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14x03 - Go Big or Go Home

Posted: 03/31/18 11:22
by bunniefuu
[BEEPING] MEREDITH: I'm going to tell you a secret.

Doctors are not gods.

Magic in my fingertips, candy-colored skies Everybody's watching, they got stars in their eyes We like you to think we have all the answers.

Hey, mama, hey, mama Click, clack, get up and go You have to trust us enough to let us cut open your flesh and poke around at your insides.

So it's helpful if you think we have it all together.

Hey, mama, hey, mama It's helpful if you don't know that, just like you, we're anxious, we're insecure, we're angry.

Here I go, feeling right from head to toe Hey, mama, hey, mama, hey, mama, hey, mama You have to let us come at you with a scalpel.

I got moves that'll blow your mind Spin it 'round just one more time So it's helpful if you don't know that, just like you, we're wrecks.

Hey, hello, turn it up and let it go

- Dr. Shepherd.

- Shh.

It's been a week.

- Shouldn't you tell someone? Your family? A friend? I don't need your advice or your concern.

What I need is for you to follow HIPAA and keep your mouth shut and my latest labs and a triple latte.

Hey, mama Oh, my, my, here I go Feeling right from head to toe Oh, my, my, here I go Feeling right from head to toe

MEREDITH: Do you know how many people live in this house? A lot.

That's how many.

And you and I are the only ones who do our part.

We're the good ones, right? Ohh.

What is all this stuff?! You're gonna have to talk to Alex.

Ain't nothing gonna stop me now, stop me now

ALEX: Gotta go.

Gotta go.

Ain't nothing gonna stop me now, whoa-oh-oh

- You're perfect.

- [TOY SQUEAKS] And Alex is wrong.

And Mommy needs a minute! Ain't nothing gonna stop me now Whoa-oh-oh-oh

[DOOR SLAMS, LOCK CLICKS] She's still grumpy, huh?

[SHIP HORN BLARES] [SIREN WAILS] [SNIP] Ow! Watch it, Avery! Pain is a great sign.

Your nerves are regenerating and forming connections to the graft.

I don't see any sign of rejection from your biopsy.

I mean, you are recovering much faster than we'd hoped.

So I can get out of here soon.

We need to e-mail my C.O.

about transport.

Okay, slow down.

We need to check for infection and do physical therapy.

Uh, he will be in the lobby in 15 minutes.

I told you my grandfather does not like crowds.

And I told you to be there anyway.


Guess who's coming home soon.


- [SIGHS] - So, you ready? Everything needs to be perfect.

Absolutely pristine, functional.

No room for error.


Harper Avery hasn't stepped foot in this hospital since I became chief, and I need to show the man that we are a competent, autonomous, well-oiled machine with no glitches and no need for supervision.

[WOMAN SCREAMING IN LABOR] Labor pains, all right? Those happen even in well-oiled hospitals!

[SCREAMING CONTINUES, MUFFLED] You are a rock star, Miranda Bailey.

Now go kick some Harper Avery ass!

- Hey! Don't be late!

- On our way.

- Okay.

- Meredith? Avery mentioned that you did a biopsy on Megan yesterday.

- Is it all okay?

- I can't discuss a patient.

I suggest you speak to the family.


Hey, I'll round on Dr.

Carr for you while you're at the thing.

MAGGIE: Thanks.

You want to talk about that? Nope.

Walter Carr is your patient?


Brody, it's all you.

Excuse me.

Walter Carr.


Presented with shortness of breath, leg swelling, and sinus tachycardia.

CT scan showed a 24-inch blood clot extending from his right iliac vein to his heart.


Did she just say 24?

WALTER: I sit a lot.

I'm a psychiatrist.

I work upstairs.

- Oh! I knew I'd seen you around.

- [FINGERS SNAP] He works up We tried to treat the clot with tPA, but due to its size, Dr. Pierce has planned an open thromboembolectomy for this afternoon.

