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19x12 - Info Wars

Posted: 02/21/19 06:45
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

[dramatic tones]

How dare we continue to glorify Thomas Jefferson, a sl*ve owner who r*ped his sl*ve mistress?

[crowd booing]


I know.

And why stop there?

The liberals want to put Susan B.

Anthony on our money.

[crowd booing]

But I think they forgot, she said she would cut off her own arm before helping Negroes to get the right to vote.

[crowd booing]

Yeah, I know.

She was a r*cist too.

[crowd laughing]

Guess who else was?

- Ugh.

- Gandhi.

He called Africans "savages. "

But meanwhile, the liberal snowflakes, they're concerned with tearing down statues of Andrew Jackson [crowd booing]

Jefferson Davis.

I think they forgot those guys are all Democrats.

[laughter, booing]

Just saying.

And that is why I come to college campuses like Hudson


Yeah, Hudson!

Because in many cases, I'm the only conservative voice they will hear in four years.

[crowds shouting]

We don't want you here!

Shut up and let her speak!

A totalitarian PC culture has taken over this country, and you know what?

We are sick of it.

[crowd cheering]

[cheers and applause]

We're sick of you!

Let's go!


No Nazis, no KKK No fascist USA!

That's what I'm talking about.

Do you see this?

Students have become so brainwashed that they are opposing free speech.

You don't even know what you're fighting for anymore.

[all shouting]

[tense music]

Go home!

Go home!

Stay back.

You people have forgotten what you're fighting for.

[all shouting and chanting]

[faint rasping]



Are you okay?

I need an ambulance to the Hudson quad right now.

[dramatic music]

Where are all the witnesses?

Task force declared a little illegally assemble.

Chased everyone away.

Vic's bodyguard was knocked out in the brawl.

- He's with the EMTs.

- I'll go check on him.

Blue windbreakers.

TARU must have this mess on videotape.



Ms. Cobb.

Ms. Cobb, can you hear me?

- She's been in and out.

- She was hit on the head?

Might be some kind of brain injury.

- We better get going.

- Okay.

I'll ride with her.

[siren blaring]

- [coughs]

- Martha?

Martha, I'm Lieutenant Benson from the NYPD.

You're on your way to the hospital.


Um what what happened?

You were att*cked during your speech at Hudson University.

Martha, do you remember anything?

[murmurs indistinctly]

- Hmm?

- A a mob.

There was a mob and, um [sighs]

Someone hit me from behind.


Did you see who hit you?

[whimpers softly]

[groans softly]


Did you see who did this to you?

A man held me down.

Okay, so when we get to the hospital, a doctor is going to conduct a forensic examination.

The exam can provide evidence for us.


But I promise, we're not gonna do anything without your consent.

Just rest.

We're gonna be there soon.


My CO told us to sweep the area for stragglers, but all the protestors were gone - by the time we got back.

- And how about security cams?

Nothing on this area.

Hold on.

That's blood.


This looks like a protest sign was torn off.

A lot of signs left behind on the quad.

Here, come with us.

Let's look for the match.

"Alt Right Delete.

" Now, this one's subtle.

"Diversity is code for white genocide.

" Hey, check this out.

Here's one with its piece torn out.

- Perfect fit.

- A rose with a hammer?

Which side was that?

I don't recognize it either.

Find out who organized the rally.

- See if they do.

- All right.

[dramatic tones]

So you're the president of the Young Conservatives club

- here at Hudson?

- Yeah.

Well, you paid Martha Cobb to come speak here.

- Who was invited?

- It was a Facebook event open to anyone interested in what Martha had to say.

Okay, so white supremacists, Nazis, wannabe KKK members.

- Any group I'm missing?

- We hate being associated with that crap, but it's not our place to turn people away.

- Point taken.

- Did you see the wanted poster the alt-left put up?

All because I believe in free speech.

"Henry Anderson invited Martha Cobb to Hudson.

If you see him, let him know what you think.

" Wages are flat, we live in a welfare state, and I'm getting harassed for being willing to talk about it.

Okay, well, do you recognize this symbol?

That's Antifa, the anti-fascists.

Do you remember anyone holding that sign at the rally?

