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07x01 - Hyperion Heights

Posted: 11/08/18 07:51
by bunniefuu
Henry, are you sure about this?

I was hoping after high school, you'd think about college.

I know. But college isn't going anywhere.

I just... I need to do this.

Operation Cobra is over.

We did it. We have our happy endings.

So then why leave?

Because I'm still the Author.

I've been writing everyone else's stories.

I need to figure out what my story is.

And... it's not here.

Then where do you think it is?

I don't know.

But when I finished the book, I returned it to the Sorcerer's mansion.

And you know what I found?

Hundreds of other books.

With the stories I thought I knew, but told differently.

Like, you know how there's a French Snow White and an Italian one...

There's endless possibilities.

And what does that have to do with you?

I'm not in any of them.

I'm the only me.

It's time I figure out where I belong.

[EXHALES] Henry, if that's the only bean you have, getting back here is...

Will be an adventure.

That's where I'm going.

I love you, Mom.

I love you too.







[Lord Huron's "Fool for Love" plays]

♪ I'm leaving this place behind ♪

♪ And I'm heading out on the road tonight ♪

♪ I'm off for the winter lands ♪

♪ Way up north to have taught you to stand ♪

♪ Before I commence my ride ♪

♪ I'm asking Lily to be my bride ♪

♪ I know there's another man ♪

♪ But he ain't gonna delay my plans ♪

♪ You know I bet he's not so tough ♪

♪ Ain't afraid of him 'cause I'm a fool for love ♪



Uh, hello?

Hi. Are you Henry Mills?

Yeah. Who are you?

My name's Lucy.

I'm your daughter.

Is this some kind of a joke? Kid, I don't have a daughter.

Oh, that's just the curse.
It changed all your memories.

- A curse, huh?
- Huh...

I kind of expected my favorite writer to have a little more... success.

This place is a dump.

You know, I didn't exactly write "Harry Potter"...

Or anything since that one book...

"Poetic opening line goes here."

You got some work to do.

Not all stories come easy.
Sophomore albums are hard.

And actually, this is none of your business.

What are you, some kind of stalkery super fan?

- No, I'm your dau...
- Daughter. Right.


Unh-unh, it's like your book.

You just don't remember 'cause you're cursed.

This is why you're not writing now.

It's because you're not living your own story.

[SIGHS] Come with me to my neighborhood, Hyperion Heights.

Hyperion Heights?

- It's like your Storybrooke.
- No, it's not.

It's a real neighborhood in Seattle.

A real city with real people.

And living with them... your family.

And the other cursed fairy-tale characters.

Come with me.

You can meet your true love and break the curse...

My true love?

My mom.

- Cinderella.
- Mm.

You met her in the last chapter, remember?

Kid, none of that was real.

Snow White isn't my grandma.

My shrink isn't Jiminy Cricket.

I never flew with Peter Pan and I never crashed into Cinderella's carriage.

No, it's true. You returned all the happy endings.

And now my mom and all the others need you to do it again.

The curse put most people in Hyperion Heights, but...

I hear that's an up-and-coming neighborhood.

Doesn't really sound like a curse to me.

It is!

It's up-and-coming because my step-grandma, Cinderella's step-mom, is trying to bring people from this world in, so all the fairy-tale characters move out.

Move away. Get separated.

Just like you lost Cinderella, everyone will lose each other...forever.

Sad story, kid.

But that's all it is. Now come on, I got stuff to do.

But my mom! She needs...

Look kid, I'm sorry about your mom.

But I'm not some magic fairy-tale character who can swoop in and change her life.

She's got to do what we all do.

She's got to save herself.


You're late.


I ran here as fast as I could, but my... but my roommate took too long in the bathroom... and then the door got stuck...

- I don't give a crap!

I'm paying you for hours...


Really, Carl?

That's coming out of your paycheck.

Hey, Louie, lay off.

It's just chicken.

You don't need to be a jerk about it.


Now! Or get out.

I can't, because it's true.

You're a jerk.

You think you know me so well, huh?

I know you.

I've known a million yous.

Single mom. Kid to take care of.

No real skills other than that temper.

You need this job.

This is the best you can do, and you know it.

So, yeah, you're gonna apologize.



Uh, Cinderella? Are you okay?