So, risks? Showering of the emboli to the lungs!

- Right-sided heart failure!

- MI, stroke, death!

- Uplifting.

- Sorry.

Okay, Brody, why don't you place an arterial line? Dr. Carr, try to get some rest.

- Yeah.

- All right.




[BOTH CHUCKLE] It's nice to see you, Meredith.

Now you'the one who needs the tape and glue guy, huh? I'm just I'm saying that the skill level is curative.

It's a curative level of [LAUGHS] sex.

It erases pain and fixes things.

Like Eliza erased on a cellular level.

J-Just She's gone! Last night, Carina had me up against the You're late for the thing.

[LAUGHS GIDDILY] [GROANS] This is not every department head! I said every department head.

Pierce, where's Shepherd? I haven't seen her all morning.

- And Grey?!

- You don't want her mood here.

- Sorry I'm late.

- Oh, wait, wait.



8 million in repairs? Insurance covered most of that.

"Most" is not all.

Look, we took the opportunity of the fire to address some design elements that needed updating.

- Design elements?

- Yes.

Hello, Dr. Avery.

I am Chief Miranda Bingy.

I remember you.

What is this window dressing? Don't you people have jobs to do? He doesn't like crowds.


CT, MRI, biopsy results all confirm it is a benign Grade I Meningioma.

- I have it up on the board.

- Ah, slow down.

Who's he? - My resident.

- Mmm.

Andrew DeLuca.

DeLuca, this is Tom Koracick, head of neuro at Hopkins.

Oh, he's heard of me.

See Shepherd's hands, DeLuca?

- Mm-hmm.

- All me.

I should charge every time she uses them.

He's the most arrogant teacher I ever had.

I didn't want to call him for this, but Say it.

You have to say it.

Out loud.

You're the best.

Damn straight.

Oh! I like this.

Never should've called you.

Uh, I need an MR angio to check the venousoutflow and the tumor vasculature.

I got one two days ago.

And I need to know what it looks like today.

Yeah, I have a consult in a half an hour.

You've got a grapefruit-sized tumor on your frontal lobe.

Your Chief of Surgery doesn't want you anywhere near a consult.

You Oh.

You haven't told her.

Tom, I removed an inoperable osteoblastoma from a kid's jaw a week ago.

I'm fine.

I just I need you to just follow my plan.

I'm not gonna follow your plan because the part of your brain that makes plans is compromised.

Your plans, your judgment, your decision-making, your impulse control it's all tumor.

You understand? You are not a sound mind now, and you haven't been for years.

Um, why don't we all sit down? Grown-ups only, Jackie.

Take a walk.

Actually, I hold the majority vote on the board, so I'll be staying to hear your concerns.

And it's "Jackson" or "Dr.


" What is this backtalk? It hasn't been "backtalk" since I was 18.

There's coffee and pastries.

Chief, could I have a minute? Oh, uh, now isn't a good time.

I understand, but it's urgent.

Then please speak with Dr.

Webber, and he'll fill me in.


Avery, I'll be more than happy to walk you through every decision you're questioning.

I hope you cleared your day.


WALTER: So, how was the birthday party? Oh, well, there were 23 very loud superheroes in my house, but justice was served, and fun was had by all.

It sounds like things are going pretty well.

Yes, they are.

Except I cannot shake this mood.


Hi, Dr. Carr.

I need to draw a blood gas and do an EKG.

- I'll do it, Brody.

- Dr.

Riggs instructed me to.

[STERNLY] I said I'll do it.

That's the mood.

Does Owen know? What about Meredith and Maggie? No.

And I don't want them to know.

How long has this thing been growing? I'd say close to 10 years.

He can remove the entire tumor.

I can help cover her service, but she doesn't go near patients until she's tumor-free and I clear her.

That's the only way I stay.

Richard, he can't just decide Frankly, the entire neuro community wondered what kind of a surgeon tackled the tumor in Nicole Herman's brain, and now we know.

