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04x01 - America the Beautiful

Posted: 11/15/18 07:07
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: Previously...

If it wasn't for Mac Dubh, I wouldn't be setting foot in that bucket of shite.



What do you do with the boys?

Oh, I have my way with them.

GEILLIS: Virgins have such power inside.


We have a responsibility to change history.


- GEILLIS: It's God's will.


We must return to the ship now.
Make ready to sail.


[SHOUTING] Claire!



You must be from the ship, or what's left of it.

Any survivors?

Aye, four miles south of here.

You're on the mainland.







CLAIRE: For centuries humans have held an endless fascination with circles, attributing meaning where they are found.

CLAIRE: From the eternal rotation of the planets around the sun to the movement of clock hands, to a simple wedding band.

CLAIRE: And I more than most know full well just how a circle can affect one's life.

Or death.

MAN: Ripley!


Would you allow me a moment to bid farewell to my friend?


When they set you free near the gallows, Fergus will create a stramash.

JAMIE: Lesley and I will see to the watchmen, and then you run as though the devil himself is chasing you.

Ye're aff yer heid, Mac Dubh.

Do you intend to be hanged as well?

I canna let ye die.

You came on this journey to aid us.


And I dinna regret it.

I shoulda listened to ye, Mac Dubh.

I shouldna lain with that woman.

Men do things drunk they wouldna when clear-headed.

I didna ken she was marrit till the husband came upon me with a pitchfork.

Kicked him down the stairs only to save my own neck.

Now it's with my neck that I'll pay.


HAYES: There's two things ye might grant me.


First, whisky.

With any luck...

I'll hardly notice when the rope tightens.

A whisky's hard to come by hearabouts, but I do have a wee bit of rum.


HAYES: I can always count on ye.

To my soul.

STEPHEN: How about a drop for my soul as well?

STEPHEN: To all our souls.


ALL: Sláinte.

What was your second request?

I'd like the last face I look upon to be that of a friend.

Smiling at me.

You have my word.


When they release Hayes, do nothing.

You have another plan, Milord?


This is the way Hayes wants it.


CLAIRE: It had been four months since we arrived in America.

We'd been making our way up the coast when our friend, Gavin Hayes, k*lled a man and was sentenced to death.

CLAIRE: Jamie tried everything he could to save Hayes, but the magistrate wouldn't listen.


HANGMAN: Keep it going.


The said Gavin Hayes feloniously and willfully did k*ll and m*rder against his Majesty's peace, his crown, and dignity.




No, no! Stupid guards!

You let him die! Hayes!

LESLEY: It's... It's no right!
They canna take him from me!

I'm sorry! Hayes!

REDCOAT: Move it, boy. Out of the way.






WOMAN: He's getting away!

GUNMAN: Halt or I'll fire!

REDCOAT: Quickly, after him!

WOMAN: ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ All that was good ♪

♪ All that was fair ♪

♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪



JAMIE: I spoke with the harbormaster.

The Campagniasets sail for home in three weeks, allowing us time to visit my Aunt Jocasta at River Run.


MARSALI: Fergus?

CLAIRE: Did you speak with a minister?

Thieving wretch.

FERGUS: He will not have a convicted felon in his graveyard.

Not without a good deal of recompense for his sins.

An immoral wretch as well.
He's willing to take a bribe.

Did ye bring Hayes?

Aye. He's in our wagon.

We could bury him in the wood.


No, Gavin wouldna care for being alone in the woods.

He was mortally scairt of spirits.

D'ye recall, Mac Dubh, at Ardsmuir, how he told us of the tannasghe encountered?


We'll not lay him in unconsecrated ground.

We'll lay him to rest tonight in the company of other souls.

It's a good idea.

I'm very tired.

Might I take her up to her room to rest?


Aye, we'll manage without ye.

A man such as Hayes should ne'er have met wi' such an end.

LESLEY: Without so much as a proper lament sung for him.

Well, he shall have a caithris.

