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06x11 - Bastien Moreau

Posted: 03/17/19 04:54
by bunniefuu

MOREAU: When you contract with me, - there are certain implied assurances.


Things may take longer than you like.

We might hit a few bumps along the way, but in the end, the job will be done in such a way that it never comes back on you or your people.

MCMAHON: Yes, well, the job is not done.

- It will be.

- You said that before.

This should've been done weeks ago.

As I said before, you should expect a few bumps along the way I'm not interested in bumps.

I only want results, - which you have yet to show me.


Because of you, because that bombing at the UN was stopped by the FBI, we're now in crisis mode.

We need this done.

Finish the job both of them or my people will take this into their own hands, and you don't want that.



A sense of humor.

I like that about you.

Can you get it done or not?

Tell your boss to relax.

They will both be dead within two days.

I'm on my way to see him now.

I'll tell him.

Just get it done.



The President's expecting me.



ANCHOR: Opponents of the death penalty are holding a vigil outside of the Federal Penitentiary where legendary crime lord Raymond Reddington is scheduled to be ex*cuted on Saturday at 12:01 a. m.

They are joined by reporters from around the world who have come to Terre Haute to cover the final hours in the life of one of this country's most notorious criminals.

After being on the FBI's watch list - Ouch!


- for decades Reddington was NAVABI: Are you okay?

- Uh, yeah.

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, fine, fine, fine.

All All good.

- pleaded guilty to 16 other counts - Um.


why do they always execute people at 12:01?

- It's so ghoulish.


The death warrant is only good for one day.

Scheduling it at 12:01 gives the government as much time as possible to deal with any last-minute legal um - Appeals?

- Yes, appeals.

They can deal with them and get the execution done without needing another warrant.


- So it's not ghoulish.

It's, uh, calculated.

That's worse.


Are you sure you're okay?

To be honest?

Uh, no.

I'm not.

It's a dumb question.

Nobody is today.


I can't believe he's going to die.

He always seemed so invincible.

RED: Thank you for coming, Harold.

How are you holding up, my friend?

I'll know in a few hours.

They're giving me a physical to make sure I'm healthy enough to be k*lled.

I didn't come to say goodbye.

I'm here to tell you I pulled every string I could to get a meeting with the President to urge him to commute your sentence.

- He won't.

- I hope you're wrong.

It's the only card we have to play.

- For now.

- For now?

Your execution is tomorrow.

Well, it's scheduled for then.

But it won't happen if you do exactly as I suggest.

- We'll do whatever it takes.

- Good.

Because it's gonna require you to steal account information from a bank in Luxembourg.

You want the FBI to rob a bank.


Don't look so sour.

At this time of year, the valleys of the Black Ernz are just beautiful.

Elizabeth will tell you the why.

You'll have to figure out the how or this will be goodbye.

LIZ: The why is simple Reddington believes the account holder can tell us about the conspiracy.

I thought that's why he gave us the Cryptobanker.

It was.

The Cryptobanker laundered $5 million for a man in Cairo who can tell us what we need to know about a conspiracy so deadly that knowing about it would be enough to get the President to commute Reddington's sentence?

Reddington assumed the Cryptobanker could lead us to the man in Cairo.

He thought all we had to do was ask him where he wired him his laundered money.


- But the man in Cairo didn't want his money sent to him.

He wanted it sent to someone with a numbered account - in Luxembourg.

- Who?

That's what we have to find out.

Everything you will need.

Her schedule, her security detail, and my I. D. , which gives you access.

What is that?

Thanks for your business.


$5 million to betray my country.

Reddington has uncovered a conspiracy.

He doesn't know its purpose or who's involved except for a "man in Cairo" he can't find.

Now his salvation lies in a numbered account in a bank we have no authority to access, but which he wants us to rob.

- Our work together is finished.

- Is that it?

LIZ: Except for the fact that we're not asking for your help.


Me and Dembe.

This is not your call to make.

There's no time to plan and little hope for success.

