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03x03 - Katie Girls

Posted: 10/20/18 08:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

I don't like talking about the w*r.

But I like talking to you.

JASPER: At your weight, the chances of a successful pregnancy are very slim, even if you go through in vitro.

REBECCA: Why would you take that risk?

Because I want to.

I want to look at the baby in his face, and I want to...

I want to see Toby. I want to see myself. I want to see... I want to see Dad.

RANDALL: She said she was the only one who could pass on a piece of Dad?


Rebecca, your father's coming home.

Clean up your toys.

Hi, honey.

- How was your day?
- Just fine.

♪ That hastened at my call ♪

♪ But when I met that little girl ♪

♪ I knew that I would fall ♪

♪ Poor little fool ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I was a fool ♪

- Hi, honey. How was your day?
- Totally fine.

♪ Poor little fool ♪

♪ I was a fool, oh, yeah ♪

♪ She played around ♪

♪ And teased me ♪

♪ With her carefree devil eyes ♪

♪ She'd hold me close and kiss me ♪

♪ But her heart was full of lies ♪

♪ Poor little fool, oh, yeah ♪

♪ I was a fool, uh-huh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, poor little fool... ♪


Can I help you, Rebecca?


Don't force it.
Let the teeth do the work.


Thank you.

Don't pay attention to any of them.

They've never seen anyone like you before.

They never will again.



What are you doing here?

Rebecca, uh, I've spent... every day of the last three years thinking about you.

And I-I was dying to call you or to write to you, but...

I told you not to.

Look, I-I know you've probably moved on with your life.

But the truth is, Rebecca, I've never seen anyone like you. And I never will again.


You need a new line.

That one worked well for me once.

Yeah, it did.

Come in. Come in, come in.


What is this, a pickle parade?

Make another one.

Mom, leave it.

- What's that, hotshot?
- It's fine, Jack.

No, really, it's not fine.

Mom, stop. Don't-don't touch it.

Think you're a big man now you went to w*r?

What a help you were to your little brother.

Big hero.

You know what, go pack your things.

- Okay? You're leaving.
- Jack, stop.

You can pack your things, and I'll get you settled someplace new.

Or you can stay, and I'll k*ll him.

One way or another, this ends right now.

I wanted to come back, have everything go back to normal.

The girl of my dreams is gonna be waiting for me out there.

She's gonna be wearing a yellow dress.

She's gonna have flowers in her hair.

She's gonna be waiting for someone who no longer exists.





Kev, you're a freaking movie star.

KATE: What's that word that they use when they talk about Daniel Day-Lewis?
- What?


Kev. Kev had gravitas.

- He did. He was unbelievable.
- I...

Yo, uh, Kev told me about the IVF.

Yeah. Yeah, we're doing it.

The hormone sh*ts.

The works.

And the egg retrieval's next week.

- It's a long shot, for sure.
- Right.

But I feel like we have to at least try.


What, because you think that having a biological child is the only way to pass on a piece of Dad?

N... Okay, I don't...

Those were not the words that I used.

Right. So I do or I don't have a piece of Dad in me?

Randall, obviously you do.

And of course Toby and I would consider adoption if it came to that.

"If it came to that"? Nice.

- I think you're overreacting.
- Am I?

Because you're telling me you'd rather pay tens of thousands of dollars for a dangerous, invasive surgery rather than adopt one of the millions of children out there that needs a home?

You had two biological children before you adopted, Randall.

That's a completely different situation.


Why, because it was easy for Beth to get pregnant?

Good for her.

It hasn't been for me.
It's been very, very hard.

- I know that, Kate.
- No, you don't.

You don't. You don't know what it's like to want this as badly as I do, and you don't... know what it's like to lose a baby, either.

- Kate, stop.
- No.

How dare you throw adoption in my face right now?

And how dare you make me defend wanting this?

- Hey, Kate, come on, I...


Kate, I...

Okay, come on, Mom.

I can't do it, Jack.

Yes, you can.

Look, Cheryl said you can stay as long as you need.
She's happy to have the company.

