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15x06 - Flowers Grow Out of My Grave

Posted: 11/02/18 07:29
by bunniefuu
MEREDITH: The poet Octavio Paz once wrote,"The Mexican is familiar with death.

Jokes about it. Caresses it.

Sleeps with it. Celebrates it."

It's called Day of the Dead.

Tyler said it's like a Mexican Halloween, but he's wrong.

- I can relate.
- ♪ In my heart ♪

- ♪ Lightning strikes ♪

But in a hospital, death isn't celebrated.

It's avoided at all costs.

♪ This is my, this is my, this is my life ♪

It's like the one day of the year where the people who you love that died come back to be with you.

Not like zombies.

More like spirits.

But not ghosts.

- And when it comes...
- Angels? I don't know.'s clinical, almost routine.

Today in homeroom, we're making these big altars, like offerings for the dead.

♪ It's a good day ♪

♪ It's a good, good life ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

But still, with all that practice, even surgeons are surprised by death.

[WHISPERING] Three, two, one.

- [TOGETHER] Hola!

You guys look so beautiful... and scary.

- It's not supposed to be scary.
- It's Dia De Los Muertos.

- We're doing a parade at school.
- [GASPS] So cool!

Especially when it happens to the ones we love.

- Another date for you?
- Cece is too good at her job.

[CHUCKLING] Who is it this time?

Uh, Daniel, who's an English teacher.

Or a professor. I'm not
really sure which one.

There's a big difference.
You should find out.

Okay, girls, we should get going.

♪ I'm dreaming out, dreaming out ♪

♪ Dreaming out loud ♪

- ♪ Right now is a good time ♪

- I'll see you in a bit.
- See you.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you.

I just got a text from Teddy.

She's planning to speak to Owen today.

- ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
- I'll believe it when I see it.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪


♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪


- ♪ I'm alive, I'm alive ♪
- Hi.

- ♪ It's a good day ♪
- Hi.

Come in.

Thank you for doing this.

It's fine.

What brings you... back to town?

Is, uh... Is Amelia home?

- No, but she knows that you're here.
- Okay, good, good. Yeah.

What's going on, Teddy?

I, um...


I'm... I'm sorry, uh, about last month and just how rude I was and that I...

I left without any kind of explanation.

I just... It's been a really confusing last few months.

Listen, it's fine.

It's me, Teddy. You don't have to apologize to me.

In fact, I should be the one apologizing to you.
- Owen, I just... Oh.

- Betty? Betty, are you here?!

Uh, no. You drove her to school.

Yeah, and then I took Leo to daycare, and then the school called and they said that she never showed up.

- OWEN: Okay, then let's call her.
- Hi..

I tried, Owen. Her phone is off,

I can't track her, I cannot see her texts.

- She doesn't want us to find her.
- Okay. Well, let's search the park.

That's where she goes with her friends, right?

To do dr*gs, probably.

- She's not doing dr*gs.
- [SIGHS] Not yet.

- We're gonna find her.
- It's gonna be okay.

I'm sorry. Can we, uh, talk later?

- Yeah. Of course.
- Thanks.

Um, I-I can help you look for her.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

So, lunch later?

Well, I have a budget meeting and then a, uh, briefing from legal, and then, um, I'm in surgery.

Oh, hey, can you post a flier or something reminding the residents and the interns to vote?

I am not chief resident anymore.
I am a fellow.

- Crap. I knew that.

- So, who is, then?

Shouldn't the chief know that?

I... I'm gonna post a flier.

- Mmmmmwah!

- Thanks.
- [CHUCKLES] Best chief ever!


Such a good interim First Lady.

[SCOFFS] I'm trying.
He's grumpy all the time.

- You sure that's not just marriage?

Just 'cause you're scared of it.

I'm not afraid of anything but global warming.

- Oh, you know who's single? Meredith.
- Grey?

- Mm-hmm.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah, no, she's not into me.

Well, not yet.

Listen, I know that you look like that, so you're not used to having to, like, put in the work.

Yeah, women usually just feed me the grapes.

- Pft. [CHUCKLING] Shut up.
- You started it.

Yes. My liver patient's here.

I'm doing my first solo transplant surgery today.

- All right, knock 'em dead.
- Yeah.

- Er...
- Mnh-mnh.

- Not dead, but... You know what I mean.
- Thanks.

Oh, and, um... and, Link, uh, Meredith is a tough nut to crack,

but she's worth it.

