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06x03 - The Pharmacist

Posted: 01/12/19 07:20
by bunniefuu



[BREATHLESSLY] Walter Pruitt.

♪ Get out the door ♪

♪ And smell the sulfur hanging in the air ♪

- Name?
- [SHAKILY] Margaret Hopkins.

♪ Get out to work ♪

♪ Turning the page as if there's nothing there ♪

- ♪ I often wonder ♪
- Name?

- ♪ If I ever felt another way ♪
- D-D...

♪ I've never known another life ♪


♪ There goes another day ♪

♪ Vaguely revolutionary songs and incantations ♪


♪ Fighting battles from the basement ♪

♪ You slept through the alarm ♪

Thank you all for coming.

- ♪ Afraid we got complacent ♪
- I know it wasn't easy to get here...

- ♪ Micro-managing behaviors ♪
- your current condition.

- ♪ Painting shades of gray ♪
- On the bright side,

you won't be in your current condition for much longer.

♪ When darkness had an army ♪

To be clear,

the procedure that we suggest today

has not been approved by the FDA.

In fact, you'll each have to inject yourselves.

It's a crime for us to do it for you.

We ask that you administer the treatment

at the same time.


♪ They told you you could have everything ♪

♪ If you just believe ♪

- ♪ They gave you all the information ♪

♪ You could ever need ♪

- ♪ You often wonder if the choice ♪
- Oh! Oh!

- ♪ Is even yours to make ♪

♪ You hear it happens ♪

♪ If you get down on your knees and beg ♪


He's seizing.










Cooper talked to the Attorney General this morning.

Officially, your Immunity Agreement never existed.

They won't let me see Marvin Gerard.

I'm sure there are other lawyers.

I'm being denied my counsel of choice.

A public defender's been assigned for the arraignment.

Did you hear what I said?

Cooper's been ordered not to inform the court

about the Task Force.

They're going to prosecute you.

Of course they are.

They're political animals.

In the short run,

justice always loses to politics.

Aren't you worried? You've been indicted

for at least half a dozen capital offenses.

I'm confident I'll prevail.

I want to talk about the news.

The Marshals have been watching all morning.

Yeah, you've been the top story on every channel.

I'm not talking about me.

There was a story about

bodies found in a Virginia warehouse.

I saw that. Some kind of underground medical experiment?

What if I told you I knew who conducted that experiment?

His name is Dr. Spalding Stark,

and he's the next name on the Blacklist.

You're facing the death penalty, and you're giving us a case?

Rigidity. Bradykinesis.


I'm certain our treatment can help.

Dr. Stark presents as as renegade,

a biohacker,

devoutly dedicated to enhancing human life

by hacking our genetics.

What do you mean he "presents" that way?

He approached a company of mine about a year ago,

asked for help acquiring

some advanced gene-editing equipment.

I must say, he was...

very convincing.

[SHAKILY] It's just so expensive.

I know. I'm sorry.

But we're doing this on our own,

without the R&D budget

of a big pharmaceutical powerhouse.

Some of our most revolutionary scientific achievements

come from minds outside the mainstream.

I helped him because I thought

- he was quite possibly a visionary.
- And now?

And now there are five dead bodies in a warehouse

suggesting otherwise.

Now I fear Stark may be the worst kind of charlatan,

the kind who preys on the weakest among us

for his own financial gain.

AMES: My... My daughter's pregnant.

I want to see my grandchild.


I can get you the money.



All rise!

United States versus Raymond Reddington.

C-R - .

Magistrate Judge Roberta Wilkins now presiding.

Morning, Your Honor.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Sima

- for the United States.
- LONNERGAN: Jerome Lonnergan

from the Office of the Federal Public Defender

for the accused.

Uh, waive reading of the rights and charges,

- but not the rights thereunder.
- JUDGE WILKINS: So waived.

Your Honor, given the defendant's history,

the government asks that he be remanded.

Yeah, I'm gonna calendar this for a month from today.

A month from today would be just perfect, Your Honor.

Thank you.

Y-Your Honor, may I be heard?

I don't recommend it, Mr. Reddington.

You have an attorney.

I strongly suggest you let him do the talking.