Mom... you deserve more than what's in that house.

Come on. Come on.

We're bringing Cheryl a coffee cake.

- Mom, we don't need to...
- Jack, please.

I don't want to show up empty-handed.

Okay, coffee cake it is.

Rebecca, it is so good to see you.

It's so good to see you, too, Mrs. Phillips.

Yeah, I do have to admit, when Alan told us that he was coming back for you, I thought he was nuts.

- ALAN: Mom.

I mean, he had no idea if you were gonna take him back.

He has a whole life in London.

Lovely apartment, great job working for The Telegraph.

I had a feeling.

Your generation. You walk away from a perfectly good life for a feeling.

ALAN: Perfectly good wasn't enough.

I needed great.

She is great. You know when I knew?

When you asked her to move to London with you and she turned you down cold.

- Ooh.
- Okay, we don't need to relive

- that part of the story, thank you.

She wanted to find her own path and not follow some guy halfway around the world.

And I said, "Good for you."

Well, I had a pretty good role model.

MR. PHILLIPS: Oh, uh... how's the singing going, Rebecca?

Uh, it's going.

There's actually a record label out in Los Angeles called Reprise Records that liked my demo and I've been thinking of going out there to meet with them.
- No, you shouldn't.

I-I, um...

Don't go to L.A.

New York has a great music scene.

And it's got soul, and... I would go with you.

Listen, I-I've got this friend who's got an in at the Village Voice.

I could write during the day and see you sing at night.

We could both follow our dreams.


- After you.
- Thank you.

You're welcome. See?

I'd say being picked up from the airport isn't so bad.

You get some guy to carry your bags for you, buy you baller flowers.


I regretted it the moment that I said it.

Ooh, a shopping spree.

Uh, ye... No. That's, you know...

Those are talk show outfits, actually.

Yeah, it's been a pretty intense week ever since the premiere, so I had to...

- Right.
- Actually, you know what, um, I have my last interview tomorrow morning; if you want to tag along, you're more than welcome.

- It could be fun.
- Uh...

I don't know that vapid movie press is really my thing.

Right. No, it's fine.

I mean, I'm sure it'll be boring anyway.

It's with some NPR guy named Terry Gross.

Terry Gross is not a man, Kevin.

She is a goddess.

Really? You know him? Her?

- Yeah.
- Okay, well, invitation's open. I mean, you could tag along if you wanted to.

I know how much you hate vapid movie press and all...

- I'm coming.
- You're coming.

- Mm.
- Yeah.


BROWN: Hello?

Councilman Brown.
Uh, it's Randall Pearson.

You're a difficult man to get ahold of.

Comes with the job, I'm afraid.

I'm never at my desk.

Guess it's a little different than weather trading.

Oh, you looked me up.

I always take an interest in people who take an interest in me.

I'd rather you take an interest in the rec center on th Street.

You promised to send a maintenance crew seven days ago.

And to fix all the busted street lights.

There are a whole lot of people who are depending on you, sir.

BROWN: I hear that, and I promise you, I will get to your street lights, but there's an order to the way I do things.

Now, I'm sorry. I've got another call.

- Council...


Looks like we're both in a holding pattern.


I am hoping tomorrow is the day that Bill finally signs off on my proposal.

He will. Hey.

Who wouldn't sign off on you?

I'll sign off on you right now.


That don't even make sense.

It will if you let me demonstrate.

- Mm. Ah.
- You talk to your sister yet?

I texted her this afternoon.

She has yet to respond.

Was your text an apology?

Sort of.

- Randall.
- Hmm?

She is having surgery tomorrow, okay?

I love you, boo, but you overstepped.

And you kind of have trouble apologizing to your siblings.

What? No, I don't.


Miguel says it's because you feel like you need to be the rock for them, and apologizing shows vulnerability.

I'm sorry, uh, Miguel's weighing in on this now?

Me, him and Toby have a text chain.

It's mostly gifs, but, you know, sometimes we talk about how messed up y'all are.


- What are you doing?
- Hi, Kate.

Yeah. I have Randall for you.

