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06x10 - The Cryptobanker

Posted: 03/09/19 18:46
by bunniefuu


- Yes!

- Way to go, Jamie!

- Thanks, Dad!

No, yeah, I'm open to the idea of a different distributor, but not increasing the specs for the batteries themselves.


- Oh, hold on.

- I'm getting another call.


Hey, this is Matt.


Hello, Matt.

I need you to listen.

What I am about to tell you is very important.


Is this a...

Who is this?

First, I need you to understand the degree of control I have.

Keep your eyes on your daughter.

You and I both understand she is vulnerable.

I have the ability to exploit that fact.

- Jamie.

- Aah!


- Jamie!

- MAN: Girls, take a knee.

What's wrong?

Honey, talk to me.

It's quite simple, Matt.

I've taken control of your daughter's pacemaker and instructed her SA node to trigger a rd degree AV block.

Her heart's electrical signals have turned off.

Please, stop.

- Why are you doing this?

- Quiet, Matt.

Now I'm going to give you some very specific instructions.

I want you to do exactly as I say.

- Are you ready, Matt?

- Yes.

You are going to liquidate a few assets for me.

Start with your Union Bank pension and your shares in the company stock.

- Do you hear me?

- Yes, Union Bank, company stock.

Just, please, I'm begging you, stop.

Please don't tell anyone we spoke, Matt.

Talk to the authorities and Jamie pays the price.

I will be in touch.

Until then, your daughter can have her heart back.


MAN: Is she okay?

WOMAN: Do you want some water?

Way to go, honey.




I'm into a new deal.

It's huge.

After this, I'm buying an island.

When should I anticipate the transfer?

End of day tomorrow.

We're talking $ million.

Can you handle that?

It's complicated, but it's viable.

Contact me when you've got the crypto.





Is it true you're dodging the warden?

Please tell me it's not true.

If the warden needs to talk, he can come find me.

He knows where I am.

Word is the laundry crew is planning to strike.

I have much larger concerns than Warden Macatee and his laundry crew.

The government is more intent than ever to stick a needle in my arm for any number of other crimes I've committed.

An eventuality I have no intention of waiting around for.

Man, are you in the wrong place.

All we do here is wait.


Which is why I'm leaving.


Are you...

You're not seriously thinking about breaking out?

- Yes.

- Okay, that is a bad idea.

It's a seedling of an idea.

It's immature at this point, but we have two months to help it grow.



Yeah, that is not happening.

Not yet.

But it will.

♪ LIZ: You want me to make a dinner reservation for you?

- In Chicago?

- Yes.

At Gene & Georgetti's.

I have an insatiable craving for their Beef en Brochette, or the Chicken alla Joe.

Maybe both.

Have you read the indictment?

There are counts, ranging from money laundering to m*rder.

The judge calendared eight weeks for the trial.

So, to be safe, make the reservation for the following week.

How can you be so confident?

I'll take care of the trial.

You take care of what comes after.

Your beef brochette.

My immunity agreement.


You are full of fantasies today.

I've uncovered a conspiracy.

One that I know is deadly and is aimed at the halls of power.

But I don't know why or when it'll strike.

And I won't until you catch the man known as the Cryptobanker.

And when you know, you won't say until they reinstate your immunity agreement.

As Hippocrates believed, "desperate times call for desperate measures."

I'm pretty sure he also said "first do no harm."

Yes, well, one aphorism at a time.

♪ Tell me about the Cryptobanker.

LIZ: A drug cartel spends $ million on airplanes.

A Serbian sex trafficker drops $ million on ships to smuggle victims across the Mediterranean.

How did the people brokering these deals keep them hidden?

They took payment in Bitcoin.

ARAM: Illegal activity accounts for half of all Bitcoin transactions.

million annual transactions with a value of approximately $ billion.

And where do they go to launder their ill-gotten Bitcoin gains?

To a man known as the Cryptobanker.

I need you to clean three.