♪ Och nan och tha sinn fo mhulad ♪

♪ Dh'fhag thu Gabhain sin fo leon ♪

♪ Mac Sheumais Mac Louisa ♪

♪ Dh'f*g thu 'n tait rinn d'arach og ♪

ALL: ♪ Eisd ris eisd ris Dh'fhag thu gabhainn ♪

♪ Sinn fo bhron ♪

♪ Eisd ris eisd ris 'S truagh nach eil thu ♪

♪ Fhathast gle og ♪

♪ Thogadh thu ann an Cill-Mhartainn ♪

♪ Ann an sgire Dhun Domhnuill ♪

♪ Rugadh thu ann am baile breagha ♪

♪ Seachd ciad deug fichead agas seachd ♪


ALL: ♪ Eisd ris eisd ris Dh'fhag thu Gabhain ♪

♪ Sinn fo bhron ♪

♪ Eisd ris eisd ris 'S truagh nach eil thu ♪

♪ Fhathast gle og ♪

♪ Eisd ris eisd ris Dh'f*g thu Gabhainn ♪

♪ Sinn fo bhron ♪

♪ Eisd ris Eisd ris 'S truagh nach eil thu ♪

♪ Fhathast gle og ♪

♪ Eisd ris eisd ris 'S truagh nach eil thu ♪

♪ Fhathast gle og ♪

CLAIRE: And so we were off to bury our friend.

Sadly Hayes would never return home to Scotland.

And the only way the rest of us would make it back was to sell a gem stone we salvaged from the wreck of the Artemisa.

CLAIRE: The Lillington's dinner certainly seems promising.

And perhaps we'll be able to find a buyer for the gem stones there.

JAMIE: Aye, the gems will fetch a bonny price.

Here'll do, lads.

Lesley, stay here with Claire.

Watch over Hayes.

Ian and I will find a good place.

Won't you need a headstone?

Surely they'll notice a newly-dug grave.

Aye, they might.

I shouldna think the minister would trouble himself

to dig him up for nothing.







IAN: What do you do with the boys?

GEILLIS: I have my way with them.


JAMIE: All right, lad?

GEILLIS: I have my way with them.



What's the matter?

GEILLIS: And after that...

The Bakra.

GEILLIS: I've no use for them.


JAMIE: Ian, Ian!


Ian, what is it?

I didna want to summon the memories.

But the grave...

It reminds me.

Some ghosts can only be banished by speaking their name and foul deeds aloud.

I... I, too, had a festering pain inside.

Until I shared it with your Aunt Claire.

When I was taken to the woman ye called Geillis...

She was naked...

In a basin of blood.

She talked about bedding virgins.

As plain as though she asked me whether I had parritch for breakfast.

I spoke true and I told her I wasna chaste.

That answer was not to her liking.

She needed someone chaste for her purposes.

She took my hand, and upon my life, she made me come to bed and lie down. She made me do things.

Unspeakable things.


Have you ever lain wi' someone when ye didna want to do it?

I have.

Then ye understand how it can be?

How you can do it without wishing to, detesting it.

And all the while it feels...


Well, lad...

What it comes down to... [GRUNTING]

What it comes down to is that your cock doesn't have a conscience, but you have.

It's not your fault, lad.

Ye did what ye must and survived.

That's all that matters.

JAMIE: Well, that hole is deep enough.


JAMIE: Let's bring Hayes along then, huh?

JAMIE: Lesley, let's get on with it.

Gathering, I can't, what another fellow needs.

Life without him doesna seem right.

Ifrinn an Diabhail!
A Dhia, thoir cobhair!

Christ alive! Where did it come from?

From Hell. May it return there at once!



Not from Hell. From the gallows.

My apologies for frightening ye.


STEPHEN: All right, all right.


How long were you in the wagon?

Since... Since midovernoon.

I crawled up there once the frog loaded up poor old Hayes.

I was keeping him company, hopin' that you'd be leaving town and takin' me with you.


Stephen Bonnet, sir.

Mr. Bonnet.


For what crime were you condemned?

Thieving, smuggling, piracy.

And how many men have you k*lled in commission of your crimes, Mr. Bonnet?

None that were not tryin' to k*ll me first.

Same as your friend.


All right.

You can go.

JAMIE: I'll not hinder ye.

Might I trouble you for conveyance?

There'll be watchmen and soldiers out on the road tonight hunting me.

You could take me safely past them to a creek with an outlet down to the sea.

From there you'll be on your way, free of the taint of my company.


STEPHEN: I won't bother you again.

You have my word.

I'm begging you, sir.

In the name of Gavin Hayes.

He said you'd never turn your back on a friend.

For a friend of Gavin?

All right.

We'll take ye.


I'll go with you.

Husband and wife will seem less suspicious.


First, we lay Hayes to rest.

After we're done, you two take the horses return to the tavern.

We'll deliver Mr. Bonnet to safety.

Thank you.

STEPHEN: I'd only ask one more thing.

Well, that you allow me to help bury a friend.



REDCOAT: Halt. Make yourselves known.

