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05x10 - The Flash & The Furious

Posted: 01/16/19 07:17
by bunniefuu
My name is Barry Allen,

and I am the fastest man alive.

To the outside world,

I'm an ordinary forensic scientist.

But secretly, with the help of my friends

at S.T.A.R. Labs, I fight crime

and find other meta-humans like me.

But when my daughter came back from the future to help,

she changed the present.

And now our world is more dangerous than ever,

and I'm the only one fast enough to save it.

I am The Flash.

Previously on "The Flash"...

Meet Joss Jackam.

She's a delinquent teen turned amateur storm chaser.

That weathervane, doesn't it look a lot like...

The staff she was carrying, yeah.

It's infected with a satellite shard.

Our satellite didn't just create new metas.

It created meta-tech.

Every time you vibe or breach,

the dark matter is going to affect

your central nervous system, causing you

more and more pain.

- We need to talk.
- Yes, Nora.

Yes, we do.

You've been gone a long time, Nora.

You're lucky I came back at all.


I can tell you have questions.

Ask them.

- You k*lled my grandmother?
- I did.

- In front of my father?
- I did.

- He was a boy.
- Nora...

He was just a kid!

You're right,

and I think of that moment every day,

how it changed the course of destiny

for him,

for you,

for me.

I never knew he had that kind of hatred inside of him,

but he does because of you.

And I have that same hatred inside of me for him!

Or at least I did.

I was inspired by him, as you are.

I wanted to know him, as you do.

I wanted to be him. I wanted to be the Flash.

You will never be the Flash.


And that realization is what broke me.

That's the realization that led me to do

the things that I did.

The terrible, horrible,

evil things I did.

I've been coming here for so long.

Why didn't you tell me what you did?

I thought you must know.

Your mother would've told you.

I was wrong. I see that.

I'm sorry, Nora.

I don't trust you anymore.

Have I not given you everything?

The chance to go back and know a father you never knew?

To learn from him? To run with him?

To run with the Flash.

I showed you how to time travel because...

I want to help you.

No, the only person that you ever help is yourself.

Who told you that?

Your father?

For as long as I can remember,

all I ever thought about was myself,

and that will not be my legacy.

That will not the legacy of Eobard Thawne!

Let me help you!

I don't want your help.

Not anymore.

So we've got some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that CCPD is still stationed outside

of Grace's room and will remain so until Dwyer's been caught.

But the bad news is, that means Dwyer won't

be visiting her again anytime soon.

And then the worse news is,

we have no idea where Cicada could be hiding.

Can't we just track him by the dark energy in his dagger?

Well, we can but only when he uses it, which,

thank God, hasn't been recently.

And he's not showing up on facial recognition?

Unless he decides to make an appearance, we've got zilch.

Which reminds me, where the rest of Team Flash is?

Where's baby giraffe and young Nora?

Ralph's visiting his mom. He said to call if we need him.

- And Nora is...
- Right here.

I just stopped by the loft to pick up your blue suit.

I figured you'd had enough of green.

Hey, I made that green suit work, though.

What is, uh, that for again?

Mama Cecile's first day back to the courtroom

and Dad's testimony against Weather Witch.

Joss Jackam's trial is later today.

It starts in minutes.

Well, since my dad is with Jenna visiting Wally,

why don't I come with you guys and help support Cecile?

Yeah. When are they coming back, by the way?

- They've been gone forever.
- Uh, he's not sure.

After having a psychopath break into his home,

I don't think he's in any rush

to bring a newborn back to Central City.

Besides, Cecile has a lot on her plate

with this being her first day back at work.

I can't wait to see Weather Witch

get what she deserves.

Hey, you ready to get those shards out of your hands?

Hell yes!

I haven't been able to play PS properly for weeks.

See you in there.

Hey, you feel that?

Feel what?

That's the feeling of free time.

AKA unbillable hours,

so we better not be seeing any invoices from you

in the near future.

Oh, that's all right.

This is one mystery I will solve for free.

The state versus Joslyn Jackam,

Criminal Court of Central City, meta-crime number .

Welcome back to my courtroom, Miss Horton.

