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03x08 - The Eye of the Phoenix

Posted: 03/17/19 07:56
by bunniefuu
Episode 3.08 - The Eye of the Phoenix

The Great Dragon: In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name … Merlin.


Arthur gets ready for a ceremony, assisted by Merlin. He enters into the Throne Room and kneels. Merlin watches out the door ajar when Gwen comes.

Gwen (about Arthur): What’s he actually doing?

Merlin (whispers): Thinking

Gwen: About …?

Merlin : You!

Gwen hits him gently. They shut the door.

Merlin: He has to decide upon a quest.

Gwen: And crouching on his knees all night’s gonna help?!

Merlin: Yes! He had to transcend his body so the quest is revealed to him as a vision.

Gwen: And you’re gonna stay and watched …?!

Merlin: Gwen! This is one of the most important days in a prince’s life!


Merlin is lying on the floor, snoring out loud. He is awakened by Uther and the Court. They all enter the room where Arthur spent the night.

Uther (to Arthur): It is time … What is the quest you have chosen?

Arthur: I can see but one pass Sire. I had to enter the realm of the Fisher King and find the Golden Trident, spoken of in the legends of the Fallen Kings.

Uther: You do understand that if you want to prove yourself worthy of the throne you must complete this task alone … And unaided!

Arthur: I do.

***Opening Credits***


Merlin and Gaius are around their lunch table. Merlin eats quickly.

Gaius: You’ll get hiccups…

Merlin: Who is the Fisher King?

Gaius: He was a sorcerer who lived many hundreds of years ago …

Merlin: And?

Gaius: Legends has it he has been wounded in battle. The wound infested, and the infection spread not just through his body but through his lands as well. His mighty kingdom was reduced to a waste land and has remained that way until this very day.

Merlin: I don’t understand. Why is Uther so worried?

Gaius: Some believe the Fisher King’s still alive. Kept from death by his magic.

Merlin: Do you?

Gaius: Perhaps, perhaps not. But the people of the North call the area “The Perilous Lands”. Few who have ever ventured there have lived to tell the tale.


Merlin is making the Prince’s bed while Arthur works at his desk.

Merlin (Hiccups): Hic! (To Arthur) I ate too quickly.

Arthur looks annoyed then goes back to his papers.

Merlin: Hic!

Arthur: Merlin…

Merlin: I can’t help it.

Arthur: I need to concentrate.

Merlin finishes the bed quietly.

Merlin (looking the bed with satisfaction): Hic!

Arthur: I am trying to prepare for one of the most important moments in my life. (He goes back to his work)

Merlin (pointing at the maps on Arthur’s desk): All this maps … none of them are the same.

Arthur: Well done Merlin! Do you know why?

Merlin: No.

Arthur: Because hardly anyone’s ever been there!

Merlin: Couldn’t you have chosen something a bit easier …?

Arthur: I’m meant to be proving my worth to the people. A quick trip to the lower town to a collect a bundle of herbs probably won’t cut it.

Merlin: But the Perilous Lands are … perilous! Maybe I should come with you …

Arthur: What for?!

Merlin: To … Help out.

Arthur: You … really don’t get it, do you? The task must be completed alone and unaided. That’s the way it’s been for a hundred of years, it’s not about to change for you. Now, if you don’t mind, I have some important preparations to do …

Merlin nodes and leaves the room. As he reaches the doors, he has a last hiccup.


Lady Morgana and Gwen are looking some fabrics. Suddenly an old woman grabs the Lady Morgana’s wrist.

Old woman: Please, please. Just spare me few minute of your time Sister.

Morgana recognizes Morgause and follows her.

Gwen (seeing Morgan’s leaving): My Lady?!

Morgana: It’s alright Gwen, I won’t be a moment.

Morgana and Morgause hides behind a wall.

Morgause: We must be quick sister, this enchantment will not hold for long. Tell me, what has Arthur chosen as his quest?

