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03x04 - Goodbye, Amy Juergens

Posted: 03/17/19 05:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret life of the American teenager

LEO: And tomorrow, you talk to Adrian.

BEN: Whatever she decides to do about...this is her decision.

LEO: I want you to tell Amy, and I want you to be as kind to Adrian as you were to Amy when she was in this situation.

CINDY: Are you sure everything's okay?

BEN: I told my dad.

ADRIAN: You promised me you'd give me a couple of days.

ASHLEY: If Amy wants to go to a music program in New York, you should encourage her to do that.

RICKY: Why? So she won't find out?

GRACE: I want to offer Adrian my help by offering her some options.

JEFF: Why don't you just focus on you and your own life?

TOM: I'm thinking I might get married.

KATHLEEN: When you say you want to get married, you do mean to Tammy, don't you?

JACK'S MOTHER: You're absolutely sure you can find a place?

JACK: If nothing else, Ricky said I could stay there.

JACK'S MOTHER: I think you need parents around.

JACK: Then I'll stay with Coach.

AMY: Something is going on.

BEN: Not really.

AMY: Something's going on with me.

GEORGE: We're just gonna let her go to New York?

ANNE: I don't think we have a choice.

BEN: I can't tell her, not before she takes off.

LEO: Which is when?

BEN: Tomorrow.

CINDY: What's the matter?

RUBEN: Adrian's pregnant.


Ben enters in the shop. Ha calls Ricky.

BEN (at phone): Hey, I'm downstairs. Can you come down here? It's an emergency.

(Ricky comes in)

BEN: I want to talk. I have to talk to you about Adrian.

RICKY: What? That's the emergency?

BEN: My dad told her dad that she's pregnant. And her mother got home last night, so I know they're all gonna be talking about it.

RICKY: Not at 5:00 in the morning. What are you doing here?

BEN: You said if I needed to talk...

RICKY: Why didn't you come up?

BEN: Because I don't know who you're with these days, if you're with anyone.

RICKY: I'm not, so talk. Two minutes ago I was asleep, so I don't know how much help I can be.

BEN: Okay. Here's the thing. I'm in a classic no-win situation. If Adrian has the baby, that's not good. If Adrian doesn't have the baby, that's even horrible. And I have to take Amy to the airport, which is a classic no-win situation with a twist, now that I think about it.

RICKY: Don't think about it.

BEN: If I don't talk about this and get my head straightened out, I'm gonna implode. Or is it explode? Wait. What is it?

RICKY: I don't know. But you're already a mess, whether you implode or explode. Do you want Adrian to have the baby?

BEN: I don't. No. I don't want her to go through with this. I mean, what are we gonna do with a baby? And if we have a baby, Amy and I are never gonna be able to get back together.

RICKY: That's not a good enough reason not to have the baby. You and Amy might not stay together baby or not.

BEN: No, because she's gonna find out that Adrian is pregnant or that she terminated the pregnancy, and either way I lose, hence again, the classic no-win situation.

RICKY: Have you talked to Adrian?

BEN: I tried. She doesn't want to talk. She's been pushing me away, putting it off until her mother gets back so that she can talk to her. I'm sure they're talking about abortion. I don't want an abortion, but I don't want a baby, hence, again, the--

RICKY: Don't say it.

BEN: What do I do? I mean, what do I do? I've been talking to my dad. I'm talking to you now. I've been talking to myself for days, and still I don't know what to do, or if there really is anything to do, other than do what Adrian says and just stay out of it. But if I stay out of it...

RICKY: You're on a loop now. You're like a cartoon character chasing his tail, spinning around until he burrows himself into the center of the earth. Stop.

BEN: What cartoon character?

RICKY: I don't know. Ben, I can't decide this for you. You can't even decide this for you. You're gonna have to let Adrian decide this. And whatever she decides, you go along with her. If I know Adrian, she's not gonna have a baby.

BEN: That's just the thing. Maybe I should go over there and try to talk her out of not having the baby. But then if I do that, then I have a baby.

RICKY: You're still spinning. Look, there's nothing you can do. Stay out of it.

BEN: My dad told me to get involved.

RICKY: Oh, then do what he said, and leave me out of it.

BEN: You said I could talk to you.

RICKY: Talk to me after the decision's been made. This sucks.

(Zoe appears)

ZOE: Hey, what's going on?

BEN: Will you ever learn? Will I?

(Ben leaves)

ZOE: What was that?

RICKY: That was a guy in a no-win situation.

ZOE: Ben Boykewich in a no-win situation? What could that be? What can't Ben Boykewich buy his way out of?