Who's Nicole Herman? Nicole Herman was a fetal surgeon who was diagnosed with an inoperable astrocytoma, and I saved her life.

Yes, we all read the case report, but you also permanently blinded her.

- That was unavoidable! - We don't know that now, do we?


- Honey, it'll all be over soon.

- Do not talk to me! Okay, Marnie, you are only 4 centimeters dilated.

What? My water broke hours ago.

I know, but your cervix is being stubborn.

I'll be back, okay?

ARIZONA: Warren.


I did an ablation on Marnie's baby at 18 weeks.

To be safe, I want to be there when she's born, but the labor's protracted.

Will you monitor her closely and keep me posted? [MARNIE GROANING LOUDLY] Uh, did we happen to skip the epidural? She had one during her last delivery, but her BP dropped so low that she almost arrested, so that's that's not an option.

- And Pitocin?

- She's severely allergic.

So - So this is your day.

- Yeah.

Let me know when she's 8 centimeters.

[MAIE GROANING] Fantastic.

Swimming through our minds Where the birds all sing Uh-huh, yeah, yeah You paged me? Peds trauma? Yep.



[CLEARS THROAT] Where do you go? Where do you go? We can do anything I missed you last night.

I needed clean clothes.

We can do anything Anything we want, whatever you want to I want you

APRIL: What do we got?!

PARAMEDIC: Pete Hover.


Status post blunt trauma to the abdomen and left leg from hot-air balloon landing gone wrong.

He also has some flash burns to the upper extremities.

Does anyone have my phone?! I need to text Jamie.

I need to know if she saw my Ho-Co-Pro.

- Your what?

- My homecoming proposal! I was trying to ask Jamie Hall to the homecoming dance.

- Oh, like a promposal.

- Yes! I passed out before she could give me an answer.

- Ow! Ah!

- What is this? The hydrogen cannisters tipped and melted the cape onto the tux - and the tux onto his skin.

- Wha A cape? I didn't wear a cape with my tux to the Ho-Co-Pro! T-That's just the stupid balloon.

Let's get him inside now.

So, I try to check up on her, and she bites my head off.

I tell her about Teddy, and she's completely unfazed, but she still wears her wedding ring.

I mean, I don't know what the hell she wants me to do.

You know, live miserably alone and still keep her shoes in the closet?


Did you need this card? I haven't farted naturally in six months because of a bag attached to my side.

And I have a stranger's abs sewn onto me.

I'm separated from my child by 10 time zones.

And I just sent the man that I'm in love with back to the woman he fell in love with while I was supposedly dead.

Oh, but let's keep discussing your tragic life.

[SIGHS] Gin.

I need to get out of this room.

What is going on? Um, I-I wanted to talk about how things ended between us.

Huh?! You know, you and I.

Uh, why? Well, I-I-I've been thinking a lot about us, and, you know, things ended so poorly.

I-I wanted to try to ameliorate the situation and shepherd in a new era.

I thought we were fine now.

I mean, d-define "fine.

" Are we Are we friends? Are we colleagues? Do we tell each other things? Important things? I mean I'm fine now, but I wasn't.

You dropped me like I was severely burning your hand, and then never said a word about it.

It was kind of humiliating.



I-I shouldn't have I shouldn't have done that.

And you told Richard Webber, my biological father what I'm like in bed.

He knows what sex sounds I make now because of you.

I'll never live that down.

W-Well, to be fair, I-I didn't know You know, you did owe me an apology.

Thank you for manning up.

I'm good now.

We're good.


[DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES] And when we first out Megan was alive, I was gracious.

I was supportive.

I mean, I was wonderful.

I put him in the car to go see her, and when we found out that she needed surgery, I was there.

I was more than there.

And his thanks was to put you in the middle of a triangle? Yes! Except there's no triangle.

I was very clear.

I told Megan that.