Come on. Come on, wake up. Come on.

- You okay?

I think so.

The hyacinths broke my fall.

Your lucky flower.

And you broke my carriage.

And scared off Felipe.


My s...

My steed.

It's, uh, one with an actual head, unlike your headless-horse contraption.


What the hell were you doing there, anyway?

Uh, heading home, and, well, time is kind of of the essence.

Is your home going somewhere?

No, but the way home is.

I'm from another realm.

Portals and, well, they don't stay open...

Enough. I have somewhere to be too.

And I am not walking the rest of the way in glass slippers.

Right, the slippers. Your story...

My story?

Well, yeah, sure. Everyone knows it.

You know, from the books.
And there was the cartoon.

Who are you?

That doesn't really matter right now, because it's your story we got to fix.

Don't you have a prince to find?


I do.

Well, maybe I can give you a ride.

You want me to get on that thing?

Well, yeah. You're gonna love it.

"If you want to see your laptop again, meet me at Roni's.

Take a left at the Troll under the Aurora Bridge."


Uh... hello?


Uh, excuse me? Is this Roni's?

[SIGHS] I sure hope so.

Or else I put the wrong sign out front.

I'm Roni.

What can I get ya?

It's your lucky day, kid.

Whole bar's half off till midnight.

Midnight, huh? Then what?
Place turns into a pumpkin?

[CHUCKLES] More like a juice bar, or... whatever the bitch who bought us out drinks.

You're selling, huh?

Well, neighborhood's changing.

And not by choice. By Belfrey.

By what-frey?

Victoria Belfrey?

She's buying up everything. Bringing folks in.

This used to be...

used to be a community here.

Used to be nice.

Now... everyone's scattering.


Can't fight the power, right?

Might as well take the money.

- You don't exactly look like you're having a banner day either.

Been interesting, that's for sure.

What gives?

Imagine if I walked through that door

and told you that I was your son.

That would be a kicker.

It's pretty simple. You turn here to give it gas.

Squeeze here for the breaks to slow it down.

Squeeze here to shift gears.

A lot of squeezing.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

Here... how about you hop on, I can show you.

All you have to do is hold on tight.

Well, I suppose there are worse ways of getting to a ball than getting escorted by a handsome man in a tiny smoke-breathing carriage.

- Motorcycle.
- Ahh.

Did you say handsome?

Would you show me the gas and breaks again?


- Mm-hmm.

See? Simple.

- [LAUGHS SOFTLY] Oh, one more thing.
- Yeah?

My story... how does it end?

Do the Prince and I just dance and live happily ever after?

There's usually a complication before that.

He has to find you.

How does he do that?

In most versions, you leave him a sign...

The glass slipper...

- Which he uses to find the girl who fits it.

- Wha...
- That is ridiculous.

Do you know how many girls have the same size foot as me?

- Yeah.
- Mm.

A plot hole. For sure.

And, uh, I don't believe in signs.

Well, that's how it goes.


Well, maybe it could use a twist?


- Thanks for the lesson.

Whoa, whoa!

What're you doing home so early?

I quit.


You know, Louie, he's...

Yeah, I know what Louie is.

He's what you grin and bear so that the singles in the rent jar don't get lonely.

I'll figure something out.

What's your step-mom gonna say?

You know, she wasn't thrilled to let you have custody of Lucy with a job.

So now...

She's not gonna say a thing, because she is never gonna know.


Speaking of that uptight crone, it's time for Lucy to go to her.

- She almost ready?
- Don't know.

Door's been closed all morning.

If she's still asleep...

Her grandma will k*ll me if she's late!




Oh, no!

I'm gonna k*ll her!


My step-mother's gonna k*ll the both of us.

She's coming up!

Come on, people, look alive!

You, clean that up!

You, take off that ridiculous tie!

Everybody look busy! And remember, not eye contact!


- Good morning.
- Is it?

So tell me, how is it that I have three assistants and none of them know where my granddaughter is?

- Why wasn't she at the house?
- I don't know.

I've been trying to get a hold of Jacinda all day.

Stop trying.

Start succeeding.

Or must I do everything myself?

So your Cinderella's Fairy Godmother.

You're not very impressive without your wings.

My wings... they're gone!

I cut them off. While you were sleeping.


