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19x15 - In Loco Parentis

Posted: 02/22/19 11:17
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Case 1708.

The complainant is Mia Marino, the alleged perpetrator, Ethan Hartley.


- I'm sorry?

- Not perpetrator.



Ethan Hartley.

Mia, can you tell the tribunal what happened on the night of December 9, 2017?

Ethan and I ran into each other at a party on campus.

We both had a lot to drink.

We decided to go back to my dorm.

And, um Hold on.

What are you telling me, Teresa?

That that my niece was r*ped?



She was drunk, woke up, boy was on top of her.

It was a mess.

A complete mess.


Why didn't you tell me about this?

The university's handling it.

There's a hearing right now.

Mia didn't want the police involved.

Mia didn't want the police involved?

She's 18 years old, Teresa.

You should have called me.

I'm trying to trust her judgment.

Be a better parent.

Be a better parent than who?

Mom and Dad?

Does does Tony know about this?


It's not like we talk.

We're divorced 15 years.

He's still Mia's father, Teresa.

And I'm her uncle.

I'm a cop, for God's sake.

Where is this hearing?

Is it somewhere on campus?

I don't want you making things worse.

Then why'd you even call me?

Because I'm scared to death.

They don't let parents in.

Mia's alone, talking about being sexually assaulted in a room full of strangers.

I'm here now.

So who is this bastard?

We were sitting on her bed.

We were kissing.

We were both kissing.

Mia consented to this?

She didn't pull away.

She kissed me back.

And then you had sexual contact that was not consensual.

I don't remember.

But I I'm sure I'd never r*pe anyone.

Dean Baldwin, you skipped one of the submitted questions.

Did I?

In Ms. Marino's initial statement, she claims she didn't consent, but later she said she didn't remember.

Mia, did you or did you not give affirmative consent?

Go ahead and answer, Mia.

Tell them what you told me.

No, I did not.

Having reviewed the evidence, I am ready to make my determination.

I find the respondent, Ethan Hartley, responsible.

Wait, what?

Subject to suspension for one year, effective immediately.

You need to pack your dorm and vacate school property by 5:00 p. m. today.

No, but but I didn't you bitch.

What what what is she saying?

You you can't do this to me!

This can't be happening!

Hey, Mia's here.

- Hey, what happened?

- Mom, Uncle Sonny

- Oh, hey, it's okay.

- No, it's not.

They suspended him for a year.

He was so angry.

He yelled and and he threatened me.

- I'll take care of this.

- What are you gonna do?

What I would have done in the first place.

Open up a police investigation and arrest this son of a bitch.


[dramatic music]

Thank you for coming in.

This case is complicated, and we just want to make sure that we're not missing anything.

What are we looking at?

The sexual as*ault happened three months ago at Hudson University.

The victim never went to the police.

It was handled internally by the school.

So there's no r*pe kit.

You know, untrained investigators, but Hudson University did find the male student responsible.

The guy was only suspended.

For a year.

And he made threats.

I think he's a danger to the victim.

Who, full disclosure, is, um She's my 18-year-old niece.

Good to know.

Anything else?

Yeah, I believe her.

And the school did too.


But despite Betsy DeVos, New York's "Enough Is Enough" law is still on the books?

It is.

Under Title IX, the school only needs preponderance of evidence to convict.

The state needs beyond a reasonable doubt.

- We understand that.

- Good.

I've heard enough.

That's it?

You're leaving?

I'm going to get you a subpoena for the tribunal transcripts.

It's a start until you can get me enough evidence to charge r*pe.


Detective Carisi, I'm sorry for what happened to your niece.

So is this where you tell me I'm off the case?

Officially, yes.

And unofficially Don't screw it up.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

- Counselor.

- Hey, Detective.

I spoke with Antonio Dawson this morning.

He sends his regards.

Okay, that's my man.

- Tell him I said hi.

- I'll do that.

Are you two buddies now?

He seems like an okay dude.

I think he should go back to Chicago.

It's not his fault Barba pulled the plug on that baby.

Just saying.

Lieutenant Benson, it's so nice to meet you.

- Sonny thinks the world of you.

- Stop.

Well, the feeling's mutual.

I guess so, getting involved with this.

You must be so busy.

Well, I just hope I can help your daughter.

So, Mia, uh, can I talk to you alone?

It happened three months ago.

Isn't it too late for this?

No, it's not.

Just tell Lieutenant Benson the truth.

