked plans.

Oh! Okay.

To be clear, I mean sex.

Yeah, no, no. I... I got that.

But you're hesitating.

I came on too strong? You're not ready?

You're weirded out.

[Boy coughs]

Hey. Are you with someone?

What's your name?


Liam, hey. Are you hurt?

Are you sick? Do you feel bad?

Okay. Where are your parents?

I don't have any.

- Who do we have, DeLuca?

- This is Holly Harner.

Complaining of generalized chest and abdominal pain after a fall.

She's also got a pretty obvious forearm fracture.

- [Groans]

- Just waiting for her X-rays to come up.

- Hi, Holly. I'm Dr. Kepner.

- Hi.

Can you tell me how you fell?

So, I was having the best sex of my life.

No, third-best.

- [Laughing]

- I'd hate to see the best.

No, no. So, then I had to pee.

And it was dark, and I'm trying to find the bathroom.

I found the front door instead, walked right out in the stairwell and...

- Oh, no.

- Yeah, two flights.

He slept right through it.

His neighbor found me. Ah, ah!

- Does that hurt?

- Yeah.

And the guy you were with?

- Ah, well, it was one of those one-night things.

- Mm-hmm.

So he'll just think I ducked out in the middle of the night.

Which is fine.

It's good, actually.

[Keys clacking]

[Laughs] Oh, my God.

What? What is it?

My pants... they're on his floor.

He's gonna have to figure that one out.

Ugh. I'm sorry, Holly, but it looks like you've broken your arm in two places.

Oh, come on.

Yeah. And there's free fluid in the left upper quadrant.

We're gonna need to get her up for a pan scan and page general.

- Okay.

Is he single?


Hey, Maggie.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Are you gonna be home tonight?

Should be. What are we doing?

I was thinking about having Nathan over, but I don't want it to be weird or uncomfortable, so...

Well, it's your house.

You should have over whomever you want.

But it's your house, too.

Are you saying you don't want to have him over if I'm there?

No, that's not what I'm saying at all.

It's totally fine.

Are Holly's scans up yet?

- Uh, not yet.

- Okay.

It's a little weird, but it's fine.

Okay. Forget it. Forget I said anything.

- Okay, yeah.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Okay.

Holly: Hello?

[Clears throat] Hey, Holly.

How's it going in there?

Yeah, um, you know, it just occurred to me, uh, when you do the scan, you might see something weird.

And I don't want you to freak out.

Ah, don't worry about it.

We've seen everything, Holly. Trust me.

Uh, well, I've got a giant, inoperable heart tumor.

Holy... And, uh, you know, you can just ignore that.

It's just something I have.

Is it sharp, like someone stabbing you really hard, or throbbing... like a ball bouncing against your head?

It just hurts.

Sometimes I feel like I've been spinning.

Like you're dizzy?

Okay. Constant pain. Intermittent dizziness. It could be vestibular.

Can you tell us who takes care of you?


And where do you and Charlotte live?

On a farm.

Wow. That's pretty cool.

You got any animals?

A rat... and a goose, a sheep...

Ah. I bet there's a pig, too.

All right. You stay right here for a minute, okay?

All right. Something's going on neurologically.

We need to get him a head CT.

Well, we can't. Not without consent.

And how do we find Wilbur's parents?

We've already placed a call out to police regarding missing kids.

Well, it shouldn't take too long.

Kid's got clean clothes, seems well-nourished.

He reads books.

Or someone reads them to him.

He's... He's seizing.


Liam. Liam.

Someone get something for his head!

Eliza: Two of lorazapam!

And draw up a loading dose of Keppra!

On it.

So, you have some bleeding from a spleen laceration.

We'd like to try and do something called a splenic embolization so that we can repair it without doing surgery.

All right. I'm in. Surgery would only slow me down.

Well, as for your heart tumor...

Oh, yeah. Left atrial sarcoma.

It's inoperable.

I've got less than a year left.

It's okay.

"Inoperable" means different things to different surgeons.

I-I've seen six surgeons.

So I know the stages.

You guys are in Stage .

You see it, your eyes light up, you're the only ones who can tame it.

