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19x17 - Send in the Clowns

Posted: 02/22/19 11:18
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

[spooky dance music playing]


Stop doing that!

You're scaring me.

Well, we can't have that.

How 'bout a drink, non-alcoholic?

What are you, 15?

Sweet 16.

[dubstep music playing]

We don't party like this at home.

- Where's home?

- Pennsylvania.

We're here on spring break with our music class.

Haley's a piano prodigy.

She's gonna play at Carnegie Hall one day.

Tonight, I just wanna have fun.

You and me.

[dance music playing]

[minimalistic music playing]

The left one.


- Happy birthday, Dad.

- [laughs]



Thank you.

- Clown cake?

- Jayden picked it out.

Jayden, this your idea?

Hey, this is my grandson, y'all.

That's what's up.

Come to Pop-Pop.

What's up, man?

You guys did incredible, man.

It's been a while.

Hey, you've got your life, we've got ours,

- but family's family.

- Family's family!

- [chuckles]

- What's up, man?

Thank you, thank you.

I'll go get some plates from the break room.

- He really seemed surprised.

- So nice.

Ken and Alejandro did a good job.

Look at Fin; He's just this happy, mellow grandpa.

Yeah, my advice: Don't say that to his face.


- Hey, here you go.

- Hey.

So, Fin's son, Ken, is married to Alejandro?

Yeah, and they had baby Jaden about a year ago in November, and Fin is over the moon.


Good for him.

Oh, you're welcome to stay for cake, if you like.

I, uh I have an appointment I can't miss.

- Tell Fin happy birthday.

- Sure.

[lively rock music playing]


Hey, have you seen Haley?

- Who?

- My friend, Haley.


It's me.

Where are you?

We have to get back to the hotel.

It's past curfew.

This isn't funny.

Are you okay?

Oh, my God, we're both gonna be in so much trouble, so call me back, please.

[tense music]


[dramatic music]

That's a cute child kid you got there Fin.

Thanks, I think I'll keep him.

Hey, has Jayden seen "Paw Patrol"?

I mean, Jesse is obsessed with it.

- You gotta watch it.

- No, I don't.

- Excuse me, detectives?

- What's up, sarge?

There's a missing 16-year-old girl.

The precinct sent them here.

I'm Detective Rollins; This is Detective Carisi.

Look, you have to find Haley.


I'm head chaperone.

This is all my fault.

So, you're one of Haley's teachers?

- Mister - Turner.

James Turner.

I'm her music teacher.

Charlotte, the other chaperone, and I, are supervising 15 girls.

We're from Beaver Falls.

- Birthplace of Joe Namath.

- Uh, that's right.

Um, look, none of these kids have ever been to New York before.

I should've kept a closer eye.

Okay, so, what happened last night?

Haley and Jenni must've snuck out.

It's supposed to be lights out at 10:00.

Does Haley know anyone here in New York, maybe a boyfriend?

No, Haley doesn't have boyfriends.

Her whole life is the piano.

And nobody at school is good enough.

All right, sit down.

Um, what about a home life?

Do you mean did she run away?

No, I can't imagine that.

Her parents are so devoted.

They're on their way here right now.

And when did you first find out that she was missing?

Jenni woke me up at 6:00 this morning, and I told James right away.

6:00 in the morning?

So Haley and Jenni were out all night?

I know we shouldn't have gone to that club, but it was 16 and over, so I thought it would be safe.

Okay, and how long were you and Haley there?

I checked my phone, and it was 10:00.

I tried looking for her everywhere, but it was like she vanished.

I know I should've gone back to the hotel, but

- Where did you go?

- I thought I could find her.

I went to Carnegie Hall, and, um, that place where the philharmonic plays.

Lincoln Center?

Yeah, she dreamed of those places, so I thought maybe she decided to go there.

And did you notice Haley hanging out with anybody in particular at the club?

Yeah, she was dancing a lot with this guy in a clown mask.

He was older.

Jenni and Haley were at the Majesty on the Bowery at a circus-themed dance party from 8:00 till 10:00.

Okay, check with the club, pull the security footage.

And she didn't use her ATM card.

Uh, no red flags on her social media.

Cell phone?

No, the only incoming call was from Jenni.

Haley's phone died before midnight.

Okay, look, she is 16 years old.

Best-case scenario is, she met a guy and she lost track of time.