Dr. Lincoln, I believe I'm on your service today.

Oh, cool.

Uh, we got a pip-squeak with a broken arm.

Nice and easy.


- What's up?
- I've just... never done ortho before.

- I'll show you.


No organ music, okay?

I want the deli platter from the good deli, and everyone should wear black.
Don't listen to my brother, who says you're all gonna wear white.

In fact, kick him out if he wears white.

I want Sicilian-widow-level mourning.

Can you smack some sense into her?

Hi. Denise. Best friend.

- Hi.
- Hi, Denise.

Uh, Roberta, you know we brought you in here because we have a liver for you.

- It's on its way as we speak.
- I know.

I've been burned before.
This time I'm prepared.

She wants me to cry, but I'm not giving her the satisfaction.

- Go ahead.
- Roberta Gibbs, years old, was born with Wilson's disease, has received multiple chelation treatments, and had a TIPS procedure last year.

She is scheduled for a liver transplant.

- Which I probably won't get.
- Would you stop?

Dr. Bailey. UNOS is on the phone.

- See?
- Wh... [SCOFFS]

They're probably calling to say the liver's ready.

No. I know that look.

That's the "the liver got diverted" look.

I'm sorry.

Okay, uh, none of this comedy roast, "sing a funny song" crap.

I want a proper funeral, where everybody's crying.


Write that down.

♪ Tómate esta botella conmigo ♪

♪ Y en el último trago nos vamos ♪

♪ Quiero ver a que sabe tu olvido ♪

♪ Sin poner mis ojos tus manos ♪

- Hello, Medina family.
- Oh.

- Are we having a party?

It's Dia De Los Muertos.

It's a very important day for us, but they all wanted to be here for my daughter.

So, we built our own ofrenda.

I hope it's okay.

- MEREDITH: Hello, hello.
- Of course.


- LAURA: Who's this?
- I'm Dr. Grey.

ALEX: Dr. Grey is here to help us today.

You're the chief.

You can't take out a gallbladder by yourself?

I can, but, uh, Flor needs more than a simple gallbladder removal.

MEREDITH: After studying her scans, we've determined that Flor has a choledochal cyst in her biliary system.

- A cyst?
- But don't worry. It's benign.

A cyst? Where? In her belly? Let me see.

- [WHISPERING] Mami. Stop.
- The cyst is in her common bile duct...

- [WHISPERING] I'm sorry.
- And it does need to come out as soon as possible because it can lead to the growth of cancerous cells.

But we're gonna take that out and reduce that risk to zero.

We do a procedure called a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.

- Did you just make that up?

It's a procedure where we attach a piece of your intestine to your biliary tract.

Can everyone please stop talking about my biliary tract?

I'm sorry. We're almost done.

- LAURA: Is my baby gonna be okay?
- ALEX: Yes. She is.

It's a longer surgery than we originally planned, but we're gonna take good care of her.

MEREDITH: So, Dr. DeLuca will take her upstairs and prep her for surgery.
We're gonna repeat her LFTs.

- Okay.
- It's very nice to meet all of you.

- Thank you, Doctor.
- Gracias.

Thank you.

Can we talk?

Is everything okay?

When's the last time you spoke to your dad?

Thatcher? Uh, when Lexie died, I guess.




He's sick, Meredith.

His liver? Is he drinking again?

No, he's still sober.

I heard from an A.A. friend this morning.

Thatcher has acute myeloid leukemia.

He's in hospice, Meredith.

He has only a few weeks to live.

- Meredith?
- Huh? Yes?

Did you hear what I said?


Thatcher is dying.

I got it. Thank you.


You guys know someone named Betty?




Excuse me. Excuse me.


Betty! Betty!


Oh. Um, I'm... I'm sorry.


You want to see what I'm working on?





- [SIGHS] My father's dying.
- ♪ It happens unexpectedly ♪

- ♪ Sometimes ♪
- Oh, my God.

Of what?


- You want to talk about it?
- No.

♪ A reminiscing ♪


♪ About things in life ♪

He doesn't even know you exist.

That's how much of a not-father he's been to me.

He doesn't even know I have a sister.

I mean, I was sort of a love-child situation...

And now he's dying, and he doesn't even tell me that.

Who told you?

Richard, of all people.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I'm supposed to grieve.


Hello. Brought you a little recharge.

Get it? Coffee, rechargeable hearts.

- Pretty solid.
- Hey.

