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04x19 - Who Knows

Posted: 05/23/18 12:07
by bunniefuu
- Previously, on The Fosters...

- Mariana: This is so cool.

We wanna build this massive tree house.

- I'm moving.

- Were you gonna tell us?

I got evicted.

That's why I took the job in Tahoe.

Gabe's homeless.

Can he move into the garage?

To require a permission slip implicates the school.

We're asking Monte to resign.

Man: What kind of endowment do you think we're going to need to convert Anchor Beach from charter to private?

We've decided to waive the "no closed doors" rule.

Jesus: Side effects include impotence.

Brandon: She isn't pregnant anymore. Jesus and I were babies calling out for our mom, but she never came.

- What's that?

- It's the letter that Emma wrote to Jesus.

Emma didn't want anyone else finding it. For your sake, I hope that he never finds out that you knew all along.

Russell gonna be mad as hell I got busted.


I can't do this anymore.

If you help us build a case against your pimp, we're gonna put him behind bars.

You're really lucky that Seth got you into G.U.

- Daddy, it's me, Diamond.

I love you.

- Russell: I love you, too, a'ight? You gotta bring one of those girls, baby. - What happened with your lawyers?

- My birth dad's gonna pay off the victims.

Good for you.

I shouldn't have let you get my hopes up, - but hey, that's on me, right?

- If the DA finds out that you broke into Doug Harvey's house, that's it! You're gonna go to prison. A trial date has been set.

It's a week from today.

♪ ♪ ♪ Babe, I gotta get along ♪ - (phone buzzing)

- ♪ Taken by a satellite ♪ ♪ All I know is up on the television ♪ _ ♪ Take me through the light of the night ♪ _ ♪ Driving through the city, I ♪ Hey.

How was your overnight with Aaron?

Did you sleep in the same room?

We were at his parents' house.

You didn't slip into his bedroom?



Oh my God!

Did you have sex?

- (laughs)


- Maybe?

No, we just kissed for a little bit and then fell asleep.

So this is, like, a thing?

I don't know.


I don't really know about anything right now.

♪ Babe, I see your face ♪ ♪ Babe, I want you only ♪ Hey.

Can I tell you something but you can't tell Moms?


I seriously don't wanna know.

I'm done with secrets.


so now you're done with secrets.

Thanks a lot.

What was this letter doing in your pocket?


Emma asked me to take it so no one else would read it.

- Who's read it?

- Has Jesus read it?

No, j...

just me and...


- Grandma?

- She read it to Jesus because - he couldn't...


- Okay, so then Jesus does know about it.

No, she...

skipped the part about...

The ab*rtion.

You can say it.

So, h... how...

how do you know about this?


took her to go get it.

(theme music playing)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪

♪ It's where you belong ♪

♪ Nothin' I would trade ♪

♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪

♪ You're surrounded by love ♪

♪ And you're wanted ♪

♪ So never feel alone ♪

♪ You are home with me ♪

♪ Right where you belong ♪

Are you gonna tell her you...

you know?

I don't know if that's our place.

Do you know if she's told her parents?


I don't...

think so.

Are you...

gonna tell Jesus?

I think...

- I think that's...

our choice?

- I think so.


really wants to tell him.

Soon as he's well enough to handle it.

Okay, let us just...

think about this...

for a while, okay?

And in the meantime, please just keep it to yourself.


Stef: Hey, love, um...

thank you very much for taking Emma and being there for her.

- That was good of you.

- It really was.

(door opens, closes)

We just told Emma and Jesus - they could have sex in the house.

- Oh, I can't believe my mother didn't tell us.

What are we gonna do with these kids?


And Callie?

Her trial's five days away.

We don't even know what her lawyers are thinking.

We'll know tomorrow.

(footsteps approaching)


- I'm here.

- (scoffs)

Didn't wanna scare you.

Too late.

What are you...

doin' down here...


You know, uh...

Moms say there's no way a jury's gonna convict you on circumstantial evidence.

How do you feel about Juilliard?

You never really talked about it.

I guess we don't really talk at all anymore.

I miss us...

as friends.

Me, too.

(crickets chirping)

(birds chirping)

Wow, Jesus.

Oh, yeah, these are...

these are really cool.

But before we nail down a design, we have to find a tree that we're gonna build in.

Uh, that's my department.

I'm going to a bunch of daycare centers and public work projects, so what should I look for?



I would say a h...




- wood tree?

- Right?