And I would, Your Honor, no question,

but given how quickly things are proceeding,

I get the distinct impression

that Jerry here has a bus to catch.

I'm sorry. Are we moving too fast for you, Mr. Reddington?

[CHUCKLES] I'm just saying

there are important matters to discuss.

- Such as?
- Well, for starters,

Your Honor hasn't really considered the issue of bail.


you have been a federal fugitive

for nearly three decades,

the FBI's Number One Most Wanted.

You are the textbook definition

of a flight risk and a danger to the community.

Now, let me be clear...

even if you were prepared to submit

every last dollar in circulation on the planet,

I still wouldn't grant you bail, ever.

Okay. I, for one, feel better knowing it was considered.

- Anything else?
- I'm afraid so.

May we approach?


You hang here, Jerry. This will only take a sec.

Look at my face, Mr. Reddington.

I'm not amused.

And I assure you, neither am I.

But the fact remains the prosecution

has intentionally failed to inform the court

of a critical factor in this case.

And that is?

My Immunity Agreement with the federal government,

an agreement that expressly covers

the charges before you

and protects me from overzealous beavers

like Mr. Sima and his bosses.

Good Lord.
You're a confidential informant.

Mr. Sima?

I-If... If there's an agreement,

I haven't seen any evidence to prove it.

That's hardly a denial.

Mr. Reddington,

is there anything you can offer this court

to support the existence of an Immunity Agreement?

Assistant Director Harold Cooper of the FBI is here.

He may be able to shed some light on the matter.

Assistant Director Cooper,

step up, please.


Mr. Cooper, I'm going to ask you this once and only once.

To your knowledge, is there currently an Immunity Agreement

in place with this defendant?

Yes or no?


Chambers, all of you, now!




- You. Talk.

I run a task force.

Officially, it doesn't exist.

Its purpose is to arrest high-priority targets

using intelligence obtained from Mr. Reddington.

So, Main Justice made a deal with the devil himself?

[LAUGHS] Shouldn't judges

at least pretend to be impartial?

Your Honor, as I said, if such a deal exists...

Oh, it exists.

Harold and I have been at this for over five years now.

Of course, some of the people who originally approved it

are either dead or have moved on,

leaving Director Cooper to deal

with the cover-their-asses crowd,

who, by the way, are perfectly happy to milk this cow

all the way to the slaughterhouse.

I'm sure the first question they asked

in response to my arrest was whether

I could still continue to be an effective asset

while locked up in jail... am I right, Harold?

Mr. Cooper, you tell your superiors at Main Justice

that I just ordered a hearing on the scope of the agreement,

and I want a copy of it on my desk today.

I can't rule on a contract I haven't seen. Understood?


We'll reconvene in the morning.

Mr. Reddington, you have an attorney sitting out there

who has no idea what he's gotten into.

I suggest you fill him in.

Actually, I don't think that'll be necessary.

- Why is that?
- Because after

careful consideration of the circumstances,

I feel it more prudent

to... represent myself.

His name is Spalding Stark. This guy is, like,

a total icon in the biohacking community.

There are icons in the biohacking community?

Oh, yeah. I've been reading about this guy for years.

I saw a live stream in

where he injected himself with a homemade malaria vaccine.

- Why would he do that?
- To prove that it was safe.

The FDA wouldn't authorize human trials

without a ton of red tape. So, get this...

the plan was to inject himself with the vaccine,

then let an infected Anopheles mosquito bite him...

- And it worked?

No. He suffered a catastrophic hyper-immune response.

Paralyzed half his face along with his left arm and leg.

- And that makes him an icon?
- Yeah.

He put his body on the line to...

to improve the human condition.

Well, he didn't stop there. If Reddington's right,

he just k*lled five of his patients.

You really think that's why he gave us this case?

- Meaning you don't?
- He's in federal prison

about to start the legal fight of his life.

I don't know why this guy's a priority,

but I guarantee we're not getting the whole story.



- RESSLER: Officer Flynn?

Agents Ressler and Navabi.

Captain said you'd be coming down.

- Bodies still inside?
- Yes, sir.

And we also kept the building owner on site,

just like you asked.