It's a mission that will likely end in our arrest.

That's a chance we're willing to take.

We don't expect anyone else to take it.

- They would if you asked them.

- I know.

That's why I'm not going to ask them.

Hey, uh I, uh I spilled, uh, coffee this morning.

Uh, I was, um, watching the news about Mr.

Reddington and, um, uh, point being, I spilled on your phone.

- It's okay.

It works fine.

- Yeah, I know.

Because, uh, while I was cleaning it, you got a text.

About seeing a speech pathologist.

Can we talk about this later?

Uh, the text was from the National Aphasia Association.

Uh, it said NAA, but, uh, then I looked it up.

Aram, I don't want to talk about this here.

And then I looked up "aphasia.

" Samar, I am confused and worried, and and I'm a little annoyed that you didn't say anything.

So, no, I don't think we can talk about this later.

I think it's been long enough.


When I was stuck in the car I was under water for six minutes.

Being deprived of oxygen for that long by the time you pulled me out, the damage was already done.

What damage?

The migraines?

Yes, but there's more than that.

I can't remember things.

Numbers, um, prepositions.


Like "appeals.

" Uh.

Sometimes there's a blinding light, and I can't do anything.

I thought it would get better.

But now I know that it won't.

But you're seeing a therapist.


But not to improve.

To manage the decline.

W-What can I do?

Uh, tell me.

Tell me what to do, I'll do it.

I know, but there's nothing anyone can do.


Did Cooper go see Reddington?

He went.

I don't know if he saw him.

The minute he came in, he pulled Liz into his office.



- What?

She shouldn't be alone.


I agree, but it looks like that's what she wants.


How's Reddington?

Has he accepted his fate?

As a matter of fact, he hasn't.



Cooper told them.

Don't try to talk us out of it.

We're coming with you.

- No, you're not.

- We have a plan.

- Do you?

- That's beside the point Well, ours is not much of a plan, but it's something, and it is not beside the point since it appears Mr.

Reddington's life depends on us breaking the law.

Me and Dembe.

We're his family.

- And we're yours.

- Besides, it's not like we have to rob a bank.

We just have to rob a name from a bank, and that is an important distinction.

At least it should be, even though it's, uh, still illegal.

Reddington will live through this.

NAVABI: Or he'll be ex*cuted, but not until we've tried everything we can first.

What's the pilot's name again?

- Edward.

- Edward!

Wheels up in five.

Always wanted to do that.

So, are you gonna tell us the plan?

Do I have a choice?

- No.

- No.

Okay, then.

What's your plan?


President, thank you for seeing me.

Of course.

You know already know Cynthia, but, uh, I don't believe you've met Anna McMahon from DOJ.

White House Counsel has briefed us on your Task Force.

- You've done an incredible job.

- I'm proud of the work we've done.

I think it's made our country a safer place.

And none of that would've been possible without Raymond Reddington.

Harold, the President is aware of the good Reddington has done.

Unfortunately for Reddington, he's also aware of the bad.


President, thanks to the work Reddington has done with our Task Force, hundreds of deadly criminals are off the streets and thousands of lives have been spared.

Despite that, I'm not here because of what he's done.

I'm here because of what he could do if given the chance, including a matter that may impact national security a conspiracy that Reddington says reaches the highest rungs of power.

If Reddington says there's a conspiracy, it's not a conspiracy theory it's a fact.

And if you give us give him the time, we'll uncover it.

Are you asking for a commutation or a stay of execution?

I came here hoping for a commutation.

But if a stay gives Reddington the chance to once again prove his value, I'll happily ask for that.

Does the Justice Department want to weigh in on this?

Yes, sir.

With both feet.

Firmly placed on Reddington's neck.


- What's the point of the death penalty if not to put people like Reddington to death?

Not to mention that, by letting him draw even a single extra breath, your opponents would make you look softer on crime - than the Pillsbury Doughboy.


And there you have it, Director Cooper, classic Anna simultaneously rude, blunt, and calculating.

A week.

