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06x16 - Lady Luck

Posted: 04/13/19 06:02
by bunniefuu


Hey! Guys, come on.


- Let's just simmer down.


What's the problem here?


DEMBE: You see what I mean?


What are they fighting about?

It's the first shipment of a $3-million order.

There's a dispute over some doctored shipping manifests that are missing.

Who was in charge of the manifest?

Henry Morris.

He works for the Department of Transportation.

- MAN: Henry! - The one with the gambling habit?

- The same.

- Didn't we square his debt, get him some kind of help or something?

- Where the hell is he?

- Not answering.

- [g*ns COCKING]

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Oh.

All right.

Hey, hey.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Guys, put the g*ns away.

Put the g*ns away.

Come on.

It's just a bunch of TVs.


There's plenty more where they came from.

Dembe, let's see if we can't drum up a few bottles of arak.


Yeah, there we go.

All right.


Life seems lonely And I'm by myself AGATHE: Can't be all that bad, can it?

- Bad?


How about my savings, my house?

And my wife has no idea.

You'll think of something, Henry.

How'd you know my name?

I know all about you.

The default on your mortgage, the credit cards.

Oh, not to mention what you owe Tony and the boys in Boston.

Heck, they haven't forgotten.

Who the hell are you?

Who told you that?

Oh, that's not important.

You know what is important?


And yours just changed.

- I'm supposed to be somewhere.

- No.


You're meant to be right here.

With me.

And all you have to do is make one more bet.

This time on yourself.

Thank you, boys.

Thanks, guys.

There really is no misunderstanding that a bottle of arak can't cut through.



DEMBE: It's him.


Five Albanians and four Nigerians walk into a shipping depot.

There is no punch line.

Where the hell are you?

HENRY: I'm sorry, Red.

I am.

But I ran into some trouble, I lost some money.

RED: You were gambling today?


I mean, yes, I was, but I-I got it handled.

She came to me.

My miracle.

We made a deal.

What are you talking about?

Who came to you?

I needed you here.

I have to take a trip, but I swear, Red, things are turning.

I'll be a new man.

- Luck's finally on my side.



Something wrong?

I'm afraid our friend Henry was paid a little visit by Lady Luck.

RESSLER: That's it.

That's all the CIA has on Katarina Rostova.

WARD: Well, hunting for spies who didn't come in from the cold after the Cold w*r isn't exactly a priority.

Anton Velov claimed that she was seen at the Cross Sound Ferry Terminal two weeks after her alleged su1c1de.


Claimed, not proved.

The ferry requires reservations, so if she was on it, her name would be on the manifest.

And it wasn't.

There's no copy of the manifest in here.

Had to be a gut punch.

Hunting Reddington all those years, only for him to get caught and escape all over again.

I mean, that's what this is about, right?

Finding Rostova to find Reddington?

Raymond Reddington's gone.

No one's ever gonna find him.

Then who are you looking for?

MJ, I need a copy of that manifest.


SMOKEY: It's all arranged.

You got locations in St.

Louis and Denver.

Secure, private, safe.

Thank you, Smokey.

You can give the addresses to Dembe.

He'll alert the unfortunate guests.

Why unfortunate?

While I was in prison, certain people in my organization took it upon themselves to do a little freelancing.

Others attempted to move against me.

In the time since that regrettable chapter ended, I've determined who the Benedict Arnolds are and will be confronting them about it at the locations you've secured.


The opportunities you give people.

This is what some of them do?

Bite the hand like that?


Eaz-I d-eaz-on't kn-eaz-ow wh-eaz-at t-eaz-o s-eaz-ay.

I'm sure you're not really surprised by how few people I can trust.

You can count on me, 100%.


That means more than you know, Smokey.

Those people who turned, just how unfortunate are they gonna be?

I'll know when I see them.

Ultimately, everyone's fate is negotiable.

Except the person who turned me in.

Whoever they are, their fate is sealed.

Elizabeth! A warm light in an otherwise dark and gloomy day.

Are you coming or going?


On a West Coast swing to Los Angeles.

We have a few stops along the way, so I'm a bit pressed for time.

If you don't mind Right.

Whatever you ask.

Dembe's teaching me backgammon.

I'm sorry to rush to the point, but I need your help.

An associate has had a sudden and startling stroke of good fortune.

A-And that's a bad thing?

Imagine gambling away your mortgage, facing financial ruin because you're addicted to chance.

