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04x06 - A Servant of Two Masters

Posted: 03/19/19 07:48
by bunniefuu
Episode 4.06 – A Servant Of Two Masters



Merlin, Arthur, and the Knights ride through the woods. They slow. Merlin catches sight of the king's stone head in the grass.

Merlin: Arthur, you are not serious.

Arthur: What else do you have in mind?

Merlin: Anything. Nothing good ever happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. No-one in their right mind would go in there.

Percival: Exactly.

Arthur: The routes are secret, Merlin. That's why we chose it.


A band of armed men rushes down the hillside yelling.

Merlin: Not so secret after all.

Arthur: No need to get cocky!

More men rush down from the other hillside. The knights draw their swords. Cavalry charges them from behind.


Percival: Ya!

Percival charges and cuts a man down from his horse. Arthur fights with a man on foot and is pulled off his horse. Arthur cuts him down and fends off another attacker, but Merlin dismounts as he sees a horseman charging Arthur from behind.

Merlin: Arthur!

Merlin cast a spell and the horseman falls off and is dragged behind his horse. Arthur finishes off his attacker. Merlin turns just in time to see a horseman swing a mace into his chest.


Merlin slowly falls on the ground.

Arthur slices another attacker and stops in horror when he sees Merlin sprawled limply face first on the ground.


– Opening Credits –

Valley of the Fallen Kings

Arthur supports Merlin's weight as they hurry through the forest, pursued by the mercenaries. They hide behind some tree roots and the pursuers pass by.

Merlin: They need to work through their anger.

Arthur: They just did. On you.

Merlin chuckles through his pain. Arthur looks disconcerted by Merlin's condition.


Arthur supports Merlin's weight as they make their way through the forest.

Arthur: A night's rest and you'll be polishing my armour. They could definitely do with a scrub.

Arthur eases Merlin down against a fallen log, takes off his glove and checks Merlin's wound. Merlin looks at the wound and up at Arthur, struck by the role reversal. Arthur tries to make light of it to cover how bad it looks.

Arthur: I've seen worse. I've definitely seen worse.

Merlin: On a dead man?

Arthur: You're not going to die, Merlin. Don't be such a coward.

Merlin: If I do die, will you call me a hero?

Arthur: Probably.

Merlin: But whilst I'm still alive, I'm a coward.

Arthur: That's the way these things work, I'm afraid. You get the glory when you're not around to appreciate it.

Merlin: Unless you're the king.

Arthur: Come on, it's got to have some advantages.

Merlin: You have a very good servant.

Merlin smiles at his joke, but can't block out the pain.

Arthur: You're right. I do. A servant who is extremely brave and incredibly loyal, to be honest, not at all cowardly.

Merlin: Thank you for saving my life.

Arthur: You'd do the same for me.

Birds chirp. Arthur starts as he hears twigs crack and a bird take flight. He looks over at Merlin who is still lying in pain. Arthur gets up sharply and sheathes his sword.

Arthur: I'd love to say we can stay here and rest, but another ten minutes, we'll be mercenary mincemeat.

He pulls Merlin up by the arm and lifts him into a fireman's carry.

Merlin: Leave me.

Arthur: Now's not the time for jokes.

Merlin: Please, leave me.

Arthur: Sure. Whatever you say.

Arthur ignores him and heads off with Merlin on his back.


Arthur comes to a set of stairs in a crevice and sees a mercenary at the other end. He sets Merlin down, who grunts in pain, and draws his sword. Arthur fights the mercenary. Another mercenary comes at Arthur from behind. Arthur kills the two men, but many more run past Merlin and rush into the crevice after Arthur.

Merlin: ***Gewican ge stanas!***

Boulders fall into the crevice, cutting off the mercenaries. Arthur realises he's being cut off from Merlin and panics.

Arthur: Merlin!

Boulders entirely fill the crevice. Merlin lies back exhausted and someone picks him up.



Agravaine leads the mercenaries as they drag Merlin unconscious to Morgana's feet.

Morgana: We lost how many men? And you bring me how many men? Or should I say, how many servants?

Morgana angrily kicks Merlin over.

Agravaine: Arthur was within our grasp.

Morgana: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Agravaine: The rock fall was hardly our fault. I must show my presence in Camelot. The old physician already suspects me.

Morgana: Oh, Gaius is shrewd, you should take care. After all, if your true nature's revealed, I really don't know what use I'll have for you.

Agravaine: Morgana...

She turns away. He stops.

Agravaine: I'll dispatch this servant.

Agravaine draws his sword and poises to strike.