I trust your maternity leave was enjoyable?

Thank you, Your Honor.

I am very happy to be back at work.

Yeah, there never really is enough time

with a newborn, is there?

There is not. You may proceed.

Thank you, Your Honor.

The prosecution intends to prove

that between November th and th,

Joslyn Jackam used this device,

a so-called piece of meta-tech,

to unlawfully and intentionally

harm the citizens of Central City.

Her meta-crimes include

massive property damage at Iron Heights,

the grounding of separate flights

at Sheldon County Airport,

and the attempted m*rder

of her own father, Mark Mardon.

Now, this attack on her father was...


Uh, the...

The attack on her father was premeditated.

Um, and...

the prosecution is seeking the...

Are you okay?


yeah, it's just a...


I'll be fine.

The prosecution is seeking the maximum sentence, Your Honor.


All right, almost done.

Micro-scale surgery is not the easiest.

Is that why you missed these the first time?

Hey, now!

All right, there you go.

Your hands are officially dagger shard free.


One more thing.

Mm, meta-sutures for meta-wounds,

that's clever.

Ah! Note to self, ice healing actually hurts.

Don't be a wuss.

Wuss. You're the wuss.

Looks like you've got this whole

Caitlyn/k*ller Frost thing down pat.

- Eh, not totally.
- I got it.

But it is getting easier to switch to k*ller Frost

when I need to.

So those sutures should stay frozen while the wound heals.

Once they melt, you can take the bandages off.

You'll be good to go.

I have to confess.

I've actually really enjoyed not having my powers lately.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I got used to being Cisco again sans Vibe-age, you know?

And not having villains breathing down my neck

once a week, I have to say, is pretty schway.

Well, if we're gonna defeat Cicada,

we need a fully functioning Vibe.

So hopefully this does the trick.

Here, souvenirs.

- Oh, thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

Opening statements are underway

in the trial of Joss Jackam,

otherwise known as Weather Witch.

Just saying, nothing wrong

with three or four martinis at lunch.

It is when you get in your Lamborghini and drive.

Sir, sir, focus here.

Touch your nose.

Hey! That's my car!

And then what happened, Miss Pellett?

She created some kind of lightning tornado.

I wasn't sure if any of us were gonna make it.

I got to go.

One moment, please.

I got to go. There's been a car theft.

What are you talking about?
You're my lead CSI witness.

You're on the stand in minutes.

I'm sorry. It's a Lamborghini, all right?

The cops aren't gonna be able to keep up with this thing.

- It'll be quick.
- minutes.

- All right.
- Miss Horton?

Hmm, where were we?

Guys, the car just turned north on th,

- headed towards Wakefield.
- Got it.

Get ready to take control of the wheel.

- What are you gonna do?
- Get the driver.

Here we go.


- What's happening?
- I can't stop vibrating.

- Guys! We need your help!
- Guys!

- With what?
- With...

With that?

I can't stop phasing.

And I can't counter-phase him forever.

Okay, that's not good.

If you keep going but you don't,

then you could...

fall to your death.

- Yeah!
- What are we gonna do?

- Let him.
- Uh...


Yes, if you phase through the floor,

you're actually gonna fall into pipeline cell

directly below us.

And the dampening unit will negate your powers.

Unless we don't time it right.

In which case, your torso would be severed from your legs

as you enter the cell.

- Not helping.
- Stop, stop.

Okay, stop. I tr... I trust you Cisco.

Move to the right.

No, my right.

Cisco! Come on!

Okay, stop right there!

- One step back.
- Cisco!

Actually, never mind, one step forward.

Okay, ready? Three, two, one, go!

What's going on with me?


the car you touched

was saturated with unstable dark matter.

And because you were phasing at the time,

it caused your body to destabilize

on a cellular level.

When I got close to the driver,

I saw dark matter veins flare up,

just like on the back of Spencer Young's phone.

So the car is a piece of meta-tech?

That or whatever was controlling it.

How long is he gonna have to stay in there for?

Without the help of the power dampeners,

it could take up to a day?

No, no, no, no! I-I have to present evidence on the stand

in, like, ten minutes.