But Megan turned down the proposal because she felt that Because she was confused.

I don't do love triangles.

I was raised in one.

I fell in love with my husband in one.

I am done with triangles.

All I did was take your advice to embrace not being alone.

So the triangle's my fault? Yes.

Except there is no triangle.

Is Nathan in love with you? Dr.


We wanted to discuss your procedure.


Grey, are you consulting, as well? - No, she's not.

- She can stay.

We're old friends, and, uh, she can hear whatever it is you need to tell me.


Well, instead of opening up your chest, we want to use something called the Angio-Vac.

It's essentially a vacuum that we attach to your blood vessels so it sucks the clot out rather than cutting.

- I've never heard of that.

- It is on the newer side, but it would greatly reduce your risk of complications, which are potentially severe with a clot of this size.

So, if you want to think it over, talk to your family.

No need.

One son hates me.

I hate the other one.

And my wife's been dead for 10 years.

I have trouble letting go of stuff.

- She's still seeing patients.

- Consults only.

She tried to schedule a surgery a couple days ago, but I told her I'd report her to the chief.

You should've reported her to the chief regardless, DeLuca.

I understand it's complicated, but the patients' safety always comes first.

I-I don't know how you all didn't catch this.

There had to be signs.

Was she erratic? Impulsive? Obsessive? Can you guys hear me in there?! Just waiting on the contrast.

DeLuca, I need you to go to medical records and pull charts on Nicole Herman, uh, uh, Katie Bryce, Kyle Diaz You're not working right now.

Robbie Reeves, Elsie Clatch, Veronica Kay.

I need, uh I need my notes.

I need the operative report, imaging studies, everything.

DeLuca? Wh-What? DeLuca is my whipping boy now, not yours.

Contrast is in, and we need you to stop moving.

Got it? Never should've called him.

[WHIRRING] Ow! [GROANS] [SNIPPING] Do you have to do that? I know.

I'm sorry, Pete.

But the burns just seem to be superficial.


I want to return the tux.

It was a rental, so now I'll owe $300.

I spent everything I had on this Ho-Co-Pro.

ALEX: I still don't know what that is, but I hate it.

It's an elaborately staged plan to invite someone to a dance, usually accompanied by a fun pun.

"Jamie, you make me feel sky-high.

Go to Ho-Co with me.

" See? Pun.

Pete? Jamie! D-Did you see my sign?! I-I asked Coach Greer to give it to you when he was dialing 911.

She's the one.

She was in the middle of track practice when I was landing.

Oh, Pete, I think we found your sign.

- Do you think you can straighten it out?

- Ohh.

Is he gonna be okay? He crashed in a hot-air balloon, so Jamie, um, we'll update you as soon as we can.

Can you What am I looking at? Uh years ago I also had a brain tumor.

Derek removed it.

But I had some bad days.

What I'm saying is, I've been where you are.

I know how frightening this is.

This is you? Optic nerve looks pristine.

Clean margins, no shift.

You were lucky.

N-No, those are my pre-op scans.

Okay, you see the tumor r-right there? That? That's not artifact? No, it's a tumor! I was dizzy for weeks.

I almost went blind! That's a tumor.

What's this some kind of competition? I could've removed this tumor before breakfast with my eyes closed.

Oh, now you're just being unkind.

Koracick would let me remove this tumor while he removed mine.

I have patients.

Did they even have microscopes strong enough to see this tumor back then?

[DOOR OPENS AND SLAMS] [WOMAN ON P.A. SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] So, I looked up this Angio-Vac, and it's a veno-bypass cannula.

It wasn't designed for a 24-inch clot.

Okay, did you happen to see that I was one of the authors on those papers? Did you happen to see that one of your patients died? Uh, yeah.

It was completely unrelated.

The only Okay! Mer, I asked Riggs for his help.

Walter's age and blood pressure would make an open surgery too dangerous.