Excuse me, Warren Kirby?

We understand you're the one who called ?

Yeah. Yes, sir.

Sorry, still a little shaken up by what I saw in there.

What can you tell us about what happened?

[SIGHS] Not much.

I mean, I-I don't really know.

I own the building. It's a storage space.

Generally, I rent it out month-to-month.

So it was rented?

Several days ago by a guy named Stark.

I never met him.

Just called the office and booked it.

Said he wanted to store medical equipment.

I came by this morning to check on things,

make sure everything got loaded in okay, and...

[SIGHS] ...nobody was here.

The front door was unlocked. I went in,

and that's when I saw the bubble...

and the bodies.

Dr. Maguire. What have we got?

Well, we still have to I.D. two of the bodies,

but the others were suffering from end stages of MCDD.

It's, uh, Motor Cortex Degenerative Disease.

So these people were already dying.

Yes, but the question is,

what were they injected with,

and why'd they all die so fast?

You're all set, Mr. Ames.

We received your wire transfer.

Our preliminary exams all indicate

that you're an excellent candidate for my new treatment.

How does it work exactly?

Your disease is caused

by multiple chromosomal defects.

I identified them and created a viral payload

that has all of the genetic material...

- its corrected order.

Excuse me.


[WHISPERING] Look, I know you want to continue,

- but after...
- I'm not stopping.

Last time was my mistake.

I pushed too far.

We can make adjustments.

Ohh! Looks like somebody forgot something.

Looks like part of a jet injector.

The force of his weight must have broken it apart.

Is that how Stark administered the medication?

Yes, but I don't think I've ever seen one quite like this.

It's custom. It's very sci-fi.

I can show it to Aram, see if he knows someone

who can help figure out where it came from.

I'll reach out to an expert on MCDD.

We really need to know what we're dealing with here.


Are you really gonna give her a copy of the agreement?

Judge Wilkins is waiting.

I'm not sure I have much choice.

- Don't.
- If I don't, Reddington goes to prison.

Maybe worse. And this is just step one.

I have to testify tomorrow,

convince the court he's worth saving.

He used you.

Your decency.

He knew you wouldn't lie

about the Immunity Agreement.

He knew you'd rather violate a direct order

and damage your own career instead.

Liz, the Reddington deal exists.

The kind of government willing to pretend it doesn't,

to deny facts and make reality whatever it says is reality

I rejected, and I won't be part of it.

I'm just going to tell the truth.



Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS, lymphoma,

rheumatoid arthritis... you name it.

Chances are, we have a substantial market share

of the dr*gs sold to treat it.

And that includes Motor Cortex Degenerative Disease.

Crown Life's the leading manufacturer of Sensiprex,

what most neurologists would call state-of-the-art

when it comes to MCDD treatment.

- So it's effective?
- To a degree.

Nobody's discovered a cure yet.

All we can do is manage the symptoms.

I'm sorry, but have you ever heard

of a biohacker named Spalding Stark?

Don't think so. Why?

We think he's out there,

telling end-stage MCDD patients

he'd made some kind of a breakthrough.

Patients get desperate. They're willing to believe anything.

You got no idea how many crazy characters

are trying to push the envelope.

- So, who is this guy again?

- Uh, just a friend.

We trade ideas sometimes online.

Oh, um...

don't stare at his head. He hates that.

- Buddy, you made it!

Come on in. We just ordered hot wings.

Oh, no way. Um, this is, uh, Samar.

- Uh, Agent Navabi.
- She's staring at my head.

- I hate that.
- I'm sorry. You have a...

NFC chip in my forehead, yeah.

And two more in my hands.

Turns on my lights, computers,

and has my credit-card info.

ARAM: So, what are you guys working on?

Uh, Gruber's still trying to edit his own DNA,

increase his muscle tone.

It's a work in progress.

Uh, these two guys are using CRISPR,

playing around with a viral attack for leukemia.

Also we got, like, minutes before "American Ninja Warrior."

PASCAL: We're in a new stage of research.

It's not just Big Pharma and top academics anymore.

Amateurs are cloning DNA, editing genomes.

Teenagers are getting centrifuges for Christmas.

Got labs in their bedrooms. It's terrifying.