Yeah, like an oak or a walnut.

- Mariana: Got it.

- Hi.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

We were on our way to daycare, and it's near here.

- So, this is Isabella?

- Ana: Mm-hmm.

- You've never met her?

- No.


Isabella, this is Gabe.

- (Ana laughs)

- Gabe: she looks like you.

- Ana: You think so?

- Gabe: Yeah.

Ana: Hey, do you wanna hold her?

Gabe: Yeah, sure.

Ana: Yeah, there you go.




Ana: Be careful, she likes beards.

- (Gabe and Ana laugh)

- Um...

I should get going if I'm gonna find this tree.

Talk to you later.

Ana: So I talked to my brother, and he's starting a big commercial job, - and he's willing to give you another chance.

- Oh, uh...


Yeah, I'll call him.

Well, I should probably let you boys get back to work.

- (Ana laughs)

- Gabe: Goodbye.


Let me know if you need any help.


- I'm really glad you're feelin' better.

- Thanks.

(Gabe clears throat)



have you tried to get any help with, like, a doctor or something?

Just 'cause Mariana told me that you're depressed.




Yeah, I mean, I...


I went and saw someone, but...

you know, they wanted to put me on pills.

But, you know, they've got a lotta side effects.

I think they...

I think they screw you up more, so...


Definitely, I see that.

- Man: Robert's out of town on business.

- Yes, he told us.

We've spoken at length on the strategy.

He's on board.

Well, as long as he's on board, right?

You look great.

Can you try pulling your hair back into a pony tail?

And of course, on the day, no makeup at all.

We want you looking as young and innocent as possible.

Very nice.

Good thing she still has that baby face.

(polite chuckle)

So, aside from this, uh, make-under, what exactly is your strategy?

Well, this is a big part of it.

Juries make up their minds based on first impressions.

We want them to see Callie as a vulnerable and naive girl who was manipulated by a former foster brother convicted of m*rder.

He didn't manipulate me.

- Hear us out.

- He was wrongly convicted, so...

We think it's important in showing contrition to tell the court you realize now, he is guilty.

That the system got it right, and you're sorry for any distress - you caused Troy and his family.

- I won't say that.

Stef: Callie.




How about Troy Johnson?

I mean, h...

have you looked into this affair that he was having with his manager from work?

- It's not relevant.

- 'Cause she was married at the time.

- Does that not reflect on his character?

- Yes, but, Troy isn't the one being put on trial.

Stef: How are we explaining why she ran from the scene of the accident?

I mean, it...


okay, is that not the real issue here?

- Not...

- Ignorance...

of the law.

They're going to say she left because she knew she was at fault.

And we're going to say she left because she didn't know she couldn't.

I ran because Troy Johnson k*lled his grandmother.

- Callie, please.

- We have his DNA on the m*rder w*apon to prove it.

Okay, we would like to speak with our daughter alone, please.

Aaron can testify he called me while I was in Troy's car to tell me that Troy's DNA was on the m*rder w*apon.

No, a male relative's DNA, Callie.

Troy was the only male relative of Martha that was alive four years ago.

Okay, there's no question that it's him, and that explains why I was afraid of him and why I left.

Well, it makes more sense than this.

Okay, except the prosecution is gonna ask to see the DNA report, and they're gonna see that a third set of DNA was tested, and that could lead them to Doug Harvey.

- And if they found out how you got that toothbrush...

- I found it...

in his garbage bin on the street.

Never even stepped on his property.

- Hey.

- Jesus: Hey.

Does it ever make you feel bad?

Seeing Ana with Isabella?

How good of a mom she is to her?


I don't think about it.

Do you remember Ana leaving us?

In our crib when we were babies?

For, like, a whole day or more?


Yeah, actually, I...

I had a...

I had a dream about it when I was in my coma.

We were in our crib and you were crying, and I was...

I was trying to take care of you.

We were babies.

It wasn't...

your job to take care of me.

My therapist thinks that I should confront Ana about it.



what would...



what's the point of that?

She was...

she was a drug addict.

- So that lets her off the hook?

- No, Mariana, but she was also, like, really, really young, and she never sh...

should've h...

had us.


is that what you would've done?

If you were Gabe, would you...

tell her to get an ab*rtion?


I would've been a dad.

No matter how young I was, I would've stepped up, and I would've had the kid, and I would've taken care of him.

But they are not us, okay?

And it does us absolutely no good...

getting mad at them.