And then imagine, in that moment of anguish and desperation, you're offered salvation erase your debt, keep a roof over your family's head.

- Would you take it?

- What's the catch?

No catch.

A bet.

On yourself.

A dance with Lady Luck.

Lady Luck.

An urban legend that Reddington claims is all too real.

A Blacklister who serves up salvation in one hand and damnation in the other.

- So, what's the bet?

- Reddington doesn't know, because no one's lived long enough to say.

And this Lady Luck, she's propositioned an associate of his?

Yes, someone Reddington claims has done business with the Third Estate and may be able to tell us about their plot against America.


Which means maybe not.

Tell us about this friend.

All right.

His name is Henry Morris.

He lost $3,400 last night in Atlantic City.

And based on bank records, over the past two years, he's lost $196,000.

HENRY: I'm not sure I can do this.

AGATHE: We made a bet, Henry.

You win, you get $200,000.

You lose, your family gets evicted.

Are you calling to say you lost?


I'm just I'm not sure.

Well, get sure.

I'm married to a loser, Henry.

Trust me, it's a fate worse than death.


ARAM: Henry Morris left the casino at 4:18 a.


Hasn't been seen since.

Could be he's running from people he owes money to.

Or maybe Lady Luck convinced him to gamble with his own life.

Let's start there.

Go talk to his wife.

Let's see what she can offer.

TERESA: Missing?

Henry isn't missing.

He called a few hours ago from Pennsylvania.

Had to stay a little bit longer for work, is all.


Morris, are you aware that your husband was let go by the city two months ago?


He has worked there for two years.

He's in Allentown on a work trip as we speak.

This is a screen capture from a CCTV camera in Atlantic City.

Apparently, he lost pretty big there.

RESSLER: Over 3 grand last night.

TERESA: No, no, no, no.

He lost everything before, before we were married and once after.

I thought maybe he'd beat it.

He pawned my engagement ring.

It was my grandmother's.

Ma'am, if your husband calls again, we're gonna need your help.

I've gambled down in Washington And I've gambled up in Maine - [THUMPING]

- I'm goin' down - [DOG BARKING]

- Into Georgia To knock down my last game What is it, Mimi?

Hello?! Is there somebody there?! - [BARKING]

- I'm a gambling man - Hello?! - [GASPS]

No! A gambling man, man, man, a gambling man, man, man A gambling man, man, man, I'm a gambling man I'm a gambling man, man, man, a gambling man, man, man [DOG YELPS]

A gambling man, man, man, I'm a gambling man She took me in her parlor, cooled me with her fan She said, "Oh, mother, mother I'm in love with a gambling man" He's a gambling man, man, man He's a gambling man He's a gambling man, man, man A gambling man, man, man, a gambling man, man, man [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKS]


Detective Evers?

Donald Ressler, FBI.

We spoke on the phone.


You put out an APB looking for our UNSUB.

We did.

What do you have?

From last night, we pulled this off a security camera from a liquor store two blocks from here.

His clothes match an image of the perp caught on the building's CCTV.

My guys think the scene was staged to look like a robbery gone wrong.

What can you tell us about this guy?

Not much.

Missing person.

We actually thought he was the one in danger.

Yeah, well, when you find your missing person, give me a call, because he's wanted for m*rder.

Tea! It's so good to hear your voice.


Henry, what's going on?

I got so much I gotta tell ya.

Our troubles are over, Tea.

We're gonna make a fresh start, you and me.

Your old man finally took care of business.

Let's meet, all right?

11:00 a. m.

tomorrow at the playground.

You know the one.

Yeah, okay.

11:00 at the park.

I-I got something for ya.

Something I owe ya.

All right.

I gotta go.

I love ya.

I'll see you at 11:00.


You did the right thing.




You're a sight for sore eyes, my friend.

W-When you got captured, I thought I'd never see you again.

Is that why you took advantage?


You You were in custody.

You were on trial.

You were on death row! And who survives that?



Carlo, I didn't bring you here because you stepped out while I was otherwise engaged.

You're here because I want to know whether you were simply pressing your advantage or whether you were the one who created the advantage in the first place.

I'm gonna ask you one time, and I want a simple yes or no.

Did you turn me in to the police?


1,000 times no.


10 percent.

Going forward, you're gonna need to kick in an extra 10 percent.

A tax for underestimating me.

You know, Red, that doesn't seem fair.

You were in cu You know what, Carlo?

You're right.