Damn right Big Pharma's terrified. They should be.

We're the cutting edge now, and they know it.

They think they're cutting edge,

but there's no oversight and no regulation.

Regulation? What about innovation?

How many brilliant minds have been stifled

by the FDA's onerous requirements?

We are the future.

I mean, maybe not anyone in this room,

but you get the idea.

- Here. Help yourself.
- Sweet.

Um, actually, uh... we gotta run.

I, uh... I just came by to, uh,

see if you had anything for us on that broken injector g*n.

You got that photo I sent, right?

Yeah, it's a pretty distinctive model.

I-I think I know who sells it.

A company called NexHack.




- Yeah, here we go.

It's fairly new. These are the founders

and the guys who funded development.

Oh, my God.

- That's Warren Kirby.
- Who?

He's the owner of the storage facility.

He found the victims and called .

He lied to us.

JUDGE WILKINS: For the record,

I have reviewed the Immunity Agreement.

The courtroom has now been cleared

to protect the defendant's role as the confidential informant.

This hearing is sealed in accordance

with the Classified Evidence Protection Act.

Mr. Reddington has called

Assistant Director Harold Cooper to the stand.

The witness has been sworn in.

Mr. Reddington, I'm ready if you are.

Thank you.

Hello, Harold. Thank you, by the way.

- For what?
- Being honest.

I regret I had to rely upon your integrity

just to get this hearing.

I wish there'd been an easier way.

- Objection.
- I haven't even asked anything yet.

Something tells me that's the objection.

Do you have a question for Director Cooper?

Just one, Your Honor, and it's this.

Would you do it again?

- Excuse me?
- The deal we made...

my cooperation in exchange for my freedom.

As the man who oversaw the arrangement

in all its grand and often gory detail,

would you do it again?

- Yes.
- Why?

Sorry, I had two questions.

Because it saved lives.

I don't know how many since we started.

- Maybe thousands.
- Objection!

- Move to strike.
- Oh, for goodness sake.

Your Honor, I fail to see how this witness's

subjective assessment of the agreement

has any relevance to its scope as a matter of law.

- Overruled.
- Objection.

On what grounds? I just ruled in your favor.

Your Honor, I object to almost everything about him,

beginning with his power tie

- and ending with his general demeanor.
- Enough.

- Objection.
- Mr. Reddington, if you are going

to insist on representing yourself,

you will conform yourself to the rules of the court.

- Thank you, Your Honor.
- Same goes for you, Counsel.

Let the witness speak.

We made this deal for one reason...

so you could help us find those criminals

we never knew existed.

And you've done that.

Violent people, evil people

are dead or in prison because of you.

In some cases, we recovered dangerous weapons

or avoided catastrophic outbreaks.

- Your Honor...
- Let me finish!

A few years ago, we learned some of those criminals

were inside our own government...

the Attorney General, a National Security Advisor,

the very people our country depends on

to maintain law and order.

To be clear, none of that would have happened

without Mr. Reddington.

So, would I do it again?

You're damn right I would.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

You lied to us, Mr. Kirby.

You said you never knew Mr. Stark.

That's the truth.

NAVABI: So, it's a coincidence

that Stark was using a jet injector

made by a company that you're invested in?

Okay, look.

M-Maybe I do know him.

But I swear, I wasn't there when...

If you were working with him,

conning those people out of their money,

you're an accomplice, and that means

you're gonna be charged with five counts of m*rder.

No, no, no, no. You don't understand.

I wasn't in this for money.

This was personal.

I was diagnosed with MCDD almost years ago.

Stark was my pharmacist at Greene dr*gs,

and I used to see him when I'd go in to get my meds.

He could see I was getting worse.

My body wasn't responding to the existing treatments anymore.

One day, he asked if I might be open

to a more experimental approach.

You're saying that Stark's treatment cured you?

He came to me a few weeks ago.

Asked me to lend him my warehouse

so he could expand his work.

When I went to the warehouse and saw what happened...

...Stark was already gone.

[SIGHS] I didn't know what to do.

I'm telling you, Spalding Stark isn't a con man.

He documented my case.

I have copies of the files. I can show you.