But why? Why are you doing this?

Consider it a "teaching moment" for my other daughter.

Are you done here, Mother?

I have a ball to get to, and the Prince won't...

Isn't going anywhere, Drizella.

And if you're going to be a princess, you need to understand what real power looks like.

You have her wand. Can I?

Never rely on magic.

Magic isn't power... because magic can be taken.

But fear... fear lasts forever.

Of course, Mother. I'm sorry.

As you should be.

I suppose there's no harm in using this wand just the once.

How does this work?

Something like...


I guess that was it.

If Cinderella ever returns, have her clean that up.



- What are you doing?
- Making a wish before Grandma demolishes this whole place for condos.

Demolishes what place, baby?

This? It's just a sad and a random lot.

No... this used to be a garden.

- Things used to grow here. They can again.
- Right.

See, I found this quarter right here.

It's a sign.

Things can change.

I don't believe in signs.

Throwing that in there, it's just a waste of a quarter.

Not if the wish comes true.



Uh... still empty.

Give it time.

Okay, now come on.

Got to get you ready for ballet class.

You already got me in enough trouble with my step-mom today.


Yeah, I know.

Where did you go anyway?

I found my dad.


REGINA: Oh, hey, Jacinda. How's it going?

Great. Lucy's stealing computers now so... that's new.

Never a dull moment with that kid.

[CLEARS THROAT] Speaking of my little felon...

you must be Henry.

I'm so sorry about all this.

I don't know what's gotten into her, but I promise you, it won't happen again.


Oh... Oh, oh... no... uh, nothing.

Nothing. I'm just, uh, relieved.

And I was starting to wonder if I really did have a kid.

But clearly I don't, because meeting you...

I would definitely remember.

Well, that's a...


Looks like you two kids need an ice breaker.

On the house.

Cheers. [CHUCKLES]


Oh, frog legs. No...

No, thank you.


May I have this dance?

Thanks, but I'm not really the dancing type.

Yeah, I picked up on that.

Brought your lucky flower... a hyacinth.

I promise not to knock you over again...

It is lovely.


One dance.


If you're here about your headless horse, it's out back.


I'm less concerned with that than the dagger you stole.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, really? Then what's this?

It has my initials engraved on the hilt.

"H.M." Henry Mills.

Are you crazy?

You didn't come here to fall in love with the Prince, did you?

No, I didn't.

I came here to k*ll him.

Why would you do that?

'Cause that "prince" took everything from me.

"He k*lled my father, and I've been locked up sweeping floors ever since."

You're gonna throw your life away for revenge?

Once you k*ll him, they'll k*ll you.

That's not a happy ending.

There is no happy ending for me.

Maybe things are changing.

Maybe me crashing into your carriage was a sign you can start over.

I told you, I don't believe in signs.

What if I told you I know a place.

A land where people start over all the time.

I'm going back tonight. You can come with me.

Start over.

Find your own story.

Sounds lovely, but...

my father, he meant the world to me.

I just can't let it go.

No, no, no! No, hey, wait!




[STRAINED] What did you do?


You should really be more careful what you drink.

I'm Alice.

I need to see Weaver.


Someone to see you, Weaver.

- What?
- There's someone new in town.

Thought you'd want to know.


So... I take it there's no father in the picture?

Well, there was this guy, but it was just a fling.

Not my proudest moment, but, uh, it gave me Lucy.

And I wouldn't change that for the world.

As for the rest of my life...

Hm. Not too happy with your story?

What would you change?


Well, every day on my way to work, I see this island out in the bay.

And I always imagine...

What if Lucy and I had a little home there?

There's a lighthouse, and gardens, and it just looks like the kind of place

where people live quiet, happy lives.

I guess it's not much of a story.

I think it sounds perfect.


The bar's yours at midnight, Victoria.

Take a hike till then.

Happy to... as soon as Jacinda tells me what the hell is going on.

Lucy is sneaking out of your house in the middle of the night to meet up with some strange man?

I can explain that.

It's okay, Henry. This isn't your fault.

I'll fix it.


By day-drinking?

If I remember, that's how we ended up with Lucy in the first place.

That's not fair.

Life isn't fair, Jacinda.

Lucy needs some stability.

She needs someone she can count on.