Cecile's gonna k*ll me.

- That's not good.
- Um...

I could do it.

You can't be serious.

Well, when Dad made me official,

he submitted my paperwork to the court,

so I'm qualified to present forensic evidence.

I can do this.

I cannot believe this is happening on my first day back.

It's my first day back. Okay.

Go to the court reporter. Check in.

Tell her that Barry was in a traffic accident.


And, Nora, when you're up there on the stand,

you just follow my lead.

- Got it?
- Mm-hmm.

Don't worry. Nora can handle this.

It's not that.

I've decided I'm gonna pursue a lighter sentence.

Why the change of heart?

Because I keep feeling these

waves of remorse coming off of Joss.

I think she just wants to start over

so she doesn't turn out like her father.

So, Miss West, can you explain what effect

these conditions had on the Sheldon County Airport?

The facility was hit by winds

ranging from to miles per hour.

Wow, that's... That is pretty dangerous.

And yet not a single person was injured.

Well, no, but that was because...

What about these lightning marks on the tarmac?

Would you say that that is common,

given the nature of the weather

during the incident in question?

Yes, but luckily, in this case,

the lightning only hit the runway

and not the surrounding structures.

The structures where all of the passengers were.

I would say that is pretty lucky indeed.

Your Honor, the prosecution rests.

So that's it? You're not gonna ask me anything else?

Well, it would appear so.

Mr. Lee, I think you're up.

Miss West, is my client a meta-human?

No, but she used meta-tech.

Specifically a weather staff

that was corrupted by dark matter.

So one could say it was the staff, not my client,

that att*cked the Sheldon County Airport that night?

No, one couldn't. She used that staff.

But isn't this just an ordinary weather staff

corrupted by dark matter?

These are your words.

- Yes, but...
- And since dark matter

was able to corrupt a tool

and turn it into a w*apon of destruction,

isn't it also possible it could corrupt the defendant?

No. Dark matter doesn't make you do things.

She pointed lightning at a hangar full of scared families.

Your Honor, there were little kids in that hangar.

Did you know that... that lightning is five times hotter

than the surface of the sun?

That is the kind of power that the defendant unleashed

upon those people.

She did this.

This was her choice, and she can't be trusted.

No, Miss West, you must sit down.

I know, but, Your Honor...

- Sit down!
- No! She's right.

I'm guilty,

and I should pay for what I did.

- What you doing?
- Get a load of this.

You know those shards you removed?

I ran a biochemical analysis on them

and the tissue from my hands.

You know how to do that?

I picked up a thing or two from Caitlin Snow MD

over the years, and I found this.

That's my tissue right after I got sliced.


That's from today.

Almost all the dark matter is gone.

The shards weren't dampening my powers.

They were removing them.

So the dagger has anti-dark matter properties.


Cisco, if we can synthesize that into a serum,

we could get rid of Cicada's powers entirely.

And not just his powers, everyone's.

- Everyone's?
- Caitlyn,

we could make a meta-human cure.

You think we need a meta-human cure?

Don't you?


Okay, maybe not.

But I seem to remember a time when you did?

Sure, when I first discovered k*ller Frost,

I wanted to get rid of her.

But when she was gone, it felt like a piece of me was missing.

Besides, we have seen meta-human powers

do really good things.

Okay, yeah! If you can build an ice bridge

to avoid rush hour traffic,

but what if my existence gives everyone around me

radiation poisoning like "Fallout"?

Those metas, we created them against their will.

No, Thawne created the particle accelerator

and he sabotaged it.

And who shattered the satellite full of dark matter

and created God knows how many metas?

We did that.

This cure could give meta-humans a second chance

at having a normal life.

Maybe not everyone wants a normal life, Cisco.

Watch out!

Who does this lady think she is?

What the hell?

Who are you?

Your ride. Let's go.

So Joss Jackam never made it to Iron Heights.

Nope, and the transport driver said

that the woman who took her used something

that completely shut down his truck.


That. Look familiar?

Ugh, another piece of satellite shard.

So the fob is the meta-tech?

Yeah, probably sends out some kind of dark matter pulse

that overrides any guidance system in seconds.