He's the only reason I'm alive.

SIMA: You are aware that the defendant

has been indicted on multiple counts of treason?

- I am.
- For selling this nation's

most highly-classified secrets,

- for betraying our country?
- Yes.

You're aware that, for almost years,

he's maintained a vast criminal empire,

- that the charges against him as the...
- [PAPERS RUSTLE] "Concierge of Crime"

are so extensive and so heinous,

they occupy a unique place in our country's history?

- I'm aware of the allegations.
- I'm sorry. Allegations?

Is it your position that the defendant is innocent?

Until proven guilty.

Or is it your position that I should ignore the Constitution?

My position, sir,

is that some people are irredeemable,

that a deal granting immunity to a man like Reddington

is beneath the dignity of a country

that prides itself on the rule of law.

Objection. He's arguing with the man,

and, frankly, being incredibly self-righteous.

Sustained... the first part, the arguing. Move on, Counsel.

Sir, is there no one you wouldn't make a deal with?

If not this defendant, is anyone too offensive

to be given a free pass by your standards?

Well, now he's just being insulting.

I said move on, Counsel.

To be clear, nobody gave Mr. Reddington a free pass.

He has to earn his freedom.

There are rules he has to abide by.

I see.

- And does he abide by them?
- Yes.

Really? So, to your knowledge,

he hasn't committed any crimes

since becoming your informant.

I won't discuss specific cases.

What we do is classified

and often involves matters of national security.

- Okay, Your Honor...
- You opened the door to this,

Director Cooper.

Does he abide by the rules or not?

I'll ask you again.

To your knowledge,

has Raymond Reddington

committed any unsanctioned crimes

since becoming an informant for your task force?


I have no direct knowledge that he has.


RESSLER: Is there any idea which way Wilkins is leaning?

[INHALES DEEPLY] Could go either way.

I thought she'd rule after my testimony yesterday, but...

she wants to hear arguments first.

The courtroom's been cleared.

We can't even watch.

It's up to Reddington now,

which means we're back and free to lend a hand on Stark.

NAVABI: So far, we know that Stark worked as a pharmacist

in one of the Greenes here in D.C.

That's how he met Kirby.

It's also how he established contact

with the five victims from the warehouse.

Greene is a national chain.

Stark was accessing its database

and reaching out to patients with advanced MCDD.

I'm guessing those five weren't the only ones.

Let's follow up, see how many people he contacted.

There's a chance he's done other experimental trials.

We could have more bodies out there.

I'll do it. I'm going crazy

- waiting to hear about Reddington.

Guys, guys. I went through Kirby's files.

Everything he told us is true.

But Stark's treatment works?

It all started with his own injuries.

That malaria vaccine he developed?

It damaged his motor cortex,

which is why he started studying

all this stuff in the first place.

And he documented everything...

how he mapped out the multi-allelic defects,

how he developed a viral payload

designed to produce hybrid cells with corrected genomes.

You honestly believe he cured Kirby's condition?

He reversed it, no question.

So, Reddington's first impression was right.

- Stark's a visionary.
- If that's true,

- what happened at that warehouse?
- I had the same question,

so I went down to the forensics lab

and got a copy of the preliminary tox report.

You won't believe what they found.


This is the treatment formulation

used by Stark on you.

This is the one that was used

on the five victims from the warehouse.

They're identical.
Except for one key component,

an extremely rare nerve agent called "Cylovex."

A nerve agent?

That's what k*lled those people.

And whoever put it in there

didn't expect the toxicology lab to find it,

and for good reason.

NAVABI: Normally, Cylovex wouldn't be on anyone's radar,

but with all the news of the Russians

allegedly using Novichok in England,

the FBI lab is on high alert for anything like it now.

Stark has a partner.

His name is Ethan Webb.

He synthesizes all of Stark's formulations, including mine.

Ethan wouldn't do it.

- Never.
- Why not?

I just told you, they're partners.

They're also friends.

I-I don't believe Ethan would k*ll those people.

SIMA: Can you imagine... immunity for Raymond Reddington?

Immunity for a man who betrayed America,

for number one on the Most Wanted List,

thousands of crimes, and how many victims?

