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04x02 - Do No Harm

Posted: 11/15/18 07:08
by bunniefuu
- CLAIRE: Previously...
- LILLINGTON: You are the nephew of the widow Cameron of River Run.

Are you familiar with her estate?

I believe it's situated on the Cape Fear River.

YOUNG IAN: Isn't he a handsome dog, uncle?

I named him Rollo.

Claire and I have decided to try and make a life here.

YOUNG IAN: In America?
That's a fine idea.

- Where will you settle?
- We don't know yet.

We thought we would work that out when we're visiting River Run.

TRYON: North Carolina offers wealth and prosperity for those willing to... persevere.

TRYON: There is a system of land grants.

Do consider my offer.

Mr. Bonnet, how many men have you k*lled?

None that were not trying to k*ll me first.

- You can go.
- Be wary. Travelers in these woods are often set upon by thieves and outlaws.

Pleasure to see you again.



WOMAN: ♪ Sing me a song

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ All that was good ♪

♪ All that was fair ♪

♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪


Lesley deserved a decent burial... not a shallow grave on a riverbank.

You can't blame yourself for what happened.

Who else, then?

Did I not aid Bonnet in his escape from the noose?

I was a fool to trust him.

We both trusted him.

He played on our sympathies.

Couldna defeat him when it mattered most.

Wasna able to protect you from him.

You were outnumbered, and they were armed to the teeth.

Now, that may be the truth of it.

And now that murderous bastard's free to prey upon others, and that's my cross to bear.

CAPTAIN FREEMAN: There she is, folks.

River Run.


YOUNG IAN: Christ.

Uncle Jamie!

You didna tell us Great-Aunt Jocasta has a home befittin' a king.

Help us ashore, lad.

Rollo, come.

When we had coin and the gemstones, I was a man with means of providin', but... now we're penniless.

Wouldn't be the first time.


You hadn't a shilling to your name when we were first married.

And I thought you only married me for my wealth, Sassenach.

Jocasta's family, and we're lucky we have relatives we can turn to.




JAMIE: Auntie.


Give us a hand with these, will ya?

Welcome to River Run.

Auntie Jocasta.

Blessed Bride, you've grown to be a giant.
- JAMIE: Mm.

That'll be the MacKenzie blood flowing through ye.

I was no more than a bairn when last you saw me.

Had nowhere to go but up.

I recall ye had a most gorgeous heid of red hair.


Oh, how yer mother adored you.

She adored you as well.

Always spoke of you wi' love.

I miss her, still.

As do I.

Auntie, eh, may I present my wife, Claire?

It's a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Cameron.

Oh, I hope you'll call me Auntie, dear.

We are kin, after all.

Of course.

Auntie it is, then.

It is lovely to meet you, Claire.


JAMIE: And this is your great-nephew, Ian Murray, Jenny's youngest son.

I'm very pleased to meet ye, Great-Aunt Jocasta.

Ye're welcome, lad.


[SOFTLY] Your great-nephew has brought a posy of flowers for you, mistress.


Thank ye kindly, Ian. Forgive me.

It is a long time since my sight has left me, though I still see shapes and shadows.

I'm sorry to hear, Great-Auntie.

Oh, fear not, lad. It has been a blessing.

I am now gifted with hearing that would be the envy of many a gossip, and the ability to scent truth from lies,

if ye catch my meanin'.



Oh, goodness.

Who have we there?

Another acquaintance to be made.

Young Ian's... mongrel, Rollo.

Take hold of yer beast, lad.

Come back, Rollo!

Do... come in, my dears, and we will show ye some River Run hospitality.

Ulysses, will you lead the way to the parlor?

Yes, mistress.


JAMIE: The thieves stole our coin and gemstones.

Left us with little more but the clothes on our backs.


Just wicked.

To repay your kindness in such fashion.

Bonnet and his men should be hangit.

He woulda been, were it not for me.

JOCASTA: You sought the goodness in him, and there was none to be found.

Pray, think on it no more.

Ye're welcome to stay here as long as ye need.

I'll not be a burden to you.

No, we don't intend to stay that long.

Bless ye, dears, ye're kin.

'Twill not be a burden to have a man of such strength and mind for business at my disposal.