Worst case let's not go there.

Haley's parents are here.

Send 'em in.

You see stories like this on the news.

You never think it could happen to you.

We don't know that your daughter is necessarily in danger.

No, someone took her, all right?

I know it.

And whose fault is that?

You agreed to the trip.

You always give in to her There's no one to blame here.

Why don't why don't you both have a seat?

When is the last time you spoke with Haley?

Yesterday at breakfast.

Okay, now, does she know anyone here in New York?

- No.

- No.

Maybe maybe she met someone online?

She's still a little girl.

I mean, she she doesn't even have her credit card yet.

She plays, uh, games on her cell phone.

We did check her social media.

I mean, it's possible that she has, uh, a fake account, like finsta, something she kept hidden.

Not Haley.

[door opens]

Liv, you gotta see this.

James, you were supposed to take care of her, keep her safe.

Okay, come on, let's go this way.

Look, like like I said, there's there's no one to blame here, okay?

Why don't we have a seat?

All right, look, just please find our daughter.

Excuse me, I'll I'll be back in a moment.

- It was in his spam folder.

- I just found it.

Sent last night at 11:20 from Haley's phone.

You shouldn't have gotten in this car.

Stop it.

Take it off.

[ominous music]

She seems terrified.

Balzarini Brothers.

I know the place.

It's the best butcher shop in Brooklyn.

Start there.

- You recognize this guy?

- Uh, maybe a customer?

Yeah, he works here.

Vinny Drago.

He's in the back.

- Uh, what did he do?

- We'll let you know.

Hey, Vinny?

Don't interrupt a man mid-hack.

We've gotta ask you a few questions, so please put the cleaver down.

Make it quick.

I gotta bone, roll, and tie carcasses in 20.

Were you at the Majesty Lounge last night?

- It's possible.

- I'll take that as a yes.

You know a girl named Haley Sadler?


Maybe this will refresh your memory.

Oh, that was her name?

Yeah, I might've met her.

Yeah, you might've met her.

Well, you two were caught on a security camera leaving together.

Okay, look, she was 16.

We didn't do anything, like, nothing, actually.

Where'd all this nothing happen?

Went back to my apartment.

Is that where Haley is now?


No oh, we passed out on my couch, I woke up, she was gone, so whatever she's saying, she's lying.

She's not saying anything, actually, and we're gonna need to check out your place.

Let's go.

[suspenseful music]




- Clear.

- I told you, she's not here.

[indistinct radio chatter]



- Nobody's in the bedroom.

- Carisi Here.

Look at that.

- That looks like Haley's.

- Yeah.

That looks like blood.

There's more blood there and there's more blood.

- Oh, Christ.

- Yeah.

Okay, this is an active crime scene.

Nobody in or out.

Have CSU check the bathroom, the tub.

Process every inch of this apartment.

And search the building.

I want the whole block searched.

Would somebody tell me what the hell's going on?

You need to come with us to the station - What?


- So you can tell us what the hell happened to Haley Sadler.

- I didn't hurt that girl.

- We're not saying that.

And nobody's saying that she's hurt, except for you.

- You you think she's hurt?

- No, I just meant that she's missing.

Well, as far as we know, you're the last person to see her alive.

I didn't k*ll her!


She was at your apartment.

You two have sex?


I told you, I woke up, she was gone.

Maybe she met some other guy.

Maybe, but we found her purse and her cell phone

- in a garbage can on your block.

- That's crazy!

That's crazy.

You know what else is crazy?

You remember that feather boa she was wearing?

Well, we found that in your bathroom, covered in blood.

There was blood in your car, Vinny.

No, no, no, okay, you got it all wrong.

Look, we were just having fun.

- She was having fun?

- Yeah.

Well [panting]

[ominous music]

That doesn't sound like she's having fun to me.

That sounds like she's terrified.

That's not how it was.

She said she liked being scared.

Uh, okay.

Well, let's say that we misinterpreted that.

Doesn't explain the blood.

- I work in a butcher shop!

- Yeah, we thought of that too, but the techs said that it's definitely human.

We pulled the DNA sample from Haley's toothbrush.

We're running that in the lab right now.

But here's something that, uh that we did think about.

Maybe this whole thing's an accident.

She somehow cut herself.

Yeah, she fell, she hit her head.