I-I can't even guess.

This wasn't a deal.

It was a conspiracy.

An unjust and illegal conspiracy

to deprive the American people of justice.

There is nothing this defendant can do now

that will erase the memory or the impact

of what he's already done.

Your Honor, this court

has the power and the obligation

to reject government conduct

that shocks the conscience,

conduct so outrageous,

it offends the "canons of decency and fairness"

that define our civilized society,

and that's exactly what this agreement does.

This agreement should be void as a matter of public policy.

Throw it out. Tell the defendant no more.

Justice demands no less.

- All right, that's him... Dr. Ethan Webb,

and according to his profile,

he's a synthetic biologist and a molecular virologist.

- And guess where he used to work.

RESSLER: Crown Life.

That's the company I just met with.

They're the leading manufacturer of MCDD medication.

- He used to work for Big Pharma?
- Until about two years ago

when hew as fired and left the company in disgrace.

- Fired for what?
- Stealing proprietary data.

They suspected he was working
on a cure on his own.

That must be when he partnered up with Stark.

I don't understand.
If they were working together,

why would he sabotage their progress?

If there is a cure, it's gonna be with a lot of money,

so maybe Webb wants it all to himself.

Something's off. I still feel like we're missing something.






This decision...

was made many years ago.

The fact is, a small group at the Department of Justice

did their due diligence,

and with the blessing of the Attorney General

and Legal Counsel at the White House,

they concluded that the benefit that law enforcement

and, consequently, the American people

would gain from my assistance

would exceed that of the rather abstract benefit

of seeing a man of my alleged infamy

being punished in a public fashion.

There can be no question

they were legitimately exercising

their prosecutorial discretion.

They made a judgment call.

One that apparently offends Mr. Sima,

and, clearly, he's not alone.

I'd imagine there are any number of people

from prosecutors to plumbers

who, despite knowing virtually nothing about me

or the events of the last five years,

nonetheless would find my arrangement with the government

wildly unacceptable,

and to be clear, that's fine.

Debate and disagreement are at the core of any true democracy.

Argument is necessary.

Perfectly reasonable juries will often differ.

On a side note, I once went fly fishing

for a cutthroat trout in the Roaring Fork Valley,

where, inexplicably, I stumbled upon

uh, Justice Antonin Scalia... may God rest his soul...

and, boy, did [LAUGHING] we have some real barn burners.

My word, that man could argue.

Six hours, hip deep in whitewater,

and with all the yelling,

neither of us got so much as an alevin.

Objection, Your Honor. What's the point of all this?

The point, Mr. Sima,

is that your outrage doesn't concern me.

What concerns me

is that the powerful men and women who made this deal

and those who reaped the benefits of it for years

actually considered it an option to deny its existence.

They decided to say that what happened never happened.

The sad fact is,

the facts have never mattered less

than they do today.

We're living in a time when...

truth has been so diminished in value

that even those at the top of government

are quite comfortable

with truth being whatever they can convince people to believe.

That is what I find wildly unacceptable.

The truth certainly matters, Your Honor,

in rooms like this most of all.

And the truth is,

whether you or he or anyone else

likes it or not,

that Immunity Agreement exists.

Guys, we got a problem. I did what you said,

followed up to see if Stark's contacted

any other patients using the Greene dr*gs database.

Don't tell me he's done this before.

No, I don't think he has done it before,

but he is definitely about to do it again.

He's reached out to a handful of late-stage MCDD patients

over the past few days.

He's conducting another trial.

I talked to one of the patient's wives.

It's happening today

in a storage facility in Highland Park.

Get there, the three of you.

Agent Mojtabai, notify local PD.

If Webb sabotaged those doses,

all those people are about to die.

Thank you all for coming.


- ♪ Poison in the water ♪
- Almost done.

- ♪ Danger in the well ♪
- Ethan.

♪ Do not wander, shepherd's daughter ♪

I know you didn't want to do this.

♪ Poison in the water, serpent in the garden ♪

I know you're only here because of our friendship.

- You don't have to.
- No, I do.

- ♪ Guard the citadel ♪
- I-I want you to know

- how much I value our partnership.
- ♪ Fruit is rotten ♪

How much I appreciate you standing by me,

no matter what.