Whatever you can remember.


I didn't know Ethan that well.

He was more friends with my roommate, Renata.

- Uh-huh.

- But I invited him to my room.

That's okay, that's okay.

I'm gonna Yeah, that's fine.

[door closes]

So, Mia, why don't you tell me what you do remember, okay?

- Okay.

- Just tell me what happened.

Um Well, we we sat on my bed.

We kissed a few times.

And and then he just he just got on top of me.

I could I could feel him.

He was, um, ready.

But you weren't?


It happened so fast.

He put his tongue in my mouth.

I was choking.

I pushed him away, but but before I knew what was happening, he was inside me.


So, Mia, did you did you actually say no?

II think so.

I definitely said, "Wait," and I pushed him off me.

And then he just he got all mad, and he just left.

Well, if you didn't consent, then that is r*pe.

You're saying my son might be arrested?

He didn't r*pe her.

He was railroaded.

We just want to ask a few questions.

Did she call the police?

I told you, her uncle is a cop.

We're not making any prejudgments.

We just want to hear Ethan's side.

He told the school.

They didn't listen.

They suspended him.

He had to pack up his dorm room.

He's banned from campus.

He can't even go to class.

We're going to appeal, believe me.

Well, we have to let you know this is now an open police investigation.

We'll be calling a lawyer this time.

This is crazy.

I I didn't even want to hook up with Mia.

I only went to her room because I thought Renata would be there.

- Renata?

- Mia's roommate.

Stop talking, Ethan, now.

And you two can leave.

They're his parents.

What do you expect them to say?


I think we should talk to the roommate and call Carisi.

Isn't he off this case?

It's his niece.

I'm calling him.

I was shocked to hear what Ethan did.

This is so horrible for Mia.

Renata, when did she tell you what had happened?

The next day.

No, the day after.

I was skiing in Vermont with my parents.

- So Monday?

- Yeah.

And our RA, Hillary, told me that Ethan had been in the dorm.

She saw him and Mia kissing in the hall.

Okay, so what exactly did Mia tell you?

Well, I asked her what Ethan was even doing in our room.

And then she just started crying, and she said she didn't want to have sex, and he had forced her.

Okay, so after you asked her about Ethan, that's when she told you she was r*ped?


I can't believe I ever went out with him.

I thought he was one of the nice guys.


I'm sorry, I have to get to class.

- Yeah.

- Sure, thank you.

So Mia didn't disclose to her roommate until after she was asked about Ethan.

So what?

Well, so I don't maybe nothing.

Or Or what, Rollins?

What what, are you saying you think my niece made this up?

No, that's not what I'm saying.

But you know, we both know that these cases are not black and white.

They're they're kids.

They're immature.

Sexually inexperienced.

And you throw drinking into the mix?

What are you what are you saying?

I'm saying we need to take a look at the tribunal tapes.

I saw Ethan and Mia in the hall.

They were making out.

- Who's this?

- Hillary Baker.

She's the resident advisor in Mia's dorm.

She saw Mia and Ethan together.

Ethan was pretty aggressive.

They were in the room with the door closed for about an hour.

Did you hear her say no or call for help?


But when Ethan left, I went to Mia's door.

I asked if she was okay.

She said she needed a minute, so I went back to my room.

Did she tell you at any point that night that she had been assaulted?


But maybe she told Andy Rayburn, her neighbor in the dorm.

I saw him leaving her room the next morning.

Mia mention an Andy Rayburn?


At least, not to me.

Find out why.

Usually campus police handle noise complaints.

We're just here to talk to Andy.

Is this about Mia?

It's this one.



[muffled chatter and music]

Hey, hi.

Who are these guys?

- We're the police.

- That sucks.

We want to talk to you about Mia Morino.


Why, is she saying that I r*ped her too?

Mia texted me.

She said she was, um, depressed and needed to talk.

About what?

Uh, how she was a terrible person.

That this was all her fault.

I don't Okay, well, did she talk about Ethan, or did she say that she was assaulted?


Then why'd you ask us if Mia said you r*ped her too?

My client did nothing wrong, okay?

We're here to cooperate.



Answer the question.

I didn't r*pe Mia.

We just stayed up all night talking.

I only asked you guys this because I heard she was accusing Ethan.


You guys said you were the police, so I freaked out.

But why didn't you tell the university investigator that you'd been with Mia?

Because nobody asked me.

Like, I don't know that she wasn't r*ped.