Because if this is an accident, that's a different situation.

Well, then she must have.

Yeah, well, that that makes sense with the blood.

Is is that what you're saying, Vinny?

Sh she got knocked out?

Looked bad, you panicked.

If that's what happened, then we can work with that.

- We can help you, Vinny.

- Screw you.

Pretending you're on my side.

I I don't need any friends.

Oh, yes, you do, Vinny.

This does not look good.

Because right now, you're telling us that Haley that's her name.

Say her name, Vinny.



You're saying that Haley cut herself, bled all over your apartment, left in the middle of the night

- Mm, mm-hmm.

- Took her phone, her purse, threw it in the trash on your block, and then disappeared?

All I know, it wasn't me!

No Of course not.

[solemn music]

So, our suspect is a butcher who likes to dress up as a clown?

Vincent Drago, 22.

Has a history of DV, stalking, menacing.

His ex-girlfriend has a restraining order - out against him.

- Menacing?

He threatened her with a cleaver.

Anger management issues and access to knives, great.

Yeah, we've got a call-in to the ex to see if there was more there.

Look, clown mask aside, I don't make him as a serial.

No, but I'm sure that we could come up with about half-a-dozen theories of how a young girl could wind up dead in his apartment.

How does he get rid of the body?

That's tough to pull off without leaving a trail.

We're canvasing, and unfortunately, there are no security cams in his building or on his street.

Uh, lab results are back.

The blood in his apartment and his car are a match to Haley, and they also found traces of bleach.

Yeah, your working theory just became probable cause.

Make the arrest.

But there's there's something else.

CSU found that in his car.

[eerie music]

- That's Haley's necklace.

- She was in his car.

They found that in his trunk.

I gave Haley that necklace on her 13th birthday.

It was in that man's car?


- Where is she?

- We're still looking.


There was blood in the car and in his apartment.

It was it was Haley's.

Well, what is he saying?

He denies that he had anything to do with her disappearance.

All right, I wanna talk to him.

I wanna look that son of a bitch in the eye It's not gonna be possible.

Well, what are we supposed to do?

Just sit around the hotel, waiting by the phone?

Chris It's okay.

I can assure you that we are doing everything in our power.

Not good enough.

I I want you to promise us that you'll find her.

We wanna be realistic.

We ask you to hope for the best, but prepare No, I'm not preparing for anything, all right?

Haley needs me.

She needs me to keep believing that she's alive.

I'm the one keeping her alive, the only one.

[soft ambient music]

- I'm sorry.

- Okay, slow down.

It's okay.

He just he loves her so much.

He loves her more than me, it seems like, sometimes.

Haley is my life, our life.

She's a beautiful soul, a a bright shining star.

There's so much potential, so much talent.

And look, if you have any information, please call the NYPD.

We're offering a a $50,000 reward for any tips leading to finding our daughter.

And, uh and, look, Haley if if you can hear me, if you can see me, I love you; we love you so much.

Your mother and I, we will never, ever stop looking for you.

All right, thank you.

The last thing we need is more crazies calling the tip line.

I'll take any tip we can get.

1PP wants answers, guys.

I want answers.

Well, Vinny was lying about being asleep all night.

His phone records show he made two calls to a burner cell: One at 1:00 A. M. , the other at 2:20.

Can TARU trace the burner?

Yeah, they're working on it right now.

I've got this: The license plate reader got Vinny's Saturn going over the Manhattan Bridge last night at 1:38 a. m. and towards Brooklyn.

So he also lied about not leaving his apartment all night.

Okay, so find out where he was going.

Look, have TARU pull footage from every traffic cam, every tollbooth reader in New York State, if they have to.

[ominous music]

Why you at that garbage dump, Vinny, - by the water at 2:00 a. m. ?

- I can explain.

Haley in that bag?

No, you think I'd fit a girl in there?

How how's that even possible?

Cut her up with a butcher knife.

God, no.

You're sick.

Yeah, this is coming from the same guy that threatened to k*ll his girlfriend with a meat cleaver.

Said he'd cut her head off.

That was taken out of context.

Yeah, yeah, it's always out of context.

This is security footage.

We have a witness that saw you dragging a bag.

- You could barely pick it up - It wasn't a girl!

- Then what was it?

- Meat!


80 pounds of brisket, veal chops, some rib eyes, pork sausage.