Morgana: He sets out tomorrow for the Perilous Lands.

Morgause: How perfect!

She shows a bracelet with a golden stone.

Morgause: Present this to the Prince as a token of your good wishes. When the time is right, you must make a likeness of the prince and bind to the gift using the skills that I taught you. When he does not returned, you, sister, will take your rightful place as sole heir to the throne of Camelot. (they split up)

As Gwen is waiting, she sees the reflection of Morgause in a mirror. She turns and sees the old woman. Morgana comes back.

Gwen (to Morgana): My Lady! Are you alright!?

Morgana: Why wouldn’t I be?!

Gwen: I … (looking around), I thought …

Morgana: Poor woman, she doesn’t have a penny to feed her family. I felt duty bound to help her Gwen.

Morgana continues her walk and Gwen stares at her, puzzled.


Gwen waits next to Arthur’s door when the prince gets out.

Gwen (to Arthur): I know you have to go, but …

Arthur: I’ll be careful.

Gwen: For me.

Arthur kisses her and leaves.


Arthur is about go while Uther, Morgana and some people of the court are watching. The Prince makes a head gesture to present his respects before leaving.

Morgana (to Uther): You look troubled Sire.

Uther: He is sole heir to the throne, Morgana.

Morgana: Don’t worry. I’m certain a Pendragon will rule over Camelot for a long time to come! (She smiles, then looks at Uther with an icy glance)

Arthur saddles on while Merlin hold the horse. The sorcerer smiles at his master when he feels magic. His eyes fall on the bracelet.

Arthur: Beautiful, isn’t it? It was a gift from Morgana.

Merlin takes a suspicious look at the Lady Morgana before stared worryingly at his master’s departure.


Gaius and Merlin consult books.

Gaius: Are you sure it wasn’t a jewel? (He shows a picture to Merlin)

Merlin: No. Brighter than that.

Gaius: And you think it was enchanted.

Merlin: There was magic there. I can feel it.

Gaius: You’re sure? (Merlin nodes)

Merlin: And if it came for Morgana, it can only mean one thing. Arthur is in danger.


Arthur reaches a valley surrounded by mountains. He checks his maps then continues his journey.


Gaius and Merlin are still checking books.

Gaius: I don’t know where else to look Merlin.

Merlin: There has to be something!

Gaius: We’ve examined every stone imaginable! … Unless …

He grabs a book from the library.

Gaius (shows a page): Merlin.

Merlin: Gaius, that’s it!

Gaius: Then it’s not a stone Merlin; it’s an “Eye of the Phoenix”!

Merlin: Phoenix?

Gaius: Some call it the Firebird. Its eye burn with the fire that consumes the life force of anybody it comes in contact with.

Merlin: Arthur…!

Gaius: The eye will drown energy from him. If it’s worn for too long, Arthur would die.

Merlin: I have to go after him!

Gaius: This is not a task to be undertaken lightly Merlin. You’ll need help.


Merlin left Camelot on horseback.


The Lady Morgana makes some kind of voodoo doll, and enlightens the “head”. Meanwhile, in a forest Arthur laid on the ground, about to sleep. As Morgana magically enlightens a small fire in a box, back to the forest, the stone on Arthur’s bracelet starts to shine.

Gwen is about to enter into Morgana’s chambers when she smells something strange. She opens the doors.

Morgana (closing the box quickly): What is it now!

Gwen: I just want to see if there is anything you needed.

Morgana: No, get out!

Gwen: Is something burning?

Morgana: I said get out!!

Gwen leaves the chambers, offended by her mistress behavior.


Arthur is asleep when two Mercenaries attack him. He wins the fight against them with some difficulties.


Merlin enters a tavern where there is a fight. A man seems to be the struggle’s main point.

Merlin (to the man): Hello Gwaine!

Gwaine: Ah! Merlin! How are you?

A customer (to Gwaine): Give me my money.