We agreed installments wouldn't exceed two.

We agreed you'd be compensated on a sliding scale.

I can't imagine Beth and the girls want to move off Park Avenue.

The number is three.

Make it work.

All Reddington knows is that the Cryptobanker is in town.

So we reached out to the Bureau's Virtual Currency Initiative, looking for someone local trafficking in Bitcoin, and one name stood out... a hacker known as the RAT.

It's an abbreviation for "Remote Access Trojans"...

malware that allows the user to lock companies out of their own servers.

The hacker then demands a ransom and unlocks the server once it's paid.

In Bitcoin that the Cryptobanker helps to launder.

We find the RAT, we find the Cryptobanker.

And the RAT's latest target?

LIZ: The leading manufacturer of pacemakers, called Pierson Diagnostics.

MATT: You shouldn't be here.

I can't talk to you.

Mr. Pierson, many victims of extortion keep quiet for fear of retribution.

We understand that it's a risk for you to trust us.

We also know that you've liquidated millions in assets.

Now, we contacted the SEC's Cyber Unit and traced those assets using the blockchain.

You've purchased a large amount of Bitcoin.

That can't be a coincidence.

You're being leveraged.

Jamie was born premature, with a heart arrhythmia.

She was so tiny at the time, there were no devices on the market that could help her, so I made one.

I made this company so that she could lead a normal life.

Your daughter is in danger.

He has control of her pacemaker.

He'd hacked the software somehow.

He says that he'll...

that he'll k*ll her if I don't pay.

The device.

Are you able to disable the malware?

He says he's watching me, that if I attempt to manipulate the software in any way or go to the police, he'll trigger it.

We have people who can figure out how he gained access to the pacemaker.

Perhaps we can defuse the threat and keep your daughter out of harm's way.

Will you at least listen to what we have in mind?

Serving as a juror in a high-profile case is never easy, and this case will be no exception.

Before opening arguments, I want to thank you for your service.

Mr. Sima, the floor is yours.

Ladies and gentlemen, Raymond Reddington has been a fugitive from justice for more than years.

Or so we thought.

In fact, for the past five years...

- Objection!

- ...

the most wanted man in America

- has had a secret immunity agreement...

- Your Honor...

... with the very people sworn to bring him in.

... is this even remotely acceptable to you?

I'll give you my answer after I clear the courtroom.


JUDGE WILKINS: Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr.

Sima, but I distinctly recall the government wanting to keep the immunity agreement secret.

What changed your mind?

Is this your way to force a plea agreement?

Trade execution for life in prison?

Absolutely not.

There's no deal on the table.


Come on.

They're fitting me for a Snitch Jacket, so even their incompetence won't save me.

On the off chance they win, I die in prison.

In the likely event they lose, I die on the street.

We have the legal right to disclose the agreement.

You also have a moral obligation not to.

I couldn't be less interested in your views on morality.

Then maybe I could interest you in mine.

Disclosing Mr. Reddington's cooperation is like imposing the death penalty by fiat.

Plus which, it sends a chilling message to any future confidential informant.

This case is national news.

If the government's decision to sell out an informant goes viral, no one will want to cooperate.

Mr. Reddington is on trial here, not the Task Force he works with.

As far as I'm concerned, they're co-conspirators

- who aided and abetted his criminal activity.



These people are brave, honorable public servants.

Mr. Sima may be content with a scorched-earth policy that would burn them in order to burn me.

I can only hope that you're not.

I'm not okay with it.

But you've got no constitutional right to keep your immunity agreement secret, so I can't keep the government from introducing it.

It may be contemptible, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.



♪ ♪

- Did you check the street?

- MATT: I didn't see anything.

But that doesn't mean that this is a good idea.

It's gonna be awesome.

Dad, what are you doing?

Oh, you, uh... you must be Jamie.

Honey, we're building, uh, something called a...

Called a... a Faraday cage.

I'm so sorry we haven't met.