That's all I'm asking for.

If there is a conspiracy, I want it uncovered.

But I'm confident you can do that without the help of Mr.


You've done the work of the angels, Harold.

But it's over.

Reddington's gonna die.

It's time to talk about final preparations.

Oh, cabbage soup and dressed herring.

For my final meal.

My mother loved cabbage soup and dressed herring.

Of course.

You have the right to a spiritual advisor, an attorney to get your legal affairs in order, and to make final arrangements for your body and personal effects.

I've made arrangements to be cremated.

Have my ashes placed into Mama Lu's opium pipes.


- The users won't mind, and on the off chance there is an afterlife, I'd like to be high in it.

You also have the right to a walk-through of the execution chamber.

Oh, no, no, oh, no Not broken In two Not you Is there anyone you'd like to have there at the end?

Like the seed you grow Yes, but not at an ending like this.


Under it all If we expect to have any hope of saving Reddington's life, we have to name this depositor at the Banque Vertrauen.

To do that, we have to access the bank's computer networks.

The problem is, Vertrauen has criminal accounts around the world, meaning they're very private, so they maintain networks that they claim are impenetrable.

A brief peek at their system looks like they're running a wickedly advanced Least Privilege program with access controls and redundant audit trails.

- Translation.

- It's un-hackable.

I mean, even senior level employees they only have access to selected fragments of the bank's computer system.

All except one.

According to Reddington, the bank president is able to override the network using an encrypted fob he carries at work.

So we get the fob, the fob gets us access, and the access gets us the name of the mysterious depositor.

Okay, so, who's the bank president?

We don't know.

The bank doesn't make that information public.

Just so I'm clear We need to break into a bank that caters to criminals and penetrate their impenetrable computer network, all in order to identify a secret depositor we hope can spare Reddington's life?

I can I. D.

the bank president.


Do you know him?


But I will.

Of course, we would be honored to handle Mr.

Reddington's assets.

They'll jump at the chance to handle Raymond's assets.

The bank president will see to it personally.

S'il vous plaît.


LIZ: Aram, how long do you need with that key fob to know if you can override the encryption?

Well, uh, I'd have to see it to know.

- But if you saw it?

- If I saw it, assuming we were able to get it and none of us were arrested in the process, uh, I could I could probably tell in a minute or two.

And anyone who can decrypt it can clearly duplicate it, right?

If none of us got arrested.

Here we go.

This is him.

All right, I got eyes.

Blue jacket.

Gray pants.

Super French.

Okay, wait, sorry.

Uh, Agent Ressler's - running point on overwatch?

- Is that a problem?

No, it's just, uh, I thought it might make more sense to have Samar in my ear.

You know, we have a real shorthand.

- Makes sense.

- No, it doesn't.

I speak French, German, Farsi, Arabic, Spanish.

And with all due respect to Agent Ressler, I'm a better asset in the field.

I just thought you might be more comfortable working with me.

Do you two wanna get a room or, uh, rob a bank?



Sorry, it's cool.

Uh, you take the overwatch.

So, um how do we plan on getting me that fob, again?



Excuse me.

Do you speak English?

- Uh, some English.

- Oh, thank you!

I'm looking for the residence of the Duke, and I promised myself I would not use my phone this trip.

But, uh, these paper maps are impossible.

Je crois qu'elle est perdue.

Je peux aider si vous voulez.


You're looking for the Palais Grand Ducal?

Uh, you're not far, but you're on the wrong side of the river.

You go this way, and then make a right on Rue Munster.

Okay, thank you.

I warn you, this could take a while.

There are layers of encryption and access controls.


Whoa, this is more complicated than I thought.

- Aram.

You're out of time.

- What?


- How is that even possible?

- He's leaving.

You need to get that fob back to Keen.

Okay, um, just h-hold on a second.

I'm in.

I just need time to create the duplicate.

Like, two more minutes.

RESSLER: You got less than one.

Keen, you need to stall this guy.

Oh, no.

You can't go.