Why, the good men and women of Cape Fear will be clamorin' to engage with ye, especially once they've had the pleasure of making yer acquaintance at a wee gatherin' I intend to hold in yer honor.

[SIGHS] Ye're familiar wi' my business dealings.

JOCASTA: I may not have my sight, dear, but I have been keepin' an eye on ye.

Between yer experience in Paris with Jared and the trade ye mastered in Edinburgh, ye're capable of whatever endeavor you take on.

'Twill not be long before your fortunes are reversed.

You flatter me, Auntie.

Ye're no fond of flattery.

Well, 'tis my right to do so.

Who else am I to lavish my attentions upon?


ALL: Ooh!

Ah, Christ!

Ian, what happened to ye?

IAN: Rollo... he chased a creature I've never seen before, somethin' akin to a badger, black, though streaked with white.

IAN: It lifted its tail and sprayed a foul liquid from its arse.

IAN: Ah, the stench... it burns my eyes!

You encountered a skunk, lad.

A skunk? Is that venomous?

No, just malodorous.

As luck would have it, my friend John Quincy Myers is visiting. He's a man of the wild

who can rid your mongrel of the stench.


Thank you, great-aunt.

Ulysses, will you ask Myers to meet Ian at the front of the house, near the jetty?

Yes, mistress.

But first, Ulysses, show my nephew and his bride to their bedchamber, where the air will be fresh.

As you wish, mistress.

After yer travels, ye'll desire a bit of rest, will ye no?


Thank ye, Auntie.


JAMIE: It's remarkable, Sassenach.

- CLAIRE: What is?
- JAMIE: The similarities between Aunt Jocasta and my mother.

Same smile, same manner, their voices.

Always wished ye'd kent my mother, but having ye meet my aunt is... just fine.

This will be your chamber, sir.



ULYSSES: I, uh, trust all is well?

If a need arises, you may... call upon me.

Thank you, Ulysses.

- Sir.
- Mistress.

Please, call me Claire.

Mistress Claire.

What are your names?

I'm Phaedre.

That's Mary.

Mistress... Claire.

Is there anything else you'll be needing?

No, thank you.


JAMIE: Sassenach, you haven't had much to say since our arrival.



As ye say, one day, it will all be different.


MAN: Is that a wolf masquerading as a dog?

I sincerely hope he isn't partial to human flesh.

Only if ye're thickly bearded.


Well, I shall take my chances.

John Quincy Myers.

Ian Murray.

Pleased to meet you, Ian.

A dalliance with a skunk is no laughing matter, boy.


MYERS: But Mother Nature, in all her bounty and wisdom, offers us a chance to wash the odor away, bathing in vinegar.

IAN: Huh. Well, I'll do whatever it takes.

I dinna wish him to go on reekin' like the devil's arse.


I've been allowing my beard to grow.

Seems the men of the mountains hereabouts have hearty ones.

Ah, you've a... long wait on yer hands.


But me, I take after my daddy.

My momma does admire a hairy man.

Believes them to be a rare comfort on a cold winter's night, and she's not the only one.

The Indian ladies enjoy my hairs well enough.

Indian lassies like their men... hairy?

Well, those I've come across certainly do.

It is, perhaps, naught but the novelty of my whiskers, come to think of it.

Well, their own men scarcely have bristles on their bollocks, let alone their backsides.

Well you take one look at my buttocks, and you'd think my daddy was a buffalo.


What are they like?

The Indians?

That all depends on the tribe.

Some can be friendly, some you'd do well to stay clear of.

I've heard there are Indians that will cut yer heart from yer chest and devour it whole.


Is that true?

Well, I can't say I've come across any who do that exactly, but... there are some who scalp those they consider to be outsiders.

Well, there are clansmen in Scotland who'll do the same.

Ye'll no see a Campbell and a MacDonald together, no wi'out it endin' in bloodshed.


Indians dinna sound that much different from Highlanders.

That's a fine way of looking at the world, Ian.

It's ready, sir.

Let's bathe this beast of yours before we lose the light entirely.

Come on. Come on. In you get, son.


What else do you grow in addition to tobacco?

Indigo, cotton, pine.

Our forests yield barrels of turpentine monthly.

But the greatest source of revenue is our sawmill.

We're able to ship timber along the river as far as Virginia.

Uncle Hector and you have achieved a great amount here, Auntie.