James Fraser and my wife, Claire Fraser.

What is it that brings you out so perilously late?

A family matter.

What have you in the wagon?

Nothing of worth.

JAMIE: What little we have for our own provision.

A cut of venison, sack of oats.

And a body.

A what?

A corpse.

One of the men what was hanged this afternoon.

We're taking him for a proper burial with his kinsmen.

Have a look, Griswold.

Yes, sir. It's a body.

Wrapped in a shroud.

Take your bayonet and make sure it's good and dead inside there.

That's sacrilegious, Sergeant.

Would you defile a body, sir?

Get on with it.

s*ab it in the leg, Griswold, to be sure.

Yeah, not a twitch. Dead as a doornail.

REDCOAT: Be on your way, then, Mr. Fraser.


JAMIE: Whoa.


Are you wounded, Mr. Bonnet?


Danu the luck giver was with me.

I think the venison bore the brunt of it.



They pinked me in the thigh a bit, though.

Well, let my wife tend to your leg.

She's a healer.

- Here, let me look.

- CLAIRE: It's not bad.

Two wedding bands you wear.

I've been married twice.

Oh, two lucky men, then.



And you've never parted with the ring from the first?


I never married.

But I've always been partial to rings.


The watchmen dispossessed me of mine.

There's something about the notion of an infinite circle that fascinates me.


The hangman's noose is a circle you'd do well to avoid in the future.



It's not the noose I fear, madam.


Since I was a lad, I've been plagued by... nightmares

of drowning over and over again.

You'd think I'd foresee it and waken.

But I never do.

Not till the water's over my head.

I know it'll be the death of me.

Gray waters, dark with mud, things swimmin' blindly in it.

Waiting for the sea to have her way with me.

That they might do the same when she's done.

Well, nightmares can't harm you.

Ah, no.

It's the sea herself pullin' at me.

Have you ever felt the sea pullin' at you?

I almost drowned once.

In a storm at sea.

Then you know what I speak of.



Where will you go from here, Mr. Bonnet?

Oh, some of my associates intended to weigh anchor in a nearby tributary before the weather turns.

I pray I'm not too late.

Aye, why is it I get a feeling 'tis pirates that ye speak of?


Well certainly the governors of the Carolinas would call them so.

The merchants of Wilmington would regard them otherwise.

No doubt you'll be, uh, seeking some reward for your assistance?

That can be settled.

I saved ye for Hayes' sake.

I'll no seek reward for such service.

Well, thank you, sir.

You truly are a rare gentleman indeed.

I might advise you to be wary.

Travelers in these woods, they're... they're often set upon by thieves and outlaws.


We will.

Thank you.

I must bid you now adieu.


I hope your good luck continues, Mr. Bonnet.

Oh, I found that a man most often makes his own luck.

JAMIE: I fear we may rouse suspicion if we pass by the redcoats so soon.

Hate to deprive you of a warm bed, but we'll have to stay in the woods tonight.

I don't mind.

Nor do I.

Let's find a safe place to camp.


It's been such a terrible day.

I feel so lucky to be here with you.

It isn't wrong to be alive, Sassenach.

You're right.

We have to treasure these moments.


You and I ken better than most how fleeting life can be.



Still, can't help but feel sometimes that all of this could be ripped away at any moment.

It doesn't matter, Sassenach. Hmm?


Don't you see how small a thing death is between us?

After you left me, after Culloden, I was dead.

Yet all that time I loved you.

[WHISPERS] I loved you too.

I never stopped.

When my body dies, my soul will still be yours.

Nothing is lost, Sassenach.

Only changed.

That's the first law of thermodynamics.



That's faith.

I don't care what it is.

I want to feel alive with you right now.




Do you know what lies beyond those trees?


More trees.

Yes, a lot more.

They stretch all the way past a mighty river named the Mississippi.

The Great Plains.

This is just the start of what America will become.

Eventually it will reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

North Carolina will just be one of states.


- All filled with Scots.

Oh, there will be lots of different people here from countries all over the world.

And all hoping to live what will be called the American Dream.

Is that the same as our dream?

I suppose it is.


A chance to live in a place where the only limitations are a person's own abilities.

And the will to succeed.

That's the dream.

Oh, they'll come here in their thousands.

And then millions.

What about those already here?

The natives.


What becomes of them?


They are driven from their ancestral lands.


Or forced to live in reservations.

It's not unlike what the English did to the Highlanders.

A dream for some can be a nightmare for others.

CLAIRE: I suggested to Jamie we try and sell the ruby.