Daphne: What'd your moms say?

Callie: They're thinking about it.

You should see the outfit that the lawyers want me to wear in court.

Daphne: Ay, ay.

Diamond: You goin' to court?

What'd you do?


I was in a car accident.

They think it was my fault.

- And it's none of your business.

- You all up in my business all the time.

Why you never share in group?

Wasn't you in here, too?

- What's your story?


- g*ng bangin'.

- My boyfriend's Scorpion Kings.

- You mean your pimp?

You callin' him your boyfriend don't sound like - you're serious about gettin' outta the life.

- You don't know me.

- My mom'll help you.

- Like she helped you?

You still in trouble.

Get back to your chores.


(both sighing)

Think she's not for real?

Hard to tell.

Lots of times it's the quiet ones that actually run.


this Russell, he's like, your pimp?


It ain't like that.


is good to me.

Gives me everything I want.

All I gotta do is support us and turn a few tricks.

Men been having sex with me since I was years old.

Cousins, uncles.

Nobody ever gave me nothin' for it.

Now I got the power, and I got somebody that loves me, protects me.

Nobody ever done nothin' like that for me before.

So he could like...

get me a record deal?

You take care of him, and he'll take care of you.

That's how it works in life.

Ain't nothin' for free.

Word on the street is our romeo Russell helped himself to another pimp's crystal meth.


He deals?

He has his girls deal when he's got product, so they take the fall if they get caught - and then the cycle continues.

- (sighs)

I gotta bust this guy.

Tell me about it.


Russell León.

Wow, he's on Facebook?

Oh, they're all into social media.

It's a place where they brag and recruit girls.

(Stef scoffs)

He's got two priors...

one misdemeanor drug charge and a felony concealed w*apon.

Stef: How many girls does he have?

He usually runs two or three.

Now each girl can make up to , a day for him.



- man, who is that?

- Brandi.

She was at the time.


Thought he was some kinda Romeo.

Even the Romeos beat their girls when they aren't earnin' enough or they're talkin' to another pimp.

- Where is she now?

- We don't know.

We were close to convincin' her to press charges...

and then she disappeared.

She run away?

Or he k*lled her.

And the problem is, when these girls go missing.

It's not like anyone's looking for 'em.

- Jesus should be out back.

- Are we okay?

- What do you mean?

- You've barely been talking to me.

Well, you haven't really been talking to me, have you?

Can you stop playing games and just tell me?

Okay, I'm not the one playing games.


I know you had an ab*rtion.

And that you didn't give Jesus a chance to tell you what he really wanted, which was to be a dad, by the way.

No matter what.

Well, it really wasn't his choice.


But we're adopted.

So maybe you could've considered that.

Diamond: Russell said she went back home to Fresno.

Stef: Yeah, you believe that?

You heard from her since?

- No.

- Stef: No?

Well, she did not go home to Fresno...

and no one has heard or seen from her in months.

We think Russell was afraid she was gonna press charges, so he made her disappear.

- He didn't beat her.

- Yeah, you sure about that?

I did it.

Bottom b*tch gotta keep the other girls in line.

That's what he told me.

She wasn't earnin' and she was lettin' another daddy creep up on her.

So he... he made me...

Well, do you have any idea if he did hurt her...

where he might have left the body?

- You know this guy?

- Yes.


Is he the pimp that was trying to walk up on Brandi?


Word is Russell took some meth from him.

You know anything about that?



Uh, you know what they call a man who uses young girls to do his dirty work, Diamond?

A coward.

We call him a coward.

And if you testify against him, we can put him away for life.

I'm scared.

I know you are, honey, I know you are, but listen to me, look at me.

We can give you a whole new name and a whole new life that he knows nothing about.

So he can never, ever find you, and he will never...

hurt you again.


Diamond: Is that her boyfriend?


No, it's not.

- Gabe: You got it?

- Yeah.

Gabe: You sure you should be lifting stuff?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's good for me to move around.

All right, well...

won't take long.

(high-pitched tone)

(distant and echoing) ...

really, to go through all these boxes.

Stop losing junk when I move from place to place.

Hey, Jesus.


- (tone stops)

- (normal voice)


Are you...

you all right?


What are...

what are...

what are we...

what are we doing?



we're movin' my stuff in.


Should I call your mom?


no, no.




no, this...


this happens to me sometimes.

I just...

I forget what I'm...

what I'm doing.

Well, Jesus, you sure I shouldn't go get your mom?