RICKY: Come on, it's freezing down here. Let's go back to bed.

ZOE: Tell me.

RICKY: It's nothing.

ZOE: You ever done it in a butcher shop?

RICKY: There are security cameras.

ZOE: That could be fun.

RICKY: Back upstairs.



Cindy comes in the daughter' bedroom.

CINDY: Adrian? Good morning.

ADRIAN: Good morning.

ADRIAN: What time did you get home?

CINDY: I don't know. It was really late after midnight.

ADRIAN: I'm glad you're here. I have to talk to you. I really have to talk to you.

CINDY: All right. You want something for breakfast?

ADRIAN: Yeah, maybe, I think so.

CINDY: Come on. I'll make you whatever you want.


They comes to the kitchen.

ADRIAN: You're not going to like this.



CINDY: Okay, so what can I get for you? Pancakes or eggs or something?

ADRIAN: I think we're out of eggs.

CINDY: Oh. Well... how about some toast and some blackberry jam.

ADRIAN: Yeah, that sounds good. You stole blackberry jam for me? You haven't done that in ages.

CINDY: I didn't steal it, Adrian. It's on the flight, and I get it just like the passengers.

ADRIAN: Whatever you say. Mom...

CINDY: It's okay, Adrian. I know.

ADRIAN: You know what?

CINDY: That you're pregnant.

ADRIAN: How do you know that?

CINDY: Leo told Ruben, and Ruben told me.

ADRIAN: I knew that sausage king would do that. I knew it. So these stupid men go out to dinner to handle my business? Is that where he was last night? Ruben? Who are they to think that everything is their business? It's none of their business. It's my business and only my business.

CINDY: I completely agree with you.

ADRIAN: Really?

CINDY: Really. Adrian, I'm okay with whatever you want to do. It's a tough decision, the toughest, and I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position and having to make this decision.

ADRIAN: It's my fault. I did this. Me and my stupid plan to get back at Amy and Ricky.

CINDY: How far along are you?

ADRIAN: I don't know. I think about five weeks, maybe six.

CINDY: Do you want to go through with this pregnancy?

ADRIAN: I-- I don't think so. Mom, I talked to a counselor at the clinic. I think I want to have an abortion. What do you think I should do?

CINDY: You want to know what I think?

ADRIAN: Yeah, I do, even if it's not what I think.

CINDY: When I got pregnant with you, I was scared to death to even think about what you're thinking about. I wouldn't even consider the idea of an abortion. I thought I'd go straight to hell... but soon I realized that I was already there. My mother wouldn't let me out of the house. She said I had shamed the family. My father wouldn't even be with me in the same room. We quit eating together as a family. They let me stay there, but it was horrible. It was absolutely horrible, and I had to live with their judgment and their comments the whole pregnancy, but after eight weeks... yeah, eight weeks after you were born, I found a job, the best job I could find, and that's when I started working with the airlines. It was the most money I could make, and I was thrilled, but that meant that when I had to fly, I had to leave you with my mother, and we would fight all the time. But eventually when I could afford it, we moved out, you and me.

ADRIAN: The apartment with the green and yellow tile and the built-in bookcase in the halfway.

CINDY: Yeah, that one. And I went from asking my mother to help me with you to ask my friends and neighbors to watch you

ADRIAN: Mrs. Vasquez? Evelyn?

CINDY: And as you grew up, I... I missed the birthdays and the holidays and the first times and the first time you took a step. The first day of school. Your first date.

ADRIAN: It's okay. You had to.

CINDY: No--no, it's not okay, and I felt guilty my whole life. I've always felt that I wasn't the best mother. I know I wasn't, and I've always felt that you deserve better. And sometimes I've questioned myself, if you would have been better off if I had allowed a wonderful couple to adopt you.

ADRIAN: Why are you telling me this? You want me to actually go through with this? Have the baby and then put the baby up for adoption?

CINDY: No, Adrian, I'm not trying to tell you to do that. I'm not trying to tell you to do anything at all. I'm just trying to be there for you for once in my life.

ADRIAN: You've been there for me as much as you could be there for me.

CINDY: No, I haven't. Not until recently I could tell myself the truth, and I want to tell you the truth. I could've given up that job. I could've done something else. But when I was away, I loved being a single woman with no responsibilities. And the men I brought home, Adrian--

ADRIAN: Yeah. Some of them were... less than you deserved.

CINDY: And I know you resented them, and you resented me, and I resented you, too, but somehow, some way thanks to some miracle, we grew up. And now we're here in this house with this wonderful man, your father and my husband Ruben. And I'm not going to fail you now. You need me now more than ever. And no matter what your decision is, I'm here.