Morgana: You will do no such thing. Arthur is strangely fond of the boy. He could prove useful. Very useful, indeed.

Morgana walks off with a smile.


Morgana's hovel

Morgana douses Merlin with a bucket of water and he jolts awake, hanging from the ceiling by his wrists.

Morgana: Good morning.

Merlin: Is it?

Morgana: Oh, don't be like that. We have a lot of catching up to do. After all, I haven't seen you since you condemned my sister to a slow and painful death, thwarted my plans to take over Camelot, and forced me to live in a hovel.

Merlin: Couldn't do me a favour, could you? Let Arthur know? He still thinks of me of an under-achiever, but I'm quite proud of those accomplishments. I can die happy.

Morgana: Oh, you're not going to die. Oh, no. I'm not going to make it that easy.


Valley of the Fallen Kings

The Knights search the woods. Sir Leon directs the search, but hears something behind him and turns to attack. Arthur parries his swing. Sir Leon smiles in relief.

Arthur: Nice to see you, too!



The knights ride into Camelot.


Council Chamber

Gaius enters. The knights, Arthur, and Guinevere are already gathered.

Gaius: Where's Merlin?

Arthur: He's alive. Last I saw of him, he was still alive. (to Sir Leon) Dispatch patrols at first light. Scour every inch of that forest.

Sir Leon: Yes, sire.

Sir Leon and the knights exit.

Arthur: We'll find him, Gaius.We will.


Morgana's hovel

Morgana: You know, there's one thing I don't understand, Merlin.You're Arthur's servant, nothing more. Yet time and again, you've proved yourself willing to lay down your life for him.

Merlin: What are you doing?

Morgana: Have you never seen Gaius clean a wound before?

Merlin: All right, I know what you're doing. What I don't know is why.

Morgana grabs his face.

Morgana: I believe I asked you a question first. Why are you so loyal to Arthur?

Merlin: I don't expect you to understand, Morgana. You have no sense of duty, no sense of loyalty.

Morgana: You're wrong. Don't think I don't understand loyalty just because I've got no-one left to be loyal to.

Morgana places her hand over Merlin's wound.

Morgana: *** Ic de durhhaele dinu licsa mid dam sundorcraeft daere ealdan ae. Drycraeft durhhaele dina wunda.***

She grabs Merlin's face again and shoves him as he falls unconscious.


Council Chamber

Agravaine: We have scoured the forest.

Arthur: Scour it again.

Sir Leon: Sire, there is no sign of Merlin.

Agravaine approaches Arthur.

Agravaine: None, but this.

Agravaine places a scrap of Merlin's bloody jacket on the map in front of Arthur. Arthur stares at it.

Agravaine: I am sorry you've lost such a loyal and...

Arthur holds up a hand, stopping him.

Arthur: The mercenaries, what news of them?

Sir Leon: We found no trace.

Agravaine: Surely sent by that snake Alinor.

Arthur: It can't be. How? Our route was known only to a few within Camelot.

Sir Leon: Then there's only one conclusion we can draw. We have a traitor in our midst.

Gaius looks slowly at Agravaine.


Morgana's hovel

Morgana holds up a medallion with a snake-tree on it and incants a spell.

Morgana: *** Astige du wyrm fah ond gedeowie daet mod disse deowes. Hine bind ond da heold. Awend hi ealle.***

Morgana casts the medallion in the flames. A hiss rises out of the metal bowl as the flames disappear. The snake-tree has come to life. Morgana smiles.

Morgana: I take it you've never met a Fomorroh before.

The Fomorroh hisses and Morgana giggles evilly.

Morgana: Oh, he's a little grumpy.

Morgana pets the Fomorroh.

Morgana: He's not used to being out in the light. Well, my friend, I have called you from your depths for a very good reason.

Morgana takes a dagger and slices off one of the Fomorroh's heads. It writhes, still alive, and another head grows back on the main body. Merlin looks on, unsettled.

Morgana: Thz Fomorroh are creatures of dark magic. Even if you cut off their heads, you cannot k*ll them. Another will just grow in its place.

Merlin glares at Morgana, dreading what's coming.

Morgana: In the days of the Old Religion, they were revered by the High Priestesses because they allowed them to control people's minds.

Morgana approaches Merlin menacingly and he glares at her, disgusted.

Morgana: The Fomorroh will suck the life force out of you and everything that makes you Merlin will be gone. And in its place there will be just one thought. One thought that will grow until it's consumed you completely. One thought that will be your life's work. You will not be able to rest until it's done. And that one thought is simple. You must k*ll Arthur Pendragon.