So as long as she has an engine,

she can control it and we still

don't even know who we're looking for.

Maybe we do. Hey, can you fast-forward?


Yeah, look, that salute. She's definitely military.

Okay, let's run that face through the DOD database.

Raya Van Zandt.

Former air force, ace pilot, mechanic,

and expert in vehicle operations.

She was dishonorably discharged.

Call sign was Silver Ghost. Huh?

The rest of her military record was sealed.

Okay, well, I'm gonna see if my dad can call in a favor

and maybe we can get a copy.

Yeah, and in the meantime,

it looks like we have two bad girls to track down.

I'm not so sure, Nora.

I mean, Cecile said that she could feel Joss's remorse.

Come on, Mom. That was a show.

I mean, do you think this escape was a coincidence?

Uh, well, we don't know yet, Nora.

Yes, we do.

Raya got that fob to break Joss out of the prison transport.

I guarantee you Joss is a part of this.

How do you know that?

Because bad people don't change.

Hey, guys, any way

you could send down some food?

Welcome to home base.

Home base of what?

The Young Rogues.

There's been enough old men running this town.

Our turn.

I have my eyes on a few candidates,

but for this job, plan on it just being you and me.

Um, I'm not planning anything!

I don't even know who you are! Just take me back!

You ever heard of A.R.G.U.S.?

It's an off-the-grid facility primed with bleeding-edge tech,

and it's protected by one

of the most advanced security systems on Earth.

The only thing that can short it out is

a billion jolts of electricity.

So a few bolts of lightning.

You're the Weather Witch, right?

Beneath this wall is the facility's power junction.

You hit that and we have a four-minute window

to get something that will make us unstoppable.

No, look, even if I was gonna help you,

and I'm not,

I need my weather staff to control any of that,

and right now, that is in police holdup.

So if you could just take me back.


To do what?

Turn myself in.

I see.

You don't want to be like your dad.

I get that, but it's too late.

You're a criminal. So am I.

And those people out there,

trust me, all they think is, "Like father, like daughter."

But I guess you need to find that out for yourself,

don't you?

Find me when you do.

Thank you.

- Well... right.
- Yeah.

That will hold you until you get out... oh!

Uh, can I ask you a question?

Uh, do you have a minute?


Yes, you're not going anywhere.

So, um, last year, you came out of the Speed Force

and you were writing a kind of a symbol language.

Do you remember that?

- Yeah, I remember.
- And apparently,

Cisco could only translate one of these phrases. Right?

So far, yeah. I mean, Gideon couldn't even do it.


Right, Gideon.

So what do you think that language was?

I don't know. It was some kind of, uh, chronolinguistics.

Chronolinguistics that you got from your time

in the Speed Force, which is all time at once, right?

Past, present, future.

What do you think this language was? Future, maybe?

Why? Is this about Cicada?

Cicada? No, no. No, It's just, um...

le mystère, huh?

I'm a detective. I see mystery everywhere, so...

- Uh-huh.
- Uh, all right. Thank you.

See you next time.

Okay... oh! Ah, before I forget,

the Legends, uh, dropped off some, um, books

to help you pass the time.

- Huh.
- "Uncaged Desire."

Your kind of caged desire.

- Hope you enjoy it.
- Huh.

- See you next time.
- Thanks.

Yeah, probably not very good.

See you!

What is it?

According to Doppler, it's a hurricane in Central City.

No, it's not a hurricane. It's Joss.

I'm on it.

What, no Flash today?

Figured he wasn't needed to stop a fake hurricane.

Guess we can add damaging private property

to your résumé.

Look, I just need your help.

Oh, stop with the sorry act.

That ended when your friend helped you escape.

She is not my buddy, and I did not escape.


I want to turn myself back in.

Oh, you really expect me to believe that?

My dad is the career criminal,

not me.

I just...

I want to show everybody

that I'm not the person that they think I am.

Then what do you need me for?

You're a hero.

If you vouch for me,

people will know that I'm telling the truth.

Look, I will tell you everything.

I'll even show you where that woman took me.

Just give me a chance.

If anyone asks, you never saw this.