Make it 15%.

Any objections?

No, no.

15 percent is completely fair, Red.

ARAM: The woman Henry Morris k*lled in the bathtub was Betsy Nagel.

Two weeks ago, she posted on her social media that she was #GratefulToBelnRecovery.

- Recovery from what?

- Well, in that same post, she shared a link to a website for G-A-R-T.

It's a support group for "gambling, addiction, recovery, and therapy.

" - She was a gambler, too.

- With multiple online poker accounts all linked to her credit cards.

- She was in debt.

- Actually, not anymore.

All of the gambling sites have been paid off and her accounts are all deactivated.

This came for Agent Ressler.

He's in interrogation.

I'll take it.

I was told it's about a case he's working on.

It's okay.

We're working on the same case.

Could she be connected to Morris through poker sites?

Well, I haven't found an online identity associated with Morris in any of the chat rooms, and there wasn't anything virtual about his debt.

Maybe Morris and Nagel were in recovery together.

I've searched everything.

There is nothing these two people shared beyond their history of gambling.

COOPER: Keep looking.

Find a link a mutual acquaintance, a restaurant they frequent, a connection.

Teresa Morris just hung up with her husband.

They set a meet for tomorrow at 11:00 a.


Get a team together.

Let's see if we can get a confession on tape.

I thought we had an agreement.

An agreement?

What agreement?

CIA documents from the Russia desk?

Some kind of passenger manifest from '91?

- You're looking for my mother.

- Keen, listen.

I told you, I'm not interested in digging this up, and I'm certainly not interested in you digging this up.

Keen, if you'd let me finish.

This was in motion long before you and I spoke.

I requested this file weeks ago, and it took this long.


It's nothing.

All right?

- See?

- Thank you.

- We good?

- I'll call in the surveillance op.

Megan Marie.

She's our eldest.

And she got her acceptance letter last week in the mail.


You've never seen a kid smile so big.


No matter how bad things are, my world just lights up when that kid's happy.


It's, um It's Middlebury College.

And now she can't go because, um, I lost her tuition money at the track.

And, um And I haven't told her yet.

I mean, how can I tell her?

I'm not gonna break her heart.


Let her know what kind of man her father really is.


I would do anything to make this right.




Here, take my heart On a silver platter [ENGINE SHUTS OFF]

Really, Ned?

This doesn't look like a solution to me.

Most insurance policies don't even cover suicides.

Who the hell are you?

How did you get in here?

You want to go to Megan Marie's college celebration, don't ya, like a good father should?

How How did you know about that?

I know lots of things.

I know you gambled away Megan's tuition.

And I know about the bookies and the dodgy loans, not to mention the damn Lakers neglecting to cover their spread.

- You're a debt collector.

- Of sorts.


I got nothing left to give.

Oh, don't sell yourself short.

You've got you.

But tell me, do you have the courage to make one more bet?

This time, on yourself?

SMOKEY: So, who's the next unfortunate?

Martin Walcott.

Do you know him?


No, I don't think so.

What'd he do?

Skim off the top while you were away?

On the contrary.

He recorded record profits.

So what's your beef?

WALCOTT: Raymond! It's been too long.

Martin Walcott, Smokey Putnam.

SMOKEY: Yeah, nice to meet you.

I brought the book.

I figured you'd want to go over the numbers.

Smokey used to run with the circus.

Handled logistics.

Trains in, trains out.

I'm surprised the two of you haven't crossed paths.

I'm just a sideshow for Martin.

He's a senior VP at a railroad that runs freight between New Mexico and Illinois.

That a fact?

Yeah, I'm surprised we never hooked up.

Let me ask you something, Martin, and I want a simple yes or no.


Did you turn me in to the police?

Red, what?

No! Of course not.

Why would you ever ask me that?

Because that's an awfully big number.

And the only way you could've hit it was if I was in prison.

I thought you'd be pleased.

Did you?

I don't think so.

If you thought I'd be pleased, the book would reflect how you hit the number.

But it doesn't do that, does it?

It's a big number because you cut a deal with the Catela Cartel to run methamphetamine.

You used my network, my trucks, my drivers, my warehouses.

If you're not gonna be in the drug business, somebody else will be.

It's not like we're gonna stop it from coming in, right?


I'm not in the methamphetamine business.

It's a poison.

You traded on my name.

I'm a relatively forgiving man.

But that that, I can't forgive.


Hold on, hold on.

I thought that you What do you think?