Merlin and Gwaine run to escape the unpleased customers. They hide behind a backer slack. Merlin takes an eye in the customers’ direction.

Merlin: Gwaine … (seeing that the customers saw them) Run!!

They ended up on a round path and take a break.

Gwaine: Remind me again, what you’re doing here?

Merlin: Arthur is in trouble. I need your help.

Gwaine: What kind of trouble?

The customers (seeing them): There!

Merlin and Gwaine leave running.

Merlin: He’s gone to the Perilous Lands.

Gwaine : What? You serious?

Merlin: Yeah!

Gwaine: Just now (the armed customers are going to reach them) sounds pretty attractive! (Seeing horses few meters beneath their positions) Right, we go for the horses

Merlin: You’ve got to be joking!

Gwaine pushes Merlin and the warlock falls on a haystack. Gwaine jumps after Him. They take the horses and flee to the forest.


Arthur keeps going to reach the realm of the Fisher king. He arrives at a bridge where a man stands.

The bridge keeper: Who is it that whishes to cross my bridge?

Arthur: A knight on a quest to find the trident of the Fisher king.

The bridge keeper: Then you must be Courage!

Arthur: No … I’m Prince Arthur of Camelot.

The Bridge Keeper: I’m Grettir. I have to say, you’re not as short as I thought you’d be.

Arthur is about to cross the bridge but Grettir stops him.

Grettir: Before I let you pass, I’ll give you a little advice. As courage, there two more things you need to complete your quest: Strength and Magic.

Arthur: I don’t condone the use of magic.

Grettir: You’d be wise to not dismisses it so freely! The rules in the land you are headed to are quite different to those in the world that you know.

Arthur: Thank you for your help.

Grettir lets him pass. As Arthur pass next to him, the bridge keeper grabs his wrist

Grettir: That’s a very beautiful bracelet.

Arthur: It’s a gift from someone very dear to me. She hoped it would bring me good fortune.

Grettir: Did she now.

He lets Arthur go.

Grettir: How very thoughtful of her! (He Laughs then disappears)


Merlin and Gwaine ride side by side

Merlin: Why were those men so angry?

Gwaine: So is the way in Gambling. You make a man a fool, he calls you a thief … How d’you find me?

Merlin: It wasn’t easy. I’ve been in almost every tavern in Engerd!

Gwaine: So have I! (Both laugh)


Arthur walks through a dead land where an orange sun is shining. The prince seems extremely tired as the Eye of the phoenix shines at his wrist.


Gwen brushes Morgana.

Morgana: You’re so good to me Gwen. Thank you.

Gwen: It’s nothing

Morgana: You’re upset with me. I know I shouted at you last night. I’m sorry. What can I do to make it up?

Gwen: It’s forgotten.

Morgana: Why don’t I give you some time off? Don’t look at me like that; I’m sure I can look after myself for one night.

Gwen: That’s very kind of you my Lady.

Morgana: I’m glad we’re friends again.

Gwen: Before I’ll go, I’ll make sure everything’s ready for your return.

Morgana: That’s sweet. Don’t stay too late.

Morgana leaves letting Gwen alone.


Merlin and Gwaine are facing a new area.

Gwaine: This is it. On the other side of the forest, lie the Perilous Lands.

Merlin: it doesn’t sound too friendly…

Gwaine: That’s because it’s not… Believe me, it’s wretched.

Merlin: How do you know? You’ve never been there.

Gwaine: I’ve traveled to many places, Merlin.

Merlin: Not the Perilous Lands, I know that.

Gwaine: Why?

Merlin: They don’t have any tavern. (Both laugh)

Gwaine: I told you it’s wretched.


Morgana enters into her room and makes sure Gwen has leave.

Morgana: Gwen?

As there’s no answer, she takes her box in a closet. She enlightens it. Gwen watches the scene from behind a screen.