- Hold on.


Um, it's Randall.

Look, I just wanted to, uh, wish you luck with your surgery tomorrow.

That's it?

No, it's not. I...

I also wanted to talk about our conversation last week.

- Oh, hold on a sec.

- TOBY: I got it.

- Oh, okay.
- I got it. I got it.

- From Kevin.
- Are you kidding me?

RANDALL: Hey, look, Kate, I feel like last week, I...

At Kevin's premiere, some regrettable utterances were... uttered.

- Look, what I'm...
- You know what, uh, Randall, I can't have a thing with you right now.

Mom is acting like I'm having a triple bypass.

And then Kevin just sent me flowers that you send to someone when you're worried that they're never gonna see a flower again.

Everyone in this family is making me feel like I'm gonna die tomorrow.

It's really starting to freak me out.

So, um, thank you for the call, but I'm gonna go.
- No, just wait, Kate, hey.

- I...

Oh, wow.

- She sounds really scared.
- I know.

But one of the other things that Miguel says that you do with your brother and sister is overreact when... What are you doing?

I'm gonna get my suitcase.

I'm gonna fly to L.A. for the surgery.

Oh, my God, Miguel is so on point.

I promised myself I wouldn't ask you to move to New York for at least a week.

Mm. You really blew it, huh?


I do want to get out of Pittsburgh.

And, like you said, New York does have soul.

So... is that a yes?




- We should celebrate.
- Yes.

- Let's make a toast...
- Yes.

...with... grapefruit juice.

I'll go get us something.

- I'll come.
- No, no. I-I could use the walk.

And you should stay with your family.

I will surprise you, okay?

I'll be right back.

Hi, Kate.

- How are you feeling today?
- Little nervous.

Just try and relax.
Your vitals looks great.

The nurse will bring you in in just a couple of minutes.

While you're in surgery, Toby will give us a sperm sample, and then we'll put your eggs and your sperm together, and, hopefully, make some embryos.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Thank you, Dr. Jasper.

I'll see you in there.

- Tobe, I'm freaking out.
- What?

God, what if I die in there?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're not gonna die.

Okay, well, if I do, I want you to find someone.

But not that bitch from your accounting department, Sharyn.

She always gives me the stink eye.

- And not Madison.
- Okay. Promise I won't marry Madison.

I'm not gonna marry stink-eye Sharyn.

I will just find myself a committed, semi-happy relationship with someone less cool than you, okay?

- Okay.
- Deal.

We're gonna bring you in now.

- Okay. Oh, okay.
- Okay. Okay.

- I love you.
- I love you.

- Okay. Bye.
- Off you go.

Okay, you're gonna do great.

KEVIN: Toby says that, uh, Kate's going into pre-op right now.

He's gonna text me when she's done, so...

I am sure she'll be fine.

She's coming. She's coming.

- Hey. Hi.
- TERRY GROSS: Hey. Hi, Kevin.

Hi, I'm Terry Gross.
Thanks for coming to our show.

It's an honor to be here.
Terry, this is my, um, my Zoe.

- Oh, hey, Zoe.
- She's a big fan.

Oh, thanks, that means so much to me.

- I read your book.
- Really?

- It was so good.
- Oh, thank you.

How-how are you so good at finding the, um, essence of people?

Oh, I guess I'm a curious person, and I try never to underestimate people.

- Hmm.
- Yeah.

Kevin, we can start any time.

- Yeah, I'm ready to go.
- Okay.

GROSS: I found your character so believable.

You played him with this complicated mix of bravery and vulnerability.

Oh, thank you very much.
I appreciate you saying that.

Your father's a veteran.

He served in Vietnam, right?

Uh, yes, he did.

So, were you able to draw on his experiences?

Not really. He, um...

My father died when we were .

- Oh, I'm-I'm sorry.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Um, so, no, I really don't know much about what he did over there.

I-I have a few photos, I have some, uh, some letters, but I don't really have much else.

Did he see combat?

No, no, he, uh...

Well, he could... he could have, actually.

I don't, um... I don't know.