Stage ... you make a plan, a plan unlike any who have come before you.

You get my consent.

Stage ... you realize it doesn't work and you feel weird and you get all sad, and then you feel you disappointed me and then make it my job to convince you that I'm okay so that you feel better.

Can we just skip it?

I know it's complicated, but I really think...

Yeah, uh, how long am I laid up till my spleen heals?

How long till I can, you know, get back in the saddle?

Uh, depends on the kind of saddle.

Uh, well, I'd like to have sex with as many men as I care to, until my tumor tells me I can't.


- Impressive.

- Nice.

This fall really put a kink in my plans and, um, not in a good way. [Laughs]

Ah, well, provided that your spleen heals without complications, you should be back to your normal... lifestyle in a few days, maybe a week.

Okay. Any chance we can shave that down?

Jackson: Partial deglovement, broken bones, extreme tissue and nerve damage.
What do we have here?

- Ouch.

- Yep.

A -year-old got his hand jammed in a revolving door.

Uh, that'll do it.

What's the game plan?

Well, since his MESS score's a , we're sitting right in the gray area between salvage and amputation, so obv... Well, actually, I'd like to hear what Warren's thinking.

Good idea.

Oh. Well, uh, re-constructive surgery is out.

I mean, if we go that route, we're just...

Yeah, well, there's a high likelihood of failure and we're just back here in six months amputating a nonfunctioning hand.

Mm, that is true.

Amputation is simpler.

But some patients mentally can't process that.

Choose wisely, then.

Well, since the MESS score is borderline, we have to look for other indicators.

Uh, the LSI, the PSI could give us a clearer picture of the ischemia, the bone/muscle damage, and the extent of the vascular injury.

- [Sighs]

Warren, you're not writing a research paper.

You're treating a patient on a morphine drip.

Make a call.

Uh, well, according to these numbers, I say we amputate, then.

[Imitates buzzer]

Here's a number for you, Warren... .

A -year-old wants to keep his hand.

We're gonna do a rotational flap with antibiotic beads and try to save this guy's hand.

Right. Of course.

Book an O.R. and, uh, get me some images of his left and right thighs, also, for the grafts.

- All right.

- [Clears throat]

It was a gray area.

Maggie: Hey.

So, Meredith was talking about bringing Nathan over tonight.

Bringing him home?

- To our house?

- Yeah.

And then it got weird, and now she's not.

I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that she's dating him.

Oh, my God.

- The tumor.

- What?

That's why she took the tumor out of her room.

She doesn't want to have sex with him in a shrine to Derek.

She did not do that with the last guy.

And look what happened... screaming and crying and us kicking a half-naked man out into the street.

She's clearing a path.

- She's moving on.

- She's moving on.

This is serious, her and Riggs.

We have to support this.

[Monitor beeping]

April: Now we are in the celiac artery, and that looks like the splenic artery.

Got it.

Meredith, heads up.

I'm gonna be home late tonight.

Okay. Deploying gelfoam.

More than late, actually.

I'm gonna take another look at Holly's case.

I've got some old records and studies that I want to look over.

April: I thought she didn't want you to.

Between the scans and the paperwork, it's gonna take some time.

A lot of time, actually.

You should probably count on me camping out here for the duration and not coming home.


Just wanted to let you know.


All right.

April: Should I ask?

- No.

- Okay.


[Monitor beeping]

Thank you so much for finding us.

We, uh... We called the school.

We called his friend Sabrina.

We called the police.

He said he took the train here?


We live an hour away.

Liam had a seizure while we were talking to him.

We took him to CT to see what's going on.

Uh, David, Marie, Liam has a very large tumor.

It's called a pituitary adenoma, and he's gonna need brain surgery.

I'm sorry.

Is that why he's been getting these headaches and why he's been so tired?


When can we take him home?

Well, that depends on how quickly the brain swelling goes down after surgery.

Most patients can be released within...

Uh, no, Liam won't have the surgery.

Or anything else.

No more needles, no scans.

We don't believe in that sort of intervention.

I'm not sure you understand what we're saying here.

If you take Liam home without treatment, it gets worse.

He could die.

No, doctor, he won't.