Thank you, Major Morgan.

Please tell the lieutenant general

that my dad and I owe him one.

Special delivery. One Weather Witch.

What? I thought you were gonna help me.

I'm trying to turn myself in.

No, I-I didn't escape. I-I was kidnapped.

Will you please tell them?

Sorry, I don't trust criminals.

She's all yours.

No! No, no! This is a misunderstanding!

This is unfair!

If I could just talk to her, please!

Your father does the exact same thing.

When something's on his mind, he runs.

Nothing's on my mind, Mom.

I got to take a look at Raya Van Zandt's DOD file.

Oh, yeah, did you find the connection

between her and Joss?

Well, there doesn't seem to be one.


Yeah, she left the air force

after a failed mission overseas,

and then she spent two months on desk duty,

and then she was dishonorably discharged.

But it seems like she has a pretty good service record.

Exactly, so clearly the DOD had egg on its face

and Raya became its scapegoat.

I'm just saying, Nora,

not everyone is as bad as they seem.

Raya, Joss. I think everyone deserves a second chance.

If you don't believe me, ask your father.

He gives more second chances than anyone I've ever met.

Come on. Come on.

Yes. Yes! Yes, yes, yes!


What the hell are you doing?

What the hell are you doing?

Well, I was distilling dark matter ore

from Cicada's dagger shards.

But I can't really do that anymore, can I?


Why did you do that?

You're smart. You can figure it out.

When are you gonna figure out that

a meta-cure could actually help people?

Listen, I heard all about it, short stuff.

But you know what? Caity and I,

we're doing just fine,

and so were you until Cicada got all up in your head.

Don't do that. This isn't just about me.

Oh, the hell it isn't!

And... and you know what? I get it.

He tried to k*ll you.

You're trying to create something that'll save us all.

Yeah, I am!

All of us!

Barry, Iris, Nora, they have a family.

Even you and Caitlyn have your weird little family.

But what about my family?

I want a wife to grow old with.

I want a kid.

And I don't want them to wonder all the time

if their dad is in trouble,

if he's even gonna make it home tonight.

Cisco, you don't have to choose between having powers

and having a family.

Yeah? Well, some of us do.

I'm not the Flash.

I don't want to be the Flash.

I want to be me.

A cure is the only way.

Or it was.


Oh, come on, girl.

You're reading Mick's book?

This is...

surprisingly well-written.

What's going on?

Just having a hard time believing

some people can change.

How come?

'Cause after everything that you've seen,

don't you think that bad people stay bad?

Not always.

When I first met Leonard Snart, he was a criminal.

Probably the worst criminal in the city.

But I...

You know, I knew

that there was a good person in there somewhere,

and look at him.

Turned out to be a Legend.

Died a hero.

If he can change, anyone can.

You really believe that?

Yeah. I do.

What about Eobard Thawne?

I think...

part of being a hero

is being able to see the good in people.

So yeah, maybe someday in the future...

even Thawne could change.

Besides, if we don't believe in people,

who will?

Very funny!

I got s!

We got a lot of vehicles! Let's go.

Copy that. Suit up!

We've got multiple s in our own parking lot!

Get out there quick!

Requesting more backup! We've got a lot!

What are you doing here?

Doing what no one else is gonna do for you...

Offer you a second chance...

Weather Witch.

That's it.

That's where the power junction is.

Give it everything you got.

- What the hell was that?
- I don't know, sir.

But it knocked out security grids through .

Ten years and $ million later,

the stealth automobile, AKA the SAM, was born.

Rumor has it that everything under its hood

comes directly from WayneTech.

This is a $ -million prototype?

What can it do?

Let's find out.

Is it Joss or Raya?

I'm guessing both because someone just stole

a very expensive vehicle from A.R.G.U.S.

after a very precise lightning strike.

It's a next-gen prototype

with all the bells and whistles.

If bells and whistles could explode and m*rder people.

And supposedly it's untrackable.

So how do we find it?

- We don't search for the car.
- We search for them.

If Joss made lightning strike again,

it means she has her staff.

Oh, so we can track the dark matter in it. Nice!