No, I T-Tell him he can't go.

I wanna pay for his lunch.

Elle ne veux pas que vous partiez.

Elle aimerait payer.

I don't want him to think I'm an ungrateful American.


Come on, Aram, let's hustle.


- Just, almost there almost Elle ne veux pas être une américaine ingrate.

Ah je comprends, mais je ne la laisserai pas payer pour le déjeuner.

- Uh, non.


- I insist!

Okay, here we go.


All right, I got it!

- Oh, no.

- RESSLER:Oh, no?

What do you mean, "Oh, no"?

"Oh, no," what?

What's wrong?

Uh nothing.

Everything's fine.

What do you mean "nothing"?

Come on, Aram, what's going on?

Look, we need those keys back now, okay?

- We don't have time.

- We're good.

I'm coming.


RESSLER: Aram, what's going on?

Uh, wait, sir.

RESSLER: Aram, talk to me.

You can't go.

Uh Okay, If you won't take my money, let me pay for your lunch.

If you won't take my money, then at least, um Can you tell him, please, that he has a beautiful city and thank you so much.



Don't ask.

RESSLER: You have access?

I'm searching account holders now.


- Okay, wait, wait.



Here we go.

Jonas Kruger.


German National.

Federal Intelligence Service.

Lives in Arlington, and he's stationed at the German Embassy in D.


How is a foreign intelligence officer from Germany supposed to help save Mr. Reddington's life?


It's me.

One down, one to go.

I don't know.

But we're gonna find out.



Within 24 hours, the president of Germany's Federal Intelligence Service will be assassinated on U. S. soil.

Ava Ziegler.

Based on what intel A member of her advance team, Jonas Kruger, had $5 million wired to his numbered account.

And where did the money come from?

- The assassin.

- Or you.

To create the appearance of a crisis only you can resolve.


Is this confirmation?

It reads like fiction, but I assure you it is all fact.

He'd say anything, do anything to avoid execution.

I would.

Of course, that also includes telling the truth.

Have you notified Ziegler's security detail?

I'm told there's a plot on my life.

If it's because of this, there may be one on yours, as well.

The alleged assassin.

- Do you know his name?

- I do.

And how to stop him.

Information I'll gladly share as soon as the President grants me clemency and my immunity agreement is reinstated.

- He's making this up - I don't think so.

blackmailing the President!

Do you want me to save her life?

If what you're telling us is true and you do nothing to stop it, you will never get a reprieve.

If I stop it before getting a reprieve, I won't get one.

- You said you've told the BND.

- They're on high alert.

- And we're rolling on Kruger now.

- Okay, then.

Seems like on the off chance you didn't make all this up, the investigation's in good hands.

Harold's the best.

Then if there is an assassin, I'm sure he can find him without your help.

He'll certainly try, but it won't be enough to save Ava Ziegler's life.

Only you can do that.

I rarely dislike a person before being introduced to them, but in your case, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make an exception.

- Who are you, anyway?

- I'm the person who's gonna make sure the President does not grant you clemency.

This conversation's over.


I'll see what I can do.

I have to show this to the Americans.

You have to tell them.

But I'm keeping the dossier.

We can't trust them with the proof until we know who's involved.


I'm sorry I couldn't have been more convincing with the President.

It appears you have unexpectedly formidable opposition.

You know this puts me in a terrible position.

I have to do everything in my power to prevent the assassination.

But by saving Ziegler, I'm k*lling you.

If you want absolution, you have it.

I meant what I said, Harold.

You are the best as an agent and a person and a friend.

- We're rolling out on Kruger.



What is it?

I think I should be a witness at Reddington's execution.


The questions.

The searching for answers.

And the mystery.

In the end, Liz he's just a man who loves you very much.

But what man?

Look, if we can find Kruger, if he can give Reddington the leverage he's looking for, you'll have plenty of time to find out.

But what if we can't, or he doesn't?

This is my last chance to find out his true identity.

And maybe if this is his last chance to tell me he will.