What are you saying?

As of tomorrow, Lucy moves back in with me, permanently.


Well, I'm starting to understand the whole Cinderella thing.

I don't know what you're doing here, but you're not helping anyone.

Lucy is a lonely little girl, Mr. Mills.

Whatever hole you're trying to fill... she's not your answer.

So do her a favor, and go back to your books.

Your fairy lands. Whatever nonsense you write.

Because in this world... the real world...

People get hurt.

And if that happens, you'll be sorry you ever stepped foot on this street.

Hey. Hello. I think my car was stolen.

Really? That sucks.

Yeah. So... can you look for it?

Sure. No problem.

How 'bout I, uh, look under my desk here.


- I'm stumped.

Don't worry. I'll help you.

Some of us still care about police work.

Some of us still want to help people.

Have at it, Eagle Scout.

So what happened, mate?

Missing auto?

All right. Here. Fill this out.

How long's this gonna take?

[SIGHS] Well, that's hard to tell.

I'll call around the impound lots, but honestly... most people find them stripped in a parking lot somewhere.

So our best bet's hitting the pavement.

Yeah. Okay. Fine. Whatever it takes.

I got to get out of this place.


Can you get me out of this, please?

Out of what?


Wait, "Alice"?

You're the Alice? From Wonderland?

And other places. [SIGHS]

You have one weird trip and it's all anyone knows about you.

Okay, well, I don't know what this is all about, Alice from... wherever, but I got to get back now.

Oh, no. Mm.

You can't do that.

Why not?

Because this isn't your story, Henry Mills.

How do you know who I am?

I don't... but Rumplestiltskin does.

You know Rumple?

Don't you know by now your grandpa knows everyone?

He's watching out for you.

Okay, look, I don't have time for mind games.

This isn't a game. Trust me.

When it's not your story... bad things happen.

You gonna stop me?

Oh, no.

When bad things happen...

I want to be far, far away.

Forget that Cinderella and go home.

When someone needs help, I help them.

Been looking for you.

So, tell me. I want to hear everything.

My car was stolen.


You didn't help with that in any way, did you?

Of course not.

My feet can't even reach the pedal.


Well, if you remember anything, you let me know. Okay?

Wait. Where are you going?

To look for my car, and then I'm... going home.

But you are home.

Lucy, listen to me.

Your mom is really nice.

And I get the feeling that you don't have the easiest life, and I'm sorry about that, but I am not the one who can save you.

You still don't believe me.

But you always believe!

I can't go through this again.


It didn't happen right away with Emma either.

Lucy, it was just a book.

You are not my daughter.

- But how do you know that?
- [VOICE BREAKING] Because I know.

- That's the curse.
- Stop it, Lucy! It's not a curse!

I know because I had a family, okay?

And I lost them.

- What?
- I had a family.

I had a wife and a kid that I loved more than anything, and...

Lucy, there was a fire... and they died.

No. No, those are your cursed memories.

I'm your daughter and my mom is your wife and your true love!
- But Lucy, listen to me.

I would give anything for another chance at a family, but...
- You don't need another chance.

We are your family.

[VOICE BREAKING] Please, you have to believe me.

You have to. It's why you can't write.

You're waiting for the perfect first sentence.

But no story is perfect.

It just needs to start.

I'm sorry, Lucy. I really am.


Get in.

Why? Where are we going?

To live our story.


Damn it!

Stupid car!

It's not the car. It's the curse.

It wants us to stay here.

Come on, baby. We're walking.


I must say, when my father suggested this garish affair as a way to find a royal bride, I had my doubts.


But who knew I'd find a girl as stunning as you...

You don't recognize me, do you?

Simple girl from a simple family that you destroyed.


I can't.

Thank you. You won't re...



You never quite manage to finish your chores, do you Cinderella?


That fool rejected my Drizella.

His younger brother, now... there's a man of taste.

He's taken quite a shine to my girl.

I had hoped that you would do my dirty work for me.

But at least there's one thing you can still do...


This woman assassinated the Prince!



Take my bike and wait for me where we first met.

The portal to my land opens at midnight.

You'll be safe there. You need to go!

Stop that girl!

That girl k*lled the Prince!



HENRY: Really? You checked every lot and chop shop and none of them have my car?