Not if it's God's will.

So, thank you for respecting our beliefs.

How soon can you discharge my son?

And this states you are aware you're taking Liam home against medical advice.

I know this probably seems a little... unusual.

I appreciate your understanding.

Do you understand that "against medical advice" in this case means if you take Liam now, there's a very real chance Liam will die?

Eliza: Thank you, Dr. Edwards.

Who taught you it was okay to speak to patients that way?

She's not my patient.

The embolization went well.

I was able to stop the bleeding on your spleen.

We'll just have to monitor you for the next hours, and you should be okay.

All right.

You know, I should've just turned on the light.

I didn't want to wake him, you know?

Well, that was polite.

No, it was because I didn't want to talk to him.

He's the kind of guy who always says, "I'll tell you something," before he tells you something.

Like it's good enough to be announced.

So he's not a keeper.

Uh, well, I'm not really looking for a keeper.

I'm gonna be gone soon.

So I can't hold onto anything.

I'm just looking for what looks good to me right now.

Hey. Holly, uh, your boyfriend's here.

He's asking if he can come up.

Oh, my God.

Okay, his neighbor must've blabbed. Did he say "boyfriend"?

Can you just tell him that I died?

Um, we can tell him that you're asleep.

Then he won't go away. If he hangs on, somebody's gonna eventually have to tell him that I died for real.

So let's just spare him that.

- We can talk to him.

- Okay.

Well, he's dumb, but he's cute.

Oh, and he's, um...



Hey, feel free to take a spin.

I'm not going back.

Oh, uh, Dr. Minnick?

I think you're right about Ben Warren.


Yeah, I saw something that may confirm your suspicions.

I owe you an apology.

I'm fresh eyes. It helps.

You've known these kids for years. I haven't.

Well, that's very true.

I was reading Stephanie Edwards' file, and I noticed... when her boyfriend died on Shepherd's table, Edwards went back to work almost immediately.

Didn't see any records of counseling or therapy.

She was fine. She's very focused.

So that's a no.

Why are you interested in her file?

I noticed some red flags.

Today, for instance, she was inappropriate with a patient's family member.

She can be arrogant, and she can get snarky.

She's a surgeon.

Who gets triggered by patients.

Look. Trust me, Edwards knows more about patients than most of us.

Good night.


You can't tell him she's dead.

But that's what she wanted.

I mean, he needs to know.

And i-it's kind.

It's illegal. To say the very least.

- Is this him?

- Yes. Hi.

- Hi.

- Corey?

Yes. Yes, that's me. Hi.

Did you tell Holly I'm here?

Yes. Listen, Corey.

We did, we did. She knows.

Does she think it's weird?

I mean, we just... We don't really kn...

We just met. But we got really close.

Is she okay?

Corey, we have some... very bad news.


...has had a hell of a day and is just not really up for visitors right now, so...

Oh. Oh, okay. Well, that's... that's great.

I-I mean, t-that she's okay.

I-I was so worried that...

Yeah, so you can go home now.

Good night.

Uh, good night.

I mean, she's not wrong.

He is cute. Maybe you should hit that.

You are a dark, dark person.

[Sighs] I can't get together tonight.

Okay. No big deal.

I just... I have a patient who's in labor with a baby with CDH, and I'm gonna be here all night.

I'm so sorry.

Of course. I understand.


I was looking forward to it, is all.

I look for you. All day.

When I, uh, when I turn a corner or I pass by one of the scan rooms.

Uh, getting on an elevator.

I hope that maybe I'll just catch a glimpse of you.

And when I... see you...

...every time, it makes me catch my breath...

just a little.

♪ I saw all the signs ♪

And my heart speeds up. My palms sweat.

♪ I did the time ♪

♪ across the line for you ♪

Seeing you...

talking to you, and... touching you.

♪ Should've been the one ♪

♪ to hold me when I got lonely ♪

It's all I can think about.

♪ 'Cause every time I think ♪

♪ of the lies you told to me ♪

It is?

I can't wait for our naked plans.

But one more night of anticipation doesn't have to be the worst thing.