Obviously, if he knew that, he would have come forward.

Maybe Mia just didn't want to tell me.

Maybe she was just waiting to tweet "Me too" about it or or write a short story for "The New Yorker.

" I don't [sighs]

I I used to think that I understood girls.

I did, but nobody understands girls anymore.

Like, at all.

Like Andy said, none of this means that Mia wasn't assaulted.

Another male student spent the night in her room?

Don't you think that's something she should have mentioned?

It's not uncommon for a victim to leave out part of her story.

- She was probably embarrassed.

- Okay.

Okay, fair enough.

You haven't prosecuted a lot of college-age assaults, have you?

Actually, none.

Okay, so it's rarely a clean narrative, right?

There can be alcohol involved.

The victim can feel conflicted.

There can be memory loss.

It's there's self-blame.

It's complicated.


I'll follow your lead.

You'll follow up with Mia?

Yes, and the RA and the roommate.

Listen, don't worry.

We get it.

You need a case you can prosecute.

I also need a case that won't bounce on a motion to dismiss.

And it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to Hudson's investigator.

Okay, we're on it.

He's on a learning curve.

That's that's great.

Look, Stone's a good prosecutor.

Yeah, maybe in Chicago when he's dealing with homicides.

But he's in sex crimes now.

It it's a different world.

I'm sure that he's aware.

I didn't tell you about Andy because Because I thought I'd seem like a slut, okay?


I understand that.

But, Mia, you told Andy that this was your fault, and you know that it's not, right?

No, it is.

I invited him into my room.

- It doesn't matter.

- Yes, it does!


My whole life, I have tried to be good, to make people happy, like my mother.

To to say what they wanted to hear.

Mia Mia, what are you saying?

Are you saying that you that you told Ethan what what you thought he wanted to hear?



I don't remember.


I don't remember.

I don't want to go to trial.

I let my uncle Sonny down.

I never should have told him anything.

[dramatic music]

You saying you don't believe her?

No, I do.

But a jury might not.

This boy r*ped her.

What am I supposed to tell Mia now?

Thanks for nothing, Lieutenant.

Hey, Teresa.

Sorry, my sister's very Italian.

Look, her daughter did go through a trauma.


I'm not sure what happened in that dorm room was as*ault, and I'm I don't think she's so sure, either.

She she's not gonna make a convincing witness, Carisi.


Because she left out parts of her story?

Victims do that all the time.

The the school found this kid responsible.

And unless they know something that we don't, we may not have a case.

We're supposed to be happy 'cause the DA's not filing charges?

We wanted to let you know in person.

We know.

Now you can go.


Did that girl admit she lied?

No, no, we're not saying that she lied.

Just that we don't have enough evidence to pursue a criminal case.

Mom, what difference does it make?

The police don't have enough.

Maybe the school will reconsider.

Can you tell them?

They they already said that you're entitled to an appeal.

I don't want to go back there.

Everybody thinks I'm a r*pist.

Don't say that, honey.

I can't go back to Hudson, and no other school will accept me when they find out why I left.

You were so proud of your son, the future doctor.

Well, that's not happening.

You should get used to it.

What do you mean, he's not being charged?

Teresa, I know it's not the best outcome, but the DA doesn't think we have enough evidence to go to trial.

So what, he just walks?

He threatened her!

What are you doing to protect her?

We can get a restraining order.

A restraining order?

I want him in prison.


Why'd you get involved if you couldn't help?



Mia, I'm sorry.

You gonna be okay?


Uncle Sonny, I don't want Ethan going to prison or a restraining order or anything like that.

Mia, he threatened you.

Yeah, but he was upset.


Mia, what's going on?

What Ethan did He moved too fast, and I wasn't ready.

I didn't want to I said yes.

And then Renata was asking me about him, and I didn't want her to be mad, so I told her he r*ped me.

And then she went to the RA, and then the school got involved.

And then I couldn't take it back.

I'm sorry.

Hold on.

Hold on.


What are you saying?

Are you are you telling me that you lied?

To the school?

To the police?

Do you know how serious this is?

- I'm sorry!

- Mia!

It's not me you should be apologizing to.

It's Ethan.

I didn't I never thought things would go this far.

I never thought he'd get kicked out of school.

I'm sorry.

I ruined his life.

I don't know what to do.

What you do?

You make this right.

That's that's what you do.

Do you understand me?


Okay, listen.


You made a mistake.

I get it.