You have a deadbeat dad, don't you?

That's a weird segue, but, essentially, yeah.

How would you feel if you found out he was dying?

What's he dying of?

- No.
- No, no. No, no.

Oh, well, I mean, I'd be conflicted about it, sure.

Would you want to say goodbye?

That I don't know.

That's not helpful.

♪ When I'm alone ♪

♪ The places I go ♪

- Hmm?

Her deadbeat dad actually is dying.

He and his little friend were trying to climb the fence, which he knows he's not supposed to do.

I'm sorry.

I climbed my share of fences when I was a kid, too.

Can I see this?

Now, uh, can you feel this?

Yeah? Wiggle your fingers for me, J.J.



What do you think, newbie?

My guess is a humerus fracture.

Good guess. You're a natural.

We're gonna get you an X-ray, okay, bud?

Take him up to radiology and grab me when his results are up.

[EXCITEDLY] Am I gonna get to wear a cast?

Hunter wore a cast last year, and everyone drew funny pictures on it.

I'll even let you pick the color.


Poor Roberta. Three livers in one year?

That's crappy luck.

Sometimes that's how the dice land.

What the hell?

Parker? Ned Billings?!

We resected his bowel yesterday.

He was fine! What happened?

He coded. Webber thinks he threw a clot.

I'm sorry.


Oh, man!

I'll call his son.

Man, he was an organ donor, too.

[SIGHS] Well, that's not an option now.

And he was a blood match for Roberta.

Salt in the wound.

Wilson, that's it. T... Wait.

Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!

Parker, how long ago did Dr. Webber call time of death?

- Uh, seven minutes.

Perfect. Five-minute rule.

Hey, Ned.

Dr. Bailey, what are you doing? He's dead!

We need to reperfuse the liver.

Let's get, uh, cannulas and get an ECMO machine set up in an O.R.
- His heart stopped.

- His organs are useless.
- Yeah. Bag him, please.

Wow. Is she losing it?
Do we need to call someone?

My God, Dr. Bailey, his liver is as dead as he is!

And we are gonna bring it back to life!

- Go get my husband.
- No. Parker,

get a reperfusion machine.

I've been reading these case studies out of Europe, but I've never done one myself.
- JO: Done what?

Zombie medicine?!

No, we get him on ECMO, then use a normothermic perfusion system for the liver.

We can save it, and we can give it to Roberta.

- Now, help me.
- So, what... you're saying that warm perfusion will bring the liver back to life?

Like a corroded penny dipped in acid.

They've done it multiple times.


In humans!

- Take over.
- Thank God!

Parker, get the reperfusion machine!

CASEY: Uh, yes, ma'am.





When are you gonna let me take you to dinner?

Jo seems to think there's something here.

You know, I have a matchmaker, and she has a list.

Well, how do I get on that list?

You're not the kind of guy on the list.

And what kind of guy am I?

You know, you're like the "in an emergency" kind of guy or "I just got some really bad news and I can't be alone"

- kind of guy.



Jo will be heartbroken.

Oh. What's the story with you and Jo?

Does Alex have anything to be worried about?

What's the story with you and Alex?

Does Jo have anything to worry about?


JO: How did Ned's family take it?

BAILEY: Sad, but happy some good might come out of his death.

Okay, Parker, I need you to prime the inflow and outflow lines.

Karev, you know what to do.


- Are you ready?
- CASEY: All systems go.





This is so stressful.

[CHUCKLES] But good stress, pure.

No "will my husband come home tonight?" stress, no red-tape stress, just "can we save a life or not?" stress.


Oh, my God, it worked! Aah!

[LAUGHING] It's alive.

It's alive!


- Yeah!

It's functioning. It's a viable liver.

You fish it out of the garbage or something?

What did UNOS say?

As long as the organ procurement center approves it, then we're good to go. It's... It's a directed donation.

Don't forget... the good deli.

- Just...
- Roberta, we have a liver. It's yours.

"As long as the organ procurement center approves it."

- I don't like my odds.
- I'm sorry about her.

- She's obsessed with death.
- Mm, because I'm dying.

Stop it! Stop talking like that.

You know, some of us actually want you to live.

Trust me, I want me to live, too.

I'm just preparing for the reality that I probably won't.

Well, you don't have to prepare me.

- I will handle it.
- You're not the only one who has to be prepared, Denise.

- I'm the one who's dying.
- You're not dying!

I'm sorry, Dr. Karev.