Arthur walks in the desert, weaker as the eye of the phoenix is shining. He felt into what looks like some kind of shifting sands. He tries to go out but his forces are leaving him.


Merlin and Gwaine reached the same bridge as Arthur has to. Gwaine gestured Merlin to stay where he stands but as soon as Gwaine left, Merlin went right to the bridge.

Grettir (appearing from thin air): So … Magic has arrived.

Merlin: What?

Grettir: There is nothing to be afraid of. Your presence is essential if Arthur is to succeed on his quest.

Merlin: How do you know about Arthur? Who are you?

Grettir: But the keeper of the bridge! Only whishes to see the Fisher King’s land restored and prosperity reigned again. ‘Till your mission is complete, this cannot happen.

Merlin: It’s not my mission, its Arthur’s.

Grettir: That’s what you chose to believe. It’s no accident that Arthur chose this path or you chose to follow.

Gwaine shows up.

Grettir: Ah! Finally! Strength has arrived! The trio is complete!

Gwaine (Drawn his sword): Who is he?

Grettir magically turns Gwaine’s sword into flowers.

Grettir: I mean no harm to either of you. Now thank you to mean no harm in return.

Gwaine: Where is my sword …?

Grettir: Will return to you once you’ll reach the other side.

Gwaine crosses the bridge.

Grettir (to Merlin): The Fisher King has waiting many years for this day. Do not deny what he wishes.

Merlin nodes and follows Gwaine.

Grettir: Remember, nothing is has it seems.


With a huge effort, Arthur succeeds to reach the shore. He lay on the ground out of strength.


Gwaine and Merlin sit round a fire. Suddenly they heard a frightening scream.

Merlin: What was that?!

Gwaine: Pheasant … Merlin: Pheasant?

Gwaine (grabs his sword): Very big one.

Merlin: … You can turn back if you want.

Gwaine: Hah! I’m not scared of pheasants!

Merlin: I don’t know ... Why did you wanna do this?

Gwaine: Same reason has you. Help a friend.

Merlin: Huh … Arthur’s lucky to have us!

Gwaine: Not Arthur.

Merlin: I’d do the same for you.

Gwaine: Well, I hope so … You’re the only friend I’ve got.

Merlin: I’m not surprised.

Gwaine laughs when they heard another scream.

Merlin: its sounds like three pheasants.

Gwaine (firmly grabs his sword): At least.


In the middle of the night Gwen knocks furiously on Gaius’ door. The physician opens.

Gwen: I’m sorry to wake you.

Gaius: Don’t be silly ...

Gwen: I’m not sure how else I could talk to.

Gaius: What is it child?

Gwen: It’s Morgana.

Gaius: What’s happened?

Gwen: She – She had a box, and, her eyes; it was like they’re on fire. What do I do Gaius? She’s using magic!

Gaius: Everything may not be has it seems, Gwen.

Gwen: No, no, I know what I saw. I know Morgana for so long. I don’t want to believe it but she … isn't the person I knew. She’s changed Gaius. I don’t think she means well to any of us anymore.

Gaius: I wish I could say otherwise, but I fear you’re right.


Arthur continues his journey through the dead land, exhausted. He finally reaches the Fisher king’s tower. As he approaches to it, he notices some creatures in the sky. As he starts to fight them, Merlin and Gwaine arrive in the ground where Arthur stands few moments later.

Merlin: There it is.

Gwaine: What’s that in the sky? They’re not birds.

Merlin: I’ve never seen creatures like that.

Gwaine: It’s like they’re hunting something …

Merlin (seeing something at the foot of the tower): What was that?

Gwaine: a sword.

Merlin: It’s Arthur!

They leave the field to reach Arthur’s position.


Arthur is fighting against the creatures and succeeds to reach the gates and to enter the Tower. Few minutes later, Gwaine and Merlin come along.

Gwaine (about the creatures): I should have known!

Merlin: What are they?

Gwaine: Wyverns. Distant cousins of the dragons. They’re creatures of magic, so be careful.