But you can fix this.

All right?

You can make this right.

It's gonna be okay.

Just because Stone doesn't think we have enough evidence, we can keep investigating.


Yeah, maybe.

Um Either way, my sister's probably never gonna speak to me again.

[cell phone buzzes]

You were just trying to help her out.

She's got to know that.

Well, you've obviously never met my sister.



Hold on.

What happened?

All right, stay where you are.

I I'm on my way.

- What's going on?

- She won't tell me.

I'm coming with you.

What happened?

- She was r*ped again.

- What?

- By who?

- She won't tell me.

Okay, Mia, let let's get you to a hospital.

I need to talk to you.


Yeah, Renata, let's step outside.

[door closes]

Mia, what happened?

I tried to make it right.

I I asked Ethan to come over.

I apologized.

But he said it was too late.

He pushed me on the bed and He r*ped me.


When it was over, he said, "Now you know what r*pe really feels like.

" I tried to do what you said, Uncle Sonny.

I I tried, I really did.

I know, I know.

I know you did, I know.

And now nobody will believe me.


Yes, they will.

Yes, they will.

Because because we are not gonna say anything about what really happened the first time.

Do you understand?

We're not gonna say anything, okay?

I'm sorry.


The only reason we're here is because my client is innocent.

- He wants to clear his name.

- We're listening.

I didn't r*pe Mia.

We had sex.

So you expect us to believe she had consensual sex with a guy who assaulted her three months ago.

I didn't r*pe her before, either.

She's setting me up.


What do you mean?

Well, the university believed her.

They suspended you.

Why would she set you up?

I don't know.

She was pissed I didn't go to prison?

Look, I'm telling you, this whole thing was a setup.

She texted me.

Asked me to come to her dorm room.

So you were alone behind closed doors with a girl who made accusations?

My client's an idiot.

He's no r*pist.

Yeah, you keep saying that.

She said she wanted to have sex with me.

That she felt bad.

Oh, so this is apology sex now?

You know, I'm not sensing a whole lot of goodwill here.

I'm new to SVU.

But I get that no one just confesses to r*pe.

It's too easy to deny or say she wanted it.

What I'm waiting to hear is a version of the story that makes me believe you over her.

- And frankly, that's not happening.

- What do you want?

I want the truth.

You were angry.

You wanted revenge.

I get that.

You made a mistake and did something you now regret.

All right, nice try.

If he's not under arrest, let's go.

He's not under arrest.

For now.

- You don't believe him?

- No.

But after Mia couldn't remember the first as*ault, the jury might not believe her.

- Thanks for meeting me.

- Absolutely.

I, uh, I can't stay for dinner.

All right, thank you.

Look, what you do working full-time as a lieutenant and being a single mother that must take more energy than I can imagine.

And you what I mean is, you make it look effortless.

Okay, you don't have to flatter me.

I'm just telling you how I see it.


Carisi's niece is telling the truth.

Uh, she may have been unclear the first time, but the second time, I believe her.

I do too.

But she's still an imperfect witness.

Welcome to sex crimes.

Look, Stone, there are no perfect witnesses.

They leave out part of the story.

They can't remember.

They feel guilty, change their minds.

They blame themselves.

They think it's their fault.

But that's why we're here.

To fight for them.

And the less perfect they are, the harder we fight.

Look, nobody asks a robbery or a homicide victim if she wanted it.

Nobody says, "Hey, why was she walking down the dark alley?" Why was she wearing the dark skirt?" Nobody implies that the crime was somehow her fault.

I'm just used to having more evidence before I go to trial.

You have the victim's word.

We go to trial so the victim the survivor can look her r*pist in the eye and tell the world her truth.

We go to trial so she can be heard.

The truth, that's what heals.

If you're going to trial because because you want to win You're in the wrong place.

- They arrested Ethan?

- He's being arraigned.

And if he doesn't make a deal, then we're gonna go to trial.

And I'd have to testify.



What if they ask me about the first accusation?

I lied, Uncle Sonny.

Look I'm not telling you to perjure yourself on the stand.

But if nobody asks, you don't volunteer.

Do you understand?

Am I a bad person?


No, of course not.


The first time I met you, you were three months old, and, uh you wouldn't smile for me, no no matter what I did.


You just stared at me.

You're very serious.

But you were so cute That I started smiling.

And then all of a sudden, like like somebody flipped a light switch, your face lit up, and and you smiled at me.