ADRIAN: How is it that the worst day in my life also feels like the best day in my life?

CINDY: Because everything is so much easier when you have someone to love you, and I love you, Adrian, I love you so much, but no matter what you decide, it's not going to be easy.

ADRIAN: Mom, I don't want to have a baby.

CINDY: You don't have to. It's a choice.

ADRIAN: And it's not because you weren't a good mother or anything like that. It's just... I can't. I can't have a baby. I did everything I was supposed to do and I still got pregnant, and I don't want to be pregnant.

CINDY: It's okay, Adrian. It's okay. But if you want to take another day or two to think this over, I think you should, Take another day or two.


Ashley is ready to go to school.

GEORGE: So you are going to school?

ASHLEY: Isn't that the point of Mom telling me I don't have to go to school, that I'm empowered and I come to the correct conclusion she wanted me to come to in the first place?

GEORGE: I'm not going to work, and your mom's not going anywhere, and you don't have to go to school because Amy's leaving at noon for the airport with Ben. We're all going to be here to say good-bye.

ASHLEY: All but me. I'm going to school. I hate good-byes.

GEORGE: So do I. I've got to be here and I don't want to drive you to school.

ASHLEY: Great. Give me the keys.

GEORGE: Oh. Just stay home.

ASHLEY: I can't. I was home the day before yesterday. I'll say good-bye to Amy right now.

GEORGE: She left to take John to the nursery.

ASHLEY: What, so John's not going to be here?

GEORGE: She wants to keep him on the schedule he's always on, and she doesn't want him to be upset when she goes out the door with her suitcase, so Ricky's going to pick him up after work and bring him home, and then he's going to be staying here for a month, and while he's here, I don't want you and Ricky to be near each other. I see the way he looks at you, and I see the way you look at him. You to aren't fooling me or anyone else.

ASHLEY: I have a boyfriend... kind of.


ASHLEY: Grant.

(Ashley receives a call)

ASHLEY: And there he is now.

(She answers)

ASHLEY(at phone): Hi, Grant.

GRANT(at phone): Wow, you finally picked up. Where've you been?

ASHLEY(at phone): Around. Look, you can't transfer to my school. That's a bad, bad idea.

GRANT(at phone): Oh, yeah? Yeah. Somebody's got to keep an eye on you. Might as well be someone who loves you.

ASHLEY(at phone): Oh, please. We are not in love. You don't love me, and I don't ne a handler, so just stay at your own school and worship me from afar.

GRANT(at phone): You can't go out with your nephew's father who'd ordinarily be your brother-in-law.

ASHLEY(at phone): Who, Ricky? We're friends.

GRANT(at phone): Friends, huh? Trust me, that guy wants to be more than friends.

ASHLEY(at phone): Well, so do you.

GRANT(at phone): Come on, Ashley, just give me a shot. Go out with me, please.

ASHLEY(at phone): I can't go out. Amy's leaving for four weeks, and I have to help take care of John, and Ricky's going to be here helping to take care of him, so it would just be awkward.

GRANT(at phone): He's going to be there? Like living there?

ASHLEY(at phone): Yeah, he is.


Tom joins Grace.

TOM: I need a ride.

357 00:16:01,604 --> 00:16:02,938GRACE: I thought I just overheard

358 00:16:03,005 --> 00:16:04,706 Mom telling you you could take the bus.

359 00:16:04,774 --> 00:16:06,408TOM: I can't take a bus.

360 00:16:06,476 --> 00:16:09,111 I know how to take the bus,

361 00:16:09,178 --> 00:16:12,314 but I would prefer to ride in a car.

362 00:16:12,381 --> 00:16:14,516GRACE: Where's your job interview?

363 00:16:14,584 --> 00:16:16,118TOM: Decor House.

364 00:16:16,185 --> 00:16:17,385GRACE: Really? What's the job?

365 00:16:17,453 --> 00:16:18,553TOM: Bailiff.

366 00:16:18,621 --> 00:16:19,888GRACE: Bailiff?

367 00:16:19,956 --> 00:16:21,857TOM: The mail room.

368 00:16:21,924 --> 00:16:23,458GRACE: Well, I would give you a ride, Tom, but I really need to get to school. Want to talk to Adrian

371 00:16:27,230 --> 00:16:28,864 because she's not returning my text

372 00:16:28,931 --> 00:16:29,865 or my phone calls,

373 00:16:29,932 --> 00:16:31,666 and it's just really hurtful

374 00:16:31,734 --> 00:16:33,135 because she's my best friend.