Yeah, no, don't.




I'm fine.

I'm fine.


I just...

I stopped taking my meds...

because of the...

the side effects...

like you were saying.

Just like you were saying.


yeah, I can't have...

I can't have sex...

- when I...

when I take my meds.

- Um...

Well, I mean...

maybe that's okay?

For now?

You know?

Until you...

get off of them.

What, in five years?

'Cause they said it's gonna take five years, and I...

I don't...


I don't...




I'm getting...

better, okay?

- So just please...

don't tell my moms.

- Hey!

- You gettin' settled in?

- Yeah.

Yeah, think so.

Uh, are you guys hungry?

Do you want some lunch?

Oh, I'm...

I'm fine, thank you.

- I don't wanna impose more than I am.

- No.

Lunch is not an imposition.

Thanks, but I'll grab somethin' later.


just wanted to thank you again for...

letting me stay here.


Um, I won't be here long.


No, man, you can stay as long as you want.


so, Jesus, it's time for you take your pills.

Jesus: Okay.

I'm headed into work now.

Hey, listen, did I see Brandon here earlier?

Oh, yeah, um, he was dropping the car so I could run errands later.

- That's very nice of him.

- Mm-hm.

- See you tonight.

- Yeah.



Lookin' good, ladies.

My house could use some pretty flowers.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I'm a neighbor from the next block over.

Just being friendly.


you might wanna take in those cans.

You don't wanna get a fine.

Have a nice day, ladies.

I got 'em.

♪ Oh Lord ♪ ♪ You can't hide lies ♪ ♪ Between black and white lines ♪ ♪ Oh, and a trembling mind ♪ ♪ Oh, we can see 'em in your eyes ♪ ♪ On black...

black or white ♪
(video game noises)

(footsteps approach)

I folded your laundry for you.

- You're welcome?

- Oh.

Thank you.

Hey, so...

what's your big secret?

Thought you didn't wanna know.

I honestly don't know what to do.

Well, Stef's right, you can't quit and let Drew take over Anchor Beach.

- Not after all you put into it.

- Well, I don't think you should, either.

Resign, I mean, you haven't yet, have you?

Not officially.

But they're offering to pay out my contract if I don't make any trouble.

And look, we both know my background's in business, not education.

Maybe Drew will be a better fit.

They're trying to turn Anchor Beach into a private school.

Oh, hi.

- Hi.

- Where did you hear that?

I can't reveal my source.

- Mariana?

- Jude.

But I can't tell you in what context he overheard Drew talking to some man about raising $ million - to create a new auditorium...

- Jude, get down here, please!



I told you my source in confidence!

Okay, when and where did you hear Drew talking to this man?


Thanks a lot.

You can still plead the Fifth.


So I think Diamond took something out of the trash.

- Like what?

- I don't know, but there was this guy hanging around, and I think maybe he left something for her?

- dr*gs?

- Okay, ladies, it's time for group.

Everyone inside.

Rhiana: I don't know what's worse, sl*ve labor or group therapy.

- Cristina: I like group.

- Rhiana: You would, Be-Aren't-Say.

Did she take it inside?

She didn't even go inside, it's gotta be out here.

So, maybe she buried it?


Wait, over here, over here.

- (gasps)

- What?


I'm kidding.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.


Rookie hiding place.

Stef: What'd this guy look like? Callie on phone: Um, black guy or Latino, uh, not very tall. Lots of tattoos. What do you want us to do?

Should we give the phone to Cynthia?

No no no, listen, I want you to call me on it, so that the number comes up on my phone.

Then I want you to delete the call record and...

and put it back, okay?

- Put it back?

- Stef on phone: Yeah.

Listen, Callie, I want you to wipe your fingerprints off of it first, okay?

- Okay.

- Stef: I love you, baby. Callie: I love you, too. (sighs)

Oh my God.

Have you told Emma you know?

- Where's Jesus?

- Downstairs.

I didn't tell her that you told me.

Well, she's not stupid and she's really upset, so what did you say to her?

All I said was that she never thought about what Jesus would've wanted to do.

Maybe he would've wanted to keep the baby.

You think Jesus is capable of being a father?

- I don't know.

- That's right, Mariana, you don't know.

You have no idea what it's like taking care of a kid.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I forgot that you were a step-dad for, like, five minutes.

After everything that Ana put you and Jesus through.

At least she didn't get rid of us.

Then why are you making Emma feel worse for something that was really hard for her to do?