Now, Riggs has experience with this technique, and if it works, Walter will be out of here within a week.

And why Who is this guy to you anyway? None of your business.


Oh, he's your shrink.

My feelings toward Riggs way past anger.

It's more like rage, bordering on physical v*olence.



Now the only question is why.

And you're still wearing your wedding ring.

I spend weeks in your office taking your advice.

You're a bigger mess than I am.

We teach best what we most need to learn.

And people pay you for that? Heh.

Trust me.

You're not gonna do any better.

Us messes have all the answers.

What drew you to Nathan? What drew you to ignore symptoms of a two-foot blood clot? Sorry.


Meredith, the best way out of this mood The best way out is through.

I know.

And this surgery could k*ll me.

So let's stop dancing around.

Why don't you sit back down? And let's talk.

Is this really what you want to do right now? If you could have a scalpel in your hand at the end of your life, would you want to?

CATHERINE: stop loss insurance.

HARPER: Oh, Lord.

I can read.

I see it.

How long have they been in there? Too long.

I wish I could help, but it seems whenever I try and help today, people are dismissive and rude and just downright mean.


- Hi! Hi.

- Mwah! Mwah! You want to come to lunch with us? I Marnie is still at 4 centimeters.

We've tried laps, squats, bouncing on the birthing ball.

- H-Her cervix won't budge.

- Give her oxytocin.

We can't.

She's allergic to Pitocin and Syntocinon.

- All forms of it.

- No, no, no, no.

Not synthetic oxytocin.

I'm saying natural oxytocin.

No one is allergic to that.

Great! How do I do that? I assume that she's referring to nipple stimulation.

Uh, it can increase the body's natural levels of oxytocin.

Nope! I'm not doing that.

You wouldn't be the one doing it.

Can we please go to lunch? I'm not talking about, uh, upstairs stimulation.

I mean downstairs stimulation.

With climax, of course.

- Of course.

- Of course.

I-I beg your pardon? T-The patient's water is already is broken, so I don't think that anything should be, you know, going going up there.

Uh, okay, nothing needs to go "up there.

" There is a perfect little bundle of nerves on the outside, Doctor.

- Y-Yes.

I'm I'm aware.

- Uh-huh.

- But, um I - We're just We're gonna Yeah, we're gonna figure something else out.

- Thank you.

- Warren.

How long has this mother been laboring?

- Uh, 20?

- I'd say almost, uh, 20 hours.

And she still has 6 centimeters to go? That's hours and hours of more unnecessary pain and risk of complications when the body has a built-in mechanism to speed this process along.

It's no mistake that God put the G-spot in the birth canal.

That's the first time I've ever heard those three things - in the same sentence.

- [CHUCKLES] I'm only saying what gets the baby in also gets the baby out.

It's It's just not how I do things.

Warren, let's go.

Well, she thought differently last night.

HARPER: What about this abdominal-wall transplant? It cost hundreds of thousands, and the patient is still in the hospital! Megan Hunt is in the military You think the Army is going to pay for something that experimental? I don't think someone should have to apologize for saving an American hero.

HARPER: Jackie, keep quiet.

The foundation put me on the board.

Your mother put you on this board.

Which means I have a say, and Dr.

Bailey, from everything that I have Enough! I'm already holding enough hands in this room.

Now, we'll talk tonight at dinner with the wife and child.

Choose some place nice.

I told you I'm divorced.


Your father's son.


Why did you have to do that? Oh, for heaven's sake.

He's a grown man! And a very fine man! If you'd let him get a word in.

- You wouldn't know the - It's business, Catherine! It's not personal! That's the problem when women are in charge.

It's always personal.

Look what it's made you two do to this place.

"Meet me in the on call room"? My wife might get the wrong I All these people, I They came to me for help, and I messed up their lives.

I either k*lled them or I broke them.

A-And these these are just Seattle! I still have to contact L.A.

a-and get the files that Um, before you do that, um, how about I take a look? Um It's time that we thought about C-section.