375 00:16:33,202 --> 00:16:34,469TOM: How is Adrian?

376 00:16:34,537 --> 00:16:36,705GRACE: I don't know, but I do know that you overheard what I was saying the other night,

378 00:16:39,942 --> 00:16:41,943 and I really hope you don't say anything to anyone.

379 00:16:42,011 --> 00:16:45,247TOM: Who would I say something to?

GRACE: Tammy?

380 00:16:45,314 --> 00:16:49,017TOM: I don't think Tammy would want to know about that.

381 00:16:49,085 --> 00:16:51,820GRACE: Okay, just promise me you won't say anything, and then I'll give you a ride.

382 00:16:51,888 --> 00:16:53,655 I can drop you off and then you can just take the bus home.

383 00:16:53,723 --> 00:16:55,157TOM: Promise.

384 00:16:55,224 --> 00:16:56,491GRACE: I really hope you get the job.

385 00:16:56,559 --> 00:16:58,126 I think it'll be good for you to have a job

386 00:16:58,194 --> 00:17:01,062 and save up some money and then maybe get married some day.

387 00:17:01,130 --> 00:17:03,231TOM: Me, too.

GRACE: All right, come on.


Lauren and Madison talks.

MADISON: She's leaving at noon.

LAUREN: Noon our time or New York time?

MADISON: Uh, she's leaving from here, our time, noon our time.

LAUREN: OH, so last night's good-bye was good-bye.

MADISON: Yeah, and now that she's almost gone, I can tell you something that I've been wanting to tell you but I couldn't really tell you.

LAUREN: All right. Oh, but first I want to tell you that I talked to my mom and my step dad about Jack, and he can live at our house.


LAUREN: He and Jason are friends, and we have a guest room, and they don't really care.

MADISON: Well, I care.

LAUREN: What do you mean?

MADISON: My boyfriend's not going to live at my best friend's house.

LAUREN: Why not?

MADISON: Look, okay, you're my best friend. I trust you more than anybody, but this is just a bad idea. In fact it stinks.

LAUREN: So, in other words, you don't trust me.

MADISON: No, I... I just... I don't trust Jack. He's got a very high testosterone level, off the charts. I mean, he could be, like, genius level for testosterone, and he's also a liar, and that's just a lethal combination. He's going to just show up in your room and say that he's a somnambulist or a narcoleptic or that he's got, like, sleep apnea or something, and just thanks, but no, thanks.

LAUREN: Fine, whatever. What was it that you wanted to tell me?

MADISON: Oh, I think Adrian's pregnant with Ben's baby.

LAUREN: How long have you known about this, that Adrian is pregnant with Ben's baby?

MADISON: Well, I don't know this, not for sure, but I think she slept maybe for, like, a week now.

LAUREN: Did you tell Amy?

MADISON: Are you kidding? I couldn't. Jack told me not to tell anyone.

LAUREN: And since when is Jack more important than me, your best friend and Amy, your other best friend?

MADISON: Well, since Jack and I started doing what we're doing.

LAUREN: Jesse and I are doing that, too, and I still treat you like you're more important than Jesse.

MADISON: You and Jesse? No, you're not. You told Jack you're not.

LAUREN: All right, then we're not, but if I would have known something like this, I would've told you. Is she going to have the baby?

MADISON: I don't think so, but you never know.

LAUREN: Do you think Ben's going to tell Amy before she leaves for New York?

MADISON: I doubt it. I mean, I didn't tell her, and I'm her best friend and yours.


Jack joins the girls.

JACK: Hey, Madison, Lauren. I was just talking to Jason, and he said I could stay in your guest room.

MADISON/LAUREN: No, you can't.


Jack sees the coach.

JACK: Hey, Coach.

COACH: What's up, Pappas?

JACK: My dad got a job in Arizona. He and my mom have to move out of state, so I was wondering if I could live at your house, you know, just for my senior year.

COACH: What?

JACK: I need a place to live my senior year so I can stay in the district, so I was wondering if I could live with you.

COACH: Let me ask you a question.

JACK: sh**t.

COACH: Are you on crack?

JACK: Huh?

COACH: You can't live at my house.

JACK: Why not?

COACH: Because it's totally inappropriate for a student to live at a teacher's house.

JACK: I think you misunderstood me. It's nothing inappropriate. It's not like I'm asking to sleep with you or something. I'm not hitting on you.

COACH: What?

JACK: I mean, you're a good-looking guy and everything, but you're the coach, and I'm not into guys, not that I have an issue with guys that are. I'm just not.