We use three dr*gs in the lethal injection sodium thiopental to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide for muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart.

And why are you doing this?

If you develop a rash, I'll know you're allergic.

To the dr*gs you're gonna use to k*ll me.

We wanna make this as peaceful as possible.


- When I k*ll a man, I don't pretend I care how he feels.

I've shot them, stabbed them, suffocated them, but I've never coddled them.

It's disrespectful.

So stop coddling me.

- Reddington knows everything.

- Did he tell the FBI?


He told them the head of the BND's the target.

- So what do we do?

- Absolutely nothing.

But they know.

The target, yes, and she's been warned, but there's nothing they can do to stop it.

Reddington says he can, but he won't.

Not until after you grant him clemency.

- Can they trace this back to us?

- Absolutely not.

I know it's hard not having all the details, but the less you know, the better.

And you're sure that Reddington won't say what he knows to the FBI unless I agree to stay his execution.

He thinks knowing how to save Ziegler gives him leverage to make you save him.

His knowing how to save her is exactly why I won't.

He's the only one who knows how to stop us, and when he dies, what he knows dies with him.

Good afternoon.

So, what have we got?







[g*n COCKS]



Lucky shot.

Don't move!

Right there!

Get the w*apon.

The hit on Germany's top spy.

When's it gonna happen?

I don't know what you're talking about.

NAVABI: Maybe this will refresh your memory.

You were paid $5 million to help k*ll Ava Ziegler.

You're going to go to prison for that.

For how long depends on whether you help us prevent her assassination.

You need to tell us when, how, and by whom.


My job was to sweep the hotel.

Set up security protocols for when she arrived.

You were paid to give someone access to the hotel?

To give him her schedule and my credentials.

McMahon wouldn't take this to the President because she thought Reddington was making it up.

This is proof he wasn't.

The man who has your credentials who is he?

- Do you have a name?

- No, I didn't.


$5 million it was a lot of money just to give him my credentials.

It was for far more than that.


You can't I. D. the who, you don't know the when, the where's the hotel, so what about the how?

When we met, when I gave him my credentials, I saw It looked like a b*mb.

Are you sure that's what you saw?

It was in a plastic case.

Some kind of chemical agent.

You two need to notify the BND and get to that hotel and you need to get me another meeting with the President.

I know Reddington is the sun, moon, and stars to you, Harold.

But the President runs a nation with 320 million people.

Sparing the life of one of the most deadly among them - is not a high priority.

- I know.

Bad optics to look soft on crime.

But what if people find out that he could've saved a cabinet-level German official and chose not to?

What about those optics?

Like it or not, Reddington's worth more to the President alive than dead.


Hey, um, Ressler told me how you took down Kruger.

That shot.

Then he must've told you it was a lucky shot.

He said it was an amazing shot.

- Uh, I have to go.

- Listen trying to take you out of the field in Luxembourg was wrong.

Uh, you're obviously more than up for the job, and I should've given you the benefit of any doubt.


I'm sorry I didn't.

I don't think I know anyone who apologizes as well as you.

I've had a lot of practice.

Fine, I'll rent the room for you.

DEATH ROW DOCTOR: Your test results came back negative.

- No allergies.

- I'm sorry about before.

I realize you're just following protocol.

It's your job, after all.

It's a heavy burden k*lling a man.

Most people can't.


We're all set, then.



Your food is almost ready.


- Excellent!

Make it a table for two.


What you said about Ziegler we were able to corroborate it.

We can prove the conspiracy's real.

You're going to be phenomenally wealthy.

Panabaker got Cooper another meeting with the President.

He's gonna make the argument that, in order to save her life, the President has to save yours.

You'll be able to live anywhere you want.

You'll be able to do anything you want.

What I want to do is save your life.


All right, time to eat.

Ah, my final meal.

I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with.

I'm trying to tell you this might not be your final meal.

And I'm trying to tell you I'm okay if it is.




RESSLER: Agent Ressler, FBI.

