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01x07 - Test

Posted: 02/24/19 07:44
by bunniefuu

GLORIA: Just a reminder.

Submit your weekly research documents by the end of day tomorrow.

All right, so next Tuesday you have a paper due, and you also have your end-of-unit exam.

I have posted a practice exam.

Please take advantage of it.

All right, class dismissed.


Professor Morisseau?

- Yes?

- I'm Thomas Carrasco.

I'm Ms.

Morisseau, if you'll give me just a few moments We've spoken.

I told you, I don't know anything - about your complaint.

- Yes, I know.

And I know that you're busy, and I don't want to take up any more of your time, but if I could just speak to your son, to Walter?

I've been unable to locate him, but I'm sure that you - No.

- No what?

You will not.

You will never speak to him.

- Do you understand me?

- Ms.

Morisseau, wait (GRUNTS, GROANS)


I know what people think.

I'm just a I'm a cog.

And I am.

I elevate or dismiss the complaint.

But that decision that decision is used to turn other cogs, and they turn others.

And that's what justice is.

And I don't understand why everybody I speak to either obstructs or deflects or Lies?


And all I'm trying to do is establish what happened and who's responsible.

And I don't understand why you won't help me.

Why would I help you?

Because I don't think your son did anything wrong.

Of course he didn't.

I think something was done to him.


Walter Cruz.

Week five.

Where should we start today?

Uh we could talk about the other day, in my room?

Let's just stay focused on your treatment for now.



Uh we've been talking about your friend Lesky, how he died.


How are you feeling about that today?

Um I'm less focused on it.


I don't know, I guess I guess I'm just more in the present.

But you and he were close.


It sucks.


Um can you tell me about that day again?

What happened.

To Lesky?


He died.

I told you he died.

And what was that like?

(CHUCKLES): We spoke about this.

- I I told you what happened.

- That's right.

So why do we need to speak about it again?

I'm curious how you're feeling about it today.

I don't feel anything about it.

You don't feel sad?


Not really.


And you're you're okay letting go of those feelings?

(CHUCKLES): What do you mean?

You don't feel responsible for them?


I mean isn't that why we're here?

To move on?

I I thought that was a good thing.


Of course.

It is.

It's a good thing.


Now you can get started on, uh, Titanic Reborn.


The last of the trilogy, after Titanic Rising?

- What's that?

- What's what?

Titanic Rising.

- Very funny.

- What is that, like a ?

Titanic Rising, the sequel.

Ten times as good as the original.

(CHUCKLES): All right, you're joking.

No, Walter.

Are you?

The joke you, Shrier and Lesky played on Benji.

The fake movie.


I did that?


Do you not I told you that?

The the prank.


Oh, yeah, no.

Um, me and Shrier, we we made it up.

No, Lesky did.

Do You don't remember that?


No, I don't.

Um Wait, does that mean something?

Let's just, uh Why don't you tell me about the day that Lesky died.

Okay, you mean Specifically.

Yeah, um You all rode out together.



And then?

Well, we all rode out together.

Forget that I said that.

Just what do you recall?

Who was there?


I mean, the guys, we were all there together.

Walter, can you tell me something about being over there?

Just what was life like?



You know you know what I was focused on the most during that time?

(SOFTLY): What?

The end.

That's the part I remember the most.

You know, knowing what that felt like.

Knowing that I was going home to see my mom and my aunt.

And nothing else was real compared to that.


That's a good place to stop for today.

Did I do something wrong, or ?

Is this a test?

No, it's not.

I'm just Heidi, I know who those people are.

Shrier, Benji, Lesky they're all great guys.

I know I know what you're talking about.


And I feel fine.

Seriously, for the first time in a long time, I feel great.

LYDIA (OVER PHONE): I know what you've been up to.

COLIN: Oh, yeah?

LYDIA: The staff called from the villa.

They wanted to know about any dietary restrictions.

COLIN: Well, you better tell them, honey.

LYDIA: Colin, it's too much.

You didn't have to do that.

COLIN: 16 years, honey.

It's it's worth celebrating, you know?

LYDIA: Well, thank you.

How's it going there?

What did she say?

COLIN: I, uh you know, I haven't even talked to her yet.

LYDIA: Colin, don't be squeamish.

She called because she wants something.

Just ask her.

COLIN: I I will honey.

I I got to go, okay?

LYDIA: Okay.

Love you.