We were true partners.

Hector never made a decision regarding our beloved River Run without consultin' with me first.

Mm, sounds very familiar.

And, uh, how many slaves work here at the River Run?


JOCASTA: I purchase them in lots, in order to keep those with children together.

Over the years, I found my slaves to be more productive when treated with benevolence.

I'm very pleased to hear that, Auntie.

I ken some owners seem to treat their slaves as livestock.


Goodness, no. They're a great deal more expensive than that, I assure you.

JOCASTA: Lord knows where they'd be if I hadna taken them on and given them a home and a purpose.

Why, some are so dear to me, I consider them friends.

Do you think they... feel the same way?

I'm no sure I catch the meanin' ye wish to convey, dear.

Perhaps they see things a little differently...

Since they don't exactly have any choice.

Ah, my slaves are quite happy here,

I assure you.

Why, only a few have tried to run away over the years.

What a curious mind ye have, dear.

Ah, one of the many qualities of my wife that I cherish.

If you'll excuse me, I...

I'd asked Phaedre to meet me in the garden.

I need to replenish my supply of herbs.

JOCASTA: Of course, dear.


Mistress, Lieutenant Wolff has been waiting in the parlor for you.

Please have him join us here.


Lieutenant Wolff is the steward of the naval stores contract that River Run has with the Royal Navy.

Good day, Mistress Cameron.

Lieutenant Wolff, allow me to introduce my nephew, Jamie Fraser.

Ah, pleasure to meet you, Mr. Fraser.

Lieutenant Wolff.


Of course.

May I... offer ye some refreshment?

No, no, thank you.

What brings you here, lieutenant?

It is said that wheat is fetching a good price at five shillings a bushel.

Cultivate it on your fallow lands along the river... may fetch you a handsome profit.

I know His Majesty's Navy is always looking to buy it.

The cultivation of wheat along the river'll likely bring you a bushel of regret.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, land along the river is too damp for the... the grain to flourish.

Rice, however, would thrive along the river.

Rice, at shillings per hundred-weight, 'twould bring a fine profit, now that I think on it, and it would keep the slaves well-fed.

You seem to have a profound knowledge of agricultural practices, Mr. Fraser.

I was raised workin' the land, so I ken a bit about dirt... Lieutenant.


I shall return to discuss further contracts with you when you are not engaged in [INHALES DEEPLY] hosting kin.

Good day, Mistress Cameron.

JOCASTA: Lieutenant Wolff.


JOCASTA: I would say that the lieutenant has not been spoken to in that manner very often.

I'm sorry I offended your guest, Auntie.


Ye were right to speak yer mind, lad.

It's a privilege I wish I could enjoy, but there's a certain... delicacy to be deployed in certain matters, where a woman's unsolicited views are not always welcome.


You didn't have to go to all this trouble for me.


With more time, I'd have sent for some fine cloths from England or France.

As luck would have it, I've several gowns that could be altered to fit ye.

What color is yer hair, dear?
I hadna thought to ask.

Ye sound a bit... fair, somehow.

That would serve the garment well.

Pray, do not tell me that ye're black-haired and sallow.

More or less dark brown.

How does she look, Phaedre?

Just fine, Miss Jo.

Just fine.

She's got white skin, white as milk.

Wi' skin so pale, will she no look washed out?

Oh, no, mistress. She ain't washed out.

She got bonny eyes of indigo, and a bosom lassies would dream of.


And she's tall, wi' a thin waist.

[CHUCKLES] A great deal taller than Mistress Cameron.

'Twas the picture in my mind's eye already, dear Phaedre.

Though there are men who prefer more modestly sized women, no wishing to be dwarfed by the object of their affection.

PHAEDRE: Indeed, mistress.

Lieutenant Wolff being one of them.

Oh, Phaedre.

Any amorous intentions Wolff has towards me... it's founded only in hearsay and gossip, and we wilna indulge it.

Now, Claire, tell me, how do you find River Run?

After months without a home, ye must be greatly relieved to have such... well, fine accommodations.

Ah, it's all... very overwhelming.

It is a splendid estate indeed.

Many others have marveled at its grandeur.

But what is it that ye most admire?

Ah, I've never...

stayed... anywhere quite like it.

The... cadence of yer voice tells me what ye're no saying plainly enough, dear.