I'm Agent Mojtabai.

You can, uh...

you can call me Aram.

This is a super cool room.

- Not anymore.

- Right, yeah.

Sorry about that.

I promise I'll help fix everything up when we're done.

Maybe you could, uh...

you could get some fun wallpaper?

I don't want wallpaper.

Honey, this is important.

We need to do this.

What's a Faraday cage?

Well, it's sort of like a force field, uh, created by a man named Michael Faraday.

Was he a superhero?

Because only superheroes have force fields.

He was, uh, kind of. A, uh... a scientific superhero.

I can name six superheroes who have force fields.

Iron Man, Susan Storm, Apocalypse, Banshee, Green Lantern, and Violet Parr.

Actually, uh, Banshee doesn't really have a force field...

When he screams, people back off.


Will this force field keep him from messing with this?

In here, it will.

That's why we're building it.

So you'll be safe.

- Cool.

Can I help?

- Sure.

If, uh, your dad's all right with it.

- Hey.

- Okay.

Well, here...

grab yourself a handful of zip ties and, uh, let's get to work.

There's been a change of plans.

I'm moving up the timeline of my impending escape.

Moving up to when?

Thursday at : .

- Thursday?

Like tomorrow Thursday?

- At : .

Hold up.

You said you had eight weeks.

I said we had eight weeks.

Now we don't.

The government has changed its strategy, so I'm changing mine.

No, no.

You said all you had was a "seedling" and that it was "immature." Vontae, I have until tomorrow.

At : .

Here's a "honeydo" list to do while I'm in court.

A quarter pound of ground chuck, ounces of bleach, same amount of paint or nail polish remover...

Rubber cement, hair clippings from the prison barber?

What the hell?

- What about the warden?

- What about the warden?

Look, the laundry boys are ready to walk, okay?

He's got a problem on his hands.

Maybe if you help him, he'll pull a few strings, help you.

Oh, he's gonna do much more than that.

You and the warden.


Let's start with the items on the list.



JUDGE WILKINS: I'm told you wanted a word before I bring out the jury.

To petition the court not to let Mr. Sima put the Task Force on trial.

If that's how he intends on trying his case,

- I can't stop him.

- Very well.

Then I must.

I'll plead guilty.

On all counts.

But only if Mr. Sima agrees to instruct the jury that he was mistaken about the existence of an immunity agreement.

You want me to lie in court?


It plays to your strengths.

Take the win, Mr. Sima.

Mr. Reddington, is your guilty plea based, at least in part, on the fact that you are guilty of the crimes you intend to admit?

- It is.

- If I accept your guilty plea, you give up the right to appeal your conviction and the right to appeal your sentence.

- Do you understand?

- I do.

The maximum penalty for a person guilty of the crimes you're charged with is death by lethal injection.

- Are you aware of that?

- I am.

Has anyone done anything you think is illegal or unethical to force you to plead guilty?

Other than Mr. Sima?


I find your proposed guilty plea is supported by facts and that you are acting competently and voluntarily in giving up your rights.

I'm prepared to accept it.

Are you sure that you want me to?

- Yes, Your Honor, I'm sure.

- Very well.

I accept the defendant's plea to the indictment and find him guilty as charged.


ARAM: Okay, cross your fingers and toes.




We're up.

So it's working?

How often do you push software updates to your monitoring devices?

Uh, maybe three or four times a year.

That's how he got in.

I mean, think about it.

The devices have built-in access authority.

Why not use the home monitor as a proxy for the malware program?

- It's perfect.

- Okay, honey, just a little pinch.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What are you doing?

- Disconnecting her pacemaker.

No, no.


You can't do that.

We're offline.

He has no idea.

- Ow!

Dad, it hurts.

- Okay, just hold on, sweetie.

I'll be done in a second, okay?

Okay, this is a, uh, this is a really bad idea.

It's not.

She has a simple arrhythmia.