- Me?

- Yeah.

What do you think I should do with Martin?

I'm curious.

I don't know.


On one hand, he kind of betrayed you.

I say "kind of" because when you were in prison, maybe he was thinking, in that situation, he had some latitude.

You said, "On the one hand.

" Is there another?


- Yeah.

No, of course.

I mean, look, I never k*lled anyone.

When it comes to people, I'm vegan.


So if it was up to me, and and let's all reflect on how awesome it is that it's not, but if it was, I guess I'd opt for firing him.

Or fining him, like you did with Androssani.

I mean, both these guys are family guys.

Androssani's got a wife.

He's got a kid.

So, you know Anyway, that's why you do the strategic thinking and I stick to logistics.




Gordon Liddy was an architect of the Watergate break-in.

A strident true-believer who trained himself to be unemotional about doing terrible things.

He'd literally test himself by fire.


Holding his hand over a flame without flinching as his flesh burned.

People thought it was a trick.

He said the trick is not minding.



I mind.


I mind.


RED: Mmm.


You got no idea how much I missed you, Tea.

What's going on?

HENRY: You gotta know, everything I did, I did it for us.

- Keen, you getting this?

- Every word.

LIZ: Tango Team, the minute you get verbal confirmation, move in.

- Assume he's armed.

- WOMAN: Copy that.

HENRY: I made us square.

- There's no more debt.

- But how?

We're gonna be able to pay off all of our loans.

And we we can start over.

We'll go somewhere else.

- We'll go somewhere warm.

- Keen, heads up.

We got a white male near the playground.

You think his wife tipped someone?

RESSLER: Or Morris brought a plus-one.

I'm gonna check it out.

HENRY: I stopped by the pawn shop.

If you've done something illegal, you need to tell me, please.

I have something for ya.

RESSLER: We've got a g*n.

FBI! Stop! FBI! Hands! [g*nshots, TERESA SCREAMS]

Put it down, put it down! Don't move! LIZ: Henry Morris, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Betsy Nagel.

I'm so sorry.


Henry, what have you done?

! RESSLER: I went over the manifest, and I think I found something.

WARD: I'm glad to hear it, Don, but I'm in the middle of a big briefing here.

Dead or alive, everyone's accounted for.

- Except one.

- Then you need me because?

Because that one person doesn't exist before buying a ticket for that ferry.

Everything about her credit rating, social security, mortgage payments it exists only after she bought that ticket, not before.

Seriously, I am in a room full of people waiting on me to give a threat assessment.

It's important, MJ.

I need your help.

It's also off-book, so I'm gonna have to farm out the legwork.

If I send you what I have, can you do the due diligence for me?

It's gonna cost me, but for you, Crimea can wait.

- I owe you, pal.


- [BEEP]


This bandage isn't enough.

I-I really need to go to a hospital.

Not until you answer my question.

Look, I don't know how to find her.

- Because she came to you.

- Yes! At the house.

I mean, it was like she was studying me.

She She had all kinds of information.

LIZ: What kind of information?

HENRY: Everything how many months' rent I owed, how much I lost that night in Atlantic City.

NED: She knew my favorite teams.

She knew how much I owed.

She said that she could make all that debt go away.

LIZ: How?

What exactly did she say?

That, uh, my gambling had become a cancer on the people I love.

She said that I needed to start over.

What does that mean?

Start over how?

HENRY: By doing her a favor.

She asked me to take care of someone for her.

And by "taking care of" someone, you mean drowning Betsy Nagel in her bathtub?

Well, it was supposed to look like something else, like a robbery.

A g*nsh*t in broad daylight wasn't exactly subtle, Ned.

I'm guessing she didn't sign off on that.

HENRY: Look, I may never get out of jail for what I've done, but I did it to help my family.

And if I was smart enough, I would've got away with it, too.

LIZ: Henry, you were never gonna get away with it.

Because you were always gonna be her next victim.

What do you mean, "her next victim"?

It's gamblers k*lling gamblers.

Lady Luck identifies her target, someone who has a significant amount of debt, to be her hitman, and then she offers to pay off that debt in exchange for the k*lling.

But what the k*ller doesn't know is that he's the next victim.

Like Betsy Nagel?

Turns out, she'd been bleeding her sister dry for years to pay off her gambling debt.

I spoke to the sister, and she said that Betsy showed up last month, paid her back, paid her mortgage, and a half-dozen maxed-out credit cards.