Morgana places the Fomorroh at Merlin's neck and it burrows into it, making him writhe in pain.


It squirms under the surface of his skin.



The sun rises over Camelot. Morning bells ring in the city.


Arthur'S Chambers


Arthur stirs groggily as a rooster crows, joining in the morning bells. He opens his eyes to see a blurry vision that looks like a general outline of Merlin. He opens his eyes to focus and sees a very prim looking servant waiting at the end of his bed, dressed much like Merlin.

Arthur: Who are you?

George: I am your new man servant, sire. I have polished your armour, sharpened your sword, selected your clothes. There is a slight chill in the air today, sir. And now, if you would allow me, I would like to serve you breakfast.

Arthur looks over at the table and sees it covered in bread and fruit.

Arthur: What's your name?

George: George, sire, at your service.

George unfolds a napkin and places it over Arthur's chest as he lies in bed.

Arthur: George. Llisten George, it’s all very impressive.

George places an extra pillow behind Arthur's head.

Arthur: Very impressive, indeed. Bbut I already have a man servant. All right, he's shabby looking, has appalling manners...

George hands Arthur a goblet.

Arthur: ...he's extremely forgetful. He seems to spend most of his time in the tavern.

George hands him a plate.

Arthur: But he is...

Arthur looks at the cup and plate in his hand and George fetches a fork.

Arthur: My man servant.

Arthur hands the plate and cup back to George.

Arthur: To be honest, I quite like it that way.

Arthur tosses the napkin at George and scrambles out of bed, leaving George confused.


Castle square

Gwen follows Arthur out of the palace.

Gwen: I’m as worried about Merlin as you are.

Arthur: You're not going to change my mind.

Gwen: Who knows if the mercenaries have even left the forest?

Arthur: I have to go.

Gwen: The patrols found no sign of him.

Arthur: Do you really expect me to accept that? Just to sit here and take their word that Merlin's gone? I won't rest until I at least try.

Gwen: I know, but one thing for me. Please don't go alone.

Gwaine: He won't be going alone.

Gwaine rides up, ready to go. They turn to look at him.

Arthur: See, now you've condemned me to a day of mindless chatter.

Gwen: Good.

Arthur places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Arthur: We'll return.

Gwen: You better.

Arthur mounts and the two of them ride off.



Merlin awakens in the woods, completely covered in mud.

Gwaine: You know what I like about Merlin? He never expects any praise. All these things he does just for the good of doing them.

Arthur holds out his arm for silence, sensing something. They stop and dismount as they hear someone and draw their swords.

Arthur: Declare yourself.

Merlin struggles out of the mud and steps onto the path.


Arthur: Merlin!

Arthur sticks his sword in the ground and walks over to Merlin.

Arthur: I thought we'd lost you.

Arthur gives the extremely muddy Merlin a big hug.


Gaius Chambers

The Fomorroh writhes under Merlin's skin. Gaius serves Merlin supper.

Gaius: Don't do that again, Merlin. My heart cannot take the strain.

Merlin: Yes, well, you are getting on a bit.

Gaius looks at Merlin in surprise.

Merlin: What is this?

Gaius: It's a special welcome home. Your favourite.

Merlin takes one sip of the soup and gags.

Merlin: I think that you should stick to cooking up potions, Gaius. This tastes like the bog Arthur found me in.

Gaius gives an uncertain chuckle.

Gaius: How did you escape?

Merlin: With great skill. Can I ask you something?

Gaius: Yes, of course. Anything.

Merlin: What is the strongest poison that you possess?

Gaius regards Merlin.

Merlin: I had this great opportunity to lace the bandits' food with poison and nothing to do it with.

Merlin gets up and walks over to a table full of potions.

Gaius: Well, that would be aconite.

Merlin: A… conite?

Merlin spots it on the table and takes the bottle.

Merlin: Well, I think I should take some of this with me from now on. You never know when you might need to k*ll someone.

Merlin takes off and Gaius mulls over Merlin's curious behaviour.

Gaius: Indeed.


Castle kitchens

Merlin prepares Arthur's meal. He finishes it off by dousing it with aconite, then places the bottle back in his jacket pocket. He bumps into the head cook.

Merlin: You stink worse than your food.

One of the cook's assistants grins.

The Cook: Back to work. Or I'll be using your face to scrub that pot clean.

The assistant turns back to her work.


Phoenix corridor

Gwaine intercepts Merlin on his way to Arthur's chambers.

Gwaine: Ah, bog man. I have to say, you're smelling better.