Clipping the pacing leads on the device disconnects her from her abductors.




Excuse me.

What's going on?


No clue.

We've got redundant systems.

- This shouldn't happen.


Where are you going?

This was not part of our plan.

- We agreed to...

- Taking her to a hospital.

She'll be fine until I can get her some real help.

Okay, look, as far as I'm concerned, this is over.

This guy...

he won't just let you walk away.

But he has no leverage now.

I don't really give a damn what he thinks.


- Just...


- Hello?


Hello, Matt.

What happened to your daughter's pacemaker, Matt?

I took it offline.

I disconnected it.

You're gonna have to find someone else to blackmail.

Wrong choice, Matt.

All you had to do was pay the ransom.

It was very simple.

Unfortunately, now things get considerably more difficult.


What do you mean "more difficult"?

By disobeying my instructions, you have triggered a contingency plan and given me control of your company's system-wide files.

All , patients.

No, no, no, please, listen.

No, I think you need to listen, Matt.

I've selected , patients at random and programmed their pacemakers to deliver a lethal shock in hours.

I am also increasing my price...

$ million in Bitcoin.

I will send you the wallet number shortly.

If you choose to pay, I will send you an authentication code to unlock your system.

If you don't, a symphony of hearts falls silent at once.

Your choice.

I will be in touch.

Good day, Matt.


They're taking Pierson's daughter to the hospital.

She's gonna be okay.

NAVABI: That's great, but what about the , patients who aren't having their pacemakers taken offline?

Pierson has hours to pay the ransom or the RAT says he'll k*ll , of them.

- Can they do that?

- A pacemaker is a mini defibrillator.

If the heart stops, it can deliver a jolt of electricity to restart it.

- A safe jolt.

- It was, until the RAT took control over the system.

Now he can recalibrate the amount of electricity that gets delivered, turning a safe jolt into a lethal one.

Get Pierson to get us a list of everyone with a Pierson Diagnostics pacemaker.

Aram, I want that list on my desk within the hour.


- We can't notify , people on the down low.

I mean, once word of this gets out, Pierson Diagnostics is finished.

A small price to pay to save all those at risk.



What is it?

Reddington pleaded guilty.

JUDGE WILKINS: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has pleaded guilty, so this trial will not take place.

Instead, we're moving directly to the sentencing phase.

To aid in your decision, each side will be given the opportunity to present witness impact statements.

Mr. Charleston, for the record, please state your profession.

For the past six years, I've served as Deputy Administrator of the A*F.

In that time, have you investigated the defendant?

We have cases that target Mr. Reddington.

Cases in which people were k*lled?

that we know of.

- But those are only the A*F cases.

- Meaning?

Meaning Treasury ran several joint cases with the A*F in which lives were lost.

INTERPOL AGENT: Interpol has coordinated with law enforcement around the globe in an attempt to apprehend Mr. Reddington.

MI . Mossad. Russian SVR.

To my knowledge, this man is wanted in every country he's set foot in.

We couldn't catch him because he has resources everywhere...

in law enforcement, governments around the world, the private sector, the penal system.

He wields a great power and influence over these men and women, loyal associates who will do whatever he asks.

I can assure you, right now, Reddington has people doing his bidding...

whatever that may be.

Now, I don't know who they are, but they're everywhere.

And the only way to stop them is to stop him.

Capital punishment.

Like cutting out a cancer.

It's the only option.


The minute the Feds threatened to take us down with him, he gave up.

He pleaded guilty to protect us, and they're gonna k*ll him for it.

COOPER: Unless he has a plan.

It doesn't appear that he does, but with Reddington, appearances can be deceiving.

We have a lead on the RAT.

Aram got the company to put together a list of patients with Pierson Diagnostics pacemakers.

It turns out there's one person on the patient list who wasn't a patient.

Oleg Gromov, a Russian national who's in the country on a student visa.

We ran a trace on his cell.

He's at a café in Georgetown.