CARRASCO: These Pioneers, they're they're, they're tremendous record players, but you just have to keep that clean - Mom.

- Got to keep the fuzz ball.


- The needle.


- Mom?!

Oh, Heidi.

This is Thomas.

- I know who he is.

- He just fixed my record player.

Can you believe it?

So I took what I could get. .

It was the stylus.

What are you doing here?

What's going on?

I have some questions I I answered your questions.

- These are more specific.

- Mm-hmm.

So you think you can just walk into my house and Well, it's my house, Heidi.

Here's something that you're never gonna forget He's here about your old job.

Mom, can you just give us a minute, please?

- Why?

- I don't mind her participating, actually.

Okay, you, go to the kitchen.

Mom, please, just get in there.

All right, all right.

(WHISPERING): Just take it easy.

You could at least hear what he's offering.

He seems like a nice person.

He's not.

'Cause I found out for sure She took me to her doctor What is all this?

The last time we talked, you said you had no specific recollections of the men you worked with at Homecoming, is that correct?


Including Walter Cruz?


And said you ain't seen nothing' yet There's something I'd like you to hear.

B-B-Baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet Here's something, here's something Colin, it's Heidi.

Yeah, what is is, Heidi?

I'm in the middle I just finished a session with Walter Cruz.

And he's displaying much broader effects than we anticipated.

I'm gonna order a neuro workup.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down, Heidi, okay?

- Okay.

Sorry, sorry.

- Just take me through this.

All right, Cruz is week five.

He's been doing great.

We had identified a specific incident, a friend of his who died, and we reviewed that last week, and this week, it's gone.


Are you sure?

- Yes.


- That's great.


No, Colin, it's not just the traumatic reaction that's gone.

It is everything.

The basic facts.

I mean, he's even lost unrelated memories from months - before the incident.

- Yeah.

Okay, so we'll just, we'll we'll tweak the medication.

- That's fine.

- It's a serious, serious problem.

If other clients are having the same experience, we're gonna have to do something before No, no, no.

Heidi, stop.


- Okay.

Look at the big picture here.

This is what we wanted.

HEIDI: You don't understand.

He has friends, people that he cares about, and now they're just starting Okay, all right, but how did he seem?

HEIDI: What?

His temperament, his his demeanor.

- How how how was he feeling?

- You mean He said he felt great.

Well, there you go.


No, Colin, you don't understand.

No, no, I do.

I understand.

You're saying that there's some collateral stuff that we still need to work on, and I hear that.

But, well, the facts of what you're telling me are, what, a guy goes off and has a bunch of awful experiences.

Guy comes back, he gets treated, and now he feels better.

So I'm not really sure what this, you know, hysterical tone is all about.


HEIDI (ON RECORDER): Oh, there we are.

Um, it's April 10, 2018.

This is Heidi Bergman.

I'm with Homecoming client Walter Cruz, week one, session one.

That's you, right?

I don't I mean, it sounds like me.

And you were there with Walter, correct?

You knew him?

I knew him at the time, I guess?

- I don't - And you two were close.


I keep telling you.


- How does this ?

- One moment, please.

HEIDI (ON RECORDER): Haven't what?

WALTER: Taken a road trip with a boyfriend?

HEIDI: Uh, on a road trip?

- WALTER: Wow.

- HEIDI: I've had boyfriends.

WALTER: Yeah, but that's not what I asked you.

HEIDI: I know that's not what you asked me.

WALTER: I mean, come on.

Windows down, radio's on.

- Flying through the pines.


HEIDI: Colin, hi.


Yes, I'm actually - What?

- Nothing.


You heard something.

No, I didn't.



Bergman, there are six weeks of sessions on here, hours of recordings.

You were there every day.

Where did you get these?

- You know where I got them.

- No, I don't.

Gloria Morisseau, Walter's mom.

How did she get them?

You sent them to her.

That's your handwriting, isn't it?

Look, it's clear you knew Walter, it's clear that you two were close, but you won't admit it.


Because I didn't You did.

Joseph Shrier how about him?

Who is that?

He was another patient of yours.

He's now terrified at the sound of your name.

What happened to him?

- I don't know.

- You do.

You left the facility on May 15, the same day that Walter was discharged.

- What happened on that day?

- I don't know.

I don't believe you!

No one will.

Okay, I I don't know what it is that you want.

I just want to know what you did.

And I'm telling you.

What did you do to these men?

- I don't remember.