As we got ready for the Lillington dinner that night, our hopes were high that we'd find a buyer.

It's not too much mutton dressed as lamb, is it?


Only thing missing... is a wee bit of jewelry.

Took it to the goldsmith.

Used some of our coin to fashion this mount.

Only had time for any but the simplest design.

- No, simple is best.
- JAMIE: Mmm.

Heard Governor Tryon will be in attendance, along with a Baron Penzler.

It's said the Baron's love of money is accompanied by a love

of the fine objects that come with it.

Hmm, well, let's hope he's a fondness for rubies.


- Hmm.

Might I request the pleasure of your company for dinner?


- You may.



MAN: Governor, Mrs. Lillington and I are so pleased...

STANHOPE: Four shillings poll tax...

And four pence per gallon rum duty.

Will it never end?

PHILLIP: That's the very least of it, Stanhope.

It's the never-ending expenses incurred in dividing our land from that of the Cherokee savages which worries me.

WOMAN: Yes, that's a good question.
PHILLIP: All from our taxes.

It beggars belief, does it not, Mistress Fraser?

Mmm, though I doubt many women will be familiar with such provincial matters.

CLAIRE: Well, on the contrary, Lord Penzler.

I'm sure the very thought of inequitable taxes brings out the savage in all of us.

I'm particularly savage when it comes to taxes that bear disproportionately on the poor.

Yes, that's very good.
The savage in all of us.

Yes, indeed. [LAUGHS]


PHILLIP: You must try not to be so amusing, Mistress Fraser.

It may be the death of poor Stanhope.


Is... Is this the... the style in Edinburgh, Mistress Fraser?

How... How charming.


Such a beautiful stone.

You will permit me to look more closely?



- WOMAN: It's a good question.

PENZLER: Thank you.


Sehr, sehr schön.

And without flaw.

The Governor and I have heard that you are the nephew of the widow Cameron of River Run.

Have we been informed correctly, Mr. Fraser?

Aye, uh, Jocasta Cameron is my late mother's sister.

Either of you acquainted with her?

Yes, um, I've been acquainted with Mistress Cameron for many years. A most charming woman.

Are you familiar with her estate, Your Excellency?

Mmm, my wife and I passed several days at Cross Creek last year during our tour of North Carolina.

River Run, I believe, is situated on the Cape Fear River at the foot of the mountains.


You know, my family are Highlanders.

Mountains are like home to us.

Well, the Blue Ridge mountains are some of the most majestic you'll see anywhere, Mr. Fraser.

Hmm, I intend on seeing them when I visit my aunt before returning to Scotland.


Would you, um, join me after dinner for a pipe and some brandy?

I have a case imported from France.

There's a matter I wish to put before you.


Mr. Lillington tells me you've been both a farmer and a soldier and are newly arrived to the Colonies.

Are you familiar with conditions here?

To which conditions might you refer, sir?

North Carolina... though not as prosperous as its neighbors...still offers wealth and prosperity for those willing to persevere and work the land.

The Crown encourages settlement by industrious, God-fearing families.

His Majesty is wise to encourage settlement of lands so rich in opportunity, Your Excellency.

To this end, there is established a system of land grants whereby large acreage may be given to men who would undertake to persuade numbers of emigrants to come and settle on part of it under their sponsorship.

I did hear mention of such grants, yet...

Yet is it not true they come here steep quitrent per acre that must be paid in coin?

That is true.

But in frankness, Mr. Fraser, there is the law, and there is what is done.


It may be possible to dispense with the requirements of quitrents while one acquires settlers.

TRYON: Provided, of course, one swears an oath of loyalty to his Majesty the King, if not already done so.

And so not wishing to remind you of any past indignity,

- it is my duty to ask...
- JAMIE: And mine to answer.

I'm a pardoned Jacobite.

I've sworn the oath.

Like so many others that paid that price to keep their lives.

It's late, Your Excellency.

I must beg to take my leave of you.

Well, good night, Mr. Fraser.

Um, do consider my offer.


JAMIE: pounds sterling. [CHUCKLES]

For a single ruby, all thanks to you.

The Baron nearly dropped his eyeballs into your bosom, the filthy lecher.

Had a right mind to challenge him over it.

Discretion is the better part of valor.

I've yet to meet a Scot who seemed to think so.


Eh, be that as it may, the Baron's eye for fine gemstones means we've enough money to secure passage to Scotland many times over.

With what's left over, I can... I can purchase a printing press.

You can practice your healing.