A patient that's not a patient?

Gromov bought a pacemaker but never had it installed.

He also pays a monthly fee to Pierson Diagnostics to get updates for his home monitor.


See if this kid can explain why he's paying for a pacemaker service he doesn't need.

Liz, tell Reddington, if there's anything that we can do...

He knows.

That's why he's done this.

♪ Out of my head, not feeling right ♪

♪ Worm in my apple when I took a bite ♪

♪ I think something's off ♪


♪ Missing a screw, I'm pretty sure ♪

♪ Doing my laundry at the hardware store ♪


♪ I think something's off ♪


♪ I think something's off ♪

♪ ♪ Something's off ♪

Hey, it's me.

Yeah, the funds are on deposit, but, uh, we have a situation.

I need to see you.

Yes, now.

Tell me about this...




I'm not sure which.

I don't know why they were looking for me, but better safe than sorry.

What do they know?

I said I don't know.

I'll handle it.

I just need you to get the transfer done right away.

You know what?

You're right.


Better safe than sorry.


♪ ♪

Cooper thinks you have a plan.

Harold is an eternal optimist.

He's optimistic that you giving up isn't what it appears to be.

You don't have to worry about me.


Because you have a plan?

Or because you're gonna be dead soon?


I understand witnesses you've never even met are testifying under oath that you're evil incarnate.

Apparently I'm a moral scourge and a malignant tumor.

- I'd like to present the other side.

- No.

They're taking witness impact statements.

No witness has been impacted by you more than me.

It won't change the outcome.

- I want to testify.

- Ah.


Short and to the point.


Do you have somewhere you have to be?

Gene & Georgetti's would be nice.

I've decided to go with the double lamb chops instead of the Beef en Brochette, and definitely the Chicken alla Joe.

What I say might not make a difference, but it could.

Why would you want me to rush through it?

Unless you don't care what's on their minds because Cooper's right...

you have a plan.

Agent Keen, you're a criminal profiler, are you not?


Top of your class at Quantico?

I was th in a class of .

You've been trained to think like a criminal.

By the very best.

Profile me.

♪ ♪

You're a fugitive.

You live a fugitive's existence.





Almost exclusively, this is how you interact with the world...


short, brief, passing encounters.

I say "almost" because this is not how you interact with me.

With me...

you are enduring...

... permanent.

The world thinks you're bad because you've done some terrible things.

But I believe you're good in spite of the terrible things you've done.

And I know that you're not here today because of those terrible things.

You're here today because of love.

Love brought you out of the shadows.

Love put you on the street corner where you were caught.

And not just the love of a father for his daughter,but the love of doing what you believe is right.

And not necessarily for yourself, but...

what's right for the greater world around us.

A world you love so much.

But I can't tell you about any of that.

He pleaded guilty to prevent me from telling you about his many acts of conscience because if I did, it would be bad for me, for my career, for my reputation.

To honor me, he's put himself at your mercy.

And so to honor him, I have to ask you...

to be merciful in return.

Because of you, , people are still at risk.

We identified the man who threatened your daughter.

I paid the ransom but didn't get the authentication code to unlock the servers.


Because you went after him.

We're in Gromov's apartment,have an APB on the plates on his car.

We will find him, the computer, and the authentication code that's on it.

His deadline's in three hours.

We can debate how we got into this mess later.

Right now, I need your help in getting us out of it.

Well, I'll help us get out of this mess, but how we got into it is not up for debate.

That's all on you.


- Cooper.

Aram, you're on speaker.


There's no sign of him or his computer.

Or a key or an authentication code

- that'll take the malware offline?

- Nothing.

Only the docking station, which I assume he uses for his laptop.

The docking station.

Is there a serial number on it?

Of course.

That is genius.

The serial number IDs the computer and the company that made it.


If we get it, we can access the computer through the company's remote diagnostic software.

Which gives us an IP address as soon as the computer's turned on.

I found you.