Gwaine pulls off his glove with his teeth and tries to take some food off of the plate.

Merlin: This is food for the king of Camelot, and is not meant to be soiled by your filthy fingers!

Merlin is able to avoid Gwaine's grasp. Gwaine stares at Merlin as he grumpily hurries off.


Arthur's chambers

Merlin walks in to find Gwen already serving Arthur a meal.

Arthur: Thank you, Guinevere. That's very kind.

Merlin: Oh, I might've known.

Gwen pours Arthur's drink.

Arthur: Hello, Merlin.

Merlin: What's this?

Arthur: Er...lunch.

Merlin (to Gwen): Look, I know you like to take every opportunity to be by his side, but this is just getting ridiculous. You'll be pouring his bath water next.

Arthur: Merlin, is something wrong?

Merlin: This is what's wrong.

Merlin points to the food Gwen brought.

Gwen: I was just trying to help. I thought you needed some rest.

Merlin: Rest? No, I don't need rest. Do you know how long it took me to prepare this meal? I cooked it myself.

Merlin switches the plates.

Arthur: I think this is just a case of a simple misunderstanding.

Arthur switches the plates back.

Merlin: Oh, yes. Well, you would take her side.

Arthur: Excuse me? Merlin, I think you must be tired. You've been through quite an ordeal.

Merlin: I just want to resume my normal duties.

Arthur: Well, I'll be pleased to have your assistance preparing for the knighting ceremony later.

Arthur hands Merlin's plate of food back to him.

Merlin: Thank you, sire.

Merlin glares at Gwen. She gives an uncertain smile. Merlin starts to leave, turns to say something, then thinks better of it and exits.


Lower town

Merlin walks down the street and tosses the plate into a pigsty.


Gaius Chambers

Merlin is pacing behind Gaius.

Gaius: Merlin, are you all right?

Merlin: I'm pacing.

Gaius: Yes, I can see that.

Merlin: A man who is “all right” does not pace, Gaius.

Gaius: Well, that's why I asked.

Merlin: I am wrestling with a problem and there are many factors to take into consideration, and I have not yet come up with a solution.

Gaius: Can I be of assistance?

Merlin (scoffs):Ah, no.

Gaius: Would you like to share the problem with me?

Merlin: No.

Gaius: Sometimes two heads are better than one.

Merlin: Yes, but not when one of them's yours.



Sir Leon puts away a sword and sees Merlin searching for something.

Sir Leon: What are you after?

Merlin: Arthur wants a crossbow.

Sir Leon: That one's ancient - probably wouldn't hurt a fly.

Merlin: If you did want to hurt a fly, or even a human, what would you use?

Sir Leon: You would use a thing of beauty like this.

Merlin is excited as Sir Leon pulls a shiny new crossbow off the wall.

Sir Leon: Carved from fifty-year-old ash.

Sir Leon admires the crossbow, then hands it to Merlin with a smile. Merlin holds it as if to fire it.

Sir Leon: Erm, be careful …

Merlin accidentally releases the arrow and it blows apart a barrel across the room. Merlin stares open mouthed.

Merlin: Oh!

Sir Leon: Will that do the job?

Merlin beams, excited.

Merlin: Oh, yes. That will do the job nicely.

Merlin laughs gleefully.

Sir Leon: Er, what is the job, exactly?

Merlin (gleefully): To k*ll Arthur.

Sir Leon: He's driving you mad, is he?

Merlin: Not for much longer.

Sir Leon laughs as Merlin heads out with the crossbow and quiver.


Arthur's chambers

Merlin sets up a crossbow booby-trap in Arthur's wardrobe. He tests it and the arrow flies straight into the bedpost. Merlin sighs excitedly.

Arthur: Talk about a bad use of time.

Merlin uses the bed curtain to hide the arrow while he pulls it out.

Arthur: We have a potential traitor in our midst and I have to prepare for a knighting ceremony. Maybe it's one of the knights who wants to k*ll me.

Merlin finally pulls out the arrow and closes the wardrobe.

Arthur: Maybe it's you. Ha.

Merlin tenses. Arthur notices.

Arthur: Don't look so worried, Merlin. I don't really think you want to k*ll me.


Lower town

Gwen walks by the pigsty and notices a crowd gathered around it. She skirts around to find an opening and sees Arthur's silver platter next to half-eaten food and a dead pig.


Gaius chambers

Gaius holds the chicken up to his nose and sniffs it.

Gaius: Aconite… Wolfsbane to you. The most deadly poison known to man.