COACH: My wife of 17 years and I have four children, and I depend on this job to support my family, and I am not interested in you living at our house or in continuing this conversation, but you find a place to live, better sooner than later. Can he live with me? What the heck is wrong with these kids today?

Adrian arrives at school, Zoe comes with her.

ZOE: Hi, Adrian. You know, I was over at Ricky's this morning. I'm sorry. I was over there all night long, and this morning Ben came by to see him. You know, Ben seems to be having a problem, a big problem. I mean, I couldn't really hear exactly what they were saying, but then I remember that the two of you had sex in his car. It was all over school, and so I was just wondering if maybe that little incident resulted in an unwanted... Ow!

(Grace joins them)

GRACE: Don't say another word.

ZOE: Don't worry. I won't have to. Everyone will know soon enough, and you know what? It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

ADRIAN: I guess she's assuming I'm going to have a baby.


ADRIAN: And I'm not.


George is sad that Amy goes to New York.

ANNE: She'll be fine, George. Amy will be fine. She has to do this. We have to let her go. It's important that she do this.

GEORGE: It's New York, and she's 16, and she's just incredibly naive.

ANNE: She's not that naive, George. She's almost 17, and she's a mother. New York is going to be a great experience for her. It'll be so wonderful to be able to focus on her music again for a change.

GEORGE: So she's just going to get off at Kennedy Airport and get her luggage and get into a taxi all by herself.

ANNE: Yes, and when she gets to the dorm, there will be somebody there waiting to help her, and she has a whole list of phone numbers in case she has a problem. They've written out very specific directions for her. She'll be fine.

GEORGE: How could she leave John for four weeks? It's four weeks, Anne.

ANNE: He might be a little bit fussy at first, but he'll adjust, and if he's really upset and unhappy, then, hey, it's just a plane ride away. Someone can take him to go see Amy, or Amy can come here on the weekend, but I really think that John and Amy are going to be fine. She's a lot more mature than you give her credit for.

GEORGE: So are you.

ANNE: Thanks.


Jack receives a call.

JACK(at phone): What's up, Tom?

TOM(at phone): Hey, buddy of mine, I need some help.

JACK(at phone): Oh, we're buddies again?

TOM(at phone): Of course.

JACK(at phone): All right, what do you need?

TOM(at phone): I need a ride. I'm lost.

JACK(at phone): All right, don't panic, Tom. Just find an address on a door or something, and I'll find you.

Griffin and Ashley talk.

GRIFFIN: So your dad called me this morning.

ASHLEY: What? Again?

GRIFFIN: He wants to know if you're interested in Grant. Specifically he asked if you two are up to something or up to nothing. What did you tell him?

ASHLEY: I don't remember.

GRIFFIN: Did you tell him you might be interested in Grant? Because Grant would be really thrilled to hear that.

ASHLEY: Look, Grant knows I'm not really interested in him, and Grant knows I don't really want him to transfer here.

GRIFFIN: Which is not going to stop him. Grant thinks you're interested in Ricky, and so does your dad. Are you interested in Ricky? I find that a little hard to believe.

ASHLEY: He's delusional and insanely jealous.

GRIFFIN: I'm your best friend. You can tell me.

(Ricky joins them)

RICKY: Hey, Griffin.


RICKY: Ashley. So Amy get off all right?

ASHLEY: Yeah, I guess. Ben was supposed to be picking her up at noon, and they should be at the airport by now.

RICKY: All right. I'll pick up John after work, and I'll see you tonight.


(Ricky leaves)

GRIFFIN: Oh, no. Oh, come on, that's not right.

ASHLEY: What's not right?

GRIFFIN: Look, Grant is the marrying kind. Ricky's the father of your sister's baby kind. I mean, don't be stupid here. Do the right thing for yourself.

ASHLEY: Which would be?

GRIFFIN: Do not get involved with Ricky. And come on, at least give Grant a chance. He's a really nice guy, and you're a really nice girl, Ashley. You two could be good together.

ASHLEY: I know. I'm just...afraid of getting involved with anyone in high school, and Ricky and I are just friends, family, really and I like him, but I like him because he's the father of my sister's baby, and he's a good father. I admire him really. And, true, maybe I should give Grant a chance, but Grant could actually break my heart if I chose to care for him.

GRIFFIN: Oh, you're good. You are really good, and you may play your dad, but not me, honey. I do not believe a word of that.


Ben and Amy still are in the car of Ben's father.

BEN: I'm going to miss you so much.

AMY: I'm going to miss you, too, Ben.

LEO: Hey, you two, the airline escort's waiting to take Amy through security, so finish up your good-byes and...Benjamin!