You harbor some disapproval?

Well, I suppose I do.

I don't agree with... with keeping people as property.

Are ye a Quaker?


No, I'm... I'm Catholic.

W... how is it that ye come to share their views?

I, uh... I healed some Quakers once, and they expressed their opinions to me regarding sl*very.

I have to admit, I...

I found some truth to their beliefs.


Jenny was right about you.

You are a peculiar lass.

JOCASTA: She made mention in her letters that you were... spirited, headstrong, that ye no blush to share your thoughts on any matter, versed in it or no.

The same could be said for Jenny.


Oh, aye.


Ye're a lively one, are ye no?

It's no wonder my nephew is drawn to ye.

Ye've the fire of MacKenzie in ye.



CLAIRE: The party attracted the cream of Cross Creek society, all to meet Jamie and me.

I found myself discussing local politics with Lieutenant Wolff, as well as Jocasta's friend and advisor, Farquard Campbell.

I heard they were causing trouble at the courthouse in Beaufort.

Ugh, the taxes again.

If it's trouble they want, it's trouble they'll get from His Majesty's Army.

I'd go so far as to send the Marines if it would help quell the whimpering rogues.

LUCIUS: Tumultuous times ahead.

Between the Indians and now these Regulators, it'll be a miracle if we have a chance to make something decent of this land.

Well, you can hardly blame either group for wanting their voices to be heard.

IAN: Aye.

The Indians were on these lands first, were they not?


How charmingly naive.

Were it not for the Romans, the good natives of Great Britain would be sheltering in dwellings little better than mud huts today.

No roads, no sophistication of any sort.

The savages should be thankful we're here to spare them a similar fate.

If you'll excuse me.

ULYSSES: Mistress.

JOCASTA: Dear friends, please, gather round.


ULYSSES: The guests are now assembled, mistress.

It has been my honor to introduce my nephew, Jamie Fraser, his lovely wife, Mistress Claire Fraser, and my great-nephew, Ian Murray.

But there is another reason I've brought ye together on this fine day.

Mistress Cameron, ye've brought out the good vintage.

What excellent news it must be.

Indeed I have, Mr. Campbell.

All gathered here have kent for quite some time that I have been agonizing over the matter of to whom I shall leave my beloved River Run.

JOCASTA: Well, ye need wonder no more.

I am pleased to announce that I've decided to name my nephew, Jamie, as my heir.

It is my intention that Jamie should act as master of the estate immediately.


I leave River Run in his hands.




JAMIE: There's no doubt she's a MacKenzie.

Publicly naming me heir without telling me first was... was calculated.

Something Colum or Dougal would've done.

I can't own slaves, Jamie.

On that, we are agreed upon.

Though if I were master of River Run, might we not help the slaves, see that they're well fed and clothed, but... work to set them free?

Maybe we can make a small difference for those in our part of the world.

A spark... that might light a fuse.

I can't change River Run without you, Sassenach.

What do you say?


Fuses often lead to explosions.


Aye, but when the dust settles, oftentimes, the devil ye're fightin' is gone.


Wish ye'd given me a word in advance, Auntie.


I ought to have discussed the matter with you first, but who else am I to share my bounty with?

My children have passed, and I care for you as though you were my own.

I'm grateful.

Ye're deservin' of it, lad.

'Twill no doubt please you to ken that yer aunt's will and testament is being drawn up, bequeathin' unto you yer inheritance, Mr. Fraser.


A braw sum.

FARQUARD: Well, ye'll have need of ready money to conduct business as master of the estate.

Oh, there is one thing I would ask before I'm formally named heir.

Mr. Fraser, no man ought to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Farquard, 'tis expected that the lad should have questions.

JOCASTA: Any born leader should.

What is it, nephew?

I want to free the estate's slaves.

Have you lost yer heid?

My wife and I dinna wish to own slaves.

And how do ye propose to produce anything without slaves?

It is my intention that every man and woman on the plantation shall earn a fair wage.

Allow slaves to earn a wage?

I see no harm in discussing the possibility.

Perhaps you'd allow us to benefit from yer wisdom on the matter, Mr. Campbell?


Well, if ye must hear the insurmountable obstacles associated wi' the task ye wish to undertake, Mr. Fraser, I will oblige ye.