Gwen: What was it doing on Arthur's food?

Gaius: Merlin took some from here earlier.

Gwen: He was really angry when he realised Arthur wasn't going to eat it.

Gaius: He has been behaving very strangely.

Gwen: But why would Merlin want to k*ll Arthur?

Gaius: Merlin wouldn't. Not if he was in his right mind.



Gwen and Gaius pass Sir Leon in the hallway.

Gwen: Have you seen Merlin?

Sir Leon: He was in the armoury.

Gaius: What did he want in there?

Sir Leon (chuckles): A crossbow. I think Arthur must be getting on his nerves.

Gwen: Why?

Sir Leon (whispers): He said he was going to k*ll him.

Sir Leon bursts out laughing and walks off. Gwen and Gaius exchange a worried look.


Arthur's chambers

Merlin resets the wardrobe booby-trap while Arthur dresses.

Arthur: What do you think about Percival?

Merlin: He’s very big.

Arthur: Does that make him a traitor?

Merlin: Are you going to get dressed?

Arthur steps out from behind his dressing screen.

Arthur: Have you got somewhere to be?

Merlin: Percival's family were k*lled by Cenred's army. He hates everything to do with Morgana.

Arthur: You're right. He has pledged his allegiance.

Arthur walks over to the wardrobe and pauses with his hand on the doorknob, thinking. Merlin waits impatiently.

Arthur: I'm wrong to doubt him. I need to put it from my mind.

The Fomorroh writhes in Merlin's neck.

Merlin: You must get dressed.

Arthur: Indeed.

Arthur opens the wardrobe, but the crossbow doesn't fire.

Arthur: Elyan didn't ride out with us.

Merlin lets out his breath, surprised that it didn't fire. Arthur closes the wardrobe and walks away.

Arthur: Maybe he's concerned about my relationship with Guinevere.

Arthur goes behind the dressing screen and Merlin stomps over to the wardrobe and opens it, narrowly dodging the arrow as it sh**t into the bedpost. Merlin pulls it out.

Arthur: Elyan, could he be the traitor? My father k*lled his father. Could you get me my ceremonial sword?

Merlin gets an idea.

Merlin: The ceremonial sword - of course.

Merlin fetches it to k*ll Arthur.

Arthur: I find it hard to believe that Elyan would think ill of me, but you can't trust anyone.

Merlin tests out the sword.

Arthur: In fact, I think you, Merlin, are the only person I CAN trust.

Merlin raises the sword to strike just as Gwen and Gaius burst in.

Arthur: I know, I'm late.

Merlin rushes forward to attack, but Arthur moves and Merlin runs into the column and falls over. Arthur turns around and sees Merlin on the floor unconscious. He picks up the ceremonial sword, and then strolls out. Gwen gives Arthur a fake smile on his way out. Merlin wakes and Gwen smashes a metal pitcher over his head, knocking him out again.


Gaius chambers

Gaius reads an entry in a book as Gwen grimaces at the creature crawling under Merlin's skin.

Gaius: I feared as much.

Gwen: What is it?

Gaius hands her the book.

Gaius: It's a Fomorroh.

She looks at the drawing of it in the book.

Gaius: Whoever put it there was very highly skilled.

Gwen: What does it do?

Gaius: In the days of the Old Religion, they were used by the High Priestess to enslave the minds of their enemies. Once a thought was planted, the victim would not stop till they'd accomplished it. First we must paralyse the serpent.

Gwen hands him a bowl and Gaius dabs a saturated pouch on Merlin's neck. The Fomorroh grows still.

Gwen: Is it dead?

Gaius: Sadly not. Merely dormant. Now for the tricky bit. Pass me the blade.

Gwen hands it to him. She grimaces as Gaius cuts it out. Gaius tosses it into the fire.

Gwen: That's it?

Gaius: I believe so.

Gwen (relieved): We have the old Merlin back. Arthur is safe once more.

Gaius: Let us hope so.


Agravaine's chambers

Arthur slowly enters gravely as Agravaine sits at his desk.

Agravaine: Arthur. What an unexpected pleasure.

Arthur: There's something I wish to discuss with you, Uncle.

Arthur enters slowly, his hand on his sword.

Agravaine: Of course.

Arthur: I'm afraid I don't take the matter of the traitor as lightly as you do.

Agravaine: Sire, I hope you don't think I meant…

Arthur holds up a hand to stop him.

Arthur: I have been looking into how the mercenaries discovered the route through the forest. None of the knights had the opportunity to betray me. I have questioned the councillors. Only three were aware of the treaty. Of those, none but yourself knew of the route I was planning to take.