The Progressive Coalition organized the counter-protest.

They were making signs in the student lounge.

This is a safe space.

We're here for support, not to incite.

- A safe space for antifa?

- We didn't turn anyone away, but I got nervous when the black bloc antifa contingent showed up.

I mean, I'm against fascism, but I believe in peaceful protest.

And they were here to disrupt?

To shut down Martha Cobb.

A few of them had clubs.

And did did any of them have protest signs?

Maybe maybe like this one?

- I may have seen a few.

- Do you know their names?

So you can arrest them for a riot instigated by white supremacists?

This isn't about politics.


A woman was r*ped.

Oh, no.

Those antifa people I don't really know who they are.

They don't go to school here.


How's Martha doing?

She's shaken but stable.

You know, her memories are scattered.

There's no description of the perp.

M. E. confirms it's Martha Cobb's blood - on the cardboard tube.

- Okay, so who had the sign?

Well, we're not getting anywhere with Hudson, but this is TARU's footage.

Now, we pulled a few faces from the scrum, we sent them to the FBI database, run them through facial recognition.

So what about threats leading up to the rally?

Against Martha Cobb?

All day, every day.

Well, we should still sort through them, 'cause some people really hate her.

You know she wants all Jews and Muslims to convert to Christianity, right?

You know, 10% of what she says is completely outrageous, and it's to get your attention, but some of her positions actually make a lot of sense.

Yeah, like closing down Planned Parenthood or deporting the Dreamers?

Okay, we are in a bubble here though.

Half the country is pro-life.

[cell phone vibrates]

Pro-family values, terrified of radical Islam.

She's a troll, Amanda.


But the more you dismiss her, the more you embolden her supporters.

We're gonna have to continue this debate at another time or never because the DNA just came in.

- That was fast.

- So, DNA was recovered from under Martha Cobb's fingernails.

The match was to a Justin Vichinsky who was arrested last month at the anti-Trump rally in Jersey.

I recognize that dude.

White dude who thinks he's Bob Marley.

Yeah, without the positive vibrations.

Kind of busy here, guys.

Were you at Martha Cobb's rally at Hudson University?


Uh, hang on one second.


Got a vanilla chai latte for Wendy!


Yeah, you guys did a crap job - of keeping the peace.

- We saw the video.

You did a fine job of disturbing the peace.

Man, I was protecting peaceful protestors.

You wore a mask and rushed the stage.

Well, what about the scum that Martha Cobb attracts, huh?



So you att*cked her?


Man, I yelled at her.

You don't go to the hospital from getting yelled at.

She got hurt?

Yeah, she was sexually assaulted with a cardboard tube.



When's the parade?

What, you're happy about that?

Well, maybe that's what she gets for blaming a hurricane that k*lled 50 people on the mayor's sexual orientation.

Well, guess what, hater?

You're under arrest for menacing.

Are you kidding me?

For protesting at a protest?

Martha Cobb's off spreading fascist propaganda and I'm the one being arrested, everybody.

That's right.

Take a good look.

We're already living in a police state.

Thank you for coming in, Martha.

- How are you feeling?

- Emboldened and empowered.

Well, I know how difficult this must be, especially with your public profile.

You have no idea what my life is like.

Doesn't mean that I don't understand what you're going through.

Do you people ever stop with the empathy?

Which "people" are you referring to?

Let me guess.

You cried tears of joy when Obama was elected said you'd move to Canada if Trump ever got in, yet here you are.

I was never going anywhere, but, right or left, I want to find the man who assaulted you and make sure that he is apprehended and punished.

So, um you may have suffered from something called "collapsed immobility," and it can happen from being overpowered, and it affects your memory.

It can get scattered or even go missing, so I wanted to ask you if anything has come back to you since we last spoke.

It may help if I see the face of the cockroach who did this to me.

Well, he may or may not be in the lineup, but if he is, it can be an emotional shock.

More than having a signpost shoved inside me?


You don't have to treat me with kid gloves, Lieutenant.

Let's just get this over with.

[door opens]




Jed Karey.

I'll be representing Mr. Vichinsky.



Well, this is gonna be easier than I thought.

This way.