It was past the sell-by date.

My guy's a restaurant supplier.

We meet at out-of-the-way places.

It's not legal, but I swear it was meat.

He was selling rotten meat out of his trunk.

That's his alibi?

Well, Drago does work in a butcher shop.

The boss claims that he doesn't know anything about it, but he admits that it is possible.

CSU found traces of pork and beef in his trunk, along with knives, twine, and a plastic tarp.

Sounds like a do-it-yourself kit for disposing a body.

Who was this buyer?

Drago only remembers the first name: Jose.

A black van and a burner phone.

But it's the same number that Drago called twice the night that Haley disappeared.

But Jose, the mystery meat man, is a ghost.

No answer, can't trace his phone, and no one else on the security camera.

And this supposed transaction took place at 2:00 a. m.

near a waste disposal facility in Red Hook, Brooklyn?

Three hours after Haley's phone went dead and she was never heard from again.

Send in a search team.

Are there any signs of Haley?

As soon as we have something to report, you'll be the first to know.

- How long will the search go on?

- As long as it takes.

Excuse me.

Yeah, we're here, Liv.

We got it covered.

Vincent Drago lawyered up.

He's not cooperating.

I would too if I were him.

Detectives, I got bad news.

- What, you found something?

- Worse.

I just found out that there was four dumpster and oil barrel pick-ups last night at midnight.

No, no, no, there there was supposed to be nobody in or out past 5:00 p. m. yesterday.

There must've been a shift change.

Uh, pick-up, what what does that mean?

The dumpsters, the barrels, whatever was in them, are being trucked to a transfer station in Jamaica, Queens.

All right, well, let's make a call, - let's stop that from happening.

- It's too late.

By now, whatever hasn't been incinerated is probably being shipped out of the state.

[both sigh]

So, you're saying we may never find Haley?

We'll keep looking, but at some point, someone with a higher pay grade's gonna wanna nix the overtime.

All right, I'm gonna call Liv.

She's gonna wanna break it to the parents.

Are you still holding out hope?

I know my daughter's out there.

Do you think she'll be found alive?

- It's been three days.

- Too late.

Leave us alone.

Leave us alone.

Hey, hey, hey, Mr.

and Mrs.

Sadler, - you can't be here, I'm sorry.

- No one's telling us anything.

I understand that.

Well, do you think that Haley's out there?

- Chris, please.

- No, I wanna help search, all right?

She's my little girl, all right?

She's out there!

She's alone!

She's cold!

She's afraid!

[solemn music]


The search continues tonight for missing Pennsylvania teenager, Haley Sadler.

Haley, 16 years old, vanished without a trace after partying on Manhattan's Lower East Side.

Police do have a suspect in custody: New York native Vincent Drago, who has maintained his innocence.

- It's been three days, Stone.

- I know.

Drago, who's been employed as a butcher for the past three years by Balzarini Brothers in Brooklyn, remains the NYPD's prime suspect, after traces of blood, which were a DNA match to Haley, were found in his apartment Are you gonna charge Drago?

It's tough to make a m*rder case without a body.

Did Forensics pick up anything else?

- Nothing.

- Blood?


Shard of bone?

There's nothing.

As far as we can track, the waste from the site has already been dispersed to Virginia, Ohio.

They can detect hazardous waste, human blood.

There's nothing that's a match to Haley.

I didn't do it.

They're never gonna prove I did.

They're never gonna find a body.

I can tell you that.

He may be right, because there were 16 industrial dumpsters.

There were chemical disposal, waste incinerators, not to mention the Gowanus Canal.

Are you still holding out hope?

I know my daughter's out there.

Do you think she'll be found alive?

It's been three days.

How long are you gonna t*rture her parents?

Are you always this persistent?

Wait till you get to know me.

Haley, born in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, was discovered as a musical prodigy by a pre-school teacher at three years old.

Her parents, Anna, a substitute teacher, and Chris, a sanitation engineer, have no musical background, and were astounded to learn the depth of their daughter's talent, Haley mastered the piano by four, becoming an accomplished pianist, a virtuoso by five, and by the age of six was competing at international music festivals.

She impressed the music world by her wins Okay I'll arraign him on m*rder two.

Do you think you can get a conviction?

I'm sure as hell gonna try.

[ominous music]

[cheers and applause]

Haley and I were dancing, and a guy in a clown mask grabbed her from behind.