Absolutely not.

I know, but if it develops into a serious infection, then you're putting the baby in distress, and then both of you will be at risk.

And if I die, my new baby and my 2-year-old lose their mother, which would put us all at risk.

I know that you had a difficult delivery last time.

I do.

But She almost died! From the medications.

So we'll skip the epidural, and we'll go straight to general anesthesia.

Isn't that even worse? There's got to be something else we can try.


Please! APRIL: Belly looks good.

I'm pulling the scope.

ALEX: You know, people shouldn't ask big questions unless they already know the answer.

I asked Emily Jamison the day before prom.

She said yes, we walked there, and I got to third base.

Kepner probably had the perfect dress and gave the dude a flower to pin on his jacket.

JO: Ooh! I bet his name was John.

- Or Mason.

Something clean.

- Then, afterwards We had milkshakes at Jimmy's, and it was awesome.

The entire night was awesome, and I want that for Pete and Jamie because they are 16.

Let them have their teenage ideals 'cause soon they'll grow up and realize that, you know, no matter how many vows you make, you still wind up in a new apartment, all alone, without your kid half the time.

[SIGHS] The flower's called a boutonniere.

And his name was Joseph.

[MUTTERING SOFTLY] Mom and Dad told me When you were on your way I've checked your mortality rates since you arrived at Grey-Sloan.

It's a 0.


Derek's was 1.


Yours is better than his, and he didn't have a brain tumor.

I didn't know a best friend's what I'd get All I see here is successes a-and surgical firsts.

You didn't hurt these people, Amelia.

But you are hurting the people that love you.

If you don't let them help you through this, you'll hurt them a lot worse.

You can follow my footprints But you don't have to fill my shoes You could've had anyone! Why Riggs? It's just a path for you to follow He pursued me.

And you resisted.

I did.

You can take the road less traveled And then I gave in.

Why? He got me.

He knew what it was like to lose the one you love most in the world, and he didn't imagine for a minute that he could ever replace Derek.

I'm so impressed with how far you've come in talking about your feelings.

Well, you taught me well.

Well, then, I'm so impressed with myself.

[BOTH LAUGH] You know, both you and Riggs share the same pain, but there's a big difference between presumed dead and dead-dead.

You think I'm jealous.

I'm not.

I'm angry.

I'm angry because I made myself very clear to Megan, and then he went in there and made me look like a liar.

But That's fair enough, but that's not really what you were angry about.

- It's not? - No Ah! Ah! Dr.

Carr? [MONITORS BEEPING RAPIDLY] Bolus him with amiodarone, start a drip, and page Maggie Pierce right away.

- Okay.

- Ohh! [MONITORS BEEPING, AIR HISSING] Shouldn't we take a break?

HARPER: No need.

I've come to a decision.

Were we waiting for one? This place is clearly not worth the financial drain, and I don't want the foundation or the family name anywhere near it.

I'm pulling the funding.


W If the foundation pulls out, we'll fold.


Not my problem.

You are not wrong - we have spent a lot of money.

- Millions.

Yes, we've spent millions in order to make more, but there was smoke damage and water damage, and we could've just repaired it, but instead we improved it because we hadn't had a design update in many years.

And if we want to attract and retain elective surgery clientele, which is this hospital's primary source of income, we needed one! And, sir, a resident set a fire because she was trying to save a child from being kidnapped.

And that same resident's bravery has been all over the news.

So I suggest to you that to pull our funding now would prompt a public outcry and bring about a PR nightmare for your foundation! Fine.

The hospital can keep its funding.

But you're fired.

Catherine, can you take Bingy somewhere else to have her feelings? I need the room to make some calls.

NATHAN: He must have showered small emboli to his lungs.

If Mer hadn't been with him when the clot broke, he'd be dead by now.

NATHAN: I didn't even know she was in therapy.

Did you? TEE looks good.