Agravaine: Are you seriously suggesting that I… ?

Arthur: It brings me no pleasure to doubt you, Uncle.

Agravaine: Then let me reassure you that you have no reason to doubt. You are all that is left of my dear sister.

Agravaine steps closer to Arthur.

Agravaine: If I betray you, Arthur, I betray her, and that I will never do.

Arthur still isn't convinced.

Agravaine: There is one other person who knew your route. Gaius.



The sun rises over Camelot.

Gaius chambers

Merlin emerges from his room with a smile he gathers supplies from Gaius's work table. Gaius wakes. Merlin smiles.

Gaius: How do you feel?

Merlin: Never better.

Gaius: It's great to have you back.

Merlin looks confused.

Gaius : What do you remember?

Merlin: About what?

Merlin turns around.

Gaius: I take it that means nothing.

Gaius spots the Fomorroh in Merlin's neck.

Merlin: I got a feeling today is going to be a good day.

Gaius stares at Merlin as he leaves.


Arthur's chambers

Arthur: My father prepared me well for being king, but he told me nothing of the loneliness of the job.

Merlin pours Arthur's bath water.

Arthur: What it's like to have all eyes on you, waiting for you to provide the answer.

Merlin pulls out a bottle of salts.

Arthur: In all the years I watched him, he never wavered in his certainty.

Merlin uncorks the bottle and pours the salts in the water.

Arthur: He was strong, he was sure. And I'm not in that place yet.

The water foams and bubbles.

In the corridor, Gwen and Gaius hurry towards Arthur's chambers.

Arthur: I value the guidance of others. Maybe I've been foolish to do so.

Merlin places a sword in the bath water. He pulls it out and it's deformed. Those weren't bath salts.

Arthur: Everyone has their own agenda.

Gwen enters with Gaius and sees Merlin with the deformed sword.

Arthur: It feels like I can trust no one anymore.

Gwen rushes forward and knocks Merlin out with the same pitcher. Merlin falls back into Gaius's arms and Gaius hides him behind the column. Just then, Arthur chooses to step out from behind the screen completely undressed.

Arthur: Is that how you see it, Merlin? Guinevere!

Arthur covers himself.

Gwen: Arthur!

Gwen tries to pretend there's nothing awry, then realises he's naked and averts her eyes. He grabs a pillow from his bed and covers himself more effectively. Arthur tries to act dignified.

Arthur: Gaius.

Gwen and Gaius just stand there, trying to think of a way out of this.

Arthur: You're not Merlin.

Gwen: No. There was a problem with the bath water.

Arthur: Really?

Gwen: Yes. It's cold. Very cold.

Arthur steps forward to look at it.

Gwen (quickly): Merlin's gone to remedy it. I don't think you can have a bath today!

Arthur looks up sharply. Gwen tries to cover her panic with an awkward smile. Arthur steps back.

Arthur: Right... Good job I'm not very dirty, then.

Gwen (nervous laughter): It's a good job indeed!

Gaius chuckles with her, trying to hide and support Merlin behind the column. Arthur nods awkwardly, waiting for them to leave. They don't. He side steps awkwardly behind his dressing screen.


Gaius chambers

Merlin lies face down on a table while Gaius examines the revived Fomorroh.

Gwen: So, let me get this straight. If you k*ll one, another grows in its place.

Gaius: I've heard such stories in the past, but never thought they were true.

Gaius dabs Merlin's neck with the paralyser concoction.

Gaius: That will silence it for a while.

Gaius opens a smoking canister and holds it under Merlin's nose. He jerks awake, coughing.

Merlin: What is that? Arthur's socks?

Gwen smiles a little and Merlin takes in his situation.

Merlin: What are you trying to do to me?

Gaius: I'm trying to stop you from k*lling the king.

Merlin: Ooh.

Merlin staggers as he feels something. Merlin stuffs his face with berries.

Gaius: So, you don't remember anything?

Merli: I remember Morgana conjuring the snake, but...nothing more. No.

Merlin flips through a book.

Gaius: Lucky for us you're such a bad assassin.

Merlin: Well, all is well now. I feel fine.

Gaius: For now the serpent is dormant and when it wakes, your mind will be Morgana's once more and nothing will stop you from k*lling Arthur.

Merlin: But how do we get rid of it, if it keeps growing back?

Gaius: There's only one way, I'm afraid. You have to k*ll the mother beast.

Merlin: That creature that lives in Morgana's hut?

Gaius nods.