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪

I just need a minute to finish.

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪

♪ Nobody here we can trust ♪

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪


FBI. What do we got?

- ♪ Poison in the water ♪
- No visuals, no movement in or out.

Tactical's getting ready to blow the loading bay doors.

- ♪ Danger in the well ♪
- Do it now.

- ♪ Do not wander, shepherd's daughter ♪

- ♪ Poison in the water ♪
- STARK: As discussed,

we need you to inject yourselves.

We ask that you administer the treatment...

- ♪ Lead the lamb to slaughter ♪
- the same time.

♪ Poison in the water ♪

- [expl*si*n]
- ♪ Poison in the water ♪

- ♪ Danger in the well ♪
- Let's see your hands!

- ♪ Danger in the well ♪
- Everybody, show me your hands!

- ♪ Do not wander, shepherd's daughter ♪
- FBI. Everyone, freeze!

♪ Poison in the water ♪

Put those down now.

- ♪ Poison in the water ♪

♪ Danger in the well ♪
♪ Danger in the well ♪

♪ Do not wander, shepherd's daughter ♪

- Aram, we were too late.
- ♪ Poison in the water ♪

We have a patient down.

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪

♪ Nobody here we can trust ♪

♪ There is a Judas among us ♪


♪ Poison in the water ♪


- ♪ Careful, shepherd's daughter ♪

- ♪ Lead the lamb to slaughter ♪

♪ Poison in the water ♪


Judge Wilkins cleared us to be present for the ruling.

Elizabeth is on her way.

- Thank you, Harold.
- COURT CLERK: All rise.

JUDGE WILKINS: So, here we are at the end of a hearing

nobody wanted me to have

about an agreement nobody wanted me to see.

It's times like these I'm grateful

that federal judges are appointed for life.

I'm not as brave as Director Cooper.

I agree with Mr. Sima.

There are certain actions that fall beneath

the standard our citizens have the right to expect

from a country that prides itself on the rule of law.

I honestly don't know

whether Mr. Reddington is guilty of the multitude of crimes

with which he's been charged.

He's never been tried.

That is the problem.

To deem this deal the abomination

that Mr. Sima would have me believe,

I'd have to first accept that Mr. Reddington

is the monster he's alleged to be.

Our Constitution requires otherwise.

I don't like this deal.

But like it or not,

the federal government has benefited from it

for over five years.

They can't pretend they haven't,

and neither will I.

Accordingly, this court finds

Mr. Reddington's Immunity Agreement legally binding.

- Objection, Your Honor.
- Thank you, Your Honor.

We really should do this again some time.

Your Honor? May I be heard, Your Honor?

Mr. Sima, your objection is noted.

- The agreement stands.
- Then he violated it.

- Excuse me?
- The agreement bars us

from prosecuting the defendant unless he violated it.

Under the terms, we would then have a right

to declare it null and void.

Oh, please. Violated it how?

The g*n. When you were arrested,

you had an unregistered w*apon in your possession.

- But that's a state crime.
- Yes,

right up until someone scratched the serial number off of it.

That made it a federal offense.

He's right, Mr. Reddington.

I don't imagine this agreement

lets you walk around with a defaced firearm.

If you violated your obligations under the deal,

- you've forfeited its protections.
- To prove that,

the g*n would have to be admissible in evidence.

- Why wouldn't it be?
- Because the officer who seized it

was conducting an unreasonable search and seizure.

I see.

I take it, then, that you are moving to exclude the g*n

and request a suppression hearing?

I am, a-and I do.


Well, look at that. Your wish came true.

It seems we will get to do this again soon.

LIZ: The g*n hearing is in a week.

You have to argue that the officer that searched you

- didn't have probable cause.
- Where are they taking me?

If the search was bad, the g*n will be suppressed,

and they can't say you violated your deal.

Elizabeth, I'll be fine.

Will you do me a favor

and ask one of the Marshals where I'm being transported?



What happened yesterday on the stand...

It's done.

You testified because you value the truth.

I know it couldn't have been easy.

I protected myself and my team.

Yes, well...

...a lucky confluence of interests.