Martha, just take all the time that you need

- [scoffs]

- Let us know if you recognize anyone.

Number six.

Where do you recognize him from?

He was at Hudson with antifa, screaming at me.

Anything else?

He's the one who att*cked me.

So he r*ped you?

[tense music]



It was him.

Number six.

Call Barba.

Get him to arraignment.

Martha Cobb is scapegoating my client to vilify her political opponents.

Did NYPD look at the at the fascist contingent of this rally?

I know for a fact there were half a dozen neo-n*zi sex offenders in that crowd.

I mean [sighs]

Jed Karey certainly knows how to push the right buttons.

He's a protégé of Bill Kunstler.

Do we have a problem with Martha's ID?

- Well, she hesitated.

- So do other victims.


Do you think she'd make a false accusation

- for political reasons?

- Look, I was there right after they found her.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I do not think that she is fully equipped to remember who assaulted her.

- You don't like her.

- Do you?

Look, Rafa, I admit, I loathe everything that she stands for.

- I do.

- But it's your job to advocate for her.

It's my job to trust but verify, and with this case getting fast-tracked, we didn't have time to rule out the other suspects.

So do your due diligence.

"Dear Pete, God bless you and God bless America.

Martha Cobb.

" Thank you.

Lieutenant Benson.

I would've signed one for you at the station.

We'd like to ask a few more questions if we could, so Well, I'm kind of busy.

But maybe you can help me figure out who is harassing me on social media, huh?

"I'd r*pe Martha Cobb to death if I got the chance," and "Martha Cobb lies about getting r*ped"

- to make the left look bad.

" - Don't engage.

And we really do need a few minutes.


Thank you.

Excuse me.

[clearing throat]

- So, what is it?

- So, we just wanted to know if any of your memories had come back.

I know who assaulted me.

You already charged him.

Right, but we're trying to firm up the case for the trial, so, you know, how did he get you out of the quad?

Like did he say anything, did was there anybody else involved?

I just remember him.

Okay, you know what?

Maybe if you if you just look at some of the other men from the brawl, you know, it might trigger something.







Are we done?

Hold on.

You recognized the last one.

Yes, yeah.

He's been at a few of my speeches.

Randy Platt.

But my security already checked him out.

He's totally harmless.


Excuse me.

Okay, who's next?


So Randy Platt's the shot-caller for a group of right-wing misfits

- in Suffolk County.

- And he lives at home with his mom and spends most of his time vlogging and tweeting to his social media followers.

- An audience of dozens.

- No, not not anymore.

The Hudson riots turned this guy into an Internet celebrity.

Now, he uploaded this today, and it just went viral.

Yeah, we knew they wouldn't let Martha Cobb speak because she condemns the PC dogma these feminazis disseminate.

They want to silence any woman who doesn't demonize the entire male race.

It's time white men stop being cucks and stand up to these uppity b*tches.

A Martha Cobb fan that hates women.

That's par for the course.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

" Now, we try to be peaceful, but if we need to use v*olence to take our country back from the cultural elites and the globalist dupes


Well, so be it.

Well, that doesn't seem so "harmless" to me.

You know, as long as we're tearing down statues, we might as well cancel Thanksgiving.

Don't mess with my favorite holiday.

Brought to you by Puritans, religious extremists who burned witches and massacred Indians.

Says the guy who goes to mass on Columbus Day.


- Hey, Mrs. Platt.

- That's right.

Hi, uh your son Randy home?


What do you want with him?

Ms. Platt, can we can we talk inside?

I got this old line-of-duty injury that starts acting up in the chilly weather.

Oh, you poor thing.

Come on in.

- What time do you expect him?

- I'm not really sure.

You read a lot of Martha Cobb?

Oh, they're Randy's.

He adores her.

[engine revving distantly]

Signed by the author herself.

Book-tour dates.

[car door slamming]

That must be him.

[glass shatters, flames whoosh]

[tires squealing]


Back door!

This way.

I can't believe those bastards set fire to my house.

What bastards are you talking about?

The one's who've been threatening Randy.

- You got any names?

- The people on the Internet.

Randy showed me some of the vile things they wrote.


What the hell's going on?