Using money she'd gotten for k*lling a gambler.

ARAM: And Miss Nagel is not alone.

I looked into suspicious deaths of known gamblers who squared debts shortly before dying, and get this Janice Deavers a g*nsh*t wound to the chest off the Vegas Strip.

Jeff Warner stabbed to death in the parking lot of a casino in Connecticut.

And there are more.

So Lady Luck's outsourcing her kills.

But why spend all this money on bribing gamblers?

Why not k*ll them herself?

Where's the bribe money coming from to begin with?

I don't know, but her cash supply seems endless.

- Which means she won't stop.

- Ned Green.

Lean on him.

Find out how he contacts this woman after the hit's done.

One way or the other, Green's gonna put us in touch with Lady Luck.

This is my final offer, and I think you'll want to accept it.

It's this or it's nothing.

You finish all your peas, and I'll let you watch "PJ Masks" before your nap.

Do we have a deal?


Smart move, mister.


Hey, everyone.

Sorry I'm late.

- Mmm.

- What are we up to?

AGATHE: Culinary negotiations.


Thanks, Mom.

I'd be lost without you.

Picked up a shift from Sherry on Tuesday.

Any chance you might be free to watch Joey?

It shouldn't be a problem.


Oh, who the heck is this?

Oh, I don't know no one from 2-1-6.



Is it done?

NED: We hit a snag.

AGATHE: What snag?

Not over the phone.

C-Can we meet?

There's a spot on Route 9.


MEET ME AT 4:00.

If you're late, the deal's off.

And you can go back to your garage and start the engine.


I don't know, Lou.

He called out of nowhere, sounded worried.

This one may not be up to the task.

I know what you're thinking.

We've been dealt far worse hands before, and we're still here.

I'll be back for dinner.

Do you want anything special?


Don't answer that.

I'll think of something.

MAN ON TV: That's it.

You have $300 Why pick this place to meet?

I don't know.

I don't like it, either.

It's too public.

NED: I told you.

She'll be here.


- Hello?

AGATHE: Oh, Ned, I expected better from you.

NED: What are you talking about?

I-I'm here exactly where you told me to be.

Unlike you, I know how to hedge my bets, Ned.

That's got to be her.

My husband took me to that diner to watch Sunday football for 15 years.

I know the regulars.

I knew Ben Sherman, who always comes in for his 4:00 coffee.

Ben's not there.

I know Dale and Toddy, who work splits on Fridays, and they're not there.

- She's watching.

You got eyes?

- She's not in here.

Heck, Ned, we got a whole lot of new faces, enough to make me think you've been talking to the police.

You know the problem with gamblers, Ned?

They never quit when they're ahead.

I made you a sound deal.

I trusted you, and you brought cops.

- No, no, no, wait! - She's close.

Good luck on your own.

You'll need it.

NED: Wait, wait! [GROANS]

She's bailing.

- She's bailing.


Keen, tell me you see something.

I got nothing.


Oh! Doubles again! [LAUGHS]

You're either very lucky or you're playing with loaded dice.

What's that look?

You said you'd never met Martin Walcott.

- No.


- If you never met him, how'd you know he had children?

- I-I didn't.

I - Stop.

The only thing worse than a lie is the lie that compounds it.

Y-eaz-ou w-eaz-ere r-eaz-ight.

In plain English.

I don't want to miss a word.

I did know Walcott from the circus days.

He knew I could move things, so when when he decided to move dr*gs, he gave me a call.

I-I didn't know what was gonna happen to you, so, you know, I-I [SIGHS]

I did what they did, and and I freelanced.

Androssani was just trying to make his rate.

I don't condone it, hence the 15% surcharge.

Walcott came up with the idea to use my infrastructure to move dr*gs.

Which was bad enough, but what you did was considerably worse.

You made his idea happen.

You were the logistical mastermind.

Without you, his idea was just that an idea.

Thanks to you, it's now a reality.

- Red - I know about the network, Smokey.

The shipments of meth you're making to Phoenix, Miami, Seattle, Boston, and everywhere along the way.

I didn't turn you in to the cops, if that's what you think.

What I think is that you're a born carny.

You're a con man.

You're simply hard-wired to help yourself at the expense of others.

Friends, addicts, enemies, even me.

In my absence, you built a network that ships meth coast-to-coast.

That's impressive.


Dembe, my brother, help me out here.

Dembe doesn't make this decision.