AMY: Bye, Ben. I love you.

BEN: I love you, too, Amy.

MAN: I'll take that.

AMY: Thank you. Thanks again, Mr. Boykewich, for everything. Take good care of Ben.

LEO: I will, Amy. I will. See you soon.

(Amy leaves)

LEO: What the hell was that?

BEN: What? I was just saying good-bye, and it might be my last chance to make out with Amy, so I want to make the most of it. Look, it's my future that's walking away from this car and getting on that plane. I'm going to marry that girl, and no one's going to get in the way of my life with Amy and John.

LEO: Unless Adrian has your baby.

BEN: Adrian is not going to have my baby, and you stop trying to make her have a baby. She's too selfish to have a baby. So am I. Yet I'm too scared of her having an abortion. Help me, Dad. Help me fix this. Make this all go away, please. You're good at this. You're a problem solver. Solve this problem for me.

LEO: I can't, Ben. I can't.


Jack and Tom arrive at his house.

TOM: Thanks.

JACK: Hey, you know there's an app on your phone so you can map out where you are and where you need to get to? That way you won't get lost.

TOM: I wasn't lost.

JACK: What?

TOM: I hate taking the bus. See ya, sucker.

JACK: You were lost.

TOM: I was not lost.

JACK: Well, I need to get back to school. Should I tell Grace that you got the job if I see her?

TOM: If you want, and tell her I am moving soon as I can because I am getting married.

JACK: No kidding, you're moving? Where you moving?

TOM: Maybe the guest house, even if it's haunted. I need a priest quick.

JACK: The guest house, huh? Hey, if you're too scare to stay out there by yourself, maybe I could crash with you.

TOM: Mom said no. They told you no already.

JACK: Yeah.


Ben comes to the shop.

BEN: Hi.

BUNNY: Oh, look who's at work early.

BEN: Yeah, I decided not to go back to school. Just another hour anyway.

BUNNY: Did you tell Amy?

BEN: Did I tell Amy...

BUNNY: About Adrian?

BEN: Uh, what?

BUNNY: Ben, I'd yell at you, but I feel so bad for you, I just can't yell.

BEN: Did my dad tell you?

BUNNY: You told me, you and Ricky. Security tapes. I watch the tapes every morning. Quite a scene today. Cute girl Ricky's seeing. Two of them violate any health code, someone's going to lose a job and maybe an appendage.

BEN: But just because you saw us doesn't mean you heard us.

BUNNY: Your dad's not a cheap man. It's a state-of-the-art system. I heard everything. Sorry to say, even your heart thump, thump, thumping.

BEN: Okay. You made your point, and you know. So what should I do?

BUNNY: Can't help you there. The only thing I can do is...


Ruben comes home, Cindy is here.

RUBEN: Hey, thought I'd come home early. Thought you might need me.

CINDY: I made arroz con pollo. Thought we could have nice family dinner.

RUBEN: So how did it go?

CINDY: Good. We had a nice, long talk, and she went to school.

RUBEN: I'm glad she went to school. I hope she plans to stay in school. Amy set a good example for that.

CINDY: Okay, don't bring that up. Don't bring up Amy. And I don't think she's having the baby.

RUBEN: What do you mean?

CINDY: The obvious.

RUBEN: What?

CINDY: Ruben, I don't think Adrian wants to have a baby.

RUBEN: Well, it's too late for that. She is having a baby.

CINDY: Not unless she's going forward with this pregnancy, which I don't think she's going to do.

RUBEN: She's not going to have an abortion.

CINDY: She is if she wants to.

RUBEN: No, she's not. We're not going to let her.

CINDY: I'm letting her.

RUBEN: I'm not.

CINDY: We're not voting. It's her decision and whatever she decides. We're supporting her decision.

RUBEN: I'm not.

CINDY: Then stay out of this.

RUBEN: I'm her father.

CINDY: Okay, Ruben, I have a feeling we're getting into a very dangerous territory, so why don't you step out of this and leave this to me and my daughter?

RUBEN: Because she's not just your daughter, and she's a child.

CINDY: A pregnant child? I don't think so. She's a woman.

RUBEN: Yeah-- a young woman, and she needs us to steer her in the right direction.

CINDY: And you think you know what the right direction is?

RUBEN: I do.

CINDY: You want her to have a baby at 17.

RUBEN: You did.

CINDY: Yeah, and where were you?

RUBEN: I offered to marry you.

CINDY: "Offer." I hate that word "offer." What does that mean? Offer? I'll tell you what it means. I means you didn't want to marry me, which is why I didn't marry you, so you just took off and had a baby with someone else.