First, you'll need to understand, liberty is granted only by permission of the county court.

- Reasonable enough.
- FARQUARD: And ye must prove that each one of yer slaves has performed a meritorious service, such as the act of saving a life, for they will not be granted a
warrant of freedom without it, and if we allow that yer slaves have performed a meritorious service, ye'd yet need to post a bond ensuring the slaves' good conduct, and you'd need to offer sureties... financial sureties.

Well, I believe that can be accommodated.

A surety to the province for each and every sl*ve freed, an enormously expensive endeavor.

Ye cannot put a price on freedom.

But the Assembly can and does.

pounds sterling a sl*ve.

That's over , pounds.

Then I shall find a way to increase River Run's revenues.


FARQUARD: What about the other plantation owners?

Ye're threatening a way of life, a very important way of life for this colony.

Were ye among Quakers, you'd find men of like mind, perhaps, but you're newly come to North Carolina, and ye dinna comprehend the difficulties you will not only face, but also bring about by entertaining such outlandish notions.

You'll put lives at risk, not least your own.

There have been others that have shared your views on the matter.

They've disappeared, never heard from again.

The threat of harm wilna sway my mind, Mr. Campbell.

CLAIRE: Prove that every sl*ve here has saved a life?

But how is that possible?

Nothing will change under these laws.


Fear that may be the truth of the matter.

There is another way to become a landowner.

We could reconsider Governor Tryon's offer.

- Jamie...
- I ken you advised me against it, but with the land granted from Tryon, we wouldna have to own slaves.

We could recruit settlers and live on our own terms.

And live in peace, for a while.

Accepting Tryon's offer will lead us to fighting in another w*r.


ULYSSES: Mr. Fraser, Mistress Cameron requires your assistance.

What is it, Auntie?

There's been an unfortunate event.
A matter of bloodshed.

Uh, I need you to act as my representative in this grave matter of justice.

Aye. What happened?

Overseer Byrnes was att*cked by one of my negroes.

He cut the man's ear clean off.

Well, then, he'll need a physician.

If we hurry, I think I can reattach it.

Do ye have a p*stol, Mr. Fraser?

- No.
- Well, then you must take Hector's... Phaedre.

JOCASTA: Incidents of this nature can stir unrest.

There may be more trouble once you arrive.




MAN: Glad ye've arrived.

JAMIE: We came as quickly as we could.

FARQUARD: MacNeill, this is Mr. Fraser,

Mistress Cameron's nephew and appointed representative, and his wife, Mistress Fraser.

I'm the healer. Where's the injured man?

I'll take ye to him.

Which n*gro drew Byrnes' blood?

That was Rufus.

Barked Byrnes like a pine tree wi' his axe right after Byrnes struck him wi' a lash.

Is Rufus near and accounted for?

Ye could say so.

FARQUARD: Mr. Fraser will be aiding me in the oversight of Rufus's execution.

CLAIRE: Execution?

Whatever for?

The law of bloodshed demands it.

Any sl*ve guilty of the as*ault of a white man, woman, or child...

Thereby causing blood to be shed, shall be put to death with a judge and representative present.





We have to help him.

Let that man down at once!

BYRNES: I will not!

Keep raising him up!

JAMIE: That's enough!

Stay back, damn you.

Bring him down, or there'll be less of your friend's face for my wife to tend to.

BYRNES: You have no right to intervene in my affairs.

Rufus? Rufus, can you hear me?

I'm her nephew, James Fraser, acting on her behalf.

Remain still.

BYRNES: I don't give a ha'penny who you are.

This is not your business!

No, Byrnes.

Ye've done wrong.

This was a matter for the law.

I will not be struck by a n*gro.

Not now, not ever.

FARQUARD: Ye'll have to answer...

What do you need, Sassenach?

If I can get him to the house, I can remove the hook and operate safely, and then I think I can save him.

I was mutilated by this wretch!

Your lawlessness will not be tolerated, no matter the provocation.

Will they let us take him?

I won't give them any choice in the matter.

Now let's get him into the dining room onto the table.

- JAMIE: Aye.

Move those chairs and clear the table.

CLAIRE: Now! Clear those things off!

JAMIE: Move.

All right, ease him on.

CLAIRE: Ease him on.