People's Exhibit Three.

Was this the mask?


Did you ever get to see his face?

No, but he bought us drinks.

I could hear his voice, and I could see his eyes.

I'll never forget how creepy they were.

And do you recognize the man in the clown mask

- in the courtroom today?

- Yes


It's him.

It's the defendant with those same creepy eyes.

Oh, can she say that?

Is there an objection, Mr.


- No, Your Honor.

- Mr.


Thank you.

Jenni, when was the last time you saw your friend, Haley?

She was dancing with the defendant And then I never saw her again after that.

[soft music]

Thank you.

No more questions.

Your witness, Mr.


No questions, Your Honor.

Haley never even had a boyfriend.


She was at that in-between age.

You know she had crushes, but, uh music was her life.

- She was a talented pianist?

- Oh, she was a prodigy, yeah.

Beethoven was her was her first language.

She started winning top prizes at international festivals when she was six years old.

[sniffles, sobbing]

She she she was a finalist at the the Cliburn Junior Piano Competition at 10.

She was gonna be somebody, you know, not like me and her mom, living living our whole lives in a in a in a small town.

How would you describe your relationship with your daughter?

We butted heads sometimes.

You know, she'd tease me about my about my fingernails being dirty, about about me being a a garbage man, but I loved her.

We loved her, my wife and I, from the bottom of our hearts.

I'm sorry, it's very difficult for me to talk about her.

No, no, I understand.

Just one more question The defense is claiming that your daughter ran away.

Do you think that's possible?

Absolutely not.

No, she was she was she was happy.

She was she was well-adjusted.

Never had any problems.

She would she would never do anything like that, not to her mother, not to me.

Thank you.

No more questions.

Nothing for this witness.

No disrespect, but they don't have a body.

[solemn string music]

- [sighs]

- Mr. Stone, can can we talk?

- Yeah.

- We're worried about the case.

What the defense attorney said is Oh, he's just doing his job.

Uh, maybe we should postpone the trial - until we find Haley's body.

- So you're a lawyer now too?

I'm sorry, it's too late for that.

But if Vincent Drago's found not guilty, he can't be tried again.

I believe we can get a conviction.

With you talking about Haley, I could see that the jury was moved.

And when we put you on the witness stand, I'll introduce the video that Haley sent you.

It's the strongest piece of evidence we have.

When the jury sees her face and hears her voice I'm asking you to trust me.


Go back to the hotel.

Get some food, get some sleep.

I'll see you bright and early.

It's day two of the Haley Sadler m*rder trial, and more prosecution witnesses are expected to testify today about their last communication with the missing teen.

Without Haley's remains, and what experts are calling thin forensic evidence, the pressure is mounting for the DA's office.

- Stone's got this.

- I don't know, I heard this defense attorney's pretty cocky.

- No body, no case.

- I just don't see how Haley's parents are making it through this, sitting in that courtroom all day, every day Waiting for closure that they may never get.

I thought you were in court.

My first witness, James Turner, the chaperone,

- was a no-show.

- He's not at the hotel?

No, he checked out last night.

He's not answering his cell.

I called his wife.

She said last time they spoke, he was nervous about testifying.

You think Turner went home?

I sent local PD to sit on his house.

The wife won't let them in.

I could get a warrant.

That could take all day.

I mean, Beaver Falls is six hours away.

The way you drive, we can make that in four.

- Go now.

- I'll give Highway Patrol a heads up.



What now?

Now I go beg the judge for a continuance.

Well, I hope you're not sorry that I talked you into taking this to trial.

Not yet.

So, your husband isn't home, Mrs.


No, I've been telling the cops that.

Is James in some kind of trouble because Haley was k*lled?

Well, he was supposed to testify this morning.

He didn't show up to court, so yeah.

He and Haley were very close.

He was crying on the phone.

When's the last time you spoke with him?

Last night.

Do I do I need to be worried about James?

Sometimes, testifying can be stressful.

Maybe he went somewhere to clear his head?

Yeah, maybe you could call him again.

Look, we drove all the way from New York.

This is important.


Straight to voicemail.

Okay, well, thanks for trying.

James talked non-stop about Haley.

It drove me crazy, but now that she's dead, it's what a tragedy.

Whwhat would he say about her?

He'd go on and on about her talent, how she was a genius on the piano.