Because this is exactly why she didn't tell you, Mariana.

Because you can't keep secrets.

You're a crappy friend.

Jesus: What's goin' on?


- Did I hear something about Emma?

- What?


Uh, h...

he's just mad because I...

didn't fill up the car when I used it last.



don't say anything to anybody about what you told me earlier.

- What did she tell you?

- Well, some people might be trying to make Anchor Beach a private school.

I don't know if it's true, but nobody knows, so just don't spread it around, okay?



Jesus, can I talk to you for a sec?


What's up?

So when did you stop taking your anti-seizure meds?

So your mama and I have discussed the legal strategy with your lawyers, and they think that using the DNA report and Aaron's testimony...

can only strengthen your case, but only to establish your state of mind in the car, that at the time, you thought Troy had k*lled Martha.

They still want you to say that Kyle manipulated you and that you now believe he was rightly convicted.

I won't do it.

There's something they told us that you don't know, Cal.

- What?

- (sighs)

When Kyle was first questioned about the m*rder, they did an illegal search on him, and they found an ATM receipt that belonged to Martha, and it was dated the morning of the m*rder.

There was also $ cash in his pocket.

They couldn't use it in court, but it establishes motive and places him at Martha's on that day.

Well, are you sure it's not a lie, it wasn't planted?

Yes, love.

I am sorry, I know...

this is really disappointing for you.

- I wanna see him.

- He's been moved to Folsom, and that's a...

that's a long way, love.

I can ask Brandon to drive with me.

Now, if they want me to say that I think that Kyle k*lled Martha Johnson, I need to see him again.

Hey, Brandon.


we are going to allow you - to drive with Callie to Folsom.

- Okay, cool.

Should I be concerned, B?


Seriously, Mom?

(Stef sighs)

In the past, when Callie has been in emotional distress...

Yeah, and you know what?

This is exactly why I moved in with Cortney, and...

and practically divorced myself from this family.

So you and Mama wouldn't...

get suspicious every time I even looked at Callie.

- Okay.

- We were friends.

And now she's my sister.


and I'm not gonna shut her out of my life anymore, so...

deal with it.

Lena: Mouth open.

Tongue up.

How long are you gonna make me do this?

Until I can trust that you'll take them, so probably forever.

Hey, Gabe.

Uh, I'm gonna run an errand, so I'll be back in about an hour.

Hey, Brandon.

- Do you want me to...

- No, it's...

it's fine.

I should've known I couldn't trust you.

That's not true, but I couldn't let you hurt yourself.

I mean, your brain's not right.

You forgot what we were doin'.

- You coulda had another seizure.

- What, my brain's not right?

What about your brain?


you're so depressed that y...

you got evicted.



maybe you should take your meds.

I wanna be here for you, Jesus.

No, you don't.

You almost left town without telling us.

The only reason that you're here right now is so that you have a...

- a place to live.

- I had a job in Tahoe...

Well, then maybe you should go!

I'm sure it's still available!

Talk about it later.

You know, he...


he did the right thing, tellin' Mama.

Don't need a lecture.

I know you're going through...

- a tough time with this TBI...

- I can't have sex...

on my medication.

I can't do anything on it.


I don't...

I don't wanna live like this.


Don't say that.


You're gonna get better.

- And...

and sex isn't...


- That's easy for you to say.

Okay, but...

you can talk to your doctor.


He can put you on something else - or give you something.

- Like what?


like Viagra?

- Like I'm an old man or something?

- I don't know, I...

I don't know.

But I'm pretty sure that you're not the first patient - to have this kind of problem.

- And what about Emma?

She'll understand.

I'm pretty sure everybody knows that, like...

she's not with me for my mind.

You know, our thing, it's...

it's physical.

- You know?


- Jesus, there's nothing wrong with your mind.

Okay, you have a TBI, but...


funny, smart, and a really good guy.

She has to love you for all of that.

And you know, you c...

you could always, just...

take care of her.

You know, maybe learn a few things.


Like what?




ask her.

Are you sure I'm gonna get better?

I'm sure.

Judy Chan, of course.

So how many school board members do you think are coming to this coup d'état? Did Kim say?

Kim wasn't sure.

She just knew that it was happening.

My friend at the SDDE said if they get two-thirds of the parent and school board and prove they have the funds to convert to private, the Department of Education won't stop it.

I wonder where this money is coming from?

Here come Mark and Mindy Kolchins.