Inside the courtyard, Arthur is hunting down by wyverns. At the same time Gwaine and Merlin manage to enter.

Merlin (hold the Iron Gate to let Gwaine pass): Quick quick quick!

Merlin (When Gwaine reaches the other side): Let’s split up.

Meantime, Arthur locks himself up, trying to escape the wyverns. The creatures start to as*ault the door. In another room, Merlin looks for his master. He heard the creatures.

Elsewhere in the tower, Gwaine is searching for Arthur as well.

Gwaine: Arthur? (Hearing the creatures, he climbs the stairs) Arthur?!

Out of strength, Arthur reaches the opposite side of the room and passed out. As two wyverns rip the doors off, Merlin bursts in. He speaks to the creatures in the Dragonlord language. Wyverns surrender and leave. Merlin gets back to Arthur and removes the bracelet. Arthur wakes up.

Arthur (sees Merlin): What the hell are you doing here!?

Merlin: Why can you never just say thanks?

Arthur: Thanks?! What? For completely ruining the quest?!

Merlin: Well, it was a god job I was here; otherwise you’d be wyvern fodder… by now!

Arthur: How many times do I have to get it into your thick skull? I am supposed to be doing this alone!

Suddenly a wyvern appears behind them. It’s rapidly k*lled by Gwaine.

Arthur: Great … This is just gets better and better … Gwen and Morgana are here too? We're gonna have a surprise party?!

Gwaine: There’re more wyverns on the way. We need to get out of here.

Arthur: I’m not leaving without the trident. It was the all point of this quest. (He leaves, letting Merlin and Gwaine behind him)

Merlin (to Arthur): Do you want us to help you? Or do you want to do this alone!?

Arthur (From the stairs, shouting): Merlin!

Merlin (whispers): Here we go

Merlin and Gwaine follow Arthur.

Merlin (to Arthur): Do you know where the trident is?

Arthur: If I did, there wouldn’t be a problem, would there?

Merlin: Any clue you can give us?

Arthur: This is a quest Merlin, not a treasure hunt!

Merlin: Well, it’s a sort of a…

Arthur: Merlin!!

They search the tower when they arrive on a flight with a door.

Merlin: Look at this. Looks like a throne room.

Arthur: If the trident’s going to be anywhere …

Merlin makes a step and walks on a trap. Gwaine pushes him to avoid a closing door. The three of them are now split up, Merlin into the room, Arthur and Gwaine on the other side.

Arthur (through the door): Merlin? Merlin! You’re alright?

Merlin (on the other side): Gwaine? Arthur?!

Gwaine: It’s got to be a way to open this.


Hearing nothing from the other side, Merlin explores the room. A throne is in the middle.

The Fisher King: So Emrys … You are here at last.

Merlin headed to the throne and sees an old man sitting in, covered by webs. The Fisher King turns his head to Merlin

Merlin: So you are still alive.

The Fisher King: For now.


Arthur: Now, I’m sure if we just reach in here … (he removes a brick from the wall as bugs came out) … we’ll be able to find something to release the door …

Gwaine: Go on, then. Don’t be such a princess; it’s your quest after all.


Merlin (hearing noises from the doors): That’ll be ...

The Fisher King: …Your friends. Courage and Strength, I know. Without their help, you would not be here.

Merlin (reminding Grettir’s advice): What is it you want?

The Fisher King: I want an end to my suffering.

Merlin: You want to die.

The Fisher King: I’ve been waiting all this years for the arrival of a new time. The time of the Once and Future King.

Merlin: I’ve heard these words before.

The Fisher King: And you will hear them again for that time is dawning and my time finally can come to an end. This is why you were brought here. For this is not Arthur’s quest, it is yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident … (He drops the trident he hold) but the real prize is something far greater. (A little bottle of water appears in his hand) Water from the Lake of Avalon. I’ve kept it safe these years, waiting for the right person to claim it. And that is you. You are the one chosen.