Yes. And seeing as I'm the only one here willing to help you, you might want to curb your agitation a bit.


Look, I'm on your side. Just give me time.

Officer Rogers, whatever you're working on can wait.

Ms. Belfrey, what can I do for you?

Find my granddaughter.

Lucy's missing?

Mr. Mills, you're still here.

Believe me, I'm trying not to be.

Just need to find my car.

Hm. Jacinda's also missing.

I don't suppose you have any idea where they ran off to, do you?



Mr. Mills...

I do know what you think of me, but I do care about my girls.

You sure have a funny way of showing it.

Jacinda tends to make mistakes.

But if she wants to build a better life for herself and her daughter, she simply can't do it by running away from her problems.

Tell me what you know.

You want your car back?

Help me find my girls.

I'm not going! Lucy, no.

Hey. [VOICE BREAKING] We can't stay.


Listen, baby...

There's something you don't know.

Grandma wants you to live with her.


What? Why?

It doesn't matter.

See that island over there?

That's where our story begins, Luce.

That's where we can have a fresh start.


But what about Henry and breaking the curse?

You have such a big and beautiful imagination.

And I know why you want to believe in fairy tales.

Because life is hard.

You got to believe in something.

But just this once, can you believe in me?

I believe, Mom.

I believe in you.


Lucy, come here. Now.

Your grandmother is worried sick.

Just not worried enough to show up.

How'd you find us?

Mr. Mills told us about your little island fantasy.

He was only trying to help.

That's not true. He... he wouldn't do that.

The truth hurts more than fiction.

Speaking of which...


Officer Rogers, can you please put this in evidence?

Or get rid of it. Or destroy it. Or... I don't care.

It has caused enough trouble.

Everything okay?

Yeah, everything's okay.

They found it, hm?


Cops found it abandoned on the side of the road.

Nothing taken. No damage.

Doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, well, life doesn't make any sense sometimes.

But you got what you wanted, so that's good.

For you. I hope it was worth it.

Look, I didn't ask to be dragged into your family drama.

Goodbye, Henry Mills.

And good luck on that second book.



Cinderella, I'm here!



Yeah, I know. I was crazy to think she'd come.

- Ah, you get it.



Operation Glass Slipper is a go.

Hey, Eagle Scout.

I hear congrats are in order.

What are you talking about?

You made detective.

Looks like somebody has a fairy godmother.

Ms. Belfrey must have taken a liking to you.

Come on, I'll introduce you to your new partner.

GOLD: So I tell the punk, "Go ahead.

Give me the finger one more time, and you'll be picking it off the floor."

MAN: And did he?

No. But I broke his finger anyway.


Hey, Detective. Special delivery for ya.

Meet your new partner.

A pleasure...



We'll do great work together.




I don't think I'm gonna give you my bar today.

What? We had a deal.

Yeah, well, that was yesterday.

And what happened today?

Your step-daughter...

She inspired me.

By running away?

By not giving in to you.

You're so used to pushing people around, I think it's time you felt what it's like when someone pushes back.

You can't win.


Maybe not.

Today... I watched you march into my bar acting like you own the place.

And you know what?

I didn't like it.

And I realized...if I sign this piece of paper you will own this place.

And that I really don't like.

This is my bar.

It's my home.

It's my life.

Sure, it's seen better days, but that doesn't mean it won't have better days again.

And just because life isn't what you want it to be right now, doesn't mean you should tear it down.

I started thinking about all the things I want to do and have that I'm not doing or having.

Excuse me?

- This is th and Oak, right?
- Uh-huh.

Shouldn't there be a cemetery right here?

Not that I know of.

Been like this long as I can remember.

REGINA: And how everyone in this neighborhood seems to have given up imagining what a better life might look like...

But if we can admit to ourselves what we want is out there somewhere...then maybe we can fight for it.

And if we do that... then we're halfway to getting it.

That's the thing about the people of this town...

Things can seem... hopeless.

When suddenly, someone gives the rest of us... inspiration.

Because the first step to a new beginning...

is imagining that one is even possible.

And I'll be damned if I stand by and let a bully like you... take that away from us anymore.

Now if you'll excuse me.

You'll regret this, Roni.

Uh, doubtful.

Regret's not really my thing.