CLAIRE: Easy, easy.

Mary, find my nephew.

Get him to bring my medical box immediately.

Yes, Mistress Claire.

Phaedre, get me some clean linen, some hot water, whiskey, and two bowls.


- Now, please!
- JAMIE: Dinna fash, lad.

- CLAIRE: And bring it in here.

CLAIRE: Stay with me, Rufus.

Where is Ian? Phaedre, the whiskey... one of the porcelain bowl in that corner there.

- PHAEDRA: Yes, Mistress Claire.
- Ian, get out my knives and needles and clean them in the whiskey.


And have the scissors ready.

You take hold of this.

Keep it steady.

Mary, pour the water into the bowl.

Phaedre, tear the cloth into strips and put the bandages by Rufus.

Yes, Mistress Claire.

Ian, find the laudanum.

CLAIRE: I need to sedate him.

Here, Auntie.

CLAIRE: Rufus, this will help ease the pain.

All right, try and drink some.

CLAIRE: That's it. Right.

A little bit more, a little bit more.



- CLAIRE: Hold it steady.
- JAMIE: Aye.


Ian, scalpel.

And have those swabs ready.

All right.

I'll take it from here.

Aye. Hold him down, lad.


CLAIRE: Swabs. Swabs!




- JAMIE: Phaedre,

take Mary away.


- JOCASTA: Why would they bring the n*gro who att*cked Byrnes here?



I-i-it seems Mistress Fraser is trying to heal Rufus.

Heal him? Why on earth would she do such a thing?

Did ye no intend to aid Byrnes?

Byrnes and his men wrongfully impaled the lad.

Well his wounds dinna compare to what was done to Rufus.

It is... regrettable that he was treated with such v*olence.

Byrnes and his men will have a price to pay for their savage deeds, but Jamie, he must be hangit.

CLAIRE: The top two instruments.
In my box.

Disinfect them first.


Lieutenant Wolff and Mr. Campbell have arrived.

And wish to speak with you and Mr. Fraser.

Jamie and I... will receive them in the parlor.

Yes, mistress.

CLAIRE: Hold them like this, and keep it open.

All right, Auntie.

Your nephew may be a landowner's son, Mistress Cameron, but it is evident he knows nothing of property, nor how a master of an estate such as this should conduct himself.

An error of judgment, sir, which has been brought to my attention.

FARQUARD: I understand yer duty to yer nephew, but ye also have a duty to uphold the laws of the land, maintain order, and see justice served at River Run.

MacNeill is, at this very moment, spreading word of your nephew's exploits.

It's no concern of theirs.

Rufus is under my protection.

Mr. Fraser, have you no modicum of respect for your aunt, her property, or that of her neighbors?

Your error of judgment is grave, sir.

If order is not maintained, there is no telling what riotous behavior could ensue.

And what of those that mutilated Rufus?

Will they not be punished?

They have been jailed for takin' the law into their hands.

And you and your wife may join them for commission of the same crime, Mr. Fraser, for if your intransigence persists,

I will insist Mr. Campbell draw up a warrant for your arrest.

My nephew isna yet familiar with our laws, lieutenant.

We canna punish Jamie for his ignorance.

Please, afford me an opportunity to put this matter right.

And what would you propose?

He's stirring, Auntie.

- Take it slowly. Take it slowly.

Take it slowly.

There. There, now.

You'll still be dizzy.

Here, drink some water.

That's it.

It's all right.

It's all right.


Where am I?

You're in the main house.

I shouldn't be here.

It's all right, Rufus.

My husband is heir to this estate, and he and I brought you from the timber camp.

I removed the hook, and I've tended to your injuries.

Wh-why did you heal me, mistress?

Well, why wouldn't I?

You was there.

You know why I was put on that hook.

That doesn't mean what they did to you was right.

Shed a white man's blood.

Broke the law.

And we'll sort that out later.

From what I can tell, that Byrnes is a son of a bitch.

I'm sure you had good reason to do what you did.


I never heard a lady speak like you before.

You'll no encounter many ladies like my Auntie Claire.

I've heard her speak words fit to make a sailor blush.


Tell me, is there anyone you'd like to see?

Do you have family here?


my family in Adjumako...


far, far away.

You were taken from them?

RUFUS: My sister, too.



Men forced us from the trees where we played.