Ah, do not fuss, Sassenach.

It'll be fine.

John Grey used his influence to withdraw the warrant.

I'm no longer a wanted man.

- It's not that.
- You're a terrible liar.

No, it's nothing.

Ah, thinking so loudly, I can hear ye from here.


Well, I was thinking about the offer the Governor made to you.


I was thinking on the matter myself.



Oh, he's... he's no offering me land for the sake of my bonny blue eyes.

Bees that have honey in their mouth have a sting in their tail.

Ask yourself this.

Why me?

An outsider with few ties and no known loyalties.

Except to the man that's offering you a large tract of land.
- Hmm.

The man's a soldier. A man of strategy.

He kens me as one.

And I understand he's had trouble with the Regulators a year past.

Who are the Regulators?

They're men from the wilderness.

They've taken offense at what they believe is illegal behavior on the part of Tryon's tax collectors.

So they've taken matters into their own hands.

They called meetings, drawn up petitions, stirred up a spirit of resistance.

The Governor's clearly worried.

So if things heat up, he wants to buy the loyalty and obligation of an experienced soldier for the cost of a few acres of the King's land.

Hmm, he's much sneakier than I thought.

He's practically Scottish.


Oh, Jamie, you have to remember there's going to be another w*r in eight years.

The American Revolution.

If you accepted the Governor's offer of the land, he'd expect you to fight for the Crown against the revolutionaries.

You know, I've fought in wars before, Sassenach.

Yes, but unlike Culloden, this one the British will lose.

We would be on the wrong side of history again.

We would be branded as loyalists, and the land the Governor has offered you would be taken from us.


This... This becomes Brianna's country, does it not?

Yes, she was born here.

I dinna wish to fight in wars again or... or have you in danger, Sassenach, but...

If there's a bit I can do to make this a good land for Brianna, if my presence here now can be felt by her later, then...


Then that would be something.

Yes, it would.


Ian? Ian, where have you been?

And what's this beast you have with you?

Isn't he a handsome dog, Uncle?

Don't think that's a dog, Ian.

CLAIRE: More like a bloody wolf.

JAMIE: Broader through the head and chest than a wolf.

He's a fine creature.
Where'd you get him?

I won him.

Lucky roll of the dice.

So I called him Rollo.

Ye were dicin'?

Aye, with sailors.

But he's not the only thing I won.

Christ, ya shouldna stake yer life gambling with sailors.

IAN: But you're always at it, Uncle.

Every tavern we've seen fit to rest, you've wagered our coin.

That's cards, not dice.

And I ken what I'm doing.

Well, I won, did I no?

We have need of the money for the journey home.

Aye, well, if your mother hears of this...

I won't do it again. Promise.

CLAIRE: You're right, you won't.

And you won't need to.

We've plenty of money now.

We found a buyer for the ruby last night.

Well, that's some good news, Auntie.

Aye, well, bring your mongrel and we'll go inside.

We'll have some food.

Then there's some things we need to talk about.

Come on, Rollo.

S-Staying in America?


Aye, Claire and I have decided to try and make a life here.

That's a fine idea.

- We could stay...
- Not we, lad.

Ye'll still be on a ship bound for Scotland.

Oh, please, Uncle.

I'll no be a worry to ye.

Truly, I swear it.

I'll work to earn my bread.

I've a talent for selling.

Fergus will tell ye.

Ye ken I would like nothing more than to have ye with me, but in what God's name would your mother say?

I dinna ken.

But she'll be saying it in Scotland, won't she?


She kens I'm safe with ye.

Ye wrote to her back in Georgia.

I canna say that particular bit of knowledge will be over-comforting to her, Ian.

JAMIE: Your parents dinna want a vagrant's life for you, lad.

They want you to grow to be a man of learning and influence.

A man of worth.

You'll amount to something for yer mother's sake.

If it kills us both.

Yer life's no meant to be wasted.

Where will you settle?

We don't know yet.

We thought we would work that out when we're visiting

- River Run.
- Mmm.

Fergus, I want ye to have a portion of the profit from the ruby.

It will pay for ye and Marsali to return to Scotland, if that's what you choose.

And there's a bit for Marsali to take home to her mother.

For the alimony I promised.

There's enough for you as well, Lesley.

I appreciate it, Mac Dubh.

But I'd have ye keep your coin if I may travel with ye a bit longer.

This is a wild country, and... my place is at your side.

Aye, ye may.

FERGUS: We would like to stay in North Carolina as well, Milord. Marsali would not be
well-suited to a long journey.