♪ Not always good, ♪

♪ but I stayed on my feet ♪

[Elevator bell dings]

♪ You had me, ♪

♪ should've never questioned ♪

♪ You plus me was a love lesson ♪

♪ In too deep without imperfection ♪

♪ Not always good, ♪

♪ but I stayed on my feet ♪

♪ You had me, ♪

♪ should've never questioned ♪

Hey. Hi. Nathan.

No, I'm sorry. I have to cancel.

[Exhales deeply]

I've had a tough day

and I'm just not up for any visitors.

Yes, let's try for tomorrow.

♪ You plus me ♪

Okay. Good night.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Liam's gone? You let his parents take him home?!

He was my patient!

We can't keep a minor for treatment against his parents' will, especially when that treatment goes against their religious beliefs.

They have a right to those beliefs, and we have to respect that.

Of course! But maybe... m...

W-What if his tumor starts to bleed? What if he strokes out?

They signed an AMA as soon as he woke up.

Look, the kid took a train all by himself to ask us for help.

Actual help. Not prayers and olive oil on his head.

No neurosurgeon will cut into a kid's skull without parental consent.

Because it's illegal.

Stephanie: Can we get a court order?

State law protects families from prosecution if their faith prohibits them from seeking medical care.

And I would think that you, with your history, of all people, would want to follow the letter of the law right now.

[Gasps] How'd it go?

He didn't come over.

[Scoffs] Why?

I don't know, but I heard her call him and cancel, and then she didn't come out of her room the whole night.

Were you eavesdropping?


- Maybe.

- [Chuckles]

I was curious.

Also, I was in the hall.

I figured I should move the big, giant, scary tumor or something.

- I have a giant, scary tumor.

- What?

I stayed up all night studying it, and I think I solved it.

Now you're telling me I could have solved it from the comfort of my own home, my own bedroom, my own bed...

I want a giant, scary tumor.

Get your own.

I got to go see my patient.

All night?

- I know.

- Ugh.

Holly, I know other doctors have failed you, but they were not thinking outside the box.

Now, I have studied your heart, I've studied your tumor, and I can get this.

I know I can.

- Nope.

- Look.

You know there's only six doctors in the world that can do this surgery, and I am one of them?

Look, we have a shot...

No. No, you guys... look, I told you.

Ah. No revisiting.

No hatching new plans.

I told you, just fix up my spleen, and then send me on my way, that's it.

Holly, this could give you your life back.

Yeah, but this is my life.

I don't need it back.

I don't need the white picket fence and the bunch of kids and dogs crawling all over me or whatever kind of future you think you could give me because... you can't.

I don't need a future.

I have exactly what I want right now.

Is this really what you want?

What I want is to... is to screw a blind man after he's given me a spectacular massage.

I want to have really inappropriately loud sex in one of those sound-bath domes.

And having surgery's gonna get in the way with that, so, thank you, but no.

[Indistinct P.A. announcement]

Can you feel that?

Uh, hold on one second.

Hey, there.


You okay?

I'm looking for Dr. Karev.

Well, I know Dr. Karev.


What are you... uh, I-I got this one.

It's okay.

You okay?

It's okay. You're okay.

Um, you must really like taking trains, huh?

Let's find you a place to sit.

Just follow me, okay?


Hey! Liam, I thought you were right behind me...

You all right, buddy?

You okay?

Hey, Liam, can you... can you see me?

[Whimpering, panting]

Hey, you're doing great.

Touch my finger.

Everything went dark so fast.

And I couldn't see.

Well, you're here now. It's okay.

Apoplexy. The tumor's bleeding, could be pushing against the optic nerve.

[Crying] I'm so sorry.

- Honey.

- Why are you sorry?

I promise I tried, I did what they said, and I prayed and I prayed, but it didn't work.

God didn't help me.

Can you help me, Dr. Karev?

Can you fix my eyes?

All right, take a deep breath.

- Can you do that?

- [Breathes deeply]

I promise, Liam, I'm gonna do everything I can to help you.

But I need to talk to Dr. Edwards first, okay?

Just wait right here.

Be right back.

What can we do without the parents?

We still need consent.

Not if it's emergent.

We need to page neuro and prep him for surgery.