RUBEN: Yeah, well, I paid child support.

CINDY: As we agreed.

RUBEN: As we agreed because that's what you wanted, to not marry me, to never see me again, to never let me see my daughter yet still pay child support.

CINDY: And we did just fine without you.

RUBEN: Oh, no you didn't, and you know how we know that? Adrian's pregnant.


Grace shows to Adrian her car.

GRACE: That's it. What do you think?

ADRIAN: It, uh, looks very safe.

GRACE: It is, and I own it out right because I paid for it with some money my dad left for me. I hope I can just keep it for the rest of my life.

ADRIAN: Oh, I don't know, Grace. It's nice, but no one keeps a car for life.

GRACE: Well, that's just the type of person I am. When I find something I love, I really hate to let go of it. For example, I love you, and I love our friendship, and I would really hate to let go of it, and I wouldn't let go of it no matter what you do, Adrian.

ADRIAN: Grace, please...

GRACE: No, I mean it. I know you don't want to have a baby, but...

ADRIAN: I knew a but was coming, and I knew I should've have come out here to see this stupid car.

GRACE: Adrian, you act all tough, but I know you. I know that deep down you have a really big heart and a good conscience and you want to do the right thing.

ADRIAN: And what is the right thing? Is it right to go ahead with something that was a mistake? Is it right to bring when I don't want that baby and Ben doesn't want that baby? Are we actually supposed to ruin two lives just because a stupid condom broke and my birth control failed? That's ridiculous, Grace, and I believe a baby is a baby when the baby is born. Oh, and you know what else? If you wanted to do the right thing, you should've bought a hybrid.


Madison visits Jack.

MADISON: Hi. I just saw your parents. I said good-bye to them.

JACK: Good. They really wanted to see you.

MADISON: Yeah, they really want to see me again on the way out, so we probably shouldn't do anything. It might be kind of awkward.

JACK: We'll see. So I just wanted to tell you something.


JACK: I didn't do this right the first time, so I wanted to do it again.

MADISON: Jack, I just told you. I can't do anything. I have to go back out there.

JACK: Madison, our relationship isn't just about sex. I love you. I really do.MADISON: What did you get me? What did you get me?

JACK: Madison, Madison, Madison.

MADISON: Oh, I'm sorry. I did it again.

JACK: It's okay because this time I did get you something. It's the necklace my stepfather gave my mother the first time he told her he loved her.


JACK: Do you like it?

MADISON: I love it. What is it? I mean, it looks like some kind of bird?

JACK: It's a seagull.

MADISON: Oh, it's a seagull. Kind of looks like an albatross. I think that's kind of a bad-luck bird.

JACK: No, it's a seagull. I swear. My mom told me, and she would know. She's been wearing it for, like, a decade.

MADISON: Wow. Well, if she's had it that long, then maybe she should keep it.

JACK: No, she wants you to have it. Then when people ask you where you got it from, you can tell them you got it from me the second time I told you I love you.

MADISON: But it's just so special, you know? I'm almost afraid to wear it. I mean, it's practically an heirloom. It means so much to your mother, and if something happened to it, I'd just die.

JACK: Nothing's going to happen to it. She never took it off, so...

MADISON: Wow. Really? Never.

JACK: Never.

MADISON: Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I'll put it on and never take it off then.

JACK: Here, let me help you.



Ricky give food to John, Ashley makes the kitchen.

ASHLEY: So how was your night last night?

RICKY: My night? What do you mean?

ASHLEY: I mean, how was Zoe?

RICKY: That's none of your business.

ASHLEY: No judgment. Just asking.

RICKY: If you have no judgment, why are you asking? How did you find out about that anyway?

ASHLEY: How did I find out? Everyone at school knows. Zoe told everyone. She wanted everyone to know.

RICKY: It's nobody's business. You shouldn't listen to that stuff.

ASHLEY: Well, why aren't y telling me that stuff? We're friends, aren't we?

RICKY: Yeah, we're friends, but we're not going to talk about that stuff.

ASHLEY: We used to talk about that stuff.

RICKY: Well, we're not now.

ASHLEY: Why not?

RICKY: You know why.

ASHLEY: No, I don't know why.

RICKY: Hey, you're the one who suggested I go out and have how did you put it? Indiscriminate, meaningless sex.

ASHLEY: Yeah, but you didn't have to if you didn't want to.

RICKY: Oh, jeez, you're jealous. Jealousy's not a good feeling, is it?

ASHLEY: No, it's really not.