The, uh...

the serial number, not the RAT.

Tell SWAT to stay on-site, then get back here and set up that backdoor.

The second that computer's turned on,

- I want to be able to find it.



Sima, closing arguments?

You've heard testimony about the extent of the defendant's criminal empire, as well as the pain and suffering his crimes have caused.

So off with his head!

- Mine, not his.

- Your Honor...

Mr. Reddington, you'll have your turn in a moment.

Yes, but as I plan to echo what Mr. Sima says, I thought we might skip over him saying it.

He's asking for the death penalty.

You plan on echoing that?

I do.

One trait of mine that Agent Keen's otherwise exquisite profile left out was optimism.

Hope for a better tomorrow.

A desert safari on the Wahiba Sands.

Riding with the bagualeros in Patagonia.

None of that would be possible if I were sentenced to life in prison.

There'd be nothing to hope for, and without hope, nothing to live for.

Not even the joy of interrupting Mr. Sima to make his point, only pithier.

As we're all agreed I should be ex*cuted, I feel like we should wrap this up, don't you?

- RESSLER: What've we got?



- The guy you want in the car you're looking for.

Have the crime techs come through?

Everything's been bagged and tagged.

Here's the evidence list.

No laptop.

Where are we on setting up the backdoor link to Gromov's computer?


- Done and done.

When he turns it on,

- it should ping me a location.


Agent Ressler.


Gromov's dead.

Shot in the head.

Whoever did it took his laptop.

- The Cryptobanker?

- Could be.

Could be anyone.

Alive or dead, that signal is still set to go out

- at the deadline.

- Whoever has the computer, we'll get a trace as soon as they turn it on.

Yeah, if they turn it on.

Deadline's in minutes.

Get back here.


♪ ♪ ♪


Let's go.

The warden's ready for you.

♪ ♪

MACATEE: Michael said you decided to get smart and help broker some peace.


I had a thought or two.

What's your idea?

That's quite an animal you've got there.

That's Duke.

Reminds me of a pooch that lived down the block when I was a kid.

Always hot and cold.

Wet kisses one day, stitches the next.

I got an appointment at : with the wife, so tell me...

I've heard you're in couples therapy.

That must be quite an undertaking.

What's your idea?

Well, for starters, two inmates will be critical to these negotiations...

Vontae Jones and Vega Montero.

Neither of them work the laundry.

But they both have worked there in the past, they have a perceptive yet pragmatic take on the issues, and both are trusted by all parties concerned.

I think we should bring them in on this.

I'm late.

It'll have to wait.

Come on, Jim.

You asked for my help.

It'll take... what...


To prevent a laundry strike?



- Loretta...


... send up Vontae Jones and Vega Montero.

I can't hear you, Jim.

It's the line.

- Sounds like you're underwater.


Send up Vontae Jones and Vega Montero.

My goodness, look at that pronghorn.

Good eye.

Most people can't tell the difference between species of antelope.

Boy, that's a beaut.

I took that prairie goat there with a bow on the Dakota plains.

-inch compound.

Pope & Young pronghorn state record, if that means anything to you.

Scored a and...




- ♪ Another sunny day ♪



♪ Another lovely day for a ride ♪

Thanks, Bob.

I'll take it from here.

♪ I'm gonna drive away ♪


- Jim?

The fellas are here.

Should I send them in?

- ♪ Don't got a thing to say ♪


- Jim?

- ♪ Gonna leave my cares behind ♪



Send 'em in.

- All right!

You go ahead, boys.

♪ Crank up the tunes real high ♪

♪ Gonna sing out loud ♪

- What happened to the dog?

- RED: High as a kite.

We only have about minutes if this is gonna work.

Where's the hair and the glue?

♪ Gonna leave my cares behind ♪

♪ ♪ Don't got a thing to say ♪

Someone needs to strip the warden.

♪ Gonna leave my cares behind ♪

Any takers?