Where did he serve?

JACK: Hey, Kev, what about this one, the B- Mitchell?

Can I get this one instead?

No, no. We're here to buy a plane to build.

Oh, this one's like a real grenade.

- I said no.
- Come on, Dad, it's awesome.

- Kev, put it down.
- Fire in the hole!

I said no!

Wow, I don't know.

A lot of men of his generation found the w*r too painful to talk about, except maybe with other vets.


- Hey, Beth, you have a minute?
- Of course.

You ready to talk kitchen co-ops, 'cause I am ready to co-op-erate.

Why don't we meet in my office for a few?

- Sure.
- Okay.

What's up, Bill?


Beth, there is no easy way to say this.

You have worked for us for years.

We have to let you go.

- Wait, what?
- It is purely a budget issue.

We have to let go of one of our senior staff.

We have a separation agreement for you.

If you sign it, we can offer you severance.

Bill, I don't understand.

I'm sorry, I had to let someone go, Beth.

And I'm less valuable than Rick and Abby?

It's about numbers and productivity.

Just say it, Bill.

You are less valuable than Rick and Abby to the company right now.

If I could just keep who I liked the best...


BILL: I'm sorry, Beth.


What up, Tobe? Hey, did I miss her?

She just went in about ten minutes ago.

Wait a minute. Come on, man.

Did you just fly across the country for this?

Tell me you used miles.

I just wanted to be here for her.

- Oh...
- Anyways, Look, I'm here now.
Whatever you need, I got you.

- Oh...
- All hands on deck.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

- Mr. Damon?
- Yeah.

It's time to give your sperm sample.

- This is unfortunate timing.
- Yeah.

Okay, Kate, I'd like you to count down with me from ten.


BOTH: ...nine, eight, seven, six, five... (VOICES FADE OUT)

♪ ♪

There is no way in hell that you should have a baby.

You seriously think you can do it?

Raise a child?

Yeah. Why not?

Oh, you really shouldn't eat those.

Yeah, I can see that.

You know, my dad just died, so... I don't care.

Come on, Kate, you have been freaked out to have a dog for the last years, and now you want to go and raise another human being?

You're just saying this stuff.
You're just saying this stuff because you're scared, or I'm scared, or we're scared.

I don't know.

Could this get any more confusing?

What are you guys talking about?

Hi there, little future train wreck.

- Stop it.
- She should know the truth.

- Leave her alone.
- Enough!

JACK: Both of you.


Hi, Katie girl.

Terry just told me my documentary sounded

"compelling and important."

Those are two of my favorite adjectives.

That's great. That's really great.

How in the hell can I know so little about my dad's time in Vietnam?

Well, it sounds like he didn't like talking about it.

It's weird, that I would never just ask him any questions at all?

Not really.

You would have.


But, well, I think we're different that way.

You don't overthink things.
That can be a good thing, too.

Which one of these looks the nicest to you?

I don't know, maybe just pick the most expensive one?

Hmm. This one has brandied cherries.

Ma, could you please just pick a cake?

Be right back.

- Hi.
- Hi.

What are you doing on this side of town?

Bringing my mom to stay with a friend, over on Hampton Street.

Is she okay?

Yeah. Yeah. She will be.


You never showed.

I did.

Saw you on your doorstep with some guy.


We dated for three years, a long time ago, and I had no ideav that he was coming back.

You didn't... you don't need to explain.

I know, but I... I know.

I should probably get back to my mom.

I'll make sure you get your jacket back.


Hey, Jack?

I'm moving to New York.

I'm gonna try the whole singing thing.

I was gonna go out to L.A., 'cause that's where Joni Mitchell's record label is, but I-I have this dream, and I want to give it a shot.

Uh, you should.

You have a really beautiful voice.

Thank you.




Do you... do you have a dream?

♪ I lit a flame to dance in the dark... ♪


Sorry. Is that a stupid question?


No, I-I just...

No one's ever really asked me that before.


Right now, I-I...

I just want to make sure my mom is okay.