Merlin: Great. How long have I got? How long before this thing wakes up?

Gaius: A day, no more. And I wouldn't face her alone.

Merlin: Don't worry, I won't be there at all. Well, not exactly.

Merlin picks up a potion bottle from another table.

Merlin: She won't recognise me if I'm eighty-years-old.

Merlin hurries off.

Gaius: Well, what should I say if Arthur asks for you?

Merlin: Er, tell him I'm anywhere.

Merlin closes the door, then pops his head back in.

Merlin: Anywhere but the tavern.



Merlin rides through the woods and dismounts. He ties his horse to a tree and ducks behind a tree to turn into Old Merlin.

Old Merlin: Ah!

Old Merlin walks back to the horse and tries to mount. He struggles, but it's too much for him. Elyan, Leon, Gwaine, and Percival saunter up to him and Old Merlin turns around.

Old Merlin: Ah. Gentlemen. What a pleasant surprise.

Sir Leon: I wish we could say the same thing. Move away from the horse. Please.

Old Merlin: What lovely manners. I do admire a man who says please.

Sir Leon: Now.

Sir Leon draws his sword and the others follow suit. Old Merlin moves away from the horse and they surround him. Old Merlin regards Percival.

Old Merlin: Have you got bigger?

Percival: You'll be getting shorter if I have my way.

Old Merlin: Nice. I like it.

Old Merlin spins around.

Old Merlin: Leon, really. There must be something in the Knight's Code about how to treat an old man.

Sir Leon: You're not just any old man, though, are you?

Gwaine: You escaped the flames once, you won't escape again.

Old Merlin: Sir! And you are not what you seem.

Gwaine draws his sword.

Gwaine: What is he talking about? I'm a good mind to run you through right now.

Sir Leon puts out a hand.

Sir Leon: I think Arthur would prefer to see him alive.

Old Merlin: Oh--oh-oh. No, really, Arthur doesn't not want to see me, believe me. In fact, if Arthur does see me, he will be in grave danger.

Elyan is the last to draw his sword.

Elyan: Are you threatening the life of our king?

Percival pokes Old Merlin in the back with his sword. He pokes him again.

Old Merlin: Percival! That is a sword, it does hurt. Yes, I am afraid to say, if you don't let me go, then there is every chance that I will k*ll your King!

Gwaine: Say that again!

Old Merlin: Why? Have you got ale in your ears?

Gwaine yells and goes for the attack, but Old Merlin holds up a hand and stops him dead in his tracks, knocking him out. Percival tries next, but Old Merlin breaks his sword in half and magically shoves Percival and Leon into each other, then throws them on top of Elyan.]

Old Merlin: Ha! Thank you, gentlemen.

Merlin uses them as a set of stairs.

Old Merlin: So considerate to help an old man.

Old Merlin cackles as he climbs onto his horse and rides off.


Morgana's hovel

Morgana: I trust you bring me news of my brother's untimely death?

Agravaine: I wish it were so, my lady, but I do bring information of an equally enticing nature. I have planted the seed of suspicion in our young king's mind. I've struck a blow at the very heart of Old Camelot.

Morgana: Go on.

Agravaine: Arthur grew unsure of my motives, but I've turned the situation to our advantage.

Morgana: How so?

Agravaine: I've used it to implicate an old friend of yours. Gaius. I think there are some interesting times ahead for our physician.

Agravaine goes to pour himself a drink.

Morgana: You have done well. But it's hardly information of an enticing kind, is it?

Agravaine pauses.

Morgana: Is Gaius dead?

Agravaine: No.

Morgana: I Gaius mortally wounded? Does Gaius have so much as a sore head?

Agravaine: No, my lady.

Morgana: So, my can do better. And you will do better.


Morgana's hovel

Old Merlin crawls to the edge of the ridge overlooking Morgana's hovel. He sees her exit with Agravaine. Agravaine heads back to Camelot, but she walks off in the opposite direction.


Old Merlin enters Morgana's hut and looks through her things. Morgana walks in with some firewood. She looks up and sees Emrys. He snarls and she drops the firewood and backs out quickly, terrified. He's surprised, thinks it over, and then shrugs it off and continues searching. Morgana creeps back in slowly, shaking with fear.

Morgana: You're not real.

Old Merlin: Whatever you say!

She jerks at his barked out reply. He continues searching. She continues slowly forward and pulls out a dagger. He finds the Fomorroh.

Morgana: You're just my imagination.

Old Merlin: That's right. I'm not really here. Just pretend that I'm not really here and I'll just get this and go.