Shouldn't we page Dr. Minnick?

No. Because...

Liam is having a seizure.

No, he's not.

Yes, he is.

We can't... That's wrong.

Watching a kid die and not helping is wrong.

Look, if he was having a seizure right now, would you just watch?

He's having a seizure.

So we control it, book an O.R., and page Shepherd.

All right, then I should be the one to enter it.

I'm the resident.

No, no, no.

We're using the Minnick method today.

I write up the orders, so I take the heat.

Remember to push, uh, Lorazepam first.

And... and... and...

and turn him on his side.

- Right?

- Right.

And give him some Mannitol.

April: Holly, your hematocrits have been stable.

Looks like the embolization worked.

Good, 'cause, uh, this hospital has a lot of attractive men that I'd just as soon as not proposition any of them until I get rid of these tubes and wires.

She knows I can see her hovering over there, right?

Hey, Holly, look.

I know you said you don't want the tumor surgery, and I know...

I know that you're scared...

No, but that's the thing... I'm not.

When I was first diagnosed, sure.

But then I thought, what would make me feel better?

Find a hot guy, have a ridiculous night, and then all would be well.

So I did that, and I kept doing that until I realized...

why do anything else?

Sex and death.

That's want I want.

Well, you can say you're ready for death... a lot of people do... but as someone who's been around a lot of death and been left behind by it, I can tell you... trust me... you don't want that.

Especially when you have someone like Dr. Pierce telling you she can fix you, offering you the impossible. Don't ignore that.

The scary thing isn't dying.

The scary thing is surviving and accepting that you actually have a life to live.

Don't you want to stick around and live it?

♪ ♪

You really think you can get the tumor?

I told you I could get it.

I meant it.

Yeah, but other doctors have meant it.

I'll put you on bypass.

And I'll remove your heart so I can get all the tumor.

Dr. Grey, Dr. Kepner will be there to assist.


I can get the tumor out.

[Sighs, clears throat]

Go for it.

You sure?

Yeah, do it.


Dr. Shepherd,

I've got Social Work paging you.

Almost done here.


Eliza: Hey, is this Liam?

Little Liam with the religious parents?

Alex: It is.

I saw his name on the board, and I couldn't believe it.

How did you get consent?

I didn't need it.

He showed up again and became emergent.

Did what we needed to do to save his life.

- Karev!

- Is there something I should know?

You opened this child's skull without his parents knowing, after what happened last time?

He seized in the E.R.

Dr. Shepherd, it's Social Work again, .

The patient's parents are here.

- What happened last time?

- Nothing happened.

One of you better start talking...

right now.

So, you're holding him hostage?

I understand your anger, Mr. Fisher, but your son just had brain surgery.

This hospital cannot release him yet.

It would put him at severe risk for infection, even death.

She's right. He's not even awake yet...

Don't you talk to me.

You knew where my wife and I stood on this.

His intracranial pressure...

You had no right to touch him!

Okay, if Dr. Karev hadn't intervened when he had, this would be an entirely different conversation.

Now, according to Dr. Shepherd, Liam's tumor was severely affecting his vision.

It was only a matter of time...

But he's okay now? He can see?


Dr. Shepherd was able to remove the entire tumor from the optic nerve.

But we'll have to wait till he's awake to confirm his sight was restored.

Oh, baby...

I hope you enjoyed practicing medicine, 'cause after I'm done suing this place, you're all done.

I know you did something.

He had a seizure. Check his records.

You could go to jail, Karev. Again.

I'd go to jail for this one.

And how many fingers do you see?


That's right.

You got them all right.

You're doing great, Liam.

Thank you.


You're very welcome.

Eliza: Dr. Edwards.


I will be back.

- It's time to start talking.

- I'm sorry?

Why did Dr. Karev enter these orders?

He was following your method... he let me run point.

So, he didn't give you orders to operate on Liam without his parents' consent?

Like I said, I was running point.

What did Karev do, Edwards?

I need you to tell me exactly what he did...

Why? It's all in the chart.

We saved his life.

Liam is alive.

He can see, his tumor is out, and he's alive.

That's the job, right?