I got the location.

Okay, remember, Nora, whatever you do,

don't touch the car while using your powers.

Hey, Caitlin, can I steal you for a second?

Joyride's over, Silver Ghost.

Joss, I need to talk to you.

Hard pass.

Got to love remote detonation.

Icy roads ahead.

Oh, my God. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Raya!


Holy Buckaroo Banzai.

It phases?

Whatever phase-trick they just used,

it jammed our tracking.

We can't get a lock on them

if she doesn't use that weather staff.

XS is gonna come after us.

Let her try.

Hear no evil, see no evil.

We're invisible.

Hey, Cisco?

Can you connect me to the car's comm system?

No, but best I can do is have you send out radio waves,

and if the car's nearby, it'll pick them up.

Do it.

Joss? Joss, it's XS. I hope you can hear me.

You tried to tell me something earlier.

You tried to tell me that you wanted to pay

for the crimes that you committed.

You said you weren't a criminal like your father.

You asked me to give you a second chance,

but I didn't listen.

Now I'm asking you for a second chance.

Joss, this isn't who you are.

Nora, the car's headed straight for you.

I don't see anything.

Nora, look out!

How the hell did I lose control?

Hey, hold on to me. This is gonna feel weird.

Well, at least we got their wheels.

What's left of them.

Thanks for the last-minute rescue.

- For the what?
- Icing up the road.

I didn't ice the road.

What? Who...


time! hours are up.

Okay, I double-checked with Caitlin,

and there doesn't seem to be any unstable dark matter

in your biometric scans.


Man, it feels good to be out of there.

We definitely missed you, Dad.

Sorry I haven't been able to help with everything.

Do we know where Joss and Raya are now?

No, we got nothing yet.

But you were right about Joss.

She saved my life.

If she hadn't iced over the road...

But she did because you connected with her.

It's like Dad said,

she just needed someone to believe in her.

Sounds like you found your own Leonard Snart.

Well, time might prove me wrong, but I think so.

I hope so.

I'm sorry I messed up your first day back.

It's all right, Nora. There's always day two.

- I'm happy you're back.
- Thanks.

Hey do you wanna help me find Cisco?

I gotta get this extrapolator thing recalibrated.

I went to go see Joe in Tibet, and I ended up in Fiji.

Being a parent sure is hard sometimes.

Yeah, it is.

But there's nothing like it.

Okay, well, we can't both be the basket case.

"We're all pretty bizarre.

Some of us are just better at hiding it."

Come on, "Breakfast Club"?

It's one of the only movies

k*ller Frost and I actually agree on.

Let me guess, she's into Bender?

- Totally. She loves him.
- Yeah, makes sense.

- I'd ship that.
- Put that on.

It's cold where we're going.

Your dad's old lab.

- Mm-hmm.
- Cool.

Caitlin, why did you bring me here?

Because despite our last encounter with him,

he did create a meta-gene.

So I was thinking that you could use his research

to do the reverse.

Um, okay,

don't look now, but if I didn't know any better,

I'd say this feels a lot like you helping me

make a meta-human cure.

I couldn't stop thinking about

what you said about how a cure

would give you a second chance at a normal life.

No friend would stand in the way of that.

But there is a difference between you standing in my way

and you actively helping me.

I still think this is dangerous, but...

maybe if I'm involved, we can have some ground rules.

Like the first and most important,

we will never, ever force a cure on anyone.


Rule number one.

We're not just here to make a cure.

We're here to make a choice.


You either trust me, or you don't.

There's no in-between.


I don't trust you.

But I'm willing to give you the chance to change my mind.

Well, that might take some time.

And time, as you may recall,

is not on my side.

Minutes are minutes,

seconds are seconds,

and there's very few of them left.

I want to believe that

there is good inside of you somewhere, Thawne.

Let me prove there is.


What's next?

Hello, Dr. Wells.

Hello, Gideon.

I have access to all the files?

- Right?
- Of course.

Which files would you like me to locate?

I would like you to locate the files

from Nora West-Allen.

I'm sorry, Dr. Wells,

but all entries have been permanently deleted

by Nora West-Allen.