Parted us on the beach.

Forced us to ships larger than a... anything I had seen before.


You need your rest.

You too, Ian.

Before you turn in, have someone come down and help me bring Rufus to my bedroom.

He'll be more comfortable there.

I will, Auntie.

Good night.

Good night.


It's late.

Shouldn't you have turned in by now?

Mistress Cameron asked me to... keep an eye on things.

I see.

How is your... patient faring?

He's survived the surgery.

I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he recovers.

Allow me to... take that, mistress.

Something bothering you?


Forgive me for being forthright, mistress, but... persist along your path, and Rufus will face a fate far worse than death.

- What do you mean?
- Saving that boy's soul is all that can be done for him now.

Once the overseers come, they will tear the limbs from his body and leave what little is left behind as a warning for the rest of us if we... if we disobey the law.

It would have been better for us all had he... had he died on this hook.


Good night, mistress.

Must they stand there all night?

Dinna be angry wi' Farquard and Wolff.

Yer actions havena inspired a great deal of trust.

It was charitable of them to grant us an opportunity to rectify this... lamentable occurrence.

Is there no other way, Auntie?


If we dinna deliver what was agreed upon, Farquard and Wolff will be the least of our concerns.





You have until midnight, Claire.

To do what?

To turn Rufus over... to be ex*cuted.


- No, I can't do that.
- I wish there was another way.

Do ye think ye can heal him?

I've gotten him over the worst part of it.

There's always a risk of infection.

So, if you do save him, what then?

Well, we...

we could say that he escaped.

Condemn the others?

The slaves working alongside him that day.

- I don't understand.
- It's the law.

A way of ensuring no... crime goes unpunished.

If the guilty man doesna take his share of the blame, then his fellow slaves must be punished instead.


- MAN: Mistress Cameron!
- MAN: Get him out!

MAN: Mr. Fraser!



MAN: It's the law!


They'll tear him apart.


Stay here.

It's nearly midnight.

Ye ken what must be done.

That isn't the law. That's a mob.

Yes, and they will burn River Run to the ground if justice isna served.

Ye canna deliver the criminal from his fate.

MAN: Mr. Fraser.



Mistress Cameron!

MACNEILL: Mr. Fraser!

Turn over the lawless n*gro!




Blessed Bride, yer wife's foolishness will get us all k*lled.

I must address my neighbors.

- Ulysses.
- Mistress.


I ken ye swore an oath to do no harm, but...

Perhaps ye could aid him the way ye did Colum.


If yer oath is to do no harm, then... isn't it better to save his soul then to have those men tear it from his body?



MAN: Mistress Cameron, where is the n*gro?

He must be punished!

- JOCASTA: My nephew...
- MAN: Bring him out!

My nephew, Jamie, is preparing to deliver him to you.


I assure you, Rufus will pay for his crimes.

Lawlessness wilna be tolerated at River Run.



I'm here, Rufus.

MAN: Bring him out! Bring him out now!

Blessed Bride, will you no allow me to speak?

MAN: Get him out here!

We won't wait no longer!

Going to make you a tea.

CLAIRE: It'll help you sleep.

My nephew, Jamie, is a man of his word.

He will deliver the n*gro at midnight, and no a moment sooner, as was agreed upon by Lieutenant Wolff and Mr. Campbell.

I intend to serve justice, as the law commands.




Tell me about your sister.


What did you like to do as children?

Fish the river at night for butter catfish.

Abena's favorite.

Sounds lovely.

I still fish the river at night... like Abena and I used to do long ago.

You love her very much.

I watch the moonlight on water, and I think, Abena might be somewhere under the same moon, and I dream...

I dream I might see my sister... again one day.

You will.





MAN: Send the sl*ve out!

- MAN: Bring him out!
- MAN: Your time is up.

'Tis midnight, Mistress Cameron.

MAN: We're through waitin'!

- MAN: Ah!


I'm bending my knee in the eye of the Father who created me.

JAMIE: Pour down from heaven the rich blessing of Thy forgiveness.

Be Thou patient wi' us.


JAMIE: Grant to us, Thou savior of glory, the love of God...

JAMIE: And the will to do on earth at all times as angels and saints do in heaven.

String him up!

JAMIE: Give us Thy peace.

String him up, lads!