- I don't believe you.

I don't remember.

That is the truth.


I've got that appointment.

Can you take me?

- That appointment?

- CARRASCO: Look, I'm sorry, but I I think it's best if we continue here.

Well, we've been waiting for months.

It's with a specialist.

We really need to go.

I'm I'm sorry, but you were at work.

How were you gonna take her?

Are you calling me a liar?

- No, I'm - It's none of your business, Mr.

Carrasco, what my schedule is.

Are we done?

No, I think it's important we get to the bottom of this.

Pack up your stuff.

You're leaving.


That's what I'm hearing.


- Hey, this isn't therapy, - what we've done.

- Oh, c come on, Heidi, okay?

We've we've we've erased things.

We You think that we can just pick and choose what memories get affected, like we're shopping for shoes?

- No, but we've changed him.

- Nah, we helped him, and listen.

I hear you, okay?

We need to keep refining the medication.


They'll be boring their grandkids with their fascinating w*r stories, but for now, Heidi, you should be proud.

Your whole approach, you know, that personal connection and I'll bet that's what put us over the top.

- No, this is this is different.

- Oh, man.

I present this to the DoD, and they are going to open the f*cking hose.

They'll be able to deploy these guys way sooner than we thought.

Deploy them?



They're going back?

Yes, they are.

I mean, what what did you think we're doing here?

Preparing them for civilian life.

Well, I mean, sure, maybe someday.

But for right now, it's all about durability, added use.

If we could, you know, extend their Wh when when did this Always.

What better metric of success?

But Walter he doesn't want that.

How do you know that?

Uh, he he told me.

And I promised.

Okay, well, you had no business doing that, Heidi.

But, you know what, fine.

Let's let's go ahead and pull him, all right?

Just interrupt the treatment.

- You you saw the report on Shrier, didn't you?

- Yes.

Yeah, his family couldn't handle him.

They had to put him in a psychiatric facility.

They got him in restraints, you know?

- I saw.

- Okay, so let's let's freeze Cruz's meds, mid-cycle, to to save his memories.

See if he does any better.

No, we can't.


Heidi, listen to me.


Stand back and look at what we've done.

We have saved these men from a life of pain and anxiety and regret.

They're free from all that.

But Walter was making plans.

- He thought that he - Walter doesn't belong to you, Heidi.

Walter is a soldier.

He made a choice to fight for what he believes in, to fight for his country.

And we have given that back to him.

In the end, he'll thank us for that.


(QUIETLY): f*ck you.

f*ck you.

f*ck you.

My God.

Where are you going?

Look, if you did something, if you're in some kind of trouble, just tell me.

I don't know what I did.

I don't know what's going on.

Do you?

- No, I - Exactly.

You don't know.

I don't know.

No one knows anything.


- Hello.

- COLIN: Heidi, hey.

It's Hunter.

- Oh.


- Everything okay?


Not really.


- What's wrong?

- You were right.

- They're coming after me.

- Who who's coming after you?

Fo forget it.

I just Can we talk later?

- Heidi, wait.

What happened?


I just (SIGHS)

It doesn't matter.

I'm I'm leaving now.

You're leaving?

Wh where are you going?

I got the address of where I used to work.

- I have to find someone.

- Heidi, is this - about what you think you did?

- Yes.

- Yes.

- Okay, well, look (SIGHS)

if what you did is so bad, these people, they could be accomplices or or even victims.

So, what, are you just gonna confront them?

I mean, how are they gonna react, right?

I'm I'm tired of waiting.

I'm tired of knowing nothing.


Well, listen, do you at least have somebody that you can bring along?

You don't have to go through this alone, Heidi.

You can ask for help.


Oh, yeah, no.

Um, me and Shrier, we we made it up.

HEIDI: No, Lesky did.

Do You don't remember that?


No, I don't.

Um Wait, does that mean something?

HEIDI: Let's just, uh Why don't you tell me about the day that Lesky died.

- WALTER: Okay.

You mean - Specifically.


- COLIN: Hey.

- Hi.

So, where is this place?



What what are we looking for?

Uh, someone you used to work with?


His name is Colin.

And he's there now?

I don't know.

He used to work there.

It's all I have to go on.


You sure you don't want to just go see a movie?


I'm sure.


You're the boss.




MAN: Don't break anything.

You'll have to pay for it.

Thank you.




MAN: Don't break anything.

You'll have to pay for it.