Get her settled at her friend's place and then, I don't know, um, a decent job, a wife, family, a house that feels nothing like the one that I grew up in.

That a stupid answer?

♪ Love is the Buddha, the Christ on the cross... ♪

Bye, Rebecca.

♪ Their tears are for us ♪

♪ Lies of our kind, well, it comes at a cost ♪

♪ Let's fall in love with our telephones off ♪

♪ Love's my president, my lord and my boss ♪

♪ And you'll never break me. ♪

WILLIAM: Where's Randall?

He's upstairs.

Finally getting some rest.


Oh, God.

When Kevin called me, I...

If he hadn't raced out of that play to go find him, I...

I don't think I can get him through this again.

Sure you can.

You're the bass.

- I'm the what now?

It's the quietest instrument in the jazz quartet.

The solo gets all the glory, but the bass holds down the root.

Yeah, but everybody remembers the trumpet.

Yeah, but people who really listen, they hear the bass.

There's gonna come a time in your future where you need to be the soloist.

Put your needs front and center.

Make Randall hold down the root for a while.

And when that time comes, Beth, I want you to promise me you won't just sit there silently, fiddling with your wedding ring, like you're trying to remind yourself why you got married in the first place.


I was in a w*r.

And a lot of people got hurt.

So I just don't think it's really a fun game to play, is all.

That make sense to you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Do you want to ask me any questions?

Writing "Vietnam" was a nice touch.

Yeah. Well, it works when they do it on Homeland.

Where'd you get all this stuff anyway?

My mom gave me this box of his stuff that survived the fire back when I was living with her.

You know, I-I thought maybe these letters and these photos would give me some answers, but... it was stupid.

No, it wasn't.

Some of these men have to still be alive.

And we can find them.

See if they know your dad's story.

Why do you want to help me so much, all of a sudden?

I'm a very curious person.

And I try not to underestimate people.

- Terry Gross.
- There it is.

- There it is.


♪ ♪


Keep telling it to, uh, be still, but it's not listening.

I'm more of a teeth grinder, but same difference.

Oh, yeah? Is that-is that from your, uh, your anxiety stuff?

Yeah. Ever since I was a kid.

I can't picture you with anxiety.

You know? The way you present.

That's what we do, right?


I take medication for depression.

You know, without it, life gets pretty scary.

- Never would've known.
- Yeah, well...


Kate's never seen me that way, though.

I hope she never has to.

I try to forget that Beth's seen me crying on our bathroom floor.

Never really works, though.

- You know, Randall, when the...
- JASPER: Toby?

Yeah, yeah. What... how is she?

Your wife is having a little trouble clearing the anesthesia from her body.

What does that mean?

It just means she's taking a little longer

than we'd like for her to wake up.

It's nothing to worry about yet.

I'll report back as soon as I know anything else.

Thank you.


Okay. Four banana pudding ice creams.

Yep. Okay.

- YOUNG KATE: Tastes so good!
- Yeah?

- Kate, you-you have something on...
- What?

- right there on your... oh!
- Dad!


How great is this?

What do you need a baby for?

Stay here. It's nice here.

He's here.

Still no change?

Come on, Kate. Time to wake up now.


Did I marry Zack from Saved by the Bell?

(LAUGHS) No. Someone better.

Who's taller and funnier.

And beardier.

And you're a singer, and you're trying to be a mom.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Too bad it's never gonna happen.

Because nothing ever works out for us.

We're always under that black cloud. Remember?

Not this time.


(QUIETLY): I have to go.

I know, Katie girl.

KATE: And Kate?

I know you're going through a rough spell right now, and I'm not gonna lie to you.

It's gonna last for a long time.

But you'll be okay.

Oh, and...'re gonna be a mom.

♪ ♪



Did you marry Sharyn from Accounting?

I did.

But we got an annulment as soon as you woke up.

- You promise?
- Mm-hmm.

Look who's here.



- Am I still high?
- No.

Hey, sis.

What are you doing here?

I'm sorry.

You have so much Dad in you, Randall.

You came across the country to say you were sorry.

That's, like, the most Dad move ever.