I appreciate that you think you have a liver for me, and I hope that you are right, but I have lived with this condition my entire life.

I have prepared to die young... ish.

And now that I'm close to that death and statistically unlikely to experience some magical, stardust liver miracle, I just want to make sure that the people I love are given the chance to grieve me.

That's not your job to worry about.

It is, D. When my father died, I wanted to throw myself on his casket and weep.

But instead, I wrote jokes for his eulogy to make his friends feel better and then spent years crying at dog-food commercials because all of that grief was still in me, and it needed a place to go.

[VOICE BREAKING] You throw yourself on my casket and weep...if you want to.

Good speech, but this doctor's waiting to see if you want her trash liver.


- Yes, please.
- Yes.

- But if it doesn't work...
- No organ music. String quartet.



Okay. Hello, everyone.

LAURA: Hola.

Okay, kiddo, time to take you up.

- You're gonna be in my surgery?
- Mm-hmm.

Dr. Grey and Dr. Karev and I are gonna be there the whole time.

So, you're gonna see inside my belly?

Yes, but we're gonna fix you right up.

- Mom...

I'm sorry. Do you not want me there?



[CLICKS TONGUE] You know what, Flor?

I got a whole bunch of work I need to do today, and Dr. Grey and Dr. Karev... I'm their student.

And I don't want them getting distracted trying to teach me while you're on the table.

I want them focused.

So, if it's okay with you, I'm gonna sit this one out, okay?

[SIGHING] Yeah. It's okay with me.

You got this.

Okay. Gracias.


Oh, hey, uh, just give them a minute, okay?

Okay, mijita, you ready?



You gonna come out for a drink tonight?

I don't think so.

Hot date?

[LAUGHING] What? No. Wh...

What's your deal?

I have no deal.

You got a boyfriend or something?

I don't... I'm not...

Does it seem like I do?

You seem... nervous.


Do you have a boyfriend?


Fellowship year.

Kind of a, uh, relationship k*ller, you know?

[EXHALING] Oh, yeah, totally.

But I'm meeting someone.

Cool. Very cool.


Wait. Is that a mass?


All right, I'm supposed to be in surgery.

What's up?


Yeah. It's a liver. [CLEARS THROAT]

- Why is it a liver?
- It is a liver that was once in a dead man who is very much alive.

Not... The liver, not the man.
The man is still dead.

Y... This liver survived a cardiac death?

Yep. We brought it back to life.

[LAUGHING] Oh, crap.

I can't believe UNOS approved this.

They did not.

Well, they said that it's not up to them since it's technically a directed donation, so we called the organ procurement center.

They said they'd get back to us, and the donor's family consented.

Get back to you?

Uh, they will get back to us with that approval because this is a fully functioning liver.

This is a liver that doesn't even know it's outside of a body.

- Please tell me you didn't promise this liver to a patient.

- It's functioning.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- Shut it down.
- What?

No. I don't care how cool this is.

This liver is not going into a patient.

Alex, we're gonna save a life here with a liver that would otherwise be trash.

Which is where our standing would be with UNOS if this goes bad.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

I know... because you're not doing it.

Shut it down.


And she doesn't want me to see inside her belly.

Well, you can't blame the girl.
That's sweet.

Still, I'm a little bummed. It's a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.

There'll be lots of chances for lots of cool surgeries with little girls who aren't in love with you.

Unless... Do they all fall in love with you?


I was really looking forward to working with you, Dr. Grey.

Well, there will be lots of chances for that, too.

I got to go check on our girl.


Hey, sweet pea. How you doing?

You see your guy out there?


Well, it's definitely a humerus fracture.

Okay, so, how long does he have to be in a cast?

Um, unfortunately... we also found a mass.

- We don't know for sure what it is yet...
- A mass?

We think it's what weakened the bone, causing the break.

We just need to do a quick biopsy.

A biopsy?

Does that mean cancer?

I cannot believe this is happening.

- Oh, no.
- Mom, come on.

- Hey, J.J., what's your mom's name?

- Michelle.
- Michelle, look at me.

- Take a breath. All right?
- Okay.

There's good news here.

The good news is the break brought you in early, so we can figure out what it is and make a plan.

I won't climb fences again, Mom.

- I promise.
- It's okay, baby.

Hey. What ya got there?

Well, I wanted to bring you lunch, but I couldn't decide, so I got you enchiladas, no cilantro, spaghetti, no meatballs, and then, of course...