(Knock on door, Grant comes in)

ASHLEY: Oh, look who's here.




RICKY: Yeah.

GRANT: So...


(Ricky leaves)

GRANT: So he's going to be living here for the next month?

ASHLEY: Yeah, but he has nothing to do with us. I said I'll give you a shot, so I'll give you a shot.

GRANT: Why the sudden change, if you don't mind my asking? Never mind. I don't care.


Amy calls her dad.

GEORGE(at phone): Ames?

AMY(at phone): Hey, I just want to let you know that I got here without a single, solitary problem, all on my own. I met this really nice taxi driver Rajisan. He has three sons. How's John?

GEORGE(at phone): Don't talk to taxi drivers. Just give them the address, and that's it. John's fine. Ricky's putting him to bed, and your mother's putting Robbie down. How's the dorm? How's the roommate?

AMY(at phone): It's not like a dorm room at all. It's like it's my first apartment. I don't have a roommate.

GEORGE(at phone): What?

AMY(at phone): Yeah, it's really an apartment. It's got, like, a kitchen and a bathroom and everything, and it's all mine.

GEORGE(at phone): But it's a dorm room. There are other girls in the building, right?

AMY(at phone): I guess, but, Dad, it's an apartment. It's what they call a studio apartment, but it's an apartment. I can't believe I have my own apartment in New York.

GEORGE(at phone): Dorm room. Well, I'm glad you got there okay. Did you lock the door?

AMY(at phone): Uh, yeah, I locked the door.

GEORGE(at phone): I love you, sweetie.

AMY(at phone): I love you, too. Thanks for letting me do this. Thank you so much. Can't wait to get out there tomorrow and see the city and my school and everything. It's like a whole new life for me.

GEORGE(at phone): Well, don't forget it's a four week life. We'll need you back here after four weeks. All right?

AMY(at phone): All right. Love you.

GEORGE(at phone): Love you.

AMY(at phone): Good night.


Ruben comes home. Adrian is waiting for his.


RUBEN: Hi. Waiting for me?

ADRIAN: We were both waiting for you. Where have you been? Mom made dinner. It's our first night as a family in this house.

RUBEN: Your mother and I had an argument.

ADRIAN: I know that. She told me. She also told me what it's about.

RUBEN: [sighs] Sit down, Adrian. Let's both sit. I want to talk to you, and I don't want to argue. This is not an argument. It's okay if you and your mother talked without me this morning. I wanted you two to talk without me, but I do have an opinion about this, about you, about the baby.

ADRIAN: I don't want to have a baby.

RUBEN: But, Adrian, you are having a baby.

ADRIAN: You can't decide that.

RUBEN: Look, I'm your father, and you have to have some respect for me, whether you agree with my opinion or not.

ADRIAN: I respectfully disagree with your opinion, and I didn't ask for your opinion.

RUBEN: I don't care if you didn't ask for my opinion. You're my daughter, and I don't want you to terminate the pregnancy. In fact, I'm not going to let you terminate the pregnancy.

ADRIAN: How's that going to work? How are you going to stop me?

RUBEN: By convincing you that you're doing the wrong thing.

ADRIAN: In your opinion, which is based on what?

RUBEN: I was raised in the Catholic Church.

ADRIAN: You've been married three times. You're on your fourth. How Catholic is that?

RUBEN: One of those was an annulment.

ADRIAN: Whatever.

RUBEN: Look, in every case, both parties were adults, and you're not an adult.

ADRIAN: You meant me, right? I'm an adult. I may not be 18, but I'm an adult.

RUBEN: No, you're not, but I am.

ADRIAN: So is my mother. She's an adult, and she's totally supportive of whatever I want to do.

RUBEN: Well, Adrian, then maybe we really shouldn't be a family because this is a fundamental difference between your mother and me that we never realized we had until now, and now I don't know if we can get past this.

Tom arrive at Adrian's house.

PHONE: You've arrived at your destination.

TOM: Yes, I have. Adrian. Hello.

ADRIAN: Hi, Tom. Why are you all dressed up?

TOM: It is a very speeial night, my love.

ADRIAN: Oh, no.

TOM: How are you this fine evening?

ADRIAN: It's not a fine evening for me, Tom.

TOM: You should just go home. I know something that could make it a lot better.

ADRIAN: And what would that be?

TOM: Here, hold my hat and my cane. You are so beautiful, Adrian. I want to take care of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?

ADRIAN: No, Tom.

TOM: You can think about it.

MAN ON CELL PHONE): “You are so beautiful yo me, you are so beautiful to me...”

(Tom and Adrian dance)

End of the episode.