Not that we talked about that stuff.

Now we don't talk at all.

She doesn't talk to me unless it's to yell at me.

I thought you were getting back together with Megan.

[SCOFFS] Not exactly.

And you're not with Meredith, either.


She couldn't want less to do with me.

I'm not really sure why I'm even still here.

Increase the suction.

[WHIRRING] He should be with Grey because I don't keep people from the people they love.

I was kept from the people I loved for 10 years.

It sucked.


Slow down.

I don't want you to tear your sutures.

No, you don't want me to get stronger and get out of here.

Megan, come on.

Just because you are in an unhappy marriage doesn't mean that everyone else has to be unhappy with you.


That's not what I'm doing! You went to go break up with your wife, she was extra mean to you, and so you stayed with her.

It's more complicated than that.

Except that it's not.

Okay, all right.

You're right.


Okay, my marriage sucks, and I don't know what to do about it.

But just because you're right doesn't make me wrong.

Please slow down.

[BREATHING SHARPLY] Owen, I need to be with Farouk.

Your wound will open, you'll get an infection, and Farouk will lose his mom completely instead of just missing her for a little while.

I'm right, too.

Okay? We're both right.

So, he'll be on crutches or maybe a wheelchair, but Pete should probably still be able to go to the dance.


Oh? Well, I didn't want to have to say no to his Ho-Co-Pro.

You were going to say no? I might've said yes.

[SIGHS] But then he crashed his hot-air balloon in front of the whole school, and it made me weirdly popular.

17 seniors have already friended me.

I may have a chance of going to Ho-Co with Rick Hannan now.

Jamie, that boy worked two jobs to rent a hot-air balloon and an ugly tux, for you.

Life is too short and too hard to care more about your social-media status than the person who did that for you! I I was proposed to with a flash mob.

A guy paid dancers to put on a whole show for me.

Do you know how rare that is? Guys like that do not come along all that often, so when they do, you say yes! You got a flash-mob proposal? That's so sweet.

Did you marry him? That's That's not the That's not the p the point The The point is, you go to the dance with the guy who crashed the hot-air balloon for you, not Rick Hannan.

[MARNIE GROANING LOUDLY] So You decided to use my technique? No.



No, no.

My patient and her husband just wanted a little alone time.

- So he's using his technique?

- No! No! Maybe.

I don't know.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

Because Because it's not gonna end up working, and they're just gonna end up getting a C-section anyways.

I don't understand why Americans are so prude.

[MARNIE GROANING] When you add pleasure to pain, pain can become pleasurable.

[EXHALES SOFTLY] In the bedroom some people even ask for pain.

[MARNIE GROANING] A hair tug a well-timed bite on the neck

- Dr.Robbins!

- Yeah? Mm-hmm?

- Uh, I-I think she's crowning.



I was in surgery.

What's wrong? Who died? [BEEPING] These are mine.

A patient of yours? No, um this is my brain.

I have a tumor in it.

A benign meningioma.

I'm sorry.

What? Maggie, I have a 10-centimeter tumor in my left frontal lobe, and I'm having it surgically removed.

Maggie, don't cry.

My mother died.

I am allowed to cry.

I cry all the time.

It's not malignant! It's We can fix it! It Come on.

It's kind of hilarious.

I'm a brain surgeon, and I got a brain tumor.

All these MRIs and an angio How long have you known about this? A little over a week.


Owen and Meredith don't know, either.

I'm gonna need your help telling Owen.

And, um, you are gonna have to tell Meredith because I can't do it.

She's been telling me I'm crazy for years, and, um this kind of makes me kind of makes her right.

And I hate that.

I I think more than anything, I-I hate that.

You e-mailed me at 4:00 a.


in the morning raving about Megan Hunt's abdominal-wall transplant.

You used the word "groundbreaking" 35 times.

Never once did you mention that it was pro bono! I am in the middle of a conversation with the Army to get that money back! Well, maybe they can help pay for how you redecorated the whole damn hospital!