We believe we're looking for an expl*sive device.

Possibly biological.

Now, suspect had access to your advance team, so the device is likely inside your secure cordon.

Ma'am, the Senator is here, but it sounds like we may have a security concern.

What concerns?

We're waiting on details.

Let me know the minute you know more.

- Yeah.

- Aram, can you pull Navabi's reports from the UN bombing and see what kind of details we have on that device?

- Are you looking for schematics?

- No, I'm looking for any details that can tell us what we're searching for.

Anything you can send the b*mb Unit is helpful.

Okay, understood.

I'm on it.

This is what you call a last meal?


Cabbage soup and herring.

My mother made it for me when I was a child.

I can't imagine that.

You as a boy.

I was a difficult child.

People saw me one way I saw myself another.

I felt misunderstood acted out.

My father fancied himself a disciplinarian.

Very moralistic.

Instead of trying to understand me, he excommunicated me.

And your mother?

My mother My m My mother My mother understood.

About who you used to be there's something I need to ask you.

My mother understood the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself.

So she understood Everything.

I've taught you to think like a criminal.

I should've taught you to think like her.

I-I should've learned to think like her.

All those years spent worrying about you fancying myself your guardian angel she would've taken one look at you and known you'd be fine.

And not because of the money I obsessively cobbled together for you but because you have in your life the only thing that matters people who love you Harold Cooper to see the President.

people you can depend on people who will always tell you the truth.

Six years ago, I turned myself in because of you.

Now, here, at the end, I'm at peace because of them.

Senator Wade, thank you for agreeing to meet.

Of course.


Now, you said it was urgent.

Is something wrong?

Our intelligence network has been working cooperatively with a former MI6 agent.

Earlier today, he showed me a dossier outlining a plot against America - [KNOCKS AT DOOR]

- Madam Ziegler, I'm terribly sorry - Karl, what's going on?

- Ma'am, we have a security issue.

You need to come with me.

We need to get you and the Senator out of this building right now.



I, uh, didn't order room service.

You have a dossier I'm interested in.

[g*n COCKS]


McMahon thought Reddington was lying to save his life.

- Now we know he was telling the truth.

- So he was telling the truth.

It doesn't undo all the horrible things he's done.

This isn't about what he's done.

I thought I'd made that clear.

This is about what he's going to do save Ava Ziegler's life.

I thought that your job.

His job is to try to stop it.

And he's doing everything he can, but in our experience, if Reddington says he's the only one who can solve it, he's the only one who can solve it.

For God's sakes, the FBI employs 35,000 people.

He's one man.

Mr. President, it's simple.

You can listen to Ms.

McMahon, and a prominent German official will die, or you can listen to me, and she'll survive.


May I?

- Please.


You've already given me plenty to think about.


You're sure about this?

No, no.

No, I'm relieved.

Good work.



Our people have Ziegler in custody.

They're off-site.

She's safe.

Well, what do you know looks like you didn't need Reddington's help after all.

You wanted to ask me something.

I did.

I wanted to ask you I-I wanted to ask how can you eat that?


It's terrible, isn't it?

I mean, honestly, it's the worst food I've ever seen.

Your mother may have been a wonderful person, but she was a terrible cook.


You're right.

Everything we had growing up was either over-boiled or under-cured.

This can't be your last meal.

It's the definition of cruel and unusual.



It's time.

Once you've changed, we'll move into the execution chamber.



- It's Cooper.


Have you seen the President?

But she's in danger.

She's not safe.

- Let it go.

- I know it seems that way, but you and I both know this isn't over.

- Elizabeth, let it go.

- The President's wrong!

It's too late for Ziegler.

You'll need to focus on the larger conspiracy.

Thank you for trying.

Of course.

I'll tell him.



He says he wishes there was more that he could do.

He did everything he could.

That's That's more than enough for me.

I should change.

I love you.


That's what I wanted to say.

That's what I wanted you to hear.

We've got the principal in a off-site holding location.

832314th Street Northwest.