Look, Red, you want me to dismantle it, it's dismantled.

I told you, I'll I'll do whatever you ask.

Have you ever had a flying dream?


A dream in which you suddenly have the power of flight.

Unburdened by the weight of apprehension and doubt, you suddenly find you can fly.

It's a dream of freedom and bliss.

The opposite of a falling dream, which, of course, is a dream of fear and anxiety, panic.

Flying is life.

Falling is death.

Mommy says by the time your program's done, she'll be here.

That's no nuts I'm going on a trip.

While I'm gone, I want you to be good for your ma.

She's gonna have a lot to do and nobody to help her do it.

Huh?! When you get bigger, people are gonna say things about me.

Not-so-nice things.

But I want you to know, what I did, I did as a kindness.

Can you remember that?


I love my little monster.

So much.

I love you, too, Grammy.

How'd she get away from us?

Because she was never in the diner parking lot.

I pulled security footage from the trucking company across the street.

Check out the Buick with the "Bush/Quayle" bumper sticker.

So she made a getaway doing the speed limit.

The car is registered to an Agathe Tyche 66, of Camden, Delaware.

And she has a very, very sad story.

Miss Tyche was an upstanding citizen of her community, married to a lifelong gambler, Lou Tyche.

In 1986, Lou bought a lottery ticket and won $87 million, largest jackpot in Delaware history.

Made national news.

I remember this story.

There was a child.

Second child being born.

It was a long, intense labor.

Lou waited in the hospital, but at one point, he left with her son to make a run to a convenience store and bought a lottery ticket.

There was an accident.

The son died.

The father was badly injured.

And the ticket was a winner.

At the same time that Agathe was giving birth to her daughter, her son was dying three floors away while her husband was in surgery.

The ticket was returned to her by a medic who found it in her husband's effects.

Looks like we've found Lady Luck.

Looks like you're going to Delaware.


Agathe Tyche?


Uh, no, that's my mother.

Agents Keen and Ressler, FBI.

Is she here?

- No.

- Do you know where she is?

I don't.

What can you tell us about the lottery that your parents won?


What does that have to do with anything?

Well, we understand your father won $87 million.


Decades ago.

My mom gave all that money away.

Why would she do that?

Because the day he won was the day that he got in a car accident that k*lled my brother and paralyzed my father.

He died a few months after.

She connected the money with their deaths and didn't want anything to do with it.

That may be what she told you, but the truth is, she kept the winnings and has been using them for years.

She's using it as a slush fund to finance a series of murders.


She told my son she may never see him again, and I couldn't understand LIZ: Because she knew we were coming.

Ma'am, if you have any idea where your mother might be, you need to tell us.

LIZ: She's gone, and her daughter says she doesn't know where.

- You believe her?

- RESSLER: We do.

She lied to everyone, including her.

Apparently, she told her daughter that she gave the lottery money away after her husband died.



Her husband died less than a year after his accident.


No, no, no, no.

That's not right.

I pulled a death certificate for the son, but there was nothing for the husband.

In fact, the Delaware State Gaming Commission is still recording annuity checks sent to an address near Wilmington.

Aram, send us that address and get us HRT out of Quantico.

MAN ON TV: Jumper! Jumper! Bad news, Lou.

The police are onto us.

I pray they don't drag Moira into this.

Lord knows we didn't want that for our baby girl, the one bright spot in our lives.


If there's no death certificate Then the father's still alive.

But why would she lie, to her daughter, of all people?



I get it.

You can't always trust family.

But that could mean The father's in on it.

We had a good run.

Didn't we?

Wasn't all a waste.


I guess this is goodbye.

I can't exactly take you with me, now, can I?

I had plans for the rest of the money, more families to save.


At least I have the satisfaction of knowing some of this blood money protected others from our hell.


We did good, Lou.

- FBI! - Move! Sit down, lady.

RESSLER: Put the g*n down.

- It's over, Agathe.

- Oh, I know.

I need you to put that g*n down.

We don't want anyone to get hurt now.


You can't hurt me.

I died years ago.

My life was gambled away cheap.

My firstborn gone.

I swore then, I'd do everything in my power to keep people safe from that kind of destruction.

RESSLER: Put that g*n down.

And God answered my prayers.

I used those cursed winnings to help other suffering families.

A perfect system to guarantee they'd never be ruined like I was, like we were.

You need to put that g*n down.


They're the worst kind of addicts.

They think they deserve to win while everyone around them loses.