♪ ♪

Maggie: Dividing the dome of the left atrium.

Meredith: What left atrium?

It's all tumor.

April: How does she even have the stamina for all that sex with this thing sitting on her chest?

When I get home from work, I barely have the energy to put on fuzzy socks.

Maggie: Basin with ice.

April: Holly's just out there.

Doing anything she wants... anyone she wants.

Any time. I'm kind of jealous.

Meredith: Of this?

You're jealous of this?



Maggie: Oh, damn it.

It's invaded all the way to her posterior pericardium.

Plan B.

Let's see if we can debulk this tumor off of the pulmonary veins.

♪ ♪

Richard: Warren.

Come with me.

What do you see here?

Um... I see surgeries.

No, you see residents doing surgeries.

Where's your name?

Uh, I've covering the pit.


You're a senior resident.

You shouldn't be sewing up toes, you should be repairing aortas.

Sir, I don't mind covering the pit.

I like going where I'm needed.

You're a surgeon.

You're needed in the operating room.

What, you think Wilson and... and Edwards stood back and waited for a chance to shine?


- They took it.

- Dr. Webber, I...

Listen. I know what you can do.

But I'm not the only one making your fellowship recommendation anymore.

There's a sense you're playing it safe.

Laying back.

This is coming from Minnick?

You told her she's wrong?

Is she wrong?

You tell me.

April: Okay, we've freed it from the pulmonary arteries...

Maggie: Got to keep going down, got to keep following this tumor down.

What are you doing in here?

I've got tumor fever.

I had a brain surgery on a young boy.

Then I heard you had a big, beautiful tumor in here.

Let me see.

That... is massive.

That is a thing of beauty...

the Sistine Chapel of tumors.

It's invaded deep into her posterior mediastinum.

These tumors aren't beautiful.

They're horrifying and smart and designed to choke the life out of someone before they have a chance to live.


What is it?

It's extended all the way into her esophagus.

We can't reconstruct her entire chest cavity.

If it's in her esophagus, the chances are it's also invaded her spine.

You'd risk paralysis if you tried to take it out.


We can at least remove the tumor from the heart itself... relieve some of the symptoms.

I mean, it'll grow back, but it'll be slow-growing... buy her some time.


I'll resect the esophagus and create a spit fistula, and then I'll come back and reconstruct and... But that's impossible.

Well, that's what we told her we'd do.

We told her we would do the impossible.

Right, but we'll be taking away any quality of life she has.

I mean, it sounds awful to say, but she's adapted to this.

She's learned to live with it.

You're saying I have to tell her I can't do it?

Can we speed this up a little?

I want to get out of here.

This is getting you out of here, so...

I don't want you making any more decisions for my child.

We didn't. Liam made decisions.

We supported them.

Liam is a kid... my kid.

And that's not your job.

No, that's yours. We did your job.

Your job is to protect your child.

You job is to keep him safe and healthy, to tell him everything will be all right, and then to move Heaven and Earth to make sure that it is.

That's your job, and you couldn't do that.

That is not my job. That is up to God.

If God did anything for Liam, God delivered him safely to us because He saw that He made you so weak and so stupid that you were going to k*ll your child.

You're gonna burn in Hell.

[Glass shatters, people gasp]

Based on what I saw today, she needs to be suspended...

Well, hold on now...

Well, did she injure the man?

It doesn't matter. Does it matter?

I-I just can't believe this.

From Edwards?

You can't?

You yourself said her boyfriend died...

a former patient of hers.

No counseling, no support, no time off.

I told you, we watched her.

She showed no signs...

Students like her won't show you what they need, until it's too late.

She works to the exclusion of everything else.

She connects with patients in the extreme... either overly attached or stone cold.

And now this?

These are indications of resident burn-out...

[Knock on door]

[Door opens]

I just wanted to say, I was not aiming for his head.

I was aiming for the wall.

I'm not stupid.

I was just mad.

You don't want to be funny right now.

I'm not being funny.

I'm not... I shouldn't have done it.

I was angry.

The patient was a child.

A sick child.

He was a little kid who didn't have any help at all.

[Voice breaking] I lost control.