Merlin: What you’re talking about?

The Fisher King: Albion’s time of need is near and in that dark hour, you must be strong. For you alone can save her. Your powers are great but you will need help. (Presenting the phial to Merlin) And that is what I’m giving you. When all seems lost, this will show you the way.

Merlin: Thank you.

The Fisher King: I’ve given you a gift, now you must give me one in return.

Merlin: But I have nothing to give.

The Fisher King: I think you do.

Merlin reminds Morgana’s bracelet and takes it out of his jacket.

Merlin: If I give you this, you’ll die.

The Fisher King presents his wrist to Merlin. The young sorcerer kneels and puts the bracelet on the Fisher king’s arm. The old man vanishes in the air.

Fisher king’s distant voice: Thank you.

The door opens, and Arthur enters, followed by Gwaine.

Arthur: Merlin!

He gives him a pat and Gwaine embraces him.

Arthur (finding the Trident): Ha! Look what I’ve found! Now, let’s get out of this place.

Arthur leaves the throne room, followed by Gwaine. Merlin gives a last sight on the Throne and finally reaches his friends.


Gwaine: This is the border. With Uther’s decree, I can go no further.

Arthur: I’m sorry Gwaine. There’s nothing I can do to change that.

Merlin (to Gwaine): Maybe one day.

Gwaine: Yeah, when Camelot gets itself a half decent king.

Arthur: Careful. He is my father.

Gwaine: Well, you can’t have everything huh?

Merlin (to Gwaine): Where will you go this time?

Gwaine: ‘Think I’ll ride south.

Merlin: You can’t keep living like that.

Gwaine: Yeah, but its fun trying.

Arthur goes ahead without a word.

Merlin: Thanks Gwaine (he follows Arthur)

Arthur (turning on his horse): I will remember this Gwaine.

Gwaine sighs and leaves.


Merlin: ‘Got to say, that was a good quest! Did you meet that man on the bridge? And then the Wyverns, they were really scary. And, oh! The door to the throne room, that was so close!!

Arthur: You do talk some nonsense sometimes, Merlin. I mean, what on Earth would you even know about it. It’s not like you were there.

Merlin: … Of course I was.

Arthur: You were not there; you’re not seeing me for days. You have been on a little trip to pick herbs or whatever it is you do in your spare time.

Merlin: aah! Of course, if your Father was to find out you weren’t alone…

Arthur: Yes Merlin. So just keep your mouth shut.

Merlin: Absolutely Sire. ‘Do anything you say … for a price.

Arthur: What kind of price?

Merlin: A day off ?

Arthur: Hum … I think you’ve had too many of those herbs you’ve been picking!

Arthur headed toward Camelot, alone.


Morgana stares out of the window. She sees Arthur and let slip her beaker away.

Gwen: My Lady? (She sees Arthur) Arthur, oh thank God!

Morgana (to Gwen): Isn’t it wonderful? I’m so happy.

Gwen (puzzled by Mogana’s behavior): I’ll clear that up.


Uther: Arthur, I don’t know what pleases me more. To be in possession of such a precious artifact or know that you have finally proved yourself to be the man I always hoped you would be.

Arthur: Thank you Father.

Uther: I have no doubt that you will one day make a fine king.

Uther and Arthur leaves the room, everybody applause. Morgana as well but she seems frustrated.


Gaius and Merlin look at the phial the Fisher King gives to Merlin

Gaius: It’s from the Lake of Avalon?

Merlin: That’s what he told me.

Gaius: Interesting.

Merlin: You think?

Gaius: Well, it must have some significance.

Merlin: Maybe … Do you believe his warnings?

Gaius: Well, we already know one enemy was in our walls.

Merlin: Morgana …

Gaius: Her abilities are growing. Whereas the Fisher King is right or wrong, we’d be foolish to ignore his words.

*** THE END ***