They threw a b*mb in the house.

Those sons of b*tches.

Mom, are you okay?

Good thing the police were here.

Hey, listen, Randy.

Would you mind coming with us to the station, just so we can sort this out?

Sure, I always love helping the police.

Mom, you go with Joe, okay?

He'll make sure you're okay.

- Okay.

- Come on, we're over here.

Did you find the antifa cuck who tried to k*ll me and my mother?

Not in our jurisdiction.

- So what am I doing here?

- Relax, Randy.

Have a seat in here.

We'll explain everything.

It looks like your boy Randy was doxxed online after he dropped his latest video.

They posted his home address.

Address, cell phone, social.

Karma's a bitch.

- Why isn't the FBI here?

- Well, let's take it one step at a time.

Now, Randy, why don't you tell me about this group you belong to.

Patriots for the American Way.

And I don't "belong.

" I'm a founder,

- a grand wizard.

- "Grand wizard.

" That's that's something from "Harry Potter," right?

Yeah, go ahead.


You'll thank me when we make America great again.

Well, remind me.

When was it so great?



A couple of lib-tards on my case.

Yeah, well, let's talk about where you were during the Martha Cobb speech.

On the quad, by the statue.

You wanted to be close to her?

Well, protect her from the so-called "progressives"

- who wouldn't let her speak.

- Protect her?

'Cause we saw your video.

You hate women.

Not white Christian stock who raise families and take care of their men.

Look, and and if they do have a job, at least put on a pretty dress and a pair of heels.

Well, we noticed that you had most of her books.

Look, somebody tried to k*ll me.

Why all these questions about Martha Cobb?

Because Martha was sexually assaulted after the free-for-all.

So, where were you after the police broke it all up?

On the way back to Long Island

- with my brothers.

- Okay.

Well, we're gonna need their names and their contact info.


So they can be firebombed too?

Look, am I charged with anything?

Because if not, I'm exercising my constitutional right to leave this stinking cesspool you call a melting pot.

Just so you know, Suffolk PD's checking on your g*ns, making sure they're legal.

Then I got nothing to worry about.

We pulled up his social media.

Now, Randy Platt followed Martha Cobb up and down the East Coast on her last book tour.

He was arrested in three states for assaulting peaceful demonstrators.

He took a protest sign from a lady in Virginia and hit her over the head.

Why do you r*pe somebody that you've put on a pedestal?

I mean, the guy we have arrested, it's his DNA under Martha's fingernails.

But they went mano a mano at the riot, Amanda.

And we all saw her waffle when she ID'd Vichinsky.

Lineup can be stressful for any victim.

I will rest easier when we can rule out Platt.

[dramatic tones]

Well, this is becoming predictable.

Yeah, sorry to bother you again.

- That's okay.

- But you misrepresented your relationship with Randy Platt.

There is no relationship.

I signed a few books for him.

Is that a problem?

Randy and his, uh, merry band of "Patriots" are on the DOJ's list of hate groups.

Yeah, sadly, there are a few wing nuts who view my events as permission to act on their basest instincts.

Well, his instincts being v*olence and misogyny.

What are you implying?

That he's the one who r*ped me?

It's just a theory that we're floating.

And Justin Vichinsky's lawyer claims that you are an opportunist who would exploit her own misfortune

- to sell books.

- I don't pay much attention to what Marxist defense lawyers say about me.

You know what?

That's a video from Hudson that we haven't seen yet.

A reader just forwarded it to me.

Do you mind if we take a look?

No, knock yourself out.

Now, I'm not saying the as*ault didn't happen, but Martha Cobb clearly has a political agenda.

She's using the police and courts to stoke resentment and hatred, using social media to improperly influence her case.

Jed Karey is a world-class grandstander.

Bring the hype, sell more tickets.

There is nothing that she will not do

[high-pitched scrambled audio]

to try and get her warped ideas across.

- Check this out.

- And I've had it This is the video we got from Martha Cobb earlier today.

Up to here.

[crowd shouting]


No Nazis!


No fascist USA!

No Nazis!


Justin Vichinsky in black pajamas.

The sign he's carrying is identical to the one Martha Cobb was assaulted with.