The company confirmed that more than , patients

have had their pacemakers removed,

but the vast majority remain at risk

as a result of the malware attack

on the company's servers.

Pierson Diagnostics stock collapsed

with news of the recall,

but CEO Matt Pierson says his sole concern

is for his patients' well-being.

- minutes left.

- Even with an IP address, there's no guarantee that we'll get to the computer in time to disconnect the malware.

♪ - I have a problem...


... and an opportunity.

You can't be here.

A client became a liability.

That's the problem.



... is the opportunity.

I can't handle that amount.

I'm not asking you to do it on a sliding scale.

I'm offering you % of the total amount.

Can you handle it now?


- Okay, that's it.

The computer...

it is on.

You have a location?

Uh, the diagnostics program is booting up.

Come on.

Come on!

Come on.

You wanna stay in this broom closet for another years, get a gold watch and a retirement you can't afford?

- This is our shot.

- What about the client?

None of this is traceable.

Not the Bitcoin and not the client.

Wash this, and the lifestyle Beth's been used to?

She can double it.

Okay, that's it.

I got it.

The IP address belongs to the First Bank of Maryland, North Avenue.

And, hang on...

I know who has it.

I used the diagnostics program to grab a screenshot from the webcam.

Gromov's dead.

His computer ends up at a bank.

I say we're looking at the Cryptobanker.

Aram, send the photo to bank security, then roll out with Ressler and Navabi.

You've got half an hour.

Look, Mr. Reddington, I don't wanna be all negative.

I'm not so sure this is working out like you thought.

It'll work.

Most people aren't particularly observant.

They tend to see what they want to see.

With the hat and the glasses, it'll work.

But this is the whole plan?

- Oh.

- High school theater?

Man, they got guards on staff right now.

I don't need to get past guards.

I only need to get past two or three.

LORETTA: Jim, you better get moving.

You're gonna be late.

Connie will have you sleeping on the davenport again.


- On my way.

I can't hear you.


- I said I'm on my way.


Could you grab me a Yoo-hoo from the machine?

- My blood sugar.

- Okeydokey, Jim.



Handcuff yourselves to the bars on the window.

Tell them I threatened your lives, forced you to cooperate.

How do I look?

Don't answer that.

All right, come on, Duke.

- Time to wake up.

Let's go, kid.




I'm sorry.

He did what?!

He asked the jury to execute him.

He didn't even try to make a case for life in prison.


What did he say?

He said that, if he was locked up, he would have nothing to live for.

Look, I know you think he's got some plan up his sleeve, but I don't know.

There's something wrong.

- Have you spoken with him?

- I'm at Colton now.

I'm gonna figure out what the hell's going on.

♪ Whoa, thought it was a nightmare ♪

♪ Lord, it was so true ♪

♪ They told me don't go walking slow ♪

Elizabeth Keen, here to see Raymond Reddington.

- ♪ The devil's on the loose ♪

- FRANK: Sign here.

- ♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

- He's in with the warden now.

I'll take her, Frank.

♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

♪ ♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

♪ ♪ Whoa, don't look back to see ♪

♪ Thought I heard a rumblin' ♪

♪ Calling to my name ♪


♪ Two hundred million g*ns are loaded ♪

♪ Satan cries, "Take aim" ♪

- What the...

- Jeez-and-Crackers!

- ♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

- Jim?

- ♪ Better run through the jungle ♪

- Jim!

- ♪ Better run through the jungle ♪


♪ ♪ Whoa, don't look back to see ♪

♪ You stay.

You stay.

Dembe, I'm seconds out.

Raymond, you must hurry.



♪ ♪


Raymond, guards.


MAN: Go, go!

Go, go!

- Wait!


You need to abort now.

They'll fire on you!

- No, we can make it.

- No.








♪ ♪ ♪


♪ ♪ ♪

Agent Ressler, FBI.

Don Simmons.

We spoke on the phone.

Your suspect's on the second floor.

As advised, we didn't make contact.