- ...that'll be our Cobb salad, no bleu cheese.

You really didn't have to do this.

Yeah. I think I did.

I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately, so I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you.

I appreciate that.

But I cannot eat any of this right now.

What's up? You not feeling okay?

I'm feeling a little sad, with all the grief in the air today, you know?

[QUIETLY] Oh. Your mom.

I'm sorry.

You want to, uh, talk about it a little bit?

I really got to get back to work.


Well, if you need anything, I am here.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

And if I need some spaghetti, do you mind?

- Yes, please, it's all yours.



We're almost % finished with this anastomosis.

Looks good, even without Loverboy's help.

He was just doing what the patient asked him to do.

If I backed out of every case where some kid fell in love with me...

Don't finish that sentence, Evilspawn.

- I heard about Thatcher.
- Oh. From Maggie? Or Richard?


- So, you don't want to talk about it?
- I'm not not talking about it.

I'm just... I don't know that there's much to say.

Take some time if you need it, go see him, say goodbye, as much time as you need.

- You're friends with the chief now.

Well, I don't know that I want to see him.

Okay, so, he wasn't father of the year to you, but still...

Didn't your dad disappear on you?

Yeah. But I got to say goodbye to him before he died.

And did that make the birthday no-shows and the crying mom on the holidays go away?

Did having five minutes with him after a lifetime of nothing

- make you feel better?
- Suction.

I opened the door for him.

I gave him a piece of my liver.

I opened the door for him to get to know me.

He did not walk through it.

The only time we ever spent together was when Lexie forced us to be together.

And then when she died, he completely disappeared.

So, I don't really need to grieve him because he's been a ghost for years.

You know, our entire career exists to prevent people from dying.

They give out awards for it.

And here's Flor's family celebrating death.

They're not celebrating death.

They're celebrating the dead.

And inviting them to come back for a visit.

Maybe they didn't see them before they died.

[LAUGHING] Oh, you are not as clever as you think you are.

- I disagree.

It's such crap. Just 'cause he's chief, he can tell me what I can and can't do at work?

Sort of what a chief does, yeah.

Whatever. He bends his rules all the time to save his own patients.

Yeah, but he's the chief.

Okay, are you my friend or his?

Speaking of your friends, I asked Grey out.

[GASPS] Yes. When's the date?

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, she rejected me, pretty brutally... again.

She did that to me, too, for like the first two years.

- She's gonna come around.

- Dr. Lincoln.
- Oh.

J.J.'s biopsy results.

[QUIETLY] Damn it.

[SIGHS] Osteosarcoma.

- Isn't that what you...
- Yeah. It is.


It's getting late. She can't be out there all night.

Damn it, Betty! I never should have let her go to school.

Should we call the police?

- No.
- Yes.

Listen, she's a teenager. Teenagers do these things.

Are you kidding me?!

Do you know how many times my mom would freak out when I was just down the street at my girlfriend's house?

Yeah, and when I was , my mom called the police, looking for me, and when she found me, I was high on pills, about to jump off my friend's roof.

- Fine. You're right.
- I'm just... Yeah, Betty is not "fine"

because Betty is not a normal teenager!

She's not like you, Owen! She is like me!

And if my mom had not called the police that day and if the police had not found me, I would be very dead right now!


I'm sorry.

[VOICE BREAKING] I need a meeting.

Okay. I'll take you, and then I'll pick up Leo.

What if Betty comes back?

Well, I-I can stay here.

I mean... I mean, in case she comes back, I-I-I could be here.


- She's scared.
- No, I-I know. I know. [SIGHS]


And I'm pregnant with your baby, Owen.





- Doctor's here, guys.

- Doctor's here.

She's doing great. She's in the PACU.

Oh, thank God.

- Can we see her?
- Yeah, of course. I'll take you.

MATEO: Come on, guys.
Hey, we can finally eat.

Let's go.

- Thank you.
- Okay.


- May I?
- [CHUCKLING] Oh, of course.

Who are all these people?

That is my husband, Oscar, Laura's father.

And this is Johnny, my son, and that is my mamá, Lupita, and my sister, Luisa.

I'm sorry.

Oh, don't be.

They are here with us now.

And this is for you.

Oh, marigolds are beautiful.

It is said that they help guide our ancestors' spirits back to us.

The veil between our world and the spirit world is very thin.

The marigolds, the photos, the mementos...they help guide them to us.