She is with child.

What? [LAUGHS]


Well, it certainly is a happy surprise.

Aye, was a surprise to us as well. [CHUCKLES]

Of course we are delighted.

May God bless you both.


For now Marsali and I will stay in Wilmington.

It's a wee bit bigger than Broch Mordha.

I hope to find work as a seamstress, while Fergus seeks employment himself.

JAMIE: Aye, he'll do fine, Marsali.

And you... you'll make a fine father.

Thank you, Milord.

Uh, Campagnia leaves in under a fortnight.

You two will accompany us to River Run until then.


LESLEY: Oh, congratulations. Great news.


So what is your Aunt Jocasta like?

She's a MacKenzie.

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

She's my mother's sister.

And I haven't seen her since I was a wee lad.

She wed a John Cameron and left Leoch before my parents married.

She's never visited Lallybroch?

Aye, once or twice.

Then John died of a flux so she wed his cousin, Hugh Cameron.

Well, he was k*lled hunting.

So, then she wed Hector Cameron.


Well, she seems to have quite the taste for Camerons.


Is there something special about them as a clan?

Outside from being accident-prone.

Ah, well, they have a way wi' words.

Camerons are poets and jesters.

So which is Hector? A poet or a jester?


He's dead now too.


So how did they come to be in North Carolina?

Well, after the Rising, he and Jocasta fled Scotland and came here.

He was granted land, built a house and a saw mill, planted tobacco.

And then he died of a morbid sore throat a year past.

Well, I hope the messenger arrives with your letter before we do.

He'd arrive before we do if he crawled on his hands and knees.

Well, keep going, lad.

I expect ye'll have us in River Run before nightfall.


Poor man deserves a rest.

Shouldn't have elderly slaves on their feet all day.

CAPTAIN: Needn't worry yourself, madam.

He earns a fair wage for his work.

Isn't that right, Eutroclus?

Yes, I do, captain.

You mean to say that you're free?

Yes, madam.

He used to be my sl*ve.

Till one day I fell asleep with the lamp still burning.

The cabin caught fire and Troklus pulled me out in time.

After that, petitioned a court for his release on the grounds of meritorious service and offered a surety for his freedom.

Been working for me ever since.

Best waterman on the river.

You must be grateful every day for what he's done for you.

EUTROCLUS: Keep your eye up river.

You'll want to steer around any logs.

All right, lad.
It's your turn at the pole.

CLAIRE: This is harder than it looks.

The current is stronger than I imagined.

Will you join me, Sassenach?


Of course.




Well, what's this?

A present.


Open it.


Do ye like it?

Oh, Jamie.

It's wonderful.


Where did you find it?

I saw the box when I... when I went to the goldsmith to have the ruby set.

Oh, my God.

It's a microscope.


And perhaps one day I'll deck ye in laces and jewels.

I havena been able to give ye much ever, save for this wee ring.

And my mother's pearls.

You've given me so much more.

Brianna, for one.

I gave the pearls to her.

They're an heirloom, after all.

And this ring is all I need.

years ago I married ye, Sassenach.

I hope I haven't ever given you cause to regret it.

Not for a single day.






Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, pleasure to see you again.


♪ Oh beautiful ♪


♪ For heroes proved

JAMIE: We've got to go. Come on.


- CLAIRE: Ian!

Get out of here!

♪ In liberating strife ♪

♪ Who more than self ♪

♪ Our country loved ♪

♪ And mercy more than life ♪

♪ America, Ooh America ♪

♪ May God thy gold refine ♪

♪ Till all success ♪

♪ Be nobleness ♪

♪ And every gain divined ♪

And you know when I was in school we used to sing it something like this. Listen here.

♪ Oh beautiful ♪

♪ For spacious skies ♪

♪ For amber waves of grain ♪

♪ For purple mountain majesties ♪

♪ Above the fruited plain ♪

♪ Well now wait a minute ♪

♪ I'm talking about America ♪

♪ Sweet America ♪

♪ You know God done shed His grace ♪

♪ On thee ♪

♪ He crowned thy good ♪

♪ Yes, He did ♪

♪ In brotherhood ♪

♪ From sea to shining sea ♪

♪ You ought to love Him for it ♪

♪ 'Cause He, He, He, He crowned thy good ♪

♪ He told me He would ♪

♪ With brotherhood ♪

♪ From sea to shining sea ♪

♪ Oh Lord Oh Lord ♪

♪ I thank you Lord ♪

♪ Shining sea ♪