ARAM:Copy that.

832314th Street Northwest.

I have a DC PD escort en route.

Awaiting instructions from BND and DSS.

You're in charge?

We need you to get everybody out of here.



- Ma'am, are you okay?


I I can't catch my breath.

You're gonna be okay.

We have a BND convoy on the way.

We want you in the air in the next 20 minutes.


Lock it down.

All entrances.

I want DC PD units on the alley.

The minute the escort's here, we move.

ARAM: Okay, I just got word from the b*mb Squad.

Preliminary sweep says they found no expl*sive devices on site.

No device?

How is that possible?

And another thing, and I know this is so not the time, but, uh I was grabbing some, uh, UN reports for Agent Ressler from your office.

And while I was there, uh, I noticed a few discarded incident reports in the trash.

- You're right.

This isn't the time.

- After what you did in the field, I thought I'd overreacted, but these mistakes, they are, um what you were having trouble with is is basic.

I had no idea how much damage has been done.


- I have to call you back.

- They didn't find the device?

- Not yet, but they will.

That's weird, right?

The important thing is that everyone's okay.


- Let me get you a glass of water.


Does this have anything to do with the threat you started to tell me about?

This dossier?

Why wouldn't they find a device?

I mean, Moreau paid off Kruger to get advance team access to get inside the secure cordon, but why?

- Maybe it wasn't a device?

- Maybe there was another way.

I mean, maybe it wasn't a b*mb or an expl*si*n, but another way to carry out the hit.


MAN: Help!

We need some help here!

- We need a medic!





That was Ressler.

Ziegler is dead.



I thought she was safe.

Reddington knew.

He's known all along.

He sent us after the Bug Man.

Turn around.


What are you talking about?

We're going back to the White House.

Reddington gave us a Blacklister weeks ago a scientist upset with how we're k*lling off insects, so he created one to k*ll us off.

Some kind of a super beetle the kind that k*lled Ziegler.

And you want to go tell the President, "I told you so"?

I want to tell the President how to find the assassin.

- Do you know how to find him?

- No, but Reddington does.

- Diaz has made up his mind.

- Well, by my watch, it's 11:51.

That gives him 10 minutes to change it.

Or I'm gonna tell The New York Times that he could've saved the life of Germany's top intelligence officer but chose not to.

That would be career su1c1de.


For the President.






And when I see And if I walk [CLICKING]

And when I run away Hold me in your arms Don't let go Hold me in your arms DEATH ROW DOCTOR: Is that comfortable?

If you'd like, we could raise or lower the head rest.

I'm fine.

Thank you for asking.

And when I run away Hold me in your arms And when I see And if I walk Don't let go And when I run away Hold me in your arms Don't let go Don't let go Hold me in your arms Don't let go MAN: To protect the anonymity of the executioners, they will now move into the chemical room and draw the curtain.

Hold me in your arms At my instruction, each member of the execution team will inject dr*gs into the IV tube, but only one of the executioners is actually going to deliver the lethal injection.

- And if I walk - Right.

If I run Sir.

- It's done.

- And when I run away - And the dossier?

- Hold me in your arms I told you, the dossier isn't here.

Well, then, you're going to have to take me to it.

MCMAHON: We should have it within the hour.


Then, by morning, the intel will be buried and Reddington will be dead.

Hold me in your arms Don't let go Hold me in your arms Don't let go And when I run away Hold me in your arms Don't let go Don't let go FEDERAL WARDEN: Whereas, Raymond Reddington was found guilty of m*rder - Hold me in your arms - in the first degree - Don't let go - and whereas it has been determined that the Executive Clemency authorized by Article II, Section II And when I run away Of the United States Constitution has been denied Hold me in your arms do hereby issue this warrant directing the Warden of the United States Penitentiary - in Terre Haute, Indiana - And when I see to cause the sentence of death to be ex*cuted upon Raymond Reddington in accord with the provisions of the law of the United States.

Don't let go Do you have any final words?

Don't let go