Martha's ID was rock solid.


That's kind of a bummer.

You had your money on our guy Randy?

What, are you saying you didn't?

I learned a long time ago in this job, it doesn't make sense to play politics.

[dramatic music]

Well, this is a real waste of time.

I can handle Jed Karey in my sleep.

He won't be sleeping.

He's gonna turn your cross-examination - into political theater.

- Let him.

I'll weaponize every liberal trope he can wrap his meaty little mouth around.

It's very important that you don't let him bait you.

And remember that here, you're a victim, right?

- Not a pundit.

- Fine.

I don't think you're hearing us.

If you turn this into an info-w*r on MSNBC, you're gonna lose some jurors.

Be sympathetic.

Be accessible I'll be who I am.


Let's talk about some of the areas - that Karey might get into.

- Mr. Barba.

[inhales deeply]


This is in the bag.


Why don't you just give me the where and the when?

Well, let's just say that she doesn't present as your typical r*pe victim.

How do you mean?

Martha Cobb has made a career out of playing fast and loose with the facts.

Fact: She was r*ped.

Right, and that doesn't endow her with sainthood.

She dissembles for a living, Rafael.

It's what she does.

Here we go.


[dramatic tones]

Five minutes into my speech, when a water bottle whizzed past my head and my security tried to escort me to safety, but these antifa thugs descended on me, screaming in my face, clawing at me, so I I just started running.

Then what happened?

Someone smashed me over the head from behind, and the next thing I remember was a man pinning me down and ramming an object into me.

Do you see that man in this courtroom?



The defendant.

Nothing further from the people.

You mentioned antifa several times, Ms.


You seem to have a lot of animosity towards these people.

Mm, the feeling is mutual.

- So that's a yes?

- Antifa are a bunch of armed agitators and anarchists who oppose capitalism and destroy private property.

What's not to love?

So you're predisposed to wish ill toward my client.

I am predisposed to wish ill towards the type of t*rror1st you choose to represent.

I'm defending a man charged with a crime in accordance with the Sixth Amendment.

Oh, I love how you liberals are just so enamored of the Bill of Rights when it comes to criminals.

Accused criminals.

But when it comes to a law-abiding citizen who tries to express themselves freely or buy a g*n to defend their family, you get your panties all up in a bunch.

Is this one of your books with a picture of you in a skimpy outfit on the cover?


That "skimpy outfit" put me on the "New York Times" best-seller list for 43 straight weeks.

So, what are you selling your readers, Ms.


Ideas or T and A?


This is all very entertaining, but You really wanna ask me about my ass after what I've been through?


Let's try this.

On page 213 of this book, you state, "99% of all r*pe accusations are fabricated.

" That's right.

Mostly young girls with no self-esteem trying to get attention.

But you're one of the 1% of girls who don't lie?

I was referring to so-called "acquaintance r*pe" in my book.

I was hit over the head and penetrated with a cardboard tube, Counselor.

And that might be in your sexual repertoire, but it's not something I enjoy.

Lieutenant Benson questioned you about another suspect.

A man named Randy Platt.


That's right.

He's one of your alt-right groupies?

Your characterization, not mine.

But he is an ideological ally?

He is a reader who buys my books and attends my speeches.

A little easier to accuse a stranger who opposes you than an acquaintance who worships the ground you walk on, - I suppose.

- Objection.


Uh, just one last question.

Where did you stay the night before your speech at Hudson?

The Young Conservatives Club at Hudson put me up at the Park Milano Hotel.


Five stars.

Nothing further.

Excuse me.

You're in my seat.

Well, I was at the legal aid bar.

Too many lawyers buying me drinks.

I literally had ten beers lined up in front of me - on the bar.

- That is such a nice perk for representing a r*pist.

- What are you drinking?

- Scotch.

- Your best Scotch for this guy.

- Thanks.

Well, it wasn't my guy they're all fired up about.

It was Martha Cobb.

Your lefty pals are hypocrites.

I don't think my guy did it.

[chuckles sarcastically]

That was unexpected.

Look, you know I love this game as much as anyone, Rafael, but this guy I don't think he's got it in him.

My guess?