- You said the walls look lovely!

- Miranda! I have worked with Harper for decades.

Now, you need to take a long walk, and let me go back in there And say nothing on my behalf like you just did? I will fix this.

I will stand up for you! But you embarrassed that old white man.

Now, you need to let me go back in there and fix it my way in my own time.

- Respectfully, I can't do that.

- Miranda.

- Miranda.

- Mm! [SIGHS] Always have to wake his snoring ass up in the board meetings.


Harper, wake up, honey.

Ohh! Harper? Oh, my God.

- What? What?

- Oh, my God! We need a crash cart and a gurney, stat! And hurry! 'Cause this man is dead!

- Oh! Oh!

- Ooh! Ooh! Well, do we know what happened? It looked like a stroke or maybe a cardiac arrest.

It looked like we k*lled the man.

We? You know, I don't even work here anymore.

- What's that mean?

- He fired me.

Well, he can't do that.

Well, he did.

Well, he can't do that anymore.

[SIREN WAILS] Harper Avery was not only a permanent fixture in medicine.

He was my grandfather.

I take special comfort in knowing that he died.

D-doing Doing what he loved.

[CLEARS THROAT] Mom? "Unbelievable" was the word he used.

Harper spoke about how he was astonished by our work here.

Which is really a testament to your work, the incredible job that you're doing under the superb superb guidance of Chief Bailey here.


Oh! Yeah.



You're still here.

Yeah, I thought it might be nice if someone were here when you woke up.


You just want to hear what I was gonna say before I croaked.

[CHUCKLES] I think I've already figured it out.

That's what all the messes do, right?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, I have something for you.


I just They took it off for surgery.

Huh? Mm.

What's with the bag? I've got plenty of personal days saved up, so I thought I'd take some time, see what's next.


Okay, you don't get a vote on this, okay? We're not friends.

You've made that clear.

Because I'm angry! Because you got a gift that I'll never get.

And you're wasting it.

You are throwing it away.

We had the same dream.

And when you didn't fight for her, you're betraying that, and you're betraying me.

I'm not betraying you! She doesn't want to be with me 'cause she thinks I'm in love with you, and I am! Okay? Or I was, and I'm I'm not gonna look at her and lie! God, you can be infuriating sometimes! Nathan, life is complicated, and Megan gets that.

You don't have to lie.

You have to fight.

Show her that you love her! Remind her of why she fell in love with you.

Make her see that she is your first and only choice.

Please don't blow this.

[DOG BARKING] He fired me.

[CHUCKLES] No, he didn't.

The words from the man's mouth were, "You're fired.

" Well, doesn't count if the person died right after saying them.

Oh! Everything hurts.

Pain is radiating from all sides.

I learned a little something about natural pain relief today.

You did? Uh-huh.


Are you asking me to a dance? [CHUCKLES] No, I'm I'm asking you to come back home.

[FRANCESCA BLANCHARD'S "FREE" PLAYS] [LAUGHS] Find me a place On the West Coast Where everything


- I'm so tired of feeling the blue

- Pete? You up for a visitor? Yeah? I'm so tired of feeling the blue So, how do we do it? How do we save lives when ours may be falling apart? In the ocean Where time and space Well, for one thing, we never perform surgery without an assist.


You paged me?

- I did.

- You paged me.

We haven't spoken in weeks.

- Owen.

- I know.

But I need to talk to you now.

Oh, oh, so, all I've wanted to was talk, and every time I come looking for you, you're holed up in this room, staring at people's tumors.

I've needed you, and all you've done is blow me off, and honestly, I'm at the point where I don't care You seem so free Why's your name on those scans? You seem so free We look at the case.

You seem so free How's he doing? Back in sinus rhythm.

Sats are good.

You seem so free Do you have a minute? Yeah.

We gather the team and accept we don't have to go it alone.