Lena: Why are we taking pictures?

Isn't that what you do on a stakeout?

- Is this a stakeout?

- Isn't it?


Is that...

That's Craig Stratos.

Nick's dad.

Why would he wanna bankroll this?

His son doesn't even go to Anchor Beach anymore.

Maybe he's got a score to settle.

Do you think this is personal?

(buzzer sounds)

- Wait.

- (keys jingle)

(door opens)

(door closes), What did you do to yourself?

I needed protection.

So you're in a g*ng.

What are you doin' here?

Did you steal money from Martha Johnson?

$ the day that she was k*lled?

- Why didn't you tell me?

- They couldn't use it in court.

- You said you weren't at her house that day.

- I lied.

I was there in the morning, I saw money on the counter, - and I took it.

- Why?

Because I wanted stuff!

And she never paid me good for all the work I did for her.

Oh my God, Kyle.

Did you k*ll her?

What if I did?

You used me.

You used me.

- For what?

- For a cause.


to feel good about yourself.

I could go to prison because I tried to help you.

You're a white girl...

with a rich daddy.

You ain't goin' to prison.

You're gonna go to college.

You're gonna get married, you're gonna have babies.

You have your whole life ahead of you.

And me?

I'm already dead.

Don't come back here.

I won't agree to see you again.

- Guard.

- (door opens)

(door closes)

I feel like...

if I had just asked Emma myself if she was pregnant and told her that I was hurt, I wouldn't have kept it inside and lashed out.

And I thought about what you said...

about getting my power back by talking to Ana about things that I've kept inside, so...

And, Ana, how do you feel?

I just wanna help Mariana feel better.


coming here with her today is a meaningful gesture.

Of course.



Do you remember leaving us...

alone in our crib, when we were babies?

What do you mean?

I remember you leaving us for a long time, like...

longer than a day.

I never did that.

Jesus remembers, too.

Well, I don't know how...

you could remember something like that when you were babies.

We remember because we were scared...



And our diapers were full, - we were covered in our own...

- Okay, look, I...

did a lotta things.

I never left you like that.

Is it possible, Ana, that...

you don't remember?

If you were using dr*gs?

Look, I...

I didn't come here to be judged or ambushed by memories that she dreamt up.

I came here because I thought that Mariana needed my help, not...

not to make up horrible things about me.

No, I'm sorry, I...



I am not gonna do this.

(door closes)

How'd it go?

He has a teardrop tattoo under his eye.


what does that mean?

Means you k*lled someone.

Stef: We've been tracking the texts between Russell and Diamond.

So that was last night.

Never heard back.

You think he's on to us?

I don't know.

He's gonna be careful what he texts, though.

Man, I thought we had her.

Well, maybe we still do.

You know, it's all about, plantin' those seeds of hope until one day they sprout.

Gosh, I thought with what we told her about Brandi, she'd be scared.

Well, she is scared, that's why she's talkin' to him.

It doesn't mean she really wants to go back.

She just needs him to think she does.

Excuse me.

Hey, Gray?


You know Doug Harvey?

You came to my house.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Why don't you go over there and take a seat?

What are you bringin' him in for?

The prosecutor on your daughter's case is curious about how they got his DNA.

And Mr.

Harvey says that Callie broke into his house.

So you're not at all curious about how Troy Johnson's DNA ended up on the m*rder w*apon?

He helped his grandmother in the garden at some point, that's not hard to believe.

Well, Doug Harvey over there's gonna be hard for any jury to believe, and Callie got that DNA out of the garbage, and that is not illegal.

Let me give you a tip.

Before your daughter gets on the stand with that story...

check that out.

(phone beeping)

♪ ♪ So you know it might...

it might be, like, a while - until I can...

- That's okay.

I don't care about that.

I mean, I do, but it's not all that I care about.

- (both laugh)

- ♪ Baby, I'm amazed ♪ ♪ It's time to roll ♪ ♪ Still got a lot to figure ♪ Well, you know, we can still do stuff.

You know, for you?

Hell, yeah.

Oh my God.

Did you hear about Anchor Beach?

- No.

- There's a rumor they're turning into a private school.

_ Where did you hear that from?

Frannie sent me a screen chat from some anonymous Twitter account.

Does your mom know about this?

We might not be able to graduate from ABCC.

♪ Bottle of tequila ♪

♪ A bottle of Jack ♪

(music fades)

Emma: Did she say anything?


Your mom.

Does she know?