Not this time.



She tripped the breaker.

I don't know where it is.



- Get him out of there! [ALARM BEEPING]

Got to find that breaker! [HANDCUFFS CLICKING]

Speak up, Lou! [GASPING]

Last chance to atone for your sin.


Are you saying my father didn't die after the car accident?

No, he was paralyzed.

That he's been alive all these years?

Your mother kept him on a mechanical respirator.

In hiding.

From me?

I can't imagine how hard this is to hear, but all these years, your mother has kept your father hostage.

- Why would anyone do that?

- To punish him.

She believes your fathers's addiction destroyed your family, so she came up with a way to prevent other families from being destroyed.

By k*lling addicts, people who can't help themselves.

It's because they couldn't help themselves that she thought they had to die.

And when they did, their family's fortunes were restored.

Your mother's a troubled woman who's gonna spend the rest of her life in prison.

There's no consolation for this, for losing her.

But you do have your father back, as well as what's left of his winnings.

I hope that affords you some solace.

Can I talk to her?

- What?

- I think you know.

An example had to be made.


- Hey! [LAUGHS]

- You came! Of course! We wouldn't miss it! Ahh.

Look at you, Janet.

- Ohh.



- It's good to see you.


I can't thank you enough for everything you've done.

I've never been thanked for exiling someone before.

You didn't just give me a new house.

You gave me a new life.

It's the least I could do for keeping my relationship with the task force secret.

Oh, but you've done so much more than that.

Your contributions.

There there'd be no arts program here at Shermer without them.

What you're going to hear tonight, none of it would've happened without you.

Thank you, Janet.

You're the best, Mr.


Imagine that! [BOTH LAUGH]


Name's Virginia Lopatin.

Married Tim King in '98.

Lives in Chicago with a dog and a cat, three credit cards, and a subscription to Foreign Affairs.

Says she's 81.

Rostova would be 59.

The story goes that after she k*lled herself, Rostova's parents went into hiding.

Father was KGB, so people assumed he helped the mother disappear.

But if and this is a big if if Rostova didn't die, if she knew people were coming for her She'd be the one to protect her parents.

81 and 59.

The passenger was 22 years older than Rostova.

Do you have a D. O. B. on the mother?

We do.

She was 22 when Katarina was born.

We didn't find Katarina, but it's possible we found her mother.


Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you I'm sorry it turned out this way.

I am, too.

Every single day [CRYING]

There's so much I want to tell you.

It's okay, Mom.

I know everything I need to know.

The lady that got me to do this, this Lady Luck, I'll tell you anything you want to know about her.

That's good, Henry.

But right now, I'm not interested in Lady Luck.

First, I want you to tell me everything you know about a group called the Third Estate.

Can't you see you belong to me?

Red was right.

Henry Morris is connected to the Third Estate.

He gave them state-of-the-art surveillance equipment so they could penetrate high-end security systems - in private homes.

- Did he give you a name?

No, they contracted through encrypted wire transfers and dead-drops.

But think about it.

The Third Estate is the 99%.

If they're plotting against America, where else are they gonna start than by attacking the 1%?

Yeah, but it's a pretty big target.

Yeah, well, it's 99% smaller than it was a few minutes ago.

I'm gonna go tell Cooper.

Keen, hang on a minute.

Uh Every move you make, every step you take - I'll be watching you - [SIGHS]

By the way I'm sorry I snapped at you before.

I'll be watching you You've been on Reddington's case longer than any of us, and you deserve to know who he really is.

Every bond you break, every step you take I owe you one for letting it go.

Every word you say Anyway, what is it?

It can wait.

Let's go see Cooper.

Every vow you break Every smile you fake - [TRAIN HORN BLOWS]

- I'll be watching you Every single day Every word you say Every game you play Every night you stay Every breath you take Every move you make Every step you t-a-a-ake I'll be watching you [APPLAUSE]

But it was the wrong example to make.

Someone betrayed me.

Someone turned me in to the police.


But you don't think it was Smokey.


But anyone who may know who did, I want them to come forward and tell me before more people die.

That's who the example is for?

The people who know who turned you in?

If you knew the truth, would you come forward to stop me from taking a life?

- Of course.

- Well, then.

I can only hope that anyone who actually knows is as principled as you.


Hi, Dad.

Remember me?


It's your baby, Moira.


I don't know if Mom told you.

But it's your lucky day.

I'm gonna be taking over the family business.