And I'm sorry.

It's startling is what it is.

Edwards has been given too long a rope, for too long... and I don't blame her.

She's a product of her environment.

Poor supervision or none at all...

from Webber or Bailey.

And Karev was her attending today.

He's hardly a shining example of restraint.

- This is exactly why I teach the way I teach...

- Okay. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to stop you right there.

I'm sorry. I know he's your friend...

Hey, stop.

I'm wearing very sexy underwear right now and I've been thinking about tonight since last night.

All I want to do is take you home and take off all of your clothes, and the more that you talk about Webber and Karev, the less that I want to do any of that.

So, respectfully...

- shut up.

- [Chuckles]

Just get in the car and come home with me.


Andrew: Jo?

Uh, listen, do you want to get a beer?

Ugh. I have a teratoma excision at :

I have to read up on, but tomorrow?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure, tomorrow.

- Hey, Jo?

- Yeah.


Are you okay?

Yeah, I am.

I'm good, actually.

Talking to you is probably one of the only good things to come out of this year.

- Andrew...

- Hang on.

This past year's been rough... for both of us.

I know, and... and I'm sorry. I...

You know what? I'm not.

I'm not sorry.

'Cause I feel like we went through it together.

- I feel like...

- Stop.


♪ ♪

I know what you're about to say.

I... I-I don't...

I don't think you...

And the second that you say it...



Uh, I'll see you tomorrow.


His visual field exam looks good.

We're expecting him to make a full recovery.


Liam made it all the way to the hospital on his own.


It was a miracle.

Or... someone helped him.

Someone drove him here.

The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Holly: So, um... my tumor's still in there.

I'm so sorry, Holly.


Oh, God, what did I tell you guys?

Oh, you doctors, you crazy people.

You just have to try, you just have to cut people open.

Resecting the tumor load out of your heart will help your symptoms and buy you time.

Yeah, this tumor, it's just, uh...

it's part of me.

It's like my hair or my boobs or my weird-looking toes.

[Breathes deeply]

I made room for it.

We just made you do it, didn't we?

We just made you make us feel better about ourselves.

It happens every time.

You're in trouble.

Consider yourself warned.

I'm raising my game.

From here on, I'm gunning for you.

I'm stealing your surgeries, taking the best services.

You can run, but when you turn around, I'm gonna be right on your heels.

I won't be there, so...

W-What do you mean?

What are you talking about?

My privileges got revoked.

[Breathes deeply]

I have to go to counseling.

For real? For how long?

Have fun raising your game.

You'll actually have a shot at beating mine now.

♪ I know you wanna make amends ♪

Alex: Hey. I-I'm glad

I caught you in the office.

It's Dr. Karev... Alex Karev.

[Laughing] No, I'm not in any trouble.

Uh, no, I-I don't need a lawyer.

Um, uh, I need a... a referral.

I need to find a guy.

Uh, can you help me out?

Okay, yeah, one second.


♪ And nothing's making sense ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Say you miss me ♪

♪ Say you want my heart ♪

Meredith: The body adapts.

It protects itself.

But it can't close off completely or we're not really living, right?

April: I reject fuzzy socks tonight.

I need booze.

Anyone want to get a drink?

Yes. Please. And also, like, a man.

Like a nice, new, attractive man. I don't want to fall in love...

- No, I don't want a boyfriend.

I just don't want to wait until I'm dying before I let myself have some fun.

You guys in?

- I don't know.

- Not tonight.

No doctors.


Where would Holly go? I'm gonna Yelp.

You guys have fun.

Oh, hey. How's Holly?

Is she awake? Can I see her?

Corey, the news is not good.

Okay. Okay...

It's time to let her go.

Oh, my God. She died?

No, I didn't say that.

But you're not going to see her again.

Corey, hold the time you two spent together close to your heart.

But don't let it hold you back.

No more sitting here and waiting.

Grab your new life by the hand and go out there and live it.

- O-Okay, I...

- Change is good.

So we leave the door open, just a little...

Hi. Haven't see you all day.

- You headed out?

- I am.

Me too.

...hoping like hell it's worth the risk.

♪ If I'm the one that you want ♪