James loves all his students, maybe because we don't have kids, but he really doted on Haley.

Did they spend a lot of time together?

Yes, they went to concerts.

He went to all her competitions.

- Mm-hmm.

- James would invite me along, but I'm just really not much for music.

Haley was sweet, the one time we met.

- When was that?

- About a month ago.

She came by to borrow some of his sound equipment.

They were in the studio for hours.


You have a recording studio in your house?


[suspenseful music]

Turner's prolific; There's a ton of compositions here.

What were he and Haley doing?

Writing music together?

Yeah, maybe.

Hey, look at this.

"Haley's Song: Music and Lyrics by James Turner.

" Okay, so maybe it was just a a mentor-student relationship.

Maybe not.

[solemn music]


Oh Okay then.

- I'm calling Liv.

- Yeah.

"What a surprise.

"My Haley, you came through my door.

The beautiful body I longed for was yours.

" What the hell was this guy doing with my daughter?

Well, that's what we're trying to find out.

What do you know about their relationship?

There there is no relationship.

He was her music teacher for years.

That's all.

Look, I know that this is a lot to process.

We need to find James Turner now.

So you you think he k*lled her?

We don't know what we're looking at.

Look, you two have spent a lot of time together recently.

Has he said anything that now you think is odd or strange?

No, I mean you know, he he he was upset about Haley.

He seemed to b to be as upset as we were, I thought.

Did he mention any friends in the city?

Hehe doesn't know anyone here.

He's lived in Beaver Falls for 20 years.

No, what about that night last week we went out for a bite?

We ran into this guy about James' age.

They seemed to go way back.

Did you get a name?

Yeah, uh uh uh, Alan Alan-something.

- Hube Hubert.

- Hubert!

Yeah, Al Alan Hubert, and and I guess these guys, you know, they wrote a commercial jingle together.

This Hubert guy was full of himself.

Wouldn't stop talking about how the the royalties paid for his mansion on Long Island.

- Alan Hubert?

- It's "Hu-bear.

" Well, I'm Detective Carisi; This is Detective Rollins.

We're with SVU.

Yes, my assistant said you were looking for me.

Uh, do you know James Turner?

Cowrote a dog food jingle with him years ago.

I should tell you, one, I've been up all night and two, I'm late for a meeting with Lin-Manuel.

We need to find where Turner is right now.

- [scoffs]

Whatever for?

- We think he may have something to do with Haley Sadler's disappearance.

- Can't say I'm shocked.

- Why's that?

The man's a loser, a hack.

Claims I stole his lyrics.

They were all mine.

Look at my resume, for God's sakes.

My reputation speaks for itself.

And Turner?

What has he been reduced to?

He's teaching high school in Beaver Falls.

Yeah, Alan, do you have any idea where he might be?

I'm not gonna be implicated in this.

Hey, you're not going anywhere until you tell us where James Turner is.

Okay he called me before he came to New York on this school trip.

He was begging and crying.

Said he was having marriage troubles, needed a place to stay.

He knew I had a house in Oyster Bay.

He doesn't have any other friends.

He pressured me, I felt sorry for him, I stupidly gave him the key, but I haven't heard from him since.

[soft music swells]

[tense music]

Not a bad place to hide from the cops.

- Yeah, I need better friends.

- Lights are off.

Hopefully he's still asleep.

James Turner?

Yeah, in there.



- Get away from the girl!

- Haley - What?

- Move!


Listen, I'm here to help you, okay?

You're all right.

You're safe now.

- It's not what it looks like.

- Okay, you're all right.

Go away!

Leave us alone!

I love him.

[solemn music]

- Come on.

- Okay.

- James!

- It's gonna be all right.

- Come on.

- [grunts]

James didn't do anything wrong.

- I don't want him to go to jail

- You're 16, he's 40.

That's a crime.

Okay, he he kidnapped you.

He framed an innocent person.

No, that wasn't him.

That was my idea.

I cut myself.

I left the blood.

I sent that video.

Haley Vincent Drago could've gone to jail.

I never meant for that to happen.

I just wanted him to look suspicious.

I met him at the club.

He he seemed like a criminal.

Well, you lucked out on that one.

James said that we were gonna hang out until everybody assumed that I was dead, that I'd never be found.

And then what was the plan?

We were going to Vienna.