That was all you needed.

You just wanted me to be happy.

You've always been like that, Mia.

And I promise you, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen.

[soft music]

[door opens]

[door closes]

Hey, what are you doing?

Come on, would you stop that?

I'm a nervous wreck, Dominick.

And it's your fault.

We never should have gone after Ethan, gotten the police involved.

Now my daughter's been r*ped twice.

Mia's gonna get through this.

All right, Teresa?

We all will.

Just fix this!

You got to fix this.

I can't do this alone.


Maybe it was stupid, but I thought we should talk.

So you called Ethan?

I texted him.

I asked him to come over.

To your dorm?

I never thought I mean, there were people there, and What happened when he got there, Mia?

He was mad.

He said I was being selfish.

That I was ruining his life.

He said, "If my life is going down the toilet", I'm going to take you with me. " And then he He pushed me on the bed.

Pulled my sweats down.

And he, um And what, Mia?

He held a pillow over my face so I couldn't scream.

And he forced his penis into my vag*na.

Thank you, Mia.

Well, that sounds awful, Mia.

But I'm gonna let that be for now.

What I want to talk to you about is the first time you cried r*pe.



Do you think a mere year suspension is sufficient punishment for what you claim Ethan did to you?

I didn't know.

I mean, the police thought he should go to prison.

And that would be your uncle, Detective Dominick Carisi?


Uh, and did Uncle Dom look into your case?

- Yes.

- Like any good uncle would.

And what did he find?

He said there wasn't enough evidence to pursue a criminal case against Ethan.

Well, that's surprising, don't you think?

I mean, two English professors, an adjunct sociology professor, and a grad student in medieval music thought he was so guilty, the college had to toss his ass - Objection.

- You've crossed the line, Ms.


A bunch of unqualified eggheads destroy a kid's life on evidence that couldn't pass a motion to dismiss in a real court.

No, I think that line was erased a long time ago.

You are looking at contempt.

One more outburst You wanted Ethan to go to prison, didn't you, Mia?

- I don't know.

- Of course you did.

His punishment should fit his crime.

I mean, he violated you, for Chrissake.

He should get worse than living at home, eating Mommy's pancakes.

Your Honor.

And you were gonna make sure that he spent many, many years behind bars.

That's why you let him into the room, isn't that right?

- No.

- You slept with him, and you cried r*pe.

I mean, after all, it happened once.

Who wouldn't believe you a second time?

Certainly not your uncle, the detective.

That is it.

I'm fining you $1,500.

A small price to pay for ruining a boy's life.

Make that $2,000.

No more questions.

I treated it like I would any other case of sexual as*ault.

I took a victim statement.

Did Mia identify her attacker?

She told me that she'd been r*ped by Ethan Hartley.

Then what?

I escorted her to the hospital for an examination to run a r*pe kit.

What were the results of the r*pe kit?

The doctor determined from the vaginal bruising that there had been forcible penetration.

The semen samples collected were a DNA match for Ethan Hartley.

- Thank you, Detective.

- Mm-hmm.

You love your niece, don't you, Detective?

- Very much.

- Well, that's beautiful.

And I'm guessing that you felt terrible that you couldn't help Mia the first time she claimed she was r*ped.

- I did, but I never expected - No, no, no, no.

Nobody's blaming you, Detective.

But the truth is, if you had arrested Ethan the first time, he wouldn't have r*ped her the second time.

The school's investigation was incomplete.

There was nothing that I could do.

Well, let me ask you this.

Did Mia have similar vaginal bruising after the first r*pe?

The school did not perform a medical examination.

Was she curled up in a ball, shivering?

None of the witnesses at the school hearing testified as such.

'Cause you would think that the same guy, same physical as*ault Objection.


Did Mia describe the two r*pes to you in the same way?

Let me try this.

Can you tell us what Mia told you about the first r*pe?

[tense music]

Detective, can you?

There was no first r*pe.

[crowd murmuring]

So Mia lied to the school tribunal?


She lied to your fellow officers.


- She lied to this court.

- Yeah.

I'm done.

We could all go home now.


Carisi, in my office.

- What the hell were you thinking?

- I screwed up.

I'm sorry.

- That's it?

- What do you want me to say?

She's my niece.

Then she should have been honest with you from the beginning.


She was r*ped, Lieutenant.

Carisi You know as well as I do that the only thing that matters in these cases is the credibility of the parties.

And right now, on the credibility meter, your niece is hovering at about a zero.