He goes to these rallies to meet girls.

Tell me about the Park Milano Hotel.


Eh, just a little dig on the 1% of it all.

[dramatic tones]

Okay, let me be totally up front about this.

I despise Martha Cobb but I did not sexually as*ault her.

How do you explain the fact that your DNA was found under her fingernails?


All right, look.

When the chaos started at Hudson, I got in her face.

She pushed me away.

We started to grapple a little bit.

You know, and I'm sorry that I accosted her like that.

But that's it.

I swear.

That was the only time I ever laid a hand on her.

You've heard the testimony, Justin, that it was your cardboard tube that was used to penetrate her.

And maybe it was.

I really don't know, because right before all of this went down, one of those alt-right g*ons grabbed it out of my hands.

Do you remember who the man was?

Oh, yeah.

Pale white guy.

Moon face,

- short blond hair, glasses.

- This man?


Yeah, that's him.

Snatched the sign right out of my hand, and I never saw it again.


That photo you identified is of a man named Randy Platt, correct?

I don't know his name.

You weren't one of the 19 million people who watched a video of Mr. Platt spewing hate

- after the Hudson riot?

- Well, yeah, I saw that.

- It made me sick.

- "Sick.

" So sick that you invented a convenient story about him taking your sign.

It's not a story.

You're a member of antifa, aren't you?

I'm against fascism, like any normal person.

Aren't you?

I don't advocate v*olence against people who disagree with me.

These right-wing extremists wanna rip down everything this country stands for.

What are we supposed to do?

Just lay down and go belly-up?

You believe that Martha Cobb is a right-wing extremist?

Yeah, except she's way worse than the people that she provokes.

Like she has any idea what it's like to be a hardworking American, with her prep-school privilege and her gated Bel Air mansion.

Sure, she presents as this blonde beach bunny, but in reality, she's the Joseph Goebbels of the alt-right propaganda machine, and we need to stop her by any means necessary.



Lack of control.


You just checked all the boxes on the r*pist checklist, Mr. Vichinsky.



Nothing further.

The defense has one more witness to call, Your Honor.

I'm here because I was served with a subpoena, and I obey the law unlike some other individuals.

Why'd you attend Martha Cobb's speech at Hudson University, Mr. Platt?

Because we knew the antifa cucks and the "Black Lies Matter" crybabies would try to stop her from speaking.

Now, who's this "we" you're referring to?

I'm the leader of a group called Patriots of the American Way.

Right, yeah.

According to your website, its mission statement is to, "Purge the country of degenerate filth and create a white ethno-state"?

That's right.

Well, just so we understand this clearly, which members of the jury would your group want to purge?

- Objection.

- I'll allow it.

You may answer.

Him, her, her, him, her.

Step out of this courtroom, and I'll kick the living crap out of you.

[all talking indistinctly]

[gavel bangs]

All right, let's all take it easy.

Oh, and just to finish my answer flannel shirt in the back row.

I can't tell if he's a Jew and/or a h*m*.

We'd have to conduct some research into him.


Platt isn't it a fact that you're an ignorant troll who fetishizes g*ns because of your tiny, tiny hands?

That's what Martha Cobb called you at the bar at the Park Milano Hotel

- the night before her speech.

- Wait a sec.

You made a pass at her there, and she proceeded to humiliate you.

- Who told you that?

- The three witnesses from the bar I have waiting in the rotunda.

Your hero emasculated you.

That must have infuriated you, right?

So much so that you got payback the next day

- at Hudson University

- Dirty little shyster!

Nothing further.

Cross, Mr.


First thing tomorrow, Your Honor?



I think we all could use a recess.

[gavel bangs]

- You heard.

- How bad was it?

The "Titanic" meets the "Hindenburg" meets my first year of Little League.

- [sighs]

- Martha never mentioned that she spurned a sexual overture from Randy Platt the night before the as*ault?


- Why the hell not?

- [sighs]

I'm gonna find out.

I told you I knew who Randy Platt was.

Well, you didn't tell me that you humiliated him the night before you were att*cked.

- Because it was irrelevant.

- Trust me, the jury doesn't think so.

Then Barba is incompetent.