- Hey. You paged me?
- Yeah. I did.

The organ procurement center called.

Our directed organ donation has been approved.

Are you serious?

I want you to book an O.R. and prep Roberta.

But the liver... Alex told us to shut down the perfusion machine.

It's dead.


The liver is alive.

And as a result, Roberta will be for many years to come.

I don't know if Alex will forgive me for this.

If Roberta dies and you could have saved her, you'll never forgive yourself.


- My father was an English professor.
- Really? Where?

Do you have a relationship with your father?


Why is it that the people who created us get all the credit?

- Well, I...
- Just because they accomplished the most basic of human biological functions, they get a holiday named after them?

And then we're tortured with guilt if we don't want to have a relationship with them.

If he wasn't a father to me, why do I owe him?

And why is it the child who always has to forgive?

"Because she's your mother. Because he's your father."

You know what? I am so done feeling bad about not feeling bad.

I mean, it's sad when somebody dies, and I wish him peace, but I will not put myself or my children through another death

- just to make him feel better.
- Mm-hmm.

So, you understand?

It looks like a telangiectatic subtype of osteosarcoma.

- What does that even mean?
- It's a tumor that actually...

Wait. So, it is cancer? Oh, my God, no.

- Mom?
- Michelle, it...

- [CRYING] Oh, God, no, no.
- Mom? Mom?

Why don't we step outside and talk about this?

[SOBBING] Oh, my God.

[SOBS] No.

- Shh.
- I know. I'm sorry.

- I'm a terrible mother. I...
- No, you're not, but...

- Oh, my God.
- ...what you are is... You're scared.

And I'm telling you, you don't have to be.

Oh, G... But you can't promise me that, okay?

I can't promise.

But I did have this same tumor when I was a kid... same exact tumor.

Mine was on my femur, and it was bigger.

We caught it later than we caught J.J.'s.

We treated it, and look at me.

I'm here, Michelle. I'm alive.

So, you had it?

And you survived it?

- Unless I'm a ghost.


- He's gonna be so scared.

Yeah, there's gonna be scary moments, for sure.

For me, the scariest part was seeing how sad my mom was all the time.


And losing my hair, but that's 'cause...

- Look at this hair.


That's it. That's what J.J. needs to see, a little bit at least, every day.

- Okay. [SNIFFLES]
- Okay?

So, let it out and come back in when you're ready.



So, after your surgery, we're gonna get you that cast.

What are you thinking? Blue? Green? Pink?

Am I gonna lose my hair and be bald like my grandpa?

You might for a while, but it'll grow back.

Won't I look weird?

I don't know.

- Does this look weird?

- LEVI: Oh, wow.

- How about that?

- Weird?

Here, you want to give it a try? Come on.

- Go ahead. Right there, buddy.
- Wait! Wait, wait, wait!

No, don't cut it. It's too beautiful.

- Give me those.


Okay. Just secure that last stitch.





Blood flow sounds good.

And we have liftoff, people!


This liver is fully functioning in this recipient.

We did it! [LAUGHS]

We really did.

- Look at that. Whoo!

Oh... wow.

Oh... nice.


Flowers, too? This is getting a little silly.

Well, they're not just flowers.
They're marigolds.

The Day of the Dead.

I know you're busy.

I just thought you'd like some company.

Thank you.

I'll leave you to it.


- What's your favorite food?
- Um...


- What's your favorite color?
- Blue. Definitely.

Who's your favorite band?

Hmm. That's a hard one.

Radiohead? No. The Beatles.

Oh, my dad likes The Beatles.

Oh, yeah?

Do you have a girlfriend?

- Uh, no, I do not.

- Ay. Flor.




Hey. Nothing?


You all right?


[WHISPERING] Thank you for being here.

Oh, I just wish that there was more that I could do.

No. You being here is more than enough.



Um, you know, I should've, uh...I should've talked to you when I saw you last month at the hospital.

- No, no, I should have...
- I-I should... I-I...

I should have done so many things.

I should've called you.
I should've told you about Leo.

For you to find out like that, it was just...

No. It's fine.

You don't... You don't owe me any... No, I... Owen...

Honestly... Honestly, I was embarrassed.

When I saw you, I felt embarrassed 'cause I could see how all this looked.

- You know? And maybe you were right.

You know, you said that I've always been afraid to be alone.

I come back from Germany, and I proved that to be right.

But Leo... [CHUCKLES]

But Leo isn't just because I was lonely.