James was gonna buy me a Steinway Grand.

He'd compose sonatas for me to play.

We were going to tour the world together.

I love him.

I love her.

How is that wrong?

She's 16, dude.

- She has an old soul.

- Yeah, tell that to the judge.

Yeah, tell it to her old man too.


Chris could never understand.

Because most people don't understand child r*pe.

You don't have to be so crude.

Oh, yeah?

What would you call it?

A fugue for two voices.

A soprano and a tenor, fitting together perfectly.

That line actually works?

Haley, he abused your trust.


He r*ped you.

No, no, it was not like that.

He taught me about music, about love.

As a teacher, you always dream of that one special student What, to jump into bed with 'em?

Who could teach you.

James is bigger than Beaver Falls.

He actually knows the difference between a sonata and a concerto.

Music brought us places I'd never been.

You think I don't know about love.

[solemn music]

I know all about love.


Be careful, it's hot.

How could he do this?

James was her teacher.

He took Haley and let us think she was dead?

All right, but she's alive, Anna, okay?

She's alive.

I mean, this whole time, we thought she was chopped up in a landfill somewhere.

She's alive.

She's okay, right?

She's not physically hurt, no.

- Did he did did

- Of course he did.

That son of a bitch, of course he did!

Listen, uh, Mr.

and Mrs.

Sadler, I'd like you to have a seat right here, and I'll be back in a moment with your daughter.

- I'll k*ll him.

- Please, Mrs.

Sadler I don't wanna lock you up too.

Have a seat.


- He confessed to everything.

- You're kidding me.

He said he did it all for love.

[sighs, mutters]

Oh, my God.

- Mr. and Mrs. Sadler

- Please

- Take this guy to holding

- Oh, Haley




- James

- [grunts]

- Leave him alone!

- Take it easy.

- We love each other!

- Let's get you out of here.

Out of all the girls in the school Haley, listen to me, he's a grown man, and you are a teenager, okay?

He wasn't thinking about you.

He was thinking about himself.

- You stupid - I love her.

I bet you fed her that nonsense about the fugue and two voices.

Works every time, doesn't it, Jimmy?

That and a few glasses of chardonnay.

Anna, stop.

How many seductions is enough, huh?

This was different.

This was real.


Anna what are you saying?

We slept together James and me.

It was one time, one time


17 years ago.

- Anna - So you wanna talk about real?

Yeah, it's real.

Do the math.

That's right, Jimmy.

She's yours.

You've been sleeping with your own daughter!

[groaning, yelling]

How many years does he get for incest, Lieutenant?

Oh, my God.

Anna you knew this whole time?

I couldn't tell you.

And then, we thought Haley was dead.

Wh wh what was the point?

Chris, I didn't know.

- I swear.

- Shut up!

Shut up, you stupid son of a bitch!

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Just give me five minutes alone with this scumbag in a cell!

Just five minutes!

That's not gonna happen, Mr. Sadler.

- All right [growls]

- Help!

[yelling, grunting]

- Hey - [grunts]

- Haley?

- This way.



[solemn music]


Haley James is my real father.

- It makes perfect sense.

- What?

I've always felt this connection.

We both love music and art.

We're alike.

I played the Hammerklavier when I was 12.

I knew my father couldn't be a garbage man.

I just knew it.

[eerie music]

Turner plead guilty to r*pe two, kidnapping, endangering a minor, and incest.

- Well - He's on su1c1de watch.

He had no idea Haley was his daughter?

No, he didn't, and neither did Haley.

So, how [sighs]

It's called genetic sexual attraction.

When a father and daughter don't grow up in the same household, and then they meet as adults it can happen.

What do you do?

You recommend the best therapist you know, and you pray to God that they can work through it.

Fathers and daughters Fathers and sons.

There are times I wish my father was someone else.


Well Look, I hope this doesn't put you on the next train back to Chicago.

- I made someone a promise.

- Jack McCoy?

[solemn music]

Actually, my sister, Pamela.

She's in a facility upstate.

She has schizophrenia.

I'm so sorry.


Our father used to visit her once a week.

Now that's on me.

That's a lot.

Look, if you, uh if you ever feel like talking Pamela?

- Pam?

- Hi.

Who are you?

It's Peter.

That's okay.

[poignant string music]

I brought you something.


- No.

- It's me, Peter.