Merlin grabs the jar with the Fomorroh and Morgana moves forward to strike him. Before she goes two steps, his eyes glow and he tosses her backwards into a shelf, knocking it over.

Old Merlin hurries off with the Fomorroh jar, but Morgana pursues him. She raises her hand.

Morgana: ***Ablinn du, forlaete du!***

Old Merlin is knocked off his feet and the jar goes flying. Morgana smiles in relief of her success. She hurries forward and pulls out her dagger confidently as he lays there.

Morgana: So, Emrys, it seems you'll not be my doom after all.

She raises the dagger to strike.

Old Merlin: ***Forp fleoge!***

Morgana is thrown backwards. She loses her dagger. They both lie there for a moment, fighting back the pain. Merlin struggles to stand and walks over to her. He raises a hand to curse her.

Morgana: If Iam to die by your hand, you can at least tell me who you are. Did Arthur send you?

Merlin regards her.

Morgana: But you're no friend of his. Magic has no place in Camelot. It never will. Not until I take the throne. Please spare me. I only want what is rightfully mine. Perhaps… you can still be saved.

Morgana flicks her hand and the dagger sh**t from behind Old Merlin. He dodges it, but Morgana sits up and her eyes glow and she throws him with a turn of her head. He gasps in pain. She fetches the Fomorroh jar and begins to walk off.

Old Merlin: *** Ic her acciege anne windraes! ***

Old Merlin's spell begins a whirlwind.

Old Merlin: *** Farbled waw! Windraes ungetermed - gehiere! ***

Morgana turns and sees what he's doing. She tries to raise a hand to stop it.

Old Merlin: *** Ic de bebeod mid ealle strangnesse daet du geblawest ond syrmest strange. Ge spurn peos haegtesse!***

Now standing, hand raised, Old Merlin overpowers Morgana and forces the whirlwind towards her. She is thrown through the air and lands unconscious. Old Merlin collapses from the effort.



Old Merlin sits on a log and lights a fire with a flick of his hand. He removes the lid from the Fomorroh jar and quickly tosses it into the fire.

Old Merlin: ***Ontend disne wyrm paet he licge unastyred a butan ende!***

The Fomorroh squeals and Merlin suddenly jerks as he feels it die in his neck. He sighs in relief.


Gaius chambers

Gaius: This is becoming something of a habit.

Merlin (grins with pain): I hope not.

Gaius extracts the dead Fomorroh.

Gaius: Don't worry. It cannot grow back again.

Merlin's feels the back of his neck painfully. Gwen enters happily.

Gwen: Merlin.

Merlin smiles.

Gwen: You're back. Dare I look?

Merlin: Don't worry, it's completely gone. I've no desire to k*ll Arthur.

Gwen: That's great news. Although, I'm afraid right now he does want to k*ll you.


Arthur's chambers

Arthur beats his fingers on his arm rest.

Arthur: Two whole days in the tavern.

Merlin balks.

Merlin: I'm not quite sure it was that long.

Arthur: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't get rid of you on the spot.

Merlin: Because you would have no-one to polish your armour, make you breakfast, organise your clothes…

Arthur: Ah, well. That's where you're wrong. George!

George enters primly.

Arthur: Merlin, meet George. George is, perhaps, the most efficient servant I've ever seen. He'll be spending the rest of the week teaching you.

Merlin: Teaching me?

Arthur: If you wish to remain in my service.

George: We will start in the armoury. Lesson one is my favourite. Polishing.

Arthur tries not to laugh.

Merlin: Yes, that's my favourite, too.

George nods, then jerks his head to indicate Merlin should follow him. Merlin stops at the door.

Merlin: Tell me something...

Arthur puts on a mock-serious expression as Merlin walks back.

Merlin: If he's so good, why don't you just give him the job?

Arthur drops the act.

Arthur: He's seriously boring. I've never met anyone so dull. The man makes jokes about brass.

Arthur pats Merlin on the arm.

Arthur: Anyway, off you go. It'll be fun.

Arthur is enjoying this. Merlin gives a fake smile and nods and walks to the door. He pauses to look back at Arthur who gives him a smug smile and nod and Merlin exits with a grin.



Agravaine rides hurriedly to Morgana's hovel.


Morgana's hovel

Morgana's home is trashed when he arrives.

Agravaine: Morgana?

He stops at the sight of it, then walks in slowly, taking in the wreck.

Agravaine: Morgana?

Agravaine searches the woods nearby. He spots Morgana lying on the ground and rushes to her. He turns her face toward him gently, clearly distraught. He carries her through the woods.