I've wanted to be a dad my entire life.

I mean, you know that.

- I know.


Then Leo turned into Leo and Betty and...and then Amelia.


- Owen?
- Hmm?

Are you happy?


Ohh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

He's waking up. I'm sorry. I got to...

Oh, no. Yeah. Go. Do your thing, yeah.

- Yeah, um...
- Come on. Come on, little guy.

- I'm sorry.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.










What happened there?

Oh. Kid with cancer.




In case of emergency.



I like your flower.


- How was your date?
- She's way out of my league.

- How was yours?

- I scared him off.




I'm gonna take the stairs.




- Hey.
- What's up?

BAILEY: The surgery was flawless.

R.I.'s on ultrasound look promising.

Bilirubin levels are decreasing.

You have a fully functioning, healthy liver, Ms. Gibbs.

JO: So no funeral for you.


- Denise, honey, I wanted you to cry at my funeral.

[LAUGHING] I know.

I'm gonna live.

I told you!


Thank you.



Hey. How'd you feel today?

- What do you mean?
- With ortho?

Oh. Uh, terrific.

You're a great teacher.








Sorry. That was abrupt.

- I-I just had to see if...
- It was perfect.

The, uh, um... When... [CHUCKLING] The...

Are you okay?

That was my first time.

Today. Doing ortho... stuff.


Up until now,
I've been focusing on general, and it never really felt right, but...

I liked that.



And you're a really great teacher.


That was your first kiss?

With a...

- guy.
- Oh. Wow.

[STAMMERS] I'm sorry, dude.

If I would've known that, I would've never...

Y-You said you would teach me, and I want to learn.

Okay, look, you're cute and nerdy and weird, and that's usually my type, but...

I've done my coming out already.
I can't go through it again.

I can't teach you how to do this.

I'm sorry.


But I, uh...


I thought this was a teaching hospital!

Look, I'm sorry I went against your chief-ness, but you can't just go around controlling what I do in the O.R.

Well, I kinda can 'cause I'm your boss.

I saved a life, though. I...

Wait. Wait. I thought we were fighting.

We are, but I'm also really turned on by your medical genius.

And the good part about this job is I've learned I can do two things at once.

NURSE FRANKIE: That is not a private space! We can all see you!

- [CHUCKLES] Sorry!



♪ Haremos todo ♪

MEREDITH: Every religion, every country...

♪ Cada cosa ♪

...every culture.

♪ Por nuestra cuenta ♪


♪ No necesitamos ♪

Death means something different to all of us.


♪ Oh, nada ♪

♪ O nadie ♪

♪ Si me acuesto aquí ♪

- Hi, Mom.
- ♪ Si solo me acuesto aquí ♪

We all have different ideas about how to honor the dead.

♪ ¿Te acostarías conmigo y olvidarías el mundo? ♪


Tell me she's not dead.


She is not dead.

- ♪ No se bien ♪
- Different ideas of how to grieve.

♪ Como decir ♪

It's been hard.

♪ Como me siento ♪

I can't say that it hasn't been.

I haven't been going to my meetings.

Different ways of moving on.

♪ Esas tres palabras ♪

Because it just reminds me that...

that you're gone.

♪ Dicen mucho ♪

♪ No son suficientes ♪


Good night, Arlene.

Good night, Dr. Grey.

♪ Si me acuesto aquí ♪

Well, I may not be an expert.

♪ ¿Te acostarías conmigo ♪

- ♪ Y olvidarías el mundo? ♪

♪ Olvida lo que dijimos ♪

But I do have some experience with losing people I love.

♪ Antes que seamos viejos ♪

- Hey.
- ♪ Muéstrame el jardín ♪

Que explota ♪

♪ Dentro de mi vida ♪

♪ Si me acuesto aquí ♪

Can I come over?

♪ ¿Te acostarías conmigo Y olvidarías el mundo? ♪

Hi. I wanted some company.




Wh... What's happening?


- Hand that over.
- Okay.

No, no. The scissors.


- Let me just...
- [WHISPERING] Thank you.

Well, don't thank me yet.


And I say the right way to grieve...


Be careful. Not too much off the top.

- Aren't they cute together?
- Mm.

You seem weirdly good at that.

Well, the decade of precision surgical training definitely comes in handy.
- [LAUGHTER] however the hell you want.

Do we have a vacuum?
No, we don't have a vacuum!

- Do you...
- Why do I even ask?


Do we have a...