That's the sound of your ship coming in.

I won't be able to keep that amount from hitting the books.

By the time it does, you'll be on the island of your choice.

It's the last door on the left.


- FBI.

Hands up.

- The laptop...

where is it?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


It's right here.

It's right here.

It's right here.

Keep your hands where we can see them.

- Put the bag down.

- Take your hands out of the bag.

- Right in here.

- Do what she says, sir.


- Please stop!

- NAVABI: Take your hands away from the bag!

- Very slowly.

- g*n!




- He was gonna sh**t her.

- Okay, Aram.

- He had his g*n out.

Keep your hands up.

Keep your hands up.


- The computer, Aram.

Come on.

We need the authentication code.

- Okay.


Um, is he, uh...

is he gonna make it?

He'll be fine, but , people won't be if you don't get the authentication code in less than two minutes.

He had the computer, so he obviously knows the password.

I need that password.


- A-star- -H- -A!




All right, Aram, talk to me.

What's going on?

Oh, boy.

Someone get Pierson on the phone, please.


This is Pierson.


Pierson, this is Aram Mojtabai.

I need you to, uh, give me just a minute.

Okay, we're running out of time.


Okay, all right, I got it.


Pierson, I'm gonna give you an authentication code that you need to type into the ransomware prompt.

You cannot get this wrong or transpose a digit, or we could get locked out or trip a bypass...

Okay, I got it.

The number.





- # ...

- # ...

- D D...

- D D...


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, uh, uh, just to double-check, Agent Ressler, is, uh, is that the letter "O" or...

or a zero?

- It's a zero.

- Okay, go.


Hit "enter" now.

- We're back.


Agent Mojtabai, thank you.


You're welcome.

Oh, and, uh...

I would do a fresh install of all the affected pacemakers even though the malware is disabled.

And, uh, please tell Jamie I'd totally come help redecorate her room if she wants.

I'll let her know.

- ♪ Secrets ♪


♪ The kind you have to keep ♪

♪ ♪ Excuses wrapped in deceit ♪

You know, if you had told me what you were up to, I wouldn't have shown up and gotten in the way.

Tell me about the Cryptobanker.

Not that it matters now, but we have him in custody.

He did business in Cairo with a man who can unlock the conspiracy.

What good will that do?

You pleaded guilty.

Dembe photographed a transaction report between them.

Get it.

Show it to him.

Get him to tell you where he sent the laundered money.

An account number.

An address.

For the man in Cairo.

Everything rests on finding him.

♪ You keep fallin' deeper, you grave digger ♪

What you said in your profile.

It was very kind.

♪ Ooo, digging a hole ♪

Let's hope the jury is, too.

♪ Twisted like a wicked tree ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ You're runnin' from those words you speak ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ They gonna hunt you down, put you six feet into the down ♪

This is a transaction report generated by a business deal between you and a man in Cairo.

I'm gonna ask you one question about this report.

Answer it honestly and I'll tell Main Justice you provided the FBI with vital intel.

I'm giving you a gift.

I hope you're smart enough to take it.

Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

I never know a client's identity.

This report indicates you laundered $ million worth of Bitcoin for him.

So you may not know his identity, but you know where you sent him his money.

And that's my question.

His money...

Where did you send it to him?

I can't tell you that because I don't know.

I didn't send it to him.

I have to find the man in Cairo.


Reddington, please stand.

Madam Foreperson, does the jury believe the defendant deserves the death penalty?


♪ La, la, la, la ♪

Are there any mitigating circumstances?


Your Honor, I ask you to set the jury's recommendation aside.

It was your recommendation to them.

A moment of madness.

Or a hope that you would have escaped by now?

Without hope, one is hopeless.

I'm going to accept the jury's recommendation.

Based on the crimes you've pleaded guilty to, you've not only lost your right to live as a free man, but under the laws of the United States, you have lost your right to live at all.

♪ Ooo, digging a hole ♪