If you would have given him half a chance to get out in front of this I needed a bulldog for this.

A Rudy Giuliani.

And instead, I got a little schnauzer.

Martha, I am not a fan of yours, and I think that your views on sexual as*ault are reprehensible.

But you are a survivor, and I really want to help you get justice.

Always effective, the inspirational mission statement.


If you're pulling your punches for ideological reasons because you don't have the integrity to be honest Do not question my integrity.

Then how about you drop the armor?

How about you start talking to me like a human being, not a media personality?

Can we do that?

Can we can we just talk?



When you ID'd Vichinsky, there was a moment of hesitation.

Now, sometimes that's because it's the shock of seeing your attacker for the first time, and sometimes it's because of uncertainty.

I'm a target every day of my life, Lieutenant.

- I can take it.

- I understand that.

And I'm a warrior.

So to find myself in this position where I feel embarrassed vulnerable like the kind of spineless victim that I ridicule Martha, you didn't ask for this.

You're under so much pressure, you don't realize that this is not your fault.

[soft dramatic music]

So tell me who did this to you.

Was it Vichinsky?

Or was it Platt?

Or was it somebody who's not even on our radar?

I remember Vichinsky screaming at me.

I remember his eyes, his rage it is imprinted on my memory.

But after I got hit on the head Everything was a blur.

The man who r*ped me Maybe I conflated things.

But I am pretty sure it was him.

"Pretty sure"?

That's a little different than what she said on the stand.

At least we finally know the truth.

I'm not about to impeach my own witness, Olivia.

And you don't have to, Rafa.

We both know that the law doesn't require - absolute certainty.

- We're not weighing her equivocation in a vacuum.

There's an alternate set of facts that's plausible, another viable suspect: A r*cist hatemonger that I have to question in, uh


15 minutes.

Look, I know that it's not the slam dunk that you were hoping for, but isn't that what juries are for?


My own moral compass is going a little haywire.

How do I put this in front of a jury?


[dramatic tones]

Are you ready to proceed, Mr.


I am.



Platt did you as*ault Martha Cobb with a cardboard tube?

Absolutely not.

Why should we believe you?


It's a very simple question.

Why should we believe you?

Because I'm giving you my word under oath.

That's all you got?

Because, in my humble opinion, most of the people in this courtroom think your word is garbage that you don't possess an ounce of principle or virtue.


Yeah, well, most people are blind and stupid.

[soft dramatic music]

The People are unable to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Justin Vichinsky sexually assaulted Martha Cobb.

Accordingly, I move to dismiss the indictment.

The defense joins in this motion.

Uh, this is highly unusual, Mr.


Are you sure that's what you want to do?

I am sure that the perpetrator of this crime will never be known to a legal certainty.

I appreciate your candor.

Very few prosecutors would have the courage to make this call.

The case is dismissed.

[cheers and applause]




We all knew that Martha Cobb was exploiting her victimization to further her right-wing agenda, and fortunately, Justin here has been vindicated from this politically motivated and slanderous accusation.

And let me tell you something What do you expect from an immigrant prosecutor in the pocket of the fake, liberal media?

Look, we need to stand up and fight for blood and soil and the values that made this white, Christian country what it used to be.

Don't you just love free speech?

You get what you paid for.

A dismissal?

That's what you came up with?

How would you have voted?

Look, whether or not I believe her, this woman deserves her day in court.

But this case stopped being a search for the truth.

It turned into a Rorschach test about which side butters your political bread.

- I have to reach out to Martha.

- No, I got it.

Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]

I must say, I'm a little surprised that that this is where you wanted to meet.

I am all about looking my enemies in the eye and landing a firm knee right in their nether regions.

I mean, figuratively speaking, of course.

Martha, all I can tell you about your case Is that we don't always catch the bad guy.

And I'm very sorry.

No apologies necessary, Lieutenant.

I know I won't be the first or last woman who doesn't get justice after being r*ped at Hudson University.

And if you think you have issues with me now, wait till you read my next book.

It is a screed on the whole criminal justice system.

You know, based on my recent experiences.

I'll be sure to send you an advance copy.

I don't have much time for reading, Martha.

Be well.

Take care of yourself.