- JASPER: Hey, Kate.

- Hey.
- How you feeling?

KATE: Fine.

Did we get any eggs?

We got eight.


Eight is good, right?

Eight is good.


(WHISPERING): So good. You did so good.

Hey, um, I'm gonna give you two a minute, but, uh, congratulations... to both of you.

You're gonna be an octomom.



Hey, Dej. Saw you called a bunch.

Whoa, hey, slow down. I-I can't understand what you're saying.

Okay. Uh, I'll be on the next flight.


- Ah, a refill?
- Yes, please.

- Thank you.
- So...

- New York.
- New York.


Would you go if you were me?

You know, when I was growing up, all my friends were playing with dolls and I was playing with worms.

(CHUCKLES) I wanted to be a scientist.

And my father told me that he would only send me to college

- if I was an English major.
- Hmm.

And I felt I was lucky just to go.

And I was, for the times.

And then I met Bob.

And he was very supportive of my having a career and did I think he was Marlon Brando?

Not exactly. (CHUCKLES)

But he was sweet and he was warm and kind and... and I held on to him because that was rare... and it still is rare.

I mean, I've known since I was that I didn't want to be somebody whose entire day revolved around waiting for their husband to get home from work.

And I know that Alan would never make me be that person.

No, he wouldn't.

But there's someone else.

And I know next to nothing about him.

He was in Vietnam.

Uh, his home life seems really messy and sad.

His dreams are nothing like mine.

I think that he would be good to me and support me, but I have no way of knowing for sure because I don't even really know him.

We've spent all of four hours together.


You have a feeling.

I have a feeling.


How is she?

She's bruised up real bad.

They broke her arm, but she'll be okay.

I knew this would happen.

I told that girl time and time again, "I don't want you walking these streets alone.

"And if anyone ever tries to take your bag or your money or whatever, just give it to them."

But she loves that damn phone.

I'm gonna do something about this.


Everybody talks, but they don't actually do anything.

I'm not like everyone else.


Then do something.

How is she?

- Uh, broken arm.
- Mm.

She's bruised up.

What a day.


- Randall...
- These people need someone, Beth.

My dad was a superhero.

Man literally saved my life the day I was born.

And he always took action.

He never sat still.

He was a superhero and then he died and we've all been scrambling ever since...

...scrambling to keep him alive however we can...

...scrambling for new ways to feel close to him.

I pride myself on having a piece of my dad in me, always have.

But my dad wouldn't have sat still.

And my dad wouldn't have just made phone calls.

If this councilman won't do his job, then maybe I can.


I think I'm gonna run against him, Beth.

I got fired today, Randall.


- Hi.
- Hi.

You said that your mother was staying with a friend on Hampton Street and then I... I saw your car parked outside.

♪ My heart... ♪

So, I thought...

♪ Forever a little broken... ♪

I'm so sorry I didn't bring anything.

I feel terrible arriving empty-handed.

- No. You and my mom both.
- Huh?

Nothing. Nothing. Just, uh...

Should I say hi to your mom or...?

Oh, she went out for a walk with her friend.


But when she gets back, I'd like that very much.

I would like that, too.

♪ Please, please ♪

♪ Release me... ♪

So, that guy...

Previous life.


♪ I've spent my life... ♪

Sorry for the mess. We... we ate dinner and then they just...

No, no, of course.

♪ The writer of this song ♪


♪ And a love, not just a longing ♪

♪ In a world that is just calling me ♪

♪ To be free ♪

♪ Only I know ♪

♪ What we had between us ♪

♪ Some people don't believe us ♪

♪ The things that have been spoken ♪

♪ Would leave anyone heartbroken ♪

♪ But never mind ♪

♪ I'm still a survivor ♪

♪ But I'm begging to be lighter... ♪

Do you want to go on a drive?

♪ It's all on me... ♪

Where do you want to go?

Los Angeles.

♪ Please, please, please... ♪

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah, let's go to Los Angeles.

♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Release me ♪

♪ I've been the best ♪

♪ At doing the best that I can ♪