I admit, for a moment,

I thought you might decide

that our time together should end.

I considered it.

You should know I gave Agent Keen that option,

and she asked that we continue.



- The g*n hearing's in two weeks.

Until then, they're gonna transfer you to Colton.

For security, they want you in an actual prison

and not pre-trial detention.

We can talk more once I'm settled.

I haven't told you about Stark.

- You got him?
- You were right about him.

Apparently, he's brilliant.

He was being sabotaged by his partner,

a guy named Ethan Webb.

And this Webb, he confessed?

I gotta say... I'm kind of glad you pulled that injector g*n.

Means I get to add attempted m*rder of a federal agent

to the homicides you're gonna be charged with.

Yeah, that's right.
We know about the Cylovex.

STARK: You don't have to believe me,

but I was trying to help them.

I do believe you, Mr. Stark.

Those people didn't die because of your error.

They were poisoned.

- Poisoned?
- By a nerve agent called Cylovex.

Dr. Webb betrayed you.

He, um...


Not subverted.

He, um...

intentionally undermined your research.

Ethan wouldn't. Why would he do that?

Because he was never my partner.

You two started working together

after you were fired by Crown Life.

I wasn't fired from Crown Life.

That was a lie, a smokescreen

designed by my bosses to enhance my credibility

with the biohacking community.

Make them believe I was a kindred spirit.

You targeted Stark.

I want a deal.

If you expect me to testify against the company...

Any deal is gonna have to be approved by the U.S. Attorney.

Now, you tell us the truth,

I'll make sure they know you cooperated.

It's the best I can do.

He was assigned to befriend me?

Crown Life knew that you were working on MCDD.

They were concerned that you might make a breakthrough.

So, they sent Ethan

to sabotage my research and steal my ideas

so they could mass market a cure?

Crown Life doesn't want to market your cure.

They want to bury it. The company makes billions

providing the dr*gs to treat MCDD.

They can make times as much treating it over years

as they can selling a one-time cure.

I'm gonna go get a warrant for the company.

Webb gave us the names of everyone involved.


Am I being sent to prison?

Probably, but not for long.

You'll have to answer for the bodies left at the warehouse,

but, otherwise, your part in this wasn't criminal.

Ethan and I were a good team.

He had me so fooled.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes it's the people closest to you

you have to watch out for.

♪ Where you gonna go ♪

♪ Like that ♪

♪ With the holes in you? ♪

Mr. Pascal.

We meet again.

♪ With the holes in you ♪

♪ Where you gonna go ♪

♪ Like that ♪

♪ With the holes ♪

♪ In you? ♪

♪ With the holes ♪


Oh, hey, come in.

Cooper told me about the g*n hearing.

I don't understand. You know Raymond always carries a w*apon.

That doesn't make it legal.

Around here, when it comes to Reddington,

we kind of see what we want to see.

Are you okay?

I'm confused.

- ♪ With the holes in you ♪
- Someone betrayed us,

and I haven't been able to figure out who.

- ♪ Jump the g*n ♪
- If there's anything I can do...

Actually, there is something.

Mr. Stark... I need to speak with him privately

for Raymond.

- ♪ Run ♪
- It cannot be recorded.

He always has his own agenda.

What is it this time?




DEMBE: Mr. Stark, we don't have much time.

Dembe, how did you...

I go where Mr. Reddington sends me.

He's very concerned.

He made a significant investment into your research.

If you are unable to deliver on schedule...

No, no. Tell Mr. Reddington I'm making progress.

My situation here won't interfere.

- ♪ Where you gonna go... ♪
- I certainly hope not.

Mr. Reddington is counting on you.

♪ that ♪

♪ With the holes in you? ♪

♪ With the holes in you ♪


- ♪ Where you gonna go... ♪
- He sabotaged your research.

Dr. Webb betrayed you.

- ♪ that... ♪
- He sabotaged your research.

Hey. Everything cool?

- ♪ ...with the holes? ♪
- Yes.

Let's get out of here. I am starving.



MAN: Confirm yard recall.



MAN # : Uh, - - transport is in the lead.

MAN # : We have another team over on...

Mr. Reddington, welcome home.