I figured you'd be here.

Is this where you'd find Mr.


That's his seat, actually.

Can I sit down?

Help yourself.

All right.

I'm ready.

Let me have it.

For what?

You told the truth.

Yeah, a little late.

Only an irrational man acts rational when family's involved.

We've all got family secrets, Detective.

The important thing is, you spoke up when it counted.

You know, you're not such a bad guy for a lawyer.

I do my best.

I hear you've got the same disease.

Well, I think I've been cured.

- Join me for a drink?

- Yeah, sure.

Something's got to wash away this guilt.


Thought I just absolved you.

Believe me, I got a lot more weighing on my soul than that.

Can I get one of those, please?

You know, my old man, I guarantee his last thought was, "I should have opposed that damn motion to exclude." And you don't want that to be you?

I want to do the right thing, sure.

And winning feels pretty damn good, but there's got to be more, right?

- Must be.

- Let's hope.

- Cheers.

- Yeah.

Mia started crying.

We both did.

She hugged me and said she was sorry.

She said that I was strong, and she wasn't.

She said I could handle it, but she couldn't.

And then she kissed me and led me onto the bed.

A bit of the old consolation sex?


Well, what would you call it, Mr.



Stone is not on the stand, Counselor.


What did you do, Ethan?

I slept with her.

Did she fight you off?


It was her idea.

And now I know why.

Why is that?

So she could claim I r*ped her.

And this time she'd have evidence, and her uncle could lead the charge.

I don't know what I did to you, Mia.

But I don't deserve this.

No more questions.

Tell me, Ethan.

What were you studying in college?

I was premed.


You were going to be a doctor.

I was.

A neurosurgeon.

But that's gone now.

You don't think you'll be acquitted?


You know what?

It doesn't matter.

I'm already wearing the scarlet R.

My friends won't talk to me.

You know, since Hudson booted me, I applied to six other colleges.

I got 700s on my SATs, and that wasn't good enough.

Once the PC police get their fangs into you, your life in polite society is over.

And that's that's what happened to you?

Sure is.

All it takes is one girl to say you looked at her funny, and that's it.

Your life's over.

Yeah, but you did more than look at Mia funny, Ethan.

Why, because she said so?

Look, that first time in her dorm, we were in it together.

You heard what her uncle, the cop, said.

I didn't r*pe her.

- You were railroaded.

- That's right.

And the bleeding hearts didn't want to hear the truth.


They wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face.

They sit there with their self-righteous grins, pointing their fingers at you, whether you did something wrong or not.

- And it pisses you off.

- You're damn right, it does.

And when you went to Mia's dorm room, you planned on telling her just how much it pissed you off.

- Objection.

- Overruled.


That damn school, they wrap themselves in their political correctness and their honor code, only they don't know the first thing about honor.

You were accused; Therefore, you were guilty.

That's right.

I was already labeled a r*pist.

What the hell?

I might as well be a r*pist.

And who better to r*pe than Mia Marino?

That's right!

The bitch ruined me, and I got to ruin her.

[dramatic music]

Have you reached a unanimous verdict?

- We have.

- How do you find?

On the sole count of the indictment, r*pe in the first degree, we find the defendant, Ethan Hartley, guilty.

Members of the jury, thank you for your service.

It's okay.

We'll appeal.

It's open.

- Oh, sorry.

- What for?

There's a time for work, and a time for not work.

I just wanted to thank you for not beheading Carisi.

Well, what good would he be to anyone without a head?

So that's your plan?

You're just gonna charm your way into our hearts?

It could work.

Well, we are New York City police detectives.

- We can see through charming.

- Shame.

So, I hear your son's a ball player.

He wants to be.

You let him know I can get all the Mets tickets he wants.

You are good.

You didn't have to.

Hey, forget it.

Come on.

Give me that.


So what's gonna happen to him?

I figure the judge will give him seven years.

In prison?


This is all my fault.

Hey, listen.


Don't you ever think that.

Whatever you did, you didn't deserve what he did to you, do you understand that?


Come on.

So what'd your mom say about you leaving school?

She's thrilled.


You didn't tell her.

When I was 14, she made me go to class with pneumonia.

Well, you deserve some time off.

She'll understand.


After she kills me.

I'll help you break it to her.

Then she'll hate you too.

She's my big sister.

She's supposed to hate me.


Hey, come here, Mia.

You're gonna be good.

You'll be good.